HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 10/15/2008 , ,--- ,.... . . . . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } }ss. County of Lane } I,. Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notic.e of Proposed Amendment for LRP2008-00013 Metro Plan Amendment (See attachment "A") on October 15,2008 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. B~"~. Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane /Jf!tf(!Jl: /.;;- , 2008 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: I) OFFICIAL SEAL . SANDRA MARX '. i NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON . ./. COMMISSION NO. 385725 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 12, 2008 My Commission Expires: g ecelVed OCT 1 5' 2008 Planner: BJ ! 1 DLtD ~otice of Proposed Amendment . tJ., person D electronic D mailed D A 'l1" IE S 'l1" A M IP For DLe!) Use Only . . THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST EVIDENTIARY HEARING PER ORS 197.610, OAR CHAPTER 660, DIVISION 18 Jurisdiction: City of Springfield Date of First Evidentiary Hearing: 01121/2009 Local File Number: LRP2008-00013 Date of Final Hearing: 0310212009 Is this a REVISION to a previously submitted proposal? DYes [gINo Date submitted: 10/1512008 [gI Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment [gI Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment D Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Urban Growth Boundary Amendment [gI Transportation System Plan Amendment D Other: Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do not use technical terms. Do not write "See Attached"(limit 500 characters): Revise Table and Map of finalized contained projects by adding project #27 SR 126 and Main Street and project #30 SR 126 and 52nd Street; deleting these same projects from the future project list and maps; These tables and maps are adopted into both the Comprehensive Plan and the Transportation System Plan. Has sufficient information been included to advise DLCD of the effect of proposal? [gIYes, text is included For Map Changes: Include 8y,"x11" maps of Current and Proposed designation. [gI Yes, Maps included Plan map changed from: To: Zone map changed from: To: Location of property (do not use Tax Lot): SR 126 and Main Street; SR 126 and 52"d Street Previous density: New density: Applicable statewide planning goals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DDDDDDDD~~~~DDDDDDD Is an exception to a statewide planning goal proposed? DYES [gI NO Goals: Acres involved: ODOT, Eugene and Lane County Date Received OCT 15 2008 Planner: BJ Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It is jurisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies. DLeD only records this information): Local Contact: Greg Mott Address: 225 Fifth Street Fax Number: 726-368-9 Phone: 726-377-4 Extension: City: Springfield Zip: 97477- E-mail Address:gmott@ci.springfield.or.us . . . . OLeo file No. ra :JaUUBld B002 9. I 1JO pa^!aoa~ alBa . . . ". SUB~ITTAL REQUIREMENTS This form must he received hv DLCD at least 45 davs prior to the first evidentiary hearin!!: per ORS 197.610 and OAR Chaoter 660. ~ivision 18 I. This form must be submitted by local jurisdictions only (not by applicant). 2. When submitting, please print this form on light green paper. 3. Text: Submittal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation must include the text of the amendment and any other information the local government believes is necessary to advise OLCO ofthe effect of the proposal. "Text" means the specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations. A general description of the proposal is not adequate. Do not submit this form without supporting documentation. 4. Maps: Submittal of a proposed map amendment must also include a map ofthe affected area showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations. The map should be legible and on Sy, x II inch paper. Please provide the specific location of property, such as an address and/or tax lot number. Include text regarding background and/or the justification for the change, such as the application accepted by the local government. 5. Exceptions: Submittal of proposed amendments that involve a goal exception must include the proposed language ofthe exception. 6. Unless exempt by ORS 197.610(2), proposed amendments must be received at the OLCO's Salem office at least 45 days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposal. (The clock begins on the day OLCO receives your proposal.) The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first public hearing held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposal. 7. If you have an electronic copy of the proposal, we would like you to submit one electronic copy [email, CO, or upload to OLCO (for submittal instructions, see # 4)] and ONE PAPER COpy of the proposed amendment to: ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 8. Electronic Submittals: One hard copy must be sent by mail or in person, but you may also submit an electronic copy, by either email, CO, or upload documents to us. You may access this website to upload documents: htto://webserver.lcd.state.or.us/uoload2/uoloadForml.oho. If you submit documents to this website, please email Mara Ulloa at mara.ulloa@state.or.us when you have sent your documents electronically. On the same day, please mail [I] hardcopy to our office. 9. Need More Copies? You can now access these forms online at htto://www.Icd.state.or.us/. Please print forms on 8-1I2xll green paper only. You may also call the OLCO Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax your request to: (503) 378-5518; or Email your request to mara.ulloaCalstate.or.us. Date Received htto:llwww.lcd.state.or.us/LCD/fonns.shtml Updated SeOOtjib}(@,2008 Planner: BJ " . . . . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 6, 2008 Meeting Type: Regular Session Department: Development Services Staff Contact: Gregory Mott S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-3774 C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 10 Minutes ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL INITIATION OF AMENDMENTS TO TRANSPLAN AND THE METRO PLAN TO MOVE PROJECT #27 (SR-126 AT MAIN STREET) AND PROJECT #30 (SR-126 AT 52ND STREET) FROM ~ FUTURE PROJECT LIST (TABLE I b) TO THE FINANClALL Y CONSTRAINED 20-YEAR CAPITAL INVESTMENT ACTIONS ROADWAY PROJECTS LIST (TABLE la); AND REMOVE THESE SAME TWO PROJECTS FROM THE FUTURE ROADWAY PROJECTS MAP AND PLACE THEM ON THE FlNANClALL Y CONSTRAINED ROADWAY MAP, APPENDIX "A" OF TRANSPLAN. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the following motion: Move to initiate amendments to TransPlan and the Metro Plan to move Project #27 and Project #30 from the Future Project List (Table lb) to the 20-year Fiscally Constrained Capital Investment Action Roadway Project List (Table la); and remove these projects from the Future Roadway Map and add them to the 'Financially Constrained Roadway Map in Appendix "A" of Trans Plan. ISSUE STATEMENT: The region is in the midst of updating TransPlan to achieve consistency with the federal Regional Transportation Plan (RTP); to achieve compliance with the state Transportation Planning Rule; and to coordinate the,efforts of Eugene and Springfield as each city develops a local transportation system plan. These two projects were added to the constrained list of the RTP several months ago; they need to be included in TransPlan now and ultimately be included in Springfield's new local Transportation System Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Table la of Trans Plan 2. Table I b of TransPlan 3. Financially Constrained Roadway Map, Appendix "A" of Trans Plan 4. Future Roadway Projects Map, Appendix "A" of Trans Plan DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: These two projects have been identified as "future projects" since the mid-1980s. The need for these projects is equal parts safety and congestion management. The intersection at 5200 is one of only two signalized, at-grade intersections (Beltline @ Roosevelt) on the state's 55 mph expressway system in this region. Both of these intersections operate near or beyond ODOT mobility standards; both of these intersections experien~e an average number of accidents, primarily rear ends. In addition to mobility and safety issues, there are more than 1,000 acres of vacant buildable lands within the City's UGB in this area that will generate thousands of future trips through these intersections. Failure to make these improvements may have profound effects on the City's ability to provide the necessary transportation infrastructure to support planned growth. bate Received OCT 1-5 2008 Planner: BJ . . . . Chapter 3: Table la-Financially Constrained . 20-Year Capital Investment Actions: Roadway Projects Name Geographic Limits Description Estimated Jurisdiction Cost Length NlDDber Project Category: New Arterial Link or Interchange ADD PROJECTS 27 & 30 TO THIS TABLE Date Recehrsd . TransPlan December:OOT11 5 2008 Chapter 3, Page 14 Piann~r: BJ ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 '. ~. .'U . . . Chapter 3: Table Ib-Future (Beyond 20-Years) Capital Investment Actions: Roadway Projects Name Geographic Limits Description Estimated Jurisdiction Cost Length Number Project Category: New Arterial Link or Interchange Status: Future Beaver Streel Hunsaker Lane 10 Wilkes R,O.W Acquisition. General Lane County $1,700,000 0.84 503 Ar1e~al D~e construction. Eugene-Sp~ngfleld et Main Streel ConstlllCllnterchange ODOT $9,000,000 0 Highway (SR-126) Division Avenue Della Highway to Beaver New frontaga road wi Lane COunty $4,005,000 0.89 512 Street Wlllametla River B~dge at 52nd Street Construct Interchange ODOT $9,000,000 0 '\ I i 'I Wesl Eugena Parkway, (1 B) Garfield Street to Seneca W 11th - Garfield: 4-lane ODOT Road new construction. continued; pendlng cDmpletlon 01 a study' 01 transpotlalJon Improvernenls In West Eugene $34,231,000 1.3 337 Status Sub- Total $57,936,000 Project Category Sub-Total $57,936,000 REMOVE PROJECTS 27 & 30 FROM Tt-flS TABLE TransPlan Date Received OCT 15 2008>ecember2OO1 Chaptm 3, Page 30 Planner: BJ ATTACHMENT 2 - 1 ". . . . . . --- I I ....... ) I __c-... . . f ~ \ '" ~ ., . I . J ~~? J {! .. l Legend /Ilv' Urban Growth BouncI8ty Programmed Intersections ... Added Fwy Lanes/Major Interchange Imps _ Arterial Capaclty Improvements Study Unprogrammed Intersections . New ArteOal Link or Interchange . Added Fwy lanes/Major lnlen:hange Imps .. MllrialCapacitylmpro'llefflllrU .. SIWy Programmed Projects N New Arterial Link or Inten:hange N Added Fwy LaneslMa;or Interchange Imps 'I Arterial Capacily Improvements N Urban Slandards N Sludy Unprogrammed Projects /" New Mertal Link or lnlerehangl!l /." Added Fwy lanes/MaJOl" Int9fd',ange ImpS , , Arterial Capacity ImprovemenlS '''' NewColleccors I" Study /" Urban Standards D Nodal Developmenl Areas ii TransPlan Financially-Constrai ned Roadway Projects Eugene-Springfield Metro Area This map illustrates the roadway projects planned as capital investment actions for a 2D-year planning horizon. The map renecls the general location of programmed and unprogrammed projects contained in the Capital Investment Actions Roadway Projects list. These projects are considered necessary to adequately meet regional tra~sportation needs for the TransPlan 20~year planning honzon and are part of the financially constrained ~an. Jurisdictions responsible for these projects are the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, Lane County, and the Oregon Department of Transportation. ,...- , I ; "1llOWa..t~ J ,. I I IV <0, Y'~ I ~ \... 't ~ l t 1 ~. I 1-' , J ~ ., Area~ identified as nodal development areas are considered 10 have potential for this type of land use pattern. Other areas not designated for nodal development may be found to have potential for nodal development. , Il J , ,0,: f' .J , r J , J 'uroAD~.. uc>>:. 'f Alii< . I ;: ' ,~; ~ ~ ~,r t r~-<r"."o ~ ~ ~-~~'" ..~ :1 Note: This map is illustrative and should be used for reference only. The map depicts approximate locations of existing and proposed transportation facilities. , I , ..., N' + ocT i 5 2008 t _ ~ ~ planner: ; J o Miles December 2001 lIap produced by Uno COll'1l:d c1 GoItemnern ATTACHMENT 3-1 . . .. . . . . 1:0 u .ol:I)NDlw Legend o . )' ,I ; 1\.,/ Urban Growth Boundary I "\ Future Intersections . New Arterial Link or Interchange . Added Fwy Lanes or Major Interchange Imps. . Urban Standards '. - Future Projects 1\1 New Arterial Link or Interchange 1'\1 Added Fwy Lanes or Major Interchange Imps. 1\1 New Collectors ,V Arlertal Capacity Improvement 1\1 Urban Standards ~-~ ~ ""00 l Ii1 TransPlan Future Roadway Projects Eugene-Springfield Metro Area This map illustrates the roadway projects not planned for construction during the 20-year planning period. The map reflects the general location of future projects contained in the Capital Investment Actions RoadWay Projects lisl. Jurisdictions responsible for these projects are the Cities of Eugene and Springfield. Lane County. and the Oregon Department of Transportation. . ; ). . ~ . . I , i , ! ~?8 . Ill1I'ltAl{ -~ , :1\.....'0' -...-w.-..t..-.....+++... H+ "; .':d--.- : t ,r1r I J ". t. ,. ] '~ I " d "'r. f , 'r ,} 11 ~ . I ! ----I I I 010 i ."...~ .ual'lJolfe) '..-...----..~ -( ................ I ( I , \ , " , J , ; ,. ,~--- ~ ~ .'" '--'" , ~ ~ ~: ~J-D~t&~e..c~iv U " " / OCT 1 5 2008 . ,~ , ,. " \ I ~ o -......_........ . 0) ......10 ..H-+H.........~ ~ . ! "-;::'.E,,o I MlI1ll.!!L..-" ~.. , ,,,....' -.... W""'Aot1. .""lA'4 i i 1 t ( ~ .' , f . t , ",' , .c i~fr I , Y, , , . J ,.-aJ =.~ r, J \. f . ,oil" , (~":! ,!t(. ~D.~~ ~~' ... ""0"04' ~~~ .I \ .~. ~, o I p.;J''4~ ~~ ." :;j ~ 99 lla .0 r~ .h , ~ ~ ~"~..~" ~ Note: This map is illustrative and should be used for rererence only. The map depicts approximate locations of existing and proposed transportation facilities. I jI , ~ J., ;' , " .. \ " ~ ~ ~ ') ", ..... RlanneC.Ci "- ( , + o Miles r u..~:~~~~. ATTACHMENT 4-1