HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/27/2007 ~ - . . SPRINGFIELD City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.3753 DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (Please type or print) Too Blue LLC Bill Kloos Name of Representative (If Any) Law Office 01 Bill Kloos, PC Name of Property Owner Philip and Joan Marvin Name of Firm PO Box 2055 Name of Firm 375 W. 4th St., Suite 204 Street Address Street Address Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97402 City, State, Zip (541) 302-1778/(541) 345-1811 (I) City, State, Zip (541) 343-8596/(541) 343-8702 (I) Phone Fax Phone Fax PUBLIC MEETING Does Owner request a public meeting? Yes NoL PRIVATE REAL PROPERTY DSCRIPTION A Demand shall be for a for a single property or separate contiguous properties under the same ownership Map and Tax Lot # 17 -03-34-41 Tax Lots 1 00 and 300 No site address - north west corner 01 Franklin Boulevard and the Willamette River Site Address Owner's Interest in the Real Property Property Owner REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM) AND COMPLETENESS This Demand and all attachments required on the reverse side of this form must be provided before acceptance by the City Manager. Only after acceptance will the 180 day processing period commence as specified under Ballot Measure 37. (Springfield Municipal Code Sec. 2.900 et sec.) (I 0FflCIAL8EAL . . DANIEL A. T!RAEU. . .. NOTARY PUBlJC.OREGON . otarvCOWlSSlON NO. 393813 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 13, 2009 NOTARIZED SIGNATURES I . 1M. ^ ' I/We,~C:U1\ Y' IbV VII\ & depose and say that Ijwe am/are the oWl1er(s) of the private real property that is the subject of this Demand and the s~me is true as Ijwe verily believe. ~VM-e/7 '. er Signature ~ X Owner Signature Subscribed to me this rr day of J U \ '1 20QJ.. Notary Signature ~ to J~ DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Approval of compensation or modification, removal or non-application of land use regulation does nol warrant or otherwise guarantee that the present propert)' owner or any successors interest can legally use the subject property for the purpose, or in the manner, approved by the City as such use or purpose may impact third parties, including rights established by Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), other private restrictions, or other'regulations, restrictions or contracts, STAFF COMPLETES THIS SECTION tR.R -1- ooa~ . - Fiie# I..- ~oo 0 Date Demand Submitted 1- I 7 - 0 7 E$ 5CO ~ P~::f2.0ofo-OOo80 Received by: JUL 2'1 ~~1 Planner: BJ Fee Paid Date Demand Accepted for Processing '..;. . . LAW OFFICE OF BILL KLOOS, PC 375 W. 4'" STREET, SUITE 204 EUGENE, OR 97401 TEL (541) 343-8596 FAX (541) 343-8702 E-MAIL BILLKLOOS@LANDUSEOREGON.COM OREGON LAND USE LAW July 17, 2007 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Measure 37 Claim by Too Blue LLC Assessor'sMap: 17-03-34-41, TLs 100 and 309 Dear City of Springfield: Please accept this letter, and the supporting materials, as a claim for relief under Measure 37. This claim is filed on behalf of the current title holder, Too Blue LLC. This claim relates to the land above, which is further described in the materials enclosed. The balance of this letter is organized under the checklist items in the city's application form. The owner intends to supplement this application. 1. Application Form: See attached form and checklist of 11 required items. Some of the items requested by the City are only partially submitted here. The applicant intends to promptly submit the additional supporting information. 2. Property Description: Tax Lot information appears on the application form and above. The metes and bounds property description appears on the warranty deed, instrument number 9857393, recorded July 21,1998, to Too Blue LLC. The deed appears in attachment 2 hereto. 3. Title Report: A current preliminary title report appears in Attachment 3 hereto. The showing the title was acquired by Too Blue LLC on July 21,1998. A formal Ballot Measure 37 Title Report will be submitted to supplement this application. 4. Copy of Regulations Applicable to .the Demand: The claim seeks compensation for or relief from the restrictions adopted in Ordinance No. 6137 (July 18,2005). 5. Demand Statement: The applicant desires to use the property for uses allowed by the plan ahd zone designations as they existed prior to the adoption of the new regulations in Ordinance No. 6137 (July 18,2005). The subject regulations diminished the value of the subject property in an amount of50% of its fair market value, or not less than $3.5 million. The claimant will supplement this application with a formal appraisal valuing the property with and without the. regulations complained of. The compensation of$3.5 million should be paid to the title holder, Too Blue LLC. As an alternative to payment of compensation, the City shoult1~tea~~~i~1ved ' '. JUL2'l~7 , Planner: BJ . . City of Springfield July 17, 2007 Page 2 of3 of the new regulations and allow the property to be developed for uses allowed prior to the date of the ordinance. 6. Demand Criteria: The City has enacted Ordinance No. 6137, which is a land use regulation that restricts the use of the real property. The restriction reduces the fair market value of the real property. The restriction was enacted on July 18, 2005, after the applicant acquired the property. The land use regulation at issue here is not an exempt regulation in the meaning ofSMC Section 2.920(4). Ordinance No. 6137 applied a range of new land use regulations to the subject property through amendment to the Metro Plan, refinement plans and coge amendments.' It designated the subject property as being in a "River Opportunity Area." It changed the Metro Plan designation and the Glenwood Refinement Plan designations to Mixed UseINodal Development. It added text amendments to the Glenwood Refinement Plan that limit development of the subject property. And it adopted a new zoning district, the Glenwood Riverfront zone (GR), SDC Article 44, that will apply specific development standards and a special development review process to the subject property. .._<it Collectively, the new restrictions in Ordinance No. 6137 limit the development options for the subject property and impose more complex, discretionary and costly procedures for approving development. These new restrictions include, but are not limited to: a 50,000 square foot limitation on building size (SDC 44.090); a prohibition on drive-through uses (SDC 44.070(13); a potential Type N review and decision process for this site, which is larger than five acres (SDC 44.030(2)(c); new limitations on allowed uses (SDC 44.070); additional density and general development standards (SDC 44.100); heightened development standards for property that fronts on the Willamette River (SDC 44.120), including a minimum 75-foot setback from the top of bank (SDC 44.120(2)(a)); percentage limitation for uses (commercial, residential and open space) in the plan area that will severely limit the potential uses on the subject property; and incorporation of mixed use development standards from SDC Chapter 40. ~ 7. Appraisal: The applicant will submit a formal appraisal meeting the city's standards. 8. Additional Documentation: The applicant will submit copies of restrictions shown in the title report. 9. Access to Property: The City Manager and/or his designee may have access to the property to evaluate this claim, subject to reasonable notice being given to the owner. 10. Fee: The City fee accompanies this application. 11. Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulation: The regulations complained ofhere are not exempt from this claim. The regulations are not directed activities commonly recognized as public nuisances: The regulations are not intended to promote public health' ot)a~e RE!ce\ved JUL 21 ~1 Planner: BJ ;. . City of Springfield July 17, 2007 Page 3 of3 . are not required to comply with federal law. They do not relate to pornography. The regulations were e cted after the date the claimant acquired the property. J (/ ---".. ~/~ Enc!. v Date Rece\vetl JUL 21!Pf7//--- Plan'ner. BJ ,<r .I~&"W '~..". ..:>",,,:t.'<.o: .s,,_ ;w " ~ . " 1.16 IOS." , . 0 , . . ~ N " . . . ~5~ " ~ . . ~ -'::"IleX; E 0 \' 0 . . ,., oiI"I '''' . Jl.. ~2:.!.'_~_ LI-\I,.L- \..IVVI1' ,.. ~ 100' 'Z."7.:lo' , -F (or. l;;- BankO" Meander PI. " fill /t...,'!>, . " . '\ "-. \ \ Toll, Lolled on 17033414 CITY OF SPRINGFI D\ 17 -03-34-41 TL 100, 30 rox Lolled on 17033523 ()l9-01 ~ ~ . '=", <?~> .~ e. 1 ~. ~ <'< '>"-:;.. <<'".. ".. <<' ~ .". ~".-. ~'- .... '00 "- AI. Bonk , MeOnderPf.~ ~ /..:- <<'~ '" ~ . . "" , "" "'-" ~ " ", N . ~~...~~ ". .....,"1:... ',,-~. ~. ", , "J,rl br. ....p. J ::~ I' /' JI.> (JII' A<U'T'.r_-'" 400 "::1'''"" "-, ~[~ --'\ .. ~==--''''''- - '- 1\ ZP,3' , " \ , ..15.7" ~lilXJ , , I ~ ,; 0 " ~ ,J5 : ~ I I, . ,) !J r -scr, - -1- i- , , O. . . ~ ::- ~\;. ~.~o_~:~.~ Wc,'~' w 0 ~'__ <, %....,.21.7<. ~ 300 ", " '" Date Received JUL 27 m1 . ~ ',' I f/llanner, 8~ ~\. .J '\. - (I"" s~ / 'tl~ , // /' ,y-..7'/ /- -!/ ...-/ / . .// OJ ,. 200 ", " ..r,~~:;'r(, ' 111'D'~"";;' , , , .\ ~ ;.. "~ -1 ,. , ,\ \ \ /' // ;' , ,;. ..oi. .J '\.. 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E... . c1Z db:; n - /-/e.rL IS ~d fJ;;rlfj afp ---TlA V-J d b O-(''/t 1cJ )qg--L( PU~ CC;Y1 (./t.//;L/.... a/?7 gu,t? rpC7h. J ~9d C-r-V-'f: OR1GINAL TO FOUOW VIA REGULAR MAIL YES (NO If YOII have ony problems receiving this fax. ple.!.se CIlIl ~__~ at (541) 746.9621 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: Th. documents atcompanylng ,his f~csimile transmission contain information belonging to LEAHY & COX. LLP which I. confidenti3l andlor l<golly prlvUegcd. The in[ormatinn is Intended only for use of the individual Or entity named .bnve. If you are not the mrellded recipient, you art hereby notified d",t any dlsdO!:m<e. copyIng. distribution. or the taking of arty actIon in rcli.no< on the eontenrs o[thiG tcl.ecopled In(ornw.cion is ~uie'ily prohibiu:d. If you na..c tcctlved tnis facsimile in error, 1'le:c;c Immediately notify us by td"Phonc to arran!;e [orremm of the original documents to U&. .. PLEASE DELIVER THIS PAGE WITH DOCUMENTS RECEIVED .. JUL-19-2007 11:29 95% P.01 JUlI~L 19 2007l11103AM EVERGREEN LAND rlTLE CO . 541 NO. 8252J9 D , 202 ,,;" . - .... CABCAOE ='-" =. (/~rJ3 ,3'1 3857393 !ETUR~ rn CmADE mu to. {J _ / of /~ 3~Le 00 '''m 0 I . . ~gCi\Oltf wo. El./9G-eec:tt TAX ^CCT. NO. 299~~~ Lei 1/ ~~ ~CC~. NO. 299€S3 I - . , . WAR.N\N1Y t1BEI,1 - - ~1'Zl.Tl!tORr rO.RM ., ,\ P8n.;:P to. mJ\VII1 a.nd JOAN 1;. lUIJtVDi. C;~atItar, conVty! ~ ~=~;n~' ;0 . , , , '. \~ IQ 'ill roo Iltitl~ Lr.,;, &:I (Jngo,l) L1m1t.c:d t.;\.kbllity Cc-ftp.r;y, GrlUJtlll(;'. th~ folloviog ~~~%ibKd r~A1 ~;op~rcy !~~ of ~~~r~n~cp t7.C~pt 6t cpegi!!~a11y ~et ~o:tb h~%eln: c.\. !lEI iXfllBU " WilIC'Ji :s MAI>E ~ PAiT w::R.iOP S'r nus 'R&FERENC.e ':EXS XttS'tllwa;rrr WILL lo;Cr n.r.ow U'E OF" nm JROJlnn llesOIl'I!D 1~ -ra;s ::ms1~ :N ~ou.'1':ot.I 05' 1I-P1't.lo..J3.I.E: L)J.'D tJ.9:e u..",g A..~ ~C:l:J'Ancms. UFOQ SI0ln.~ O~ .\CeLl'::'I}!; "lHI9 .!llST~. ~ l'EIlSc>>f ACQGDUJl'O FEZ. -::In.! TO 'tH2 PXO~Y SHOtrUl cmrcx m'rl:l 'lit!. 1oPPROi'Jl.D.:tz: en! OR. CQ'OMn F~ l)l!r~ 1:0 vt~!n ,)..f~tlO~D t'~ES A.ml 'f'Q Dm'ERKnlt t.N"{ l.:Il(t'n em LA.~M'1! "-O"AurS"l' f'~ O~ rOWST pAACUet's: ^S DEFINED !~ OR! JP.S30. :Jilted r.hl:ll :2.1 r:l~y cf ~JJ.." (/ I , ".tL, ~Jl.l.Zl'!18!O:lllrc 10.00 ~lUl.21"B:lOlff1R<l JO.OO ~Q~JlA.. 21' 9BijO~tl.1 fU\a) 2D. DC! j. I I I ~ ~ru~ ccn,i~~~aticn for Ch~. ~~v~a~e 1& ~ONE .' PHI~~ ~,i.d'//1/.i~ . I1AAVUI HJl,.n: OF OP"ECON, eouot)' of #A I, Is_ ~ TbJ., inGcru~t 101..11I Daln~o...ll;dg.;cl. b~tec~ IIIl:: 01:1 ::'r PHILIP!o _ /otM.VH! and.. lOIlN ~. tWl.VtM , : ! "ff_, i I' ~A-e..;--, (2, '" JL lO[. ty ~blir;:~or orcGdn Ii!' e'cctQ.iellion expin, I ~, r/~ 0 Q ~N:tt.1P L. HUVIl>t po BOX 20~~ :t.UGElJ'e. lJR 911l.O2 ~'S:)I'.v::rl AND ADCRs.!lS ~ B~ """'""",.""",, ~1'f'J,ll5Zf\llo& lIV~EG\IUD'~..t= Ul'ItH ;, OhPfiilD i.e rf:qUull:eli all t.u:: eCattJr.llJ:le.J ch.l..ll b4i ~enc to th~ fgll~h9 Adcl~~.a: ... S~~E AS ~rt~ ... :.. , ! I;. I! f 'rOO B!.UJ; LL~ 1"0 aQr :<055 tVOClIre. OF/. '.....02 ~.B~" NNm;;J,,'O p.IiDatj~.Ei Aft~ rec~rd1hi ~c~urn ~Q' C~~C~ TIT~E ~O. BUK'n~.E7TE' ~C~CIE, OR 9~~Ol .. II ';';: ~"J".....' - .If. JUL-19-2007 11:29 96% P.02 mJUL 19 20Ch,1103AM fVfRGR:fN LAND T!TLf CO . cr-21'HS@',WD ~ , ' -+~ I " . . 'OU~ }Jr;.: '@ 9857393 6?;t PRap~ b~SCRlpr~aN p~CbL ~I 541 NO, 8252~9 . 303 9cg;i.DJJil19 a.~ .. point ....hio;;:h is liO~. 0 !eCl: ~agt and 2iJ. ~ t:~~~ NCrc.t. oE the ~Dcthv~~ CDrnC~ of tbe p_ni~l "CVcy Dou~t1cn L&Qd CLai~ No. e~, tQ~hi? 17 SI;>Uu.. ~i. :l lJ'~r;t of t.~ loIilla.\'il_tt.c Me.:ridil1n; l;)i~ point bo!.i~ l\uk.c.l!, b~ ..... ~r~ pipe: i~c~ ~a~O ~~nr.j~g ~o1nt :un ~o~th ~~2.0 !Q~C co th~ wtll~ttc ~...e.!:: t.l:\~ec. ~tl.1I.ode::ir.g ~;,'!.~ :ti..vc:: \tp ct;~c..:r.1tI ~g follclt/s: Sout.'n U' 11' .E.:.n ~3S.S leer; t~ea~c Saut.~ J.. (51 Ea~t. '10.8 ~ftet co ~ ~oint of int~Beceion t,otit:h t~e Nortbl!.%::ly r1sht. of LlOl,Y Un.!!; ~t E.~c til;:lCcn:do tb9hlo!:1yr thence lc.wln9 ;:I.:)t'.. :r1vQr 6.=-::1 fOllo"1ng uid. =.:.9t'.t o~ "'"'y li:tu:. South lSc. 0.7' weell::' J.::E. j feet. ~ all iroll pipoei t;b.t;.IlC:;~ No:::t.h 'l.~' ,.4' "est: 152.1 fllet to an inIn pif'!:' c.he~Ct; s:;rUt.h Q~. ,p' Wr.SI:: 56,7 t.~to toO 6f'1 i:ran. pipe. t:bence Norcll C.5- ~O' IlIUlt 179.4 fec!: r;c :in iron pipe.: thenct Ncrch 117" 29' 'Wtl6C S,.J teet tc an irob. pipel tr.er.t:e. worth trt ,:s het to ;lJl i=on pip., thlmOO "'r:!lt 81.0 teet to t.."1.e plac. o! bt:gin~ng, be.1ns .. plLrt e>f l;cct.i.o.:r. :le, .I.n L.J.rlo CO\l.n.ty. O~C'9e>n; EXct?! ~h~t portion d~K~t~ in Yl~Al Jcd~~~t :p fn~o= of ~ta~e at OC~9(jn Py Cl.~Q through lt~ State Ui9~~~r CO~~W~Qn :lled Det:e.I:lh~ ~#, :'!ilJ7. C...~e ~, J~P~I, C::.ro\.1it ~ of I::b; Stllt.e or O~9QT\. . p1\Jtl:t:L 2 ~ bt'ginniog a.t & pcd..at: Ubieh 1$ 6e.. D feec taot: o( tht=. Northlolect corne. Qf thB Oan1.Cll t<l~~l' Doniltioll l.an.e. CltJll'lIlQ. 82, ~1J~rn:ip 17 S;Jl,Ith. Range .3 .~...t, ~illamcttc ~tridian, t~ ;aic beginD1n; poin~ run Perth lC~.O !~eEl theDC~ Soutb 111. 291 E~t 'S." hctl thence .south 04" 3,01 Ra.:;t 95_9 t:~'C: th(l~a1 South 1" 2" Ea::;t: 192.3 hllte ~1:I~e SOUt2'l". ..g' .eo,"c 1!l.a fe~t to tllo No;r;th~ly ::ight. af lo'aY 1111.. ot l!hc. H~l<crn;ic f{igh.v~, chc.ncE: foUcad.n:g liil.1d right. o! w"'y l:i.[Ic 5c\J~h~~ct.e.d.y Atong ;I~ of ~ I!IJ;r~.~l ~e 'Co 'the ri'Qb.t.. (the lOfl.g d-.o~ of vh.l.ell t:ll;i:I~ SOUth "" lRt 1o.'M~ 121.5 f=t.) .. dil;;~::lnce of 127.6 feet; th~QC~ le~Y~ng ~Q~q r~9nt or way lin~ and run North l~- 15' U~~t ~lQ.O tc.~t, thence NQ~th 9~,1 !e~~.to c.~c p~~oe of beSinning, boing a 9_rt o[ S'ectiOA Jl. L.ulItI Coun~y. oregon; eJ:ccPOUG r:ba.c pa:re tiE t.he i1bove: de~oribrd.- I:c-.l. ~~O'iile.1:t;'f CQrlvcycd l;Q E;.11:1 L. Dll:k.~ "Il~ ....~fc-. by inll"t.rwnCnt. ~i::ordc~ F~rul~ 7, ~g~e. i~ Beck 19J. Pag~ 3~1. L~he ~~ty ore~o~ D~8~ R~o~~~. ~~ ~on~ ~ount1. Or~9DD, . ',' Sll,le or OCIl!lW1 Coqnty gf Luu: - J;S- I, u\c CCllolll~ Cluk" II ~ rQl' .tlt J~ Co.lnl~. tic lwIC'\flXlllI~ Iho.. lh....udn IIWtUl'N'lIilRQSrul'wad1or...CDIlltl ,.., .38 JUL21 I'll z'a~ 2444R L1a~. c:.o:mlV OPFICI.4.L I\uwcb L.:ln_ CoII'II,a..k f),.;p A A.,J'-Y "" ",:" ::'\E~-:---- .f ~:'1" '" ' H'4~ ' \'_;""10' :. t~( ;. i, ,',r , : ~ I! ~.. ClllPll{~11I: ( ~ I ,," i! ~; ~' -:-:',..:,. l JUL-19-2007 ~....,.-....~~...- 11:29 ......-,.~",.._.~...-=. . ~" ~" 96% P.03 ~ . mJJL '19 L007ul1: 03AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO . 541 NO. 8L52;9 "~I._.:a"'1UJ;;lr'Lr;.,:l./, -. r .- " ., ...~ ... - .... C:.I"lIlCAO~ "7!~ /7-?J3- 3r-~-/~/~ 300.~~~:~: S/lS73S2 =^" ,c,,". 00. 1Il'UI'..Am'r DE&tI . ~ SD..'1'ot'01U' PORll "'1.,,(/1 G098.~so~"ii1/ ';!5'~St1. ::!;inie3 ~ Vl.LLZl' POB(.!~HIN:: co., Dtl Oregor. Corpct..lIot1~A. Oro.!Ito.. conVi~ iOnd "''''~l:ml;, to P'X:tI.I:i' L. KhJI\I'Dl' llUi! J"OJo>>' c. 'KM.'fDf. Grllnt..a. \0 \~~ t t.b~ fello...iag 6..,eribcd ~c.al prDp.r~y f:t:ee 0': encu~:r~E:~ ~~ept AI 'paaif~cal~y ~6t fortn herei~~ SEt mlZlI7 ~ ~;ror rS ~ A P.ART HEUO~ 1I"t Tins utz:S!llCI: ~.c !1:nttME:Nr \IlILL ~'1' I\LLO~ u!:E. OF 1111 PAOPER'IT PeS r:U;lIt::l 'n:! TlO.S nf;;:tP.lJMW'I' 1.N v:tO'-A.'1'IOIl OP' APPLIOI.1IL~ 1JI.ml tlSIi ~W;S Aml uC';~:O!l~. DEPORE i>IQl."D10 OR. I.ceE.l'OZ'.:w: 'tH:l:J XNS'TIlW5BNt, tH% ~tIf ,.~:fll:l:Nc t'U TITLE 1'0 nm: PJOi'ER'IT :alolJt.P CBlC1C 1It!'t1l. 1!Y! .lPt'JlOPR.I.A"Il:: Ctn CIt COtmIT rX~UNltiG' J+-P~p:r TO V!:BJ:pr .I:l'I'ROVEO 'U9E9 ).No 1'0 PU'CFJrJ:a.'l:' AN"r Lna:U ON LMolStIJT9 .utb.n1.ll'! F~r; O~ rOR1l~ t'f:lA.L'l'"Il:'I!5 ~s D~Yl~D ~ OR' lO.S10. E.l:.r;:ep[ th.a !Ql1o<.Ji::g !!J\l:umI::lr~n.:..c.1O < 19~~/JP ~~e8 wUlch Are a ~ien ~t ~oc yet dUG ond p~r4bl.c.. COVDIiU'It:s, C:ONP:rrloN$. 1l.tnr..rmCll'l"S ANP SASE/1Ell'l8 or P'CI:ORD_ This tI~n~~ctior. i~ po~~ or a 9imu!~~~o~e t~ de'e~~ed ~~c~n~e. Ttle t:!\le ~onl!idUIlr:.:i.on ~~r l:hi~ eonveyZlne" i... C!.:t.ch;Jul\"t for p.ro~Il~t"ty of 'l',illil1 V'llU(I Di>.tetl thi.B 2-f'i!:-..y" 077 ./ , ,,2L. .~' ~11l.21'99105REC 10.00 ~.ru...:n)9B110SPFOO 10.00 mvUl..2l'\'!IllOSll&t fUI,v 2D.OO tMERALO vnLLEt PUELISHJPG co. 'b;i/!~'4p7 't If. LAN f-1.'!:!.!lldent srr."["E: Of OREGON. County or J~~/7 i....... I.., on (l.t../2/ .,. ," 2...L, "'"'''''lIlEIl ~l!""" Ilf~,;m IiMEr<:M.!) VhLL~T PUBt.Jsp.D1G CO, ro eox 2~711~ E'\I;;~Ilt. OR 97clO~ G.1W-'TOI<'S ~ :.l."D ;..on;,cs:s Until a oh~n;a !~ r~~ekte~ .~ll [&~ ~t.De~nt. .h~~l b~ ~e~t to the rol1ow1n~ addr.,., ....~A:lGR.All1EE...' PHILIr L. MARVt~ ~O BOX 2055 ~t}l;jlUll'. OR 517olCi::! G~t~'S N~G Alto AP,RtSS Afte~ ~~r~i~g return ~Or OSCJ.OE TrrL't co. B11 \lILUHE:l"'U EUGC,tJJ:. 0. nliDl. . m::-., , r:~;'::1 ;;; .J JUL-19-2007 11:29 %% c, r. 404 ; i I , [ I !. i I I. I I , i ! I. t. I I , I i , I [ P.04 JUIJUl, .-., f' ,;./ r . (' i9 200h,11 :04AM . ~ . , -' ," I ." EYERGREE~ lAND TITlE CO . "'. "c, <::-:;""L~~)!)Jr? to .N\",,-v,",J 9857392 ~jt IllROPERTr OUCRIF'::otl' PAAC;;L ~: 541,NO, 825 2i9 .--....------ Bcg'i.Oo.in.g at ~ pl;lint: "'~ic:h L~ '03.D feet Eall~ and.. n~.5 f!"'r'!t' North o! the lIl'o.rthwUt co<:;"ner of t.hfl DUlle). I\cV~y COl'l1ticn l.am~ cb.:;'liI VC, 01, 'ti:l"'li::l'bip 17 S~ulh, RAnge 3 W~bC or the ~1tla~~r.te ftc~idlanr ~~id pol~~ b~ipg m~ktc by e~ ire..=. p:!.pe, ;!:;::":IIII llf:.1..C. b~SiToT.i~9 point. tun Norti\. '62.0 ie.e.t t.o cl'lc lo'111_111ettE ~~vcz; I:ber~e ~eBnderi09 s~id rive: u~ Dt=C~Q II lallows. SOuth .~~ ~~' E~~t "6")).9 !IlII!:, tbet.t:~ soUth. H- iSI t;~t:. 4"10.8 Ecct to '" point of I.nte.r:stctior. ",j"tl'l. the:: ),lO'iC"!::I:lltrly r.ighc .,f !,leoV' line or the:' HcllCtnzit Sig~"';lY' ctumc:c:: 1~6V::'j\P .~~d ~~ve~ end fol1~ing ~~id t~9ht ot ~AY line SO~I:~ 6~' ~7' Wcgt: ).,.7 fe~~ to an !.ron. plpt'..; chc.nce )lo~th 1.S' "" ...cet lS~.l b..t. u:> ~ i7;DIl. P!.P.tll tbe~ct 6c~~~ ag" 59' ~~~e 56.7 fe~t to .~ i~~~ pipe; ct~ac Nortb 45. lO' Io:e:~t 1".' tl:C:~ to {II). iron ~iP'i thEnce: ~o'tc.b 'la '2'" Ue.c:c lB.) fcltt ~CI an iroll. pipe: thCl\c'Il NDJ:th e~.S t.oc to a1\ i:rt1tl t'tpc, tht:t:.c~ "'e(;[; 1..0 teet: to the plaC:1:1 of be9!~' beina a p"n. of Sec:eS-Da )4.. 1n ~oe County, 01:':'1301\, tt:tP! ~~~t per~icn described in F~n.l JUdgment In r~yC~ af scatl: of oregon by and tbrowgh ie,. B~~ce Higb~a~ COAmiss1oQ e~l~ Oee~mber l~, 19('. ca8~ ~o. 1~91(, t1~c~it CoUft oC the 5t:..HI: of' O::regM. PJl.Rc:E;1.. :/.. l)t~-tlO.l."a :1.1::. .(0 point wh5..~h :!.a U..O f~et t:.a.!!t of ...he No[:t.t\WQI:C cotner of the llanial '~c:Vo:ly Dol'l/iltion Lane cl<1i:l. No. 62. r:)loIIlBh.i.p l' 9cu'C.h, EL~n'3c 3. UOtl'C., A!.lli.lrlattc tn:ridi.lI.n, trOl\ll 3..id bllgiunihg -po:t.nC %UJ\ l(c~th. 11!9_D bee; t~e..ll.C! Soucl\ 87. ~9' Bali!;; 65.3 fec~: th.DC'b !eut:h 45. 30 I :!ba:t '5.9 fee.t, t.henac Sgu~:, l' ill' tan 1':0:.3 f!tet: the..r..ce &cut.h 7- ~C' l:A:st 78.11 tc~C: to tbt: ~orc.hlrr).:r tight. of ,,~y .linll of t:hc M,el(er....1e. R.!!t~ay; t~nclJ ~o~lO'ting ,said :eight: o~ VlSy liLe: Stl'.lth.....~e:ly fl,lcng arc of a spi,=a.l ellrVC tD ehe right.. (the long ~~=d of ~hich be3CD Sou~h 7!. 48' ~cQt 127.5 f~et:l . diet:~nc~ Df 4~1.& feet; tb~c~ ~caYi~ said r19bt at ~~y li~~ ~no ruA NortA 1&- 15' ~ett )..~O.O fee.t; th~E1C~ Norcb ".3 f.., !;C1 t:loc place oC 't:Ieg1!l.'lI.iJ),!il, beiog a.p~'l::t of S~ction 3.. Lkn~ Ccun~y. Oregon: EXCEPTI~ th~t P"~ of the. above d..E1~ib~ re~l prop~rey e:nveyed tC Carl to. Dicl:.-aon and wile. lly l.f1l:;t~n.mt .cc::oedz:d. FebruA...1' 7. 1'38. i.n &oolt ~!!J, PaSl3 'JZ'l., LaM Coun,ey OC'egCtl Deb':i ReC:Cl:C:.P. ill t.;.nc C:oW'lt:~, Dres-cn. ',~--- . _._..~." ,'~::T-- ----..... . ~~. :. 'f'~f ~. . '/. ".~ . ;lil'>f. ',' &'fl'; -, 'il"I-"- ~.K f' ",'~ :1,-':1 :". i.': !. ~:" JUL-19-2007 11:29 --.--.-----.---.--.--- ....--. .. - .---'..'- ---.. SIBle ef Oroc9.an Counly or l.a/I." ~ n. l,lhtClW''Vo.riL~ae.dIOllhtp.tl CQlnlv, do M"bytrl'\II_lhl lll....v.in ~JlIt1lI""K<<11dlotra:;gl'lllll. '98 JUL 21 P" 2;18 R.o 2444R ~llol CC"1'l1Y OFA~L fl't~~ . lJIp. c.,1II11~Cl.llk ". J:].;.p,4 .--1...1,.)1 ~1CIt.1. I "" i ~ i I (~. ":: ,: "_.~? i p 5 as I ',' :b;V' L ~_..___.__ __._.~ .._~-'._-__._.'_.._._n_..- TOTAL P. 0S 95% P.05 JUl, 19,2007 11 :04AM :.~~ ~~ ~~ ~U. .- 3 = ~ ~r = !!:!l! iiii1I I = = = r I ~ == --- EE! ;;;;;;;j @ ~ - = ~ IlilII --- """l ~ !!! ~. !5 5iil - - 15 - ~ Ii = zm ""'" ~ !3 ii - II Ii - =- L L . ........r_ "_U"~I'''~!J~:.I'~~~I '~"r!'!t~!!.r't:!~.!;\t~"'e"l"''''''.""" r l:I ~7;~,.t..V"" ~o~s!'J.ee "A~","r' ~I~ ..r~, \ KNOW ALl. MHN DY TIJSSB"RBSJNT~, Ttlllr..'~'~" ,. ,~,,,. I ~J:l:Il:;;;:i1ru.c:::' tie~.:i"jtQn!l (cr." Corp ..... ..nn."(J,e:ulI,,l:Or pcra t1:m ....'...h...'~..~. "... /12~[""rhl ~,.,J ,1.. ~JIInj"r.~. (I.. CDmlrJordS"nkrrfna/Ce. ,htro, ,,, t.r~nlor paid b". , ..~. ...........,... ... '" ~l;~Jd...}I~Q__.ubl1-_" itl;;..P;tr..,!_tCl~P~~;.<Il:t.t~.t.1'.~~!;IJl.~L_~ ..... d~.~_.. t r-n/~~' uJJcd II fl.. lr""h~, rlOl:' I.,rrby 'fbl', wiu", ...rr utI mill")' l1rvCl If!.!, ..,11 IAl"'" till" .~nlre'l n,lrl, ILJUtlJon "nil' i ==-~ ~:.-=-.~;..:..::..:! ,...,,__.~. ~_";~'= _~..:.... ~~; ::;;::! =;;=...~== :!:_._.!~ =::=,:;~= C=- =~ ~'t.Jn!IIJZ.II'u,'rd In fAl Cwnrr ~/...l.llroo ..... w' ......... , .nd :r,ll oJ O"joR.dnltlblQ" folia..... ,,,,,ClIFr 1. , ::lse deSClr1pt1tlu in e::~1b1t ^ o':Uleh~d. ':1 ~ : .,. r ., J ~~ :3l ~En'.l~'roIlO4flfC l~.OO ~"i\<<'~l"m~[}<IPflH) \D.OO :~.l'1'~nO'1t'l!!.T rim 20.00 I 1 i I I I ",' I ,. ,: .~ ,. J !, I I I I I il \\ i ~''';,(l~'''''I/.,.tllNl""",~....oO'.o-.'I~In.'.\ItV ' To Ilttn: ~ l'!l Holt: '''''' ~ cnlo f~~d et.Jl.l~ and t'tJW~'etr.lre, ~,P.'ft~ ~r..J ,.wt.... k>,..rtt. f.r.1 ~ ~r~nIUf j.;rJ7 i"-uman(~ Ip ~ fO!~Io~:i ~f4-t.""'l:---:! I.r~.k:b ~r_.: ~-~,~ em :!!!!~~.I"'," ,r.nll1r I. I_I.,!,; ulJld In r~ ~"'P:' oll.h. ~r, ~"Ir,d prrrrJe7.1rt;:. (rem Ill' er'Clle.brUll:n t::RCClltl aet 1tr!JI" riotod In Edl~\IU D r1ttIlthQd. :~ ; ..::!l 1I'f.H"~I !f#.nfol ",,:lIl"'lImm! find' r."......' dd.nd rhf urt! ~'mllu ""I'l'f!,r poorr ,I'd ~~I tfwr~1 _A_IIIIl ,f>. 11../~Il:"j..l"" ..o.J :_....1. u .:i ....'_.. ..~......_...... ....~ t~ d"hll1r~ :.;.;~::U-"'~1I :!c~!~~!IltTarf.";. T,h.o .""" ....,.f .el....., elJrWd.uJIan p.Jd ler '''J~ '''"Ihr. ,jNrd IIII~."," 01 dOURfI. ,. , ~~7 ,lOl.:U '.tHr:r::ntr.:1', ,hlo go;fu:ll cpr<.it!'..r4110n mnd1fi d 1M lrdu;1~ ~b:1 ~t,. or '!..J~ J1r~n 91 prDm!~ ~~~ L.o ~;!'~ r:aouldu:r.rf;m (WI~ )JIhJt.hJ.m('T,.IMI.....tw...._III:o.,~hO.III1/lIIJ.!l'I~..~...'J".J.I.I...E- Of.ls:~J.OJQ.J In ""1,.'I'l.II", rrJJ dad njlfll.,. II.. tllm~11 ~ I"C.1Urm. rhll cJ,..luJ;1I {ndltdu Ihe t/ufAl Jmf In ~"'mml!!ri"'" t"',,,~! !-'W' ft,o '",plIM III ""., I,," pto_illMI '-.-oJ .D~r Jl.Iu~I/}. tD cor~:lr~b'l1nr olld:~ Ind/rlll,,,,,,, In WlfMU VIM/NIl, rh"r~nlDf/r.udt'CtI/fd thJJiftJlNnnr Ihl.. 29th d1l1e,.lk~er.".. ,118'1 1 fr. ~.r_lIt.rllbf.1t "" ~".w :r~"",n;; to"" ,tl'OH} md JHi "./lI~ by fU ""';.:.n. d.1lt i~lherI~ 1.Il:!i~'il b1 cni'If' P/ ,'11 '-'''' t!J lfIm:wn. "'l~ 'WUI~IlUll ...~.. lI~t .U.llW u~r Dr lilt ,.tl~'I\fI'...r ....",,~~ni~Dt (I. ..1rDnl:l!~t_ P'R' "...7::_........" I>(RI.(01"1~slu,..u.nTI"...-,(I\..'IO"IIr_I"/'L1tAun'..-o b ~.r. .'/~ lilt ufi. G II .[ov,..wl"Jb '['O~i: SlQllI1;:;l 0. l((r"'nIlCl _ Yl, - :;o:-./.f:;.." ,.. r~~.. ~~~~m -L~~~r~ T~~(~~.t:l~IIl'V!~'~~~,'t'(~I":l~rcF.1 ~~ U "-'C-a N, l'11 hI ur "Ill"'" collloltr )nlll"" Dv",~r"!,.!(I~r'lrr ,.,lllVLII U(I. . ..." .p', p ."" ,. Pm '1,.. .c.. . ~ .1IL._....u :T.tT ~/~ !rltr~ PI Of'fJ09:>'. t;-oJ! oJ_l.arlc..-___~__h.. .J~I'~!;!.!'.~~H"".29_.. . . "iB~ .. ,..rooNJlr'"..,.r ~...CC1I)'Jf....lcp.hh..__,"__....c.....,.r4 "_"""'__.'__.__~_ .It~ e:::J~ tf.lr "'""". .......J\'....lmooI'MJ...'_I"'".../M../fI4-./IM"....Iom'oo"lI-,... ~J;.OJ:J!.!IfOUOl\.~........._~..."ttI.fHIl"'" "",i UlI ,.,":';'w';",. ii ._.._.~~_~_--:-..~.~,._..-...-.~_. W(fII~r.o " :-._~:>~.q:,;:-~:...:..~\ I ;;.j.;..~,,~;;;;"~I..~'j; I~-'j";;;:t;l,;.. j~.i;;;'~~~'~l! ;1:=::'~l'< ~~~ ....,~~_.,I""."""""!uJ<t'...''''--'_li'' . ~"'riJ.Y,.f, L..lloJ ..U """"",.I!llI'l o~ l;JJb/l~ cl /I. OUr" m.~1! G~ IG,.~~: ~"I "::.;::.;:;:~// ~rl'lro I.. r1>MI~!~~Y~:,! II (6(~~~,\<'(l~'lJ( I, N5WTl'l1bJhltfOJC'J!':'I' ~. ',.",_,..,"1"'. 'P' ~~ co>amfWvt u"""~ ~1....~'1.~-::~ ' ~: ., 5i .i! " " ., 0' 11 'I " jl .'. " ] i ~ ~ ii i; 'I I, ]! -, ;ll l' :j 1\ I.J.,.~_{ i"/I'I"lr::IU. l':At.) ""_,I'\IbIIt::IsitrC/ftorJ'l ~ i r '1.' .. .j- " i 1 .. '; ,. o' r. ItfT"'....,.l",_.."I...., ~COmun1clltl~n' ,JrnlCl(e.t, .cOlO____..____ :! ._1'...~.._1l9:\ %1910m._..'~'_". _, ........---.-- .J _Eulleflc-I_OR_91"02._...__~___.____..,_._ ...~...... .... ... ..~.... .:;;TJ,T,f: OF OREaf1l'i, ) ". Ctlunl,.oJ........._.-..~._...":'-.., IC<tllllf"'"'lor wlllilnl"'lnJ. lJIU~t,.1I ~"td ,,,, rtt.,.cJ.on I"~ w..._ d..y 01.,._ ......m~ J9....._, If ,w._...._.e'dodt.....M" ~nd ':'c""htl (11,""/T!r<<:l!lIo/lJr1l5No.."",,,-,. ..~...()tI D.II, ",~...."........_. D' ,U/tl/lllf!;,.,.,,u. <fI~.,,/trtlttQlilm/r<<:t(JI/f}tl ND"'"'.M_''' R(cwd r>I DleJ. Q' JlId ttc.,"Iy, Wlllle'll ony rluld ,nd IC~I ~I CDUII" tlnud. I .. l:.merIJl.ll.Yo Ut;y'~(JIk1i.-!:\j.!lIl_J!I.: ..~-._---._--, ... j, =:I~~~~~~:~;!~~~~'.;;~~:~~~~,~~;~~~==:==~.:: 1'1; ....._..._k< ...(0....._'" on lit..'''.'''' wrnlll \'olhy rubl1ehinR Co. "1f:<r.lioxll'M"-"-'-- =..,~~B~Q;:9!(~1~.~~~~~,~~,~.::::~~~:==:~ _.L.OOO.'....IO ,. " u.....""""",.._..,..,_.._oI-oll.....'..iI>ololl......u_. '" Emt'tol~ ..V41l~y. rl,l\~I.,1l}I!S9_.____.._~._ "..p..O,.,e"..11910...._..___....____...___ _.,EIIEt:nll.",O~ ,971o,1J't..__,.__,...__~._,____._._. l .'.r.~IlI":".11O ,,::::--:;,-,;o=:,::,=-":'_~ _..',- -".-:.;'--.."".;....:--.--::.:.:..-,...':.;;........-.: ,._..........~,~._'..,.. ~.-I . M"'_'"''.''''_'_~''' ~...-.. ,'.." Df '_.' _~._,,,_,, _.._...'....M..... ._." o,plJ rt .. '~re~j~' ~ .;;.1 95% ~ I I ~ iiiii1iDi - p;;:;;;;;;; ~ IIl!!I!!!!!!! = ~ ':. . .~ ~ "~ .:~ iiiiiiiiiil . ,-"c.::;; e .....'-..- ....~::= .~ ..~ .~ - = '^....~ <r --:;; ..:.~ .~ = ~ ~ '--=- !liii!lJi """- ~ ..= -- .:.~ iiiii == iiii ...~ .~ ---- , ..EIi "- "0=== 1 i i' i., I: I \ c r ic' e E L [ r ,. ,-. I" i:. L. c;: L L.. [, F'.. i' G [~ r I r i i ! i ! ~ -.1 P.DS JUL. ',9 200 J ~-::~'.L WiiI ~ ~ :;:;;r ====>r !! ~ i == ~ I a a ~ i !a -~ =, lIiil - = ~ ~ ~. -. !!. iii [I ~ - - ;;; ".,. ~ Ii ii & ~ i ~ 11 :04AM ~ iiil2' L . E -.... J~ ..-.-.~ -::~ ,,"'~ i-:-: :.o~ , fc -'~o'; I' t,_c:.~~;~~i~,_ II ~;-"::;fi1iii I ~:.., ,~;,= . f:-u::== I., ~. .,~.,--~:~~ .'-f-"..-...---,=~' f -:~:=~ [-==: ~~ ..,:.~;-:.~.:1 C' . . - ....... F. "'iiii It ',. ,_c;-,= L:....: ~ ~.-,'~~..:~ ~,~CI [::' ::~I--- , '0' , - [5' -;i;;;; I' i r I I I.J ., ./ !I "I L L ! i Qfldr;nQJ;I ..._-.....,.......":1' , l I ~~ L G:Xf/-IB,-r A- I" l;lcdu rio. 1)6,15& \..' \1 ,. -, ,. ~ 1 ~: Be.llflOl!!l1 Il . }'Dint. od"lc:h h 6l)].() (lilt tut ID. 173,S rte:t Nllrt.'b gr th. ~ntl1'lt.t!l 'ttlrtlC~ ot: ~he D~l'll'1l1 r.i:~.f ~g~[1.:;nI 4~ l!H~ lUIo {)2f Tl3un.hi.~ U 1f6Uth. R.e.t16.a 3 UoH of tho \JillunU. Muldhll. hId pll:l.llt bo:l.n5 Qn~d \I, au hOll. t::i~a: [roo ".;IU ~Bi;HrS.;IJl ,d'l1; NO. "<'.In}, 652..iJ fa:.t t& (~. IJl110Ui0"tte ili:vn~ thmr.l! 1lIt.l!;ndcril\t: ~01d rlVII. u~ .tnLlil .. t9H"."'f: :1;'I\lt'h 41- a' Ea6r. 6-3:3.9 feet.) thl;U;:CII ~vth 34~ 4s tio..~ _1D.B hl:lt to . peInt Dt 11>llltD'tttOO \lltb tilt tlo'ttL~rl1 ri~bt ql """I lino of tho MeX'.nd, llhn\ll1J d'll!MCI leQlflna :J~ir! rtVlU' .lIlld [011011'1'111 .,U rU;hf. t3t 1.'::1)' l1nll :routtl Ii'. G7' \l~al 3'17.. '7 h.t; tl) !In {"II ph'!!1 tb~ftCl:l lIenb 15'" ,.c,' W.<::t 1:S:!.1 feu (0 In 1'[011. pl~11 thloel SUllth U" :19' Ileat 56.7 rut to In i't'Oo plp~; ehe'Dec florth'~ )Ql U!.lt 179.4 fut t:o .~ lro~ ~!;::; thC1;ll;~ t!'#rttt U. ~~~ 'IOf.U, ~'5.J iut. to lIIn it1JD piF'-' thncll\rl'ortlo. M~~ ft;tt.; ';~ ;,;; twSl ~~~! ~~~ "*!:!. !!.,~ ~::.:= ~;;; ~L.; ;:::::; ;: ~'i~:'nii:';;~. hdn~ a !',," ~~ ~~!!!!~!!" i::l. ~~!: ~~Ilt,. c:':-;;::::.~. " .. i " 4 ~ " 6 "~ , =r ll50t ..,{lilli'll It I potat vt.loh 1161'.0 In," I!.ut III th tll:Irtbvuit ,:.;,.~'t" oi; iall v.u1..\ 'riev.lr Doo_Uol" 1.'!o4 r;1!11! NO'. 82, n.'l"aLhlp 17 . South, bll!lI 3 lJg~'. ~LU~~!lHe H~r:t:Hlllll f= c.i!t bce;i..:...I..!1i fT.nt Rill H~rth 1115.0 lutl thollc'! $ljJlIth li1' z,' l:ut &5.) feel; thcOct ,outh 45. "t!' tut. ,,~"!! :!~et; U;~ b~ 1- ~(.~ till. In.3 t..~H (n~iic. :$'ii-ii\h 1"'" t.o' hat 70.-8 fen loCI tba Io'Dl'thrl1 rJ,1l1 d Y.I'1 l:he. ot tho t!C:!.Il:uio Hl..:h1l~1: thC:IlC::' (cHo:.rica P!l14 .le-lit oC WI1 U"'~ SirdihftotedT .~Q::f; ,tt:. oE .II .ph",1l e.UNO (0 the r1Sbt.. Cd,. hell! c.tr.cu'd Dr ";'lc'h hu_ 'Cllt~ 1(," ~~~ ifeet i'Cr1a i....i:! '5 !!:!5!:5~!!O;: Ct ~11~ ~!!~!:.; ~~:: ~.;:~,,!.=.; =~~, ;:1j;.~.~ or \1'1 HrI" ."d run Nortb 16" 15' \I'1l~' 110.0 "$t. tl'ltDCll North 94.3 !cc:.t to t'/'.::I: fUca or t.1I~illonl~1 tJdu.! .II pa" .,f ~~~~~ ~~. "'", ~~ot,.. UttlOQ. ;' .~. . .., ". 4. 1; ~: ,"' EXlftrtlliC tbn part ot dl.O ...bll''',. dc:'tdbed '[lid pU,IIf(7 ellll.'1Q)"cd tCl [ul1.. ~ltllOll Uh:! vl'o. b, 1Cl.tt\l..~~t Ttt:u1r.d 'Cl"nuItT 7. l,]!!. I'll holl. 1"], ~A:,e 32.1t 1..Clc.e. Ccl\ll'lt1 Or~bllt: tl".d llIeo.da, 1b Lace CoUl1t1. Ore:oll. ~": .'.1i ~ i 31 ;; "ij 1i .' ~:. ;I jl JI il J\ ~ i j; j! :J , .J . z .i :~ .1 J i i j ! (, @ 9AFECq . l;"~ " !,~~~l (''-l.,~ 'I - ,..; .., ~ PoD? 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'(11 ["vol' 01'1 t:1C\I\\lIHld \:&t.r t11stdtt Fj)'['l TleM III ,v.Y In VIator pl"ll Un' Q.~ 5, "'~~~~~~ ~;-:-i~ ~1 !~t~l\t~ hc.ltd1ll.; tbt. l~rl!.! -!!:l~ ':~!~~'=~ ~~~or, hCllrdell.1 lu,u.t tll, 19U A.aeordu'. lal:C\p~tDlI tic!. lH'!I 1....-e c~uu'!:T otf:~au CdUd~l ~1It:ardl:" ;tD hVl?'r D,h Sun or Onl&l'IQ ron fupetu1l d8\1.l lit '11'1 aad "/I'~!Rt h ~~~t[\J~t !l!:!! ~!n"d[! !!eill!ll of 9H.I! ~[ fiU. r'lHlltlnl ho.. eoa.~rul!.UOQ nd r.Hnu:D~nlr" ce hkhlf'l !~ fo.t;! ~K#dtt c:eeol:\~ ~" t.n;c~~;;~. ~u.:!:!..::a ~~ ~!;!:!.!!. ~ t:'~C1,,1..u.c. tll''fcof. . ...",..'I!!i:..4l V;b~"", 7. t:ln Ic:toflln'" Jt.c1:11poUoOUlIO. $8)16 1.aa.. QlUQt:7 DUIOD Ilti1e;111 'l1J~..rh '1lt:1 t:,...d p,\If11~..' .110 tbe pd..UIII or nc:ullI. '1l1~:'1l1:. .."dn: b~4t1l11 t:nd b::l.tbr: t:ot" II rltlltllncc: or: lQ~ lU.t up tbtt rlvu". .idu .n.15. bier. 10 reel rre. lM rl....at". ad!!._ ~, '!!.l,:\o.u It[ th~ ,llbUr; .n" ~r r..9'!''!lJllllllllotd bodL.... u.' ..lid 'to th.t .p.HllGtlo of ltll prfirohu hll,a1n dllced'bl!.d l)".t.e:; bc:lO't1 till! tilth 1I'&t~J:: e;!t~ D[ th. U:111u.nttc 1livbl'. .' ~ 'lL 0 In l.l <l' O' I} E ~ :n r~ ! \.;.. t'~l D:: i~ OJ. J~ W ::: ~ I f/ in . .' (!) 11 ~1 Jjf " '!- ~H ili ~ ,is " of . ffWf :;.~:~: l 96% 8252_F - ~ \ ! . I i' I r. r_ r i:: ,- ~. }" r l~ C',- --- , ~~'-?:~';~;E_ iZ:: > ..< ~~'~h"~:'::'~ F ,_-~,',':~~~ ~ .'.-:. ;,_:;:~~,~~;ii~ L '-- ~,..., {"" t.. E- l~. ,.. t:: i::"' "'. r; ~'. f [:.:.:... E" " 12'\:":'.': I'. 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' ~., r:t'1 ".Jt;mI\i;.W~?W~~f . \""" .', "",~~ ......111j.\~ilii. .J;;::,,;,." f ;'" ::: ~':':;-~;7/;~ . l,;""l,t"_"r::1 ,...~,..i.!:r j""li;:':';f ':",:',-"i""'Cli ~;,;':',~,: :'::"'~/~;t .:~(d:i?~ , .\,I'f ,:.,'~ '-" ..;.:;:....\.,~A ..{~~~t~.~ .~~ :.\~~,..,:TJ~ [.il:J~',: ';-:.~ 'f'i\\, '1r~r;W~ 'I;:~;::'?'/N';:;)'Y'; ~ ;.~ ::;j~~~W$l <le-;!.t.tJ7~;~ ~~ 1 i 04AM .'7'N ..,.,.....a -.--....... . .:>..:/. ~"'o..:l'J<b - .~,,;.: ~ :-1 " j. I' h:' '1. .. f ::.~ : -~ . rr;~~~~'~,....:0':~~~"':::~2...., ~::::.. -;-,;;~~.,,:.""~;~;:;~.",.,..;~~..\ ~ 1'1 KNOW AlJ. MeN EY THESE PKE:iSNTS, TIIOI/._... "....-.. .\_~....-I!nn:lld V(lll-e.t ,t'ubHah1ns"Gc.y.-o!1K"DrlIll<><l ,eorr"'r~dol1, . ..:"" t\~rdn"g:~~l~~'tlgric"l~r~~BV'd'.~;tp:~ti~n "B.;~~~or ~~~I~gt-~\~o~.f/t'r ,,~:d b.v. .' " , . .. . .. -._,. ..."..." .". ,..~. ..... . ".. u." "".. ...~."_..__ __.._...~....t .. .. .' ". _.. . _..... .. h..' , . h~,~tn~Il~' ~~l1ec! INr- ttootH, dc'~ l<cr'I!b,. irDJ1t, b;3l'p~;n. ;tI"llnd eorwe,' un'", ,,., nit! I!,ont.:e 6~d ~r''"/tI&'~ fltir; ~tJCC~f,lor; orl/l . llni~~J,. rhllt clt't..;(l ,raI pl'lJl'~(W, ...ith t~~~llmen&, ntrr:o"if~'lf' .".1 llJ'purtcnol'lC" /h...,VlIlo b;ion!;rIf flr op. pcrtmtl.Il~. "tUllf~d'(l 'Iv; Count,. 01....... ...n ...... ,..... ..... nrut S/!:ll~ 0' O-""a't'II. dm::.-ibtd'" (rJf/~"',J, /o-'fIlt: See dC:ojtrit'~:l.Ot. 1tl Exhibit A ;J.ttllchcd e92~~{l{l1 1Vll1le~ "lEt: dOOUtI ~al~l\D n lZ/lli/B6PFtlD uODD3~b' ~r tMtl ~'::CJI"l. ,:;;:';:>l,If .uc.."I.... ~'Il ......111110fl 7'b Hfjr~ .m.:J t" i:f.r>1~ t^" ~aln~ urlrO the t;ttid lr':lfTftw r<nd er_I''''.') '''N~. "lIC~~~'~ rmd .;J:l/.l'(Jflr ID~~r, And ~t:tid gr",,/Qr hora/lY ~o"cMlIllf ell "na "'U'" ~aid ~rullltl! lIII:I erlJntll~'8 flc"~, IUCCl~U und Q~;jgn., Il."t IfrQl'llof i~ lowiutly ~frzea in 11l~ ~lllIpI~ t'l11I. Ibo..c crQnCl:d r>f~""'~c.:, Ir'Pc f'~ 01111 I;ncllmbtQ"c:~ . exeeljlt !:~e itii:fII!) rooted in ltllh1bit Xl '1l~'t3ched.. plus II Hen of llpprcx1roatel,. $;l.7,OllO Vhce.d on the Ircope.I'::Y by WaGrollp. r.c. .IIndlllnl ~r..n'tll .."" l~llT""'" .II,xl ro..~<< dcl.ttd tM rll;U fltffTli"- rtnd f""'Y ~ft ..nd pDlf2I t";',ol l"lIill'l Ihclawful elni,.., flnd d.mand'.OI all /l.'~om II'hCln'~cc"c" c~qll "I'~tl ero/mint! under 1M OIb,,~o 6.,altKd l:m-CulllbrMu'. . 1'h. {,1I0 Md DOlILla' r,orl//!!(N'Q!ign ".ill 10' II,;, lrtlmlcr. fl,Dlcd In fl:rJlt! cI doJjll'~. b i2!:-l';~O:ir50..'; ,.... . ~}{O'V."Cf. the ltt:lun' C:P1l~iddt\tIoJl comidl 01 or j.,dLldeJ olll(lf' p,oputy 01' ~d~ ~\'8" t>r p~ff\I,"d ",Iuch ,~ !:.d":;oft. 'tl;ln<id~,(JliIl'" (;'Id';('Jlf!l ...kkh).liIf1'h, ....,..~MII.._." ''''r~l.lll. /1....IAP,.~'..'l,.,,'" Io-d.I.,.,,,. ,_opt, 'l.llJDJ '" oomlr1linA t"'~ d't~:I ana 1&I/lM! Ih~ wn..:n ~"I'f'lul.e", "'~ ,'n~,,,r Jnclud,. rl,~ p/ur'" OIl1d DIJ o!f<lmm"lie~. ,,",n6o' ,ltp" be> imp1i1l4 to moll. Me prD..;d"RJ '..rro! "r.p1r r:q""rJJ' 'fl ""poNlfit/ll' .r..:l.to i"dl.,jdlHlls. In W;w.",s WI,.r=I, lh~ lr.t"lw tun !>>>'UlwO;IJ""'[rl.Tm~ f"'~ ..:,1... d~ C'....J...ull~...-.. ... .,.1~..eG,; . lIa 'cotpat.:lle fP'D,I1Ol, It JIP~ c41111d,0 nom;: rfl t:: ,i3n.:6' ~r.rl J~' ~llnJ by It, oI/iCt;'.. duly rwlhDriltd Ifl~""o by onJuclif,bD<:<rdoldlroc1o,"- 1111& '1I,'IlUM[UT \IIILL NOT ^~LOW IISE !)<' ~nE tROPE"f tr. . ._".~~~~~'1"~i~'~U7Bit:~~'11S. ~,O:!",,,,,,,,,:,,,,_,,,,": . ~~nt~~~I~n~5 k~W~~fllN,J51.He~I~;il~:~~rpt~At:m,~~~ ..~y..:.,,_ .....~:C' ..(.~r.hf.J'.._,...,./J.'";:sr.rt.L ~~rJ:fr"~:~~rD '~ijJHe""~I~It~JR~II";~IlIW~[cTrT Tg~ Collcy(i'i.'''i.:,. lan. 'Pn:..idel'lt . '; COIJlo\Tl' tU~NI"'G IlEP^1l1\!.I\Tlt,~tpll'V^f'RO\ltDU5ES. ..-...-.-....,...-.-...."............. '.... .5T-'TE 0' OREiOO/$' ~ :;.tIoTE OF tlP.E.GDf". ,_...~ oI...I...OJ.'.~. --"~.""~'- .,... .,: ~ .-7", / I ".:::J;:J;1~uaq._ L___' ,,/%.... I) L :.' Ir" _ ",.,.l./'~r.-_ --~"--f'C o::L ~,_""<'t~.....GCJtyjrL~.,~~.'(!j-~.._._.._~,;' _ ~ r (t,j,u.""~~r ~'." ~ ~. ".~ -" ..._..m. __.~.._"._..._._..-..._- ~.....'__..._~..,._._;fffll1. ~.-.e .....1... ;"c~"'. '. ~..,,,l"'I,, J t"d) "" ',I~..~l .~f ~~.A"..IOl' r/.. I>lllrr,.dlrJ i/l'r jOl~r.lh.'lamlo:,. I, 'bo' : /C"1~1q~~;.t.. ~DJ'" ~rd'. "--j .", . _....~.Cn.Y."'fiP.~J::'.~., .......Dtnl...,j M41I.b~..~~!~.,'-"''! '. U.l.tu ~,.~~.f:~I.X~...._n!,~.."..-- 1 .' .". .;f!i' orJl"1;? "J~\, ~.. - - ,,- :.~~:_:~,,:~_~~~:::.~."::~.~::_:~~:::::~~~~~:~":..:.?~~1~~a::;~i,: ......, ,.~ ..__i~~~l:!-r.."fttl lie "'r"~DlIlllllnlllll- "~,, IlMr fir! l'Pfl' ~'lior:4 ,., ,100 J.,eo:"t'l(.I.:Jn"'''f{r.i..tJ'll_v,s~.-1t.::;;I:, ~..1:1I1 I. b#;.d:ltr-:.L....=.~ ~ v~,.'T~. ~..Jd.~ll cl ~.I~. <"'r.lO'tIr'~" od rio.., ""if /."''''_'01< ....... 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".,:,.,i'; &6511.86 . ord~r <<0, i71S,IS5 F-X /tItS ri It . b.GBincl~t at n polnt ~.1!;:h la 603,0 rut Ell!>t dad Zn~5 'fl:H North 0(1 tilO! N\Jrth~.ellt toml!.l' of i:br; D;r,"l~l Hc.Vay <Dooat1l1n U1nd 1:1am RD. 92,. ToWahlp 17,Gcvtb, ~DlJ:l: J "est of th.. I-fUlc=ttte Herldio!;l.. GlIiO Jrflb,t \dng 'IMrI'.ed by 91\ ;l~Q pip~; [rolll sll1d bl:gla.lI'll1t pflint tun ,North. 6Sl..0 feet to the an.lll::ltCCt R.ber:' thr;nc~ ~c:lJldel'lf1t (!Sid ri...~l' \Ip lltAWI!. fill roll.,...~:. Soutll.41" 11' EJat 6'3.3.' feet: tbo!o;Lct SOLlttJ J-4- ~5' I!:.:lDt '70.9 'f.ccl"to ,).point ~I ;I..,t.tt"cttdDII lJ1th tllo !l'o'ttberly debt [If ~.11111\1! of (hc HeKe.n::li!'lih:tW;:YI tbenc.e lc~~1n~ aoid ri'\fCC :!tld follcui';fj tcid titht of \/11.)' Unl:: Solith 64- 47' I;7I:~t JG6.7 ree.t to Iln irbn plp\!;. ihl:.tu:'l: rlo!:'th 1S'. Ct.ll' 'UI1~t 152.1 feet to BP lrC,'ia: pIlle; thence. Siout!1 89" S," 'k"t :S6'.1 feet to 4ft 11'OD. p:l..pl:-,; tho:..~c.e .'II'o.rt1l 45. 30' 11e:!':t 179,4 feet u. en iwo '\liP!:l thc.cot trortll. 81' 29' Wc~t 65.3 fa!:.t to tin Iron,vl~c:..tb!:(\C:8'~orth l!I~.S feet to'SII 1.rc>,,'p1p/!; tll..occ U~~t Bl.O.:Ecet to. the pHc!! or httlaa111S, be11\f. .D.-rnn of Sc.cdoll ~" 111 ~(\ue: COllac.y. Dro/:.oft. AlSOl Ih;:glna1lJ'S- Ilt 0 .poal -.mid.. ~ 696.11 f'1'f>t EPF't D[ t~ IJllrtbvQgt c.orner of the ,DDnid Kc.'inv' [):HUlt1.01J Lind Cllltm.No. 82, IOl/ilship U sou'tho Rnage: , 'leut, \l'Hi~a.ettD HvoHIltl.. f.roll IlBfcl bcR:i~n'inB pcItlt .run Ilol:th U9.0 feet; thllollCIJ'Solltb 870 Z-9' El!.llt. 65,) fl:ctj', thebtQ tD\lIttJ~S". :30' .&:.tilt 95.9 feet; t.hVDCll.::;outb I" U' Elot"192~J f"H; thence South.1R. iiO' IDllt 78.B feet ta t'hs !l'otthcdr tight. Of'USr 1im: of .tbe KcJ:'ellziu . fli!;hvs1; thllOI:e: foJlo\l'1.OC said r1.aht'Df I1tJ-Y 1:lDll So"th..~C>tc.dy alODE' /in: af a. llplral turn to.th~ 'd.,gM. (the lone choJ;d.o[ wbich bBSClI South;,'1e,"' l.S' ~e!lt 127,5 hc't) D l3iDttll1l\6 Cl'f lZ7.6 fect: the:.II.IU! luvillB !;:l.id ritht of PBY l1QC Pftll J;u1l.'He.r-tI116" 15' llcDt 110.0 feet; tb~l:c North !.IL~ . 'feat tQ. ttu: plg"l! .of ~l!shn:d.D&. bc1.ns u pcrt. oE SBctioll 3~ lLano 'CDUDty, OZ:C,,!;ou. , . . . ExctrtUH.: tbat rAft of: ~h~ ..bcrv<= de"enbCtd >rl/:.!l pC;DpCrty' ~o~,.ed tp ro.d L.. Oiea"o ud vUe. Ly ioo-tfUltt:,llt t"ccorded lfll'bnllrcy 7..1!l~8., 1n . Iloa'\; l~J.' !'nee 921, L:lr:ll:: C....D.t, o'reCoQ tlQed, 'l\CCDrdP, ill "LODe Count,. . OCllC!nll. ' . ...~.' '.: 5P.F;EGO ,]... '. I' . .," ., ,', JUL. 19.2001 11 :06AM EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO "2'2 p' " ()) .' I )., n' ,'-< :... .:1'.'....., t. '. ,...", .' J ".' ," r-'\iiF:;~;:';;m:~~~: ~ ,~~ 10.:, .",.,) ~, {~~, 'i :"".~Io.~~.'.:.'.:,.::..,<,.:..~;,::~.)..i,',:,;;;,.~,:,;,.,~i.',:I. ... ..;':;\:, . 865:.1.186' I;.,'i(~::! ="NT A ,.;~~;;{i'i~ll '';~.,,<;.~ ordt;1' Wo. 176:15& '1It.1'J'.....J.,.".."..."~tJ-.ri"~l , ",. ~"\~;I Sen.CldI.l1" n Gl)n~1Ilur:d .. ~ ~ ,..J:.':F'r . '''''~:''~~' s. /In. ~1I0e06(lt' tr~:ltEd by l..t1l!t'~e~t. I.De.lu~illf tbc: hl'llB ilgd ~ . pt'CIVidcrw tl1l!.t"BDf,. ,', ",:l,',::..,.,',..~:'.~.:,.,..:.',.:,,:. '. 'Rc!eonl.ed:' . llleutt :3;6~9U . 'J. ,~'., ,.;, I1.l!eordcr't1 I'le.u:ttdoo ~o'. 1~!1 .' ~~/:'r~'/:' , ;(,.: . ' l.~Qf: COllMY ~(e~DD.' OfUdd Il:c:cor~p '1117 'I., ',' .l'::~ '.'A'~ ~ '., l1" '. . - t] , Ill. fj\'lI'ot" DE:' Glcmlood WDte.r tH.~tr1d. 1 111'\l: \1;-' ,,'.... "::";, .{~'1;'5 .~. ~;,:,'~' .:'. 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'fut Jl"tt~ cf 'ths lIan'lrn,t ed~.t' fit tho 'D&lnl_t MeV., Dcnlt.hlft LlMl Cllltl SD. !!Il, 'rOWD-b1l'. n Botltll, $taoagtl :) IItl't .r t'he NUIQJIIsU- lin1.ln.... ad(! p!tl~~ b.lnz IUtbd 'b,. a'll. 1na 'P1pll~ t'f'OC loLd b.gh61a~ Iloint rva '!Iorth 6,LO rUf ta tt.. "lll..-u. UYfr1 tbnl:. ."Morln: u.16 dvu up .nulI II "foUil'nl hllth U' n' aan 63'.9 Cutl thene- SaUl'll 3~' 45' Ullt ~70.8 hat t.o CI "c!Jl,l ot iQt.l"Itl!t~1lI "Uti (lI. llIDu'll.rl, elSht vI WI' l1a. or Ill. tk.lllDdtl 1U.Jh....r; t"Ull~' l..v!ni ,aid Tl'llr ard hlll2'W'1nB Id4 d!,lIt 01 n,. 114' Cautb 6'" 61' 1I..t J.fi.7 t..t ttl.a trail plpt1l tlmsee Harth 151 il' 1I_.t Ui.l '.It lei aD ir-an ,let.J t:'!!.tnelll Bout" 89' ''!iI" \lest ~15.. 7 lu'! to u i'l'l.'ft plJ1'~ t"'"nee N"ortb. 4' 3D' Wen lB.A r.e.t te .u inn . pip"l tbtftu !kI;rt'll U' 29" V.6t fi~.J r~"t to all If''Ol\ pip.; thef\et: Ronll a4.! rClIJ.t U Dll tE'lD plpel t"'I1'I'_ Rut 81.0 rtlet to th_ ,bu ot hlll1niag. hdq . ,Ut elf !,,~t!Dn 3 11'1 Lanll CoUD.t,.. D~fla. . WDa h.s1ntl;b,J.t a er-dnt .....tetl 18: 684.D rtet lII11t ot th. lfortbvUl' t.1Ix-'t'or tha Dub1 Me.l'a, DonaUOI\ Leoa Clai:cl '0. 12, few_alp 11 !flutb, baA" J "'lJl. "ll1a!lnt! KtIrU1DD. r~ 'l!o1d be~inDlnl ~fl!at run lItlrttl lB~.O holl UJflnCII SOlltb 81- U' !ldt 6~.) rretl thln.t:t BD'Uth &5-, 30' wt 95.9 'Ull tllue. South 1. 1~' hilt 1'2.3 feet; tbelle.. fiouttl 7- 0&0' hll: 78.1 tnt 10 tho Natthorl,. risht or w,y 1111.8 of th~ heKtns:'. lilll.1Inr1 lttenc_ foUQVlf\8 I!IlII'1d right or lilY Una 5outh"utnly llltllll are o~ I IIpitll.l ~ut"W to thl!l tla.\t. hhll',lDT1~ cll.ll'nI or. lIhiCl'" han SOuth. 16' , ot V...t 12.7.~ rut) , du.t..tte or 12:".6 tntl ttu:ne~ hudns o....d rlsht flf .,.., lUl& IUld tun "onh 16- 15' \lat 110.0 feet;: fhertCI Nor!" ".) f_.t to 'rot.. theo elf ~.&ll\nine:. bebll!: I! pu't of Sl!IctiOIl 34. Lage r.ounlJ, OteIOtl.. EJaP'l'tRO thf.t part Dr cttl ablRa d05Dribod n_l 9'RJPll.rty eOJ'Tll'ty.d to. tnl L. l)lcb.. 111ld trifr. Ii,. fl3t'1J'tdent record~d ',bI'lfU1 7. 1738, in kok 193. hill 1%1. Llna COllnty Oregon tied Jt6corde. 111 1oJ1\_ tflunt,.. OreRon. 1; . 'i ~ p:: ~H ~~~ ~ I ~~.: - t""l , .,!!'Ji , ." ;;; c;:) ~ 1 r 1: ~ .. ~t! , -Ii' ~~. ~ d OJI <! P""l :t~ ," ~, lo- B .'.'01 ill " . !i T ~. ! 11 . ;;I.J .: ! S E:~HH1T ..,.. " , I. \. , P.18 . . LAW OFFICE OF BILL KLOOS, PC OREGON LAND USE LAW 375 W. 4'" STREET, SUITE 204 EUGENE, OR 97401 TEL (541) 343-8596 FAX (541) 343-8702 E-MAIL BILLKLOOS@LANDUSEOREGON.COM July 27,2007 RFr:RTVED JUL 51 O' 2007 BY: GI( Gary Karp, Planner Springfield Dev't Services Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Too Blue LLC; Ballot Measure 37 Application # LRP2007-00023 Dear Mr. Karp: Thank you for your completeness review letter dated July 25,2007. With this letter my client wants to inform the city that it intends to submit the requested additional information. I understand that the city's schedule for processing the application will be on hold until the additional information is submitted. The applicant intends to submit the information in items 1,3, and 8 promptly. The appraisal requested by item 7 will take additional time. Thank you for your consideration. Cc: Client Date Received JUL 2'7 ~1 Planner: BJ . . MARVIN 8M 37 QUESTIONS 1. Review completeness letter - to be mailed tomorrow. 2. When did Springfield take jurisdiction of Glenwood? 3. Do we need to amend the SMC for the 360 additional days and the language contained in ORS 197.352(5), below? 4. ORS 197.352(5) states: "For claims arising from land use regulations enacted, after December 2,2004, written demand for compensation under subsection (4) shall be made within two years of the enactment of the land use regulation, or the date the owner of the property submits a land use application in which the land use regulation is an approval criteria, whichever is later." The Marvin claim is against a regulation adopted by the City on July 18, 2005. The Marvin claim was submitted to the City on July 17, 2007. 5. The' Marvin property is outside the city limits and within the City's urban service area. Until a property is annexed to the City, SDC Article 29 applies to development proposals. Specifically, SDC 29.060 governs 6. There is a sanitary sewer line in Franklin Blvd., within 300 feet of the Marvin property. OAR 340-071-0160(4)(f) requires annexation to the City, when a property is within 300 feet of a sanitary sewer. 7. If annexation is required prior to allowing "urban development" canwe still require an annexation agreement, post Boundary Commission, which states the applicant must forgo all BM 37 claims, Dolan claims, etc.? 8. The intent is to set up a meeting with Gino, Bill, Greg, John T., etc. to discuss processing strategy. 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I,,'" l H L < . ,- __~_. .-\'. __ '/__'\ ,\ \ \ . '" II", \'. \ I '..,) ~ ( -'I ~ __.\ :"'\< "0':1 /. .-----t-----'- -~'I ["'-..::--=-- -=--=J8C=-;~~~1-"'----\''j /. \ ,-----/ \ ~ " " " \1 \I '\\ .\1.1 t~i!]IJ'}:trD~i~,~' I ' ~c,_C+ '\ --Plann€!~;~Jll " \ .;t; r~\l 4.'30 \ ~3~\r\~L~'-- _~~~\ \.' \\~_-~I\~J~)1. - .' ".~: . '11 I'''''' L, l I' I '-'-', I \.5 I ,. I \ \ (;:>4'/. \ \ '\ \" _/./' ~/'-,\\\__/' __ ~:"J.:-.I -",,:'- .._, .. V ~_ '1., I, , ! I,', ',<>- ! ---, 1 "i'.""1 L, \, ,L_ __ ,-- , 4423 f~ " !, . . 74th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBL Y--2007 Regular Session Enrolled House Bill 3546 Sponsored by Representative MACPHERSON, Senator PROZANSKI CHAPTER ................................................. AN ACT Relating to an extension of time for review of demands for compensation by reason of land use regulations; and declaring an emergency. . Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: SECTION 1. Section 2 of this 2007 Act is added to and made a part of ORS chapter 197. SECTIO.N 2. (1) As used in this section: (a) "Claimant" means a person that makes a Measure 37 claim. (b) "Measure 37 claim" means a written demand for compensation under ORS 197.352. (c) "Land use regulation" has the meaning 'given that term in ORS 197.352. (d) "Ow!"er" has the meaning given that term in ORS 197.352. (e) "Public entity" has the meaning given that term in ORS 197.352. (2) Notwithstanding ORS 197.352 (4) and (6), if a Measure 37 claim was made on or after November 1, 2006: (a) Just compensation under ORS 197.352 is due the owner of the property from the public entity only if the land use regulation continues to be enforced against the property 540 days after the Measure 37 claim is made to the public entity; and . (b) The owner of the subject property has a cause of action for compensation under ORS 197.352 (6) only if a land use regulation continues to apply to the subject property more' than 540 days after the Measure 37 claim is made. (3) If a claimant is an individual, the ability to make or prosecute a Measure 37 claim is not affected by the death of the claimant during the extended review period provided by subsection (2) of this section, and the ability to make or prosecute a Measure 37 claim for property that belonged to the claimant passes to the person who acquires the property by devise or by operation of law. SECTION 3. This 2007 Act being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2007 Act takes effect on its passage. 3 Date Received JUL 27 ~1 ..... Planner: BJ . . responsible for enacting the land use regulation may modify, remove, or not to apply the land use regulation or land use regulations to allow the owner to use the property for a use permitted at the time the owner acquired the property. (9) A decision by a governing body under this section shall not be considered a land use decision as defined in ORS 197.015 (10). (10) Claims made under this section shall be paid from funds, if any, specifically allocated by the legislature, city, county, or metropolitan service district for payment of claims under this section. Notwithstanding the availability of funds under this subsection, a metropolitan service district, city, county, or state agency shall have discretion to use available funds to pay claims or to modify, remove, or not apply a land use regulation or land use regulations pursuant to subsection (6) of this section. If a claim has not been paid within two years from the date on which it accrues, the owner shall be allowed to use the property as permitted at the time the owner acquired the property. (11) Definitions - for purposes of this section: (A) "Family member" shall include tlie wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, son-In-law, daughter-in-law, mother-In-law, father-In-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, stepparent, stepchild, grandparent, or grandchild of the owner of the property, an estate of any of the foregoing family members, or a legal entity owned by anyone or combination of these family members or the owner of the property. (8) "land use regulation" shall include: (i) Any statute regulating the use of land or any interest therein; (ii) Administrative rules and goals of the land Conservation and Development Commission; (iii) local government comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, land division ordinances, and transportation ordinances; (iv) Metropolitan service district regional framework plans, functional plans, planning goals and objectives; and (v) Statutes and administrative rules regulating farming and forest practices. (C) "Owner" is the present owner of the property, or any interest therein. (D) "Public entity" shall include the state, a metropolitan service district, a city, or a county. (12) The remedy created by this section is in addition to any other remedy under the Oregon or United States Constitutions, and is not intended to modify or replace any other remedy. (13) If any portion or portions of this section are declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of this section shall remain in full force and effect. [2005 c.1] Date Received: ~o1 dOC? Planner: BJ ' . 2 . . ORS 197 AND HB 3546 197.352 Compensation for loss of value due to land use regulation. The following provisions are added to and made a part of ORS chapter 197: _ (1) If a public entity enacts or enforces a new land use regulation or enforces a land use regulation enacted prior to December 2, 2004, that restricts the use of private real property or any interest therein and has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the property, or any interest therein, then the owner of the property shall be paid just compensation. (2) Just compensation shall be equal to the reduction in the fair market value of the affected property interest resulting from enactment or enforcement of the land use regulation as of the date the owner makes written demand for compensation under this section. (3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to land use regulations: (A) Restricting or prohibiting activities commonly and historically recognized as public nuisances under common law. This subsection shall be construed narrowly in favor of a finding of compensation under this section; (B) Restricting or prohibiting activities for the protection of public health and safety, such as fire and building codes, health and sanitation regulations, solid or hazardous waste regulations, and pollution control regulations; (C) To the extent the land use regulation is required to comply with federal law; (D) Restricting or prohibiting the use of a property for the purpose of selling pornography or performing nude dancing. Nothing in this subsection, however, is intended to affect or alter rights provided by the Oregon or United States Constitutions; or (E) Enacted prior to the date of acquisition of the property by the owner or a family member of the owner who owned the subject property prior to acquisition or inheritance by the owner, whichever occurred first. (4) Just compensation under subsection (1) of this section shall be due the owner of the property if the land use regulation continues to be enforced against the property 180 days after the owner of the property makes written demand for compensation under this section to the public entity enacting or enforcing the land use regulation. . (5) For claims arising from land use regulations enacted prior to December 2, 2004, written demand for compensation under subsection (4) shall be made within two years of December 2, 2004, or the date the public entity applies the land use regulation as an approval criteria to an application submitted by the owner of the property, whichever is later. For claims arising from land use regulations enacted after December 2, 2004, written demand for compensation under subsection (4) shall be made within two years of the enactment of the land use regulation, or the date the owner of the property submits a land use application in which the land use regulation is an approval criteria, whichever is later. (6) If a land use regulation continues to apply to the subject property more than 180 days after the present ownerof the property has made written demand for compensation under this section, the present owner of the property, or any interest therein, shall have a cause of action for compensation under this section in the circuit court in which the real property is located, and the present owner of the real property shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, expenses, costs, and other disbursements reasonably incurred to collect the compensation. (7) A metropolitan service district, city, or county, or state agency may adopt or apply procedures for the processing of claims under this section, but in no event shall these procedures act as a prerequisite to the filing of a compensation claim under subsection (6) of ' this section, nor shall the failure of an owner of property to file an application for a land use permit with the local government serve as grounds for dismissal, abatement, or delay of a compensation claim under subsection (6) of this section. (8) Notwithstanding any other state statute or the availability of funds under subsection (10) of this section, in lieu of payment of just compensation under this section, thegoD'af~~eceived 1 JUL 27 '.0.fJ01 Planner: BJ , .. . LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 41 MEASURE 37 CLAIMS OAR 660-041-0000 Purpose The purpose of this division is to clarify the requirements ofORS 197.352 (2004 Oregon Ballot Measure 37) as they relate to other aspects of the statewide land use planning program, including requirements for filing Claims based on one or more DLCD Regulations after December 4,2006, notice of applications and decisions regarding Measure 37 Permits, and requirements for DLCD Waivers. Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040 & ORS 197.065 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.015, ORS 197.040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197.352 Hist.: OAR 660-041-0010 Definitions The following definitions apply to this division: (I) "Agency" has the meaning provided by ORS 183.310. (2) "Claim" means a written demand for compensation under ORS 197.352. (3) "Claimant" means the owner who submitted a Claim, or the owner on whose behalf a Claim was submitted. (4) "DAS" means the Department of Administrative Services. (5) "Department" means the Department of Land Conservation and Development. (6) "DLCD Regulation" means a Land Use Regulation that is also a state statute codified in ORS chapter 92, 195, 197,215 or 227, a Statewide Planning Goal, or an LCDC rule. An "Existing DLCD Regulation" means a DLCD Regulation that was enacted by the State of Oregon or adopted by LCDC with an effective date prior to December 2, 2004. A "New DLCD Regulation" means a DLCD Regulation that was enacted by the State of Oregon or adopted by LCDC with an effective date of on or after December 2, 2004. (7) "DLCD Waiver" means a decision by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) or DLCD under ORS 197.352 to modify, remove or not apply one or more DLCD Regulations in order to allow the Claimant to carry out a use of that Property that was permitted when the Claimant acquired the Property. (8) "Land Use Application" means an application for a "land use decision," a "limited land use decision," or an "expedited land division," as those terms are defined by ORS 197.015 and ORS 197.360, or an application for a permit or zone change under ORS 227.160 to 227.187 or under ORS 215.402 to 215.437. (9) "Land Use Regulation" has the meaning provided by ORS 197.352(11). (10) "LCDC" means the Land Conservation and Development Commission. (II) "Measure 37 Permit" means a final decision by a city, a county, or by Metro to authorize the development, division or other use of Property pursuant to a Measure 37 Waiver. A Measure 37 Permit may be a land use decision, a limited land use decision, an expedited land use decision, a permit (as that term is defined in ORS 215.402 and ORS 227.160), a zone change, or a comprehensive plan amendment. ~_.- -...... - .;)~li;;:,.).:,. .~ t~" ~. t~.. ., '.' Date Received JUL 2 7 Jv(JO 1 Planner:8J , . . (12) "Measure 37 Waiver" means a decision by a, city, a county, Metro or the State of Oregon to modify, remove or not apply one or more land use regulations to allow a Claimant to use the Property for a use that was permitted when the Claimant acquired the Property, (13) "Metro" means the Portland Metropolitan Service ~istrict. (14) "Property" means the Lot or Parcel that is or that includes the private real property that is the subject of a Claim, Stat. Auth,: ORS 197,040 & ORS 197.065 Stats, Implemented: ORS 197,015, ORS 197,040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197352 Hist.: 660-041-0020 Contents of a Measure 37 Claim Based on a DLCD Regulation (I) When a Claim is based on one or more Existing OLCO Regulations, then the Claim must: (a) Be received by OAS within two years ofthe date a city, county, Metro, or an Agency applied one or more Existing OLCO Regulations, or applied city, county or Metro land use regulations that implement Existing OLCO Regulations, as approval criteria to an application submitted by the Claimant; and (b) Include one of the following: (A) A copy of the final written decision by a city, a county, or Metro on a Land Use Application that includes the Property and that requests authorization for the specific use that the Claim is based on, in which ,the city, county, or Metro determined that one or more Existing OLCO Regulations or city, county or Metro Land Use Regulations that implement Existing OLCO Regulations were approval criteria for the decision; or (B) A copy of the final written action by an Agency on a complete application to the Agency, in which the Agency determined that one or more Existing OLCO Regulations were approval criteria for the application, (2) When a Claim is based on one or more New OLCO Regulations, then the Claim must: (a) Be received by OAS within two years of: (A) The effective date of the New OLCO Regulations; or (B) Within two years of the date the Claimant submitted a Land Use Application in which the Land Use Regulations were approval criteria, whichever is later; and (b) If the Claim is submitted more than two years after the effective date of the New OLCO Regulations, the Claim must include a copy of the final written decision by a city, a county, or Metro on a Land Use Application that includes the Property and that requests authorization for the specific use that the Claim is based on, in which the city, county, or Metro determined that the New OLCO Regulations or city or county or Metro Land Use Regulations that implement the New OLCO Regulations were approval criteria for the decision. (3) When a Claim is based on both Existing and New OLCO Regulations, the requirements of section (I) of this rule must be met with respect to the Existing OLCO Regulations, and the requirements of section (2) of this rule must be met with respect to the New OLCO Regulations. (4) A OLOC Regulation is applied as an approval criterion for purposes of this rule and ORS 197352(5) when a city, county or Metro makes a final written decision on a Land Use ({ . .:~~plication, or when an Agency takes final written action on an application to th~t Agency(j /1'1 () - ,', . :: ' , , ' o,ece",eO:- ,/ oate " Planner: BJ ~ .... ...:;: ,": ~ .. ~ '~ . .' and that final written decision or final written action denies the application or conditions the approval of the application on the basis (in whole or in part) of the OLCO Regulation. (5) This rule applies only to Claims that were received by OAS after December 4, 2006, and that are based on one or more OLCO Regulations. Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040 & ORS 197.065 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.015, ORS 197.040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197.352 Hist.: 660-041-0030 Notice of Applications and Decisions (I) Except for a building permit that is not a "land use decision" under ORS 197.015(11)(b)(B), cities, counties and Metro must provide written notice to the department of all applications for a Measure 37 Permit, and all final written decisions on a Measure 37 Permit, filed with or made by the city, county or Metro after February 20, 2007. (2) Notice of an application for a Measure 37 Permit required under section (I) of this rule must be mailed to the department's Salem office at least ten calendar days before any deadline for comment on the application for a Measure 37 Permit. (fthere is no opportunity for comment, then the notice must be sent ten days before the decision becomes final. The notice must include: (a) A copy of the applicable Measure 37 Waiver issued by the city, county, or by Metro; (b) A copy of any notice provided underORS 197.195, ORS 197.365, ORS 197.615, ORS 197.763; ORS 227.175 or ORS 215.416; (c) The claim number ofthe Measure 37 Waiver issued by the State of Oregon (if any); (d) The terms of the State's Measure 37 Waiver as applicable criteria in the subject land use application; and, (e) The name of the present owner of the property. (3) Notice ofa final decision on a Measure 37 Permit required under section (I) of this rule must be mailed to the department's Salem 'office within ten calendar days of the date of the final written decision: The notice must include a copy of the final written decision. Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040 & ORS 197.065 Slats. Implemented: ORS 197.015, ORS 197.040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197.352 Hist.: 660-041_0040 When a DLCD Waiver is Required (I) Before a Claimant may use Property for a use under a Measure 37 Waiver, the Claimant must obtain a OLCO Waiver for that use of the Property in all cases where that use is restricted by a OLCO Regulation or by a city, county or Metro Land Use Regulation that implements a OLCO Regulation. These cases include, but are not limited to, all cases where the use is a use of land, and the Property includes: (a) Land zoned for farm use under Goal 3; (b) Land zoned for forest use under Goal 4; or (c) Land outside of an acknowledged urban growth boundary where the Claimant's desired use of the Property is an urban use under Goal 14, or that use includes the establishment .\1<-." . '" ~...or .extension of-a sewe~ or.water system restricted under Goal 1 (. "Date Rece',ved 1..~,,~ .'t...! h tl JUL 2 '1;'~1 PJanner~ 8J , ,. . . (2) When a state agency or a special district is required to take an action in a manner that complies with the Statewide Planning Goals and that is compatible with comprehensive plans and land use regulations under ORS 197.180 (for a state agency), or under ORS 195.020 (for a special district), the state agency or special district must not take that action if it involves a use of Property under a Measure 37 Waiver unless the Claimant has obtained a DLCD Waiver for that use of the Property: Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040 & ORS197.065 Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.015, ORS 197.040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197.352 HisL . 660-041-0050 Applicability OAR 660-041-0020 applies only to Claims that were received by DAS after December 4, 2006, and that are based on one or more DLCD Regulations. OAR 660-04 I -0030 applies to applications for and decisions on a Measure 37 Permit filed or made on or after February 20, 2007. OAR 660-041-0040 takes effect upon the filing of these rules with the Oregon Secretary of State. Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040 & ORS 197.065 Stats.lmplemented: ORS 197.015, ORS 197.040, ORS 197.065 & ORS 197.352 His!.: ,. " _I Date Received: "1.'~ tJ 7 Planner: BJ :0" ~ . '. ,;;' [" !.~~;.r~ ....,... ...", .' '" . . "*'\'"~ : .*' ."" "*:*ASSOCIATION OF ~.: OREaO~N COUNTIES ". ..*..,,*..... .. .*" "LmKINGGOVEANI.lE'lT5l(){;ALLV' JOINT STATEMENT CONCERNING MEASURE 37 CLAIMS FILED AFTER DECEMBER 4, 2006 From the date Ballot Measure 37 (2004) was approved by the voters, the State of Oregon, the Association of Oregon Counties, and the League of Oregon Cities have worked together to coordinate implementation of the measure and minimize confusion and conflict. In that spirit, we have issued several joint statements. This is another in that series, intended to help the public understand important aspects of this new law. Measure 37 states that property owners making claims based on land use regulations enacted before December 2,2004 are required to file their claims on or before the later of two dates: two years after the effective date of Measure 37 (which is December 4, 2006) , or two years after the date the city, county or state applies the regulation as an approval criterion to an application by the owner of the property. Measure 37 claims based on land use regulations enacted before December 2, 2004 may still be made after December 4, 2006. Each city and county will have to decide how to process such claims, but the State and probably most cities and counties will require that such claims include evidence that the owner has filed a complete land use application for their desired use, and that the appropriate city or county has made a final land use decision on that application within the past two years. The owner will also need to show the land use regulations the Measure 37 claim is based on were applied as approval criteria in the land use decision. Normally, the State does not review land use applications or apply land use regulations as.criteria in approving or denying development proposals. Instead, cities and counties implement state requirements through their own regulations and actions, and in some cases counties apply state land use regulations directly. The State will recognize city and county fmalland use decisions as sufficient for filing Measure 37 claims with the State. That is, if an owner files a complete land use application with a city or county for a particular use, and state land use regulations are used to deny the application (or the impose conditions), the owner will have two years from the date of the city or county's final land use decision to file a Measure 37 claim with the State. After December 4th, property owners should not file a State Measure 37 claim without evidence that the state land use regulations their claim is based on were used to deny or condition a local land use decision. Another possible source of uncertainty is whether the deadline to file claims for existing laws is Decem- ber 4th of this year, or whether that deadline was extended because oflitigation over the constitutionality of Measure 37. Although some cities and counties may disagree, the State and most cities and counties J believe that December 4th is still the deadline. This information is intended to assist the public in understanding some ofthe timelines contained in Measure 37. It is not legal advice: Property owners are encouraged to consult an attorney. They also should contact the planning department in their city or county. Information on the n8atesReceived provided at http://www.oregon.govILCD/MEASURE37/index.shtml. ' . JUL 27 ~1 Planner: B.J