HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/15/2009 ., Theodore R. Kulollgoski, Governor Land Conservation and Development Commission 635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 Salem, Oregon 97301-2540 Phone: (503) 373-0050 Fax: (503) 378-5518 LAND CONSE::::~ ::J~:VELOP~::wwwore".~ COMMISSION regon January 15-16,2009 Department of Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol Street, Basement Hearing Room Salem, Oregon The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities, please make requests at least 48 hours before the meeting to Lisa Howard at (503) 373-0050 ext. 271 or bye-mail at lisa.howardlalstate.or.us or by TTY: Oregon Relay Services (800) 735-2900. Public Testimonv The Commission places great value on testimony from the public. People who wish to testify are requested to: . Provide written summaries (20 copies to the .commission Assistant prior to the agenda item) . Recognize that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony . Endorse, rather than repeat, testimony of other witnesses with whom you agree . The Chair may limit time for testimony on any item and may set time limits (usually 3 minutes) for individual speakers Thank you for taking the time to present your views. Note: Because ofthe uncertain length of time needed, the COnlmission may deal with any item at any time in the meeting, except those set for a specific time. Anyone wishing to be heard on any item not having a set time should arrive when the meeting begins to avoid missing an item of interest. Topics not on the agenda may be introduced and discussed during the Director's Report, during the Commission's Business and Reports, or under Other. Please note that in the Commission's efforts to .hold their meetings around the state, staff may not be available to receive written comments (specifically e-mails) for agenda items within 48 hours before the meeting starts. OAR 660-001-0230(2): "Unless the director allows a closer deadline, written testimony must be submitted at least five davs before the commission meeting to be provided to commission members in advance of the meeting." (Emphasis added.) The Commission may continue its meeting through lunch on any day to deliberate on matters on . the agenda. In that event, those persons whose attendance is necessary for any matter of business undertaken during lunch will be required to attend. Date Received J),/';f,~l$_ prannAr~ R. f ./ LCDC Agenda . -2- . January 15-16,2009 Salem, Oregon 8:00 a.m. Thursdav. January 15.2009 Budget and Management Subcommittee. The subcommittee will report to the full Commission during Commission Business and Reports. For additional information, contact Teddy Leland at (503) 373-0050 ext. 237 or bye-mail atteddv.leland(rjJ.state.or.us. 8:30 a.m. Thursdav. January 15. 2009 *1. Public Comment. This part of the agenda is for comments on agenda items and topics not scheduled for public comment elsewhere on the agenda. The Commission chair will set time limits (usually 3 minutes) for individual speakers. The maximum time for all public comments under this agenda item will be limited to 30 minutes. 2. Request to Appeal pursuant to ORS 197.090(2) and (3). and OAR 660-001-0201 to -0230. State law requires Commission approval of the director's decision to seek review of a local government land use decision, expedited land division, or limited land use decision. Only the director (or department staff on the director's behalf), the applicant, and the affected local government may submit written or oral testimony concerning Commission approval of a director's recommendation to file or pursue an appeal, or an intervention in an appeal, of a land use decision, expedited land division, or limited land use decision. 3. Periodic Review pursuant to ORS 197.628 to 197.644 and OAR 660, Division 25. The Commission considers matters related to periodic review usually by way of an appeal of the department's decision or upon referral by the department of a local government's work program or work task submittal. Appeals and referrals of a periodic review work task or work program are decided by the Commission. Oral argument is limited to the appellants, parties, and the local government. The Chair may limit time for testimony and may set time limits (usually 3 minutes) for individual speakers. 4. Review and Approval of 2006-07 Reports on Land Use Decisions in Farm and Forest Zones - ORS 197.065. This biennial report, based on reporting information provided by counties, summarizes and comments on land use decisions and trerids in farm and forest zones from January I, 2006 through December 31, 2007. Also included is a summary of Measure 37 and 49 decisions. For additional information, contact Katherine Daniels at (503) 373-0050 ext. 329 or bye-mail at katherine.danie ls(rjJ,state .or. us. 5. Informational Brief"mg on Climate Change Adaptation. The Commission will hear from department staff on the topic of climate change and the role of the statewide land use planning program in preparing for and adapting to the effects of climate change. Presentations on this topic will be given by the chair of the Oregon Global Warming Commission and other state agencies. The discussion will focus primarily on adaptation and will set the stage for the hearing on a petition for a new statewide planning goal Date Received · Public comment accepted. The chair may limit time for testimony on any item and may set ti,,^e,.l~i~ (1IAlWily 3 minutes) for individual speakers. The Commission encourages written testimony in addition to'ljjJl'mlelM~'rblal testimony in the event there is not enough time to hear everyone who wishes to speak. Items without an asterisW notopenforpublicco~ent. Planner: oJ LCDC Agenda . - 3 - . January 15-16,2009 Salem; Oregon (Agenda Item 6). For additional information, contact Bob Bailey at (503) 373-0050 ext. 281 or bye-mail atbob.bailevlaJ.state.or.us. *6. Public Hearing on Petition for New Statewide Planning Goal on Sea Level Rise. The Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition (OSCC), petitioners for Goal 20 Climate Change - Sea Level Rise, will present information in support of the proposed goal to the commission. Steve Schell and William Kabieseman will represent OSCC, along with selected climate change and land use experts. An opportunity for public comment will then be provided, followed by the department staff report and recommendation for commission action to be presented by Bob Bailey and Paul Klarin. For additional information, contact Bob Bailey at (503) 373-0050 ext. 281 or bye-mail at bob. bailev@state.or.us. 7. Director's Report. The director will report to the Commission regarding the recent operations of the department, including participation in appeals and recent court opinions; program activities and initiatives; organizational and management information; and legislative and policy issues. For additional information, contact Lisa Howard at (503) 373-0050 ext. 271 or bye-mail atlisa.howardlaJ.state.or.us. 8:30 a.m. Fridav. January 16. 2009 8. Informational Briefing on Metro's Regional Housing Needs Analysis. Metro Councilor Robert Liberty will update the Commission on a study conducted by Portland State University's Institute for Portland Metropolitan Studies entitled "Housing Needs Study for the Portland Metropolitan Area." In response to. the recommendations of Metro's Regional Housing Choice Task Force, the report provides information to guide housing choice policy for the Metro Council. They will also brief the Commission on Metro's Regional Housing Revolving Fund, a $1 million loan program for affordable housing. For additional information, contact Meg Femekees at (971) 673-0965 or by e-mail atmeg.femekees@state.or.us. 9. Informational Update on Metro Planning Efforts. Metro will present updates on the status of three major planning efforts that Metro and local governments are carrying out in the Portland area, leading to major policy and investment decisions in 2009 that will shape that area for the next 50 years. The three efforts are: . Adoption of amendments to the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) that will establish the region's transportation investment priorities to 2035. . Designation of urban reserves, which will be areas outside of the current urban growth boundary (UGH) set aside to accommodate potential urban growth over the next 40 to 50 years, as well as rural reserves, which will be areas outside of the UGH that will be protected from urban development during that same 40- to 50-year period. Date Received JAN 1 5 2009 · Public comment accepted. Thecbair may limit time for testimony on any item and m'lEit tim~limits ~uaWJ mirr.utes) f~r individual speakers. The Commission encourages written ~timony in addI,MiO&\or.Aep(0I1!01 testImony m the event there IS not enough tIme to hear everyone who WIshes to speak. Items Without an asterisk are not open for public comment. LCDC Agenda . -4- . January 15-16,2009 Salem, Oregon . Adoption of the urban growth report, a state-mandated analysis of the capacity of the lands within the current UGB to accommodate the next 20 years' worth of population and employment growth. For additional information, contact Bob Rindy at (503) 373-0050 ext. 229 or bye-mail at bob .rindv Ialstate .or. us. 10. Commission Business and Reports. The Budget and Management Subcommittee will report to the Commission. For additional information, contact Teddy Leland at (503) 373- 0050 ext. 237 or bye-mail atteddv.leland@state.or.us. 11. Other. The Commission reserves this time, if needed, for other business or for further consideration of any item on the agenda. Oregon's seven-member Land Conservation and Development Commission, assisted by the Department of Land Conservation and Development, adopts state land use goals, assures local plan compliance with the goals, coordinates state and local planning, and manages the coastal zone program. Commissioners are unpaid citizen volunteers appointed by the Governor and . confirmed by the Senate. Commissioners are appointed to fQur-year terms and may not serve for more than two consecutive terms. The statute establishing the Commission, ORS chapter 197, also directs that members be representative of the state. The Commission meets approximately every six weeks to direct the work of the department. Current Commissioners are: Dennis Derby (Portland) Marilyn Worrix (McMinnville) Hanley Jenkins (Union) Tim Josi (Tillamook) Margaret Kirkpatrick, Vice Chair (Portland) Christine Pellett (Central Point) John H. VanLandingham, Chair (Eugene) . . Meeting dates for 2009 are: March 12-13,2009 April 16--17, 2009 . June 4-5,2009 July 29-31, 2009 September 30-0ctober 2, 2009 November 4-6, 2009 Salem Salem Salem Brookings Hillsboro Springfield The next Commission meeting will be March 12-13,2009, at the Department of Land Conservation and Development, 635 Capitol Street NE, Basement Hearing Room, Salem, Oregon. Date Received JAN 1 !i 2009 · Public com~ent. accepted. The chair may l~i.t time for testimo~y on any it"ln,V~ ~ ~~l~(Uftually 3 mmutes) for mdlVldual speakers. The Commission encourages wntten testimo8Y~~i~~"m II's~ oral testimony in the event there is not enough time to hear everyone who wishes to speak. Items without an asterisk are not open for public comment.