HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1986-12-5 eRcce:pt i/ lit -I /)~7,50/" ,- I .. RESIO.TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . SPRINGFIELD Job Location: . ~/ tJ...5 AsaessoN Nap # ./1/ o-a 3 3 .3"3 T= Lot # ~/?/'-I /J JZobl./if file (;~ ~A Phord: iJt./~-V6 3D I Subdivision: Ol.mer: Address: 5/05" City: . ~ I ~ ~ Nm,) Addition Remodel. :,1obiZe Home Date of AppZication ~'om;rac;;ors ./1.. - S"'f6~ General. PZlDTlbing Electrical. ) Nechar:ic::.l a(1/YJ( It j Construction Lender , Zip: Descnbe rior": "t ~ VaZue $St/1J ,. '.. .. jt~ cU-OI( ~II t Ot- . .00... A ~l~ \1) , C" d v7-gr.e : cc..- /z-s-r?' Add..~ess Date: Lisc.if E=vircs Phon.: [t; is the l'esponoibiZity of the permit holdel' to see that aZZ inapections are made at the propel' time, that each .:ddress is rea.::a1l~c -i-om the street, and that the permit card is Zocated at the f1'07lt of the property. 'Bui?-dir-.g Jr;vicior.. approved FZan shc.ZZ l'emain on thE BuiZding Sit;.; at aU times. ~.'?OCEDU.'~E FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwnber, job acaess, type of ir.specticn "equesr;ed ar-.a when you will be read.y for inspection, Contractors 01' Ol.mezos ncme end phone number. Requests received before 7: OD :.: .-ill be made the same day, requests mcde afta' 7:00 am wiU be made the next :.JOrking day. ;eaui.,.."d Tl1sDPcticn.<> ] SITE IllSPEC'1'ION: To be made after ezcavation, but prior to set up of forms. ] UllDERSLAB PW!-fBING. ELECTRICAL & : NECHA:JICAL: To be made before any work is ~overed. ] FOOTING :11 FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pourir.g ccncretc. UNDERG."iOU.'!D P;:'UMBING. SErlER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- ,Ur.g trenches. ] ] UNDERFLOOR PW!.~ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of ~oor insuLation or decking. POST AnD BEAN: To be made prior to instaZZation of fZoor ins~Zation'or deckirl{; . ROUGH PLCP.!BI!!G. ELECTRICA[, & !.fE:CH- AHICAL: No work is to be covered ur.tiZ these inspections have been made and approve~. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspea- tior.. ] FRA'!J!/G: Must be requelJted after approval. of rough pZumbing, eZectri- cal & meahani~aZ. A ZZ roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. No work is to be con- ." cec.Zed until thia inspection has 'been made and approved. ] ] J Your city DelJigr.ated Job Number IIJ: D INSULATION/VAPO.9 BARRIER INSP'ECTION: To be made after aZZ insuZation ar~ required vapor barriers are in pZace but before any Zath, gypsum beard or LXIZZ covering is applied, and before 'any insuLation is concealed. fifc() ~g I , DEUOLITION OR gOVEIJ EUILDr;:CS =:J Sani tary se'.Jer capped at p:.opert':i lir.e ~ Septio tank p~ed and fiZZed ~th Gra~e~ ---, Final. - r>'hen above ite::'ls are ce::T::Jletea ~ and when demeZition is complete 01' st:-u:- turc moved and premises cZeaned up. NobiZe Homes ~ BZocking and Set-up ~ PZumbing connections sewer and water ---, EZectriac.Z Connection - BZocking, set-u? ~ and pZumbing connections mr~st ce approvec before requesting eZectricaZ inspectio~ ~ Accesso~d BuiZding ---, Final. - After porc1:es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are compZetcd. D - FIliAL PLUI.fBIllG AZl project conditions, IJUC~ as the installation of street trees, a~~Zation of the required Zandscc.pir.g, eta., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FItlAL can be requested. ] ] ] J-' FIlIAL f.fE~HANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The 'Final Building Inspection must be requested c;.fter the Final Plumbing EZectricaZ, and Mechar:ical Inspections have been made and approvd. \ FINAL EL'E,~-:C~L '. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ drywaZZ is in pZace, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. Zocation, bona beams, grouting or' verticaZs in accordance with U.B.C. Section ~415. WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is ccmvZeted. , . . "Iofy D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftezo forms are crected but prior to pouring co=rete. o D SIDEflALK I] DRIllErIAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y, to be made after aU ezca- vating compZete & form work & sub- base material. in pZace. , , - ", \ \':" -ALL !1AllHCLES AND ~~NOUTS ltuST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE r.~1[)E I'.'!' flO C~ST TO CITY I Page ' of 2 . .. ....- ~ ..-- -~- .--.--..- D PENCE: ~lhen compZ<:te. -- Provide. gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. o SOLAR AC.S OccuDancy GrO'..I.'J: I , JOB NO. thO ~gl Zcrnc: Lot Sq. Ft.;. :: :Jf l.;;t C.:JVerag;; !i of Stories Total Height Topography REQ.- ' L-COG~ LeT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac . Ti1pe/Cor.st: . ". Be~oor;:G: !':'E.'.! SQ.F'TC X Value Main Cc::ra=e I I. Ca~C"!1't: I I .4ccessor:J I I I I TOTAr.. VALUE I I vaLue) 1- S.D.C. 1.5 ::: I..t:::), Otf) I I ,(pr) I I IS". "0 I. I I ! I I f · Building Permit State Su.rcharge Totel Cna.:-ges r~"'11 ..:. .;. t.. ~ ... NO. ;oJ;";:- . ~- :i=~..4.I'es Resid2l'ltial (1 bath) Sar.i t::1",i Sez,'er wat e!' P'Lumbing Permit State Su.rcr.a.rge , Tct::! cr.c.raes ~::';~:'.! 0:"". i ~es. Sa, fta. , ~~/E=tend CirO'..I.its I 'T'emp.;;rCZ2"Y Service I, I E'Le~trica'L Permit St::.te Su.rcha:rae Total Cha:rces ~,.=-13 ';n I F-- HV. .......... :urr.::zce ETU' S '::::haust Hood ,'ent Fan ':Jodsto;Je Permit Issuance Me~r.::znical Permit State Su.rcncrac Tote l cr.araea Ei/CROACHJ..fE~.'T CC-...lritu DZr)osit :orape 1in.tenar..::!e ,::rmit TeteZ Cf!cr-ncs ,J.rbC"...l: ~de'..Ja lk '~n"'f! :ectrica 1. Labd ,bile Home :7riL ~\!OU.'I''!' CEARC=.: \...::.-..-,\.:!:. I I I I I I I CHARCi; (S.~O Lot Faces - Enerrr~, So:~rcp.:; . Heat T;;::e I P.L. INorth lEast ISol< th /1"eat SethacKs , House I Cara~Je I I I I I I I I Water .'/teater Hanpe Firenlacr. woocictove I I I I I I I /:cces[;~ Fees Building Value & Permit This pernr:t iG granted on the express condition that the said construction shall., in all. respectG, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning C'1'd:nance, regulc.ting the ccnst1"~.::ticn and UGe of buildings, and may be suspended or revokec at ar.y time upon vic- lation of any provision? of said Ordinances. I. I I · J I , Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: jSigned: * I I, I I I I Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, insta'LL, alter. 01' change any new cr e:::~ct"r.? plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless s~cn person is tr.e legal. possessor of a va'Lid plumber's 'License, ezce?t tr.at a pe:OSO'1 r.:a:; do p'Lumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased 01' operated by the c.?pli- cant. I · Electrical Permit Where State Law requires th.c.t the electrical worK be done by an E'Lectric~! Contractor, the e'Lect1"':ca'L z;ortion of this permit snc'Ll. not be valid ur.t,il the ~el has been signed by the E'Lectrical' Contractor. *. /V\echanical Permit \.p Plan Examiner uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED thE comp'Leted app'Lication for permit, and do hereby aertify that a'Ll. ir;fo~ation hereon is true and ccrrect, and I further aertify that any arn a'Ll. work perfomled sha'Ll. be done in aacor- dance :.rith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th:: Lc.;s of the State of Oreg:m pC1'taining to the work cesc1'ibcd herein, a'ld tr.at NO C'CC!':- PJ.NCY wi'Ll. be made of any structu.re without permission of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I further certify thaton'Ly contractors rood c~p'Loyees who are in comp'Liance with C'RS 701.(,,<;5 l,n:7.7. hr 1,",:--:1 0'1 this project . Date (l. ~ __ ( "2. - j'"-~~