HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 3/10/2008 . . Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: March 10, 2008 Molly Markarian, Planner II Jon Driscoll, Transportation Engineer in Training DRC2008-000014 Just Brew It, Site Plan From: Subject: The Transportation Division has reviewed the materials provided with the subject application. The recommended findings and conditions outlined below are provo ed for our use in preparing the land-use decision. 10' Date Received: Planner: MEM General Finding: Approval of this proposal would allow the conversion of a vacant lot to a coffee drive through on a 0.53 acre site located on the south side of Game Farm Road 300 ft east of Gateway Street (17-03-15-33 TL 1100). TransDortation System ImDacts Finding: The proposed development would have approximately 87 feet of frontage on Game Farm Road.. . ~ Finding: Game Farm Road abutting the development site is a 28-foot wide two-lane-fflCai street / roadway within a 60(+)-foot wide right of way. The street is improved with asphalt paving, ~ curb/gutter, sidewalks and street lighting, which support multi-modal travel. Estimated traffic volume on Game Farm Road is less than 4,000 vehicles per day. :fit+' Finding: Based on ITE Land Use Code 935 (Par-Food Restaurant with Drive-Through Window and No Indoor Seating) the total trip generation from this development upon completion of the J proposed development would be as follows: -/ . Average Weekday = 180 trips/employee x 2 employees = 360 trips . PM Peak Hour = 8.67 trips/employee x 2 employees = 18 trips . AM Peak Hour = 36 trips/employee x 2 employees = 72 trips In addition, the assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicY.cle trips. According t/ the "Household" survey done by LCOG in 1994, 12.6 percent of household trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus. These trips may have their origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this use. Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. Finding: Existing and proposed off-site transportation facilities would be adequate to / accommodate additional trips that would be generated by the proposed development. DRC2008-000014 Just Brew I~te Plan February 20, 2007 Page 2 of 2 . Site Access and Circulation Finding; Installation of driveways on a street increases the number of traffic conflict points. The greater number of conflict points increases the probability of traffic crashes. SDC 4.2-120(A)(1)"/ stipulates that each parcel is entitled to ".. . have an approved access provided...." Finding: Direct access to the:development site from Gateway Street and Game Farm Road East is shown by an existing joint use-access / maintenance agreement recorded May 2,1997. \...,../ Recommended Conditions: Street trees and/or on-site vegetation shall be placed or /' reloeated as necessary. to maintain adequate vision clearance triangles at the corners of all site driveways'per SDC 4.2-130. , . . "f" 'r- - ~ ". t' . ; "'J' '.,~~ \ i ".~