HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/13/2008 (8) .r . I. .','.," . . ,.w<. '.~'.'''''-'',''''''~'"'.I~': "'~'''''':'''''''-;'';''' ",......., " ".~-. ....-.. --". ,'" ",,--,... . ,"., ....,...u:; / OJ 10 I 3123997 CONVEYANCE OF.WATER FACILITY EASEMENT KNOW ALL HEN BY THE:SE PRESENTS: 'That Svcan B. Corooratlon'does hereby 9ive, grant :and convey unto Rainbow Water "Distr let and" unto its' assigns,. an easement over'; 'aeros.s. ana, under." the" following d}frcr)bed lands and 'real'property,. to 'wit: . . ;: "0/1" c!-xG/v;ir.!- A9- '1.17./. ' :An~ea5ement more particularly 'descrto7d' in: Exhibit A attached hereto " for \'later lines and appurtenances. thereof,,, and for th~ ,said purposes. place, . construct,. operate, maintain, repair, inspect, .reconstruct and, replace,said water.:lines and , appurtenances, and the right, to enter' up~n',3uch..p~emise5 .'for ~ald .purposes.... No' pe,I.manEmt building, shrub or' tree' to be placed in the _easement. area. No monetary consldera,tlon::-:has been paid for .this interest in'the_above-descrlbed. Said.easement'described.herein. repl~ces,. extinguishes and vacates that easeme,nt'granted to Rainbow!"Water :and -Fire'; Oistr ict by Sycan B., Incorporated, recorded September"29, "1989 'in the.<records,of -Lane County,. Oregon, 'as re.ception number 8944181 and' rerecorded October, 5; 1~89"a:s receptio'n numb~r 8945103. The foregoing recital of consideration is true as we verily ,believe. I ' we have hereunto set our ,'hands: and seals t~i!i' ~ day of nt~ndent. STATE OF .OnCe",\ \\ COUNTY OF Lent' SS ~~Y.23'91MOSREC. ~Y.23'91N05PFUHD 10.(Xf'. 10;00 The,!'e appeared -before me Bd",.-d D.~I,.~ who -~;~ti.fi~..th.t .h:.h:~the . owner or an:,authorized representative of the hOe owner of the above,_described:prop_ertya"nd they acknowledge' the above instrument to be .hi.s. voluntary act and'deed. In witri;ess'''whereoL I have hereunto.set hand, and affixed my. seal. , Subscribed and sworn to befo of ..'~ thh ~%.y OFFIC!AL SEAL. . T/~Onn D, HOVET ,llOTAAV PU8UC. OREGON' CO "'I MISSION NO 005063' Ml'COMMISSIO!EXPlR!:S f[8:'Z1:1!&5 Public or 'My co on expire. 1955- There. appeared.before me this OKe'day,Of lV~J" ~ 1'1991: J. Timothy Hanley,. supe:rlntenderit of the. Rainbow Water Dlstric , apolitical subdlvlsi'on of the, state'of. Oregon, and acknOWledges that he 1s authorized to execute the above instrument. In'witness wher'eof I hav.e 'here'unto set hand and affixed' my seaL Subscribed. and sworn to before of 1 9 ~ OFFICIAL SEAL, TIMOTHV'D .HOVEl NOTARf PUBLIC, OREGON COMMiSSION NO;.OOS053 MYCOMMISSIOM EXPIRES FU.Z1,11DS i. Oll~'Y 19~ ,., Date Received: ;I :.~~.;,w;;;;,~,,~,"__~,.P: <,:-::-: ::..+.:.,~:~:?-.f~_7i-io''+_''",-":~,~--,-"",,,,,,, FER t 3 2008 Original Submittal Ii" ; .' . .' > d ',' 912399'" EXHIBIT 'A' WATERpNE EASEMENT NORTHEAST CORNER BELTLI,NE ROAD AND 'GATEWAY STREET Beginning at ti,e Initial Point of Land Partitian Plat Number 9lcp0084'ascpiatted'and recorded, in tile Lane County Oregon Partition,Recards,said Initial P~int being ,the point of intersection, of the easterly margin of,Gateway Street with 'the" Smith 'margin oPGame:Farm::RoacI'East (County'Road No, 209), said.lnitial Point also: being South'O'04!oo" East 10,00 feet'and:North 89'56'00" 'East 0354,06 feet from lhe:brass'cap marking' the, Northwestcomerof-the"Wiliiam ' Stevens:DOn,ation,Land 8laim No. 46"Townshipd7-South,"Range 3 West'ofthe,WilIamelte , Meridian; thencelunningalong the easterly 'margin of sai~ ,Gateway .Str~i 43;00:feet froni,'p when measuied,at'righrailgles to, the centerline'of.said'slreet along the':",c of:a765.75:'f60t , radius curve right (the long chord of II'hich bears South 24'54'11 "East 2~4.40Jeet)286.'06 feet;' thenceleaving said margin and running South 89'48'52" East 245.01 feet;', tlieriee'Soutlf,O'Il'08" West,154.18 feet;, thence South 41'52:30" East 77.88 feet-to:a,pOint on'the'North"marginiof.-' BelUine Road, said point being 75.07 feet from, when measured 'at rightangles.to,.lhe centerline' of said road; thence running along said North'margin South 89'48'52" East,8.08 feetand:South, 86'25'01" East 8.55 feet; thence leaving said margin and running North 41'52'30" West'8J:79 feet; ti,ence North 0'11'08" East 165.78'feet; thence North.89'48'52" \\1est,255'.49-'[6<:I.:to'''' point which is 50.00 feet from, when'measured,at right angles to, the centerline of, said Gateway,' Street; thence running parallel with"and 50.oo'feet distant from; the eenterline of,SaId,Gateway' Streetalongth'-arc of a 772.75'foot radius,curve left (the chord of which bears North'25~ll'.18":' West 269.61. feet),271.00 feet to,a point on the South maigin of Game- Farm: Road,East" said," -, point being 30.00 feet from, when measured, at right angles to; the centerline'()fsaid;GameFarm: Roid East; thence running along said South margin South 89'56'00" West 8;58'feeno:thePoint , _ of Beginnilig; all in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, ' " ..... ~'. . > " " ~, ': ..... " ; ".. ~ ,",;1 , J " o -c:.c '~:"L:;j . "1li"'CP -5..<: 0 ~;~ "0-=0 C>.""' -.:......'tI .5't,$": 0- -i ~.~ <.1\ o~.. ::1 . , ; >-..<::'" ~.g c; c- o . ~ ~ ~~ ~ .J:.:I';; ,.... :a.s "'1 " , " ',' ,. ," "'. ,- ~ , " ~ ~ < ~-t ~ . 00 ~~ ;::<: 00 00 uu . . 00 :J:J ;.' .. .," ~.. (1); (1) M N .-I (1) 0: r-.. (j) U) ,.. w, .,Ji ~u . r o . o 0 i.":J 0- o cr- . 0 - , ~ 0 "'U t ~ ~ m Date Received: FEB. 1 3 2008 Original Submittal '