HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/13/2008 (10) ;J "~~:~~T'~~;:M~.~,~~~Gl)~__Jt~1l~:~~J2:~. NO~~~:_~. ~ b R ;)J,) \ ^ -;; T /, (? J}/<i- u- 0)-15 -r.L. 2~"0 r V-a/,,~ I- yr. Ir- 0/ 2>00 I: 9375004 PUBLIC UTll-m WOOf J j" fOOf/if zOO, I,' TIllS INOEIfTURE I'AOE and ente",d lnt is ~day of cr*:o'oG' . 19~ by llf1d , between' SYCAN 'B' COR - hereln.fter "'fernd to as the Grantors. an leT SP lNGFIELD. a IJUnlC pal corporation. in Lome COi.nty. Oregon. hereinafter referred to as the Gnntee. J~ ~ll!IllII! In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the use or holding of said easement for present or future public use by Grantee. Grantors hereby grant. ban}.lin. sell and convey unto, the Grantee. a ~~tual easerr.ent 10 f~t in width. together with the right to 90 upon said casement area hereinafter described for the purpose of constructing. reconstruct- ing, maintaining and using pUblic utilities which IlaY hereafter be installed on the follOlll- 1ng described property, to-vIt: ,. 1-:!~'u:i. : 3' 93>>0&18: 10.00 "'.:;',::';.:3"93J<il/?i1Hl lO.lD ATTACHED EXHIBIT 'A' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above easement to the said Grantee. its heirs and as.sil}ns forew:r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grootors -;::)(,,\Ji day of ():::b}~u above n.u>ed have hen.unto set thel r hands and sS"~""tIrk.... 19~. .< ~.. --. .... (SEAL) /7 ~'r.,! d t.<>L'J'f'i~i) "-; <::',0:.' <3C<vf' b,.. R",clu:..od D. C>>J~\~., ~\c~~-' "i\:s~'d't.,tO "/"'--,..~.L..~' (SEAL) ..~;>tJ'L1 ' -....__...,.\'... STATE OF OREGC>>I ) 'so County of LANe ) BE IT REHEflBEREO, that on thIs d'=-~ day of rr+,..Lr,~. :9~. befo", ...,. the undersigned. a N,otary Publ~in--:i'ii(ffor said County .nd State. pe~onal1y appe.red the 'Wi thin named I?'-rnr:,-rl D'. ~,\('<;.. . k.nown to IfJe: to be the identical indlvldual descrioed in l!!nd woo executed the wlthln lnstrument and ack.n6wledged to me that h,<, executed the sarre freely and voluntarily. OfFICJ"i. SEAL n:.;."r;v D. HO'fO" f:::l';";"'-;"( F\JE:'IC - QRfGll:I CO...:"I?S;C:~ NO. C05O!D I'~E::J"WIOm.lLa IN TESTI~~NY ~HEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~ official seal and year last above written. My coonll,,!!J1! ~<'" t~~j 0:...:.-'" O'-~n CIS EO '54-1 -~ , 'o1!\? It I H_H~' ..:~ Date .ived: FEB 1 3 2008 Original Submittal I ) r "., ;. , . ~....~Cf'~:;.9.~,1!"~~'J.~'1-'::':i.'l.C<":':".' , i -'~~-"~'-.<'l~"~" ".'~". .,~ ......,. , ----.....,..--.""..... ,"-. ,......... ... J';OV L:i 1893 189 b t "_l~__ ~.~ ",-".' --:"'~ '. I \ 1 \ I I , 9375004 EXHIBIT 'A' DESCRJPTION OF FUBUC 1.TJ1llTY EASEMENT VICINITY OF TAX LOTS 2200, 2300, AND 2.301 SECI10N 15, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTI1, RANGE 3 WEST, W.JL IN SFRINGFIELD. OREGON FOR SYCAN 'D' COV. Beginning at . point 00 the Sooth nurPn of Game Farm Road E..,I (County Road No. 209). said point being Sooth 0'00'40' Easl 10.00 feet and North 89'56'00' E.ut m.1S feet from the bn..u cap marking tbc: Nonhwest comer of the William Stevens Donation La.od Oaim No. 46. Townwp 17 Sooth, Range 3 West of the Willamct1e Meridian; thence lUIIIlini alalI the Sooth nurPn of said Game Farm Road Easl 30.00 f<Xl from, when measured at rizbl iUlgJa 10, the calluline of said road South 89'56'00' West 240.00 feet; thence kavinJ aid Sooth margin and running South 0'00'40' Bul 10.00 feet; thence North 89'56'00' Eut 240.00 feel; thence North 0'00'40' West 10.00 feet 10 the Point of Jleiinnini. all in Sprin&ficld. Uno County. Otqon. , , , . 1 ] , { - ""l - ~ 8 >.- "~~ 1 a: ~ .1 < "#. ;..~ .. (0 ~~ ., ~ g ! ,.,"t:.. :.:1 en ~.:l 0, . ~.~ : ~ 0'0 ~~c; ., CO H 'O~ ~ ~ ,.1 ..... . , }: i: 2 ':::? uu - , J !! . 0 - " o;v -,w..s: '" ;;. . - .. n._...,. " '~ ~ ., 'tf cl l ~ ..W. '"t: B. ..;-.... .: :4: ":' ..... Date Received: FEB 1 3 2008 Original Submittal r; r i f i