HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 3/12/2009 "tf'lf7lf GUAR_UBLlSHING cOMPM~~e6 ('((fa / W:)<'&,<X) P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 rVOtUJ/u/::JI. 14;'1C;'J1 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Leg:'l' 4164890 Notice .' NOTICE 01-PuBUC-HrARtNG- fi SPRINGFIEiD CITY COUNCIL ;;Notlti! is hereby-glven-that on Moi1day.'March~16,~2009; at 7:00 p:m; in thl!'Council'Chambers'of Springfield;City.IHall,1225 'Rfth I Street.'1'!'Springfield,:,,:-OR .the : Sprin!JfieldCity CounCil wlll coO-: I duct'a!public)hearin!fon.~elfal- , lowing matter.';_:~,'., ~.....~, -. ~ r i-AmendmentS-toTransPlan and the Eugene:.Sprin!ifleld"Metro- politan",Area lGeneral ,:,Plan~ by addlngj Project- #27 ,(Interchange Improvements to:SR 126@Main Street) and-Project'#30 (inter. challQe Improveml!nts,,~to SR 126@52nd:StreeUto'TablelaA.' na.rlclalIY,";';ConStralried\.2D-Year, capital,,':: Investment 7!" 'Actions Roadway' Pioiects,Ust,and i:Ielet~j Ing-tflese-sarne'jirojects,fromTa- blelbFuture'ProjedsUst;C1lrre-.J spiindJng amendments.~ will be ; rnadefto,.,thet'Future ,Roadwily Pnijecls'Uap.(deletion)":arid'the Financially" Consli'alned ;Roadway Mil{I (addltion),"lncludlng-,these proJects'on the . financially ,con-: stralnedlistmeanstheyill1!eli~-l ble"fortedeiil funding during the 2Q.year.c planning-'horizon-:,of TransPJan,...NOTE:, State_,law reoi qulre,sdtles'to'ailopt tranSporta- t1on'T'sYstirii'~plans.that!.InClude transportation:ndli6es;desjgmM to accomiriOdate- 'projed:i!d~ae-' velopmeni.With:ln urban growth boundaries. All projects and maps I contained 'In, the~transportation I s'f:stem.pl~l(mustbe adopt~ as part of the_comprehensive plan: themore the same .tables - and maps.~ed.ln"TransPtan'ill1! contalned~iri\the:Metro 'Plan.arid s1mllarty_amended.. .' '}" , 'IThe~d~i5!.~n'~f~he:c::ity'Coun-l cil:js'finaJ.and,'ma.Y.lbeJappealed. tolthe:Stite,Land use,Boaro."of_ Ajipeals'byJanYone who'hasjp~~j t1~patedln~th~proceedlngs...,1 "'.t'" .Appllcant.v__ .. ~.~ .I~-' "The-city of Sp~nQfleld~~p . ;-'d'Criterla of Approval~~~-;..i ,tlCriterla~t(lj~used,to:eviJuate a MetrO Plan;Text'Amendme_nt Is fOund \!~'::Spnngfi~!d"Dev_elop-- ment Cooe:~Chapter;'S,'1rSedlon S.14-13S(CX1~2)' ariil:"readS ,as foIlOWS:;~:r"": 4 ..t~{.l ...J~, ,n(a)'.The~amendment.must be ,conslstem:'rwith'lthe:"reltva!lf: Lstatewldeipla1iiling'goals'"idopt- 'ed;by;theJ.,and conserva~on,and oevelopment Commission; and li(b) Adoption :ot:the. amend- ment:mustonot.makethe Metro PIA1'-Interilallyhl~riSiStenl -.:. . Additional Information ":",. Staff, . . ,,'Report.p...,.ld.I". T.est~monY., . '. .. T'JI ;tAnyone wJshlng,to.~~1fy on .', ",this matter may, do SO'ln'person, ( \ .-' ~ln-~writin!J; or;.~th, ~,app~ng ..... ..... tafthe hearlng'or sendIng wrtttl!fl correspondenci!; Including'e7maJl, MYCOMo,.theJ).ev._e!op~;s~r::~. ;pIOe-. . 2012 partment,~c1o Gn!9';, .~Ian~1 !nln~' Manager,'225 FlftMS .-- Sjinngfield.OR 974n. or:)~ ,. "gmott@d.springfield.or.us~-';; l1iiehapPlicationand.staffj~ are available for viewingoipitr~ chase'ln "the'DeVefopment.ServIc- eS'Departmenl ,I.. ' " _ _1"_ _'~ '1IPJeasePubllshMMCh'&,2009 . . :<!.~~Mott . .r~.~, ,J... r" , No. -4164890. Marth 6. 2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN LESLIE WILSON 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 """"'- _ ,.e"f) Legal Notice Advertisim!I'(;:~..'; '/' '\;~(;} .. 'l. ~ ~~ \ ,.>A;:':'::-'r, \'! .,,~.. . ~-" # .. ,".\ . . ..'... ;.-~..":.:s.:.:_... ,-' '? ,I AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Ghio Imburgio , being first duly affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, 6f The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive . Day(s) in the following issues: March 06, 2009 ,,~.~.yr ~.~ '~i .I _.. Subscribed a~d.affirmed t;>.. ~a Notary Public of Oregon My commission expires: December 15, 2012 Account #: 1000218 4164890 March 16, 2009 $175.12 Date Received M!:IR 1 (p 2009 Planner: BJ. INVOICE Case: Amt Due: .'\