HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 2/3/2009 i i r , . . BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT OF TIffi ] EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN ] AREA GENERAL PLAN AND TRANSPLAN, ] ADDING PROJECT #27 AND #30 TO TABLE la ] FINANClALL Y CONSTRAINED 20- YEAR ] CAPITAL INVESTEMENT ACTIONS AND TO ] MAP FINANClALL Y -CONSTRAINED ROADWAY] PROJECTS IN APPENDIX A; AND REMOVING ] TIffiSE SAME PROJECTS FROM TABLE Ib AND ] MAP FUTURE ROADWAY PROJECTS FROM ] APPENDIX A File LRP 2008-00013 RECOMMENDA TlON TO TIffi SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL NATURE OF THE APPLICATION This proposal moves two transportation facilities improvement projects from the future list to the financially constrained list in the Metropolitao Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and the Metropolitao Area Transportation System Plan (TransPlan). These amendments are consistent with the same amendments adopted into the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) in November, 2007. Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0016(2) requires consistency between these plans: "When an MFO adopts or amends a regional transportation plan that relates to compliance with this division, the affected local governments shall review the adopted plan or amendment and either: (a) Make a finding that the proposed regional transportation plan amendment or update is consistent with the applicable provisions of adopted regional and local transportation system plan and comprehensive plan and compliant with applicable provisions of this division; or (b) Adopt amendments to the relevant regional or local transportation system plans consistent with one another and compliant with applicable provisions of this division. " The commitment to achieve this required consistency was affirmed, respectively, on September 15, 2008 by the joint elected officials of Springfield, Eugene and Lane County; and on October 16, 2008 by the Land Conservation and Development Commission when hoth groups approved the TransPlan update work program which specifically identifies these projects for inclusion on the financially constrained list in TransPlan and the Metro Plan. 1. The application was initiated by the Springfield City Council on October 6, 2008. 2. Notice of this proposed action was sent to the Department of Land Conservaiion and Development on October 15,2008 in accordance with the provisions ofORS 197.610. 3. Timely and sufficieot notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Chapter 5, Section 5.2-115 of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided. 4. On February 3, 2009 the Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing accepting testimony and evidence on these proposed amendments to the Metro Plan and TransPlan (File LRP 2008- 00013). At the conclusion of this meeting, the Springfield Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval to the Springfield City Council. The staff notes and recommendation of the Development Services Department staff, together with the testimony and submittals entered into the record of this hearing by staff from the Land Conservation and Development Department and the ~ R . d Department of Transportation have been considered and are part of the record of this proc8ed~ V' ecelve , f EB 320M Planner: BJ , J' I " 0,; I . . CONCLUSION On the basis of all the evidence included in this record, the proposed amendment application, File LRP 2008-00013 is consistent with the criteria ofCbapter 5, Section 5.14-135 of the Springfield Development Code. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusions in the attached staff report. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission hereby recommends the City Council approve and adopt File LRP 2008-00013 amending the Metro Plan and TransPlan by placing Project #27 - Oregon 126 at Main Street and Project #30 - Oregon 126 at 52" Street onto Table I a the Financially Constrained 20- Y ear Capitallnvestrnent Actions list and onto the financially Constrained Roadway Projects Map found in Appendix A; and remove these same two projects from Table Ib the Future Capitallnvestrnent Actions Roadway Projects and from the Fu e R cts Map found in Appendix A. Plann' ATTEST: AYES: iJ NAYS: I) ABSENT: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 Date Rece\ved f E.B 3 2009 P\anner: BJ