HomeMy WebLinkAboutReceipt PLANNER 3/8/2010 . el- MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: March 8, 2010 TO: Mary Smith, Accounting Technician/Assessments FROM: Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist SUBJECT: Reconciliation of Miscellaneous Deposits Philip Marvin- BM 37 Deposit, receipt # 320080000000001146 '" The following deposit fees totaling $ 500.00 were deposi~ed in Miscellaneous Deposits account 821-215525 to off-set City cost regarding BM 37 Claim. City cost for processing BM37 Application $708.01. No refund due to applicant Deposit Date 7/17/2007 LRP2007-00023 Philip Marvin 1146 Amount of Deposit $500.00 Journal Number Name of Applicant Receipt # Please make the following Journal entries to re-class the applicant's deposit in Miscellaneous Deposit, for reimbursement of City cost incurred on the project: . $500.00 to 481001-100-00000 If you have any questions, please contact Brenda Jones at ~nsi.on 3610. . . . 1~ Approved: City Manager Date Signed:~t:~/() Date Signed: l('!,D Date Receiveo MAR. 8 2010 Planner: BJ . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.3753 DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (Please type or print) Too Blue LLC Name of Property Owner Philip and Joan Marvin Name of Rrm PO Box 2055 Bill Kloos Name of Representative (If Any) Law Office of Bill Kloos, PC Name of Firm 375 W. 4th St., Suite 204 Eugene, OR 97402 City, State, Zip (541) 302-1778/(541) 345-1811 (f) Street Address Eugene, OR 97401 Street Address City, State, Zip (541) 343-8596/(541) 343-8702 (f) Phone Fax Phone Fax PUBLIC MEETING Does Owner request a public meeting? Yes NoX PRIVATE REAL PROPERTY DSCRIPTION A Demand shall be for a for a single property or separate contiguous properties under the same ownership Map and Tax Lot # 17-03-34-4'1 Tax Lots 100 and 300 No site address - north west corner of Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River Site Address Owner.'s Interest In the Real Property Property Owner REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM) AND COMPLETENESS This Demand and all attachments required on the reverse side at this fonn must be provided before acceptance by the City Manager. Only after acceptance will the 180 day processing period commence as specified under Ballot Measure 37. (Springfield Municipal Code Sec. 2.900 et sec.) . ClFI'ICIAL IlEAL DANlEL A. ftRREU NOTARY P1JIIUC-OREGON ota~SlON NO, 393813 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 13. 2009 NOTARIZED SIGNATURES i/WeJ.cU^ r1'\v'vill Il. depose and say that l/we am/are the owner(s) of the private real property that Is the subject of this Demand and the same is true as I/we verily believe. , . c:ifi~(!/YJa/vt~CA-7CVvI/~ er Signature Re sentative Signature X Owner Signature Subscribed to me this J.l day of J U \ '1 20QJ.. Notary Signature ~ Ci J~ DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Approval of compensation or modification, n:moval or non-application of land use regulation docs not warrant or otherwise guarantee that the prcscnr: property owner or any successors interest can legally we the subject property for the purpose, or in the manner, approved by the City as such use or pwposc may impact third parties, including rights established by Covenants, Conditiom and Restrictiom (CC&R.s), other private restrictions, or other regulations, restrictions or contracts. STAFF COMPLETES THIS SECTION File# l..RPdOO-l-OOOa~teDemandSubmltted 1- 17-0, Received by: $5CO~ Yl'l:fl.Oolo ~ooo8~ Fee Paid Date Demand Accepted for Processing MAR 82010 Planner; BJ . . LAW OFFICE OF BILL KLOOS, PC OREGON LAND USE LAW 375 W. 4TH STREET. SUITE 204 EUGENE, OR 97401 TEL (541) 343-8596 FAX (541) 343-8702 E-MAIL 8ILLKLOOS@LANDUSEOREGON.COM July 17, 2007 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Measure 37 Claim by Too Blue LLC Assessor's Map: 17-03-34-41, TLs 100 and 300 Dear City of Springfield: Please accept this letter, and the supporting materials, as a claim for relief under Measure 37. This claim is filed on behalf of the current title holder, Too Blue LLC. This claim relates to the land above, which is further described in the materials enclosed. The balance of this letter is organized under the checklist items in the city's application form. The owner intends to supplement this application. 1. Application Form: See attached form and checklist of 11 required items. Some of the items' requested by the City are only partially submitted here. The applicant intends to promptly submit the additionaJ supporting information. . 2. Property Description: Tax Lot information appears on the application form.and above. The metes and bounds property description appears on the warranty deed, instrument number 9857393, recorded July 21,1998, to Too Blue LLC. The deed appears in attachment 2 hereto. 3. Title Report: A current preliminary title .report appears in Attachment 3 hereto. The showing the title was acquired by Too Blue LLC on July 21,1998. A formal Ballot Measure 37 Title Report will be submitted to supplement this application. 4. Copy of Regulations Applicable to the Demand: The claim seeks compensation for or relief from the restrictions adopted in Ordinance No. 6137 (July 18, 2005). 5. Demand Statement: The applicant desires to use the property for uses allowed by the plan and zone designations as they existed prior to the adoption of the new regulations in Ordinance No. 6137 (July 18, 2005). The subject regulations diminished the value of the subject property in an amount 0[50% of its fair market value, or not less than $3.5 million. The claimant will supplement this application with a formal appraisal valuing the property with and without the regulations complained of. The compensation of$3.5 million should be paid to the title holder, Too Blue LLC. As an alternative to payment of compensation, the City should wiJateif\eCeived MAR 8 2010 Planner: BJ . . City of Springfield July 17, 2007 Page 2 of3 of the new regulations and allow the property to b,e developed for uses allowed prior to the date of the ordinance. 6. Demand Criteria: The City has enacted Ordinance No. 6137, which is a land use regulation that restricts the use of the real property. The restriction reduces the fair market value of the real property. The restriction was enacted on July 18, 2005, after the applicant acquired the property. The land use regulation at issue here is not an exempt regulation in the meaning ofSMC Section 2.920(4). Ordinance No. 6137 applied a range of new land use regulations to the subject property through amendment to the Metro Plan, refinement plans and code amendments. It designated the subject property as being in a "River Opportunity Area." It changed the Metro Plan designation and the Glenwood Refinement Plan designations to Mixed Use/Nodal Development. It added text amendments to the Glenwood Refinement Plan that limit development of the subject property. And it adopted a new zoning district, the Glenwood Riverfront zone (GR), SDC Article 44, that will apply specific development standards and a special development review process to the subject property. Collectively, the new restrictions in Ordinance No. 6137 limit the development options for the subject property and impose more complex, discretionary and costly procedures for approving development. These new restrictions include, but are not limited to: a 50,000 square foot limitation on building size (SDC 44.090); a prohibition on drive-through uses (SDC 44.070(13); a potential Type IV review and decision process for this site, which is larger than five acres (SDC 44.030(2)(c); new limitations on allowed uses (SDC 44.070); additional density and general development standards (SDC 44.100); heightened development standards for property that fronts on the Willamette River (SDC 44.120), including a minimum 75-foot setback from the top of bank (SDC 44.120(2)(a)); percentage limitation for uses (commercial, residential and open space) in the plari area that will severely limit the potential uses on the subject 'property; and incorporation of mixed. use development standards from SDC Chapter 40. . . 7. Appraisal: The applicant wil!' submit a formal appraisal meeting the citY's standards. 8. Additional Documentation: The applicant will submit copies of restrictions shown in the title report. 9. Access to Property: The City Manager and/or his designee may have access to the property to evaluate this claim, subject to reasonable notice being given to the owner. 10. Fee: The City fee accompanies this application. 11. Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulation: The regulations complained ofhere are not exempt from this claim. The regulations are not directed activities commonly recognized .' as public nuisances. The regulations are not intended to promote public health or safeTIate Received MAR 8 l010 Planner: B" City of Springfield July 17, 2007 Page 3 of3 . . are not required to comply with federal law. They do not relate to pornography. The regulations were e cted after the date the claimant acquired the property. Encl. ,) . .~.. Date Received MAR 82010 Planner: BJ ~ 0' ; . '. . .. ; .. . , . "t" ,/ u j:-l'~ .:1." '" ()' , , l ~;-:- ~-,^'''' .,' . = . . 400 i .~:l . E 0 0 ~. I " ~ ~ . "5' ~ T .. _ _ . i ." J;["-xr==-'-_.~.!: - L P .0)3" L.J-\I-.L .:.t .k' ""~w. 'Z"'7_a.' k,""of ~'.r4"~ , ~Cnr. 700 "- '- . . " Le-;;-ean"kO, Mea1der PI. "" 1.16 1t75.~' 50.) 1~.7 . J' ."5.'" :17tO . . o ;: ~ JS. . . I. l II 0' ii) r-...rr. -i-~, , 0.... ~ , - S..","" -!!"1- z.,e"*-" _.....'10' ,,".....~.. --~8....I.. '!._.~,... ~. -- - ~y '-'VV''1'1 Tall Lotted on 17Q33414 1"'100' . . \ ~ \ \ .... CITY OF SPRINGFI D 17 -03-34-41 TL 100, 30 Tal Lolled on 17033523 0' 9-01 ----- "'- ~:;.~ '8, '1 ~ ~ << .".~ <<'".. ".. <<' ~ ... ~.I;.... ~.... .... /&....". " At.Balk "- Meander PI. '" .p .....~ <<'.p " "" ~ . . " "- " ~ Date Received 'MAR 8 2010. Planner: BJ Aff,:a__ ~~ '" 300 " " " .. n , ' ~ " "- t S.8""S9'~ """.1" '" 1 , ..,,/// J// // // / ]Yo' D..~ ", .... l \ 1 .) ,s...&' (,11 ,I . .~/. .-}., - .:...~~"';, .' .1'....1"" fJ'r..~ -- , ,,~ .:,.~.'. .. SeeN !;u MaD 170334 4 4 . . I RETURN TO CASCAOE nru CO. 3~LE NO. 214m 0 -ESCROW NO. EU9S-BOC'tE LJ TAX ACC'T. NO. 299667 l..es '7 TAX ACCT. NO. 2996B3 ..... . 17~~3 ."3'1 - 'I-! -q. /~ 9857393 - _M_ CASCADE TITLe ca. " WARRAN'n' DEED -. STA'I'tn'ORY rOBH PBrLIP 10. MARVDf and JOAN C. HIUlVDI, Grantor, conveys and warrants to \~ ~ TOO BLas LtC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grante., the following described real property tree of encumbrances except .. specifically set forth herein: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE THIS nrSTRCMENT wn.L NOt ALLOW OSB OJ" 'rHB PROPERTY DESCRIBED m TRIS nrS'l'RCHENT m VIOLATION 01" APPL'ICADLE LAND lJSE LANS AND Rl!:G1JLA1'IONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCU''1'ING THIS INSTR1JMEN'l', nm PERSON ACQC'l:R.DlG FEZ TITLE TO '!'HE PROPERTY SHOOLD CKBc::B: WI'1'H THE APPROPRUn: an all CotJN'l"Y pLANNnm DBPARHJW"1' '1'0 VB1lI:FY APPROVED 'C'SZS AND' TO DE'l'ERHDm ANY LIKI':!! ON LAHSO"ITS AGAINST FARMING OR. rORBST PRAC'rIC'ES AS DBVnmD Dr OKS 30.930. The true consideration tor this conveyance is NONE i!f!!!!llJl..2I'9BHIl5REC 10.00 ~.21J98IID5PFlN) to.OO !!!Q!JIJL.21'9BH05AIT ruM) 20.00 Cated this .;2/ ILly V' PHI~~ day of , ".fL.. ~J.",d"/?1I.>""'~ J . HARVIN STATE Of" ORE:G9N, County ot ~/J.L1' 1 SG. This instrument was. acknowledged before me on ~ PHILIP L. MARVIN and JOAN C. MARVIN "ilL-. . ~d':'--, (l ik~~ Dt. ry Publice:;tor Ore~n My commission expires: 60 V.- oil - ........... ISllI!lHllll!l!ll rmAJn'1'lJllI.X:.0RBKJI COIHSSIOONO.0S2684 ----IIY~EXPII5,UlEc,= PHILl PL. MARVIN PO BOX 2055 EUGENE. OR 91402 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is request.ed all tax stat.ement.s ahall be sent to the following address: ... SAMB AS GRANTEE ... TOO BLUE LLC PO BOX 2055 EUGENE. OR 97402 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to: CASCADB TITLE CO. 811. NILLM:E'l"I'E EUGENE, OR 9'401 i i I' I I [ , r " I I I I ! i l i I L i " i , ! - ,. i* , r Date Received 8 2010 MAR [ Planner: BJ ":.:-'? -"'T'",7;" - !if " . . I ., ~ ',: 'au} )/0' <T-n,us 0" W7/ -10~~ 9857393 ~,;t PROPERTY D~SCRIPTION PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point which is 503.0 feet East and 273.5 teet North of the Northwest corner of tbe Daniel McVey Donation Land Claim No. 82, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; said point being marked by an iron pipe; from said beginning point run North 652.0 feet to the Willamctte ~iver; ehence meandering said river up stream as follows: South 41- 11' East 633.9 feet; thence South 34- 45' Bast 470.8 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way line of the MclCe.nzis High\liay; thence leaving said river and following said right of way line South 64- 47' West 346.7 feet to an iron pipe; thence North IS. 44' West 152.1 feet to an iron pipe; 'thence South 83- 59' Wcat 56.7 feet to an iron pipel thence North 45- 3D' West 179.4 !eet to an iron pipe; thence North 87. 29' West '5.3 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 84.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence West 81.0 feet to the place o! beginning, being a part of Section 34, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT that portion described in Final Judgment in favor of State 'ot Oregon by arid through its State Highway Commission filed Dec~er 12, 1947, Case No. 33924, Circuit Court of the State o! Oregon. . i .1 PARCEL 2: ( ! i, ! I , I .'~ Beginning at a point which is 684.0 feet East of the Northwest corner of the Daniel McVay Donation Lane Claim No. 82, Township 17 South, Range] Heat, willillllctte Meridian, from said beginning point.run North 1B9.0 feet; thence South 871 29' East 65.3 feet; thence South 4S. 30' East 95.9 feet, thence South II 24' Bast 192.3 feet I thence South 71 40' East 78.8 feet to the Northerly right of way line. of the McKenzie Highway; thence following said right of way line Southwesterly along arc of ~ spiral curve to the rigbt. (the long chord of which bears South 76- 48' West 127.5 feet) a distance of 127.6 feetr thence leaving said right of way line and run North 1'. 15' West 110.0 feet; thence North 94.3 feet to the place of ~eginning, being a part of Section 34, Lane County, Oregon; BXCEPTING that part of the above described real property conveyed to Earl L. Dickson and wife, by instrument recorded February 7, 1938, in Book 193, Page 321, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Stiillte of Oregon County or lAne - ss. ~lh=CallnlyalU'k.InAmlrarlhtwld Cwnty, do hereby cinlly that the \IIi1hln Instrument \l/U ~11Illl ror ruamI at 'I i , ,. ; I , i I , , R.. '98 JUl21 PK 2'09 2444R i' I Un, Caunty OFFICAI. Retonb Lan,ecn...lyOtrlr {J,;f1 A .-J.,f..)l CaunlyClr!Tk "" ..nw-'-- ...",,11 t~Ut'. '. ','l."f ;fJ :.... f Oi. I' ill~ ;t, ,. , < .'T::.o-. " ., Date Received r "MAR 8 2010 l Planner: BJ I J '. . . n'-I...nn IV Wt.II.""UC 111L.C IOU. ,. . ;',:. to " ..~.;. - .-. CAB~Ce ........ CC. /7-tJ3- 3r-~--/4FIt1"tl ddOTITL2NO. . / ESCROW NO. 9857392 TJ\X ACCT. NO. WARRANTY DEED -. S'I'ATtTI'OU' FORM \ 214/41SQJ. 20;8-2501 will 299567, 2995'B3 EMERALD VlLLEY PUBLISHING CO., aD Oregon Corporation. Grantor, conveys and warrants to PHILIP L. HARVZN and JOAN C. ~N. Grantee, Ie l~~ the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically Bct forth herein: SEE BXHIB~T A WHICH IS MADB A PAR'l' HEREOF BY 'l'1lIS REFERENCE nn:s INS'l'R1JMENT WILL NOT ALI.CW OSB 01 TBB PROPER'fY DESCRIBED IN THIS DiSTll.mmH'1' IN VIOLA'l'ION OF .APPLICABLB LANO USB LANS AND RBG1JLAnONS. SEFORB SI<nmro OR ACCEPTING THIS INS'l'X1JHENT. rm: PERSON ACQU~NO PEl TITLB TO '1'BB PHOPiRn SHODIoD cmc::x WITH THE APPROflUATE CITY OR CODm'l' PLANNING DE,PAllMEN'1' TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND '1'0 DBTERMINE ANY LIMrrS ON LAW5D'I'1'S AGAINST FARMING OR POREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN 023 30.'JO. Bxcept the following encumbrances: 1998/99 taxes which are a lier. but n9t yet due and payable. COVENANTS, CONDITIonS, RESTRICTIONS AND RASEMENTS OF RECORD. .:/ This transaction 1s part of a simultaneous tax deferred exchange. ,.',' The true consideration for this- conveyan~~ is exchange for property of equal value Dated this 2-r'i.t-day Ofc?7 ./ .1'~. EMERALD VALLE'Y PUBLISHING co. By,.~4 p? 't H. LAN i!!l9ZJIJL.2J '98U05REC 10.110 '007I\Jl.2J'98UIl5PF\.W 10.00 'OO1JUL.21 '98U05A&T fUND 211.00 President ~;. OREGON, COWlty of ,~_n~ fss. ST1\TS OF . ,. H. L!SU!JHUllIlE9 NOTNI'I'NII.m.OIEGlJI """"""'1<<l052084 Y'tcaDlSSCllEXNEB.u.:E4,m:a EMERALD VALLEY PUBLISKING CO. PO BOX 21705 EUGENE. OR 97402 'GRANTOR'S NAME 1\ND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statemencs shall be Bent to the following address: *. * SAME: AS GRANTEE *.. PHILIP L. MARVIN PO BOX 2055 EUGENE. OR 97402 GRANTEE'S NAME AND 1\DDRESS After recorUing return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. Bl1 WILI.AMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401. i ! [ l r I ! I' I ~ r I I l " 'f l. r f. r I f I I ;. i i : , ; Date Received MAR 8 2010 [ Planner: BJ fiF ':T:: ill L I ~I - ,.~ '.' ,,:"" <. . '. I .,. i;u~ wo; C'I'-~l4mlZ> rjJ1'? fq At\(,.rv,~..s 985739Z ~jt PROPERTY D~SCRIPTION PARCEL 1: . Beginning at a point which is 603.0 feet East and 273.5 teet North of the Northwest corner of the Daniel McVey Donation Land Claim No. . 82, Township 11 South, Range ) West of the Willamette Meridian; said point being marked by an iron pipe; from ~~id bcgir~ng point run North 652.0 feet to the Willamette RiVer; thence meandering said river up atream as tollows: South 41' 111 East ")),9 teet; thence South )(' 451 East 470.S feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way line of the McKenzie gighwaYi thence leaving said river and following said right of way line South 641 47' West 346.7 feet to an iron pipe; thence North IS' 44' Weat 152.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 83- 59' West 56.1 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 45- 301 West 119.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence Norch 87. 29' West 65.3 feet to an iron pipe; thence North B4.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence West 81.0 feet to the place of beginning, being a part of Segtion 34, in Lane County, oregon; EXCEPT that portion described in Final Judgment in favor of State of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission tiled December 12, 1947, Case No. 33924, Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. . PARCEL 2: Beginning at a point which is 684.0 teet East of the Northwest corner of the Daniel MCVay Donation Lane Claim No. 82, Township 17 South, Range J West, Willamette Meridian, from said beginning point run North 189.0 feet I thence South 87- 29' Bast 65.3 feet; thence South 45- 30' East 95.S feet; thence South,l- 24' East 192.3 feet; thence South 7. 40' East 7B.8 feet to the Northerly right of way line of the McKenzie Highway; thence following said right of way line Southwesterly along arc of a spiral curve to the right. (the long chord of which bears South 76- 4B' West 127.5 feet) a distance of 127.6 feet; thence leaving said right of way line and run North 16. 151 West 110.0 feet; thence North 9t.J feet to the place of beginning. being a part of Section 34, Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPTING that part of the above deseribed real property conveyed to Earl L. Dickson and wife, by instrument reeorded February 7, 193B, in Book 193, Page 321, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Ore9~n. .... 1 *f!':, - ---.- ~~l ' ~, ~.:;.; ~ ~ \~ i I ',\ :Li,; :, '. ~'1' : ! 1:k:. . .".1 . "". (, ;. ~ ';J Slate of Oregan County of Lane - 55. l,lhIClunIyOlrk,In4ndlorlh.,ald Ccunry,dahmbyC2l1lrythatlhlwithln 1rutrurnenl\IIU~IDrTRCDn:laI '9SJUL21PH 2:08 R~ 2444R Lan. Cwnty OFFICIAL RICOfds Lan. County CkrX "", fl.;fl..-! -4...f..:y CounlyCllrk I ... I ~ I~ I, I): I ,. . ....~... r"W :. . ~:: :.{ 'w;:' ,. ; ; i I i , I ! f ~ I i I f I , I I , i L , I I f I ,. I i i. ! ! Date Received .1. MAR 8 2010 Planner: BJ [ :\. ..JIt .. " .,; } . . ORDINANCE No. 6137 IN THE MATIER OF AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) DIAGRAM FOR PROPERTY IN THE GLENWOOD AREA, WITH CONCURRENT GLENWOOD REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM, REFINEMENT PLAN TEXT AMENDMENTS, AND SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENTS, AND ADOPTING SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES. WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council is committed to establishing policies and procedures to guide development in Glenwood in the area known as "Subarea 8: The River Opportunity Area", in the Glenwood Refinement Plan, excepting the parcels south of the railroad tracks, and as such, initiated the following Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram and concurrent Glenwood Refinement Plan diagram amendment, Glenwood Refinement Plan Text amendment and Springfield Development Code amendment on September 20, 2004: Redesignate approximately 47.5 acres of land from "Commercial! Industriall Multi- Family Residential Mixed Use" to "Mixed Use/Nodal Development", amend the Glenwood Refinement Plan to add policies and procedures to guide development; and amend the Springfield Development Code to add "Article 44: Glenwood Riverfront (GR) Plan District", 10. No. LRP 2004-00031, CitY. of Springfield, applicant. WHEREAS, the combined application conforms to the provisions of Section 3.050 of the Springfield Development Code for providing timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14.030 of the Springfield Development Code, as well as applicable provisions of Lane Code (LC) chapter 12; and WHEREAS, on April 19,2005, public hearings on the Metro Plan diagram and concurrent Glenwood Refinement Plan diagram amendment; Glenwood Refinement Plan text amendments, and Springfield Development Code amendments were held. No persons testified in favor or against the proposed amendments. The Planning Commissions of Lane County and the City of Springfield held the written record open until April 29, 2005, in order to solicit more written testimony from interested parties. The Development Services staff notes, including criteria of approval, findings, and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of those persons testifying at the hearing or in writing, have been considered and are part of the record. In accordance with Chaoter IV Plan Amendments and Refinements of the Metro Plan, Policy 6, the Springfield Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Springfield City Council to adopt the package of amendments on May 18, 2005. The Lane County Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners to adopt the amendments on June 7, 2005; and . WHEREAS, Chapter IV Plan Amendments and Refinements of the Metro Plan, Policy 13 requires Metro Plan and refinement plan amendments to be referred to the other two jurisdictions for review and determination of Metro Plan consistency; and WHEREAS, The City of Eugene was provided a referral notice on March 17,2005. No response from the City of Eugene was received that indicated the proposed amendments have. a Regional Impact; and Date Received MAR 8 2010 Planrler: BJ . . PHILIP L. MARVIN JOANe. MARVIN P.o. BOX 2055 EUGENE, OREGON 97402 PACIFIC CONTINENTAL BANK EUGENE. OR 97402 96-513/1232 ~'&jC~ ~!!tt::lfL}J- '- LN ~ . U/V\!:.';;( . . >' -0 """J Q) CD :> .- ~ CD . . = to- 'U '" OJ CD 0<:> a: C "" C Q) <l: <<i ::a (t) - a.. 4333 7'/707'd , ~ I $,,)0 () c:' V -- DOLLARS fD i ~ , 'il E . . , ~ of " ." , ~ ~ ~.' _.~_1J(~tLt~~-'"'-~ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE MEMO . c o B '~ o 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone . Iilii .ity of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3:50:28PM 2200700000000001146 Date: 07/17/2007 Job/Journal Number Description LRP2007-00023 . Ballot Measure 37 Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check PHILIP MARVIN cRcccintl Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received kal 4333 In Person Payment Total: , I '1. J , . .' ,< Amount Due 500,00 $500.00 Amount Paid $500,00 $500.00 \1)"- ",-\,,/;11.\ v~<~ ~ ' Il.y\ y/' Page I ofl Date Received MAR B ?OIO Planner: BJ 7/17n007 . . DEPOSITS-MEASURE 37 821.215525 ACCOUNT RECONCilIATION: 1/31/10 \ DATE IRANS TYPE I liTEM DESCRIPTION 30-Nov-06 1-0e0-06 1-0e0-06 1-0ec-06 l-Oec-o6 17 -Jul-07 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 BLDGIPROJ I DSO RECEIPT # SHllO INN '-R-p;;. 00(, -00 0 0 I PURCELL LIVING TRUST L-~p 'J-oo ~- 00 0 ~:;l.. OAK LEAF PROPERTY MGMT /...R.I'61 00 ~ -C ou ""3 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH EUGENE /-IJ.f ~O 0 c,- 00" :34- BARBARA PARMENTER t-R.P.;! 0"01. - 0 C-O~'3 PHILIP MARVIN L.-It~ :;'(111~ "Otl~ v:lcommonlmary\215525 Measure 37 Deposits 0B-Mar-10 0.00 AMOUNTI ACCT. TOTAL I 598 ~ 500.00 600 -t'I1do/ 500.00 602--md'rp 500.00 1713'f\'U.t 500.00 1714 IUu 500.00 1146 IHU'P 500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 OK TO FLG Date Received MAR 82010 Planner: BJ L24g 8M 37 APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES . Oak Leaf Property First Baptist Chur.ch .: Philip Marvin (TOO Shllo Inn Purcell Living Trust Management (Eugene) Barbara Parmenter Blue, LLC) Joumal Number LRP2006.00031 LRP2006-00032 LRP2006.00033 LRP2006-00034 LRP2006.00035 LRP2006-00023 Date Submitted November 30, 2006- December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 July 17, 2007 . City Attorney Cost: Time Soent on Aoolication 3.80 Hours 3.70 Hours 24.40 Hours No Time Expended 26.60 Hours 3.90 Hours Cost $342.00 $407.50 $1,539.50 $0.00 $2,695.00 $435.00 Planner Assigned to Application Gary Karp Marl< Metzger Marl< Metzger Marl< Metzger Gary Karp Gary Karp Time spent on: Aoolication Intake 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Application Review for Comoleteness 2.00 2.00 2.00 . 2.00 2.00 2.00 Prepare Incomolete Letter 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Mail Incomplete Leter _ 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Review revised materials 1.00 1.00 Prepare Staff report 20.00 20.00 PreoareNotice 1.00 1.00 Mail Notice 0.30 0.30 Respond to notified Residnets 0.50 0.50 Present Reoort to Citv Council -1.00 Prepare Notice of Decision 0.50 Total Hours Scent 4.60 4.60 28.90 4.60 27.40 4.60 Planner Hourlv Charge-Out Rate $59.35 $59.42 $59.42 $59.42 $59.35 $59.35 Total Cost for Application Process $273.01 $273.33 $1,717.24 $273.33 $1,626.19 $273.01 City Total Cost $615.01 $680.83 $3,256.74 $273.33 $4,321.19 $708.01 Amount of Deposit Submitted $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Balance Due to City $115.01 $180.83 $2,756.74 -$226.67 $3,821.19 $208.01 . . . re :l9UUeld mol. 8 B\1V1 pal\!tKJa~ alBa