HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 9-11-16 ,Job Location: Assessor's Map II Subdivision: , ( OzJner: / f.THt.. Address: '2--'3? '::)' City: 'S /J;:-O ._ i'~'c,?:pt" r:Sd/)Q I". .......,... ....,o;o.>_.w..;.~.. ......01...., ..._.w._........,..-....:.: 038-00 /~ , ~ /) b12 RESlr --\lTIAl" APPLI CA'l',L UN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfikld~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 '7-3 ~g &~~".""''';)'~'' , ~ 0 '6 ~ T) ! ~ 1'~c Lol; /I New Phone: 7 LfI'-?-977 21:P: q') If r ') Deser'ibe fiork: ~~s~~q 1/-- /t-?:j Address Mditicn Remodel ,..fob,,:: Ze l/ome Date of Applicaticn Contractors General ; Plumbing (1,(\ . , ) i t'!eChaniCal\~_QI_W J1~ I ]~lectrl(~a l 'Sl~per'V1,:'s~~Lec t r:i (' in n ' 0 o FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to poul,ing ccncrets. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SE:C';ER, r';.11'E!?, DRAINAGE: To be made priOl' to fil- Zir.g trenches. o o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to Uinstallation of 'f7oor insulation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made pr1:or to installaticn of floor insz.lation 01' decking. D ROUGII PW.'1BIflG. ELECTRICAL & UECII- ANICA[,: No :,)01'1-: is to be covered UI~ti lthcse inspections have beer. made arui approved. FIREPlACE: Prior to placir:g facing materials and before framing insprw- tioY!.. D D FRAf1ING: Must, be requested after approval of rough plumbing, ~lectri- cal & mech2l1ical. Al? rOOfing bracing 8 chinmcys, etc. must be ,completed. No work is to be con- , ceded until thilJ inspection has 'been made and approved. '2, Of) r Lis c. II Value 13Jclrs lil';:1 rei PP}.~. Pholl'" D INSIJLIITTONjVAPOR B/1RR,U.'11 INSPECTION: To be made after aU inlJul.::.tion Q,'y.i required vapor baJ'rier'G aJ'e 'in p 7,ace but before any lath, gypSWII bCaJ'c! 01' wall cove1'ing is appl1:ed, and befo!'e any insulation is concealed. ~d ),iw;l9!i)7;) . Date: - - r/-/0'-~ f . - -, I ~)~ D:~ :~ e .s f DE/.:'ODITIO/;1 OR :.;OVE'=: Bfj.T0DT/:'(;S -1 c..,. '.J. .' ., 1~......._ ~ __ J... p~o~ .... 1...t... ~ ...J(..nt ....01 iJ St2:.JC1_aepe(.. ......v. '.. th..1 v;! li?:e It is the refJponG1:bility of the pe27rdt holder to see that alL 1:nDpecl;ion:; w'e l;;ade at:;h-:; r)'Opel' tMN~;~ t,1;(:.t ;;;;.":.ch ,-:ddres;; is r'ec:'-"G.~::2 from the street, 'and that the penrrit card 1:S located at the fl'ont of the P)'opGl'ty. 'BuiZding Divi::io': appl'oved plan Glu:.ll l'emain on the Building S,itc at aU times, PfIOCE:DURE FOR INSPr:;CTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'CCOrclGl') state yaw' City de;;01'Z,:ued .fa;; mm:bel', job acG.!'c.SS, type of in:;pec:;ic.>. requestcd ar.d z,).':on you UJill be l'eady for inspection, Contractors 01' ();.;ne;"s ncme (::nd Fhon.:: n;;;:i!iCI'. Requc,;:s rcce'i:;ed !;efcl'e 7: 00 .-;;,~ ,'il' b, ~d, th, ,=, day, "qu,," mad, af'''' 7,,, mn wi" b, ~d, 'h, ""z ,~,'kin1 daii.~ql Fl rJ(~ YOU1' City Dem:fJY!.ated Job NwnbCl' I:;: 0 (-)/C>f-..J Reauired InsDect1:ons O SITE: INSPECTION: To be made after , excavation, but prior tc set up of forms. 0, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICt1L ,~ : MEC!f/l,vICA[,: To be made befol'e any work is ~ovcred. D DRyr';ALL INSPECTION: Te be made af/;er all droifz,Jall is in place, bu/; prior to any tapinfJ. ~ "e:J",''' "C"l. [T'-PC: c.:'Ui ,,'U:>d w,:th -l'a"~; ---1 ')""1 v "'....... v. ,., '".' .A.. ':: t;.. I..., oJ~."...... {,.. ::: ......-'" I F7:I:al. - 1/7:0; cb,J~e :i'-{:C:'I801',; ce:npletc..;, -.--J r.7)"i.cf 1,,1hen .:1.er;rc (:, t.~o): 1-3 camp t.ete 01"' S t:~Zi."]- tU::"1C moved aru..:~ i?l'.:;r;;i,3GS :::lel'1ne:i up. I; i Mob ,: le fleme,s II ~ ::;] ~ 13lochng and SeC-lm Plumb-i1'l{] corVlect.~cn.s s;:o,er ar!.{l we:. ;;er o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grou,ting 01' vel' t'l:ca ls ,:n accordance with U.B.C. Section 241:5. E'lcctl'iccl Ccm,ection - Blocking, set-u;; cone;' pZ.wnb-inq ccn}:cct,ioJls m~st !::e appra~e{:' befopc pequeD.t~il(J eZec!;"}'.ical inspec:io:: NlvOODS'l'OVE': ~ompleted. After installat'ion '/-G ~ ~lc~es;;o!':; Bldl.3.iw: ---1 ,J " ~ r;k'-::rti11g, decks", D CURB & APPROACl! AP,r;ON: A;/;e;' fOJ'n/r, are cl'ected but Pl''l-OP /;0 pcuJ'il1(! COrlare"te. F7:n,'1l - ilft;;;t' ,L--,7l'lCf:GS.t et;c. Cl1~e ccmple:cd. D /lZZ pr'o,jeet c01'Zeh:t1:oH:J, i3l1c",'-: as the -i.l1Dt:aLlaL-::on or S",I;)lect t~l.ge.sJ (}O:;i~)Z(Jt~vn of tile required landscGpir:g, etc., mus t he saL'isfied bcf'o;'e the BUf LDINC FI:'/;lL eCI: be rzques tzd. , o FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL o ,FINAL ELt:CTRICI,L [] o PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspect;ion mtlst be reqzteGted Cf'tCl' tl:.J Final ?lwnbin~ Electl'ical, arui Mechar.ical IlJ,spectio/l:; have been made alld appPoviJd. D SIUE'fo/llDK I) DRIlfEr';/1Y: For aU COIl- 'crete paving witln:n st;pect pigiJt;- of-I,Jay, to' bc made after' all exca- vating complete {~ J01~il /!.l()Y'k (e sub- base matel'ial ill place. 'ADD NANllGDES AND CLEANOUTS flUST lJE ACCESSIl.l[,J\, Af),I1!ST!1Ei/'!' TO !ll:.' ;,:,1!:!f:.' ,"" (.'0 {'~'S';' TO CT"Y D I'ENCE: liTher: complete -- Provide gates 01' movable sect'ioJlI; t;hl'CI,I(!h P.U.E. o P~7.{;i.? of ., JO B NO. /, I ~~onc: !Lot Sq. Ftg. 1% of let Coverag~ ! il of :otories ! Total Height I I Topography I I nEM SQ. FTC Main CQY'QCP' Car'pm't I ' ilcccssorl' 8.D.C. TOTAL VALUE' 7j)auc ) 1.5 x Building Permit State SU.1'chc1I'ge Total CMroges SOL A RAe C ES S R E Q.- : ',F' Occupancy Gr'oH. LOT TYPE' Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-si.w x Value Clll1/!GE' 111'EM i 1 FixtUI'~S Residential (1 bath) Sani tay'y Sewer Ilv'(:ter \ Plwnb1:ng [iel'r,;'i t :otate Surcl''.aJ'ge I ' Total Charges j1'l'EM NO. I Res. Sa. fta. ., NaJ/Extend Circuits !1'emporary Service I Electrical Permit St::<te Surchnrqe Total Chai'ges NU. I FEE FEE CHAHeE , NC. FSE CflAReE ITEM I F\aon:we F!TU' S I Exhaust 1I00d I Vent Fan I i Woodsto"Je I Pey'mit ISDu:mce MechanicJ.l PeY'ffrit State Sw'charqe Total Charqes ENCROAClIMEN'l' Seeurity Dzposit I Storage I Maintenan.'Je Peymi t Total Charges I CUI'beu~ I Sidewa lk I Pence I Electrical I Mobi le lIome Label '/,()'/,,1T, AMOUNT /JUF:' \ I (:Sw I I \~.~?P \CO.~.s^ '~.r7SI cl..:.yt;:" L -CO G-1t TYP'e/C<?n~L I, Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INOY'th Edst South IIv'ei;t I I 1 I Ileeess. I I I I 1,1 I I Enerqy Sources Heat Water Heater Range Fireplace Woodstove , TYDe Setbacks 1I0use Carage I. Fees I 1 I 1 I I Buildingl Value & Permit . .- ,I This peymit is granted on 'the express condition that the said construction shall, iri all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted /iy the City of Spy'ingfield, including '~he Zoning Grdinance, regulating the cchstructicn and use of vuildings,and.ri7,J.y be suspended or revoked. at any time upon vi,c- lflt'ion oj' any provisions of ,;aid Ordinances. i'll I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Receipt II: ISigned: Plumbin'g Permit I l' No percon shall const~jdt, i~stalZ, alter or change'any new or existing plwnbing or drainage sys~e~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the ,legal possessor of a valid pl!unber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing IJork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- can't. . I ^ EI ectr i cal P'erm it f"here State LITh) l'equires th.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label. has been signed 'by the E'l!1ctrical Contractor. ,I I, Mechanical Permit PZan EXCJl/ine1' Uate I !lAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED, the completed application for permit" and do he1'cby certify that allinforomation hereon is true and correct, and I fur' the]' eertify that any and all work perfoymed shall be do:-!e in accor- dance with the Oy'dinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lcr,,;s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, end ~hat NO OCCU- PI'.NCY will be made of any structur3 w'itho~(t permission of the Building Di- vis'ion. I further certifii that only conty'actors and e.~pZoyees who are in co...npliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project ~ ~(/) //-/6-21 Date Siqnc!d