HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation Agreement APPLICANT 2/10/2010 (3) . ~v-I- . '71-/~ 4:1.s -44/ ~ -4-4~ JUll1 1994 ~7-/'l'1'"I.'7 94:;0896 HOTIa 01 ANHEUnClf ~ , ~, ','NOTICE IS CIVtN THAT <;',p A~"""tHl!"All!:: I he'r~Jndler r~hrrl;f to as tn.. Ovnec and In. CUr ot 5prlnrth16. .. aun.lc.lp.1l corporation of the State of Oregon. hereinafter r..ferr~ to .. the City. on the d..)' ot '7.......1;. 199!:!. entered Into an .(ru.IIIent (overn!"( an ann...tlon 10 the CLe)' 0: au prop.ny IdentHhd as rax Lot . A,uuer", Map '''_O:J-1.''''''',,~ . .. lecal ducriptlon ot vnten 11; anachd as Exhibit A and lncorporaleO y rat.rence, her.SA. The use and develop..nt of che above property Is (overned by th.. tar., and condltlon. ol the Consent to Annexation docu..nl :signed by thlf 010lnu .nd the City. Th" Consent 10 Annu.atJon dOCU.IIIent is filed in the ~nlop8ent S.rdcu Division of the Clt)', Ie IIhtch rehrence Is hl!'reby ,.ade for all lIl.4Itters and thin,s thueln contained. Thill 8 .(re~lIent 1.5 b1ndlne on the Ololner's helr., assirn'l> and 'uccuson; 1n interest to th. .... 1roperty. =' '" o :! As uslt'd herein, the s1n(ular sh.ll lnclud~ the plur.l and the plural dull includ. th. s1nl'\ll.r. :It In 1II~[SS I./HLREor, the Ovn.r has set their hand and ,...1 this ~ ::T"\..i...,{: , 199~. ~ ~1/ ; ~,J<I' ~ Mld-re:s:s ". ~ 1\' ~ STATE or~D~OH, County of Lan. ) ... pl!'r:sonall7'app.ult'd bdore _ this vi thin nall<<,d .ck.llo....hd'.d tne torelOlnl: JnSaWHnt to b<e' tnea voluntary act ana day of 5y: By: ~~U.l1'94I1O:REC ~.'U.._11 '941c.:PfU() Clvn<<'r Adorns day of ,199 . "". - dil'<<"d. rh. Notary ruo.JC tar Or.(OD fly Co_Jn1on Exp1res: In '.rITNtSS 1.'HI:R..EOF, day of the Oirector or Desienet' bas St't their tlAnd and seal 199-.;_ I By: ~vt''''oplllt'nt ServIces ihrector S7ATt or OREeON. County of Lane ) 55. Pusonally .appeared before lie tbh day of ",jtnin n,uled ~<:i('Ilovl.dl:ed tne toregoJn. .nstrUl:ent to Oe tl'leJr VOHlOtary act ana ,199 . "". - ...... rh. Notary rUO~lC tor Oreiaa Hy eo_tss1on Expires: This .~otice of "itt't'IlIC'nr sn.aIl ~ r<<,corded by the (h."I1U in the ~d:s and Record:s Dep,ut.cent at the L.ine County Courthouse. The or1,ioal ot this Docu_nt shall be returned to the OC'velop""enr SC'rvicl!'$ Dl!'p.Ullllent, City of ~pr1ng!1eld, 22~ f'1fth Street. Spdnifield. OR 97~i7. Th~ record.uion of thi:s Docu_nt sh-ill b<e' cons1dued Nor ice at Air~.ent. S01'lCL or .\NNEXATIOH ~ 2909 j.-C-:- . o~ o on ~. I , PRE-SUBMITIAI REC'O FEB 1 0 Z01U th1s ~ I 1970R..:. 0;]).00 10.00 , r I i . . JUl111994 9450896 STATEMENT OF OWNERS NOTICE OF ANNEXATION ACREEMENT A ITAClIMI!:NT J 'Ibe following indMdw.ls and entity own JOO"'/. o(thc property propoucd in theattac:bed anncwion lE'reemer.t .,.,;tn the City of Springfield: 1. wi L. .!: eM""" F. McElJany :600 North) I St. Springtide, OR 97477 /jdt1-: ~ 1hz 1 AfI:.~.~(:1!~~ " 2. Dennis L. & Delores J. Wanenbee 2742 lA<=t Springfield. OR 97477 J. O{.V< w....z...r ~.I...- c,,1/}.~__ ld.... r, {J......./^;7. p~'~~~ Development Resource Corponlion 975 Willigillespre Road Eugene., OR 97401 In WI1NESS WHEREOF, the above O\llTlCl' Ius seI their hand and scaI this ~ day 0{ -1'~ ,1994. STATE OF OREGON, C<lumy .(!.me) u""'_ Person.a.lly appeared Wore me this r:'- day of q, ~ . 1994, the within named ~ " <'r. f". c:.... 1,(;.e/''''r7r)" ... who acknowtedged the foregoing instrument 10 be their voJd'nury act md deed. ~ CFFIC"'l SUI. t::; ;., ,;:stPKUlt.lL '.0100 \(-:-~.1 1",""<lY PU81.IC, 01'1,'0"" ~.:(/ I '7,:.l~II~:;IO"....o !:'~~ I.n ..C'_':':. ,~'C:I O,,'RU J>JNC:'!! 19'i05 0.~, _,L--. (1.;(_-:,LAvlc-- K91ary utjic of Oregon ! .-, ;\1y commission expires: I, 72 I '..{ V The above owners OIN71 resJ property identified as foDO'WI: Map l7-O3-244-0 Tu lot 706, Tax lot 707 and the southern portion ofTu lot 705 within the Urtlan Vro'oWth Boundf)'. See &nached dZ"lwing indic.z.ti.cg anna area. Legal description: see ltuchcd Ex1u1rit A , PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O FEB 1 0 zmG I 1970R I . I I . JUL 111994 , a ~ I ......~, It' . I! 0 \ ___________ \ .... --I ." --;~...~ ~..- ;.. ......:------.1 ------.------ . I ~ ~ ~ ~I , , ~ ~ J ~ 0 p(l . ~ ~ ~ .(y .~ a, ---=<< l I .... ~n ...-... ,-------------- .. ---:'B"'-_ ~' ., f------ , :, ~ :' o o . : ,c>r:I,c ~ : ~ i: 0 ~ ,'-, i' 11 J I : -t . ~....j .(-LG ~~,.:..,~ "I ~ .#<' ;N4'11 i . ; ;IY ..;....'~.....- -r-~ , , :, :,; :~ , s.t:J' ~ . I I Cj70f'! _ ~ H ~~ a:: G_ ~~ 0 "'~ .,,- . . ~~ ~ ;<~ co ~G E ~~ C. en :::: .." ~ en 0 wa:: ....- . <( .. .~ ....0 en.. c . . c W .. . . ;: u w~ ~ !i" w - -Q. i~ >", c- wO z.... <f- a:: .; Clz .:= ....v~~.L.'.e ;-------- ~"'" ~ . r 1 , \ ",,.,,,, . ~ , ~ . . , ~ .--""....,-.r;q._ .IG~_ J II ~j n~r r__..:;...-'",-,o_ ~ ~.e&T ". ..:}~ .''!. PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O FEB 1 0 20m I ~ . " . JUl111994 1970f . . .. . -, ........ . , . ,'. "'. ,"~ . .,-: ' \', .:: ':. ~ . ..~ . ',," , . .' .... .- ',' ..: ,'. .' '.' " .9450896 Begi:m.ing 11 the U:ne County Brass Cap m I :I1Dmun.eat a.se ~(the Sautlrwest coru:: afthe FcEx Scaa k DanzticmLmd c..imNo. l1. in Scc:icml'. Towaship 17 SoaIh.ll.mso 3 West of the~Mcidi.z:D.:tbc::a.ce Nonha-Q3" "3. Wes.:. 1!9J.19 f=: to minmrod wilhJD Im.d1 Wmioumcp carlu>d"'Eas: r.m. Sp=';m=Ncmh 0"30' 24'..... 162.16l:.. to .llllillcll Unalod"'"'h. pluric cp,..m,.j"NESS l'LS 8S1';~",Ncmh 89"42' 12'Wesl39J.03_ \0 tho T1U1E POINT OF BEGINNIN<T. tb= caoti:lwI NonI189" 42' IZ' W... 365.05 foCI; d=ea North 0" 06' 08" We:;: IOlO.OOfut;1hclceNanl174'l6' ll' Eou l77.78f..,; 1l1.=:. Sourh 0" GQ IS' ..." 1150.00 !oct tD tho TRCE POINT OF BEGiJ',"NINQ,;. r...m.~. Otq=. Canui:ics 9.n aa.o. . ,~ " - '" ';,Z'! ~: t: r.:: ~fj rn CD ~ c: 0 r! r -: -;: ~ U, o. ...",:= ~ T- ... ;c'.::! :;1 ; ,.... c" ~ 0- ~:~ >7- 0') ti' 0 0" ~ T- Ii . . .lC2 "v - , ! " . . - /; = ~" ..:v..s. ~~ ~ ':.";;:-;. ..~.: ''''''... ":~r" I ,. "; .,' L PRE.SUBMITTAI REC'D FEB 1 0 2010