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Permit Electrical 1994-4-28 (2)
..--...,- --,--, ., -- ---_ -=-. " .: ~. , SPRINGFIELD, The. following project as submitted has the fol'o zOning, and does not require specKic land Uf;' , 225 FIFTH STREET approval. ElECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Zonina lJ)(2.. ~=O;2~~r: 726-~~&9 4-?:'" -c,'f City Job Number 'i L{O'l.-~ Cj . Authorized Signature ~.~. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOV 1.' LOCATION OF INSTALLATIO~ _. -+--' , , " ~ I S-,t1 '''~~~J' (~ A. New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling uni to ~ DES~ION " Service Included: 'i -::to't.~~" 04 kJ (7 Items Cost Sum , JOB DESCRIPTI9!J. _ . ,~,..#/c~ ~~~ ~;?lJ'~,E"" - , '.' : Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not star,ted within 180 days 'of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. B. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY' Electrical contractor-.f."~wJj E~c~ll... ~ Address PIO, v2,:x)''f._ '2..<0 q , Ci ty W~VV\\ It Phone 7\{ ~ -(1;0 'l 'Supervisor Licen.se Number :,~~~.-S' Expiration Date S/2.lf. JClS ' I ' ( , J C. Constr Contr. Number.-:7 ,crq r- ~1--2qqC. I Expi'ration Date~/'2- y! q.) , . ' ,', 'r" Sign ure of Supervising Electrician " G--J;eJA' ' ,~ ~wners Na,me, ?~rfn <C~ 'C\.:; \JiO (\..e-e- Address . '0\01-p~Cc;j ~-r . City .~hf. .. ..Pbone 7u' CSl-7b OmR INSTALLATION The, installatioi:t is.beirigmadeon property;r own,whi~h is not intended for side ,lease 01' rent. ,()vn,ers Signature: '" , . .', . .,.,'. . .. .....:;.: . . . '"t. . ..' ': . .' . ",.' . " DATE: i/-;z..~..; 9~ RECEI["f,I:, ,./~~, ",,', \ 'RECEIVED BY:' . ~;,il,'....."~' , , , 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof, , Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 15.00 , /' $ 40,00 , ~ $2' Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601, amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50,00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps tQ400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amp~.or 1000:volts $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $80,00 see "B" above D., Branch Circuits New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel " :;if.t:', ,~" - $ 35,00 .:/ "" . .' '. . . 'OneCircui't' ",', ,',: ,',,- Each Addi tional . " " tir6~it~r wfth Se~~ice "or 'Feeder 'P~tmi t ,':: " $ 2.00 E. ,Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) ~~ach installation ' ruinp or, irr~g~tion, "$40~OO Sign/OutlJne,L,ighting ,$ 40.00 LAinited Energy/Res, ;$ ,20.00 Lind ted, EnergylComm ',' $ ,36'~ 60 .. ::, .... ': 75:~ ~~". ;:~--:-,~..?->- ===''9 _~ ., '71.7~, 5,. :: ',' .... '.'::' "", ..' .... . ~~ . ~ .. '.. '. .... ....:~.-'... ..1.", , . :,...;,.... ,/ .. ,', " .. " " ".. ,. ,'...,.' ," .... . ,'. . \ . '.< . ~ ~.' .... ", . .~.'.' '" ...!." " . ~.' ", ..' ~ . . -.'.' " ,; . ' ", ..: ~', .' .~ .' . ~ ' '. .' . .~" ,. .: " , , , ", " ,~ . ~ ." " .. ' .' , ' .... " " ")f' ;;;....,' I' (~~':, '" ) f< \, \./1)1' ,j. '.;(' ,. ~',,!,. .1 F l' 'f'r, <, ,.; t C" (" (.,>1' ." . (I ....., .. ~ , [:\,+'y 2Z~5 "\ ' r-"\ I {" ~ r... .... ~ ....' ..... ~)[)i"l 1'igT H~ ,~'.11 .iI'" ::>i ',' r I ( ~~()::3) 7,1~::6-:i'?5~3 , 1./ , ' .' ~: . ',' .. '. . ',' ','" , ' \': .' ' " ' ..../'.:. ", '\?:." " ':', ..' ;, ,:". . ,,'. ' .. ::.' .:,:':,: ':. :'t:,.~~:~:. .:. : ....' ," . '. '~;: ':' , ' " " ' ,'''/ . ,', ....',' .' " " .' ' .....' , .' . "",<. ". ' ,,' . .' :;/': , '. ", . ' n'''' I",;;.)'; . ,:) ~ 19~~,l.~, q. e) ':, I~'''}, ... D '. -I ., T ' O'l~~0{'l 1I"';Jn~.:.;.;:)ct :tO~\ (\!JinUer' . i_d~J. " , :' '. r J '() 'r"I"\I~1 .~:cin'i,r';:jCl:'" ,.;,)(\ ~ -' ... Addi"~SS: F'G BOX 264 r- " l' ,,, ., "I '.'\"'r'd 11" , .'.. ,oI.l.'I):l 1;'lh...\ ::.r\v,1.LLt:. I'"~ ~ 1."" .., ..:1 ',:, .::; , ,.., '''C'l'~ "'{" K:.l..b.. \'\.1. " ~I" 'r ("J l. 1'1.\. ..."J 1 \,\ ~.~ E~ C c' i ;./ ,.:.~ d f'I'Off!; (" " ,{"'f"'" I Aihr' ,':::,1..,1,. St, ~ " - Y{,} l' 1,-1" ''')Q- I.. , ,.1 ,. I ,~ 'j I ".DD :~ :; ~'A fl"\'."~ .J .!' ~ ,:.!j.7/ l,;('~:,Ci'" i p 'I~:i. on : R8j.l~SI)8ctj.on f~ee " Tol:.dl~ ': Aird; Rcc~i \l0~d ~ Check ~: 78t:-: , .,',' , ,; " you) Li5tt I-I , , n...,:;mk '.\ .' .. ..... -.. ... '. ..._'_ _ Oh_, . ._..'P.-.,." " ")'-1 \, r\ Zil:'I; ,\ \c. fI;"} .t..J II .. .. i",' PI') . ...J. _, . , . ',\ ,.," q-' i Sf.) ..f r I' .J .1'>....... , I, , ," ,', " ", " ~'. . ...., ,I,. " "'. F \':'(':~ t5.Ll() C i'\ f.:'~ c}~ .- .' -: . .,."" " , ..' '. ' , ," ..' " " ".: '. .' .-' . " '. ::>..; ". .: ' ." , , ,..' " ::. . ,. . . .' " ' '... ....,:..;:.:;' " ,.:;':':'/'::: ,............ . .'. ;',".:.:.. .'... . " '" :.,...~' ':1'" '. '. , :, ~~::~~:. :,'~':,:~", :,., , . t":' , , ' .' '. .', : ..... " ' '. .~. . ',' ...' '. " .,,' " ~ I.' .: . '.' . : , ' . ' , ' .' ..... , ' " ' ," ".. .' ..,., ., , ' :' .~ ...-: . , ~', j , . ,;.,.' " ,',.::.,,; '., ' .',' ~ . ' , ' . ~ .: . ',' , " t. .... '. . '.' ' ':'.' : -..... , , " , ." .. " " ,,'