HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 12/14/2006 . . . .:~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } } 55. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of LRP2006-00035 Barbara Parmenter; Notice of BM 37 Application Completeness Review Letter See attachment "A") on December 14, 2006 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. Brenda Jones Planning Secretary' STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~bg i'1) )1, 2006 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: . OFFICIAL SEAL NANCY MACHADO . '"' i NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON ..... COMMISSION NO. 380103 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18. 2008 .U ) e-. 2.6U8' . IT" D U1 '" U.S, Postal Service," CERTIFIED MAil," RECEIPTO (Do~stic Mair Only; No Insurance Coverage _ ded) '" "," "'" r OflF~CDAl USE I _$ Certllled ... -- Return RecIept Fee Ho.. (Endorsement Required) Restrk:tedDellv8ryFee (Endorsemenl Required) Total Postage & Fees $ '" U1 ru .-'I U1 D D D D D U1 D m D lpent CO D Barbara K. Parmenter ['- ~;::~;'C7o"'5'r2"(n.jaTnms't;:e'e't-'PMii--3Ti2m_m CitY.-SiBiO;~p;;;-mm_~~:-;-~_....;~:-~-:~m~;:-;_~mmmmmm Certified A.l'rovides: . A maJling"'l . A unique ldefrtlfler for your mailplece . A record 01 delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Impprtsnt Reminders: . Certified Mail may ONLY be combined with First-Class Mall8 or Priority Mail4l . Certified Maills not available for any class of InternatJonaJ mall. . NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED with Certified Mall. For valuables, please consider Insured or Registered Mall. . For an additional fee. a Retum ReceIpt may be requested tOJ'rovide proof of delivery. To obtain Return Receipt servlce. pfease complete an attach a Return Receipt (PS Form 38112 to the article and add applfcable postage to cover the fee. Endorse mailpiece Return Receipt Requestedn, To receive a fee waiver for a duplicate return receipt, a USPSe postmark onyour Certified Mall receipt Is required. . For an additional fee, delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorIzed agent. AdvIse the clerk or mark the maiJpiece wIth the endorsement -Restricted-Velivery-. . If a postmark on the Certified Mail receipt is desIred, please present the artI- cle at the post office for postmarkIng. If a postmark on the Certified Mall receIpt is not needed, detach and affix label with postage and mail. IMPORTANT: Savelhis recelpl and presenlll when making an Inquirv. Inlernel access 10 delivery informalion is not avallabie on mall addressed 10 APOs and FPOs. (esJ8A811) c::ooc: 8unr 'oose WJO.:l Sd , , UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE .. ~ J ~::UGiENI=. OR g..J :1.5 DEe 20ns PM :2 T ,. . Sender: Please print your name, address, and Z in this bDx . ." City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attention: Brenda Jones ~:o.l'". .": '-l,,;\)~ 11'\'1\",1,1,.1\..,11",1.1,.\,11"1,,,\,\,1.1,1,.1,1,,.11,,\ . . co plete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4'if Restricted Delivery is desired. . . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space pennitS. 1. Article Addressed to: Barbara K. Parmenter and the Barbara K. Parmenter Irrevocable c/o 5729 Main Street PMB 302 Springfield, Oregon 97478 Trust 2. .NumbOr i ! \'\ 'I I ',1, I. I I I I, r from service label) p~: ~Orn) 3.l:!11. F~br:u:ary 2P!11 3. ~rvlce Type I m Certified Mail Cl'Expr.SSMai' o Registered CJ Retum'RaceIPtfor'~ert;h8ndise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. R_cled Delivery? (EXtra -J 0 Yes m \70'031 os'ob m-ds 1~5t8 T8Sci~~ ill' DOmestic -RetlnrReceipt .,. 'I \. . 102595-02~M.154(] ~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF BALLOT MEASURE 37 APPLICATION COMPLETENESS REVIEW THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON YOUR BALLOT MEASURE (BM) 37 APPLICATION. Date: December 14, 2006 Property Owner Property Owner Representative Name:. Barbara K. Parmenter and the Barbara K, Parmenter Irrevocable Trust Address: clo 5729 Main Street PMB 302 Springfield, OR 97478 William C. Carpenter, Jr. Attorney at Law 474 Willamette Street, Suite 303 Eugene, OR 97401 Re: Ballot Measure 37 Demand Application # LRP2006-00035 Dear Ms. Parmenter, Thank you for submitting your BM 37 Demar:td Application on December 1, 2006. The Springfield Municipal Code (SMC), Sections 2.900 through 2.995, contains the City's regulations governing the application submittal arid'PIocessing of BM 37 Demand Applications. Specifically, Section 2.930 discusses the application,submittal process and Section 2.935 discusses the application completeness process. These.sf:lctions must be addressed before application processing can occur. "'.'01"':..'" '., The SMC states that the property owner filing a BM 37 Demand is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the application and supporting data. Therefore, unless specifically waived by the City Manager;.after a. Pre-Demand Conference, thf:l following information must be submitted: . :,#:tlW.,.;.' '"..: , ~,,\,;~':;':~':' ". ,t.~;;:r-;'- ~ 1. Application Form. A completed application form (the front page of this packet must be filled out) to include:.a) The name;~mailingaddress, telephone number and authorization signatures for all the property OwneIs:or contract Owners; b)The designated Owner or agent who is the Owner's designated.representative regarding the processing of the application; and c) Every Lessee.and,Lessor of the property and their mailing address and . telephone number. Please use.additional sheets if all tlie information cannot fit on the front page. -,.......ft::~"::-..-::- 2. Property Description. A legal.description and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property (if:anY). 3. Title Report. A title report issued,with.in 30 ,calendar days of the application's submittal, including: a) Title history; b) Astaternent oHhe date the Owner acquired Ownership of the property; c) The ownership interests:of all Owners of the property;d) Every person or entity holding a lien against or security interest in the property, and (e) Every person or entity holding a future, contingent,',or.other interest of any kind in the property. 4. Copy of Regulations Applicable.to:the Demand. A statement specifically identifying all the sections of the Springfield Municipal Code, Springfield Development Code, or other current land use regulation that.allegedlyrestrict(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction in the fair market value of the property. 5. . Demand Statement. A statement specifying: a) The proposed use of the property; b) The amount of the Demand and the fair market value of the property before and'after :-- . . . '" application of the identified land use regulation; c) To whom any compensation determined must be paid and why the Owner is entitled to compensation under the requirements of the provisions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 6 below). 6. Demand Criteria. A statement addressing all of the following criteria: a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulation that restricts'the use of private real property or any interest therein; b) The restriction on use has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the subject property or any interest therein; c) The identified land use regulation was enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property became the Owner; and d) The identified regulation is not an exempt regulation as defined in SMC Section 2.920(4). 7. Appraisal. An appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the following issues: a) The appraisal must expressly note all existing infrastructure limitations and value the property without an assumption that the infrastructure will be improved at governmental expense or through discretionary governmental action; b) The appraisal must expressly address and indicate the amount of the alleged reduction in the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand is submitted to the City by showing the difference in the fair market value of the property resulting from enactment or enforcement of each of the identified regulations . individually identified in the Demand and after the application of all of the identified ,.,' v,~". regulations cumulatively; and c) The appraisal must expressly consider the effect of the.,:;;,". aforesaid Ballot Measure 37 on the availability of other real property including the extenpo:;.",; ';' which the supply of such other real property is or will be increased due to the non- '"";,.(54,:>;'" enforcement, discontinuance, repeal or waiv~r of regulations following the passage of,;,~.".(,,,,: . Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 11 below). . ,..')iH',i),.. 8. Additional Documentation. Copies of any leases or Covenants, Conditions and .o:;.~;;:_ . Restrictions ("CCR's) applicable to the real property, if any, that impose restrictions on..the .', .. use of the property. ";""",,. 9. Access to Property. Written permission for access to the property by the City ManageDiCj.r;j,r'~,,, his/her designee including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluateii.~,!i~""):."'" and appraise the property and the Demand for purposes of determining whether or not.....:. ':",: regulation(s) have had the effect of reducing the fair market value of the property. ;,~')iJf..0i"S' 1 O. ' Fee. A Demand'shall include a fee established by Council resolution to at least par:tiaIlYff.~iM:: " !"J'.. cover the City's cost of processing the Demand. If a Demand is determined to be a Validil",\:t'" '''c.:'. Demand the City shall reimburse the Owner for any fee paid. '"..,\:.~"','t",. <". 11. Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulations. A statement by the Owner. ~,!&~"'~~:... , making the Demand of why the following exemptions to the requirement for compensatioiW~~'",," . do not apply: a) Restricts and prohibits commonly and historically recognized public :.-';::;~"',,":~-'-"- ., nuisances under common law, including but not limited to SMC Chapter 5 as amended;#:,"i"" ..' from time to time and the criminal laws of the State of Oregon and the City of Springfieldc.:\i~" , b) Restricts or prohibits activities for the protection of public heaith and safety, such as!,fire);;,...:' .... " and building codes, health and sanitation regulations, and pollution control regulationsh;c)t;q;,:""..~ ..... Is required to comply with federal law; d) Restricts or prohibits the use of property.for.thed"~~.' ., purpose of selling pornography or performing nude dancing; or e) Was enacted priorto;,thejc: . date of the acquisition of the property by the Owner, or prior to acquisition by a family;;::,,:r;:c,' ',: member of the Owner who owned the subject property prior to the acquisition or .,r;-;'.',,"'.N..,C' inheritance by the Owner, wh,ichever came first [if "family member" status is claimed; it;,;::,v;;:;:3c' :, '. must also be addressed in the title ,report required by Item 3, above]. .''''::;:;:t';:,,~:;>.;:: ,:...' ,~, r:"i':-':' ':"?:t '~,:'~'. I; '.... ^~ ':'. " Your BM 37 Demand application has been reviewed for completeness in accordance with.SMC"c.:..', Section 2.935. The City Manager has determined that: 2 .. . . [] Your application is complete for review and the 180 day review period began on , .' [Xl Your application is incomplete because it did not address the following items above,. therefore, you must submit: 1. An address and phone number for Julie Suzanne Keeney and Linda Christine Bender. Verify that these are family members. 3, A Title Report and a copy of the Irrevocable Trust document. 7. An appraisal. 9. Written permission to enter the property. Revise Section 2 as follows: "2. Liability Waiver. As an accepted condition of this grant of permission to the extent allowed by the Oregon Constitution and the Oregon Revised Statutes including but not limited to the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295), the City expressly agrees to hold harmless the property owners and to waive any claim of liability against the property owners for any injury, damage>or harm which may result from entry onto the property under this agreement"As to any other act or omission and those of its employees, contractors and agents'uri'deir'tliis agreement, property owner, and the City to the extent allowed by the Oregon,'f:(\rtiGlaims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295), shall be responsible for its own acts or omissions and those of its employees, contractors and agents under this agreemeril:;;"No party to this agreement shall be responsible to the other for the acts or omissions ohmtities or individuals not a party to this agreement:" ." --",.,~-....,-~ ~ ; < . ~ Because your Demand application was found to be incomplete: Within 10 calendar days of the date on this'notic€f(Becember 26, 2006), you may submit a written statement indicating either an intent tosubmit'the'missing information or a refusal to submit the missing information. " (:~'.~b ,~'-Xr:-" " , 1. If you indicate:'iri writing that you intend to submit the missing information, this will constitute'@\/Jaiilerbfthe 180 'calendar day time line for as long as it takes to supply the missingiinformation-. The'180calendar day time line will then begin on the date the missinginf6fihation'is submitted. _ i"'~~:$.~~~:r." 2. If youinalcale\iil'writing you do not intend to submit the missing information, the 180 calendar day'time'line will begin on the date the Demand was, submitted to the City (Decemb~;1f'2006). ''-iur;~E~~J~., ., 3. If y6UidoH:fot~respond in writing within 20 days of the date of this notice (January 2, 2007), the 180'Cal~ricJar daYtime line'will begin on the date the Demand was submitted to the City (Decem be'r. ,1 ; 2006). ;';-'~~l!!W-t1{~qi' , . If you have' any,qi:J'estions concerning this notice, please call 541.726.3777. _~:.: :~'?;"~-~t~--i~-:,~;;::'_.': -. .. .~;:~t'f~:;l't'(.;'~; '. '. '-.- '~':,~,...:,~t:~rf~r~:':.':' ',...- : ,'" 7;~.; :;k-',. ;;;'.~ . ;.'"'1, ......, '.' , ..~"...\,;t,..~';.~.~.,;:,,- . '." . .~. '. . 3 .,. . .. . I cc: Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Bill Grile Development Services Director Greg Moll, Community Planning and Revitalization Supervisor Sarah Summers, Planning Supervisor Jim Donovan, Planner III .. :.....1.,.:.... ""f.."., .;:.,." ;..;~;~)~!"!i... .. . ::.~d~~~:ti::~l{t :', "I . ;~,:i;'"fl..:.- .J ..~. ". .. . .J j.~;~j;.';i,~;:. ... ~~ , '" .;101 ~ . - .1....... ......1... . ..::!l:i":.;.:.:; '.;,~oI'.{1~~i4~t.iC:. '. ":': 7;~":fW~;J' '" ~; .....,\;..,. '.'..,.,'" .....:..I~~.. . :{1~3~~~':'~~;~~:iIo:' :;.~. :j" -: . .!\~ -' ',.';,:<.rf~PP'_'" _. ..r.-,!;.....~,._ :..'~?.., ,... . . ,~ <;"~~v;y .:.1~~i-t#{.. .' . . ~';"' .~ ;.:~ ;.t~:yi.. ;':'~,,':' - ..." . ::'~~'!~;:.. " .:<:'~h:. jo-,_f;;q'~;KG,"i..} .... '? ~tf!!t~~fif,;r" .- t;-;t.i;'r~"#i'hZ' .' -~7/ j:5,1';~:::;;i-':" ,:~'j ;'.t:~~'$~r:\~' ...".... . .....,.,... _..~;...,.,~~.... .'.- ..~ '~."" .:. "'-,h:1"'.r'~~' ....... 4 ..._~'"~~ HENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT' STREET :LD,OR 97477 ; ".- ...:..:r..... tq"'....:.,,..... , . :,,~~l.~ ' .t'4' " v', . . ~",,-.... ";.., :';....~ " - . >.~~.:I.;'~:'". . -:..1~$]~:;. . '. "}" ~\'f-.~;' . , .:~' , ~~ --.-.,. .-- - ~ ~.?''''~~''' .~ ,..,.,--..- ,.-~~,.'" ~~O+";"_ __~~~~ ~"_..,, . :- _~i~~' , . . Barbara K. Parmenter and the Barbara K. Parmenter Irrevocable Trust c/o 5729 Main Street PMB 302 Springfield, Oregon 97478 ""~'~'''-'--''-~'.-'~'.'.--- .-..- ..."-.......~..,_.~.... . William C. Carpenter, Jr. Attorney at law 474 Willamette Street, Suite 303 Eugene, Oregon 97401 _ . IT" IT" DO LrI LrI '" '" "'.'" Ul'U1 ru-! ru .-'l'.-'l I LrIILr1 0,0 0'0 DID , 0:0 DID LrIILr1 0,0 rn,rn DO 0:0 l'-,l'- " ... " r Of f I C I A L U SE I ~"POStage $ - - Certlfled Fee - Return Recfept Fee He.. (Endorsement Required) Restricted DeIIvefy Fee (Endorsem~; ~.equlred). T~ ~e & Fees $ ent 0 Barbara"K. Parmenter s"'(,APtN~tC7o---5'j":Enia"in".S-tree-t--PMB-"3Ti2-----" ;;~S:;~~4":~"~~'~-~~----------"---------;;~-;-~---------""'---- :11 II '/3.E'J', I Ii.'"" . .... i I ! ,;SENDER='COMPLETE rillS sEi!;r;oN'c.,:t.,::.,:, i:' , ...' <,. ", . . J. . "'. ~ . . A Signature . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete'- item 4 if Restricted. Delivery Is desired~ '""";"""". . 'Print your name and address on the reverse:~t so that we can return the card to you. ," ~.~ . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. or on the fron~ if space permits. ' 1. Article Addressed to: Barbara K. Parmenter and the: Barbara K. Parmenter Irrevocable c/o 5729 Main Street PMB 302' Springfield, Oregon 97478 DAgenl . X b Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) . .1 c. ~ate of 'Dellve~ " D. Is delivery addresS different from item 1? ' 0 Yes . If YES, enter delivery address 'be!ow: 0 No Trust 3. SelVice Type o Certified Mail 0 Expiess Mall o Registered CJ RetiJrn Receipt for'~erCh8ricilse o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes I I I 2. Article Number (Transfer flom service IabeQ PS Form 381.1, February 2004 7003 0500 0005 1258 8509 Domestic RetumReceipt 102595-02-M-1540 '