HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-13 (2) .. RE'SIDEaAL.., _ APPLICATIO.~M:rr.' <- . ... .... . 22S-'North 5th Street spY'ingfield~ Oregon 97477 Duilding Division 726-3753 J;.I(~ Lj 7 _ DtA; -S Uj, Sf- N i 7 n 2 ?>7_L}'3 ~ ., ;,,, .."........" '" . ",ob Loc:ltion: A6.GCSGOr~ N~1p Subdivision: SPRINGFIELD Rcce~pt g . /:;? 74!-3 ., ......... ...'.......... ..... . , , , ~ . .... . ':"..;t-!.-...}.~ Tc:r: Lot II (j 7 C, 0 0 Ck.mel': 12-'{ ch cu-ol ~y V1clQ (I ~dt1ress: L/ (0 L\I ?u,( <; j S-r City, S;hl V\~/i e lei - ~l ~ ~I ~ Nf'I., Phone: 7 ~b - &2--\ 0 I Zip: 97 '"1"7 5? 11~"~ .? c)f# i:>>~'/. Describe 1"0i>1~: '. , . " Additicn ..... I Rcmo~eZ I'!ob~ Ze Homa lD'\~'C~O Datc of AppZicaticn ;onr rac cars ~enerill n W I^ PI{ \ :. , Value 4 Sigr.ed: ~ ~...~ Date: Y / ~r-/'ft- --:::CJ' ", L. . Address It ia tho responaibility of the permit holder to see that all inDpections are made at the propel' timG:. that eech ::ddress is rea~b:e {rom the atl'eot, and that the pernrit card is located at the front of the property. 'Blli!di,'1!l lr.:vi:;io~ approlled plan shall l'emain on th" Building S'it;; at all times. C:WC.<:mmE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST,:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwr.ber, job address, type of inspection r'cquca ced w';d when you wiZ l be ready for inspcction. Contractors or Owners nane ~nd phone nwnber. Requests receiwid before 7: 00 C":J .'ill be made the same day, requests made aftcr 7:00 am will b:s: made the next :JOrk1.'niJ.c:tay:.' -.... '. ".'. :: iO!lr C~ty Desigr.ated Job Nwnber Is: Of (\ I 2J:? l....l .... . - f :'].ulIlbing ~leclHl nica J ~J.c:ctl:i.!;<1L n ()JII1 R"V :; lwe J;"r.(~~;r,lg~Elec t r:i cia n .' " ~i1!1!l": llcLJitll pre t1: en H --J :::n.'; IN:;[',~'('':'JON: To be made c.wriv:!ci.:IIl, !mt priOl' to set - fOI'm~. aftel' up of -J U:If.JE'f!.';;[,A[J' PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,1L :,tJ.:CII..!:IICill-: 'fo be Ihade befor'e lJOl'k is ~ovcl'ed. & any f'(JOT IN(; ~ FOUND,1 T ION: To be made a/c.':I' tJ'':!lwhes al'e excavated and /01'1"'; aJ'e cl'ected, but prior to f.'OII1'l:ng ecnCl'et<:. ..j] U.'I'f.l::U'.;,'101J:'!D Pi,UMiJJNC, SErlE!? fl,1TF.!I, c.. ~1"-!!,:1(;S> '1'0 ve made pl,iol' to fH- 11,:U Li'ctlc)zef:. ~ ~I (/l!I',':.'~."'I/!()!1 f'(,f/I.,'[I J.vr: ,P, MEeHAN rCA ~: -.'~,-'i,:~- ';,;(/":~-i';l'iol' to in:1tallat'ion of (I",,,' imllllc:t'ioll or decking. I', I.',,,!, ..WI! !If/1M: 'fa be made prior to ;'-,;,~(,,-n~I.Tc~~-of flool' 'insdation 01' I , . ~. "I' II ' ..II. '\ :)' X1 ~l :~G.'.~'~~~'L LU.','!IIl.!!(.'0F.'CTI? !C,4 D).r. MECII- ,.:l/ {i.'..i I.: j~O ~ol'k 'L,tj cO DC eOL'er'ed ,~:';,'T': Ji.,:;.? 'ins[Jectiorls have beer. . '. .... ,[.l.!d.:nd,,:epr'ove::. "".. ........ -.., ,t.' r.:~,V; 'f ..11:,":: .--- - _. -. .'.-- IlII.:tt..:':'!,l:.:; (,l'\..': 1'1'7:01' to placir{J facing dud vefol'e fr'wn'ing inspec- >(l !::.:!;,1:~';:"1:,:: :'!II::t be I.equested after ,'If'!'''''')';! oj' J'OlIUh plwr.binq, clectl'i- ed! .'1 '.';,:d,.lIli::al. Al! roofing In'(l;;:'II~J ,~ (.'JdmflD!lfJ, et.:J. must be cOf/l!,I,:I,'''. !Ie') lJ.Jl'k "1:11 to be cor/- C'!i:!,',!'ill/,il 1.I/1::J imrpection hail 'I),;.,!, ,"I,d,: .III.! IIpPI'avec!. =:J ~ 11 -.--] f' I :'/..1 ! . ! '! l '.'. ~.lll t,rr; F !:'I,l! ,.,W~ '1/,\.'/1 CilI. @ F rNtl!. !'! .r~'l ,"!'S I Ci~ /, . Lise., ~, ind rs Board Reg, Phnnp Exo:!.ces ..... " I v:. I INSIJ~ATION/VAPO!? [lARR~im I.'IS~.r:;~T~9N.:. ,DEMOLITION OR :~:OVE!) BlJILDIi/CS /" 'To be ma.;le after iIl.l.'1.nsulat1.on ai-.d,,', ", requil'ed vapor bill'riel'S are in. pZiicie." ~ 'Sani tary sE?-.Jer :1apped ~t propcl'ty Zir:e , 'but befol'e any lath, gypswn bo::ZPd Ol' _ .......-1 , ". ' ',' 1~"',I.o;I'a'n~-:/~o'/\,!I,,:,1 i,,~ ihl" ,~ lXlll .covel'i~g i~ applied. and 1?e~or,e-- --:J Septia tank p~cd and fill~d with iira;;el any 1.nBulat1.On 1.S concealed. ' -:.J, , .~ DRYWiIJ.L INSPf:CT!ON: To be made aftel' all dl'ywa ll. is in place, vut prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond bewna, gl'OU ting aI' vel,tica ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'lE: After installation is cemplete-d. I Final - 1,'hen above items are cempleted ~ and when 'demolitior: is complete 01' stnl"- tUl'e moved and pl'cmises aleaned up. D D Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and S~t-~p =:J Plwnbing connections st:lJer and wa~er ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-u? ~ and plumbing conr.ections mr~st ce approved before requesting elec~riaal inspec~io~ =:J AcaessorJ; Bui ldiIUJ D CURB ,~ APPROACII AI'.'1ON: Afte,:, foT'lT/S ar'e cl'e::ted bu t pI'iol' to pal/ring ~onarete. D SID.r:;1{A~K ,~DRIt'Er/t.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- ' of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vating cOfnpl.ete, & fC?r::1 work & sub- base material in plilae. ' ~ '. . Final - Aftcr porcr.es, etc. are completcd. skirt~ng, decks, D PENCE: '~1]lCr. compl;;te -- Provide gates or movable sections throug~ P.U.E. D o - All pro.iect cond'itions, sue.': as the ~',nstaZlation of stl'eet trees, "co..~pletion of tile I'equired landscapir.q, etc., nnlSt be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL can be l':ilqueDtsd. FINA~ DUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection nn/st be requeated after tile final PlwnbinJ EZectrical, and MeehadcaZ Inspections have been made and approv.:?d. " I' ' of !1 [)!:c - '/iT.!, !,WlJIGJ,F.'S ANfJ CJ.F:ilNOUT:: ,,",';T m: ACeF.SC:TBLF., AD,JUST-!JENT TO BE, MAnE AT NO C~ST TO CrTY ~ , , JOB N~ Q'1)fBe4-s0LAR ~CESS Zona~ \ ^ )\(.J occupancy.: Lot Sq. Ft~. WT TYPE ~ of lot Coverag& Interior ,~ of Stories Cornel' Total Height \~' Panhandle Topography Cul-de-sac . ....;J'" L-COCll' REQ.- , - T~pe/Cor.nt: Lot Faces - ~rA , - ' SetbackIJ House Cara~e AcccIJa. BecJ'oomlJ : P.c,. North east South f"eat t!('?f:," -:?? r Enernll So;wceIJ !leat ~~ee-r. Water !/cater Range fireplace woodGto~e '/';n'c " ~- --....--.. ~ -- Fees .-._,~-- AccesIJoru f) d:dr1ili/1'" . ;3' /0"3 .', 39.70 I L} / L} I ( .,{Z' , . ~O~AL VAWE /4, I.J I { " a:.: , ' ! " < , ',. This permit ia granted on the e:cprelJs cpndition that the 8(11:(; '~O",:I""It:t,I:1)1I shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted Ii!! till:? t',:I!1 or Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulc.tillg the CCll:;II';J,:I,':'~1I and UlJe of buildings, and m.:::.y be suopended or revoked at cn!! (;;:,:/,- IIi',,/? III:'~- Zation of any provisior.a of said Ordinances. Building Value & Permit [TEM I SQ. FTC x Value . Main I Carac;~ Carport S.D.C. llJat.uc) 1.5 x ~ Buildin!l Permi t I //~. St:> I ~u7 ~ .03 ~ I Plan CllCck Fec: Il..5(3 IDate Paid: Iq,-J,'7-' 90 IlIecc:ipt II:,~ I Signed: (i A A n , I ^/v\~}L,_ " _.- --. -. .-- ---"_... .-.... State Surch.:I1'f7e Total chti;ogea .. ..,. lITEM I Fi:z:J~;~ , '- IResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer NO. " "- .. FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit ", '. No person ohall conotruct, instaT.?, az.ter or change Gny neW CI' c:::i:; t ;,/1,1 plumbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in pm't, unlcGs GlICI! pCl'GOl1 i:; 1:1", Legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a pe:':JOII may ,j(l pLumbing work to property which is owned, leased or opemted by the appU- cant. '. Water Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charf/es ~ . , ITb'M I Res. So.' rtf/. I Naw/Extend Circui ts I Temporary Service ?$~a?c.,p~.~ NO. FEE CHARGE Electrical Permit FSE ~~. "? ~' ?"="~ -, - I h "?,. ~jp;" ClIARGE Where State Law requires that the cZectrical work be done by Q/l E'lectrica I, Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid ulltil th'~;"': b";::;;";;';:;;~' c~~~// #// ~)IF~b.. , -:z ~ -At> Ele~trical Permit State Surchar(1e Total Charges i .' ITSM I NO. , I Mechanical Perm~t fUrnace ETU' S E=:haus t 1/00.1. I Vent Fan Woodsto:Je, . I , . . . Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State surcharae Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~ , . Storage ~ .-Vi/' 2~ - ~~~r_l'7 ~~ " ~fi!:!tner .,; t"'~ Se~~ritq Depo3it /~-;AJ;;'" -? P' Jate Total Charf7(ls I HAVE CARSFULLY EXAMINED t.'w completed application for permit, and do ' hereby certify that aZZ info;omation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all. work, performed shall. be do;'\e in accol'- .f' dance :.lith the Ordina.nces of the City of springfield, and tll<: La-.J8 of tlJtJ ~ State of Oregon p$rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU. PANCY will be made of any structure without parmia3ion of the Building Di. vision. I further certify that o;'\ly contractora a,ul e:nployees wl:o are in co~pliance with eRS 701.05t will be used on this,project Maint.enance Permit Curbcut I Sidewa. lk Ff!"~a Electrical Label Mobile Home Si!/il,~d .ril ~o; 00 J \ l I I - \J '--- V~-\~qQ_ ().l/,'; I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: 4 /79 ~',~ " .4