HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Joint Work Session of the City Council and Historic Commission to Discuss the Role of Historic Preservation in the Revitalization of Downtown AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July 16,2007 Meeting Type: Work Session Department: Development Services Staff Contact: Kitti Gal~ "'^. ~J. S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 726-3632 cr 'V\I '''if'' C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 45 Minutes ITEM TITLE: JOINT WORK SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND HISTORIC COMMISSION TO DISCUSS THE ROLE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN THE REVITALIZATION OF DOWNTOWN ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Commission would like to open a discussion with the Council on downtown preservation and compatible redevelopment of downtown sites. The Historic Commission is dedicated to the mission of protecting the community's downtown historic resources. The Commission's adopted goals serve as a framework to fulfill this mission (Attachment 1). The National Trust for Historic Preservation also offers assistance in fulfilling this mission by providing compressive strategies that assist local communities in identifYing resources, protecting them through regulations, restoring them, and promoting compatible infill. With the assistance of a national grant, the Commission has identified 13 historically significant downtown structures that may be eligible (with property owner consent) for individual listings on the City's Historic Landmark Inventory. The Commission believes that pursuing protection of these downtown historic resources is consistent with both the National Trust preservatiollgoals and the City Council goal of "preserving our hometown feel as we grow" . Attachment 1: Historic Commission Goals and Objectives Attachment 2: Recommended Downtown Design Elements The Commission agrees that preservation and protection on the Historic Landmark Inventory isjust part of the story. Compatible redevelopment is another important part of preserving our hometown feel. The Commission recommends creating an inviting downtown atmosphere that includes attractive window displays, parking areas, compatible infill, building improvements, street furniture, signs, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping. As a means toward this goal, the Commission recommends use of specific downtown design elements and design review (Attachment 2) like that described in the National Trust for Historic Preservation Main Street Program. The national program is designed to help communities restore prosperity and vitality in aging downtowns. The program offers a national network for information, technical assistance, research, and advocacy. The Main Street Program approach encompasses work in four distinct areas - Design, Economic Restructuring, Promotion, and Organization. The Commission would like to strengthen its role as an advisory body in the area of downtown design and review by using the Main Street Program methodology for re- development, which specifically demonstrates how to protect historic resources while bringing a downtown corridor back to life. The Historic Commission has three specific goals for downtown. First, the Commission is pursuing the listing of allD historic structures on the Historic Landmark Inventory and some of the owners may wish to apply for National Register nomination, as well. Second, the Commission recommends that all remodeling and infill be subject to at least a minimal design review process in addition to building permits. Third, the Commission recommends specific standards to implement design elements that will facilitate compatibility with Springfield's historic resources and restore our "hometown feel" as we grow. HISTORIC COMMISSION GOALS & OBJECTIVES* 2007 & 2008 Goal A: Educate the Community about Historic Preservation. Goal B: Continue Survey and Inventory Efforts. Goal C: Protect Resources Through National Register Listings. Goal D: Conduct Historical Research Goal E: Use of Current Technology to MakeIiIformation Pertaining to Historic Preservation and Historic Resources Available to the Public. Goal F: Develop Public Support. Goal G: Develop and Offer Incentives to Property Owners Interested in Preserving Historic Resources. Goal H: Strengthen and Maintain the City's Historic Preservation Program as Part of the City's Planning and Regulatory Efforts. *Not in priority order A TT ACHMENT 1-1 Recommended Downtown Design Elements Springfield's hometown feel can be preserved in our downtown district if the old, the new, and the renewed have compatible characteristics. Preservation and alterations to the identified historic resources must respect the original style or period of construction. Infill designed must be compatible with and sensitive to the character of the downtown neighborhood without mimicking it. Springfield does not need to c~eate 'fake history'; we still have the real thing. The Springfield Historic Commission recommends downtown design elements for restoration, reuse, remodel, and intill. The Commission would also like to emphasize that there be an application mechanism for design review of all downtown activities such as preservation, remodeling, infill construction, and building permits. The following is an example of downtown design elements that are currently required in other jurisdictions. The Historic Commis~ion recommends the use of these elements as a starting point for future discussions with the planning division, the Planning Commission, the City Council, and property and business owners in downtown Springfield. The Commission will provide additional details to the Council through a PowerPoint presentation. DOWNTOWN DESIGN ELEMENTS Relate to Springfield's Heritage (No fake history) REVIEW ELEMENTS . Building Height . Width/ProportionlRhythmof infill and redevelopment . Setback Relationship to street for remodeling and infill . Roof Forms . Composition (base/middle/top) for buildings . Opening Proportions (windows/doors) . Signs . Awnings and Overhangs for pedestrian comfort . Lighting . Landscape and furniture . Public Improvements (sidewalks and curbs) . Material Use on building exteriors . Colors Selections ATTACHMENT 2-.1