HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 7/15/2009 . . L1MBIRO'Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Loren Leighton [loren.leighton@IPAPER.com] Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:13 AM L1MBIRD Andrew FW: 20090715094013621.pdt Andy, Attached is the ODOT permit for the pipeline that you will need to sign. I will bring a copy by tomorrow morning that I have already signed. We are still working on a lease for the pump station with OooT. The only issue of substance is the length of the lease. OooT's standard is a renewable five year lease, but they have language that allows them to go longer in certain situations which IP legal counsel is asking them to exercise. Even that isn't a big deal except these sorts of things tend to sit on attorney's desks for weeks. Loren -----Original Message----- From: KETCH Aaron J [mailto:Aaron.J.KETCH@odot.state.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 9:47 AM To: Loren Leighton Subject: FW: Permit application, please print off all pages and sign and get back to me. -----Original Message----- From: pr2500g@odot.state.or.us [mailto:pr2500g@odot.state.or.us] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 6:40 AM To: KETCH Aaron J Subject: This E-mail was sent from "PR2500G" (Aficio MP (6000). Scan Date: 07.15.2009 09:40:13 (-0400) Queries to: Dr2500g~odot.state.or.us 1 Date r:~eceived: 7/Ar /d-1 / / Planner: AL f " I, i i 1 -, - PERMIT NUMBER aiegonr"'.. L,..,....r. APp;L1CA':nON AND PERMIT TO OCCUpy OR , , PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGHWAY I, . . ' . , I KEY# I See Oregon Administrative Rule, Chap'ter 734~ Division 55 - CLASS; - GENERAL lOCATION PURPOSE OF APPLICATION. ITO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE/MAINTAIN} HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTE NUMBER o POLE TYPE I NUN. VERT. CLEARANCE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD HIGHWAY (126) LINE N1A HIGHWAY NUMBER ' I COUNTY I IZfcURIED, TYPE 227 20 = LANE CABLE ElBC & TELECOMMUNICATION BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS IZl PIPE TYPE 42ND ST. & 52ND ST. LINE WATER HWY. REFERENCE MAP I DESIGNATED FREEWAY I'N U.S. FOREST NON-COMMERCIAL I ~EE AMOUNT 88-8-10 . 0 YES IZl NO 0 YES IZl NO 0 SIGN $0.00 APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS 0 rvUsCEUANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR FACILITIES AS INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY' DESCRIBED BELOW' FOR ODOr use 0 LY" ...." . . .... ATTN: lOREN lEIGHTON ,i!oNO;REQUlIle[j REF,E~EN<:;E' :.,'IM9YJ:!Tt.9F,',f!9t-1i:l, PO BOX 700 ':,"-."~r:"~r'T" .",n,"" 0AR73~56' $8;000.00' D',(ES ,~ NO '. '71'''' , .. ..___.03612 . - SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 INSlJRANcE,REQufRED,REFERENCE; " ,SPECIFlEO'COMP:OATE: . (5'41) 741-5702 .~,.-~ ''''':'''''''~;,c" '^:"';,""i -~..'-." 'OAR i734!S5 .'~ ..... ',,"-C;'-c""'Y"""--""""~': , IZlVES: DNO '0351,,:,:,./'" <.. "10/01/2010, - DETAIL LOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach additional sheets) .. MILE MILE ENGINEERS ENGINEERS SIDE OF HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN pOINT TO pOINT STATION TO STATION' ANGLE OFCROSSINO ENTER OF PVM RJW LINE DEPTHNERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH , 8.18 8.18 375+08 376+08 , 20' VARIES VARIES 36" MINIMUM 36" HDPE 480' , , -- '-'-" -,"".""_..- -.-. "" ".---.'"""'--. - .. ..-- DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL,SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES SPECIAL PROVISIONS IFOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS} . TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED - OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED? . 0 YES (OAR 734,55,025(6)) , IZl NO . 0 YES (OAR 734-55-100(2) ,1Zl NO IOAR 734-55-'OOI1} . '. '11-. ,..... . .. .. ,. ['" . AT LEAST 4B HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRActOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER,' 1541 )686-7626 OR FAX A COPY OF,THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE AT: NIA SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPAce BELOW.. ' ":' , " ' ------- . . A 'COPY OF TH"IS PER~IT AND ~lL ATTAC8MENTS S.HALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE WORK A'3~A PU~ING CONSTRUCTION. ..ATTENTION: Oregon Law requlre:il you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Tho98 rules Bre set forth In OAR 952:001-00.10. through pAR 952;QO,1-o0~~,You ",-ay obt81ncoples of the rules by call1ng the ce~t~:r at (50.3) 232~1987. CALL BEFORE. YOU D/G 7-800-332-2344, C' , " .' " . . .- - COMMENTS - ()OOT USE ONLY Pennil & Permission to place buri~ waler pipe, buried electrical facility, and buried telecommunications. facility within OOOTrighl of "'fay at above location. Worn 10 include Ir'f!llching, All worn shall be according 10 approved plans"any chilitges shall be approved by OOOT prior lo.the start of construction. Pipe shall be place noe/oser than 5' feet from Ihe bridge inle,rior benl (pill!,rs). Replace theJiprap that is removed and put il back over the excavation or use controlled density fill (COF) to .match the exisling slope,and not placed closer thai 5 reef to the bridge interior beni(pillars), . ." C .' "'SEE PAGE 2'6 OF THIS PERMIT FOR GENERAL & SPECIAL PROVISIONS IF THE PROpOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING.THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL SIGNATURE TITLE . DATE X APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICATION DATE TITLE TELEPHONE NO. X., When thie application is lIpp(oved by thlt Department, the llPpllc:atrt I, albjeet to, aoceptS end 'wo- DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESENTATIVE tt. t.rmll end provisloTlll contelned,and etblched: and tM tarms of Oregon Administrative Rule.. Chapter 7r~4; Oivllion 56. which Iii by thi.~rofc:ronco made _110 part of this permit. X APPROVAL DATE 734-3457(7.(l6) Date Received: '7/, Jrrof Planner: AL ~-=-.... ...,.,......., ~ ...,...""""""",,,--,..... -~. ,., ~. -e' ,_ ., ", GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR POLELlNE, PIPJ:lINE: ANO'SURIED cABLE PERMITS, & MISCELLAN'eOUs PERMrrs (rev) Dec 2002 ,~c-' . ,~ APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY ,-"....... ',"."..." HIGHWAy'227 Ii", MP 8.18 I' G?f~~~1fcaht:must caIEf()rutili~"6cates~lJ~f6r~di9!Jing( 1,800-33202344 y. Y 6u:tnil.y be' h~IO'lialll~.iot a"amages. 'Pr~in-arkin9' of ~'-~~~~~~~~r~~~J~~,g~,!i~.2f7"~w;'-~F~~~~~~;. '-~>;~';~- ~'~;i~"-:~~~~?-~~?r!~',~ ~:~:~':t" ">::~",:' .. ",~' -- ~ ,- -- - ~ ." "~~; , ~RPliqarw~~ail,gav~~~:c,oPYQ.i'W.lS'P'~.@jt0~n~~auath~[~t1hg\~~f~~~ttWl'be~~IfuQ!~!.jfi~QistrL~' M~lntenance[!anager or~!I!~g,Q!\!j!Y~ia!i!h~!.fi!f~~Ue,slf' ,., , "f"" ",;' '.". ",' ,'I - 03. ,Contractor.to acknoV\lledge receiptof,!pd reviel'{of, by I~lter, the Oregon Aqministrative Rules (Chapter 734-55) goveming 'miscellaneous faciljties aQdoperation~.9J1the HighWay.righf of waY as thegoveniing"ptovisions of this permit oragreement: -- - . - d; - ,':c'-.._-;:-,,~,_,_ __' _-_~,~~~;~~ :-: '-~~:-='e: _', ~:,,,;,,,";,,!,--_......, '---:'" , . ,-~::;::...,...,.,.~~...,..::~:~~:,~", 1lCJ4',. .... ,G.onlr(lctQfj:tQ,revie\\'..,!be,Oi~1l9n:AQJ])JfJi~!tativ,fljHY~fls'(Glfag!~t'~~'piv .1i1itg9vemiri9.mis~~ous Jacilities:an~' . Qj)eriltii;llls'O'h' th'e,\1ifj~waijjgfilbf\vaYfa'Sti(e)gOV'efn[ij9jQr6~im!dhni~1p'ermit'dr\19rtieiJ\ent{WebSite:, ,.. ',:t:, hllD:llarcweb.sos.state.or,us!n;le~!OARS' 700/0AR 734/734 055 .htm~ ia5~~lKcCesscontrbit~D~~f~ufr[~iD~mrIt~giaufjmg;tor\~ttU81f9nzar\g;r-e~ke,:q;t15li~91iW~aRi~B~f~rc@ffi3,Q airel"', Fonstru.C;!!,Q.[1j~c~.f1tel """ ." . .. ~'" . . ':-.' _ - __~ H:~'-';:,~,,,.."'_"t~: ;;."",:::,~ _ _,,;~ _." __ .,,_;-;;:', _ _ ,',"< __ -' I3t':"Jh~~~1itELeihiIT'noG;'se!~:D~ht'Of;way.lo:dISP1~i~dvert~Iiiqis~ns~?r:m~ich8M~'ofan~kl~g] 07;.~The.'stop~ng,and.p~rki~'g..of,y~Icie~'.~RorlStatf).'H~hwa0IighfofVJ~yTorT~~ail'l~~~ciqll~~Oinihg~iQp.~iiJr:2r i~ !Qrtherance;of.afl'Y;bilsiiiesst;-anSaG~i~n:oicd~rhergi.a..Glstablish~ent is<strictiYj1fb~~teo:, ',., . . gr~:h,'..:])stur~~.gt~lf)~~~~~II'Ii~'!J!~~'!lg~"9~1Y~~.~Ji!S~.in~~lJe..t9t~~~i!W~.L~~~llHWR~~[e:~~~,Qijj~j 09. The spreading of m~d or debris upon any State Highway-is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the. permit. Clean ups"~ail.be aLlbe appllGant's exgense. Tb~,highwClY sh,illlb~ c1eanedof all dirt and debris at the end of each work day, or more frequeotly if so~etermined by the District ~anager or represenjative. . . _________ __"___n . . D10.Permitleeshall repla_ceanYIilndscape,'Yegetati~nor fe8ces,that'af~d~stroy~d.Any.damage that is notIully recoYflred ' within 30 days (weather perl11itling) shall be replaced by ODOT at.the expense of tfiepermitlee. A "piant establis~ment" shall be . ynderstood to be Pilrt of the.planting work to a.ssure satisfactory g'ro'wth of planted materials. The plant establishment period will begin when the original pl~J1ting and~llla_ndscape construction h~s been'Gpmpleted an.d app[9ved. T~e length of th~ establishl11ent period will bepne caleMaryearcoras defined in the SpeciaIProvisioJ1s.r . 'tJ11::.APPllcantWill'instal(~hd mai~t~inlandscaped.aFea as shown on tti~atlacheij;drawings. Planting shall be limited to low growing shrubs, grass or fiowers that do not attain sufficient heightto obsfruct clear vision in any direction. The Commission or Jngine~L~hall hay~Jhe right to remo~esaidland.scaping at any time suchremovalTay appear to the Commission to be In the 'public inteIes!, witbput'iiabiiilY. or loss, irijury; oj,damage or any ni:lture wha!so~Y€lr. -,; ,"'f ,i ,'; U I", , ODOTREP , . ., '-j,~;,--, DatEr" . 1[" ;q, .,~ ." "[)ate Rec~'iyed:~rY~7 Planne( AL / ' j.; , .,,"'~,-- 1 ) I, . . 2 - [fBAFFIC'.. ~." . ....' '.. .... ~2, "i:He;work~ring,~ns1(~pti~:!,rl1)?iilt~naQ:ceIperforlT1ed&nde~.lhe;ffierlT1lf;provisionT~~all'be..piQl~cte'ifl!i,'. I3ccoii:lanc"iiwitti\thficurnint'Manualon'(jilifofmTfafficCoritrol Devicesfor4S1reelsand Rianwavs, QS-DepanrTIerit 0'. ,-. ~.. .. -~. ".- _.." g... ..' '--- -.. ,'_.. ", ....... .. .. - .."" .. .. .. - - ".. "__ ',... '.__'_ .. "'>-.:',.,'''.. .. -'/'c ,_', ~ _ ...... >.. _ ............,..:>--- ~ranspori~iion-' Imdare.O~gon1 Departm~llt of Transporta~on supple[i1el1t~ lt1~rit9. 'I'I~gg~~_musl'h~.ve<j carclor,certificaJe" ,~ 'Gaic~tiri9itJj~ir'C9rl)P~f.lti6hcif',~IJ:.~ppr?;~~9\~Or~.?-!lne .lr;~ffic!9Pnlrol:CPJl[\'e:.A,II.tr~~~..s<m.tr9Jt!!t',y[ge~.s~all,'be...!]!lin tajl).ecl~<acCOr9jn~ to the 'A TTSSA,Quahty StandarasJor WOrK.ZoneiFraffic Gontrol Devlces.handl5ookl '. ' ,,' - - . - ~ []13: COntractor t9P~9Vide,a.de~~iledJraf!ic98p.tr81 planfD~.ea.ch p~,~_~~ ofm,~.~ork, s;QPwiilg si.Q~~.?nd cone,s. Plan~Jo be submitted for approval by the'Dlstrlct Manageror represenlatlvem advance of construction ormalntenahce. . ," ,,'~J~~~~~;~j1:~i~~{f~jE1]~~af~:I~I5~!*{~~~:l~~~g~i~~~~~!!~~~~~f~~i~l!~f;~:<~~~~~ - - ,- - - . .[;]/15. No'jane restrictions willbepermitted ontffeJOadwayduring.t~e hours9fdark~ess,onwee"kends, nor~etween 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM, or 3:0Q~PM and 6:00 PM"(Mondayihru FridaY)'w'ith6tif ~rior autnorization bitheDistrict Manageror representative: 016, ' Hours of Work shall '.:." 'if'~ii"-h.,':"'," -ii-;;::'!)' d - DRAINAGE. ',' , . , ' , ,017. ()n site storm d!ainag~c.sb?J1I beso,ntrol!~d ~ithin the applicant's property, No blingfQnnections to existing statefacilities., "1:~,:: .", C ,d"<','" ",'5~:~':'":- ."",~:;::::~'" ,,:;: J!:i~,,':': I :I'!~ t,:;'-:-I: '~'II."rl~:! . ,;<:'":!~-D;!': ~~:r~_- ~:'~ ,:; I' 018. Excavation shall not be done on the ditch' slopes, Trench excavation snail either be at ditcD bottom o(outside the ditch area, (Minimum depJh at bottornof ditch,36', minimum depth at the outside of ditch-42' "!i-i"~t~ 1;:, ",.' ,-"" )-;~I ,;" ' i!-tJ,~i\'~ ;'::jjbH1 '! ,,':~l!i;-"':,:"" "-' ~"-L': , , 019, Only earth or rock shall be used as fill material and shall slope so as no to change or adversely affectexisting drainage: Fine grade and seed)he finished fill with native g~asses to prevent erQsion. " '" ;-i~b:!.i; th', , , :' "'iO-_j: , ~_=:-::. 020. A storm drainage study will be required bya registered engineer meeting the standards of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) when any of the following conditions apply: " ,1"::.' '. ;:"_ "'_ "l~~' ,;;,"",._" ,1',. Whenever a 4' pipe is inadequate to serVe the developed area, , ~evelopmrnt site is,;iacreorl~rger insl~eanddif~ctly or in-'direcllY~lf~~tsstatidacilities:c~'i, - ~~ "~- . 'I:;!~: ',~C' or as directed by the District Manager or representative. ",:,. ':t:~ilii ;~~~1. ,I ~~~j~.::.).i ,~:-!~~Sr,!'i1_,(':,::'i". :,:.,.!,' "..:, "-". ":Ai"!'~:':,,, ,,'<"i'_..J:i';i:_oo 021, An advance deposit of $ (Order to Render Service) is required for ODOT Hydraulics Engineer (Bridge Section) to review a~d approv:stormst~~y calcul?tions.. ." . .",,~ .. '--, . {~,~ib' , Ii,,: ','H.' <: ""-::~:rJ; ,!i,ji:::[;;-,\;,ri,Tr':j.~:;~~' , :_.~41~~~L:!.--:;.." t.:,.""., ..'",.;::+":[<';"01 _,;; <1H':: '.' yi:r;~:t='/":~:F-'. :;\_:_.\ ,~!; '.' 022. Y du will be required to 'provide "on site" r~tairiage for storin water run off th~t exc~edsthat:of undeveloped sill,;' , [J23,..! Stor'!1drai.n~gest~,qi~~all b"e a, year,' " . either.',' "", ,; I 10 year; u 25 year; , ""~"S, ';:!L,J." ,- ;; _, '0'--' " ,":, '" . ';; ,," '''''('''>C 50 year, 'if ,11 100 .i4f'i,,' "-':'L:~j, Applic~ni . ""',4.- Xi'-. ODOT REP mite "'i:,'::'f",'::t'., -'.~~,i "C'r,","" ...... . . ' .' .. . . ... .' ...". . , Date, Received: plarfrfer:AL 7 /Ir~, , I" _/ 0 'I .CC' " ;" . \,'~j':,~ .-... ,""1..,: .. u .:-.:_ '., ,~ .'. -"",. .u" ; 11" f;"'" 'ii 'f ;'1 I Ii i I , _"C_' .. '!:~' _ _ ;-',:': . ,"-'. ..' -""' __:"'__'_:_ -,": .,.~, . "p. '_ .:, . .. :,' ..j7 ::' 024. . All water Qlschwged to a~ Q[)OTdrairiage system \YiJI be treated priortodiscl1,arge.:A1T'requests for cOlJnEiction to an ODOT storm sewer will meet any reqiJifementSof the National pollutant Discharge Elimination System that could include: local jl!~s(liCtipn. app~y~lpi O~'~\f!lwater qUCl~itY tr~atni~nt ~a~i1i~e~: development of an operation and maintenance plan for any on site water quality trecrtment fa~\llty as' determme~ by local junsdlction. 3 . . . .... - . . EXCAVATION/CONSTRUctION . :.-." . -" "'~-';W'" ? t'0'1".i1.,. '. s!~.e~s re,~. ilable,om 'is ~'" , ;_,,:_~~"<~""=\r''7:t;.-,-,-~~,:. .. .~":- '. :: '". c;t-:"::,H"i':' if' . . _'., '_~: :':':f':L' ,'''i,:;:,: ':~ _,,' ::"~ _:!!-~~ 1,: :; . :,'~,::: ~:::::i::iU ;'"t : '_ """~,: ,,'" . _" . D26..0pencutting'of pavement shaUohly be CloVifed in are~ specl c(llly approved byjljstrict Manager or representative. . -. ,. . 'I ""jj- i!f~-'~+: . ':'":"'::'j'" ,..... ., -.:,,,,/ -':' , ,', ""';"':=~'''''"-'''''--1 " ""'. ...- " '""'F. ,. "f---" ,.,.., 'iO, .j',', [Jg7. TreriChbacktii's~~1 be acco..~.!~gto ~eattkchedtriiicaldra\V,jng, marked as Exhibit . . G:!28. OPEln cutting ofth~highwayv..m be.~llowed .with coristru~tiollill.aCcOrdance witll OAR 734-55-100. All excavatioll in paved areas shallbebackfiliiidandthe roadWay'sortace'patchelfbefiire"the eridof each shift.' In special casei where steillplates are I "',;",'U",--,~,c ,;,--,,_, ",' .. ;, ,',," ,:~",,'",,""""c4; ,._.ct,':',,,',;,,,_,,:,,,, - ":--' ---'--,,''-''r'''-''''''''')'' ,-,,",,,,,o:,,:.,,,i<:I',,,'I,,.--,:' -. "'-'~"'c'~O-" ..,..,--.--,.",~. .C., .'O',__''''''il" ","" .L....__., "'-'- ," .,_,". -_'_,,~~. ,".,,-...-.,'. .,"" ",'" " ",-',,, ~, . -.- " ':. '.'- -- '--,_= 1,~lloYiEl<(S~d pl~s s~~lIb~ pinned?~dil. ~inPQti!rY cold patch applied to the edges.' The perlnittee shall be fully respollsibJe for , nioni!O~ngan(f!nillllt~6j~iir(>ftem!lOrarfpaI~b!ogtlnd,steel pla,ttng:'... . ... '.' .. '..' '.' . ~ '. t' ..:i':":"::,::'::':~ "'",,_y_;,.5~Ti~i~:"~:::.'~~.::""-'--'--'": ',' O_.'(~"", :,_ ':S~:':"--::L':': .' '. ::':':',~E:is:~_.. ,': .:" ,,' ,::- '_ ;: _'n _, ..~ . "-,, , __:. " I rn2~. . CoiripaCtio~~st Vim be req~ir~d!Or, each open cut per ODeJI Standard sPecificationJor Highway ConstruCtion. Tests I . shallbe condu.ctedeverY.... ...... ..;'~~ ~er .. "'.: . .. Liftpfa tontirltlOus ~nch by"'stiindard AASHTO T99 meth/xrAt the I discreti(lriof lIj~pjstrict Mall'iger orreprese~~ve,resultS"of such',lesishali be proyid!ld to Districl'Manager or repreStlrtanveat lappl@ints'expen~!l.., . . .. . .. . .. . . ' . II . d1~~:con~16~h~iiy Fili(CDF) sh~11 be used as surface back tii, materialiri p/tip~ ofcflJstj(id rJk in open trenches that affect I' 'iiietravefpoI"ti6ns()ttiiehighw~y. Ao/.~-6:or 1 ~-()Hx:k will be used for the aggregate. The amount of ronCrElte used shall not f exceed 3%'ofitie totaiirliXtUre-s weight' MaximuiTi compressed StrenQths must not excee'd1 ()()..150 psi. [', . _~,;'"",~,:,.' _ ':_ ,",!,~"i.:_c"'__"'~""":"~':::I:I_' , " ;,~'~~ ,';;,,:":, ,.: ," '"_"".. '-. :,'. .!~ . i ". O~1. Surface resioration~hall be.a minirnumof 6" of hot AC, or match existingAC depth, compacted in 2" lifts, whichever is i greater. Sand-seal all e~g~i and jointS: . . ." . ., I ,.,' y .... L"" '" I. .~~I~:~ '~'~~U~~~t:~tJ6~i~~rl~fill~'@tiriijti~rf1j:l~~1YZ.G~~s~~~~i9~obTOk6fg;;:~~rM~.9~. t '. r5J3,;Any ~f~1bi~iJt6tdafQaQe~a~~~.~if1;hallbe restored)!1acp9fdahcewi.th the~~~hed 1":~pe drawing. Foraperiod of 2 :, Y7clrs f6110wing the Patched, ~?Ii!ld .s~rf?ce; t~e applicant sp~U be r7sponsiblefOr the conditionofsaill p~yement patches, and during thai timeshaUrepali'fu tlie DistJ{clM,ulagefor reprEls~ntaiivesatisfactioniCanyof iiie' patches which become settled, ,":'::_ .. ...;. '---. c;~;.;::'.;"',<",.'-I'-"":;-'T"""",.,_;:}."'.""!,,,;,,-."----"",,,. ,. ""'."__" ,', ".:,,__," .C~ . TI " . . ":". ''';,,'' ".: . __ ,"'. ., '. .. " cracked brokElncorotherWisefaultY. ..... .":: . ",C' '.:' .... ....:::...... -. .... .' i : !i'"~:~i,;1!,~::i"~~'__' ': ,.- ~-,::: :,: ':;'u," '~:~~..~~"~.[..::::':".'.-,:';'m!!ii:: . ,;;,:. ,. _ .. ,;-,"',:'.':::,, _ .' . ,_ ':: " '-," :" ,,' :_':,' _,' ._', :,'::,,::: __" -< ': . . '- . I . [j~,,::"~ry<ivll~~y~~~aj~ ,~~~n c~area,~Ha1I'6iicompieted piior, to the;e~d of the90nStriJ~on:season, .or Whenminirnym : . .b~rniiet<l!9~ialleVi~.R~r:2I)<2t~~~@sp~!ii!i,~~!t~~ forl:f19h~aYig<>.n~~o~. TYP!c?love~~.sp~".bIl1 %",aeep~~dcov~r ~e !, affecteqarea [Omei:lgeof pavementto edge ofpayementand taper longifudlOally,50',: 1 ". Taper may be adjusted by the DIstriCt T ,:::.-,",c.;;"-""!';Flf,-,_ .;;o,,"''''''''''-----';''---''-'-'-''''''';'';':o!L:.'' ....f'...... ~.rt.:r.f,--.:i'-....-.. ,_",,:,.,.,___,.' c. ";'-J;.. J" :'::_,.... _'''';'.. ;..,.".... ,_ . .;.-","_ ,r., ". ".' M. anager as required. Fora' period of two yearsIoUowing this patchirig of the surface, the applicant shalllle responsible for the """:r;c.:'c.. ii".""';,," "','''!-" ""j'''''',,,,,.:;.cl.,;,J'I'''-',;..'', ',,-:0' . ':-'''' ~li ':,j..,';,. ",", <""+:;;"-"'6. -',,, :I:', ".1 -".', ,. -l- ":""" '-..' .. 'J.,,_' "ct_,," '''''-- ",'. ':_~", "' , . !"~',,~C:.;_'_;": ,v "--'"'' . "",- " , 9Qnd,itjo~ Of ~Clid P~verneflt~j:j\Ches; ~~d ~uringjh<it time ~h~U repairt? the District M'!nager or representative's satisfaction any of the!p~9heswhii:h becoii1~ settled, cracked;' brQ~en or otherwisllfaulty..' , .... .' , ....... ;,', """,,"' . .-' ".. :,' ,",-e;' "'. . . - ,,,,,",,..,,.1;",''','.'4' -'"'''''''''''''''-',>'j;,''''' . .' ',_,'..;',__---_;;,-,;.-" _ . _ " :, ";,)L', _ . ',"' ." . O~5. . Highway~rQ~~ing shaU~e bQredorjac.K~~. ~or~ pitssh~16e located behind,ditch line orin areas satisfactory to the District Office. Unattend~d pits shall be protected by a 6-foot fence or shaU be backfilled or steel plated and pinned. . ~4' ,on. " i. " Applicant dboT REP Date, {{"c0ivea: Planner: AL Date 7/' /;)N>~ / ._''''",1''''1"'';;.' . . - - - ,,.."',.~,. '"= ',~,." ; "..,,- . ,..".....,"" ( L "'~~::_, .. .~" '. ;.';.~-" , '-""";;;'"::'~:"'i ,,';'., :Ii"':~_~~r:~:, 'i " (]l3S: . ~~plipantsQ~j~~tall;aJ;1!raCe;i~if~~ ,9rritb~~ simIT~~~(>ndu@~ecmirt<iri9:t~P~,~r.'d~j~~)f1nstalling any!nOn~coriduCliveJ 4 , ~JllpcatiJbl~Yn~m!![l\U~!!1r:to;~QmPJY;.Wi\b;lhj~gonil:J.iUi,ty,:tiQtificati611i!~lllif[,&D~~~~~~~lt!tt(R~ri~~~~561~OQ7.q, (6), I.' .,' '., ',. '" 037. TrElnch backfi,I,loutside 6f ditcQ, liQEl()f in, aPRroved areas,can be native soil cOfllpacte.d at optimum moisture in 12' layers to 90% or greater ofthe-rnaximumdensity.,~: . '.' . l' ,038, Native material found to be unsatisfactory f9r compaction shall be disposed of off the project, and granular backfill used. ,:r - ;i::~,_~; 'i::';"" I'L_'-!"~,,,,, ii,.t~~~' _"1.";' Ii'''''' - !~'-';F\ ; . i li~ '", 039. Tre.nch backfill in rock slope or shoulder shall be crushed 1 "-0 or }'."-O size rock compacted at optimum moisture in 12" 'layers to 95,%. of maximum de.nsity by st<lodardAe-S~TO T~9:method." :":""!~H-::' '" I-:!;:!~~::",; " '~ lii.'=j;:F~__i, "";""!ir:;i:'f!~'''; 'I,,;,'!;i"":::,;:,!,' !;'{;>d., 'I """!'-:;~i;Y;-'-' I :'!':~ ',,'H' ~ ,1-;, '040. Where excavation is on fillslope.steeper ttlan 2:1 slope protection shall be used with 4" size rock laid evenly to a minimum depth of 1.., .~,,:r::=.., :_:~~";J '_, ,-~- -:. L{!lli~,' '''' , ,": ",',,'..,' ":.:::'."i-',, "",: 1_,. ' ,,' ,', ,':'I,q~:;i::,f~:;;~1"':'! , i:}t~~'_:::: '.' " ", ,'" ,', ,: _ ",.::':;::":'V"", "__'~":_:i~,:;:,,:,:i : ,I " I..T~'~Pf",::- ':, :,".""""," "I"~~" _, ,...,P:;" ! ,0' ~.' @t"'Nq;rtore]~iiQ'QL9f~~~~!1!Qri~J~'@y,,~I~gl~e,'~9Q~IDi~~II:be~~~,~p'~na~~1iy~o.rie.tiri;l!.aBc1:r!QieI1CllJlh.[lll:~ .. Jef!:in,ano~n.conQJ!iQlligverhigtlJ,f ~'..!< ., ::~. ..' .'. <~_Mf~t4L:' ''',''''<''''::'-f'''';':'':~''::'''':.~?:~~;''''L:r,''~~--;:"~-:!::,::>.~;:,~:ii-i:, """;', i ": l':~,:-:_l~~ill:'i~i, " ' ,::~::r~'~J!~':--:_ ,_iij'::J~:,:::l:," ,}:",.-:'::'::';:::::"H ':'! c,,:'i:',:,;:" " , ;_' _'in,', _ " ,_' __' ",:n,':~_'_ _' """ ',~2; ~:ordisiy~e,~~ti~~7i(nll,~..", :.,~,6~!t~;f~~igfe~JI&a~condftfoifsilii[5iEf;fttff~WistrlC~M~<lger.of!~p~enf~1 ; if'.r~f erosl2J!.!QJte'mlaldWttl1a~~ptablerIP.@R ma\Elnal); ....... .. ',' ;., .- ~ f~~-T': ,," "';-'!':~'-'""'." """ ""'_~.~,,, c"" ;", ";':~;':~:'.- ,:-,.,""" ,,:-,\,~;.:~::,:::: ""-:I"!j~:~r ' ,- ~'~-;W>! , 'f~ij:" ':[::-ini~~[,,':'~: ".' ?J'I' , _ , n '_,~,.. 043. All 'underground utilities shall be installed with a 3' or more clearance from existi~g or contract plans guardrail post and attachments. All non;metallic water, sanitary and storm sewer pipe shall have an electrically conductive insulated 12-guage copper' tracer wire th.e fulLlerigth of tbeinstalled pipe uSjrig,blue wire for -.yaterilDd gree~}or storm and sanitary sewer piping. ,~,', ,," '--:,c-- '''', - ~." "", " , '",,00.... ' " , .044. Any area of cut or damaged concrete shall be restored in accordance wi\h the attached Typical Section-Pipe Section under sidewalk. ,', ,,, ;;" . . , ~ -. 045. Signs and pedestals s~all be placed as near the highway right.;f.way line as practical. In no case shall pedestals and line I)larkers be located 'iY,ithin the~ig9way Ill?i~t~nanc~}rea. ....j~., i ,,-' --,,--, , 'n, r---- 046. No cable plowing is allowed within the laieral support of the highway asphalt (I.e. at 6' lower than the edge of the asphalt, 110 plowingl';ith 9' pf,the edge of the a~p,Q~!t). I . ODOT Operations Structural Coatings Coordinator for c .. . - -- - - '047. All pipe and bridge attachment hardware shall be sutlmiUed to approval. . . . """: 048. Expansion of anODOT approved to be located in the closedproximily with the 'expansion joints of the' ,sjructure. QQOT Bridge. Office Practice Manual available upoflTequesl,or, visit our web site (see If4 above) "'i:..~;!:::-r:'''" ,If_~~l,;, ':"", :::!~::-;::~:'i::' ':-:, , ': :! H'J~~; -. ,~,~;'i~,: 'i'~"" ,:::',l'i:.',,;, " if~~~_::' ' .. :~~\:".,:" ::,t:i:f:~~::I!:,:.:: -}':,. f ,,', ;~', , I' 049. Adhesive an;6hors onlyare acceptable forsupport brackets. For a list' acceptable' adheSive anchors dr more information, the ODOT Bridge Office Practice avail?ble uponrequesl, orvisit ourweb sile(see #4 above). . , j,';iD~'J~~":'.. , , ,:"j!.1,t~i_,;'J ' ": ,I' ;",:~,i'~!:\'I'I' '; .;U'':'-h'- :";:'~I:J~i~;l"':,' .:; . ,. I\pp;icant . 'I I" ~ ODOTREP 0- Date " '-~, ;,,,,,,,,:';:'~,~~!,;,' I,,, ;~i'; , ""';"'. "". , ,. ..... Date Received: . Planner: AL ,j;ijj).rD9 , .{ u . "':.,.T.., "j,..,!'i::':'iJJ.;,_,;:-1;-',- -'''''''''''''''''''"''''C''" . ",.,:",!:,. ~ ; (. . 5 . 050: Field drHledhbles in thestiffeneirs andaieas damaged by drill~hall be painted with t""Dcoats of ziric-iich primer priorto assembly. Methods shall be approved by ODOT Operations Structural Coatings Coordi[lator. ci'; ", "~"- .,;-, ,:~'-:, ;,:;!.;,;: . ;~,,; :,~;,:-~,. ,_,,-' :; -, . _ . .~'; '.c ',-;~,,, 1:. _--~ 051. Neoprene gasKets to be placed between the mounting plates and stiffeners. ODOT Bridge Office Practice Manual available upon requeWor visit Qur web site (see #4 abOve). . . " . . . : "":i:J,i,... :;::::_tJ ,j. -_:;:i#:::\" ",,-'/:' -':""n: ;-:::Hr~~L:I~' ",l,~~W:-:,' . }_' _' . '". ',0 "\' ',_:: .' "f_,::~,;~~-L'~>_ ," .,_1)~ ...E(s2;)\PPlic~nt'sn~iij~~bi~~a~'d1'irable:for({jJnve!;t!gatingpr~senc~absence{jfan~ l~tl~~pfOt~~~6ffeg~i~d " .1myifR.Qrj1~QtagE~.~~u.~c~(~ Ljn tb~:,ac.!i~!j)~rea:'(f)iQ~\eI(pining:'~~y.ianq ~aO .res~19.Upns:9rT$gui(l'lgJe[lJstbat rtilaJe io .the.propose~ ~ctions;and'cornplyingiwithsuC1i..inch.lging. bilLnpt.liinll!,d' to. tlios,e, r~Jp!in~tto;hai~fdo,us'ma@tal( il), '.~atetq~ality.cQhstraints;l ,kvet!a~Q~,~r9"h~810git~Lof historic r~s~ui~es(~l'slate3and federal.thre,~tened ~rendi3g~ered..seecies.:,e!9.~@:f2mgIYIQg ~illJ&I' . 'fltdetMJi!.a~~ill1!t&tmJ~~~3a~ar6bl~.!t1].gIaIIJfeq~ananeressa.Jft:p~Imits,~na.,~~p16vals! 'f'" . . . C~~~'~f~':~:" ',':, , - ,;u..'~"'7"~:;""'7-:-~""-~~~, -*,~:'."':--~, Ir, :"'~~',_"" ...."'."-".~"'~ ~";;F=m..'~,-.~~,-~--:-;;...,>,-",.--,~:';"---.~ '. ...l2SJ53f;;lfcttt~:,aRpliC~nt~gJRm;~~jeg~J.ly.ptp!@~e,9!~g~I~!~ct,rn~ojJI<;e!~~plicilWp$tmitle,~;~ha!1 b~ .r~sponsib!ftfor,aJI~sts _",J'.. .. ~ssocia!ed withislJ9hii1'ipacti 'ihcl.uding;:bul not,Hinit~d!o'~Ii".cQ.sts'i:>fl1)jt!gati.on'~nl:J'ren?"bilil~!idQ, 1!nd.~hilll" inq~r'n~ify." and .hold ....gQ0T.Qa~mlells"for,~lliriiP1l6ts.:<in:[L1e"respllrisible:"ilnd.li'!2~;to,&f?,Qlf2I@Dy~~~~i9!edsost~2!:..2Is!I)1~1.t!~t9DOT ~J!Yilla.vel' . . "~~;~Rian~~~re'~pp~~e~in;g~~.~rai\ghi~;;~didoesriotir<<r.11e~i1h~apPliC~nf!fOtn COf1lPletiQ~~the:co~"stiUC!ion'.imprQ"V~ment(:., ,....~~ti$f~~t6o/.tQ3~B~, ~,)91l~~~~~}(!/,~yf,?e,";~~q,4lW~"JWi;t~~~IDi~J.~t~a~agfJ'i~r<~Bf~~~ntati~~*YJ.h-en~fi,~~ge!!J9f~2mC!dJ!~i[l1Q1t fteld;_as.bUlIt:drawlng l.be'suDmltted'tot'l~4Rlsllj9.\i&lfficE!t, ,,". '.H" "'n"-. .' . ~:,,;-":?;_:,- -'_.<_~'--::-f'-"": ", ,:m:__:. _-'~:':r: --'_~:'__---, ,_'->Co- 'n---. _, ,:-,,_,,_ _::~:- -i>:'- __,;,.':; ,_ ,_- c.E(55f~PP'iBlfiJ:Sha'r~~~respq~sffi~J'b_t"?jlnQT~o~.~1[s~1~g]Iell~t[flig'~'tJ;9~~~8~uni~R[@9h;-Wilhi:I;:tlie'~bf~area!iri",~ ~9~~rd?riqe.wir?8~S\f99;159and~or.c209.1 ~5:;t monume~ta~?~.. orii'~"?9ce.7;ories:a~~' in..ad.y~rten.t1y'or. otherwise distu.rbed..QL, ~E!~tr.(lYE!~: .ai?~I!cJlpJ.sliall.be,resRons'bie'.for'~ostsanq...9Qore!Va\!Q~~socl.9te~JYjI't:s r~lf_~.eblishmen.!::BYL'!_PL9!~~.llilt hc;e1!9~-suJ\lE!Zo!4 n .... ... ", . ... ;f1TJI '''''1'1 . Applicant .- .= ODOT Rep. '~ll, Date 'if"",:- 1"-'" # 'I"j' "',. . ',,1: ,"-" " , ..., .,n' · OateBeceived: .,Planner:~k 7 /;~-/~1 I --- I .