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Easement APPLICANT 2/10/2010
. ~ranch :DSE,User :FA04 I" :.;1 .-, ': , , ,- .,. -, 0; ;] ~ 1 ~! ":i " f; -~ "r c~ " "r T -, L r Oh} LO':.:l'to.. - ~ Ioec-~ r . &~Vi.3t..." i r [; L ~ Tille Officer: Commcul: . J-S II) !'If~ r:JD:LAaA7l:WI 01' .....-en' AD _. .. -, L... u.n. !>In.,, ~ttul -.......... . 1.11.1 PAa'!'IlCIa ...1 L III:KlbuIy and aa~bU..M r. 1Io.....!Ihu. ____ ....... aad vit.. - .~ MD. IMna1a L.. ..rtenMe and Del.... J. VarteDbee. ..a.nd and. vU.. ~ ~0I:'...1d ownen. herein ref.~ to coll.m:Jv.l, _ .o.olQ'_~,. ot the 1'..1 pt'Opa'ty deKribed .. ParotIle 1. 3, and :J on tbe aUacbecl bAlblt A. hare1il retvred to .. -tbe ~,. do hc'eby' dclara thet the Ht~ of the aba11 ... ect 'to tJw cov....n'-. vhlcb relat.. to Jotnt 118. ~... Mt. tor bu'eln. TMI PArU.. he"~ acJmovledQa that tba ~nt ..t tOE'th 1A tbi8 ~t ralAt_ ~ ~ u.. ot Pereal. a and :J of U. Property. and t.ha putt.. hlIrabY t\lrthu' atate their t.nt.Uon t.bat u.. - ~ of tJM cownant. run t.o ~ aucce.aon 111 l--'t to the DVnnw or Pucel. a and :If and that the banetU ot tM covanaDt. roD to u.e auaaeuon 1D Inur.-t to t.be owneEW or parcala 1. 2. and J of the 1'rCIperty. 'I'M ownen of eM Property ..11 ban tbe rilibt. to \aMI tbat portion ot the PrONrty _t forth be.nin .. bbUdt I, ..... benlil ratiN"nd to .. -the ~ sUb.. rOC' 1MraII IIIId epw.. to and t~ t:M Property or any portlDft tbu.ot. ana tor taM luull.Uon and ..lnhnance ot lNOtI publ1a IltJUt.i.. .. .y be ........ to .... tM Property IX any portJon tMinot'. ftlt CNMC of either af the tbAe parcel_ ot the Property abaU ban t!Mt ri'iht. upan written not1oe to the ownar(.. ot tbe ~.iM parael. of the .~erty to ~1r. tM.t. a ..rd.aem,le ~ v61i:ta .... the a1nbwa ~t. of aU applicable ~.-at; ~Je.. be Inatalled. wIth ~ owner. ot- neb of UNa pet'C*l. of the Property. abadb9 eq\lally tIM expenM ot MICb 1DRa11atJ.-.. and tber..fter ~ .un~. All GIfIIaon of tM Property MaU have the unn.t:dat:.d r19ht to 1.1" the acceu atrip tor ~ not !ncond.tcat. vltb. tbe tull \aM ot t:bII -=oaaa atrip tor tII. purpoaea Nt tortb be.re1n. o.clUAIlt. ~ acJcDov~ Deala.rant.'. tm:.at:Jan to enter ina. . focal -.-nt ~t \lpoft the "'le of tM flrR r.rtion ~ tM Property I .l'bicb ......t ...11 Mt: tortla ....U.d Dto-=-t1on r.,U'\SlnqI rJAplb of acc.u. &lid ~ init1at1a of ... aUooat:.iQft of expenaa nlet.... to, tblI iaat.a1latioa and aaJ.n~ ot the Irtreet on the a~. atri>>. 1aCh.........ull prcw~ .. "11 tor the f..bln dtMI1aat.lon ot the ~. .trip to appnpriatlt 90Yantllefttal apnay. ..p 1 - DlIX:lARATIOII or DSDIDI' MID MI... .~ L ....- &-~~:-.:c,.c --- -- PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO FEB 1 0 2010 - Zl.lII ..... .. :J.~ " . ;- j- ~. ,- f ~;: " ~ , , " , ,- , " ~ ). - -- j' I', I i.' t- r ! i 1"" I i Slation Id :JKRU -, ~ ~ Page 10f5 LANE,OR Document EAS 1991.6] 664 Printed on 7/3012008 4:37:20 PM . Branch :DSE,User :F A04 .Order: Tnle Officer: Comment: . Station Id :JKRU I L ~~664 r, , :"~\ . ~l .:i .'J . .~~ 'j t .1 .;;. ~71' .~, 'A' oj J '~ j ~ ,1 l '~ f .~ ~ .,~ i; -;1 ~~ , .~\ ! DI WDIfISS........ ~ bu ~ till erreot.1... CID. the dab 1'irR n1ttell ........ . lip' .at " -,. ::". ~~. ; " ~:. ~:-. :~ . " .~: ,.' .. l:: ~.' . ,,: 7, {. 'i .~.: :T,-,-' r LANE,OR Document: EAS 1991.61664 ~.~(/~, ito~~'fiii i.. , S'l'AU OF ORECOH County of IAn- I'" 'l'bb i.n.uu-at vu ~ht.. IqT~~-~, 1.91 - any. . -~ aaJmol........ bet'on _ OD lad L. JIa&lbaar aDd C2adrtiDa 1". ~~~..."" .,.......... ........ ~ I ... ..... 1'bl\b, lnauu.ent wu KJcnOl."..,... baf'__ .. on . . by EMnnl. L. wananbM and. Deloru OJ. ~~-~- Ny ec-i..lon hPtnn ~. Pav- :z - DBCLAIlAfloa' 0" v.sacarr AJI]) IlAIII'fDWIc:a AGJtEIIIIft { I.-~~:-~r.c. --- -- , , " , " j' PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 0 2010 ~ Page 20f5 Printed on 7/3012008 4:37:21 PM ~.ranch :DSE,User :F A04 ~ Tnle Officer. Comment: . Station Id :jKRU r ".i , "j " .i ~~ ;~ . '! j + .:i -, 's t 'i: f: f L ~~C1:4 o 0\'6 q\R I:' I. I t : r i , I I r ! j ; , f . ~-; ~ ] .' f :,::::; r aamn a ...... 1 ...,- .. - -.. Cap .. . _. .... __ _ huu...t comer 01. -tlIe his.. Icott II'; DonaUon r.n.t C1Ua 8D. 51, ln '.CUaa 25. ~p 17 South. .... 3 ~t of tile Itlu-t~ "'C'14J.uI, ~ 1Ioc'Ui.,. OJ' u- .., 281J.1t t..t to . Iran 'J'Oll With Alum.. ~ .... ~t. cue........ -SUt L1ae -..nc.r-, tbIuac. 8or1:b O. Hac. Ea.t 162.16 t..t to . St. lac.. 11'a11 rod, u..nc. IIorUt. It- t2'. u. ....t Zt. 71 r~ to .. 112 IMIi Iron. pipe ..rk1ft1' UM 1IortIilMaa; COI'ftltr 01 Lot; 1. I1odI: s. PDar 1EIDm. 1'0 ~ P..... .. ....- - .--- ,. - '.. _ ", ..... eoun., Onvon, Plat 1IecorCa," t.Mnc. COIlUnu. IIarUl H. tZ. 13. ..., 7B.30 r..t to . 51. "neb Iron. rOt" tunc. Ifortll O. DI' ... ....t na.ao reft to . ". incb troa rOll Mrll:l.hf Uae ftOZ POur or ~u.Im, u-aCll contt,... IIortIa O. 06' 01- ...., 123..25 fMl: to . 51. 1ftcb Iron rod, tUnc. ~ SO- 15. ... Eut 113.02 tN' to . 511 lnch Jron rOd, thane. IIorth O. OIi' 0'- "'n st." tNt to . 511 Snell lI"on rod, thence Ifortb 10. 15' 4.- Ea.t 51.22 I'_t to . 51. 1ncb. ..trOD rod, t"-~ Nortb ,. SO' U. NII.t 26.00 relit to . paint on. the lei' ~ of the Nr:IC_al. aav.r, tbene. &lGnlJ"14 INlnk ....t~. Mol'th 75' 56'",- r..t: 142,61 t..t, tbenee I..,,!.. lid. 1aanIr:, Souu. O' 0&' II. Ba.t 13ta.OO t..t to a 51' tncb Iran rod, thenc. Mortb a,. 42' 12- ....t 365.02 te.t to tM 'DIVE POIIIl" CII" ImJRua, In tan. Count7, Ore,on. 0 ~O\1. ....., . 0.\' ""SM!ng at the Br... Cap I,. . ..........t c... _rlll:t,. tbe louu...t cocn.l' of tba PwUI: 8cott Jr. DonaUon Lancl C1aI. 80. '1. In hctlOft Z5, 'l'awuhlp 17 Iouth. Ranp 3 ....t of the If1U...U. ttert41an, thence Iortb O. OJ' U- ....t 21113.11 t..t to . 11'01\ ract vl'b. Alwdnla cap In . ~t ca.. _I'll_ -k.t L1M lpeneer-, tbtInu North O. 30'.Z.. Eaet 11Z.1I tHt to a 511 Incb' 1I'0Il rod, thenc. JIortb lit. t2:' 12- Haat zt.711 r..t to an 1/2 tnc:b ll'Oft pl.- -r= the .ort....t cornar of Lot 1, 110eJE 5, FIRST AIJDl'f101f !'O '10 P..... .. ,leU_ and rHard_ ln IooIr. to, ~. 14, Lana Count, Dr..,. Plat AecOl"4., u..nc. cODtt~ IIortb at- U' 12- ....t 721.30 rHt to . SIB 1nc:b Iron rad., _14 point Hlnr t.be !'RUB POur DI" Imta'UIJ, tMoe. IIorth O. 01' H- ....&: 7'1.00 teet to a II' lacb Iron nxlJ .1:IIlana ao...th It. 42' 12- Eut In.SO fHt to . 5/1 ~ Iran rod, u.nc. Ioutll .. 06' ..- Eut t47.1O t..t to . "I 1ndt. 1nn 1'OlS, tunce a10ew tM arc 01 . 100.00 toot. r_1U11 CWYe l.rt Cttw chord. of Wb1cb beari Iout.b. It. Ot' .,- Eaat .1.5' r..t) . 'utMc:e or U.OI t..t to. 5'1 Incb 1...... rod, tIWnCe alanv the arc of a l00.to toot redlu. cunre ritbt (eM ... of '*Sell ...,.. South 14. 01' .._ EI.t ....S, rnt.) . .uatanc. 01 ".08 t..t to . 51' 1Adl iron l"O4, tunca Soutlt. O' 06' Ga- I".ut 206.:10 raat to . 511 tnQ, Iron rod, thenca Borth at' U' n- ....t 2".11 r..t to tlae DUE POU'l' ~ BEDl8IaG. In r.n. Cowttr, G,!..... .;.:.; " r '..~,"~ ::~~: , .) ~ Pq'. ) - DECLo\RA'rIoar 01' EASDIDI"I' AltO ~ AGItEDID'I' ~,==-':..",:,::-.!C,.c. -- -- PRE.SUBMITTAI REeD FEB 1 0 2010 .--"_- -- .;,', .. ."~~' ,,_. "-.,~,' -' -~"':'.'.; ).". :::'.;~ ,. . .~..~'~ . .".~ . .' ,- .-.-....F...-.- ~.. " ". ~~ '.-'-., _:_:.....b.;.~". ',. ;.,..t!~i~i \-<:>:.~- . -':'~.Z:..f _...-..' ~.:. . . :,:~:): --.~. .,~ .~ .:' ,~:~:'~"~J.~ "';~:: f '0 , ,- '.> .~' J.,1 '. " -......, ~ -'.'y: .;, ;~ .J LANE,OR Document: EAS 1991.61664 Pagc3 of 5 Printed on 7130120084:37:22 PM I3ranch :DSE,User :1' A04 r ~ i ~ .r~ ~. ;l l :1. I.' , '::; .j j .. ., :~ .~ ,. .~ ., .. , ~. :1:: ..r '. .~,,_._. ;< , , , L LANE,OR Document: EAS 1991.61664 ~ Tille Officer: Comment: . Station Id :JKRU -, ~A ....., , oO\'fP . 0.\" [ ~ ., t:Ile .... Cap' la . ......to cue _...... tM SoW:.bwe.' CDI'DIIr of u.. ..1la 8cott ~r. DDaaUOIt. r..nd Qat. 110. 11" .... lee&!_ 15, ~r 11 aouua. ......:I....t 0( ,.. lIS l1~te "arldlan, . u..ne. IIOC'Ua' OJ" U. ... 28U.1' t..t .'to . Iran rod viUl Al-uw. cap s.n . ......" c.......ke4 "Ea.at. Iou. 1.-ncH'" thence JIoc'u. O' 30., 2'1. Eut I&Z.16 f", to . 511 inell 1"", 1'OlI, tMnce Ifortb ... tJ' 12. ....t 8.7' t_t to an 112 SKIt Iran ,I.,. ~~ tM lorthN.... cOI'IMr DC Lot. 1. Ilock I. rtJt81" AD)lTI~ '10 r PARK" .. platted end ~ in look to, ..... 14. r..an. c:c...mtJ' OncJOft Pia' Record., thence aant1Due IIort:h et' 42' 12. ....t S22~U teet to . "I Inch Iron ro4. Mid potnt belnt' tM DUE PClID' or IlEUUIIIIIID. tbenc:. IIDrtb O' 06' 01. ...., :aM.JO f.et to . '" 1nda bon rod, thanc.. _lOAf the arc of . lH.OO toot nidi_ C\&I'W len (t.bI c:boI'cl ot Whlea Hue Iorth 14' 0'.". ....t. 'I'," r.t:t . dlatanc. at .t.OI f..t to . 51. Incb troa.red. thenCe along ~ arc of . 100.00 toot .."SUI cur" rlvht ItM cbord of MUch Men Iortb U' Ot. 45. ....t tI.59 'eet). cU.t:uce of ft... ,.t to'. 511 1DdI Iron rod, tbenc. lol'ttr. 0' 0" 0'- WId 447." f..t: to . SII 1tM:b I..... rod, UMnce Ioutb '9' 42' U. r.a.t lIZ.12 f..t to . III iACb iran rod, tunc. loutb 0' 06' 1.. r..& 7t8.00 f.d to . 5/1 1ncb. 1ron 1'Oll, tuac. North It' n' U. ....t 158.t. t..t to the DUE POII'I' or &mIII.ura. in r..n. Count,. o.r..-on. ,. .:~ < , ~ . , c. ,. " .. ... ,. '. ... '. .' .." PIWI- 4 - DECLAItA'rlal or IASDD'I' UD DIlft'DLUlca AG'UDIIIIT "'c::.-:..~:-.:cr.e --- -- , , ,. , E: PRE.SUBMITTAI REC'O FEB 1 0 2010 f' ! i I I r ..J ~ - Page 4 of5 Printed on 7130f2oo8 4:37:23 PM ~ranch :DSE,User :F A04 I" . .'" ,~: , , .i . ~ l ~ .\. ,il .ti 1 1 ~ , .r ) , .i l_ LANE,OR Document: EAS 1991.61664 r -J. .:!: "j;" .~. ., .R l ;. ~/ 1J. " 11 0<- ~)~~ -;n ,... .'t' '~O}"T' O\~'vJI-" "i~l'/' ~ CJIof Q-t ~ '-, c. ~ ,\\'):' 'I' \let. ~\ I I. i ~ r..Je Officer: Comment . 91G1664 DUll'" . ""&1 o-Gdpt1on ot tbe ~. Strl.p ~ at tile ..... Cap Sp . -.& c...~ taae 'IClUtJMMat COChet' DI tile hUa Icott Jr. Doaatlon r.nll Clat. 110. 51. In hetlOll. 25. TaInaI. 17 lauth. ..... J lint. of u. 1I1U...u. .....1.1.... t:MnCe JIDc'u. O. 'J' U'" ....t 2fti.l' r.. to . troe roI vlth Al..u_ Q8 1ft . ___.t cae. _..ked .....t I.tne ~., tbence JfortJt, O. )01 2.. Eae' 1&J.16 1'..' to .. 511 lndt. iron rod, tbenee JIort.b. .,- U' 12'" ..t 21.71 f..t to -. IIJ 1ncIl Iron pj,. ..rlel"9 the Iortbeaat COI'Mr of tot 1.. 8lock 5.. rutn' amm,. "I'D TOLAIID.\. PARI. .. pl.t~ and recona.cl 1n Book fO, .... 14, Lane OMIt,. OrevDft Plat a.COI'ela; ~ continue IJortb .t. U' 12'" lila' n..JO tMt to . 511 !neb tna rad, u.enc. IIortb 0., M' 011" ...." 174.86 teet to . 51' lneb Iron rod -r1l1nI' tM .ort.h....' ClOnwr Oft u.. euaUQIJ De1ro.. AvltnUe, ..14 po1nt be1"9 the ftUE POlan- or 1ED1Dxm. tMnn South .t. 42' 12'" ~.t 111.11 f..t, ~nc. lortb O. 06' ... ~.t 31.26 t..t, thence a1anv tbe uc of a 75.00 foot ..ad.l.... cune 1ett · u.. chord 01 vblcth !lean IIoc'tb U' 0'..,- ....t 36.44 '..tl a dhtancw of )6.11 I.." tMnce alORf"be an of . 125.00 loot redl... CUI'W rS,ht (the cborcl. Of '*lc:b ttev. North 14' It.." ..., it. 74 Inti a 4htance or 61.n I..t, thenca aoru. 0' 06' 08- lit., 447.7' I..t, tbeftc. Ioutb at' U' U' Eut 50.00 ,..t, tMnce lJoutb 0' 01' 0'- raat "7.43 r..t, ~. alClft9 the arc at a 71.00 locK ....J.... eurn 1.n (the chord" of _Jc:h Hua Iouu. 14'''',,- lAa' 36.44 t..'1 a dtatance of 31.11 t..t, u..nc. alon, u.e arc of a 12'.00 toot red1.... C\U'Q rlpt .the chord of WILlclli Mera Ioutb 14' 0" 45- I&at 60.74 la.t. . dJatanc. of 11.35 '"'' ~ loutll. 0' 01' 01- z.at '1.61 raat, ~. >>o..tb 19' 42' 12- Neat 231.11 f..t to U. aoutMea' cor"... of .atd "D81ro.. Annual thance .1~ ..td Une, lfortb 0' 06' 0'- Neat 60.00 I.., to tbe tRUE POlft or: IEOlIUIIMC. 111 r..ne CountJ', Onvon. ~ i d. Itl Pl t .11 Ol HR' ; i! !d ! Ii a: 1 ~ I~ Su J .!.l P~. 5 - D&cLAJt.\TIOJf or EUDtDIT AND IlAIN1'ENMCE ACaEDlEN1' PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 0 2010 - Page 5 of5 r f r ,. r I , l ,. i r , Station Id :JKRU .' -- ,{. '?~: ~: ~~~. " } t. ; ',",' , . , r i ~.'. -1 Printed on 7/3012008 4:37:24 PM