HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-6-29 (2) o 0 RES I 0 ~ T I A lo 0 APPLICAT./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753_ ' ~."". "I Job Location: , ' Asses SOl'S Map n Subdivision: CUneI': Addres3: "'..."" City: I lMpw I I Additien I I Remodel' I I Uob-:.le 110m3 Date of Application Contractors , General l Plumbing I Hechanical ~J.~c tri.!~a 1 Jfi:.A',p,..-;:;;r 5 SupeY;"r.tt;ir.1g_Elec t r:i c 1..1 n -~.;'l~'.. ...... . . Rece~pt .If -- / 75:'~ I oJ ~"......._~ SPRINGFIELD ~7' . - ~ n{)\"\0" '1'9,5"'/ ,Pel/;;~ .V"\ O~::; ~~ ~ · ,;fieri F#'~ ~/'~~A- .' , ~-=7.S- Y' '~/S7" ,~",.Phone: 7L('/-// / ./ ~~,'" ~/"f': Zip: 97o/.:/r3 / g9T#~L. /f/L#$ ',' 13C//P~c;'~ lib - '2'~-9~ Ta:r:Lot '" ' . Describe 11'01'1~: . Value ;VIA- l/ 'J ~ , " l , Sigr.~d:4~'-I~g~~ Date: - j- h ~ <9 ~ )0 .. , Address LiRC. Bldrs Bonnl Re~. Phnnp ~'~._:7 . - ......, Expi'C(..s It is the l'eeponoibility of the penmit Iwtdel' to see that all inspections are made at the propel' time. that eac/a ~ddress is l'ea~ab~e f~ the stl'eet, and that the pOl'mit card is located at the front of the pl'opel'ty. 4Bui!dina Dtvicio~ apPl'oved plan s/~ll remain on tha Du-:.lding Sits at all times. . , P"?OCSDURE FDn INSPECTION nSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'del') state youI' City deoianated job nwr.bel'. job addl'css, type of in3pec~ic'a l'oqucstcd ar:d w.l:en you win be ready fol' inspcotion, Contl'aotol'S 01' Q.mel'S name and phone numbcl'. Requcsts l'eceived befol'e 'I: 00 c::l I.'ill be made th~ scune :day., l'equests made aftcl' 'I: ao cun will. be made the ncxt :JOl'kin,3 day. Y~ul' City Deoiar.ated Job Numb€l' 10: ~bOg~ -.- - - - 1'- - - - - - - - ---' - - . '. ,~ . c..........: '~:"':r"" ',.::'..., -v'< '.' ';'j> , . ...~" . -I' , All. pl'oject conditions. ouch as t/a'e1~nstatlation of stl'eet tl'ees. oO!:'pletion of t;jcj , :" l'equil'ed landscapir.a. etc., must be satisfied'befol'e the BUILDINC FINAL.can be l'squested. Real/il'ed In8,.)(!(~t1:nn!l D SITE INSPECTION: To,-be made aftel' ezcavation. but PM.OI' to set 'up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLlJMBING. ELECTRICAL .( 'MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any wol'k is ~ovel'ed. D FOOTING & FOUND,iTION: To be made after tl'enches al'e ezcavated and forms,aJ'e el'ected. but pl'iol' to poul'ing cenCl'et~. UNDSRCROU.'!D PWMlJING. SSWEll. w'1TEll. DllAINAGE: To be made PM.OI' to fil- tir.g tl'enc/aee. O UNDEnFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: , To be made pl'ior to installation of [1001' inoulation 01' deckina. O POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'iol' to installation of flool' insulation 01' deokiTl{j. f\7l ROUC1I PW.'1Bl!JC. ELECTnrCAf.. & MEC1/- ~ ANICAL: No wol'k is to bc oovel'ed ,ur:til these inspections I,ave beer. ,madtl and appl'ov~~. O FIl?EPLACE: PM.OI' to placir.g facina. matel'ials and befol'e fl'amina ~nspec- tior.. ' o /0 FRA~~INr.: Must be l'equeoted aftel' appl'oval of l'OUah plwr.bing. al.ectri- cal & meclJanical. An l'Oofing bl't%cina & chimneys. etc. must be ,completed. No LIOl'k is to be con- : oea?~~ !m~H thin iniJptianara half ~ J;c~,. mad" arid approilia. - D o o .n FINAL PLUMBING D INSULATION/VAPOR BAlinIF:n INSP[':C'l'ION: To be made aftol' aU insulation a~.d ,'. l'equil'ed vapol' baJ'l'iel's aJ'e in place, .. but befol'e any lath. gypsum board 01' a.xzU covel'ina is applied, and befol'e any insulation is concealed. U DnYI/ALL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' aU dl'YwaU is in place. bu t pl'iol' to any tapina. D MASONny: Steel location. bond becuns. gl'Outing 01' vel'ticals in accol'dance with U.B.C. Seotion 2415. U I/OODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is completed. D -. DEf.fOLITION OR !.IOVSD BUILDljiGS :=J SanitaJ'Y SeaJOl' aapped at p~opel'ty tir.e ~ Septia tank p-.411Ipcd and fitted with gl'a:1el ,. . I Final - lnaen above items aJ'e ccmpleted ---l and ~hen demolition ie complete 01' strU~- tUl'e moved and pl'emises cleaned up. . . Mobile Hemes :=J Blocking and Sst-up :=J Plumbing connections -- sewOI' and ~a~el' ~ Electrical Connection - Blooking. set-up --.J and plumbing conneotions rrr..lst 1;0 appl'ovBd befol'e l'equesting electrical inspeotion =:J AoaeSsol'li Build-:.ng --, Final - AftOI' p::rrches. okil'ting, decks, --.J etc. aJ'e oompleted. ~ 0'1, FINAL MECI/ANICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuildinaInspection must be' l'equeoted aftel' Eleotl'ical. and Meohadcal Inspeotions 11QIJO been made and appl'ovl1d. ..... "'. , . \....,:,r ;,' ::', FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APpnOACH AP.'lON: After> fol'tr/s are ol'eated but pl'iol' to poul'ing "on"l'e te.' D SIDEI/ALK & 'DRII'Er/AY: Fol' att con-, Cl'ete pavina ~ithin stl'eet l'ight- ,o!-LJC.y. to be made after all. exca- 'vatina oomr.lete & form WOl'k & sub- base material'in plaae. ' D PENCE: When complete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections tlll'OUgh P.U.E. ' t/lo Final Plumbin,3 4/if.r, UANller.F.S ANT) Cl.F.ANOU7'[J MII.':'r flI;' ACCF.:J:Jl/lf,F., ADJIIST!ff:N'!' TO 8/;' U.1nJ:' /!T NO ft'ST TO Cl'."Y I P:l!l(! , of :! o . , JOB NO. Zona: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot Coverage II of Stories Total Height Topography ITEM SQ. FTC Main Gerace Carport AccessorII S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (lIat.uc) 1.5 3: Building Permit Sta te Surcharge Total. Clurrgea ITEM Futures '" " , , Residential. (l'bath) sani t..'try Sewer Water Ptwnbing Permit , State' Surcl-.arge' " ,..' ," ."..... ; . Total. Charflos lTf:M Res. Sa. fta. Naw/EXtend Circuits Temporary Seroice 'Ete3trical Permit State Surcharae Total Chal'ges ITSM Furnace l!TU' S Exhaust Hood Vent' Fan JI:x,dstove . ~." Pemrit Issuance' ' SOLAR ACCESS Occupancy G~ LOT TYPE Interior' COl'nel' Panhandle cut-de-sac x Value NO. CHARGE FEE I' NO. CHARGE FI<..'E NO. FEE CHARGE I /~' ;t;?/Y " , ' 'Mechanical. Permi t /7// #. , ' '. State SUrcharae Totll,l Chal'oeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC'..lrit" Deposit Storage Maintena~e Permit Total Chamcs CUrbcut SideL1alk " I. Fence " ~ . " 'Electrical Label Mobile' Home: I 'tV."... r. ..aUU/AI", n"r;-... - -OJ - - . ' REQ.- L -CO C-1t Type/Const: . I EnerfJ.1I Soul'ces !/eat Watel' !I(!atp.l' Range Fi l'ep lace WOod3tor:e TI/r>e Bedrooms: Lot Faces - . P.L. NOl'th East South West -- Fees Setbacks House Cal'age Access. , Building Value &, Permit This permit io gronted on the expl'eS8 oondition that the said constl'Uction shall. in all l'espccts. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpriTl!Jfield. including the Zoning Cl'dinance. l'egul.atillg the cCllstl'Uaticn and uoe of buildiTI!Js. and may ~e suopended Ol' l'elloked at ~ny time upon vie- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances; .' " 4 4 Plan Check Fee: Datc Paid: Receipt n: " Signed: . Plumbing Permit No person shall constl'Uct. install. alter Ol' chaTl!Je any neW or e:isting ptumbing or drainage syste~ in whole'or ~npart. unless such person is the tegal possessor of a vaUd plwnbel"s Ucense. e:s:cept that a pe:oson may do plwnbing work to property which is owned. teased Or operated by the appli- , cant. <' " 4 , Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the electrical wol'k be done by an Electl'ical Controctor. the electrical pOl'tion of this permit shalt not be valid until the tabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. .. 4 Mechanical Permit , , /~,~ ~ ,/S' /~~~4 d~P~-,~~ . }ffdjYE=1-ner- ( ~ -, ~ I lMVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and corrcq~. ,and I ful'ther certify tha.t any' ar.d att work perfor:ned shatt be done in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Spl'ingficld. and the Ltr..;s of tho 4 State of Ol'egon p8rtaining to the work describcd here:.n. and tllO.t NO OCCiJ- PANCY will. be made of tIny structure without permis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'ther certify that only contractors roui e~ployees who are in comptiance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~-:5?~ uate ---- ...-t.-/ . .~ ~ w~ C '27--70 Date SiGned . A