HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-3 .. RESID'NTIAL" COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT _ SPRINGFIELD _ ~ - 225 North 5th Street . . .. ~ SpringfieLd~ Oregon 97477 - BuiLding Division -' 726-3753 ~ - ~ . . '/ ./ ~ Job Loca.tir:m: SI/1.. t>IIIS Y S:C _5 fJl<f /4oitE6(J).J _'-.7..Y17 \'1-D').- 33"" 3~ Tc:z: Lot 1# !7;zl, Asaesao1'3 Map !i Subdivision: I I I O:.mel': ~.s ePJI K u H 11 Ie J J<.. :/ . ~ Add:I'ess: S' /2.. l)A J S Y Sr. :VCity: 5 f~J /J ~t- J iEI-D , - II II I I ,v1?'..J Phone: "7 '11,,- 311./.3 Zip: 97"177 Describe ~101'1<: Additicn i WOO}) S If) V€ RemodeL. .~fobiLe Homa \.';--3 -?\1. ~ Date of AppLication :J_,^ ': Conr:l'actors f ~ .. Genera L ; PLumbing I \: EZectrical / [)Je=har.ic.:::Z W 5 . Constl'Uction Lendel' valueX Add..~es3 750. ~ Lisc.# .~ wA.JJ6€ I€... - ,'?ccei::t .~ .~~ .. , i LUocxi stoVe:, J5~~(;) Lf~() .~o 15.~() - : Signed: Date: CJ\~ :-; - ~"'8 ~-."' E=:7:Iires Phone < It is the responGibiZity of the permit holder to see that an inspections are made at the proper time, that eech .::ddresfl is rec.::a~~e fl'om the stl'eet, and that the permit card is z..,cated at the front of the propert-;. = 'Bui!ding [)ivi::ior: appro-r-'ed p7..an shaZZ remain on tha Building Site at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Call (?'ecorderJ state your City designated job number, job address, type of inspecticn - requested ar.d when you ;.n;ZI be l'eady fol' inspection, Contractcl'S "1' Owners ncme .::nd phone numbel'. Requests received befcre '1:00 w.l :..'iZZ be Trade the same day, requests made aft;::r 7:00 am wiH b8 made the n::zt ;.;orking day. Pqaui~~d T~so~~tinnR , : [J: SITE INSPEC':ION: To be made aftezo , ezcavati:m, but prior to set: up of fol'ms., ' - '[J ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is .::ovcred. -Cl ~D . - o = :0 :0 o D ~ W1DE!~FLOOR PLu.I~nlG 8 MECHANICAL: ~'WOODSTO'IE.: To be made prior to inatalZation of . ccmpletea. floor insuZation or decking. FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be rrr.zde .after trenches are ezcavated and fcl'ms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncreto. UNDERGROU!!D PLUMBING. SEWE.'? W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fa- Zir.g trenches. POST AND BEAM: To be made priOl' to instalZaticn of floor inslOZatior. 01' decking . ROUCH PW:.1BI!IC. F;r.ECTR!CAL & MECH- ANICAL: No ~rk is to oe covered ur.tiZ these inspections have beer. made and approve::. . FI."?EPLACE: Prior to pZecir.g feeing u~teriaZs and before framing inspec- l';ior:. PRANING: Mu3t be reouested after approval of rough plWr.bing, electri- cal & mechani.::aZ. AI! roofir..g b,T'acing ~ chimneys, et.::. m-..st be cmrroleted. :10 work is to be con- cecZed until~thia inspection has been made and approved. Your City Desigr.ated Job Numbsr 10: D INSULATION/VAPOR EARRIER INS?E:C'I'!ON: To be made after all insulation ~4 required vapOl' barriers are in p Zace but before any Zath, gyps-.u7I board or wZ'Z covering is appi.ied, and before any insulation is conceaZed. D DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be made after aZI drywaZI is in place, but pl'ior to any taping. ~2.0tfOq ~ DENOZ-ITIO!l OR .I10!7J 3UIL":JCS ::=J Sanitary SelJSI' crzpper:: ::t p::,o'?&!'t":i Zir.e ~ Septi= tank p~ed ar~ fil~ed ~th graveL: --, FinaZ - .Ilhen above it;Ol::'!S are ccrrrpLsted , ---l and when ::emo~itior. is co~Le~e 01' struc-: tUZ'e moved arA pr~~sos =Zeansi up. . MobiZe Homes ~ Blocking and Sat-~p Y- Plumbing connections -- s:~er and weter ---, Electricel Ccnnection - Blockir~, set-up ~ and pZ~bing aonr.ecticns ~..3t;e G?provea. before l'equesting eZs~;ricai. ir.spection =:J ACCeS30l".:i Bui7.di~ --, FinaZ - Aft;;l' .?:)rc.r.es, sk-::rtina, de=ks, ---l et~. are aamp~at~a. D AIZ project conditions, auch as the instaZZation of street trees, cc~!~:ivn of :ne required Landscaping, ~tc., must be satisfied before the BUILDI~C FI~AL ~an =e raquestad. o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL ME'::HANICAL D. FINAL ELECTiuCAL o o O ~MSONRY: steel location, bond , beam3, grouting 01' verticals in accol'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. After installation is D CURB & APP!?OACH APRON: After' forms are erected but prior to pouring .::on...--rete. :?IN.4L BUILDINC: The, FinaL BuiLding Inspection must blJ l'equeate.:: altar the fina.Z ?!ur.:b-::nq ElectricaZ, and Hechar.icaZ Inspectiona i'lQvlJ been made and approved. D SIDEWALK d DRn'E'.-IAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street l'ight- of-wcy, to be ma:ie after azz. e:cca- vatina convlete & fo~ work & sub- base mater1:a.Z in pZa=e. - ~ALL UMlHCLES AND CLEAl/OUTS IIUST 8E ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHEN'!: TO SE M1DE AT NO cas,;, TO CIT"! I F.;;e 1 of 2 o fENCE: ~'her. compZ;;te -- Pl'ovide gates 01' movable secticns through P.U.E. D ... (520t.fOg OCellpanc!, Gre LOT TYPE i ;Jcb Number: ~ Zone: , ;Lot Sq. Ftg. :~ ~f lot C~verage Iii of Stories ; iTotal Height : :topogl'aphy lITEM I !Main I , I Ga.1'ac;e i i Carport I Accessorl/ I I SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE I IS.D.C. (lJa'ueJ 1.5 x Euildir.g Permit State Surcha.rge Total Charoges ITEM Futures NO. Residential (1 bath) Srmitary Sewer Water Plumbing Perrr:i t State Surcr.ax>ge Total Charaes lITEM FEE , NO.' FEE Res. Sa. fta. NelJ/Extend Circuits Temporary Seroice Electrical Permit State Sur=haI'qe Total Char~es ITEM NO. Furna.ce ETU'S j E::;haust, Hood I Vent Fan Woodstove -II I I I Permit Issu=a Me=hanica.l Permit State Surchcrae TotaL Charaer; ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ritl/ D3Posit Storage I Maintenan.::e Permit TctaL Charqes I C'urbcut I Sidewa.Zk Fen~e ELectrical Label I Mobile Home I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ FEE Intericr Corner Panhandle Cui-de-sac x Value ~ CHARGE I I I I I I I I I * CHARGE I I I I I I Reference Numbers: L-COG #: Type/Const: -I Type I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth East South Iriest Access. Bedrooms: Eneral/ Sources Heat Water Heater Range Fireplace ~/oodstove Setbacks House Garage ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shail, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and ma.y be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ! * Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, alter 01' change any neW cr existing plumbing or drainage system in'whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- 'cant. . " Electrical Permi t Where State LOlJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. * .... I CHARCE Mecha nical Permit I I , I 1'5, ()O I I I I /5.00 I . (nO I I /5 .In() I * ~ ~--. ~-=32 J Plan. Exam'/.ner a e I I I I f I I I $\~,(o() ~ (;:!J _ _ J I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAJJINED the completed -application for permit, and do hereby certify that all inforomation hereon is true and ccrrect, and I further certify that any arA aZI work performed shall be done in aaaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the La;,JS of the * State of Oregon perta.ining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZZ be TTrlde of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar~ e~loyees who are in compliance with ORS '101.055 will be used on this project ~L,J I Date .' .5- 3 ~gL.