HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnnexation Agreement APPLICANT 2/10/2010 . I-i ~ (- ~ " j-dl ''fl-/~ c;J....; "'if/. 9j';'4"'~ . ~f:f. JUL 111994 ICJ70f .';'....." /'/'J'f-7 /s~ I~ S45U898 ',' CDHSlJIt' TO AHHZv.'fION rOR U7-10 UR!.UI PR1HC:E DVERur DISTUCT l'I:.01DTU.S Tot Th. City of Spr1nctteld, a aunlc!pal corporation of the Star. of Ore,on, hereinafter r.terred to .. CiEY. This 1. . Consent to Annexation by st-. 4~",,~.... '? . hereinatle, [eterrae to .. Ovnar. l~JLl.II "94'Q2REC 15.00 RECIT A1.S I The ~n.r repe.aenta the foilovln(1 1. The OVner pOssesses r..a1 property, hereinafter referred to .s Property. aore pan.1cuhdy described 1n Exillblt -4", atuched heruo Ind ...d. . PU"t hereot, locared outside City l1:alts, but vlthln the adoPtl'd Urb.n CcovCh Boundary aepicted 1n the EUien.~Sprin,fleld ~etropollt.n Are. G.o.r.l PlAn. The Ur-l0 Ur~.n Feinr. Overlay District described 1n Artiel. :9 of the Springfield ~velopment Code, hereinafter relerred to AS SO;. has been .ppl1~ to Prop..ny. !!!!1U...U'94'ltYF'J.H) By the tulllS ot SOC, Sec:tJon 29.070(1)(.1.), this Consent to AnnU,Uioll. hereinafter referred to as this Docu~nt, is required as a precondition to .110v ol the land use activity or develop.ent de.ir~ by the Ovner. The Ovner consult. u tollovs: 10.00 s ;;; ", ~_. ::i " ~J. 1: c rlCREEHENT: ~ ~l. The Ovner irrevocably consideration tor the develop..en t. consent. to annexation of the PrOperty to the City in allov~ce by the City of a land use activity or 2. The Ovner consents that the City Council, in its sol. discretion, nov or at any time hereafter, =ay adopt a resolution initiating annexation under ORS ORS 199.490 and 22~.170 Or any other applicable lav or statute. The Ovner consents to including in such proceedini any Other land the City Council may direct or vhieh the OVner has petitioned and consented to the LnnexatioD. J. The Ovner understands and consents that this Docucent :ay be used by the City to meet the requite~ents of ORS 199.~90 and ORS 222.110. ". The Ovner also lrrevoC<lbly authorizes the City to present this Docu.ent to the ~n. County Local Covernment Boundary Couiuion to Ini tlue any :linor boundary ch<lnge under ORS 199.~90(1) as an interim measure to provide service to the Property prior to annexation to the City. 5. The Ovner consents. pursu~t to OKS 22~.115. that the avner and any and all heirs. Successors and assigns vith an interest in the Property shall be bound by this Documen[ ~hich sn.11 run ~ith the Property. CONSOIr .0 .\1INEXAnON _ 1 ,--!,:, f ..". .... .:,.; .4 I . "'" PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'D FEB 1 0 20m . . JUL 111994 1970f 9450898 ,. ': 6. The Ovner chall obta1n the City's approval for any nev land 1,1.. Ictlv1ty or de...elopl..:nt. chlnre of land 1,1.. activity or d.....loplu~nt. or !ntenaUlcatlon of land un Icth'lty or develop.enf at the Proputy. The Clty ',,111 rcant .ppro....l of the land use I('c!vity or d.....lop..nt if it 1:1 in co.pl1&11ca vith applicable plans. polides. and sundards as Ituupreted by the City. 7. In consideration for this DOC:UIIIt!nC, the 'City .Icrus that the Propeny ..y reed.... .IIIunicipal services froCt the City and the Ovnu' uy undutalte the de...dop..nt of the Pr?perty in Iccord.lnct' "'1th City plans. policies and scandards and with the applicable r.qulre.lll.nt~ at tAn. County. 8. As uSf:d hen!n, the sJn&,uhr shall include the plural and the plural .hall include the slnfular. Conte.poraneously v1th the execution of this Consent to Anne:utlon. the Ovner is eu~cutinl a sepatau lJai'ller of ":'illle Limitation fora, ..ursu~t to ORS :!::!::!:.17J, attached hereto and ..de par: of, as a condition of li.nIn( tM. Doc~t. In VITNESS VHEREOr, tho Ovner hu ..t their hand and suI tbis doy .f 199 - !y: ~~f3 Sy: Ovnet {u ~rW" Clvner .c Address , Md.reSS STATE or OREGON, County of lAn. ) n. Personally appeared before .. this day of . 199 tho Vl thin n...ed "". - .d:novledied tho tongo.n. In:;ttu:en[ to oe tneH vo~unt..ry act ana .e<<. Sotari ~UO~lC ior Orcion "y Co~iss10n Expires: In ~'::lESS VHtREOr, the Dlrector or DesIlnee hu '( day of ..J.'lJ...f.t~ 199.:!:. . 'II,...(J );!a.u,cU.IJ.-nEj eYeJ.OplClenl ~rvlccs lrcctor. U STAn or ORECON. County ot L.ane ) u. G Personally appeared before :e this I lIirhin nued .~uSa.~ r}ttltu\ aCKnolo'ledled t e toreioln&: lnstrullIcnt [0 their hand and seal this ,0{ By: ~-. CH~C:I"L !:E^l '~'i JAHICf t.... .,t"'I4IS0ff '. /. Oo'Or,,~"c-.~~.C:.OJieGON C::"'..~';$~lj...Ct:I~ Iol'C~J"'~$I("'-::..;>ov(:~c 1'1_ . 19'1:t. tho .". e<<. , f'pari' UOJ.lt tI Co=1$$10n to aion Expires: CONSL~ TO ANNEXATION - 2 2907 I . , PRE.SUBMITTAI REC'O FEB 1 0 2010 , . . ~ 9450!:l~8 STA TEME/IT OF OWNERS JUL 1 i 1994 CONSENT TO ANNEXATION FOR UF.IO URBAN FRINGE OVERLA Y DISTRICT PROPERTIES A IT AClIMENT 3 The follo""';il8 individu.aJs end a:li~ own 100-1. ('I(the propcny propossed in the .nlched .greemem with the City of Springfidd: 0/",}J f~"X Ii / .fL:,,,,//,(~ . l ~''''-4'' (/ LL~' (.., Ti"~ </ Dennis L. &. ~Iores J. W utcnbee 2742 I..oc= Springfield. OR 974n DevcJopmenl R=uree CO<J>Ontion ~~::"...r~~ ~... r:~::.::::,.u 975 WilligJllesplc Road ~__L /A'1 'ti__ _ 1>:.=-_-== Eugene. OR 97401 ."" . In WlTh"ESS WHE../tEOF, the: above owner has ~ lhcir twv:.I and sa! this n--!::. I{;/O"':: ,1994. l. Earl L. &. Chri:nina F. McElhany 2600 Nonh 3] Sl Springj;cJ4, OR 97477 " o. 3. STAn: OF OREGON. Counry ofLme) .. -<: . Personally ap~ed ~ore m~this /7 . the Within named )....(. I , 1..-= .- the (oresoin!; inSltument 10 be their volunury act and deed. > clay of d3yof "J-;:^-,':; . 1994, who acknowledged ,,< _'-1' n ..........,;:. _.....;......... f'.-" . ~hf3J)' Public of OrC'gon ~ty commis.s.ion expires: ~ OHICI~ SO,L ~.:::-~. .'!,S~~.I"{ll..xQTCU ~-r:: ....O....l'IyPUSLIC.QREGOH CO......ISSICI\l NO O'~ "''I'CC''~''s.sIO''(I'''RESJtJ''I( t1l '9'118 !be above ownd'S own rc:aJ properly idcrnified u Coaows: ../ "I ' ,_ ~. '.~:l't>u..o... l.hf'.la~ ~ Map 17-03-24-0-0 Tax let 706, Tax lac 707 md!.he southern oortion o(Tax lot 70S within lhe Urtan Growtb Boundly. Legal description: see m.achcd Exhibit A , .-' :;,,,, j~] ., = ! , .- '., . f ~ ~ ~ ~ c:.. ":~, o c:. ..i: t. ".1 ~,_.J ...::; ..... _ ;~ I ... 0 i~c J "0 ~ v....~-I ~~ ~li; CD C"l CZ; C l'l ::0: .. .!..~ I ".'~".. PRE.SUBMITTAI REC'D FEB 1 0 2010 c: ,... I"- m ,... ~ \'1 "~ ~~ ~ " I " .;.; !J ~ ; ! :l I IQ70R _ J