HomeMy WebLinkAboutReceipt PLANNER 3/8/2010 . . MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: March 8,2010 TO: Mary Smith, Accounting Technician/Assessments FROM: Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist SUBJECT: Reconciliation of Miscellaneous Deposits Shilo Inn- BM 37 Deposit, receipt # 320080000000000598 The following deposit fees totaling $ 500.00 were deposited in Miscellaneous Deposits account 821-215525 to off-set City cost regarding BM 37 Claim. City cost for processing BM37 Application $615.01. No refund due to applicant "' Deposit Date 11/30/2006 LRP2006-00031 Shilo Inn 557 Amount of Deposit $500.00 Journal Number Name of Applicant Receipt # Please make the following Journal entries to re-class the applicant's deposit in Miscellaneous Deposit, for reimbursement of City cost incurred on the project: $500.00 to 481001-100-00000 If you If..,. aoy ''''''''0"', pi"",. 00...." Bre",jaj~ fiJ;O" 3610. Approved: City Manager Date Signed: 3/111r~ Date Signed:1J'za,yth r ~/tJ " Date Received MAR "82010 Planner: BJ . . City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.3753 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMA TION (Please typ~ or printj Shilo Management Corporation ~I"rk S Hpm<' rpp tLShilo... Tnn, Springfield LLC .Ndme of Prop~rtv OW,ner . DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 Name of Representative (If Any) Name of Firm Name of Firm ----..-~ .----___ h___'__m. UOOO SW Shiln..Lane._..___ .Street Address Street Address -.--- -----... .---.. --.----...- fuJ:J:.laruL 11R-3121 L . City. State, lip Otv:-stdte.-zip--- ('j01) 1;41-=-.6.5..6..5......_____.___ Phone FaX: Phone Fax PUBLIC MEETING Do~s Own..:r rC:(jucst a publ;l.: rn~C:[.lOg'.' Yes . No PRIVATE REAL PROPERTY DSCRIPTION A Demand shall be (or a lor a single property or separale: conti~'1JOUS properties under the same: ownc:rship Map and Tax Lot #. l7032220 Tax Lot l700 _(eAddress 3358 Gateway.Blvd., Springfield, OR 97477 Owner's [nteresr in the Real Property Ground Le~ see REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM) AND COMPLETENESS This Demand and all attachments required on the reverse side of this form must be provided before acceptance by the City Manager. Only after acceptance will the 180 day processing period commence as specified undec Ballot Measure 37. (Springfield Mun~cipal Code Se~. 2.900 et sec.) " NOTARIZED SIGNATURES SEE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Appro\"al ofcompt:nSJIIOn (lr nliJdlli..:allon. removal or non -applicinion ofland use regulation does nol .....arram or orherwlse guarantee that the present property owner or any successors illlercst can legally use the subject property lor the purpose, or in the manner, appro\"ed by the Cily as such use or purpose may unpa';llhird panics, lll..:luJlng fights C')labll..hcd b; C(l1 t:nams. CondllJOns ind Restriclions (CC&RsJ, other private resmctlons, or olher regulatIons. restrlctions or ':ontracts. STAFF COMPLETES THIS SECTION Date Demand Submitted Received by; t-ee Paid ____._ Date Demand Accepted for Processing .3- 8-/0 !is Fiftn Street ~pringfield, Oregon. '7477 541-726-3759 Phone . Iii~ AtY of Springfield Official Receipt "'!fe~elopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1:44:45PM 3200600000000000598 Date: 11/30/2006 rob/Journal Number Description JRP2006-00031 . Ballot Measure 37 ~ayments: rype of Payment :heck Paid By SHILO INN cReceintl Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received 9 339530 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 500.00 $500.00 Amount Paid $500.00 $500.00 Date Received . MAR 8.2010 Planner: BJ Page I of I 11/30/2006 . . .;Ti~e..z!1arkAdVanJ"~,; _.~~,- '-. _ ~- ..,'~ " -. ' ',; -" . ,',' " ~~~ Eie .<It - - I:!dP ..._._-----_._-_._~._------ ~ IJ ~ 2J .. . "" - - T"'''' ... '" li!l 'Q < oil om iil ~ .. . ii\ . "- >EI Q . 00- o. ...... -- "- ..... - "- .- ...... --- c-.... T... -. '" '.,1~1 .-..---.---..,......--.---------..---.-- . , ,- . . . '7""',_LongRangePI~nning~~.::~2006-0otp1_ 'Statu~REC :.' ~. ';. ',' . f~fi~~~~!~~!~t;\;~}~1;j~1~~;~!l:3;:~>~;0;\:~:~1 ';, allot Measure 37 application @ 33ffi Gateway Btvd. :: F Of Tracking Purposes Only -....,'... ""','"...,' . .,...., ,-. ~-, .. Ittl~' ~~ <:--'q~ir(~nce t'J~~ljer:j"1 '^, 1:\1', ...,~.~, , ..' ",~j;;l,,1 '" .;,;. -; '/'i~ ".:.:.; , :J;~:''':~~ .\\\,'. ~ .,.' .". ..., I 'i~ ,~:~ :.r,v~'b.....:;~r:' I \" ~ ~-,~;(J\ I~'.~; ~No Of.ACre~~1' ~~~;;; f~, ~~ ,~~:: ~':.~.~~,'~'J:'{,:.~;~;~~.;~~j/\'~,A~' .",>. .'-' ,J~ .-"-~, sa;,; eunent ~ Date Received MAR .' 8 2010 Planner: BJ . .. DEPOSITS-MEASURE 37 821-215525 ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION: 1/31110 . 08-Mar-10 DATE IRANS TYPE I liTEM DESCRIPTION \ BLDGlPROJIDSD RECEIPT # 0.00 AMOUNTI ACCT. TOTAL 3Q-Nov-QS 1-Dec-OS 1-Dec-QS 1-Dec-QS 1-Dec-QS 17-Ju1-07 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 SHILOINN ~p-;. OOr,-OOOe>,' PURCELL LIVING TRUST .... ~ 'J.oo f.t - 00 (J 3:;1. OAK lEAF PROPERTY MGMT /-R..P B. 0 0 ~ -C "c) ? 3 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH EUGENEU2.fao ~ (,_ oeo :34- BARBARA PARMENTER L-Itp~ 01l1l- 0 0l:I?'3 PHILIP MARVIN ~p d.011-CUO">-3 v:\common\mary\215525 Measure 37 Deposits 598 ~ 500.00 600~ 500.00 602~~ 500.00 1713-MLt 500.00 1714 IUu< 500.00 1146 Ik<KP 500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 OK TO FLG Date Received MAR 8,2010 Planner: BJ L24g 8M 37 APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES . ~ " Oak Leaf Property First Baptist Chl!Jch ., Philip Marvin (TOO Shilo Inn Purcell Living Trust Management (Eugene) Barbara Parmenter Blue, LLC) " , Journal Number LRP2006-00031 LRP2006-00032 LRP2006-00033 LRP2006-OO034 LRP2006-00035 LRP2006-00023 Date Submitted November 30, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 JulY 17, 2007 City Attorney Cost: Time Spent on Aoclication 3.80 Hours 3.70 Hours 24.40 Hours No Time Expended 26.60 Hours 3.90 Hours Cost $342.00 $407.50 $1,539,50 $0.00 $2,695,00 $435.00 Planner Assigned to Application Gary Karp Mark Metzger Mark Metzger Mark Metzger Gary Karp Gary Karp Time spent on: Application Intake 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 . 0.30 IApplication Review for Completeness 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Prepare Incomplete Letter 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Mail Incomplete Leter 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Review revised materials 1.00 1.00 . P~are Staff recort 20.00 20.00 Prepare Notice 1.00 1.00 Mail Notice 0.30 0.30 Rescond to notified Residnets 0.50 0.50 Present Report to City Council 1.00 Prepare Notice of Decision 0.50 Total Hours Spent 4.60 4.60 28.90 4.60 27.40 4.60 Planner Hourly CharQe-Out Rate $59.35 $59.42 $59.42 $59.42 $59.35 $59.35 \ Total Cost for Application Process $273.01 $273.33 $1,717.24 $273.33 $1,626.19 $273.01 City Total Cost $615.01 $680.83 $3,256.74 $273.33 $4,321.19 $708.01 Amount of Deposit Submitted $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Balance Due to City $115.01 '$180.83 $2,756.74 -$226.67 $3,821.19 $208.01 ,. ., . .. r . . . . rs :J8UUeld . OIOl S ~\1l^J P8A!eoat:l alBa .