HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 10-53 07/19/2010RESOLITTI~lN Na 10-53 A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE ELECTORS OF :TAE :CITY A BALLOT MEASURE AUTIiORl[2ING 1'IiE LEVY OF A FIVE YEAR LOCAL OPTION TAX FOIL FIRE SERVICES TO STAFF A FIFTH FIRE ENGINE CREW IN TAE AIl~IOUNT OF 50.36 OF ASSESSED VALUE ]&EGINNING IN ~411/1B. - As the preamble to the- Resolutionthe CommonCouncil of the- City of Springfield; Oregon (the "City") hereby recites .the matters set forth below. To the extent any of the following recitals relates to a fiinding or a determination which must be made by the Common Council in connection with the subject matter of this Resolution or any ~ thereof, the Common Council declares that by setting forth such recital such finding. or d"eterniination is thereby made by the Common Council; The recitals,. findings arid- determination set forth herein constitute a part of the Resolution. RECITAL:S/FINDINGS/DETERIVIINATIONS (1) POLITICAL SUBDIVISION. That the City is a municipality organized and existing and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon a1Yd the 2001 Springfield Charter of the City (the "charter"). (2} SPRINGFIELD TQIVIORROW. PROJECT. The City completed,a pr-oject to~up'idate Springfield, Toinorro~v, an ongoing project-designed to build comiriunity consensus about the future direction of Springfield. Its primary purpose was to develop blueprint of how the citizens envision an ideal Springfield to be ``tomorrow," then to equitably balance their vision with fiscal .responsibility. (3) CUIt][~E1~T'~' LEVY AU'I'~IOIII,~iATI~I~T. The City currently has the authorization from the citizens of Springfield to levy a special options tax at the rate of $0.40 per thousand for fire services beginning July 1, 200?. This current authorization is for four years and expires with the fiscal year that .begins on July 1, ZOiO. (4) NEED FOIL SERVICE ErdHANCElVIEN'TS. A variety of surveys and community forums have been held-by; and- on-behalf of, the City intended- to deterrmine the current needs and desires- for the residents as they pertain to issues of fire services. The surveys results indicate a continued need to enhance fire services to the Community.. The Common Council of the City determined to proceed lath identified' services for =the renewal of the current autlit~rized special vptiou tax and for fire `scrvicos at a Cost of $8,389,329. The estimated tax rate needed to generate the resources required is $0.36 per thousand of assessed valuation. NOW, T.1IEgdEFOI~, DE IT 1~ESOI;.I3- I3Y T'I~ C016:~1'd COIT~CIL-OF 'I'CE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF BALLOT 1ViEASUIRE -FOR t~ENEIdAI. PUIt OPTION TAX LEVY. The Common Council of the City hereby directs that at the general held on November 02, 2010, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City a n authorizing. the City to bevy a five year local option tax for fire services in the amount of $0. of assessed value beginning in 2011/12 fiscal year and ending in 2015/16 fiscal year. The b, the local. option levy is~ attached-as~Exhibt, A. (the "Ballot Title"): .SECTION 2: SUIil~IISSION TO THE ELECTIONS OFFICER.. Not later that before November 02, 2010 the City Recorder, as the Chief Elections Officer of the City, slit County Clerk for Lane County, Oregon a statement of the local option tax measure together copy of this Resolution and the Ballot Title,. all in order that the local option tax measure m~ ballot for the general election to be held on November 02, 2010. The City Recorder shall su County Clerk all necessary. information; and shall. do~ and perform-all-other. acts and things-n appropriate, so that the measure shall appear on the ballot for such primary election. OF' 'OSE LOCAL election to be per $1,000 ~t title for the 6l~ day 1 submit to the vith a certified T appear on the emit to the cessarv.or Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 3..ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION. The City Manager, the City Recorder and the City Finance Director and each of them acting individually, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to do and perform all acts and things necessary or appropriate to cause the fire services local option tax levy to appear on the ballot for November 02, 2010 general election and to otherwise carry out the purposes and intent of this Resolution. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVENESS OF RESOLUTION; This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the Common Council of the City. ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON July 19, 2010 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES: AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 r- --~ v W: Le'1cen; Mayor ATTEST: Amy Sowa, City R order EV~E~~®~~PPR®~~D ~sTC~ ~oRr~ . DATE: ~!`~ (~ . ®~~~G~ ~~ CITE ATTORNEY Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION -N0. 10-53 Ballot Title CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BALLOT MEASURE XX-~:X . Caption: ~ RENEWAL OF FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY SERVICES LOCAL OPTION LEVY - ,Question: Shall S rin field le $0.36 er $1,000 of assessed value for five P g vY P years beginning 2011/12 to staff fifth fire engine crew? This measure renews current local option taxes-. Summary: The current $0.40 levy, which expires on June 30, 2011, funded personnel to increase the number of fire engines serving the City from four to five. All five engines are staffed with firefighter%paramedics that respond to calls for emergency medical services and fire suppression. ., The renewal of the levy at $0.36 would continue staffing of a full-time equivalent of 12 firefighter/paramedics to maintain and staff one f re engine. Approval of this measure would continue staffing and operation of the ,fifth fire engine. The staffing and operation costs. include wages and benefits, safety equipment, material and services and required fire academy training: A home in Springfield with an assessed value for tax purposes of . $116,000 pays $46.40 in property taxes to support the current $0.40 levy. At the proposed rate of $0.36 a house. assessed at .$116,000 would pay $41.76 in the first year. of the levy. Total estimated payments over the 5-year life of the special levy would be $221.67. .The estimated total amount of the money to be raised.<,,by this levy each year are 2011/12 - $1,423,290; 2012/13 - $1,465,989; 2013/14 - $1,509,969;. $2014/15 - $1,555,268; $2015/16 - $1,601,926 for a total of $7,556,442. Attachment 1 Exhibit A