HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/22/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . . Final Site Plan Review . .. . -. A licant Name: International Pa er Com an : Phone: 541-741-5400 Fax: 541-741-5670 Address: 801 42nd St S A licant's Re .. International a er Com an : Address: Phone: 541-741-5400 Fax: 541-741-5670 Owner: International Pa er Phone: 541-741-5400 Com an Fax: 541-741-5670 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: +7-0Z0L~-Ucr 801 4L"d S( ~ nn Address: Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: Acres [Z] S uare Feet D station and forced main 450 Descri ption of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: See Attached Narrative Existin Use: Container Board Manufacturin Tentative Case #: DRC2009-00021 . . - . lication Fee: $ 7-\ 'J- "-r Technical Fee: $ P 1l.S 2.()oq --000 / { Date: . Reviewed b : A Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: , j . Date Received: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal tl~ 1 of 4 Signature . . Owner: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. ~4J(.f/ ..I?~ 7#41 Date: ~I ~ure/ /~ Kf.)n.J NAl/WARb Print . Date Received: JUl 2 2 2009 Final SULimi!!al It/- _._--~..._. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 . Final Site Plan Review Application Process . 1. Applicant Submits a Final Site Plan Review Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . Applications missing required items wili not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Pianning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compiiance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application & Issues Final Approval . This is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a pubiic hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or deveiopment standards that do not require the use of discretion. . Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . The decision issued is the final decision of the City and may not be appealed. 4. City Drafts a Development Agreement . Applicant and City sign Development Agreement . Final Site Plan and Development Agreement become null and void if construction has not begun within two years of signing the Development Agreement. 5. City Conducts Final Site Inspection . City authorizes provision of public facilities and services and issues Certificate of Occupancy Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 Final submittal i2~ 3 of 4 Fi~~1 Site Plan Review Jlmittal Requirements Checktt NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. D ~ ~ ~ ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Final Site Plan Review Application Form Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. Five (5) Copies of the Final Site Plan Sets incorporating all required modifications and applicable conditions Additional Documents requested as Conditions of Approval as part of the Site Plan Review decision. Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 I"ina. ">"",,.1.'" .,.._..t2vL_..- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 4 ;;/. . \ . . INTERNATIONAL@PAPER 801 42"' Street Springfield, OR 97478 July 21,2009 Mr. Andy Limbird Urban Planner, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: FINAL SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR NEW MILL WATER INTAKE, INTERNATIONAL PAPER-SPRINGFIELD MILL Dear Mr. Limbird: Intemational Paper submitted a Type II Site Plan Modification application on May 26, 2009 for the new mill water intakc for the Springfield mill site. A new mill water intakc is required to meet National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fish screen criteria. The initial plan was to install a new intake and fish screens in the McKenzie River and micro-tunnel under the freeway and Kizer Slough to a new pump station on the plant site. The fish screens were installed as planned, but micro-tunneling at this site was not a viable altemative. With the location of the fish screens now fixed, the only workable alternative is to construct a pump station adjacent to the new fish screens and install a force main under the freeway bridges and then across Kizer Slough to the plant site. This change required a major site plan review. The city responded to Intemational Paper's application on June 29, 2009 with six conditions of approval. Conditions I, 3, 4, and 6 addressed the need for a fonnal landscaping plan and restoration of the site. A vcgetation plan was prepared by Sam Shennan; a landscape designer, and is attached for your review. Sam's plan more than restores the site to pre-existing conditions, particularly on the north side of Kizer Slough where there is nothing but blackberries in the projected pipeline route. In addition, the scope of work by the landscape contractor is included. He will be responsible for maintaining the new plantings through 2010 which includes watering and removal of invasive species. We will review what ongoing activities will be necessary in early 20 II to promote native species. Condition 2 required that the pipeline be painted a neutral, not reflective color. This is now specified on the project drawings. It will likely be a medium green or tan. Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal dot:- #'. . i . . Andy Limbird July21,2009 Page 2 Condition 5 required obtaining all the necessary pennits. lntemational Paper has obtained a pennit modification from the Corps of Engineers and we are in the midst of getting a pennit for the pipeline and a lease for the pump station from ODOT. Copies of the modification, application, and draft lease are attached. It wasn't necessary to modify our pennit from the Oregon Division of State Lands (DSL). Intemational Paper has submitted applications to the City of Springfield for a Land Drainage and Altemation Permit and necessary building penn its. The mill already has a 1200C Stormwater construction permit from the DEQ. A revised set of project drawings are attached for your review. If you have any questions, please call me at 741-5400 Sincerely, ~~ro ~r-flp~, Engineering Manager , ;\ c: ., .'''.. Date Received: JUl 2 2 2009 Final Submittal_ t1;t:: t , , , . . VEGETATION PLAN Date Received: JUl 2 2 2009 Final Suhmiltl'l! _ ;I!/- .. . / //" / .f /1" /,' .",~~". ,/' International Paper Plant List BOTANICAL NAME ./ / , / ,// , / / ';') t.!:- / / ./ TREES 2 Acer macrophyllum 9 Alnus rubra 6 Sambucas racemosa >,,-" / / " /\. / ..- // .//' ./~>/ // /J / / // / ;/ /'- SHRUBS 10 Cornus stolonifera or sericea 14 Oemleria cerasiformis 5 Rubus parliflorus 4 Rubus spectabilis 16 Symphoricarpos albus ./ ,/ /" .,-- / I FERNS 15 Polystichum munitum / , //// ,/// / // / / / // / / / / / // / // ./ ,,/../ ,/' / ,,\./ L....'-:'; / ./ ./ /'- / ./ ~....., t, / )\_.. /' ~.__.,,/ ;X / /'\ \;Z;:\, ,/ / / / / /_.\ '0><.. / / / /'<~~/ // / / / / />'\"\" , / / > / \:;'(0" / /' / . Y )~,):/ ...' / /"" . ~ / '.d / / /',\.'",/.- " // // / ./ ./ '>?'\./ / / / / '-3.t/ / / / /'/' />\ \'\/./ / /" ./ ./ \ \.~/ / ./ ./ / ~-\'~ I / / / / ',\X / I ./ ./ ,/ / \, " ./ ,/ ./ ;/' ,/ \\\~.... / \/ // r // \, /\. /' " // ,~C /' \\..v' \ /!\. // )<, \ \\:::/:':'~'o/'~ / //// \" ~".. . . Y' t;'- / ":<-:" \ // /' - \ // " _::s::~ _ 'y' ','~ , <::~~ " ~''''''' . ''''~...:::, ',-----."'-':-.~ "...."'<~"',~ --..."'-:- .....~""-... / / / / / / . COMMON NAME 15-Jul-09 SIZE Big Leaf Maple Red Alder Red Elderberry 1" caL 1" cal. 5 gal. Red-Osier Dogwood Indian Plum or Oso Berry Thimbleberry Salmonberry S nowberry 3 gal. 3gaL 2 gal. 2 gal. 2 gal. Sword Fern 1 gal. . SAM SHEARMAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN 780 W l><hAv,"-junc,ion City, Oregon 9744S Phone:!S4r19SJ-678S cmAil: sh....rmAn..Am@gm.oiLrom ~ N !!)' >- -I ::> .., :):~. . It 11I2 (l~ <[4 (l~ ~ -1 ~ ~m~ <1m al-O Zit iij<l)ci () " -10-1 3L z~w I- 2 ~:!~ <I ~ 3~~ Zr: <l) (l<1l 11I11I I-~ Zill PLANTING PLAN SCALE, 1" = 20'-0" Date Received: I , JUl 2 2 2009 t2~- Final Submittal I L1 . . (2)N!DALDt!JIt / /' /' /' /' /' / / / /' ,.,.- / ,,// ./' ,F'.' ,,/ .- /,./ ... /" / ..-'-' .~.,,. /' "-"",, ,,-,.,. / -". ,./,- ,/ ,//,/ / /,.,/ / /.' ."",/'" ,,//' / " ... // / / ,/ / I'" ,,' .,r-" " / /'/(2)1lI!!D'~1 / / ... / / " / / // /// \f. .- " / l<b~ / / / ~>J ':0 ;.'" ......" I..... ... // ... '::".'::' ,.r..'" /../., //' ,./' / WN:D~ "..// // / / ... ... ... -~,-, .~ 0~S:-'" O~ 'lli'...'" '.\\ ..., -o\Gp;.-'" / "-", f ... ... ... /' ,; .'- b..'C.:...i " / / / ,..../ ,;1D / " / j / " ././,/' / / / / , / / / / / / / ...-.-....." / IllE!EEP P16n1eE1:> -..""""'''''''' 1tIciUT00UlA.Y / ,,/ "\\ .~ / ,~ / / / / / / / / ./,- ,/ / / W,I'EP 0&fEIIt DOciLlIOOP / /' , , , , ,,,/' / / """-" / . ./ / / ,///' / / / , / r / / / / ....,.\ .,.- "...".., ;:,' // ---- -', / ,,'- .- " " .." ,/ ._- t';.\.; .~... " .t':.<C/:.l . 1:"\-)\.' ./" .-',." .- ///. / / ~.., / / / /./// / / / / r r ,/,,/ / -,,~' , r , / / / " "," i i i (4)06OeeJIiRr' .. (l) PlED 06lER DO::iWOOD (I)N:D~ (2)IeDO&/I!IIlDOGll.lC:lOO ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... / ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... . SAM SHEARMAN LANDSCAPE DES tGN 7BoWI1<hA",")unc';onCi<y,Or<son97448 Pho"~' r",,19D-67S8 Em~i[: -,h.~TmAn_...m@.'JTTU;I_oom ... ... ... fi' 2 11I0 0-1- <(<I O-lk' o -11- <lill Zlk' ():\l -2 1-<1 <I ill zr (l<l III&' 1-11- Zill ~ ~ N !!l >- 5 .., 0;) r- zt-'t owlil ~~~ iii <D - -ln9 zZw ~q- OQ~ -ldl- &: <Il PLANTING PLAN SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" Date Received: JUL 2 2 :C:3 Final Submittal Il ~ 1 't,.c~ L2 .orthwelt .~~T~!;o~.~~2 D..te. Te, Com~n~l' Addre_'~ Cit;i/5Jate: FI"",cNo.: Loren Leighton International Paper Co- Springfield P,O. Box 275 Springfield, OR 97477-0056 741-5702 F"", 741-5200 lore" leiQhton(l'j.liDaver,~.Q...ro. rr~jeot' f1..~~b~, f);dD..1eo River Water Intake Streambank Resloration IP n~,crirl'nn(]f\AI"r\. Plan Preparation Plan preparation by Sam Shearman, Landscape Designer -',l-.".- ';":;'.._cC , ~. ,': .. ..: ~, :,,,. , . c Restoration Plan Implementation Hydraseed disturbed area with streambank seed mix Hydroseed ODOT R,Q.W. and Staging Area with DDOT Ryegrass/Creeping Red FeScue Mix Plant Materials Trees Big Leaf Maple, 1" caliper 2 " Red Alder Trees, 1" 9 e, Red Elderberry, 5 gal 6 e, Shrubs Red Osler Dogwood, 3 gal 10 " Indian Plum, 3 gal 14 " ,Thimbleberry, 2 gal 5 e, Salmonberry, 2 gal 4 e, Snowbeny, 2 gal 16 e' Ferns Sword Fern, 1 gal 15 e, Plant Maintenance 2009 Plant Materials Maintenance, Assumes 4 weeks this year 15 plus 18 weeks in 2010 Plant Materials Maintenance of 2008 plant 15 materials, assume 18 weeks in 2009 D,'.,' ,':' -;c Plant materials warranted for extent of watering period T'\,"<~~l"""I;"c'n..,d 6.,:1' (\"g>" l"nd"..,p" C"""-,<,~.. e:.c~,d, ::'" F<<><>t 5<. NL 51< ~.I 01, S~lem.OR ~no~ 541.998.8700 . Fax 541 .998.6798 . 15-Jul-09 Revised to new plan i Date Received: JUL 2 2 2DD9 il;L 94885 Link Ridge Drive. Junction City, Oregon 97448 Final Submittal - . . Notes: . Scope of work by the contractor includes hydroseeding all of the disturbed areas . Scope of work by the contractor includes watering and maintenance of plants, including removal of non-native species, through 20 I O. Additional vegetation maintenance needs will be assessed in early 20 II. . The vegetation plan did not include areas that are currently paved or gravel which is everything south of sheet L 1. r Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 Final SubmIttal ~ , ( \ . . Ruth Hayward From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Michael Kemp [m.kemp@usa.net] Monday, July 20, 20098:37 AM Loren Leighton Ruth Hayward; 'Matzka, Bob' RE: Hydro-seeding The Streambank seedmix is 21bs per 1000sf and the general E/C mix for the staging areas is 41bs per lOOOsf Michael Kemp, pres Northwest Greenways Inc. 94885 Link Ridge Dr. Junction City, OR 97448 541-998-8700 Ph 541-998-8700 Fax M.kemp(iilusa.net Semper Viridis From: Loren Leighton [mailto:loren.leighton@IPAPER.com] Sent: Friday; July 17, 2009 4:31 PM To: Michael Kemp Cc: Ruth Hayward; Matzka, Bob Subject: Hydro-seeding Mike, I noticed that the city wanted seed application rates for hydroseeding in the vegetation plan. I don't think I mentioned that detail so Sam didn't put it down. Please get those to Ruth Hayward (see e-mail ccl in case the city asks for them. Thanks! Loren r ; Date Received: JUl 2 2 ZGGS Final Submittal 12~ 1 1 . . RfW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :88-8-10 1 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2 ~~E 3 THIS LEASE, made and entered into this _ day of , 2009, by and between the 4 STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, S hereinafter called "State", and, INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY, hereinafter called 6 "Lessee"; 7 WITNESSETH: 8 That State, for and in consideration of the covenants, .conditions, agreements, and 9 stipulations of Lessee contained in this lease, does lease unto Lessee, and Lessee does 10 lease from State, only for a pump house, that property consisting of 800 square feet, more 11 or less, and further described as follows; 12 Located in Section 29, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, an area 13 approximately 20' x 40' in right of way off the Eugene-Springfield Highway, also 14 known as Highway 227, mp 8.20. lS 16 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above mentioned property, hereinafter called "premises", unto 17 Lessee for the period from AUGust 1Julv 1, 2009 through Julv 31JuR<>-JO, 201939, unless 18 otherwise terminated. In consideration of the leasing of premises and of the mutual 19 agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto expressly covenant and agree as 20 follows: 21 1. IMPROVEMENTS 22 No new improvements shall be placed in or on premises, and no alterations shall be made 23 to existing improvements on premises without the prior written consent of State which shall 24 not unreasonablv be withheld conditioned or delayed. All improvements made shall be done 25 at the sole expense of Lessee. All permanent improvements made by Lessee on premises 26 shall become the property of State upon expiration or termination of this lease. 27 2. LEASE RATE 28 The rental fee shall be THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) per year. Lessee shall pay 29 the rent yearly, until lease expires. The first yearly payment is due on or before-May-l, 4/3/2009-Lease Pagelof14 Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submlft'ill !l ~ . . R/W File #: 30685 R/W MAP :8B-8-10 30 2009AuQust 1, 2009- , Payment to be sent to: Department of Transportation, 31 Property Management Unit, Room 420, Salem, OR, 97301-3871. Effective annually starting 32 Moy 1, 201 O,~UQust 1 2009 , thereafter until lease expiration, the yearly 33 rent will be adjusted to reftect any increase in the CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI-U), 34 "U.S. City Average". This adjustment will be made using the published "U.S. City Average" 35 for the most recent February. The base CPI-U "U.S. City Average" factor for this lease is 36 212.193, based on the published rate for February 2009 (1982-84 ~ 100). State will notify 37 Lessee at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the rental increase. In no event shall the rent 38 decrease below the original rate noted above. 39 3. RENEWAL THE STATE WILL REINSERT ORIGINAL LANGUAGE 40 REGARDING RENEWALS 41 Lessee shall have the option, subject to the following conditions, to renew this lease for 42 additional five (5) five...-f9) years; with up to a maximum o(Two twe-_ 43 renewals. Lessee shall provide State written notice of intent to exercise ~he option, such 44 notice to be received by State not more than 120 days or less than 60 days prior to 45 expiration of the lease or renewal period. Lessee must not then be in default o'r in breach of 46 any of the material lease terms. THE STATE WILL RETAIN ORIGINAL LANGUAGE AND 47 WILL BE REINSETED LANGUAGE BACK IN TO THE LEASE. State shall, at its sole 48 discretion, Rave the right to apl'lro'lC! or rojeGt' s\;JGh request for rencw.:J1 aREI shall give writton 49 notice of its E1eGision at least ao d.:JYc prior te-lease--eF--FeRewal-exptrati€ln. St.:Jtc CilaU-Ret 50 l:Jnro3son3bly withhold Lessoo's ren8w.:J1 ri~Lease amount applicable to each renewal 51 period will be established at the time of renewal based upon fair market rents. 52 4. LEASE TERMS ARE INDEPENDENT 53 The agreements, conditions, covenants and terms, herein contained and to be performed by 54 the parties, are separate and independent; and the performance of each and ev~ry one is 55 not conditioned or dependent upon performance of any other, unless specifically so stated 56 within the language of the provision. Any provision of this lease which shall prove to be 57 invalid, void or illegal shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof 58 and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 59 5. ACCEPTABLE AND NON-ACCEPTABLE USES 4/3/2009 - Lease Page 2 of14 Otit$ R&OOlved: JUl 2 2 2009 Final Submittal ;J /- . . RIW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :88-8-10 60 Lessee shall use the premises only for a pump house and associated oioina. The lease is 61 not intended for, nor does it allow use of the premises for residential purposes. Lessee 62 covenants that premises shall not be used for any purpose other than that stated heretofore. 63 Lessee shall not use the premises for the storage, disposal or manufacture of any 64. inflammable materials or for storage, disposal or processing of waste material, ju~k, scrap, 65 or the dismantling of vehicles or equipment. Nor shall the premises be used for any purpose 66 deemed by State to be a potential hazard to the public or detrimental to the use, 67 maintenance and scenic enjoyment of the adjacent State Transportation Facility. Lessee 68 shall not use or allow premises to be used for any unlawful purpose whatsoever. 69 6. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 70 Lessee shall not (a) install facilities for or operate on premises a gasoline supply station or 71 gasoline pump; (b) allow vehicles used or designed for the transportation of, or bulk 72 amounts of, gasoline, petroleum products or explosives on premises; (c) store bulk gasoline, 73 petroleum products or explosives on premises. Except with the prior written approval of 74 State, which approval may be withheld at the State's sole discretion, Lessee shall not cause, 75 permit or suffer any "Hazardous Material" (defined below) to be brought upon, treated, kept, 76 stored, disposed of, discharged, released, produced, manufactured, generated or used 77 upon, about, or underneath the premises or any portion thereof by Lessee, its agents, 78 employees, contractors, or invitees, or any other person. 79 Any request for written consent by State shall be in writing and shall demonstrate to the 80 satisfaction of State that the Hazardous Material is necessary to the business of Lessee, 81 and will be stored, used and disposed of in a manner that complies with alf federar, state or 82 local laws, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, orders, permits or licenses applicable to 83 the Hazardous Material. Any such approved use of Hazardous Materials shall continue 84 during the term of this lease to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, rules, 85 regulations, ordinances, orders, permits or licenses applicable to Hazardous Material. 86 "Hazardous Material" is defined for purposes of this lease as any substance; (i) the 87 presence of which requires investigation or remediation under any federal, state Or local 88 statute, regulation, ordinance, order, action, policy or common law; or (ii) which is or 89 becomes defined as a "hazardous waste", "hazardous substance", pollutant or contaminant 90 under any federal, state or local statute, regulation, rule or ordinance or amendments 91 thereto including, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response 4/312009 - Lease Page3of14 Date Rect~!ved: JUL 2 2 2C:9 Final SlJhmittal il P . . R1W File #: 30685 R1W MAP :8B.8.10 92 Compensation and Liability Act (42 USC 9601 et seq.) and/or the Resource Conservation 93 and Recovery Act (42 USC 6901 et seq.); or (iii) which is toxic, explosive, corrosive, 94 fiammable, infectious, radioactive, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or otherwise hazardous and is 95 or becomes regulated by any governmental authority, agency, department, commission, 96 board, or instrumentality of the United States, the State of Oregon, or any political 97 subdivision thereof. 98 7, INGRESS AND EGRESS 99 No Access to the highway. Access to premises will be through a city street on the west side 100 of the highway at Marcolla Road and 42nd Street, Sprin9field. All ingress and egress shall 101 be subject to administrative and statutory requirements, including but not limited to ORS 374 102 et seq. Access to premises via city/county roads shall be under local city/county jurisdiction. 103 8, OCCUPANCY 104 Lessee shall occupy and use the premises in such a way as to avoid causing hazardous or 105 unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor, or odors to emanate from premises. 106 Lessee shall operate and maintain the premises to protect against hazards as to the use, 107 safety or appearance of premises. Use and maintenance of premises shall cause no 108 interference with traffic on adjacent State Transportation Facility. Maintenance of premises 109 by Lessee, as required under Property Maintenance Section #12 herein, shaH include such 110 emergency maintenance procedures as may be required by State. 111 9, TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS 112 Lessee shall be responsible for all taxes and assessments, if any, on all real and 113 personal property located on or attached to premises, regardless of ownership. The State 114 shall pay all real property taxes for the premises, for which Lessee shall reimburse State 115 within 30 days of billing for said taxes by State. If lease expires or is terminated by either 116 party after June 30, of any year, Lessee shall be responsible for all taxes and assessments 117 imposed on the premises for that tax year, regardless of when tax' is imposed. 118 Notwithstanding the previous sentence, Lessee shall be entitled to a pro ration of taxes if 119 State has terminated this Lease pursuant to the first sentence of Termination Section #18. 120 10, UTiliTIES 4/3/2009 - Lease Page 4 of 14 Date F(elcelved: JUl 2 2 2009 Final Submittal j' / . . RJW File #: 30685 RJW MAP :8B-8-10 121 Lessee shall pay for all utility services furnished to prernises and shall order and pay for 122 any meter installations, which may be necessary~. 123 11.ADVERTISING SIGNS 124 Lessee shall not erect or allow advertising signs, displays Dr devices on the premises 125 except for signs advertising Lessee's on-premises business. Anyon-premises signs and 126 informational notices shall be subject to the approval of State and shall indicate no more 127 than the type of activity being conducted on premises. No signs are allowed on areas within 128 State's recognized right of way nor underlover any State structure. All signs shall corn ply 129 with local sign ordinances. 130 12, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 131 Lessee shall at Lessee's sole exoense at all times maintain the oremises in a clean and 132 safe condition, _and at LOEsae's cole e)(pcnco, l,ccp and maint3in prcmicos, inGludin~ the 133 sidewalks, if Jny, in front of the pram-kos, freo and clear of ice, onow, rubbi-~ 134 ooxioos v:eods, 8sstrllctions Cln"" :]1/ in~;)m71.:Jclo G.~ cxp.les.;vc m.:ltcrj,J)s of c'/cry I~ind, .:md 135 en;)ll Iwcp promisos in JA erderly, clc::m ORa safe 60A8itioR. Lessce chall maintaiA thc 136 landscaping by rOf,Jular trimmiRg, Needing and goner::lIly maintain the-property in a nO:lt, 137 wolll~ept monner. 138 13. TRANSPORTATION FACILITY PROTECTION 139 Lessee shall, without expense to State, take all steps necessary to effectively protect the 140 adjacent ~te brido€ and hiahwav TrancpoFtat-ien F"Jcility from damage incident to Lessee's 141 use of premises. Lessee shall be liable to and shall reimburse State for any damage to 142 State's right of way fences, markers, monuments, slope easements, structures or facilities 143 resulting from or attributable to the use and occupancy of premises by Lessee. 144 14.PERMITS AND LICENSES 145 Lessee shall secure all necessary permits and licenses required in connection with~ 146 operations on premises and shall comply with all federal, state, and local statutes, 147 ordinances, and regulations that may concern, in any way, Lessee's use of premises. 148 15.L1ABILITY CHANGES IN THIS SECTION ARE ACCEPTABLE 413/2009 - Lease Page5of14 Date ReceIved: JUl 2 2 2:09 Final Submittal ;:::17-- . . RIW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :88-8-10 149 Lessee shall occupy and use premises at Lessee's own risk and expense, and shall save 150 and hold harmless State, its Transportation Commission, Commission members, officers, 151 agents, and employees, from all claims, suits or actions for any damage to property or injury 152 or death of any person arising out of or in connection with Lessee's occupancy or use of the 153 hesseeoremises. State shall, in no event, be liable to Lessee for any damage to property, or 154 injury to or death of any person occurring or arising from the use of premises by Lessee~ 155 except where caused bv the nealiaence or willful misconduct of State. Lessee further agrees 156 to indemnify and hold harmless State from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damage, 157 costs and expenses (including attorney fees at trial and on any appeal or review) arising out 158 of use of the premises by Lessee or its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, including 159 but not limited to the costs of remediation or clean-up of any Hazardous Material used on 160 the premises by Lessee or its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, whether with or 161 without the approval of State. 162 16. INSURANCE CHANGES IN THIS SECTION ARE ACCEPTABLE 163 Lessee shall obtain, 'at Lessee's expense, and keep in effect during the term of this lease, 164 Commercial General Liability Insurance covering bodily injury and property damage in a 165 form and with coverage that is reasonablv satisfactory to the State. This insurance shall 166 include personal and advertising injury liability, products and completed operations. 167 Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis. Combined single limit per occurrence 168 shall not be less than $1,000,000. Each annual aggregate limit shall not be less than 169 $1,000,000. The liability insurance coverage required for performance of the lease shall 170 include the State of Oregon, tAc Department of Transport3tion :md its d'visions, offiGCFC and 171 emj3ffi-yees-as ~Additional Insured but only with respect to the Lessee's activities under 172 this lease. Coverage shall be primary and non-contributory with any other insurance and 173 self-insurance. As evidence of the insurance coverage required by this lease, the lessee 174 shall furnish a Certificate of. Insurance to the Department of Transportation !*iGf-t&-upon the 175 execution Gate-of this lease. The Certificate will specify 311 of the pJrtics '....ho 3rc cndorsod 176 on tAC polley-the State as i1!l..Additional Insured. The Lessee shall pay for all deductibles, 177 self insured retention and/or self-insurance included hereunder. There shall be no 178 cancellation, material change, potential exhaustion of aggregate limits or non-renewal of 179 insurance coverage without thirty (30) days written notice from the Lessee or its insurer(s) to 180 the Department of Transportation. 4/3/2009 - Lease Page6of14 Date Received: 1, JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal !l /- . . RIW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :8B-8-10 181 17.ASSIGNMENT THE STATE WILL REINSERT ORIGINAL LANGUAGE 182 REGARDING ASSIGNMENT 183 Lessee"shall not assign this lease or sublet 1.b.!:Lpremises without the prior written consent of 184 State, and any attempt to assign or sublet without written consent shall be void and shall be 185 a default in this lease. Lessee ch::t!II3JY a ser:ico cnJrgc of $ to gtatc for overy !3sGignmont 186 8f-.S-HblcOGC of this loose entorcE! into by LC~Goc. Notwithstandina anvthina herein to the 187 contrary Lessee may assian or sublet the oremises in whole or in Dart to an affiliate 188 subsidiary or parent comoanv of Lessee or any entity that meraes with Lessee or purchases 189 all of Lessee's stock or assets that relate to Lessee's business at the premises without the 190 prior consent of the State. 191 18.TERMINATION THE STATE WILL REINSERT ORIGINAL LANGUAGE 192 REGARDING TERMINATION. 193 The State may terminate this lease as to all or part of premises when the premises is 194 needed for public purposes, or wRen State EleterrniAcc tnJt it is in the !'lublie's beet intorect, 195 b}' 91\'.:n9 of .3 JC GOY ~'ritten not.:Ge to lessee. Uoon anv such termination the State shan 196 provide Lessee with alternate sUitable Dremises for the Durooses hereof. The State may 197 also terminate the lease if Lessee is in default per Default Section #20. In the event of such 198 termination, Lessee hereby waives all its rights to make a claim for any losses or damages 199 suffered thereby. lessee may request to terminate this lease prior to lease expiration. If 200 Lessee requests termination prior to lease expiration, the termination request may-shall be 201 granted by State upon written request and upon receipt of payment in the form of Q oClcRicr'c 202 chocl~ or money order-equal to one fourth (1/4) the annual lease rate set forth in Section 2 or 203 $1,500 whichever is greater. Upon early termination of this lease, Lessee remains liable for 204 all property taxes on the premises per Taxes and Assessments Section #9 of this lease. 205 Depending on termination date, and per Taxes and Assessments Section #9, Lessee may 206 be responsible for paying the taxes for the full year. 207 19.ENTRY ONTO PROPERTY ACCEPTED WITH THE CHANGE TO THE 208 WORDING: STATE TRANSPORTATION FACILITY 209 State specifically reserves the right to enter and occupy premises upon failure of Lessee to 210 comply with any material provision of this lease. State also reserves the right to enter 211 premises for purposes of inspection and to determine whether Lessee is complying with the 4/3/2009 - Lease Page 7 of 14 Date Received: JUL 2 1 Ze09 {J~ r Final Submittal . . RIW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :86-8-10 212 provisions of this lease; to perform acts necessary or proper for the protection, preservation, 213 maintenance, reconstruction, and operation of adjacent St3te Tr::mcportJtioA F3Cilitybridae 214 and hiahwav; and to perform acts necessary or proper in connection with the construction or 215 maintenance of adjacent State Tr:msportation Fooilitybridae and hiahwav. State also 216 reserves the right to enter and take possession of premises in case of national or other 217 emergency for the purpose of preventing sabotage and otherwise protecting its 218 ~rtQtic)R F:Jcilitybridae and hiahwav. During such emergency occupation Lessee shall 219 be relieved from obligation to comply with the provisions of this lease. 220 20.DEFAULT THE STATE WILL REINSERT THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE 221 REGARDING DEFAULT. 222 The following shall be events of default: (a) Failure of Lessee to pay any rent or other 223 charge within 15 days after notice from the State that the same is due and remains unoaidft 224 is-OOe, or in the case of property taxes. 30 days aftcr ~illiAg for such 131<esbv the due date 225 outlined in the tax statement. (b) Failure of Lessee to comply with any term or condition or 226 fulfill any obligation of the lease (other than the payment of rent or other charges) within 227 4030 days after written notice by State specifying the nature of the default. If the default 228 is of such a nature that it cannot be completely remedied within the 4030 day period, this 229 provision shall be complied with if Lessee begins correction of the default within the 230 +G30 day period and thereafter proceeds with reasonable diligence and in good faith to 231 effect the remedy as soon as practicable. (c) Filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in 232 bankruptcy, or filing of any proceeding to subject this lease or the interest of Lessee herein 233 to garnishment or sale under execution. 234 21.REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT THE STATE WILL REINSERT THE ORIGINAL 235 LANGUAGE REGARDING REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT. 236 In the event of default the State may terminate this lease by giving 30 days written notice to 237 Lessee. In the event of termination, regardless of how effected, including termination for 238 need or failure to comply with any provision of this lease, Lessee shall, by the date of said 239 termination, peaceably and quietly leave, vacate completely and surrender premises, 240 including those improvements and fixtures placed or made thereon by Lessee that belong to 241 State, in a good, clean and sightly condition, reasonable use and wear, and damage by 242 earthquake, fire, public calamity, the elements, acts of God, or other circumstances over 41312009 - lease Page 8 of 14 Date R.eeelved: JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal Il ~ l . . RfW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :88.8-10 243 which Lessee has no control, excepted. If premises are not voluntarily surrendered, the 244 State may, without notice, fe-enter and take possession of premises and may, without 245 breach of the peace, and with or without legal process, evict and dispossess Lessee from 246 premises. In the event of termination or retaking of possession following default, State shall 247 be entitled to recover immediately, without waiting until the due date of any future rent or 248 until the date fixed for expiration of the lease term, the following amounts as damages: (1) 249 The loss of yearly rent from the date of termination until a new lessee ffi--should have 250 reasonablv been secured, or until the expiration date of the lease, whichever is sooner; and, 251 (2) The reasonable costs of reentry and re-Ietting including without limitation the cost of any 252 cleanup, refurbishing, removal of Lessee's property, or any other expense direct occasioned 253 by Lessee's default including but not limited to, any repair costs, attorney fees and court 254 costs. 255 22. TIME 256 TIME is of the essence of every provision of this lease. Failure of State to object to the 257 violation of any ,provision of this lease shall not be deemed a waiver by State of a 258 subsequent similar breach nor of State's right to demand strict performance by Lessee of 259 any provision contained therein. 260 23. LEASE MOD/FICA TION 261 Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, this lease may be amended by 262 mutual consent of the parties hereto, in writing. 263 24.SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 264 The provisions of this lease and all obligattons and rights thereunder shall extend to and 265 bind the' successors and assignees of Lessee and any assignee or legal successor of State. 266 25.CIVIL RIGHTS (NON-DISCRIMINATION) 267 Lessee, for itself and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does covenant and agree, 268 as a covenant running with the land, that (1) no person, on the grounds of race, color, or 269 national origin, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be 270 otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of premises; (2) that in connection with the 271 construction of any improvements on premises, no discrimination shall be practiced in the 4f3l2009-Lease Page9of14 l Dl1ite R~c;~!V$d: JUL 2 2 ~CD9 t?~ Final Submittal . . RfW File #: 30685 RfW MAP :88.8.10 272 selection of employees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first 273 tier subcontractors, and first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier 274 subcontractors; and (3) that Lessee shall use premises in compliance with all other 275 requirements imposed pursuant to Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations, Commerce and 276 Foreign Trade, Subtitle A, Office 01 the Secretary 01 Commerce, Part 8 (15 C.F.R., Part 8), 277 and as said Regulations may be amended. In the event of breach of any of the above 000- 278 discrimination covenants, State shall have the right to immediately terminate this lease, to 279 re-enter and repossess premises, and to hold the same as though this lease had never 280 been made or issued. 281 26.PRIOR LEASES/AGREEMENTS 282 This lease is intended to supersede and/or replace all previous agreements, written or oral, 283 entered into by the parties hereto for the rental of premises. 284 27."UNIFORM" ACT 285 Should this lease be terminated for any reason, Lessee hereby acknowledges, understands, 286 agrees and waives any and all benefits under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real 287 Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 as amended, or any other benefits under similar 288 acts applicable to Lessee, or the property leased herein. 289 28. SINGULAR/PLURAL 290 In construing this lease, where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural and 291 all grammatical changes shall be made so that this lease shall apply equally to corporations 292 and individuals. 293 294 29. NOTICES 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 The State (for notice) is: Deolinda G. Jones State Right-aI-Way Manager Department of Transportation 355 Capitol St., NE, Room 420 Salem, Oregon 97301 -3871 Phone: (503) 986-3600 FAX: (503) 986-3625 41312009 - Lease Page10of14 Of;lte Rel:el\led: , . JUL 2 2 ZC:9 11/ Flnl,\\ $\.'bmittal 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 The State covenants that Lessee when oavina the rent and oeriorminq all the covenants4-_~,- - {Formatted: Font: Arial, 11 pt and aareements herein orovided to be oerformed bv Lessee shall peaceably and Quietlv "', '- i Formatted: Indent; Left: 0.25" have hold and enioy the premises for the tef1!l_stated. herein. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ ~\\:, ... {Formatted: Font: Aria!, 11 pt 31. HOLDING OVER THIS SECTION NEEDS FURTHER REVIEW BY THE STATE .':,' i 'o,matted, Font k'al, 11 pt - - -', ',: i Formatted: Font: Arial, 11 pt If Lessee should remain in possession of the oremises after the exoiration of the term hereof. '. ~ i Formatted: Font: Arial, 11 pt as renewed or extended and without executin2 a new lease. then such hairline. over-shall be 'f Formatted: Font: Bold construed as a tenancv from month to month. subiect to all the conditions. provisions and oblieatiolls of this lea<;e insofar a<; the same are applicable to a month.to-month tenancy. . . RfW File #: 30685 RfW MAP :8B-8-10 The Lessee (for notice is): INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY P.O. BOX 700 SPRINGFIELg, OR PheAe: I I Fax: ( ) 30. QUIET ENJOYMENT INSERTATION ACCEPTED BY STATE 32. BROKER INSERTATION IS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE STATE SINCE NO BROKERS ARE INVOLVED, The State and Lessee w:)r-r8At tAGt AS I3rol~cr ",as ill .olvcd in this Le:lee or tAe-tr-aA5a&tteRs~ contemolate€! hcrebv. Leesee shall not be responsiblc for :InY real ectntc commiscion ~~ claimed to be oweG-te-aftv~ef-e-ker-or other D€fS€lA on :lIlV renew:)1 JmcRdment modification €lf-tAe-+ike.:-of-this lCDse unless c:lid DJrtv is cDeciHCJllv :lL'therizcd in 'Mitina to receive thc_~.. same--bv-1:es-sec: E:lch PJrW--oorees-te--iAElemflifv-:the-e-tAer party fr-Gm--Bi_?ifns--fsHeal-estate _._ _ €effiffitccio"s or feee micina out of :1m act: or ncaotiJt+en-s-of tAc indcmnifvina O:lIi'l with any brQI~cr rcJltor or findef-=- 32:>;J, CONFIDENTIALITY To the extent permitted by Oreqon Public Records Laws ORS 192.410 throuqh 192.505 allowable by law each Dartv aarees to treat all information contained in this lease (includinq the name of the other party) as strictly confidential and shall not disclose any information about the lease or the other Dartv to anyone not an aaent of. said party. and if then only on a "need to know" basis and with the requirement that ' said aqent treat the lease and the terms hereof as strictlv confidential. Neither party. shall make any marketina or Dress release reaardina the leas~ without th~ r;>riorn _ written consent of the other party which consent may be withheld in said party's sole__ and absolute discretion, Notwithstandinq anythina herein to the contrary either Darty may disclose information reaardina the lease under DroDer authority of law,. _ -. court. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 4/3/2009-Lease Page 11 of14 Formatted: Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single _ - -I Formatted: Font: Arial, 11 pt . - -{ Formatted: Font: Bold c , . : Formatted: Font: Not Bold __.______-----J - - -j Formatted: Line spacing: .[ Formatted: Font: Arial single [ Formatted: Font: Arial - 1 Formatted: Font Arial Formatted: Font: Arial Formatted: font: Arial ,[ Formatted: font: Aria] "( Formatted: font: Arial Formatted: font: Arial Formatted: Font: Arial . [ Formatted: Font: Arial Formatted: Font: Arial Formatted: Font: Arial .[ Formatted: Font: Not Bold Data Ree~'ved:l JUL 2 2 2GaS Final Submittal ~__ 344 . 3;!~. COMPLETE AGREEMENT' . R1W File #: 30685 R1W MAP :88-8-10 345 THIS LEASE CONSTITUTES THE ENTIRE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. NO 346 WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE, OR TERMS OF THIS LEASE SHALL 347 BIND EITHER PARTY UNLESS IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. SUCH 348 WAIVER, CONSENT, MODIFICATION OR CHANGE, IF MADE, SHALL BE EFFECTIVE 349 ONLY IN THE SPECIFIC INSTANCE AND FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE GIVEN. 350 THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, OR REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL 351 OR WRITTEN, NOT SPECIFIED HEREIN REGARDING THIS LEASE. LESSEE, BY THE 352 SIGNATURE BELOW, HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES READING THIS LEASE, 353 UNDERSTANDING IT, AND AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND 354 CONDITIONS. 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 3~~. APPROVALS ODOT REGION APPROVAL By OOOT Region Manager Date STATE OF OREGON, by and through its DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Oeo/inda G. Jones, Stale Right otWay Manager INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY, LESSEE By - Name Title By Sccret3ry {Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Witness page to follow.] 413/2009 - Lease Page12of14 r Date ReceIved: ...., JUL 2 2 ZJ:9 Final SUbmittal_JfL _ . . RIW File #: 30685 RIW MAP :88-8-10 434 State Right of Way Manager for the State of Oregon, Department of Transportation, and that 435 this document was voluntarily signed on behalf of the State of Oregon by authority 436 delegated to her. BEFORE ME: 437 438 439 Notary Public for Oregon 440 My Commission expires 441 442 443 STATE OF OREGON. County of Marion 444 445 Dated 2009. Personallv aooeared who beina sworn 446 stated that (slhe IS the for ODOT Reoion Approval. and that this 447 document was voluntarilv sianed on behalf of ODOr Reaion Aoproval bv authority 448 deleoated to her/him. BEFORE ME: 449 450 451 Notary Public for Oreaon 452 Mv Commission exoires 453 454 455 456 457 Lessee Federal Tax 1.0. or Social Security No.: 458 ODOT Federal Tax I.D.: 93-1111585 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 End of Lease Document 413/2009 - Lease Page 14of14 Dlate ReJtJlf.!!ved: , JUL ,2 2 :309 ;;?P Final Submittal " , ;,j" . . PERMIT NUMBER . ........lJGp .r..,Q.JltJ/"Co.lIo_~> APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUpy OR r PERFORM OPERATIONS UPON A STATE HIGHWAY See Oregon Administrative. Rule, Chapter 7~4, Division 55 CLASS: I KEY# I GENERAL lOCATION PURPOSE OF APPLICATION ITO CONSTRUCT/OPERATE/MAINTAIN) HIGHWAY NAME AND ROUTE NUMBER o POLE TYPE fMIN. VERT, CLEARANCE' EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD HIGHWAY (126) LINE N/A HIGHWAY NUMBER I COUNTY I IZfrURIED TYPE 227 20 = LANE CABLE ElBC & TELECOMMUNICATION BETWEEN OR NEAR LANDMARKS , IZJ PIPE TYPE 42ND ST. & 52ND.ST. LINE WATER HWY. REFERENCE MAP 1DESIGNATED FREEWAY IIN U.S. FOREST o NON-COMMERCIAL I FEE AMOUNT 8B-8-10 DYES IZJ NO 0 YES IZJ NO . . SIGN $0.00 APPLICANT NAME AND ADDRESS o WdSCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS AND/OR FACILITIES AS INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY DESCRIBED BELOW FOR'qDOT USE 0 LY ATTN: lOREN lEIGHTON BOf>jD REQUIRED R,5FERENCE: AMOUNT OF BOND PO BOX 700 DYES IZI NO ~:~~34-66 $8,000.00 SPRINGFIELD, OR. 97477 INSURANCE REQUIRED R~FERENCE' SPEC1F1EO"COMP: DATE (541) 741-5702 IZJ YES 0 NO ~::'1~34'65 10101/2010 DETAil lOCATION OF FACILlTY(For more space attach additional sheets) MILE MILE ENGINEERS . ENGINEERS SIDE OF HWY OR DISTANCE FROM BURIED CABLE OR PIPE SPAN POINT TO POINT STATION TO STATION ANGLE OFCRQSSING ENTER OF PVMl R/W LINE DEPTHNERT. SIZE AND KIND LENGTH 8.18 8.18 375+08 376+08 20' VARIES VARIES 36" MINIMUM 36" HOPE 480' . . . ... .. DESCRlP'fJON AND LOCATION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS OR MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS FACILITIES SPECIAL PROVISIONS (FOR MORE SPACE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS) TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIRED . OPEN CUTTING OF PAVED OR SURFACED AREAS ALLOWED? . 0 YES (OAR 734-55.025(6)] IZJ NO . 0 YES 10AR 734.55.100(2] IZJ NO (OAR 734-55.100(1) . AT LEAin 4B HOURS SEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE APPLICANT OR HIS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AT TELEPHONE NUMBER: (5411686.7626 OR FAX A COPY OF THIS PAGE TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE AT, NIA SPECIFY TIME AND DATE IN THE SPACE BelOW. . A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS SHALL B.E AVAILABLE AT THE WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. . ATTENTION: Oregon Law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952.-o01-Q010 througtl OAR 952..001-0090. You ma.y obtain c()S)ies of the rules by calling th~ center at \503) 232~'987. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 7-800-332-2344 . COMMENTS. OOOT USE ONLY Pennit & Pennission to place buried water pipe, buried electrical facility, and buried telecommunications facility within ODOT right of way at above location. Work to include trenching. All work shall be according to approved plans, any changes shall be approved by ODOT prior to the start of construction. Pipe shall be place no closer than 5' feet from the bridge interior bent (pillars). Replace the riprap thai is removed and put it back overthe excavation or use controlled density fill (eDF) to match the existing slope and not placed closer that 5 feet to the bridge interior bent (pillars). ' S/i:E PAGE 2-6 OF.TH/S PERMIT FOR GENERAL & SPECIAL PROVISIONS IF THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WILL AFFECT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, THE APPLICANT SHALL ACQUIRE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL'S SIGNATURE BEFORE ACQUIRING THE DISTRICT MANAGER'S SIGNATURE. LOCAL GOVERNMENT 0 IAL SIGNATURE TITLE SPR..wGFIEl-D \J~rJ ?LANNT;;fZ.. TITLE '.JiF-- l1iol ~ l/ifd'lWrll'" I,(ree! 6.1 V' Department, the epplleontl. aubj t to, Ilcceptund ".,prove, DISTRICT MANAGER OR REPRESENTATIVE tho terms IInd provIsions contllined Ilttachecl: ~nd the term$ of Oregon Administrative Ru/~lI" Chspter 734, Dlvlelon 55, which is by thll reference msd" a part of thlllpl:lrmit. DATE 7 //(<'/~.., TELEPHONE NO. SL/I 7'/1.,570:(, APPROVAL DATE x 734-3457(7.06) .'=11.... .. ,....'! !.' JUl 2 2 2~g9 ~:__I ~..""_i.......l d. . . , ; ; 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR POLELlNE, PIPELINE, AND BURIED CABLE PERMITS, & MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (rev) Dec 2002 APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY HIGHWAY 227 MP 8.18 ~KSITE 1~1i;".!. Ap.Pii9~Dt;!il!i.~r,~aJI[for@ili(yj99~.t~~;~~!6'ie:~iggii1g (1~~QQf~3~1~34A)}~gWrr(ayg~;h~Ji:lin?J?I.~;fq(q.~ili@il~~.gtg@~i~iQd,91 1ixcaWt.ion;ajil~~!is:E~q mte'cJ.: :~~.):~.5~p~I!2:~o@ti~~IQ!~i!:ai:;QQRytO:f';!D[~J5%lmltl(tIDYI~l!.,if(t~~Hm\f6i~:g(fiilj':WQrR::~jt~.:tDgY.'@~J)L~gl~y~fl?~I~Ii~[\i]~jR.~!tilil MalrlleniiitGe"'inllna"eGor,re' fe'seiih3live1attfiei~re'"UesL ..... . .."......,., ........,11..,"'" ~...:[t...._.....,. ......" ...Jt..,. . 03. Contractor to acknowledge receipt of and review of, by letter, the Oregon Administrative Rules (Chapter 734-55) governing miscellaneous facilities and operations on the highway right of way as the governing provisions of this permit or agreement. ~4\\\\i':fConifact(jr:to7revlewith'eWbre'''5niAamJnJsifaliven~ul~~((0Wa'fer'i~3~IDiv:'55i;"iovernin"'misCeiialieous!faClli\iegtand ~Jf~iiO~~ill1\'irK~mi'hw~'f"Wfi6f;tN'3':ig~1m~~'O~~1~rrf'f~i6m~i3H'~1gf.it~i~~2€f'l'[~if97~~ffi]~tJWebSite:""-"'" ..........-..... .JL,., ... '.,'" ~..."'<.,..lC1I..,,jj ...g,..."_,,....JY.. ,. ..."!L .~ ,....9):L... ............,. .J1..JD..... ..,Jll....".......,. htto://arcweb.sos,state.or.us/rules/OARS 700/0AR 734/734 055.htmI. ~~,ii.i~~g~~~~!~~W~gijl~!1~~;)nG~t:~e.:iff[ii@!n~ili~gtl6gr~gnmm9.!f1[rij~5lfJ#SJQI@it9.i!~pJig;ff~ILQf,1i~\!~r,QQ@)!iQnr~H.!1r. (;Oost[ugtlon!I~!~o.mpllil!lil' ~t~~~"til~;Q~rh1m~~!M~!ii11Qt;~:s.~\tJ:t~frTiiO!{qf;w~Yf!Q1Q[~p[~Q{~~~~L1i~jDijl~Ig6~iQ[im~r:cH~.K~L~~'[rt~I)Y;RiB1Jl ~7i'I;;,Tn6',s'to'" iri'zandf'arkrri.;cof.siet\{cles!u'~Fi~Stat~~Hi"Wwa~Tri'ntrof.wa"!fof;iWeii1i'iili1iehance'olfad'o]l\iW"',,'ri'r'eHioriin '" . ,.,"., ,.,,,,,..,,p,P.. .g,....,.,.".R"."....g.".....;cc"..",."R,,,.,,,,"',..,....~..9''''''i'Y,'".R...>. "..."""Y".,"".."".v."..,.,... ,.. _' d.. . ...U.... .!lR. 'Pc".. Yo"'" .. tfU'ith'erance'o(/an:;bUsil1ess;ti'ali'sacti'ohior'commerciitl'8stablisnment iiJcstiict/';"ronibifea: ,. "" ,.. .' . . ...'" .... y""""...... .". . " '" "".,., ,.,., ,."...".. "".,,,. ,,,,,,.......'...... .....,.Y.R........, '..." ~\,..::.;@i~llirB~a(a.[ia[lj~h'alliR~[~~~~~~twith'(gf~~~5:~jiygf\Q@m?r~~.\D(aj}1ppriipr.l?t~i~~gcl)09illm~. 09. The spreading of mud or debris upon any Slate Highway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of lhe permit. Clean up shall be at the applicant's expense. The highway shall be cleaned of all dirt and debris at the end of each work day, or more frequently if so determined by the District Manager or representative. 010. Permittee shall replace any landscape vegetation or fences that are destroyed. Any damage that is not fully recovered within 30 days (weather permitting) shall be replaced by ODOT at the expense of the permittee. A "plant establishment" shall be understood to be part of the planting work to assure satisfactory growth of planted materials. The pi ant establishment period will begin when the original planting and all landscape construction has been completed and approved. The length of the establishment period will be one calendar year or as defined in the Special Provisions. 011. Applicant will install and maintain landscaped area as shown on the attached drawings. Planting shall be limited to low growing shrubs, grass or flowers that do not attain sufficient height to obstruct clear vision in any direction. The Commission or Engineer shall have the right to remove said landscaping at any time such removal may appear to the Commission to be in the public interest, without liability or loss, injury, or damage or any nature whatsoever. APP]]"~ :11ft: _ODOT REP B~l~ Received: r- r i I ., JUl 2 2 2009 Final Submittal d/ v . ., . . 2 ;tiM.FFIC f,5n2f~"Th)' wOikareaaufihgiconstriJctloii"Of'nlaini~iiance '(:leff&meH\iriderthe permltprol/isi6ris shallbr~ 'protected ifi ~,~~ ,J'~'l; ~- ''iC;&'<:''';'~'<,'-j,:,.f),'<;' ,:-'r:';:.r~-'<l ;'''~'_''Ji.';:: '''';''.:,c;': ",>"-'''''':<,_':J.> ~"';,,,~",'~C,;I'.,- "",..'<L'~~":'f\~:r<'~[4t':::" ',;'*"~'Ke:~ -;'~:'I;:'?<~~'i,' "~"~I >l:l',-';"~--"~" ~-._",' ~,-" ',:+:Y":?i__;'''<'''';'tr>I*'''~'''-'' i~ccbraaniie,witl1jtti'e:c(jr'rerir Man U alionltJnifcirm!Jri3ffic'G6i1trcil' Del/ices'fbr,Streets.aiiCl, Hiotiws.vs; :pS' Depaiimeiit'o! Jt~h~:' ~rt~i16r{~'~hd!'ilfill'o[~'~oii'~De"'-a.lfn\entiof (rf~i1's'9:rj~jion:'sa"Hlefi1ent$'IKe-reto:1Flif"~fls)nus(fiaV:~ii:(c'~rd'6r2~ftiiitaja 'nWt~f1A:',rir~~:~if1ciTlffitlif81;l\~"'P1bm;~(Wb~R1~grm'~rgffi61t8hi1g~6bt~'ftAI;:if~ffi~;c~'~~bl;rd~vib';i~!gH;jilfb~;rtlgirii~rfl~ctac'6ordfn" ~\lh~[Ai1'ss~'(0[i'!ijt1St~~d~f8~'rt~;w6rk~zOr\~~Ttttlia';cgnt}~F0g~ig~~!Jia'n81536j{i .."".... '-. _. -" ... ,'. . -'- ........ .... .... .'., 9 .' "- . . ,"-'-' "'.'" ,....."',."..,'~,'-,.,,..~..'~. - 'i~, .c...".,.,"......,,~'.~,.,.,','. _"~.."".,.,..,_.".'.;L."_~'..."""....,,__-,.~""-'.>;'.,,.,"" '_J"_.,,,,_b.~.__.'.""'''',,", .._..-,...._._..". "",_. .,",~_ 013. Contractor to provide a detailed traffic control plan for each phase of the work, showing signs and cones, Plans to be submitted for approval by the District Manager or representative in advance of construction or maintenance, ~..1~}~i;AIi'l.lama"'~'d!0rrfemovedrhT"nwasstn5rsflaflroe're''laced;I)"itHsla' "llcanf:l Installatioil'!sn'all'6e-'accotdin'r to)MUT:60 . i~J "',' , ,..- !l.;'k:... 'd.''''''-' "', g'''"''~'~#'''''''''''~'':''''~\'''l;;'"!'' Q,..".:>;'......iO;y~'1Ji<.,'t.g'-(,,,-'hR"'"".v,,...;'J~.;;.p.~+c"'."'-,:"'"..,~:r.""".,...,v.RP,,....;,_.,'.." '-r,;f'.' ,.,;;.,~., ..-~."k...'._;;....'.t:-,.,,~: <p'''''''''','K.-l'"",p"",-,, .r _".,.. 9.'__,,,,"<j''--_ ,-,-~.,..,.- '-'-<II. ''faWclaras\'orilDisirict1Milria'.e~)s!(:rei;ifiGatioll]ta1iaisHal1;Ile"com'leteafas1sb'onias't'Qssitiie"ii6ilater;tKah?tnel\ndbftnei,worR'isHifl, ~,...,~.-<,~ ",-.,~,-, .~I". - . ...._'.~""'~.."'.,.,',.._'. ,- ''''_''.",.__,'. 9 ,~""-.....~,,,"p_:"'_"'.'-'___"__''''''~'' .-o....,.I,,,"..,--......._""":....._,'"",...,,,,.....P .....,'" .~.~., ""'h-,jI , ._...._",~.'._-'___.-,_ ,Po _"_~'~_'" .. .,--",.~\._.. .... "00" :._.",. ". .,. .__....:,,'~........ .--.- _. .:_.. _. ""_..~" ,.--.", _." ~ 015, No lane restrictions will be permitted on the roadway during the hours of darkness, on weekends, nor betwe.en 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM,or 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM (Monday thru Friday) without prior authorization of the District Manager or representative, 016, Hours of work shall be: DRAINAGE 017. On site storm drainage shall be controlled within the applicant's property, No blind connections to existing state facilities, 018. Excavation shall not be done on the ditch slopes, Trench excavation shall either be at ditch bottom or outside the ditch area, (Minimum depth at bottom of ditch-36", minimum depth at the outside of ditch-42",) 019, Only earth or rock shall be used as fill material and shall slope so as no to change or adversely affect existing drainage, Fine grade and seed the finished fill with native grasses to prevent erosion. 020, A storm drainage study will be required by a registered engineer meeting the standards of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) when any of the following conditions appiy: Whenever a 4" pipe is inadequate to serve the developed area, development site is 1 acre or larger in size and directly or indirectly affects state facilities, or as directed by the District Manager or representative, 021, An advance deposit of $ (Order to Render Service) is required for ODOT Hydraulics Engineer (Bridge Section) to review and approve storm study calculations, 022. 023 year, You will be required to provide "on site" retainage for storm water run off that exceeds that of undeveloped site, Storm drainage study shall be a other. 10 year. 25 year, 50 year, 100 APPlicant~~~ ., ODOTREP B Date .:t!l:: Rl::celVed: ..,:'> JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submiltat' - fJcIZ - "-;,' t f ~.., . . . , 024. All water discharged to an ODOT drainage system will be treated prior to discharge. All requests for connection to an ODOT storm sewer will meet any requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System that could include: local jurisdiction approval of on site water quality treatrnentfacilities, development of an operation and maintenance plan for any on site water quality treatment facility as determined by local jurisdiction. 3 EXCA VAT/ON/CONSTRUCTION ~5.',~~;'flie:S"'eclfiGaiions:re"uirea'iVoJfiicti':arElia"'ljcable:l<Nhe:woi'k"undiir:thls" ermiiii'feth'e'2008:edltiori'of,tMW/Of€,'on SfarldSfilj's"gi;i~6!iti6I\s'fbr"Br~Wd~;GoftsrrUctl6~f:fR8~[dd1tI8Ra1isnc"'j~Wi~11tiilr~&(j1,s"~81'TRr8"i~rbh'$:"i~as~'rre~tl~ ". 9 " iM~ilJ~(G;~.;~aSt~~i~(~:b'?f{Vt~~h~~ft!i~';d(tiYI[~~Ji~}8iri~ihfi~ii;~t1lh~~rali.~'9i~li~nt6~9[~[ar~~~I$~!ax~i1~~i~;()K'im~'.5,it~r 026. Open cutting of pavement shall only be allowed in areas specifically approved by District Manager or representative. 027. Trench backfill shall be according to the attached typical drawing, marked as Exhibit 028. Open cutting of the highway will be allowed with construction in accordance with OAR 734-55-100. All excavation in paved areas shall be backfilled and the roadway surface patched before the end of each shift. In special cases where steel plates are allowed, said plates shall be pinned and a temporary cold patch applied to the edges. The permittee shall be fully responsible for monitoring and maintenance oftemporary patching and steel plating. . 029. Compaction test will be required for each open cut per ODOT Standard specification for Highway Construction. Tests shall be conducted every LF per Uft of a continuous trench by standard AASHTO T99 method. At the discretion of the District Manager or representative, results of such test shall be provided to District Manager or representative at applicants' expense. 030. Control Density Fill (CDF) shall be used as surface back fill material in place of crushed rock in open trenches that affect the travel portions ofthe highway. A %'.0, or 1".0 rock will be used for the aggregate. The amount of concrete used shall not exceed 3% of the total mixture's weight Maximum compressed strengths must not exceed 100-150 psi. 031. Surface restoration shall be a minimum of 6" of hot AC, or match existing AC depth, compacted in 2" lifts, whichever is greater. Sand-seal all edges and joints. ~2; .AII.~'\Lgr~ga,!eT~b~li[cQfif()rl11 tQ!Qr~gQni$I~r\q~rd.:SR~(;jii@ionsJQr;~i9hW~'y;~gd~tfggiliM:$@.~t:lh@3Q;:;~a~~&lgr€t~i.~!(l1 033. Any area of cut or damaged asphalt shall be restored in accordance with the attached "T" type drawing. For a periOd of 2 years following the patched paved surface, the applicant shall be responsible for the condition of said pavement patches, and during that time shall repair to the District Manager or representative satisfaction any of the patches which become settled, cracked, broken, or otherwise faulty. 034. An overlay to seal an open cut area shall be completed prior to the end of the construction season, or when minimum temperature allows per ODOT Standard specification for Highway Construction. Typical overlay shall be 1 %" deep and cover the affected area from edge ofpavementto edge of pavement, and taper longitudinally 50': 1'. Taper may be adjusted by the District Manager as required. For a period of two years following this patching of the surface, the applicant shall be responsible for the condition of said pavement patches, and during that time shall repair to the District Manager or representative's satisfaction any of the patches which become settled, cracked, broken or otherwise faulty. 035. Highway crossing shall be bored or jacked. Bore pits shall be located behind ditch line or in areas satisfactory to the District Office. Unattended pits shall be protected by a 6-foot fence Of shall be backfilled or steel plated and pinned. ,.~;,.. ,~.cf~ ODOT REP Date Received: jUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal tl / Date . . . " 4 ~6~::iA"'lic'ant;sn81l:insf8ll!a\tfracer~wiie,i;Qi'()tnertsImjla'f(cori~uctive(m~rkiH ';Xati~:or;aevice'Kii.installin' 'an ';h6'nre9nau'clive" iJni9~~i~I)~UD'~~'r~~9Gi1'd[1aqIlifyi:t8"c9mpIY;\lJilh1M~"oJ~[QQ~u.}lil~:N6f(fj~$tL6h;:~~i1@\rO~e~G~il'sv:gi@Rjf{g~tJAR"Q~2:01'lQQ7Q' (6). 037. Trench backfill outside of ditch line or in. approved areas can be native soil compacted at optimum moisture in 12" layers to 90% or greater of the maximum density. 038, Native material found to be unsatisfactory for compaction shall be disposed of off the project, and granular backfill used. 039. Trench backfill in rock slope or shoulder shall be crushed 1"-0 or %"-0 size rock compacted at optimum moisture in 12" layers to 95% of maximum density by standard AASHTO T99 method. 040. Where excavation Is on fill slope steeper than 2:1 slope protection shall be used with 4" size rock laid evenly to a minimum depth of 12" l~k{Jl,f1JN.9.Xm:O,le.Ji&]i0bQ.;~f:!Y~:Qq!li)Q611imJIj.tr~.I.Yt~19:rmy!Ij~Lt)i96W~YZ~~~.![~~;GgEli]1tefi[~i(~@:9n~tfill]~i:?1l~:nQ~!(eNB,~fi~t~:a 'EriiiiFi18ilfo'eHicllJ\(iitioh'ovemf'fifl' . .",~,L.."" IL""_,..,_,_..,,,,_.,9,_,, .r:1A20'f<,A;ril'a'S;oi?diS1urflgaicufifndifiilisio"es';snaliiB'ellest6YeCli io'aiC'onaitiorris"uifajjfe'ilOnR6\0jstricrrManaMEjf,'dr,~re"tesen[ajiVel 1~~sr5f,~1~i\';t6'f~iifIT5miwiHll'~fi1~'tEr'1~bTgl'fT''{}f'1iifl:ilfrn:ir'""'w,-,"""",- ""","_~_'_'""M"~,..,' g"..".. - P. ~....,~".,., "'_~'_'''''''''''''''''''''c! ,"'" "'",--,,'..,", """,,,,,P,-,,.,,,. tL,P,.",,, _'.'"'' 043. All underground utilities shall be installed with a 3' or more clearance from existing or contract plans guardrail post and attachments. All non-metallic water, sanitary and storm sewer pipe shall have an electrically conductive insulated 12-guage copper tracer wire the full length of the installed pipe using blue wire for water and green for storm and sanitary sewer piping. 044. Any area of cut or damaged concrete shall be restored in accordance with the attached Typical Section-Pipe Section under sidewalk. 045, Signs and pedestals shall be placed as near the highway right-of-way line as practical. In no case shall pedestals and line markers be located within the highway maintenance area. 046, No cable plowing is allowed within the lateral support of the highway asphalt (I.e. at 6' lower than the edge of the asphalt, no plowing with 9' of the edge of the asphalt). 047, All pipe and bridge attachment hardware shall be submitted to the ODOT Operations Structural Coatings Coordinator for approval. 048, Expansion joints of an ODOT approved type to be located in the closed proximity with the expansion joints of the structure, ODOT Bridge Office Practice Manual available upon request, or visit our web site (see #4 above) 049. Adhesive anchors only are acceptable for support brackets. For a list of acceptable adhesive anchors or more information, see the ODOT Bridge Office Practice Manual available upon request, or visit our web site (see #4 above). APP;"~~~~ ODOT REP Date . )::...; ~ ,'j .~' Date Received: JUt 2 2 2009 Final SUbmiltal_ fJ,~ . . . ", 050. Field drilled holes in the stiffeners and areas damaged by drill shall be painted with two coats of tine-rich primer prior to assembly. Methods shall be approved by ODOr Operations Structural Coatings Coordinator. 051. Neoprene gaskets to be placed between the mounting plates and stiffeners. ODOr Bridge Office Practice Manual available upon request, or visit our web site (see #4 above). 42. . A "'/icantsnallhe:ies .'onsible.'a'nd 'IIa'bliHor!(t)' iilVesfi' 'atih '~'iesenceia6seri2e'OIjj'n"."le'" ail....'roteCti!Cl:or'reulatEl(l ~9'r" .. ". PR"... "....,;:,:;-,. 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"..".",,,.,,,.,,,,Q""'"''"''P'''",,,,,,,,,,'''C1''' ""'""o;,,,,,,",,.,,.,,.,g.,,,,.,;;-..;,,,,,,,,,,,..,,....;..,,,..,,'\"'\"";""I;""""""'"',p"'Y/"~">t<"w,"',,,,, " (}lP.~Tf;h~Ji:nIM~:.f{iti$@tiljif1P$9t~:~!1gig~X[~~P9D~iRI!f::?~g;11~pl(trj;Q!Ilgmfp!,gb:V:~$~2cj~1~Q'!;Q~t~JQ)t.~1 qll}j~.lh~li@.IP,9J:)n~ly,ti~~~; ~4~RtahS?are;1l''''roveanrif'ei\etalfonnaliq;daes'noifrelieve,:iHe'i"a=licahf'{fom:c(jm'>iei1;titRe;coh'muGiionjinr'i'ovem~nls ~alffiril3ffi;;;tb;0D~~~Ei5rdrgfi~f\~6~!fi[a",rtl~titll1reBm"lffi'iiiDlsfFltii~Ejj~"f:~~;rt"~~'flrli~~~wW~ii~~j5ff~Z~r~\'''''d~Tfi(tl1a ii~ld~~~r6fliirfdf~w1i1";~Ywmm!flWtlb~tt~a?rsriii~ii5'~lifa;;iffi6~r~......... ...,.....~g.."..'f,t...."",......,",..,_ ".."....,d.....m ... """" .. ".,.",...<~. h""""",;,""",,-,,,;.j,..~. "~..,,~,.,",, 9 ..,t'",~......,..",..__>....~__,_,_~..,~,..",.."---.,, ~-~.,.,_w.,.,.H... ',__ ",'C.._c." ".~" ","..'". ~5WA""ii2antisff1iil;oelfgs"onslbferfofl710c~ffn";anm"'&seFVin7aif.'exislinY!suiVe7molium~lltai[&mwilKjmflie1worRjarea!jn ac~gra~KG:~lh'f0Rs~20911~01~h'af6r269H'55Irffif6~'fii''gAfmigfi?iJ~iitr~''il1~~~ijN~grgt~'inWc1~~e"ml~6~1rtW~f\lJf~affri~m~lf?cJor ~~1l?9~~~~~po/PJ@~Qt~ti1lli~.~f[~~p~DmIi[~IQ1@m9R~{~~n~~~q:~ui'!Dj~tl~Jll!W~Q.~ig!~~\YiJi~Iir~1!1g~(~ID.1~[rn~6!~'Yi~rW:~1~l~1~ngr ilcensea.:Sl1rv[t1'm .<.......~,',. ..~.Y.,.... 5 ApPI;'''''~~ A . ODor Rep. Date Date Received: v JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal /J ~ . . : " . . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, PORTLAND DISTRICT EUGENE FIELD OFFICE 1600 EXECUTIVE PARKWAY, SUITE 210 EUGENE, OREGON 97401-2156 REPLY TO ATIENTION OF: May 28, 2009 Operations Division Regulatory Branch Corps No. NWP-1999-279/8 Mr. Loren Leighton International Paper P.O. Box 700 Springfield, Oregon 97477-0034 Dear Mr. Leighton: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) received International Paper's (International) request to modify the Department of the Army (DA) permit, Corps ill . NWP-1999-279/8, dated May 5, 2003. International proposes to cross Kizer Slough with a pipeline for the mill water intake and electrical conduit. The crossing does not require footings below the ordinary high water mark. The crossing of the slough will be constructed at a height to maintain the clearance established by Highway 126 over the waterway to ensure there are no impacts to the waterway, flow in the slough, or recreational uses. In order to complete the work, an extension of time beyond the expiration date of May 2009 is required. We are extending International's authorization to complete the work an additional two years to May 2011, to allow sufficient time for the construction of the bridge crossing. The Corps considers these changes minor and hereby modifies International's permit. The original Letter Of Permission (LOP) has been amended to include the design modifications described above and as shown in enclosed drawings (Enclosure). All other terms and conditions of the original LOP remain in full force and effect. This letter must be attached to the original LOP. Date Received: , JUL 2 2 2009 Fi~al submittal d;!! .J.___ _ . -2- . If International has any questions regarding this permit modification, please contact Mr. Benny Dean Jr. at the letterhead address, by telephone at (541) 465-6769, or by email at Bennv.A.Dean(al,usace.armv.mil. ~y J- . Nrik S. Petersen Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished: Oregon Department of State Lands (Kiryuta) Date Received: JUL 2 2 2009 Final Submittal H ..~~~~ ~ "", ..\ 'i. n o .a '" ~ I I I ~Tf IJf:"SCRIPTlnN ~""'NO.I7__"""" IAllLOTHCl.ago '_"'_IEA""_ --- "'......"""""'..,.-........., r~.~~-.- , .~~.. ., , - , SPRINGFIELD CONTAlNERBOARD 785 42nd S_ SPRINGFIELD, OR 117478 022091P-DDO 02209IP-;OOl 022091P-006 022091P-007 .02209IP-OOB on09IP-009 . 02209IP-Ol0 022091P-022 022091P-023 02209IP-024 022091P-025 02209JP-026 .022091P-027 022091P-02B 022091P-029 < DRAWING INIJFX ~ , ...... \0 \0 \0 , tv ....., ~ .00 ri "T;I cJg (J) ...... .--<;;;' .-,l/ , o "" 0\ ~ I n----.:.-- 'fu----- ,- ;::). ,-, !E. .~ (;I) 0 ~ "- II) 0- c:: lD n 3'l t"" ;:;.: r- ~ ~ ::0 iT (I) KeY PUN ~ - ~ C> <' C> CQ (I). e. .1 ........_10_ lllE_"~"IlPlIDS""""'.1Il <:ao1lUS""'DlL.....__l\t[ ( ~~_"ro':':i~T1'tQl[lDSS;jIl"I.Z. I(~- . .... ~'. DRAWING INDEX, VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES PUMP .SUMP LAYOUT (WET WEll) PUMP SUMP SECllONS PUMP SUMP DETAILS PUMP SUMP DETAILS PUMP SUMP DETAILS RIVER WATER UNDERGROUND PIPING (1 OF 4) RIVER WATER UNDERGROUND PIPING (2 OF 4) RIVER WATER UNDERGROUND PI~JNG (3.0F 4) RIVER WATER UNDERGROUND PIPING (4 OF 4) UNDERGROUND PIPING DETAILS UNDERGROUND PIPING DETAILS PIPE BRIDGE PLAN & ELEVATION PIPE BRIDGE DETAilS A___.... BRESHEARSlTHoRNTON --~ ......,.......--""....-- .-- INTERt.lO.l!OW.LI'APE/l SPRJHGfJE1.D,o//(f;()H -~~ -~ - Rl[,f1II:__ . PUlTIWE'WD./1JI. '"- CAll PIIG - IlO hUT [PIT IlI\NUALLY CIID.." ...___, - D02200IP SHEET 000 1NTEllIlATlOw.LPAPER --..-.... "'-...-...--- ,. .- .~~ ..0--' .1-" ~-. -'- ...-,s.- -.(-.,I:'"l;- ~ . }s'; 1 L: ' 's' .' . , ~j , l@ . I. . ..l/l:Lt-.I' "-.I .~ .~ ,~ "'e'" .1/1 ~-,LI ,~ ,- 1"----- , , , , , ,~, .l/l~.l' 'Z:,'j'.i> .-::: .~ ~ , , , , L_~______+ . , I I' , , H ~~ ~' ~ !~,. ,,' ! 'l~I-'1j.'--'lv -..11,'_) i ..'m.....1 ..~.. I \!i ~, '",.l:. 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JOINT PERMIT APPLICATION Weyerhaeuser Springfield Mill McKenzie River Intake Project Springfield, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS Joint Permit Application Form Figures Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Tax Lot Map and Proposed Intake Pipe Figure 3: Overall Site Plan Figure 4: Springfield Intake Fish Screen Figure 5: Alternative Intake Locations Figure 6: Property Boundaries, Property Ownership, and Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) ) Attachment A. Biological Assessment Appendix A Intake Engineering Report Appendix B. Kizer Slough Hydraulic and Temperature Modeling Weyerhaeuser Springfield Mill- Water Intake Relocation Projecf Technical Memonindmn Appendix C US Fish and Wildlife Service and NMFS Species Lists Appendix D. ONHIC Database Search Results Attachment B. Wetland Delineation Technical Memorandum Appendix A Figures Appendix B. Wetland Delineation Data Sheets Appendix C Site Photographs Attachment C Sensitive Species Technical Memorandum Appendix A Figures and Tables Appendix B. Site Photographs Appendix C ONHIC and USFWS Search Results Attachment D. Cultural Resources Technical Memorandum Attachment E. Stormwater Management Plan Attachment F. Sediment and Erosion Control Plan PDXl061700040,DOC I' '" ~'- ... l} "bill ''1 , 1 ~.-- ;. ~ \, , , ~ , , \4, ii: .~ '.. " .~ ~ '"' ..~ .:"' .... - .:." , ~ , t' ~ I f"" 4 . . " ,t* '~'I :iil . , " I L 1, ~:.. . ~ .' 11 ~ ~ .~ '0 ... ,::;0. " '~ ... ..... ~ ~ '~t- .. ... .," .., . ... '..... ,.- -- '", Photo #3, 36" Pipe Crossing Slough looking Northeast " " ?..... " "'~r: , ~~.. '. " ....... " ',' 'N ,. " -:"" ...... . . I . I I I I ~'V; l_ a :.i . .. ~"l ,. . , ,~ l:l .- .~ ~ .r . ,'~: .~. ~. d. ~ J il , I; , }' ~! '":~~ Ii' 1'.... ~~ ~ 'i ^~ ,. -. ~~ ' . i I ~ ;;,1