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Easement APPLICANT 2/13/2008 (9)
, ",~ , . ~" ' . '/~"V . '.\ .... /0\:)"". . ..::; .." "0 .., ..~ . ,92638'(2 DECLARA~ION'OF RESPONSIBILI~Y TO' MAINTAIN', ACCESS. EASEMENT. . ',' /' '." ., Original Submittal' .' ! . . f', Date Received: ..... .' "c"",\),' :."'.:"'1." ',..,<,.',. ~ 926387~ EXHIBIT A Original $ubmitta,1 DEX:LNlATION QF.lU':SroNSIDILI'l'V '10 WIlNrllIN ) ,~ i<'~ ." :~.~.:, Sycan B Cbrp:>ratioo (Sycanl ; 'an, Or.qOOCb~tiOOcbes'~y',dit~l~..;.;,.~:<t(~:~ trot it shall l:e respcnsible. fornWntaining thep>ved 9.1rface': cx:nt:airie:l.in,"': ,;'/;"'1 the foUcwing.desc:ribe:l'easenent.(the "'-sanentl, to'wit: . "i::':.: ":,:..,.:::" Beginning at the''lRtE romr:CF,.BmIHIIN.:i,::said point l:eL,>;' the nartl'west. corner.of'::!I>rcel 1 of Lmd Parti tioo' Plat' 1briJ:er."91 "1'0084 ;'. said. point :l:eing.'llmlte:E by';aS/8';. x. 30;; Rel:l'll"' wi th: yell",.' plastic: capinarlte:1' . ~~~~:0~~f.!';fio3jl"feeti;to~":- . . . :"'.,t\,:.!;:.t.::;.~~.l.},;_:~.:.'~.,~.~.~.':.:~,~.;,'c".; po.LI~.:!i~I\a::"t;i'~ r~"."',.as.,'~~~::,.de..~~;. _ _ '!HX:E'S 89'48"S2"'E'11S.00,:feet',to,a.'. .".. point marked. by','a rEbar.ias':'iIl:iC7.re.:ooSCril:ii:l;". .. '.. "., 'l'!F.N:E S 0 11' '08" W 200 ;OO'fe.t "to' a .poiOt , . . .'. . marka::l 'by ,a rebar';:as,ai:oVe~:de'~i.~-rsa1f:: ;'_""..~~;, ", ';. :~.. p:lint; bem:1" CI'l"-the'oorthtrtBr9ID}of.-;: : "'::;""":." -,' . ~ ,:,~.. ;:,~': Eeltline Ro<rl; all ill' ~~~ty,':qr~Co. -, ,:",. . -:.... ~:~ TI1isdeclaratioo successor described. paved .,.,.,. "",:,;.".;,;,, . "'"~ For ,the.; puqx.se5 of ~ this}. oec~'aiation, ,.;t:net.t#m~:':iNuntaliW~f~rlS!: ",0 =~ E~est:i~~~f~~~l~;;~"~~:,roY~'~;~~~~ Sycan hereby affirms'trot'lt.:iSthe"pteSe?t '. . intenticn'~Otith<!.< .;'. -, \~,;,: ",. ..---. - ' . . " .~, , , . (,~~;., ...; >.;,'1 .,.' " . A strip af l!t~ 35 teet.in w1dth~lYing" JlOrth"arrl. ea.st":.of,/l.anj' . ab.Jtting, the foll""i!l9"desCr~"line: ," " 'Page'.l of 2 .}A~]~(,: .' .'::~~jt,. /[~iKi ";..:1:,.- ;:', <. ". ","'" j t ~ - ~i ',' \1 :J (i ,~ t~ .f! \~I ;" " " .. ;,J ~ i:! , ij :(l ~i. ~, .' ~! j{ ~,! ~1 Ii <" n i~ ~~ " i'I "', . . ..----...., 9263.87Z .,: EXHIBIT A '. .r' Reo:mis to participate in any future joint rraint:Enanoe arran_to llgr~alt: or ,-" ..... '!his ooclaxatiooshall: l:enull, mid; , aoo'liithcutforo.:1n';':Jio';.~~ Atlantic Richfield (b~: P-1~JlJ'_>B~ ~2c.},~-!"cf:t'a..'""cal 1,"fci:1.:tit:t.Q 'L:"'~:O'-:"ii~ly \ adeq\lltely gra:le, prepare, pave, ..ro o".beiwise 1npra..e thil "Ea......,t"fr.'it:8. ~~~t:y.' The staridam lat dei:ermiJl~ ~.2cy at t.~' ~~"'~~lH:~:t.\...;t cmtaim:l 1n the 'l'Pl1cal:>le City re:Juloticns as they relate 'to SId! .' , ~ts. .... >~.,." '.:.!' _.r' ;,:,:_;:;n S}'can B O:lron..ral:icn By Ridlard. o. ~les Vi"" hes1dent .",' "',; "',,: ..,', '<':'-,-. .-.... ".',',; .',',- Page 2 of 2 " i'~ t~~tr" , ,-.i~, '" ':':Y!~?:fft...:' :~r\f '-:'y,\:.; 'I . '" \;.'; -, '?i :~ ~ .:,' " , " -,',