HomeMy WebLinkAboutReceipt Miscellaneous 3/8/2010 . . .. .' MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: March 8, 2010 TO: Mary Smith, Accounting Technician/Assessments FROM: Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist SUBJECT:' Reconciliation of Miscellaneous Deposits Barbara Parmenter- BM 37 Deposit, receipt # 320080000000001714 The following deposit fees totaling $ 500.00 were deposited in Miscellaneous Deposits account 821-215525 to off-set City cost regarding BM 37 Claim. City cost for processing BM37 Application $1,626.19. No refund due to applicant 12/1/2006 LRP2006-00035 Barbara Parmenter 1714 Amount of . Deposit $500.00 Deposit Date Journal Number Name of Applicant Receipt # Please make the following Journal entries to re-class the applicant's deposit in Miscellaneous Deposit, for reimbursement of City cost incurred on the project: $500.00 to 481001-100-00000 If yoo h,~ 'oy qo~t;o"" pl.... 00",," "reo', ~ " ~' O. Approved: Adm istrative Specialist Approved: City Manager Date Signed: '1h vAl.M. 1/ JtJtO Date Signed: 3//1 !to I Date Received MAR 8 20)0 Planner: BJ PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (Please type or print) C/JUj.tJ-M f h ;(/lJ/ /IJkp /hVfi .Name of Property Owner "17rt .6I!t1.Mtul If 1ft;f/lJ M;AJ ;t; 4L i/J(l1l6/b 1'lLMI Name of Firm r:. 5"-1021//l1lt)) s-zur. ,#/11.6 r'lcJ~ treet Add ress ' ~~~:i;Wi ~ &4';:; 9-?t/'7f ,1/inuf' ~;/'d~~1 41/ 7~1-.yt-/:; P~one Fax " . PUBUC MEETING PRIVATE REAL PROPERTY DSCRIPTION City of spri.leld . . . Development Servic:es Depa#tlaent R . 225 Fifth StreetL.laL~ ecei\ted Springfield, OR 97477 ,. 541.726.3753 MAR. 82010 . ,DEMAND FOR COMPErR~ . 'UNDER BALLOT MEASURE HUer. BJ ,ilik (7~~/.J<1~A',J,l', .Name of Representa Ive (If Ary) MI)~ ~ tI/ff[f}t;t-kA-,:J,e, IlnM/1-~Y /Jr bl/tD Name of Firm . 4":?~ /J/;I/lme'1'I-t:.-.s7:e-~~r ~ 3<:J3 , Street Address . ~L"/M7 t';J,t:~t4;J ~7;/O / City, tate, Zip . . LJ4f~V-E/t/3~ ~If 6J73-/,3t;t {:hone Fax . " Does Owner request a public meeting? Yes NoX ~ Demand shall be for a for a single property or segarate contiguous jlroperties under the same ownership "btJ6,6;f ~ uP""" Qo{ I;A'<lUilM(.P/l<",t"""~ './Ulrir /TtUJr . ,~ap and Tax Lot # l,j!tJ.:2-~a>- ot:> 3a:J /,!-tJ.;z-<W'-CJO -OtJjJ/o. /!-0::1-owo-txJ311 /R',:Ic;I-iJf4Jo-CiOiJI.:J. _ _ ." . .' /6'-O.;J-t:J~o-p(7!J/3 Site Address S--9'o9 ~t.I<r ST7U"r;, ~.L<;J<?H?/-/, c!J/Z~CJiJ 9?</?F . Owner's Interest in the Real Property .(}#~,6/1;1!A A: ;?;,f/l/tlll'fut, '%,f, ,J,UPlhvJ-I:>4tnldl\iCtf) titIt!Ot7I1It&le1/ltdr . tLA.JbIt"P/)x.o :;- '/vre/J~J"'Cc _ ' I!/,pi REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM) AND COMPLETENESS This Demand and all attachments requir~d on the.reverse side of this form must be provided b~fore acceptance by the City Manager. Only after acceptance will the 180 day processing period commence as specified under Ballot Measure 37. (Springfield Municipal Code Sec. 2.900 et seC.) IRREVOCABLE TRIJST DATED JULY 15, I/We JULIE SUZANNE KEENEY & LINDA CHRISTINE B~ER** Notary Stamp depose and say that I1we amlare the owner(s) of the private real property that . . i subject of is Demand anfl:.e ~ame is true as I/we verily believe. William r .~~~~nrpr.Tr.* Representative Signature '/Jdh, TruST~e. NOTARIZED SIGNATURES **TRUSTEES OF THE BARBARA K_ PARMEN!ER 1992 I) OFFICIAL SEAL TAMARA A Me KINNEY \. .) NOTARY PUBLIC -.OREGON . COMMISSION NO. 394944 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 17, 2009 200G Notary Signa~..4:-LI1L-<t.;A1J ~ DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Approval of compensation or modification. removal or non-application of land use regulation does not warrant or otherwise gual"3.ntee that the presen[ property owner or any successors interest can legally use the subject property for the purpose. or in the manner. approved by the Cicy as such use or purpose may impact third parties. including rights established by Covenants. ConditionS. and Restrictions (CC&R.s), other private restrictions. or other regulations. restrictions or contracts. <. '-i, - 1t1 ~ File#~ Fee Paid . STAFF COMPLETES THIS SECTION Date Demand Submitted .Jl{ Oi (0 U Received by: . Date Demand Accepted for Processing * ;".:!""--~--.... . . NOTARIZED SIGNATURESIDEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 IJW~JU'j~4/.2 ;(;f:w~~ &~l/b? it,iIJ/tJ(h l;tI/~f1Rtif ,\ depose and say that Ilwe am/are the owner(s) ofthe private property that Cbblfl/IJ / is the sub', C of this Demand and the same is true as Ilwe verily believe ' X representative Signature Subscribed to me this ~ day of /t~ ~ , ' ( L ~~ J 20".0 Notary Signature...!" . L ~ . OFFICIJ..L r '.i\L SANJRAr., ,'ON , NOTARY Fl',~L;' ,0REGON COMMISC' :,;, ['_', A:94761 MYCOMMISSION EXPlc;~3JULY 11, 2009 Date Rece\ved , MAR 8 2010 Planner: BJ " . . NOTARIZED SIGNATURES/DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 I, William C. Carpenter Jr., depose and say that I am the representative of the owners of the private property that is the subject of this Demand and the same is true as I believe. xW~c. 0'-7-,-4 Subscribed to me this 3b day of November, 2006 Q iJ.r<" Notary ignature r.xpi'v<'ts ID/IS!D/' . OFFICIAlSEAI. ," AMY 0 RIDGE \. / NOTARY PU8UC . OREGON '. .... COMMISSION NO. 373721 MYCOMMlSSIOH EXPIRES ocroSER 15, 2lJ11 Date Received MAR 82010 Planner: BJ . . . ,.- CHECKUST &. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY PROPERTY OWNER' DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION.- BALLOT MEASURE 37 Reference Springfield Municipal Code Sections 2.920(4), 2.930 and 2.9413 ". 1. Application Form. A completed application form (the front page of this packet must be filled:out) to include: a) The name, mailing address, telephone number and authorlzaMn signatures for all the property Owners or contract Owners; b)The designated Owner or agent who is the Owner's designated representative regarding the processing of the application; and c) Every Lessee and Lessor of the property and their mailing address and telephone number.. Please use additional sheets if all the information cannot fit on the front page. . 2. Property Description. A legal description and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property ~~. . . 3. Title Report. A title report issued within 30 calendar days of the application's submittal, including: a) Title history; b) A statement of the date the Owner acquired Ownership of the property; c) The ownership Interests of all Owners of the . property; d) Every person or entity holding a lien against or security interest in the property, and (e) Every .person or entity hol~ing a ~uture, cOfltingent, or other interest of any kind in the property. . . . . 4. Copy of Regulations Applicable to the Demand. A statement specifically identifying all the sections of the Springfield Municipal Code, Springfield Development Code, or other current land use regulation that allegedly restrict(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction in the fair market vaiue of the property. ' 5. Demand Statement. A statement specifying: a) The proposed use of the property; b) The amount of the Demand and the fair market value of the property before and after application of the identified land use regulation; clIo whom any compensation determined must be paid and why the Owner is entitled to compensation under, the requirements of the provisions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 6 below). 6. Demand Criteria. A statement addressing;ill of the following criteria: a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulation that restricts the use of private real property or any interest therein; b) The restriction on use has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the subject property or any interest therein; c) The identified land use regulation was . enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property (the Owner) became the,Owner; and d) The identified regulation Is not an exempt regulation as defined In SMC Section 2.920(4). 7. Appraisal. An appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appraiser Certification and Ucensure. Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the following issues: a) The appraisal must expressly note all existing infrastructure .limitations and value the property without an assumption that the infrastructure will be improved at governmental expense or through discretionary govemmental action; b) The appraisal ml.{st expreSSly address and indicate the amount of the aileged reduction in the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand is submitted to the City by showing the difference in the fair market value of the property resulting from enactment or enforcement of each of the identified regulations indiVidually identified In the Demand and after the application of aU of the identified regulations cumulatively; and c) The appraisal must expressly consider the effect of the aforesaid Ballot Measure 37 on the availability of other real property including the extent to which the supply of such other real property is or will be increased due to the non-enforce.ment, discontinuance, repeal or waiver of regulations following the passage of Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 11 beiow). s. Additional Documentation. Copies of any leases or Covenants, Conditions and B,estrictions ("CCB.'s) applicable to the real property, if any, that impose restrictions on the use of the pro~erty. . . _9. Access to Property. Written permission for access to the property by the City Manager or his/her designee Including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraise the property and the Demand for purposes of determining whether or not regulation(s) have had the effect of reducing the fair market value of the property. _ 10. Fee. A Demand shall include a fee established by Council resolution to at least partially cover the City's cost of processing the Demand. If a Demand is determined to be a Valid Demand the City shali reimburse the Owner for any fee paid. -- _ 11. Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulations. A statement by the Owner making the Demand of why the following exemptions to ttie requirement for compensation do not apply: a) Restricts and prohibits commonly and historically recognized public nuisances under common law, including but not limited to SMC Chapter S as amended from time to time and the criminal iaws of the State of Oregon and the City of Springfield; b) Restr;cts or prohibits. activities for the protection of public health and safety, such as fire and building codes, health and sanitation regulations, and pollution control. regulations; cJ Is required to comply with federal law; d) Restricts or prohibits the use of property'for the purpose of selling pornography or performing nude dandng; or e) Was enacted prior to the date of the acquisition of the property by the Owner, or prior to acquisition by a family member of the Owner who owned the subject property prior to the acquisition . or Inheritance by the Owner, whichever came first [if 'family member" status is claimed, it must-ai~A...SI!r~;'i)l,.t;\l... d titie report required by Item 3. above]. Ud.L~ nt:li~IVe MAR. 8 2010 Planner: BJ " .-') . ') William C. Carpenter Jr.--- Attorney at Law admi~~ed in Oregon & COlorado (541) 484-U36 474 Wi11ame~~e S~ree~, Sui~e 303 'Eugene, Oregon 97401-2661 Fax(541)683-1346 November 21, 2006 Mr. Greg Mott Planning Manager city of Springfield 225 Fifth st. Springfield OR 97477 " RE: Measure 37 Information for 11/29 Pre Demand Conference regarding Waiving Tree Felling Permit Requirement and Alternatively Tree Felling Permit Fees for wild Goose Landing Subdivision (Multiple Phases)- T.L.s 18-02-04-300, '18-02-04-307- 313 ' Dear Greg: This letter is written to advise you of the likely claims that Ms. Barbara Parmenter and the Barbara K. Parmenter Irrevocable Trust, through the Trustees, have regarding the imposition of tree felling provisions of the Code, Springfield Development Code, '(SDC 38.010-.050), and alternatively, the removal of the "no fee" provision from the SDC on their real property. Ms. Parmenter continues to remain a current owner of the propert and has been so, since she and her ex-husband 'executed a land sale contract in 1977. Since the tree felling ordinance only began in 1984, the provisions of this ordinance, as amended, should be waived for both her existing Phase One development and further phases of her Wild Goose Landing development. Ms. Parmenter remains the controlling owner of the properties, even though the current trust, through the trustees acquired a majority interest in the property on December 31, 1994. This acquisition should not affect the compensation or waiver date, as Ms. parmenteris ownership interest remains at 42.9 percent (12/28ths) and is contolling. As to the applicants' interests, other than for one of the smaller tax lots, T.L. 312, which was temporarily transferred to a family LLC, the trustees ownership extends alternatively, unbroken back to July 15, 1992. ' Ordinance, 10-11, and replacement Springfield Development Code, (SDC), Article 38, are land use regulations as defined by provisions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37. They do not restrict or prohibit public nuisances, are not public health a~d safety protection regulations, are not required '. to ~~ece'lved wIth federal law, do not relate to the use of the prop~~~ MAR 8 l010 Planner: BJ . ) .~) ./ pornography or nude dancing and were not enacted prior to the date the applicants acquired the property. . Alternatively, should the city adopt a different current owner test, the regulation provision that would be challenged is the city's removal of the free issuance for Tree Felling Permits. Currently, the city is attempting to assess a Tree Felling Permit fee in an amount of about $7,000 for the first development of this multi-phased development. Through a mutual understanding between Ms. Parmenter, who is acting individually,.. as well as the agent for the Trust, in this development, and Ms. Sarah sUmmers, the staff person handling the subdivision development review, they agreed that this charge would be "in suspense" until Ms. Parmenter exercised her Measure 37 Demand rights. . I have attached a copy of the Tree Felling Code Ordinance as it read on December 17, 1995 (just prior to revision on 12/18/95 by Ordinance 5804, amending sections 38.010--38.040), "and after the time that the Trust had obtained a controlling interest as the current owner. At the time the current owner obtained a controlling interest in the property, the relevant provision of the SDC read: "THERE IS NO FEE FOR A TREE FELLING PERMIT." SDC 38.010(4} .' Measure 37 states: Just compensation shall be equal to the reduction in the fair market value of the affected property interest resulting from enactment or enforcement.of the land use regulation as of the date the owner makes written demand for compensation under this act. Measure 37 section 2, codified at ORS 197.352(2}. Normally, a permit charge or a rest~iction from charging a permit fee would not be land use regulation. However, here the city Council specifically placed the benefitting provision in its Land Use Development Code and it subsequently removed such constraining provision to the detriment of the owners of real property at a later time. I am expecting a letter from the appraisal firm of Duncan & Brown noting that this type of land use restriction, while real, is difficult to obtain a reduced value on. Ms. Parmenter has just had completed a full appraisal of the property affected, so that is not an issue. And she has tried, in good faith, to obtain an appraisal of the property with the reduced value. I will fax you a copy of that letter when I returned my office on Tuesday, Nov. " 1 The original Tree Felling was added to Chapter X (Land Division and Development) of the Springfield Code by Ordinance No. 5249, dated May 21, 1984. It also read "There is nDAlt~ Dzoceived a tree felling permit. " SC 10-11-4 (2) (also attached). a v nt: MAR. 8 2010 PlannAr: R.I . .~-) .J .-) , 28, 2006. At a minimum, the detriment to the real property oWner will be the amount of the permit fee. +t;s this fee, alternatively, that is specifically tied to a land use restriction which the Trust, and Ms. Parmenter, individually, are seeking to be waived. Without providing a detailed appraisal, common sense tells you that the same piece of property will be worth less if the owner needs.to pay a fee to the city to remove trees on the property, versus the same piece of property where the removal permit is free of charge. Mr. Jim Branch, of Branch Engineering, and I spoke, regarding costs involved to date and estimated costs to continue compliance with SDC Article 38. The consultant costs are as follows: Estimated Cost to date: Estimated Costs for further phases of Dev.: $2200 $8100 Costs to City of Springfield for Felling Permit: $15,000 Total cost impact of the Code Application: $25,300 Therefore, Ms. Parmenter as a "current owner," as defined by the City'S Code, wishes to be paid. compensation, or to have the tree felling permit ordinance waived, or alternatively, to have the tree felling permit charge waived from the Wild Goose Landing's first phase and for all later phases of the development. We look forward to discussing this further with you in our meeting. Sincerely, /J C ~ ~ ~~C 7.0"- William C. Carpenter Jr --- Cc: client Enclosures: as noted Date Received MI\R 8 20'0 Planner: BJ . . ,,'/y;.', /. " ..'.'/::/.....',.'.' t,"', ~.;~::;:/;:;'.';'~~.:./.;::'/~~/~'{~~:~.;:~:~:~,~:~>/.<~>:.~.<.\").;;'/:'/.>/:<."Y;'S:;.:',').\,;;,'/'/;.: :.~~. /.'\';-"o'.>.....c,-,\.r/"'.f/"-,,"-,//.'fl.~~/-' /' ~'/'/ '/ ./",./'.'1''-.>......)''... / I ,/",'/'.,/, (/......;,: ,<,-,"."',"-<,),,,,' -....' ,<".'....,....," .' 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'\' ,J:-," J>..... <"//".(J'.,/-,~,t /',~/. ,r/.'>-, {I:..../ 1\' 1:.,I/......<,\.//~, " .. ." . ~;// :<_/'~I'/ ::-:;_i.~L:::': I~t:~~;:~'~ _L:.~~S!/.::;~i.0" / :~/L::-/(;,~t~~::L,- __ :';.~:";:/.,. . ~/..'I'/ < . r:" >~ (/>< <. ~ ~ <, >~, ;':S:l<r;; > /.1 >~~ > \ '/ ~ "Z~ >.//:< I; ~< ,,> >: f>:\ "~I ;.< (. . ". . ' . . .,..' . . ..- . Date Received MAR .8 2010 Planner: BJ 225 Fifth Street Springfield,Orl!g'1iI,)7477 541-726-3759 Phone . Wi:~ ~r~...._ii..'......... '. -~T'..O ......, .- . --. . -""'", . .ity of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2:35:52PM 1200600000000001714 Date: 12/01/2006 Job/Journal Number Description LRP2006-00035 · Ballot Measure 37 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By BARBARA PARMENTER cReceintl '. Amount Due. 500.00 $500.00 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid emm 7553 $500.00 $500.00 In Person Payment Total: . Date Received MAR BlOIO Planner: BJ Page I ofl 12/1/2006 . . '" DEPOSITS-MEASURE 37 821-215525 ACCOUNT RECONCIUATlON: 1/31/10 " DATE IRANS TYPE I liTEM DESCRIPTION 30-Nov-06 1-Dec-06 1-Dec-06 1-Dec-06 1-Dec-06 17-Jul-07 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 1275 BLDGIPROJ I DSD RECEIPT # SHILO INN L-I<-P~ 00,4> -00 0 e> I PURCELL LNlNG TRUST ...~p ~oo ~- 00 " ~;I. OAK LEAF PROPERTY MGMT L-I<-/' B. 00 C, -C "U ? 3 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH EUGENE U2f ~O 0 (,_ Of) 0 13+ BARBARA PARMENTER ~P.:/ C'Ot. - f) 1nJ~'3 PHILIP MARVIN ~(I d.O'17-001l:l--3 ' v:\commonlmary\215525 Measure 37 Deposits 0B-Mar-10 0,00 AMOUNT I ACCT, TOTAL I 598 ~ 500,00 600~ 500,00 602--mcl'rf 500,00 1713-m..t 500,00 1714 /UU 500,00 1146 IkVP 500,00 3,000,00 3,000,00 OK TO FLG Date Received MAR 8 2010 Planner: BJ L24g 8M 37 APPLICATION PROCESSING FEES . Oak Leaf Property First Baptist Ch4f.ch Philip Marvin (TOO Shllo inn Purcell Living Trust Management (Eugene) Barbara pannenter Blue, LLC) Journal Number LRP2006-00031 LRP2006-00032 LRP2006-00033 LRP2006-OO034 LRP2006-00035 LRP2006-00023 Date Submitted . November 30, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1, 2006 December 1. 2006 December 1, 2006 Julv 17, 2007 City Allomey Cost: Time Seent on Aeelication 3.80 Hours 3.70 Hours 24.40 Hours No Time Exeended 26.60 Hours 3.90 Hours Cost $342.00 $407.50 $1,539.50 $0.00 $2,695.00 $435.00 Planner Assigned to Application Gary Karp Mark Metzger Mark Metzger Mark Metzger Gary Karp Gary Karp Time spent on: Application Intake 0.30 0.30 0.30 .0.30 0.30 0.30 Application Review for Comoleteness 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Prepare Incomelete Letter 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Mail Incomelete Leter . 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Review reviSed materials 1.00 1.00 Prepare Staff report 20.00 20.00 Prepare Notice 1.00 1.00 Mail Notice 0.30 0.30 Reseond to notified Residnels . 0.50 0.50 Present Report to City Council 1.00 Prepare Notice of Decision 0.50 Total Hours Spent 4.60 4.60 28.90 4.60 27.40 4.60 Planner Hourlv Charoe-Out Rate $59.35 $59.42 $59.42 $59.42 $59.35 $59.35 Total Cost for Application Process $273.01 $273.33 $1,717.24 $273.33 $1,626.19 $273.01 City Total Cost . $615.01 $680.83 $3,256.74 $273.33 $4,321.19 $708.01 Amount of Deposit Submilled $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Balance Due to City $115.01 $180.83 $2,756.74 -$226.67 $3,821.19 $208.01 . ., . . . . . ~ ra :Jauu~ld moz 8 ll\l~ pa^!aoaH alBa