HomeMy WebLinkAboutMap PLANNER 9/17/2008 " , 126 .[ . , flrl" ~,(l.1 J .. . , /./ ~ t . /' . . @ a.1 - ,c ~ NORO 527 ; ""'''''' ~J o , ~ . "~, . < c .." "" <., E , " 318 ~ 'I - ", ~~ { .. , , *4111'" ., J , .... '" 10, ~ Vit .... ,- "/ \ II.....',.' f · '1/ j ", f / , -' , f ~ " , 1,.; ~ ~ ~ , , J" , 'r .... --:- ---: 1 - ~ a. 2 - AN-l Miles Note ttllS map IS IllustratIVe and should be used fof reference only The map depicts approx.lmate locations of eXlsbng and proposed lransportalion facilities as or the date of this plan, Alignments are I SUbJect 10 change wtlen proJect.level planning IS undertaken July 2007 r ,0<>' 1~ , ... ~ 50. T ~- ,- , \~ al ~..!k "" "" "P , ,::r ,II'; ..... J \"f. ~ t~ , " V , J ~\ i" .~.. . ~"' 11m ., . -'1,., ~ J ../ ~""""....t" -" ..<1 ~ ,. ~ . I, 2031 Regional Transportation Plan Fiscally Constrained Roadway Projects , ~. ~J'. ~', . _-' r!JI'I ...~~- . .. ..... -7- iliiiooi .,04. . .#'ft' , ~ (~IJ' .\ ;"'. ' /1'. HJr;- )'..( "f~~', r.... J , ;.r......"'I II ~.# 'I 'Ji'Y " .;. '" v,rt,jr ,'II ~.) 'I. I ,;, /0/' ",; t J ~,;y~ ,,,. J .r- -- /I ~... - - , '''',.1' "'.I,' Jl1 j1J _ ~,':' i, J. _....:. A -, 4'~~(.;: o. . ~t!;.. '~., f, J , .~ J 1 l (' ... ~l.P'. ,;: ....--} - I. -~~r , #- "'fB~-' JjJ;~ f~~ "f.lu , (~l: ~. 'Ik_~p ~ ~ 1, I '7"'!."'" 'I ~ ""~J' If ~ , .~ <' ~ ' J ""~. \' ~-s. ~ ~ ~ . ~ eill~ .. , . New Arterial link or Interchange . Added Freeway Lanes I Major Interdlange Improvements . Arterial Capacity Improvements <I> Study - New Arterial Link or Interchange - Added Freeway lanes I Major interchange - Arterial Capacity Improvements - New Collector - Urban Standards Study Urban growth boundaries MPO Boundary , ~ ~t: 828 ?~ em. u ~ ~I e , ill ii 93 ~ 897 i( " : ~~ ./ ~project 30 - OR 126 @ 52nd st.1 - ~ ..sr ~r n r ~I J ~. .. ,. ~ ~ . t ~g l ~ ( f ~, ~ ~ J @) ,.. .I' i... rr ~~~ ell M ~ . ...!. .-/ .... ) - 1"- / .~ . .. r. ., P'f ;/ p,-# , ' .,1.'.;-' f.. ~ --1,J1' I- " . . - , . -~ I (llflU un .,- ..... ..11 MPO Map_ b LCOG