HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 2/13/2008 (4) .,/ lv / ,0 9010797 . . AMENDED GRANT OF SANITATION SEWER EASEMENT DATED MARCH ~, 1990 In consideration of the sum of $10.00, plus other valuable consideration, and in further acceptance by the Grantee, and the use or holding of the easement granted herein, for public use by Grantee, the Grantor herein, SYCAN B CORP., an Oregon corporation, hereby conveys to THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual nonexclusive easement ~pproximately 14 feet in width, more or less, over, upon, underneath and within tile following described parcel of real property: Z330:1AR.06'90U07REC Beginning at the Northwest corner of the W,M. Stevens D.L.C. No. 46 in Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian; thence along the North line of said D.L.C. No. 46 North 89 56' 00" East 726.28 feet; thence leaving said North line South 0 00' 00" East 10.00 feet to a point on the South margin of Game Farm Road East, said South margin being 30 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Game Farm Road East, said point also being the TRUE POINT OF" BEGINNING; thence South 1 14' 08" West 295.04 feet; thence South 41 33' 30" East 154.84 feet; thence South 47 17' 40" West 89.16 feet to a point on the North margin of Belt Line Road East, said North margin being 75.07 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Belt Line Road East; thence along said North margin North 89 48' 52" West 20.57 feet; thence leaving said North margin North 47 17' 40" East 90.51 feet; thence North 41 33' 30" West 146.60 feeti thence North 1 14' 08" East 300.21 feet to a point on said South margin of Game Farm Road East; thence along said South margin North 89 56' 00" East 14.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, all in Lane County, . Oregon, Z.~HAR.06'90"07PFUND for the purpose of, subject to the conditions contained herein, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining and installing sanitation sewer systems underground, within the parameters of the above described legal description which locates the sanitation sewer easement the su~ject of this easement agreement. This easement carries with it the right of reasonable and limited ingress and egress over the adjacent lands of Grantor for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing and maintaining any improvements located within the aforementioned sanitation sewer easement. However, any damages to Grantor's adjacent lands by those making use of the easement described herein shall be immediately remedied at Grantee's or Grantecls successors or assigns' sole expense all to the reasonable satisfaction of Grantor, his successors or assign~. Page 1 - AMENDED GRANT O~ SANITATION EASEMENT (2/14/90) Date Received: .:;} I FEB f 3 2008 Original Submittal 10.00 i I f I' t f i I I 10.00 ,,-,., 901;0797 . . Grantor hereby reserves the right to use the area encompassed within the aforementioned sanitation sewer easement for purposes not inconsistent with the sanitation sewer easement granted hereby but in using said easement Grantor and Grantor's heirs or assigns shall conform to provisions of then applicable codes or regulations pertaining to the intended use. of said property encumbered by the aforementioned sanitation sewer easement.. Grantee shall not be responsible for damages to improvements placed.upon the easement by Grantor, its successors or assigns caused by Grantee in the reasonable exercise of repairs to the easement. Grantee shall, ,however. notify Grantor ~f any repairs which will cause said damage at least 7 days prior to initiation of the repairs. Except for conditions caused to occur by Grantor, its successors or assigns, Grantee agrees to indemnify and defend the Grantor from any loss, claim or liability of any nature or kind to Grantor arising in any manner out of the Grantee's or Grantee's successors or assigns' use of the sanitation sewer easement, strip the subject of this easement. This easement is granted subject to all prior easements or encumbrances of record and tS intended to correct and amend that certain easement dated S~~,nt~/~s, 1989, Reception No. ~~ Reel No. istts, recorded , _.rzt.m /:1j".fl89. . DATED this ~ day of March, 1990. SYCAN B CORP., an Oregon corpor tion rJ By c-",t, , Du ward L. Boyles, Its President STATE OF OREGON County of Lane S8. Personally appeared Durward L. Boyles who, being duly sworn on oath did say that he is the President of Sycan B Corp., an 9regon corporation, and that said ipstrument was signed in behalf ,0J;"'S::l'id..,!,orpora tion by authority of' its board of directors and . ~~dba....,~..~ih.~m acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act '> 'ijJI .deeQ'f' ". ,/~\01M~\ '\ '"I' ... .- \p'U 0\...\(,/.-:- .' \1'~i;'.",.....(.<(:~'\....-'- , I;: OF c..' Page 2 - AMENDED GRANT OF SANITATION EASEMENT (2/14/90) Date Re~ived: I,' FEB 1 3 2008 ; OriginalSubmittai ~ '~o . ::l. co :r !!!. (J) <: tT 3 ::; !!!. " m a:J - "'-> '" = = ClO ._-"....,-'~,.,-,~-"...'""'_.~.". ". ". ~..,,, 9010797 Sl.1te of Ore-gon, County of l....tne-ss. I. the County Gen. in and for Ihe !.aid Cuunty, do"hereby certify thallhe within instrument wa5 f("('('ived for r<<urd al 6 I!AR 90 1-; 32 .. ~-G9R R,,' 10 j lane CouClty OFAaAL Rf'("{Irds. Lane County Clerk By: ~[ ~aw- tyC1.en; o Q) - CD ;0 CD o CD <' CD c. '~". .', . ". h . c.o o ;..0 o -J c.o -J . .