HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 1/28/2009 01/28/09 WED 17:23 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 41l 001 ********************* *** RX REPORT *** ********************* . I. .,~ - " RECEPTION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS, RESULT 9894 5417434681 01/28 17:21 02'16 4 OK ~ '2-1" cA ~ ~ WJW-- ~ VoJ..UJ. ~CtcJA.- W ~ V:>l,W~55~ lM.v;,Qud c.~ "_: ~i;:l:)., Jffk Planner: U) (;I)!Vfl tl(}<) t ~5 01/28/2009 WED 16:20 FAX 5417434681 RBA HID workroom Copier . r/)1 feV7'-;-C\oJ, L (,>t'9- l>t4U) 's . ~ (Vbv'-'1 ,f/;t;f!.u( II} /1At/~.5- . S; 'f I - (; If /. - J'? :? <;- IJ- 1;' b ,')&'b7 I21J001}004 Date Received: J Z sI Lf1 -j ~.1rf_ Planner. cD ~cp.e c...e;rvrY W/J r Z-ffb'> 01/28/2009 WED 16: 20 FAX 5417434681 RBA HID workroom Copier 121002/004 . . 5416882856 p.2 Jan 28 2008 2:28PM TOMS LANDSCAPES INC PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT Dated:_1129/2009 BETWEE]\: THE OWNER: '11lE CONTRACTOR: AND Harold & Larlsa Morris Address: TOM'S LANDSCAPES mc. LCB# 7056 163 Stooehaven S\. Eugene, OR 97404 541-968-3013 For true consideration) described herein, the Owner and Contractor each.. by executing this agreement below, agree as follows: SCOPE OF WORK, PLANT MATERIALS, AND ESTIMATES: - per Pwn1iDg Pia. (13) dated 2/13/08 b>' Schirmer & Associates, LLC lrrigation Trees & Plants: 5 each CalocedJu.s DecUlTenls 5-6', 59 each Juncus Patens 1 gallon size, 11 each Rosa Nutkaoa 3 gallon size, Hydroseeding Barking Spraying of weeks Cleanin,~ of ww landscape debris th.t m.y occur during planting BID DOES NOT INCLUDED CURBING AND CONCRETE WORK OR EXCA V A nON. JOB SITE ADDRESS (ifdiffereoce from address above): 3636 Game Farm Road, Springfield, OR 97477 COST AND PA YMENT TERMS: We propose to furnish the material and labor in accordance with these specifications for the sum of: __$9,950_ on the following tenns: _receipt of$4,975 before work commensates U> /... '" J - .;. .J j balance upon completion of landscaping by Tom's Landscapes, Inc.. OTHER TERMS/CONDITIONS. The Owner acknowledges receipt oftheGel1ernl Tenns ami Conditions on the 2nd page of this Contract which arc incorporated herein by this reference, Contract contingent on proof of funds being available for total payment due to Tom's Landscapes, Inc. Tom's landscapes. Inc, will not be responsible for vandalism orthefi of its work, plants or material at the job site. ICost of plant' are based on availability. Substitions may be required.! Tom's Landscapes, Inc. sub-bid docs not include the responsibility nor the cost of any type of lIme cancrol, or costs of penn its & bonds, erosion controll surveying associated to irrigation sleeving, utility locates c;xcept the Utility Notification Center nor water requu-ed for work. Work will be completed before March 1st, 2009 OWNER:, ~ ~v~p arold MOt:.,,,,r, ~A- ~"7. c: Larisa Morris- "<....._) CONTRACTOR: TOM'S LANDSCAPES, lNC. D~;e? I - ~7: c;r~~ I-e-.-- Tom Harris, president dated 1/29/09 Date: Contractor licensed by the Scate Landscape Contractors Board, 235 Union St NE, Salem, OR 97301 (503) 986-6561 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT. PAGE OF Date Received: Planner. Lb Effv1 0- rJ?- 3% ) 01/26/2009 WED 16: 20 FAX 5417434681 RBA HID Workroom Co'pier 1di003/004 Jan _S LANDSCAPES 28 2009 2:29PM INC 54.92956 p.3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS TIME: ContractOf shalf commence and complete work wIthin a reasonable time after this Agreement Is accepted. Extens.iQns end standby time of Conlraclor=s personnel and equipment shali be granted and: paid for delays not caused by Corotrac\or, which shall not be held accounlable in damages or other-lIbe for breach of any term, Including this one, or this agreement due to circum::uancas beyond CQnlractor'-"s control. Corrections in the work. If any, shaU be performed in accordance with the manulaclurer",s standards or building codes. INSTRUCTIONS BY OWNER: In the case 01 more than one party Iisled as Owner, instructions given by either party may be relied upon by contractor. You represent that all work requested has the appro....al or your engineer, if required. Your engineer or any other design professional acting on your behalf shall not have supervIsory authority over Contractor,,-s work. PAYMENTS: Bystgnlng this conlract, Owners represent that Owners has 5urfidenl funds 10 pay for completion of the project including all potentiat change Qrders end extra charges. You agree to pay bills in rull and when due, ar.d shali net withheld payment contingent 'upon your rece1pl of funds from another party, Of upon Ihe approval of your engil'\eer or any other desIgn professionaL You may nol adjust this contract price for claims which have no~ yet been finally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. CHANGE ORDERS: Any alleration or deviation from the contract, bid. propoeal, specifica1ions, or plans will be executed only upon written change order, and will become an exlra charge, Such statementof charges or credits may be III the form of an estimate where fillal tigures are not readily available. O\vner is responsible for obtaining the lender..!) or engineer=s approval for changes. Notwlthsfandlng any other terms of thls conltac\, Y()IJ shal\ pay any and all additlonal charges occasioned by changes orally requested or accepted by you, requIred as a result 01 prevIously undiscovered conditions, or required by regulatory aulhority following the execution or this contract Contractor shall not be deemed toj,aV'e waived the rIght to payment by perf~rming such work without a "lriHen change order, and may stop work if you tallto ratify or pay for changes you requested or accepted. OVERDUE: PAYMENTS: All payments are due at the time of Invoice. All payments more than ten (10) days past due shall be subject to 8 Ia.te charge of twepercenl (2%) per mQnth, compounded monthly, from billing due. MATERIALS; Contractor shall use materials called for In the specifications. Where the quanllly or quality 01 any particular method or component of construction is not specified herein, you agree that such quantttles and qualities are reflected In the contract price herein based upon no greater than applicable building c;:ode requirements, ACCESS: You shall provide Contractor with all necessary access 10 the premises, and shall not Interfere with Conlractor=s work activities on the premises. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: You shall hotd Contraclor harmlesf, and Indomnify Contractor against 10113 by fire and other casualty to lhe land, improvements and personal property thereon, and to Contractor.s lools and materials located at the lNork sile, durIng the entire cour68 of work. OWNERS SAFETY.: ONnOl"$ shall keep h!slher~e{f and 611 o\h~rs no' relaled to the cons1ruC1lon work, a reasonable distance away frorn construction areas and workers during 'NQrking hour.s, and from constructIon equlpment. and materials al all time:>. Owner IShall net contact any employees of ConlraC1.or, other Ihan foreman. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: Contraclor may tellTllnala thls'contract, by giving a seven (7) day writlen notice of termination, vmeneverwor1<: is sttJpped. through no fault of Contractor, for e period longer than Ihirty (30) days, or when Owners.: (1)'fall \0 pertorm1n acc:?rdance with fhls contrad; (2) fail to make payments when due. or (3) fail 10 provide access to the work site: In all cases, Contractor ihall be compcnsa{ed for all sums earned and due and all costs Incurred through the date 01 1ermlna1lon or until work has stopped wtlfchever is. laler. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION; "Sub.tantia' Completion" .hall be defined aslhe time when the projeot receIves Its final Inspection approval by the Bulldl!)g Departmenti or when the projacl can reasonably and generally be considered usable for Its Inlended purposes; or when this contraCl is terminated; or when there aro any delays, beyood the control and through no fault of Contractor, that effectively stop project WClrk longer than thirty (30) days, whichever comes first. WARRANTY; Contractor makes 110 warranty, or guaran1y. express or implied olherthan (hose $pecHled In writing and required by Oregon law. . ENTIRE CONTRACT: ThIs Conli'act comprises the entire agreement between the parties, wilh the exception ofwrll'len .warrantles. Eath party acknOWledges thai any repre$entallons, indueemenls, promises or agre:ements, oral or otherwise, which are made by any party and not embodied In this Contracl shal: nol be valld or binding. This Contract supersedes all negotlallons, conversatJons, diSCUSSiOnS, correspo:ldence and memoranda. All changes t1ereto must be in writing and signed by bath parties. SEVERA8ILITY: In the e....enl ary panloo of this contract shoutd be declared 10 be invalid..the remaining pOrl.ions shall remain in full force and eOecl arm the contract shall be lnlerpre\ed &0 I2IS to carry out the~orlginal inlent of the parties. CONSTRUCTION; The rule of con6ln;clion thaI a written agreement is construed against Ihe pa rty preparing or drafting such agree.Tlent shall not be applicable to this ~9reement. BiNDING ON SUCCESSORS: This agreement is binding on and will inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, the respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and 3aslgns of the parties. NON.WAIVER OF BREACH: Tne parties agree that raill.lre by a party to require strict performance of any provision shall in no way aHect Ihe party's right to enforce the same, nor shall waiver by one party of Elny breach of-any provision hereof be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any clher provIsion orthl5 agreement. ATTORNEYS FEES: The parlle-G agree that In the event a legal proceeding is brought to interpret or enforce the terms of this Contract. the pr"valllng party ah.all be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney fees in any legal proceeding or anyap.oeai. VENUE/GOVERNING LAW: T~ls Agreement shaJl be construed in accordance with Oregon law and venUe for any dispute related hereto shall be t~e CIrcuIt Court ot LanE: Counly, Oregon CONDITION OF LAN!); The price aet out on the reverse hereof Is based upon all conditions of tfle land and improvement as they appeared to the eye, or are-supported by geoloQlcal ancHor Q\f\JcHira\ el)g\neers. or in1ormat'~on from other professional 80urce9, at the time of making lhis agreement. Sub~equetllly discovered conditions which may increa&e the price hereof are your risk and responsibility. In instances whele hazardous male rials may be discovered in tand or in existing str\Jctures. during the courqe OfWCUK, progr;ss shall slep as shall be required by regulatory authoritie:s without pen.ally to Contractor. Contractor shall receive payment under this agreement fOI al: labor and materIals provided forthe work described herein 6 . Date Received: \ Planner., Lt> C) ~~~ 01128/2009 WED 16: 21 FAX 5417434681 RBA HID Workroom Copier 1l!I004/004 . . P8cific Extruded Curbs Proposal POBox 584 Plea8ant Hill, OR 97455 (541) 344-6753 CCB#171505 Date Estimate -# 1/28/2009 876 Name I Address Ship To Harold Morris 686-8947 Just Brew It Coffee Springfield Project Description QIY Rate Unit Tolal Place appx 350lf of Continuous 6" Flat Top Extruded Curb Excavate, Rock, Set Up, Place & Finish appx 201f of 4ft S/W with ADA Ramp with pad inserted 350 5.30 If 1,855.00 1 1,250.00 ea 1,250.00 Notes: 1. Price includes (1) One Move In. Each additional Move In 8350.00 2. Price is based on private project 3. Price does not include testing or traffic contro I 4. Quote is good for 60 days -:2.r-~ Total $3,] 05.00 Curbing and ADA Ramp Completion date will be no more than 60 days from 01-30-2009 ~'d 60,9989~v9 celved" \ ~ ?-15l Dq Date Re 'JaUMO ^ _d~~irOO 8 UBr Plai1ner~ t)) StUf l\.W arth c;~