HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 7/10/2009 . . . ZoOl- 012.(,,57. S,'~\\L e~....; ;'" Nt: CA...",,,,- IL Zc1... EASEMENT ~f15 Tax Map & Lot Numbers 17-02-34-32 Tl200&portlon 400 (on the dale of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and .ntered Into this 1'3""-' day of relaY",,,,,., , 200Lby and between AmIQOS III, LLC an OrBllon Umitad liability Com&inv, harelnaftar ref_to as the Granto~s), and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation, In n. County, Oregon, h.ralnaftar raf.rred to as the Grantee. WITNESSETH: In Consid.rstion of the acceptance by Granlao and the usa or holding of said easam.nt for presant or future public usa by Granlao, Granto", h.r.by gran~ bargain, sail and convey unto the Grantae, a perp.tualeasam.nt tog.th.r with the right to go upon said easam.nt ar.a h.r.lnaftardascrlbed In Exhlbij 'A' for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and USing oubilc sidewalk which may hereafter be Instailed on the following dascrlbed property, to-wIt SEE EXHIBIT "AU AlTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above ....m.nt unto the said Grantae, Its successora and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have her.unto set th.lr hands and seals this \""-'-\1" ,dey of FeloY\.<tl Y ~ ' 200L- L1~j ,~ V (SEAL) d1I/11'!,f'~ (TITLE) (SEAL) (TITLE) STATE OF OREGON } SS COUNTY OF Lane BEITREMEMBEREDthetonthls r:3ti... day of "Febyvt"Y~ .2007 before m., the undersigned, a notary public In and for said County and State, pe nally appeared the within named Ronald E. Th.lnes whosa Idantlty was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evld.nce and who by m. duly swom, did say thet h. lsIar. a member of the within named Umltad liability Company and does acknowledg. said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said L1mltad liability Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hav. h.reunto sat my hand and affixed my officlals.al the day and year last abov._n. OFFICIAL SEAL ~~ ~ _ GAILAWAISANEN NOT~RV PUBLIC' OREGON Notary - ubllc or r.g;;n . '. COMMISSION NO. 370001 '. "" MYCOUMISSIONEXPIr!.SJ~LV28.2001 ....ltl\,A. 1.A L()07 My Commission Expires THE CONVEYANCE sat forth In this Instrumant conveying Uti. or inteAlSlto the cny of Springfi.ld, a Municlpel Corporation of the Stata of Oregon, Is hereby approved, and the titie or Interest conveyed tharein is h.reby ecceplad, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By:j)~ Dennis P. Emst - City of Springflald Surveyor MR 2{)m, 2007 Data DJvl.1on 0' Chi.' Oepyly Clerk Lan. Counly D..d. and R.c~d. 2~~'.o12o~2 $31.00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 1 0 2009 U~lJll!lIJ]l~lWl~~J~Jl~J~IIIII" 11111 02/23/200701:05:25 P" RPR-ESKT Cftl.l Slna6 CRSHIER 07 S10.00 S10.OO SII.00 RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 226 FIFTH STREET -SPRINGFIELD, OREGON97477 z.~OTNlnMl*IlIlon\SURVI!Y\SAlJ(EA8EMEffTl11PUl1"=~cIlIc ReVl8EO~,2004 . l~ .."....,.... '. .~',., r . EXHIBIT 'A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sftuated In the City 01 Spnngfleld, Lane County, Stale 01 Oregon In the Northwest 114 01 the Southwest 114 01 Section 34, Township 11 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridlen and described es lollows: BEGINNING at the northeast comer of Parcel 2 01 Land Partition Plst Number 2oo1-P2089 ss platted and recorded on February 12, 2007 In the Lane County Oregon Plat Record.; THENCE along a 223.18 loot radius curve to the right, the long chord 01 which bea... NORTH 83'24'09" WEST, 4.10 reet, 4.70 feet, to a poln~ THENCE along a non-tangent line SOUTH 34'10'48" EAST, 3.15 r..~ to a poln~ THENCE SOUTH 89"37'29" EAST, 2.56 leel, to a point on the east line 01 said Parcel 2; THENCE NORTH, 2.58 lee~ RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL 1 0 2009 RETURN TO: CIlY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIF7H STREET -SPRINGFIELD, OREGON97477 Z:~200401lullnlll~IDEW""'KEAS~~bn,doc REVlSED~r.2004