HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/6/2008 ICity of Spiingfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfieldl OR 97477 . . .Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Site Plan Review Original Submittal , ;: . . - I , ,. . . A licant Name: Rene Fabricant, P. E _, S. E. IPhone.: (541) 746-0637 Cem an": Branch Engineering, Inc. F"~. ~~. (541) 746-0389 """ '""'':-'''?:''.~,,,,'.''-7.~i''_".'~; '';'i,Y: :.,~ ,~"e,:--._.-~'~' c.';, ;...' . ",,"., _' -, .'!' .:; ..,., ;.", .-': ."'.;;.:.;. :J;;" +. '; :~::.,' ;__"'"'~.' ,_ . ,"..; .- Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 .:.,~'.:.-,,-:-...," <.. ,-.....;.;.;-".v... :~:., ~.~:,,'~., "'O-'_,_;._:.:.';;_~~, -'~-'<:~-"-;"';"'~:':""".'" .. "_.-;~.,.-.-. ;.'....:.,-,-., A licantlsRe.: Rene .Fabricant, P..E., S.E. Phone:. (541) 746-0637 Com an: Branch Engineering, Inc. Fax: (541) 746-0389. Address: 310 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ....,." Ovvner: District 19,5pringfield Public Schools Phone: (541) 726-3204 Com an Administration Building Fax: . (541) 726-3312 ~~,,;\,,~,:->;-;;,",~,;;..' ""~-~".''';'' -'_"-7~ ;.~c:_: ,:.'-=~"'l""-l"';:;i'~,';, '., -, ""':"':"~-. r,_, <;." ...~,,:.,,- "'''-,:."'''-'_':':~~,--.,:~,,~, . ,;' ,_:,_,~. '-c.'-' .'_ -.- .-J';'.,C ,"" ;.......,._0-> ~::x-:o- '.,~;. .__::. ;., v" ,< "c~' -,-,: ",._"___...:;~,,._;, ':..'; '~.'.,,_ _-:-.", _~~ .... '.' Oi. :~". '{.;-. ""::__':''''~_?';' "-~.. _; .: 1<,'C~-:.. '" Address: 525 Mill Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-35-31 TAX lOT NO S : 920D, 9300, 9400 :. 637 Main Street, Springfield; Oregon 97477 :;>,o;7~.'1 15, 191-f,~ Acres 0 S uare Feet ~ Pro.osed Name of Pro "ect: .ID Addition and Remodel Description of If you are FillIng in this form by hand, please attach your proposai deSCription to this applIcation.. . Demollsh eXlstlng park, construct slngle sto~y. concrete block addltlon to eXlstlng Pro osal: Arts Academv Buildinq at Tax Lots 9200 and 9300..of '100 . .... ...-'_.-_....',}.,.-_":.:-.,.'~r,_~.,,~ ;'.. -" ..-,; ,_,'_,..0,; Existin Use: "Pocket Park" Nevv 1m ervious Surface Covera 51 natures: Please sl nand e 1ncludin Bid . Gross Fioor Area: 7,572 sf our name and date in the a pro riate box on the next pa e. r. , , Associated A Iications:. . ~-&OOC;(DIM ') --'F f O~~=~.lh ("'::;:=.0. M~-a "' .. ..... --- ....-......... . ..-... n-.~.-.~ -........'-'~ 1_" '_ I XeVi8\i'.:ea 0": Case No.: RC2.R>l:fO~ "6ffiJ I Lb Date: ::> (, l) 'CJ Reviewed b A Hcation Fee: $ .L.f 0 ~ or TOTAL FEES: $ 4- '1-58. q5. Technical Fee: $ :lo 4. 95 Posta e Fee: $ /55 PROJECT NUMBER: H ID <0 - ct3.:l, 0 ". .~- .~,-';:', )."'","" '.\",:~,; 1'/.\\ ,", 'e;"i.!~i )_:,:",~ f.- "'i(:':' r ,~'J:,'.1~'~':! r;:;-, Revised 1/1108 Mollv Markarian 1 ,."f 1n Owner Signatures . . This application, form is used for both the. required pre-submittal meeting, and subsequent Cnmploh::l :::lnnl'Ir-::;tinn cllhmit+=:l1 r:"l'Mncr' s'lgh:=lh Iros arQ ronU'ln~rf '~t- hnt-h sr::lnoc in tho .::lnnli/"'::ltinn '-'", ,.......... .....r-'~ .........1...'''-:''' --........."".......... .' _."''-' "...,....... '- ,.... ........... ,................ ............., ......~.......... "' 11'- "'/'""1-"'''''-'''-'' ''''' process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the Information in this application Is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: Signature Print , /submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the 'completeness check performed on this application B.t the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the .City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the information 'will not be, provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begIn processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a compiete application. Owner: ~lv-- t~_ b-wtt Sig tur , . 5t-e-ph~ VV\. fu0-reil' Print Date: :~/oK Dt:>\,;~.<::>-...,! 1 !1 InQ Mnlh.. _M.",..-L-::>,..,,,,,-,. _ "} ~~ 11" . . ";.":': Dear Molly: Please review the attached documents I hope that you find this application complete and easy to follow. Below is a summary response to the site plan review application requirements Application fee: $4,458.95 is attached for the pre-submittal Right-of-Way Approach permit application: Does not apply Storm-water Management system study: The proposed improvements will result 2,770 square feet of new impervious surface area. All of this area will result in new roof storm-water; there will not be any storm-water from new pavement surfaces. Storm water due to new impervious area was discussed at the development issues meeting. This was also discussed during a teleconference with Matt Stouder, P.E Consistent with those conversations, it was determined that a scoping sheet would not be required, and that storm water shall be conveyed to the back of the existing catch basin in the alley to the south ofthe proposed improvements. Traffic Impact Stndy: Not required. Project narrative: The Springfield School District is planning to expand the A-3 Arts Academy. The expansion is approximately 7200 square feet and will occupy the space immediately adjacent to the existing A-3 building The expansion is planned as a single story, with a full build out that is constrained only by the limits of the property lines. The program for the spaces includes expansion to the office spaces, expansion of the restrooms, three studio spaces and a dance instruction / performance art studio. One studio is planned to have space for three-dimensional mi. Based on the total square footage of the completed school, 27 bicycle parking spaces are required. We are asking for a formal exception to this requirement. The current facility provides bike parking in the adjacent pocket park, and there is currently one student who uses a bicycle as a means of transportation. The majority of the students make use of the regional transit system, located two blocks away. Weare proposing to install 20 bicycle parking spaces, with all of them being covered and secure. In exchange for fewer bicycle parking spaces, we are proposing an outdoor gathering space for students on the South side of the building. As part of the DIMS meeting, we are responding to concerns by the city to create a substitute outdoor gathering,space. While not a substitute for the existing pocket park, the location and size would create a space for students, rather than requiring them to congregate on 61h street. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . . '.v:; The glazing shown on 1/ A3.1 meets the design criteria set forth by the Development Standards, providing view into interior lobbies and work areas. The minimum requirements outlined in 3.2- 625.A.I have been exceeded. As the project proceeds into construction documents, the amount of glazing for the main lobby might increase. However, the amount of glazing provided will never be less than the amount shown on the Site Review submittal. The project will include three pedestrian amenities as required by the new total square footage of the school. The first amenity will be public art, to be a mural on the West side of the building, with a value 01'$20,000.00. The second amenity will be the addition of more street trees than is required by zoning on the West side of the building, with the addition offive street trees at 18' -0" on center. The third amenity will be that the installed trees will have a caliper of 3" as opposed to 2". Access and Right-of-Way approach permit Access shall be via the alley to the south of the new and existing facility, and at Main street to the nOl1h. No new accesses are proposed for construction; an ODOT right-of-way approach permit is not needed for this project. Improvements in the right-of-way Street trees shall be added to the side-walk in the right-ot:way at 6'h Street; please see the Architect's drawing Ll. No other improvements are proposed in the right-ot:way Special site features There.are no watercourses, wetlands, or steep slopes on the site, or in the imm~diate vicinity There.is approximately one foot of elevation change across the site. The site is sparsely covered with gravel, grasses and clovers. Excavation and fill The site will be cleared of top soil, and over excavated 6" to make room for gravel below the foundation and 1100r slab. Over the entire site, A 6" gravel layer will be placed below toundation elements. There will be no other cut and till quantities for this project. . Wetlands delineation There are no wetlands on this property; a wetlands delineation has not been performed. Riparian Area Protection Report The site is not within 150 of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourse; a Riparian Area Protection Report is not provided. Trees to be removed None Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original subrniHai . . Dedications and modifications These are no land dedications to the city associated with this project No proposed modifications are being requested. Othel' planning applications or planning actions There are no other planning applications or planning actions associated with this property at this time. J hope that this summary is of some assistance; please call me if you have any questions. 1Z.~- ~ 9- Rene Fabricant, PE, SE Principal Branch Engineering, fnc. (541) 746 0637 Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal Z:\2007\07-280 Arts ACademy\DraWingS\S~ct. & Ovll (Elranch)\07-280 dvil.dw~' 3/S/20()8 2;34:19 PM,jl'ffb, 1:3.17651 i " " _-z-__.. q ','f~: :-;"; Cl ;;'~~ ll) -(.f') ~ - CD ::0::1 ;0 ':i I :;.t: 0') CD Iii 0 ...... CD <= ;C" <= QQ CD a. I '" U i! ~ ~ " " (") m ." H &;. , ~ Ij; ~ !!!..;;j " z N .= .-- ">, " ~ . " ~'l J . I_~ ,,; ",Ii" '1 i!1 ~ I~ - -i, -~ .~ ~ I -:, -, ! !:l~__~r,: I I I 'l~~:--- ~x ,1J.. .:', x ~ t~._ --'~"{r.,,~ 'n-,':i'1 /:- It F ~ #r- fir- Y ,~ I , , I , , I , , _J I I I , , I , , I , , I , , I , , ___u___~ :i II ~ ' " ~"@.T ~E1B~Iil~~Q-.11 II , I: II ." i Ii" i i Ii i ii"l ~ i !! I~ liiniiiiliiiii h II ~ !:In!lpl!!p,!I!i Ii Ie".,,!..,,, ,I "i';'!!'I'LI ;i i <I <I ~ , .' I 'i ! i i @~~:i:::'in',ln', S J~ l H n c ~~~=oom ~ tMI st=t=o ~ ~ architecture ~nd enqineeri~9 iH "'______""'._,,"'""""'._""-'<l1Ml X<~)I~~~."' II II 1111 I ! Hilll! i i i i ! ACADEMY of ARTS & MICS ADDITION 615 MAIN STREET MAP # 17033531 TAXLOT#9400 SPRINGflELD,OREGON ,,' . , . '- - 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.741.1981 FAX: 541.741.0619 Evergreen land Title Company TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES' ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD. ' EUGENE, OR 97401 P.O. BOX 10211 ' EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE: 541.687.9794 FAX: 541.687.0924 February 6,2008 'Our Order No.: ELT-54861 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Branch Engineering 3 ION Olth 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Attn: Angela Estimated Premium for: PARTIAL BILLING $200.00 TOTAL $200.00 Dear Angela: \Ve are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverages as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Showing fee simple title as of January 30, 2008, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 (as to Parcels I and 2), and SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT # 19 (as to Parcels 3 and 4) Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 CONTINUED Original Submittal "IN OUR BUSlr<ESS, YOU {v'.ATTER MOST" \Wj/Vl.' .e\:"~rgreen(andtitle.conl ELT - 54861 Page 2 , ~ . . SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not. shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not sho\'m by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patei1ts or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claIms or title to water. 4. Any encroaclm1ent (of existing improvements located on the subject land onto.adjoining land or of existing improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the subj ect land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services.. labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by virtue of school ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. e Map No. 17-03-35-31-09200, Code 19-00, Account No. 0313757 e Map No: 17-03-35-31-09300, Code 19-00, Account No. 0313765 e Map No. 17-03-35-31-09400, Code 19-00, Account No. 0313773 e Map No. 17-03-35-31-10100, Code 19-00, Account No. 03 13849 e Map No. 17-03-35-31-10200, Code 19-00, Account No. 0313856 e Map No. 17-03-35-3 I -10300, Code 19-00, Account No. 03 I 3864 e Map No. 17-03-35-31-10301, Code 19-00, Account No. 0313872 7. Right-of-Way Underground Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, and unto its successors and assigns, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded October 19,2006, Reception No'. 2006-076072, Lane County Oregon Records. Date Received: CONTINUED MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal EL T - 54861 Page 3 , - . , NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 611, 615, 637 AND 645 MA]N STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477. . NOTE: A JUDGEMENT/LIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19, SPRlNGF]ELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #19, and as of January 30,2008, none were found. NOTE: As of January 30, 2008, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORl\1A TlONAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are as follows: WARRANTY DEED RECORDED January 6, 1999, FROM BURGE LIMITED P ARTNERSH]P, TO SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #19, RECEPTION NO. 99-000975. WARRANTY DEED RECORDED April 2, 1999, FROM DON R. CARTER, DBA C & B PARKING, TO SPRlNGF]ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19, RECEPTION NO. 99-029652. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFF]CE r\ . BY) C~~v~~L~ ! ~ (J. ~effrey K. Walker \ Advisorv Title Officer \ I . V NO LIABILITY ]S ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNT]L POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PA]D. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal ELT - 5486] Page] of] Lega] Description '- '- EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: Lots ],2,3,4, ]], 12, 13, Block 64, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION, Springfield, Oregon, as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2: The fractional South half (South 1/2) of Block 64, except Lots 11, 12 and] 3 thereof, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION OF THE TO\VN OF SPRINGFIELD, .as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane Comity, Oregon. PARCEL 3: Lots 8, 9, and 10 and the East ]2 feet of Lot 7, Block 64, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 4: The West 20 feet of Lot 7, Block 64, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal BudGE L~Elft~TNER~HlP 450 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD 11300 EUGENE, OR 974(11 Granlo~'1 NlllUt ;nd Ad<lrtss 9 9 0 0 0 9 '7 5 SPRlN'GFJELD PUDLIC SCHOOLS #19 525 MILL STREEl' SPRINGFIELD, OR 9747"} Granic,,', Name ~Ild Address AlI~rr<<GrtlJlIll.tnU(lllo; C EVERGRE!!:N LAND TITLE Q. P.O. BOX 931 . SPRINGI<1ELD. on 97477 c'" U/,IW II ~hallet 1I rcqu~tcd, aU tn: $lal.mCllls 5b~U be .J sClIl1DtheCollolttngnddren. E '0 - SAME AS GRANTE :?-U~n.E NO. ELT-2959D ESCROW NO. SJ>!i8.E9834 TAX A.Cer. NO. 313B49 MAP NO. 1703353110100 2501 (f.l I ,0 I IV Stiiteof OrcHoll County of Lane - !is. 1, the Cou!'!y Clerk, III ~nd for thl.' s~]d Count::, dllhcrcbyccrtifYlhallhcwothln Inllt1.lmcnlwolsrccclwdforrccordal '99 JAN 6 AKll:el .", 2501 R Lan.: County OR-1CIAL Kccold~ l~neCountyClerk ,(l.;.P /I--!.~~ By: Coulll!lClerk WARRANTY DEED. ,STATUTORY Ii'ORM: (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) g ~ " ~ 5 PARCEL II: The Wcst 20 [(leI or Lot 7, Dlock 64, MAUDE'S SUDDIVISION, as ~ platted pnd recorded in 0001. J, Page 3, Lane County Oregon PIIlI Records, 5 . hi Lane County, Oregon. ~ To HavI and to Hofd the same Ilnto tile said grantee and grantee's heirs; succcsson and auigns foreller. And said grl1.n((Jr lurch)' com/(ml1 to afld with snid grantee aT/d grantee's /le/is, :ur:ceUOis and assigns, thq,(grar,tor is. i! tawfully seir.ed iff fee simple of tile abo~e granted premises, fru from all encumbrances except ' ~ ~ PARCEL I: Lots 8,9, nnd 10, and Ihe Enst 12 feet of Lo17, Dlock 64, MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION, ns plaUed and recorded In Book 3, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat RecordSI in Lnne Count~., Oregon. ~~JAN.a6'99n08REC 5.00 2~JAN.06'99#08PFUND 10.00 ~JAN.06'99Jl08MT FUND 20.00 KNOW ALl.. MEN llY THESE PRESENTS, That BURGE LIl\HTED PARTN~RSI-ID' hereinafter called cra"tor, for tile conrideratio/l herefnafter slaled, to gralltor pmd by ~SPRINGFlELD PUBLIC SCHOOL, DISTRICI' #19 ., , turdl/o/ter caUed grantee, does flereby grant, bargaill, sell and cOIII'e)' ullto the said grantee and grantee s h~lrs, sll~'cessor.r and assigns, t/lat certafn reor propert}', with tIle te/l/:menfs, lttredi~amcnrs al/d oppurtenancer thereu,n:o belongmg or appertainillg, situated in the County of LANE ~d Stale of Oregoll, descnbed as follows, fo-wit: ," Subject to allY and alf eascmellls, restrictlollS and co~etlallrS o/record ,..;. and that grantor will warrallt andfore~er defend the said premises and ellEry part and parcel thereof again:t t/le fawful claims and demands 0/ aU penollS Whomsoever, excepr t/lose claiming under the coolie de~cribcd encumhrtlJICes. The true and actual cOllSideration pafd for this transfer, stated in /emu of doIla~; is $450,000.00. .HowellclJ the aclual cOl/sideration consuls of or inclUdes other property or I'olue gillen ar promlJed which is ((he whafeJpaJ'tofthe) consideration (indicare which).. (17lesenttncc between the sYmbol:"', ifnotapp!lcable .rltoufdbe deleted. See ORS 93.030.) . In construing t!lis deed and where lIll context So requires, the singular inC/urIes the plural and aU grammatical changes shnll be implied 10 make (he prollisiollS hereof apply (qual!} 10 carporaJions and to indMdffols. In Witness W/lereof, tile gr~mor flas executed (his imtmmenf thi! C'C;- da}' oj January 19 ~ if a corporate gral/for, it /Ias caused ils Jlallle to he sifn~d and seal afjw:d by its officers, dufy aUfhorized thereto by order of its board of directors, TIUS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE; PROPf.R1Y DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT LN VIOLATION OF APPUC,UlLE LAND t.lSE LAWS AND REGULA'nONS. DEFOltE SIGNING OR ACCEPTrNG nns LNSnWMENT, TI!EPERSON ACQUIRING FEE iITU:: 10 TIlE PROPERTY SIIOULD CHECK \VITIl THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLA.....NL"IG DEPARTM;ENTTO VERIFY APPROVED USES ANn TO DETERMiNE MT I.JtlllTS O,'i LA WSUlTS AGAlNSf FAR..'IflNG OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFI1\'EO IN OKS 30,930. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY 01' Lane l:fy:'nd",:,~;PlS_M}L r Nadine L. Burge J::J"'''R4/ P.ilitner lu, TIns JNSTRUMEl>.T WAS AC/QiOWLEDGED DEFOl1E ME ON Januarv ,<) I I~99 , Dr H. STEWART Bt1RGE, AS ~U9--((.1 TNER OF BURGE LUllITED PAR'CNERSlUP - '~MyCe~lln1s.lIQnc:tPlresi ..y~:i!..:?ao _ OFFICIALSEAl ' ; GLORIA l. GARDNER '. NOTARY puaLIC.OREGON ." COMMISSlONNO,OS31SlT " ,/n( "OMMISSION EXPIRES APR, ~{2000 j Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 llo' '" fIDriginal SUbm~~1 .. 4- 2 - 9. . 2534 ., ( "{ 'Ii IJON R. CARTER P.O.BOX 806 SPR1.....GFlELD, on 97..n7 Gr:mlur"~:u.u('alld,\tWrE'~ SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 525 'fiLL STRf..:ET SPRINGFffiLO. OJ{ 9747~ GrlUllce'sSameaud.\.hln:M Afltrr<<ordin::!nlurlllll: EVERGREE:N LAi\'D TITLE CO. I',Q. BOX 931 SPRIr-lGFlElU, OU: 1)7477 "Oiiiil w ctwlge~, r"'lu~~I~t1. :JU tJ.JC 51.alewcllts s~u be ifnlIOlbefollQlI<ll1l;addr",-,. . SAME AS GRAi'\TEE 99029652 ~~APR.D2>99"D2REC 10.00 ~~W'R.02>99t102PFUND 10.00 !~~PR.02'99"02AtT FUND 20.00 '1T1U: (';0. al-Z9677 ESCROW NO. SI'99.E\l1l&S T,\X ACCT. NO. JU8S6 313757 J13g64 31Jll7! MAl':m. 170J3SJlnOQIOJOUIOJ01I01OO i , j WARRANTY DEED - STATUfORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) ~ 5 ~ 5 5 o := Iii ~ ;:; " KNOW ALL MEN DJ' THESE PRESENTS, ThaJ DON R. CARTER, dta C & B Pa.'1d.rg hereinafter tolled grantor, Iv! lhe Clmst'derotion hereinafter staJed, to grantor paid by SPRJ1(GFffiLO SCHOOL DlSTRICT #19 herei/lafter caIled gralltee, does hereby gr(JJIt, bargain, seU and convey u.nto the said grantee and grarttee's hein"~ $uccmws and aisigJls, thaJ certain real property, ..-'iln the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenaru:es thereunto belMging or appertaining,' sifu.a.!cd in the Courtty of LANE:," and State of Oregon, de:cribed as foUows, fo.wit: SEE EXIDnIT A WHlCH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY T~S REFERENCE Tv !lave alld UI 1Iold llle .mme untQ the swd grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assignsfurtvtf, A.1Id said gran tar herehJ' covenalll$ to and with said granIee and gramee's heirs, successon aJtd assigns, thai grantor is to wfully seiud i/l fl!f! simple of the abol'e gralllEd premises, free from all encumbrances fXceptnone and Subject to airY alld all easemetUs, restrictioll5 and covenants of record alld thai grantor will warrant and forever defend tile said premises and evuy p(lrt and parcel thereof against the lawful claims tlJU/ demands of all persons w/zo;nsoever, except those claiming uuder rhe abOl'f described encumbrances. The true end actUl11 cOllsideratiOff paidjor this lronifer, staled in terms of dol/ars, is $575,000.00, "However, the aell/a] consideration cOllsists of or includes other property or value giren or promised which is (the whale/paN of the) cQllsideratio!f (indicaJe which).. (The sentence betweert the symbols", ifnol applicable should be deleted, See ORS 93,030.) In construing t/u's deed and where the context so requires, lile singular includes the plural wfd ail grammaJical changes shall be implied to make the pnn.isioltS hereof apply equally to c01]Jorations and 10 indil'iduals. In Witness Ilhereof, the grantor Jw.s executed thi, instrument this f~ I du.vof r.larch 19-9!1J. if a corporate grantor, it has caused iJs name to be s{gned and seal aJfrxed by iJs officers, duly autlwrized thereto h)' order of its board of directors. J\RTEH EOt' THE PROPERTY DESCRnIED J]'I; TWS ~STRUME,t.i L'I( VIOLA-nor.; OF APPLICABLE EFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPn'l(G nus lNSTRUMEYr, THI:; PERSO~ ACQllffi.lJ'lG FEE Tnu; n[E APPROPRL\TE em'OR COlT;.rry PLAl'o"NL"C OEPA.RThlli-\-r TO VERIFY APPROVE!) 'SO:" LAWSUITS AGAlliST t'ARJ.ll.'lG OR FOREST PRACTlCES ASDEF1!';I::D [';ORS 3t1.9JO. I) OFFICIAI..SEAL : ' OlORr. L OIdIDNER - f NOTAAYPUBl.IC.OREGON COMMISSION 00053127 '-1r COMMISSION EXPiRESm_2<!, 2000 b:l. STATE OF'OREGO\', COLI\iV OF Lane _.~"1'RUME:\T "'I\.S. :::WED ,1EFORE J\U:: 0"1" (7/.()_r~?1/~,. ~_,_ (;L")'/?/~;MYca~lalJu-plre$ ~lItar}' Pub Ie for ri~an M,rcn ,3/ .y-.;! :J 7')6 , tg.99-.11Y DO:-l R. CARTER Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Origirtfsubmiual ill (~ ) " I"'.. 4-2-9' .' E:LT-29677 PROPERTY PAGE 1 OF 99029652 PARCEL I ~ 2)4 Lots 1.2,3,4, II, 12, 13, Block 64, lU\UDE'S SUBDIVISION. Springfield, Oregon. as platted and recorded in Book 3. Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, 1n Lane County. Oregon. PARCE:L II The fractional South half (South 1/,2) of Block Sixt.y four (64) except Lot.s Eleven (11). Twelve i 121 and Thirteen (13) thereof, of MAUDE'S SUBDIVISION OF TIlE TOWN or SPRINGFIELD. Lane County Oregon. i}S platt~d and recorded in Book 3. Page 3. Lane County Oregon Pla~ Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Stale of Oregon County of lane - ss. r. ~he CounlyOer:t.,r;a:,:d fur ll;e ial() Ccur.ly. LC hcre;;ycertilytholot lh~ willlla ins\r..;r~.cr:1 W6S receiVlld for reCOrd ill '99 APR 2"~11:11 Reel 2534R Lalle COUll:,' OFfiCIAL Hc~crd~ LJn~ CCl~l'lIy Ger~ ", U;/>I...LJ'l.)l --- CounlyCl~lk -.- ~.. '. .. 11 ."1.... .'?:'..:.:-' ';~f~' . .!?; ~.: :F:. -'../.-.; .: f:.:f:;: cl}"', :"?i .~1~i~' I I . D.ate Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . .." ;,..- ; i" ~. . . ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477. (541) 746-0637' Fax (541) 746-0389 PRINCIPALS: JamesA. Branch, P.E., P.LS. Rene Fabricant, S.E., P.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Damien Gilbert, P.E. Renee Clough, P.E. March 5, 2008 Date Received: Molly Markarian, Project Planner Planning Division Development Services Department City of Springfield 225 Fitth Street SpringfIeld, Oregon 97477 MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal Project Information Applicant: Branch Engineering, Inc. For Springfield Public Schools, District 19 Site addresses: 611, 615, 637, and 645 Main Street, Springfield Tax Map: 17-03-35-31, Tax Lot 9400 SUBMITTAL Site Plan Application, Type II Attachments: The fee for the Site Plan Application, Type II, $4,458.95, a check from Springfield Public Schools to the City of Springfield 18 copies of the civil engineering drawing set, by Branch Engineering, Inc., 6/6 18 copies of the Architectural drawing set, by Solarc Architecture amI Engineering, Inc., 5/5 One additional Copy of the site plan rednced to 8 Yz" x 11", III One copy of the warranty deed, 1/1 One copy of the preliminary title report, 7/7 One copy of the Geo-technical report, 25/25 CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC /1RANSPORTATION SURVEYING 1J ////.-, ~ '~11 //// r ~ I -- N80"08''.I 99.22' 45' 55' I I I I I I , I I : 50' 15'1 40' , , --- ---SO------ --S5' ~~H - ~H$ ~11~ H~~-. ~H~ 100' 115' I -9'" ~~, ~ M I ~ '~'11B' I 32' 'I' :0 I '0 I ,~ , '0' , , '" I~ ,~::: I , I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 81 : 9: 10 --- lOB' 66~ ~ 42' I 0 11l{l 1 04P- - ---in r 12ru ~ I N79008'1./ 99.74' 13~ ~ "- :j ~ "- I '"1'" I u [1 pft f2..L.&l- I P~2 Pfq~\.. ~ Pl"tl2.ccL t . ---- R ---- - ~ -. ---- '" '" . ;j S780S8't _ 17372' . AND 375' PARAI I ~. -------- C': 4 t i~f ~ i ' f 0 () j:t1i. ~.~. ~ f <-'", f.t l'j r ~ . 1 -: ~ .j -t . <r . .~ '1 i ~ J :r ~fo .J~ ~.- r. ~. ," '1 f.I ,/J 'If rl t .f~'$ .~ - -9 S .$ ~ . "'lf~1 ~""O ~ , .~ ~ f' \) l ~"l ~ .... ,,,< -< r, , 'J ' , - ..-. M W it.!) <( 0.. C"'l ~ o o CD ! l , , r I ~ f II '/f' J J t oj f J ! f J..~.; ; v .J J f 1 1;- .~~ ~'t Ii t.,.; f~ ~ (- u f: :' '1.-;; t . "r{. . 'I' .!J., a-'"'1 0 a S " a- .;r " 1 f f t ,~ ;: f '}'f -~ J,j ..., .,...- .... lrJ ,$ 't: tJ i J-J ; 11 i L.. i-t d d ~ ~ ('(l o::t- .J .1 ~ ~ J i ~i :J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ << S' ( ~ ~.~ .} ~ . 'll ~ ' , ~ ~.! .....~ ~ ;:-.. e: ai'':; .~ It \l a ~ ~ . , . ~ ",;ja tI .. ~"'t.' > , . ~ ~ } .. t : .~ ;:s ~(S ~ "J , . ~; ~ 1 ~ ~ t.. tl ~ i! t>~ ~ '.~ Ie ~ l' '~ 'w ~" .t ~ ~~ ><-- . ~ ~ ~ <> ~ ~ ., ~ 2._".0 :.S ."",~~ , . . --.,1" .. .'~ . . ~ ,~ ~ ~ . ~ " . .. . . h . . ~ ~ . " , .. :~ -. 'i . . . , ~ ... ~ : .. - .' . " . ~- ~ '" N~g r 0 '<S' , ~- ." ., ; .. ; ~ . ~ . . .., ~ . ~ , ; " ~ ~ .., .. , , " , ~ .~ ...... . " " J.S' -:.,so . J ~ . i:: ~ .~ ~ , ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "'C .. ~ "-- ~ ~~ ~ tJ'!i\, ~ s.~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~!4 ,.. ~ <> .. ~ ~ ii: I. ~ ~ vtJ ~ f1 ~ ~ ~ Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" " .. ~ , ~ '" . ,. ---- I "'f ~' .9J ~J ~ ~ " ") . , . , '? ~ t:i () ~ It; ~ J o oj I !JJ.. J rI ;.:r j H iff l.~ " i 1~...i1 >:\,....1 <f'. ..1 3 ~ -; ~....., d--r s....r JCl4ei.. ..('..r~'" "[:<>>'.1.- >0( '0 S -G...~ ;- 1 ~ ~ 11 1 ... oi". I . N 1"1 1 ~""i b.~l " 1 ..... s l;d:f.,f' 0 of' ,~ f.ja~f -;';1 r j!lf' $(:1; j ..r .0 .It I of u 1 ~ ~: 1 ,.!J ,$ a 1 f' 1 d .1 ~ ~ .j 1 ~ -{p~,,* Jd",; f i 1 <:r '1 ,';\ l si'l~Y'I"'1jj "oJ J'1' II 4-', p1 <e ~ (} ~ ~ '1!.!"l,}, ~f. ;) ~ J')" ~ .. ~ ~ 1 .1 i Q ~ i (J Ii I <:r f 1) .l J /1 ~ o . ~~ ~ ~ ~ a .<,\~. '..;j ;: orJ $-): ..!j .j . ~ oJ 1 <l I /~ .......l } -" '.~ r t.l I j '1 ~ if}. ,...-!. ~ .1) r, ...so tt '" <1J H'}l f " 0 _1-" ~ u 7j ! r .. 'k ~ __ $ ~...... 0 t 1 ~r~ ,J h ;"'1J.1 ~ ~ d ~ 1 J{.~ ~ ~ 1 !.fJ . ~ ~ " l' '1;' "'j 1 ~ ~ ~ P"~~~j ! r' fl. 'J 0$ ';f ~ t:l " ~ ~ u . ~ 11 J,", <> ~ '1 l . . . . - .., GEOTECHNICAL FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION SPRINGFIELD ARTS ACADEIv1Y 615 MAIN STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Prepared for: Solarc Architecture and Engineering, Inc 223 West 12th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 The conclusions and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions ?8scribed in this report and is intended for the exciusive use of the Salarc Architecture .and Engineering, Inc and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer foe. this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill ~.xerGised by other current geotechnical professbna!s in this area under similar budget and time constraints. No \tv'aITanty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report afe based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that vvere physically investigated generally represent the subsuliace conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount afUme goes by betvveen OUi site investigation and site development, we reserve the right Iv review this report for its applicability. Prepared by: Branch Engineering In.~ 310 5th Strest Springfisjd, Or-ego!! 97477 Ph. (541) 746-0637 Fax. (541) 746-0389 Branch Engineel-lng Inc. Project l\lo. 07-280 Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 January 14; 2008 Original submittal j . . ~ Branch Engineering, Inc, 310 5th Street. Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (541) 746-0637 . FAX (541) 746-0389 January 14, 2008 PRINCIPALS: James A. Branch, P.E., PLS. Rene' Fabricant, P.E;, S.E. Michael Lane Branch, P.E. . Damien Gilbert, P.E. . Renee C. Clough, P.E., Pol.S. Mr. Galen Ohm art, A.LA, Sol arc Architecture and Engineering, Inc.' 223 West 12th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Subject: GEOTECHJ';'ICAL FOlT.NDA TION INVESTIGATION SPRINGFIELD ARTS ACADEMY ADJACENT TO 615 l'tfAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Branch Engineering Project No. 07-280 Dear Mr. Olliuart: Branch Engineering Inc. (BEl) has performed the geotechnical engineering services for the proposed commercial building addition at 615 Main Street it, Springfield, Oregon. The accompanying report presents the results of our site research, field exploration 8-T1d testing, and data analyses, as well as our conclusions and recommended geotecl:lnical design parameters for the project. Based on the results of our study, the site-is suitable for the planned development, provided that the recommendations of this report are impl=ented in the design fu,d construction of the-project. - If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the undersigned at your convepjence. Sincerely, o~v PROp!" Branch Engineering, Inc. . /,$:.~' i::lfj- ,S~~ ,..$.?;r 0~"" ~tfi? th" //------ l~{~,170 1:-\ cC:~~~~~~~-ciT / \ \ .n, OReGON fl. r-I--- R ,". D . k pF \ '\,v<,;:>.,. o'0-~' I onalU J. ernc,', .-. h< c::..t-'l: 1" \~ /\\... .f D' ~ 1-.,. 1'C. ,rQ~~<'j'f.i:.#>.. /~~;?>-"",9 ... :-oJect -...;eateGli.:.l1Ca... ~r.glneer ~'~D J. Ot...~"'" L:, . '0_' ~,~ ~ Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal CIVIL STRUCTURAL TRAFFIC & TRAI~SPORTATiON SURVEY~~lG . . GEOTECHNICALFOUNDA TlON INVESTlGA nON EAST SIDE OF 615 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON BRANCH ENGINEERING PROJECT No. 07-280 1.0 Introduction The purpose of our work is to evaluate the shallow subsurface site conditions that may influence. the engineering design and constl"uction of the proposed project. A site reconnaissance and subsulface investigation was conducted on December 27, 2007. 1.1 Project location and Description The subject site is located adjacent to the east side of 615 Main Stl'eet (Spl'ingfield Arts Academy) in Springfield. Oregon, The site is currently being used as a "pocket park" within the near continuous commercial store fronts along both sides of Main Street in the ~I,-J ,....j.......\~,....to.vln --e- ~+S"""-:n-+I'~L-J TL-........ ....:....... '1- -r.............. .....0' ......~......-J ,..:.j.l~ ..... +.....\.. -m.....1J .1._.-........... .......n-1 "V vUUVvvrl ~i c:il QUI !-I1lltjlvlU. Ill::::::>lle; ~:::JCiv;:"v ve;tC::UVVIL!ldlt:::'V;:>llallllt::::::::;:,c<,U /'~- crossing" concrete walkways. It is our understanding that the proposed site development will consist ofeXIJanding the Arts Academy building onto the subject site with a similar single-story structure conlprised of concrete or concrete masonry construction. The anticipated building loads al"e expected to be on the order of 2 kips per linear foot on line footings and 10 kip point loads. 1.2 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were perfolmed and literature resources were reviewed for pe:iinent site infol'lllation: . Two exploratory hand-augel";Wildcat probes we:'e advanced on site at the appi"Oximate locations shown on Figure 1. . Reconnaissance of nearby buildings for foundation conditions . Review of the Lane County area Web Soil SUlvey. United States Depaliment of Agricultura! (USDA) l\Jatu:"al Resou;"ces COllsel"vation Service (NRCS) . Review of the USGS Geolr)gic Map of Ol"egol', USGS 1991 D.......,.,;.......,-"' .""of I\'.,...,.....,-.~_ n..................-+.....,...........I- _"'-~ Ir<l....-I-,-.... ~--,........., ""...._~.... \f;I....tl L............."" /-.,-.-. ^ ~.........,........J:" ^ \ I \.v\' li:::;Cn Vi ,-,'I ';:::UV!! ~./~I.Jdl Li IICll~ 0: ~'\'CilCi I \.''':::~LiUi ......~0 VVCH :...J'-j2:l .\~::;'C ".....UUCIIUi,'. J-.' , ...... . '-' , , I Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . . Date Received: . MAR - 6 2008 .Springfield Arts Academy BEl Project No. 07-280 Page 2 2.0 . Site Exploration Original Submittal The scope of the field work consisted of advancing two (2) explol'atory hand-auger/Wildcat probe borings on December 27,2007. The borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 10 feet below the existing gr-ound surface. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on FigiJre 1 and summary logs of the soil profiles, copies of neal"by well logs from Oregon Department of Water Resources, and soil survey informatioll are presented in Appendix A. The near sUliace soil stratigraphy in the hand-auger portion of the borings was visually classified in accordance with the Amel"ican Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 0-2488. The remaining portion of the boring log is based on correlation data for the Wildcat probe using the dynamic cone resistance data collected in the field and propitiatolY softwal"e. In-situ field testing consisted of in-situ vane shear testing,dlY strength, and dilatency testing. 2.1 Field and Laboratory Test Results In addition to the field visual-manual methods foi" soil classification, in-situ vane shear testing was conducted to assess soil strength. Results of the vane shear tests al"e summarized in the following Table 1 along with the calculated shear strellgth. Table l' I Ill-Situ Vane Shear Test-Results and CaJculated Shear Strength - Location Depth of Soil Type Field Torque Bjen"um's (1972) Calculated Test (ft) (ft-Ib) Con"ection Shear Stl"ength Factor (lb/ft2) 8-1 2.5 Clay 29 I o ,) 3,190 .,- I B-2 3 Silty Clay I 25 0.72 2,750 A I"epresentative sample of the near sUlface soils IIV3S collected to meaSUI"e the in-situ moisture content and fi"ee swell potential of the soil. Results of these laboratory tests 31"e summcl"!zed in the following Table 2. Tab!e 2: II In-Situ r\linh;t[!n:; CnntClnt ~nrl Fr.~p: SitfJA(l Pnfentf;:;[ II ... -. -~- no - .. ~ _.- -. ~ - - --- " ----_. - .- '- .. __u - ---.-. lC)catiDti Depth fL.r..' ,-. "I Type In-Situ Fi"ee Swell (~/D ) \!L) .~Ol! Moisture (C' ) /0 R_1 ? " (:1:::.\1 I '() '0. I R? ~ """"--"J . . Springfield Arts Academy BEl Project No. 07-280 Page 3 2.2 Subsurface Soils and Geology The neal' surface soils within the pwject area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semi-consolidated alluvial terrace deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel from lacustrine and fluvial enviwllments: The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the majority of the site area as pali of the Malabon-UI-ban land complex, which is described as a deep, well dl'ained, silt/clay alluvial soil complex with moderately slow permeability. The site borings indicate about is-inches of recent clay fill material over about 1 O-inches of dark grey clay with gravel that may have been a fomlel' building pad. Native. silty clay/clayey silt soil extends to at least 1 O-feet below the existing gwund sUlface. The fine- ~jI"ain soils are genel'aliy moist and medium stiff. Based on the nearby well logs and experience in the al'ea, sandy gravel is expected to be encountered about 12 feet below the ground sUlface (BGS). _ 2,3 Groundwater The site borings did not encounter ground water within 10 feet BGS; however, well logs in the vicinity of the site indicate gmund water levels range from about 7- to is-feet BGS. Area ground water levels are expected to be affected by seasonal precipitation and the watel' level in the Willamette Rivel' located approximately 0.5 miles west of the site. Ground water is not expected to influence the constl"uction of the proposed pmject; however, shallow Isolated al'eas of pel-ched watel' may be encountered during the winter and spring seasons. 2.4 Seismic Considerations There al"e no mapped faults on or in the vicinity of the site; the potential for ground rupture is low. The fine gl'ain silts and clays in the upper 10-feet of the site al'e generally not satul'ated and have a low potential fOI' liquefaction, 3.0 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATiONS We concluds that the site _ is suitable for the proposed development, the following I'ecollllllendatlons are pl'Ovided in anticipation that the structure will be placed on shallow spread footings. Based on the site obs8'-vatiolls, subsurface exploratioli, results-of field testing, arid the experience of this Geotechnical Engineer, there al"e-no adverse site conditions that would preclude deve!opmelit of the site as pr'oposed, pl'Ovided that the r-ecommendations her'ein aloe inC01.porated into the design and construction of the pl-oject. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . . ,- . 3. i Site Earthwork Springiield Arts Academy BEl Project No. 07-280 Page 4 Earthwork shall be performed in general accordance with standard of practice as generally descr-ibed in.Appendix J of the 2007 International Building Code and specific requirements of the City pf Springfield, Oregon. All foundation 01- fill al-eas intended to dil-ectly or laterally support structures or road/parking areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic soil, undocumented fill, or other deleter-ious material. The anticipated depth of removal is about 30 inches BGS acr-oss the site. Site strippings shall either be removed from the site 01- used in nonstructur-al areas. The Geotechnical Engineer shall observe and approve subgrade soils pr-ior to placing fills, base rock, 01- foundation forms. Some areas may require additional excavation to remove debris, tree roots, and minor fill from prior site grading activities. Should soft areas or areas of distinct soil color variation be discovered, this office shall be notified. to perform site observation. Positive drainage away from' . . foundation areas shall be provided so that water does not pond on the surface. If filling on the site is. nece.ssary, imported material is expected to comprise site fills; we recommend the use of nonexpansive, gn:mular materia.! fO!" structural fil! areas. On site or imported fine-grain soil is not recommended for use as structural fill on the site. All material shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to delivery to the site. Where the required depth of fill is 12-inches or less, the fill material shall consist of either 1.5" or 3/4" cl"Ushed agg regale_ For fill depths greater than 12-inches, an option is to use a fill mater-ial consisting of 3"-0 cr-ushed, well graded rock with less than 10% of the material passing the No. 200 sieve and capping the 3"-0 rock with at least 6-inches of 1.5" or 3/4" cr-ushed aggregate in building pad areas and below pavements_ The base of all aggregate fills shall extend a distance past the edge of all footings that is at least the depth of the fill. All imported granular material shall be compacted to at least 95% of the-materials maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method 0-1557, and tested to measure compliance. Granular fil/materials not suitable for standar-d field density testing shall be proof-rolled every 12-inches in thickness with a loaded 10 cubic yard dump-tr-uck or equivalent piece of equipment. 3.2 Excavations Utility excavations in the fine gr-ain soils should stand neal- veitical up to 4 feet in depth. These soils may be classified as OSHA Type A. Deep utility excavations are not expected ,lor recoillmended during the wet season as perched ground vv'aler may cause sidewall seepage forces and caving to OCCUI-. . Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . . Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal. . Springfield Arts Academy BEl Project No. 07-280 Page 5 3.4 . Soil Bearing.CapaCity Based on the site observations and foundations of adjacent buildings, conventional spread footings are expected to be constl'ucted for the proposed site development After conformance with the subgrade Pl'eparation I'ecommendations hel'ein, the exposed building foundation subgrade soil shall be covered with a geotextile sepamtion fabric (AASHTO M288-00 or equivalent) and at least 1 O-inches of compacted crushed aggregate. All subgrade shall be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer priol' to filling operations, fill matel'ials shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, and the fill shall be tested for compliance with the compaction specifications herein, Upon satisfactory completion of the foundation pad pl'eparation, the allowable bearing capacity at the surface of the agQl'egate will be 1,500 psf. The native fine grain soil is moisture sensitive, and shall be covel'ed with the fabric and compacted crushed aggregate immediately after exposure. The coefficient of friction for concrete pOLwed neat against native so!! is 0.35 .and 0.50 for a crushed aggregate layer at least 1 O-inches thick. The subgrade modulus of reaction (k)is 150 Ib/in3 for slabs bearing on at least 1 O-inches of structurally compacted aggregate. Periodic site observations by a geotechnical representative of Branch Engineering Inc. are recommended during the construction of the project; the specific phases of constwction that should be observed are: Table 3: Recommended Construction Phases to be Observed by the Geotechnicaf Engineer At completion of building pad excavation On-site observation of subgrade soil befol'e aggregate placement Imported fill material Obsel-vation of material or informatioil on material type and source Placement or Compaction of fi!! material Observation by geotechnical engineei' or I test results by qualified testing agency 3.5 Settlement The follovvlng is based on the expected rnaxinturn found3tion loading of 2 kfpslHneai fDot fOI" v;'alis loads and 10 kips for column loads. Site specific consolidation testing was not perfomled; however, based on soil observations and test I'esults in similar soil conditions, the estinlated total settlenlent at the site is not expected to exceed i-inch Vlfith diffsrenti31 s-sttlsrnent of up to 1/2-inch over 2 spsn of 15 fest . .* 3.6 Drainage . Springfield Arts Academy BEl Project No. 07-280 Page 6 A complete site dr'ainage system is expected to be engineered; drainage fmm and onto adjacent pr-operties should be considered in the df')sign. Perimeter landscape and hardscape grades shall be sloped away from the building and water- shall not be allowed to pond adjacent to foundations dur'ing or after construction. Determination of site infiltr-ation rates was not included in this scope of work. 4.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions' and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions described in this report and areintendedforthe exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or pur'poses. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer fOl' this project haVe been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this al-ea under similar budget and time constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated geller'ally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site deveiopment or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site developnient, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability.. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal ." ~. _____D: SI.'.'~___' _____::J';;!I__.n --- 0"'-__ -......-D.;;.; --- -.J.'!Il.,....-- --Orl"-- --!l#7-- I I .1 I I ! i 11 Ii I I j I I I II II 'I I' I II I IJ II 'I , I ! i C;----.! (-- ~ @ @J $ 1_. .1 "',"::1 ""::;1 x~ cml '7; ,~ ~ -::. e '" G:: ~ c " . LEGEND P.~OF=P'j"1' !..IN~ S>G2 OF 2X1~TiN~ t2 F:.vrJ':i EX:ETI!\I<'; Ci..'.=:= EX!STIIliG FENCE S'1S,WG SLN!jt,PY ;';l~(2;: E):!STfJ(; ST"",',(~'t.~R E\I'~ "i'.='P.'J~.;t.TE LD:l,TlOr,' CF.2XISTI/':;; l:iT=R~bV= D~13UJ3 N"TUP.AL G~S R!<>JIJi; EXISTlNrE OVE'Ri..El.D E:"'2CiRI::~~ U'J?'E5 EX,'ST..,'G 0l'2."-'€4D _oCU'::? \:'~2;; EX:2T1^,,:; OI'E,'l'i::Ar, :::...F?"''J,'F- ll'l"~S ;;:XISTliIG i'iiOF~T;' DAN'::;:: =:K,'STU,'3 FIRE !H'Ft,N~ ~i~TIN;; WArr,~ \-'AL,';;: EX'$T"':E GAS \'..1:"'1'<: EX;;Tl,"3;;":S;'~ EXISTING WA, rER lEE;;"! ::X$TO.';; TEl.2FHO.''E F'JX EX.'STlW5 S:"'~::TRJ=:'L 2:;: ~/')5j,,'6 ."Q~';.~ PD,-= ::Y.I:;;6:~ STREET L~:;.iT ,,~;-;.,- .e.1l\' 9::2,;;,';0 ?OI1'EF P:J:.E A','c,-!O,;; G'Jr ::).1STJI.JS;ATCh'SI;S?,' E>.'/C,ilNS :.:AN'-/O:"': ~y';si"jg::- .:!.::,lJOU7 :.,lST!:'!G. SISII! ;:XI5TI!.'., H~:"'OIl' EY}::-TII~G H'A:':' l.!a!JI.'E~' :.15m .=7r.TUi'::: Ex,'EiJNG H",SE SES =i:l5TIIJS 2..:':,RJ;~,- v",u:. E;.:.'::;;t":::;'=~U='!.!S E;::.sT:J.'':; C:;!N:~:T:: :x;,mi~(; G,~"; 11:'- M':k ~=Trt;;B.f..:JIN:; =-"S;N:i :::"T/N;; =E{,:.O:E2 ::Xi3T111,'J :ONTO~'F: :OL~'~ TI:Jr.' ="';~Ti'L';; Si>;JT ::~=".!-TlJI': ;:iCsa-..!;; ,:)" ,:-.1:. ~.=- ::.'i'3 E:'''_OJ;,}-E STR::::, ,!;=';),~:;:=<; GE':! TE:::/-!UIC.!!,L =>:P~OF,.6, :C:,~'Y BORHv'G 5E!.'=~.F'.I: LJ.<.T!::J.;" _" ::- ;;~r.N,,:-::::.~, :';;:J/.~ .=-::J!:: ;XI.!.~= !\, ,Co; E:..:,; _ .. ~7 :,!,:;<-::"'.'7::- :cE': ?ET:."'JI.'!.7 H:;~7.'-EASj ':',::".-=.=: }!,'TE.=:S:::j::J/'.':;:- ;7,..., .!-1,':,:.:,.;r;,'5TF,EE7. E:;,\':H,::.':?!; *':7: ":,,:D.';!;' ::..E'l'': .'::-'v ~:'7.!~ N.'J'!!E3. ~~"IJr:L~2~~ T~'~;~;i;i;:/=::::::~;:::,-~~~:~gJ 0~?~~~;~~~':'~/D~';; :;~~ .:s.a:.r:.., ;)"':",'/\':;5. 'J:. :::=.7;=,.:.:7;;)1: :5 1.:1;':.: .<,2 'C' ':'~T:.'A:' :''J:~T:='.',' :';: :r'--;'::~'~'::'J'i: !..1"'"I~. ;E:: r::;;~:~,r =Xfb,4,:':' ~.-';;~1.' 1-=-,,'::::1\' "..'" 7Ar :;.;- :;'::.:. I, .: :t~:~t.!~i3 :-u...__ ",:!T'!).!..r:';'. 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J h{,LLE1.. . , _',C"'_ _"-'..~:.."" RiM = "55S '~~I~ OI'S"i,:., I"~" [X''',:--/...'------,t..----'~-----CXSTM.r------ ~!f,i':-rr~XST}.f ~X. CLic'!'" ::-L5W--~"/ 'I j . ~ ,- ~X. C'!''iCH 2.!,Sfi,'./ "~;. R"/ = '55.Ce ~ I, k, I i ,ell' """/:--,,;,cj' ,;''':,_______________~._,_____,j '!' :x. ST01~~{ i.i.:.;.....~ : h--J. _ RIJ.{;;;:~5:.?E @ ~_!~ I I I ./1 ~~ ~J... i ----'--.: ! I! I \ ., I '---- ~. ~'-=--! : i/ i I" 'i, . '\' . '------- -=-==-L!-'- I I ;, . ' \ i \ ~ \ \ \ '1" '\ So r ,rnlJ -J \c', \ \ I \ '/ ---'-L,U "_'~~'" ~~ \ \ "... r - "!. n.,,?-! ~ \ '. ... ,j 1 REEF . -=-L~ '" '" 0; '. 5:.~ ilNG ~ =D~:::.'i~S -.' (TYP) ~~ '~\1,~ "-i.;.~,,: I j \ \, , \ \ \ .\ \ '. / /1 , I / i 53; ! , I I , [;~~~.7~~c~;:i .'; . \ \ \ \ \ Date Received: , MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal ; h fr I "de... ,,'-\;.:4 -{.~,~:.:..,? !<... ; ,~-'.. ~i ''.~~ ,'.,\. // / .- \ , , \ \ ~"- h t". . , li""'f'S)l? \i i-!~'?"C J..,nr;;;~.=..=.rlrJC J:--,;' \ !:....<...I.'-'-~.. -=._~~_._.~, ~. :.:lU n:t.n ~MH~ (l~iJ.f1~"~~'u~nf}~~ (~~~j~e-:;:le~ b"'-"~hui..::.!.::()b~d:~"'fb~b.~ .CC:Il II, ~A"'" ",.:.,.,,: ~ \ -----== :~ . SL----u~:u:e!: " ':l"I_I",..":-~a~"::' ' s\::..::'-:'-'~ ;;W:E. :';';:.2:)[,7\=7-,,20 -,,,, ,t;c;!""'.~"7~"'=>;;"';.."',.;': SL,':\''::\'~~'-i'2e:' ,;,,=-;;,3"'.1-..."';-''': 2~~'\":::~.::'W,: ,s ~ ~ '-:i! ~ t-, s: '-; CI) -, i~ I i"'~ ;-; I~ 1C2J "- ~ I ,I III I' II III il , . . ,- APPENDIX A . HAND-AUGER BORINGIWILDCA T DYNAMIC PROBE SUMMARY LOGS DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES WELL LOGS & .... WESSOIL SURVEY INFORMATION Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal . . .' SOIL CLASS!FICiiTION CRITERiA AND TERMIHOLOGY '. Classification of Terms and Content USCS Groin SiLe NAME: lvlH,OR Constituents (12.50%); MPJOR Fines . <#200 (.Oi5 mm) Constituents (>50%); Slightly. (5-12%) $2nd Fine #200 - :;.40 (.425 mm) Relative Density or Consistenci Medium #40 - :::1.0 (2 mm) Color Coarse #10. #4 (4.75)' t,.1oisture Content Gravel Fine #4.0.75 nch Plasticity Coarse 0:75 indl- 3 inches Trace ConstitLients (0-5%) Cobbles 3 to 12 inmes; Other. Grain Shape, J..ppr:lximate gradation, scattered <15% est., Organics, Cement, Struclure, Odor..._ numerous >15% est. Geologic Name or F-ormatior:: (rill, V'imamette Silt, Till, Bouldsrs > 12 inches Alluvium,...) . Relative Densitv or Consistency Granular Material Fine-Grained (cohesive) Matecials . SPl SPT Tor.'ane tst Pocket Pen tsf 'Manual Fenetration Test N-Value Den"sitv NNa-lue Shear Strenath Unconfined . Consistencv ~2 <0.13 ~0.25 VerY Soft Easv several inches by fist 0.4 VervLoose 2.4 0.13 - 0.25 0.25 .0.50 Soft Easv several inches bv thumb 4-10 Loose 4-8 0.25 .0.50 0.50 -1.00 . Medium Stiff Moderate several inches bY thumb 10.30 Medium Dense 8.15 0.50 . 1.00 1.00 :- 2.00 Stiff Readilv indented bv thumb . 30.50 Dense 15..30 1.00 -2.00 2.00 .4.00 VerY Stiff Readilv indented bv thumbnail ~50 Very Dense >30 >2.00. >4.00 Ha,d Difficult bY' thumbnail Moisture Content Structu re Dry: J.bsence of fDoislure, dusty.. dry to the touch,. . . Slratified:. A/temaling iayers of materi::!~ or color >6 mrri thick- Damp: Some moisture but leaves no m':llsture on hand Lamiliated:: Ntemating layers < 6 mm. thick Moist: Leaves moisr.Jre on hand . FLssured: Breaks along definate fracture ptanes Wet 'v~sible free y,~ter, likelv from beiDw water lab!e Slid:ensided:' Striated, p.6Hshed, or glossy fracture planes Plasticity Dry Strength Dilatancy Toughness Bklcl:\: Cohesive soH th.=t can be broken down into sma!~ anQu~r lumps w'hidl resist furLher breakdo"m ML Non to Low Non ia Low Slow to Rapid Low. can't roil lens-;s: HaS STTl3)/ pockels of different SOlis, note lJ-lickness CL Low to Med. Medium to High None to 810\" lI..1edium Homogeneous: Same rolor and appearance throughout MH ME7d to High Lav.' to 1\,1edium None to Slow Low to Medium - CH Med to Hiah Hiah to V. Hiqh None Hioh Unified Soil Classification Chart (Visual-Manual Procedure) (Similar to ASTM Desiqnation 0-2488) Major Div:sions Group Typical Names Symbols Coar::.e Gravels: 50% Clean GW V','ell oraded cravels and ara\iel-sand mixtures, little Of no fines Grained or.more GravG!s GP Poa;1v-Graded arave!s and orave[-S-2nd mixtures, tittle or 110 fines Soils: retained on Gravels GM Silt\' qravels, Qrc'.'el-sand-silt mixtures More t'lan t:1e No..4 sieve with Rnes GC Oavey. orave!s, qrave!-sand-clav mixtures 50% retained Sands: more Clean S'''' Well-oraded sancs and gravelly sands, IjW~ or no fines .. on No. .200 than 50% Sands SP Poo.-Iy.:.graded sands and gravelly sands, lilt!.; or no fine..s sieve passing the Sands SM Silty sands: sand-silt mixtures No.4 Sieve 'A1lfl Fines SC Clayey sands, sand--c!ay mixtures. Fine-Grained ML !non::;;anic silts, nx::k flour. cia vel.' sills Soils: Silt and Cla)'s CL Inorganic clays of lav.' to medium o!c:sticilv, gravenv davs, sandv d2~/S, lean da~js 50% or more Low PI.sstidty Fines OL . Oroanic slIt and oraanicsBtv davs of lov.' olastidtv. Passes No. Silt and Clays MH Inorganic silts, ciaye}' silts 200 Sieve CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays High Plasticity Fines OH Orqanic.days of medium to hich olastlcity I-iialllv Oroanic Soils I FI Peat, muck, and ether hiahlv Nqanic s,")ils Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal , . . WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page I of ]' Branch Engineei-ing InG 310 5th Street Springfield: Oregon 97477 PROJECT NUMBER: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: 07-280 12-27-2007 12-27-2007 HOLE Ii: B-1 CREW: RID PROJECT: At1s Academy lillDRESS: 6th and Main Street LOCATION: Springfied,Oregoil SURFACE ELEVATION: \VATER ON COMPLETION: HA.MMER WEIGHT: CONE ?.REA: 351bs. 10 sq. cm BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CO!\'E RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm Kg/em1 0 '0 lOa 150 N' NON-COHESIVE COHESIVE - 0 0.0 Eill 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 Dark brown: very moist: soft 0 VERY SOFT - 1ft 0 0.0 Clay wi rounded gravel 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 (recent fill) 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 0 VERY SOFT - 2ft 0 0.0 Dark grey Cla:y wI gravel 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 (older fill) 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 0 VERY SOFT - 3ft 0 0.0 ';'lluviUll1 .0 VERY SOFT - 1m 0 0.0 Brown: moist Silty Clay 0 VERY SOFT - 5 19.3 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 4 ft 4 15.4 .... 4 SOFT - 4 15.4 .... 4 SOFT - 4 15.4 .... 4 SOFT - .5 ft 4 15.4 .... 4 SOFT - 5 19.3 .~..~ 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 5 19.3 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 6ft 6 13.2 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF - - 5 19.3 ...... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 2m 5 193 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 7ft 6 20.5 . ...... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 6 20.5 . ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 5 17.1 .... 4 SOFT - 8 fl 7 13.9 ...... 6 MEDIlJM STIFF - 7 23.9 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF - 0 23.9. ...... 6 MEDIUM STIfF , - 9 fl 7 23.9 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF - 7 23.9 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF - 6 20.5 ...... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 3m 10 ft 6 20.5 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - - - '. - - II ft - Date R 'ceived: - - 12 ft MAR-6 2008 - - - -4 r:1 1"'./-" Original Subm Ital ~~ It C:\My DOC1Jmel1t5WVild~at\WC_XL97.XLS ~ WI~CAT DYNAMIC CONE L~G Page] of ] Branch Engineering lue 3]0 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 PROJECT 'NUMBER: DATE STARTED: DATE COMPLETED: 07-280 ]2-27-2007 ]2-27-2007 HOLE iI: B-2 CREW: RJD PROJECT: Arts Academy ADDRESS: 6th and Main Street LOCATION: Springfied. Oregon SURFACE ELEVATION: IV A TER ON COMPLETION: HA.>vUvIER WEIGHT: CONE AREA: 351bs. 10 sq. C111 BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RES]STANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 em Kg/cm2 0 50 100 ]50 N' NON-COHESIVE COHESIVE - 0 0.0 Fill 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 Dark brown, very moist. soft 0 VERY SOFT - I ft 0 0.0 Clay vd rounded gravel 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 (recent fill) 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 0 VERY SOFT - 2ft 0 0.0 Dark grey Clay \vl gravel 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 (o]der fill) 0 VERY SOFT - 0 0.0 Alluvium 0 VER1- SOFT - 3ft O. 0.0 Brown, moist Silty Clay 0 VERY SOFT - 1m 4 l7.8 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 4 15.4 .... .4 SOFT - 4ft: 4 ]5.4 .... 4 SOFT - 5 ]9.3 ..... 5 MEDIUJvI STIFF - 4 ]5.4 .... 4 SOFT - 5 ft 6 13.2 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF - 5 19.3 ..... 5 MEDIUM STIFF - 6 0' 0 ...... 6 MEDIUM STIFF _.J..... - 6 ft . - - . ~ .2 m _ 7ft - - - - - 8ft - - - 9ft - - -3m 10 ft - - - - I ] ft - I Date Received: - - ].2 ft - MA -6 2008 - A.., 13 ft Original Su mittal - ,HI C:\I.tly Do~uments\Wild:a!\WC_XL97 XLS ..STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (al ~ulred by OAR 690-2-40.(35) . . @ LANE 56274 Recelveddete 1111711998 Hole No. ~ CO.Job No. 2180 County Lane Latitude longitude Township 17.00 S Range 3.00 W Name HUTCHINS IMPORTED MOTORS, INC. SeCtion 35 NE 114 SE 114 Street 863 MAIN STREET. Tax lot 6500 Lot Block SUbdlvls.lon City SPRINGFIELD State OR Zip 9U77 legal desc: (2) TYPE OF WORK Street Aclclress of Well (or nearest address) I8l Naw o Alter (Recondition) o Altar (Rap.ln 863 MAIN STREET o DlHIpanlng o Abandonment MAP with location indentified must be attached (IO/STATIC WATER LEVEL o Rot.alY:'-lr o Hand Auger o Hollow Stem Auger 7.2 Ft. below land surface. Date 1011811998 o Rotary Mud o Cable Tool [3J Push Probe Otller ArtesIan Pressure Iblaq.ln. Date (41 TYPE OF HOLE (I {I SUBSURFACE LOG rsJ Uncal8d Temporary o Caud Perm.nent [] Uncaud Perm.nent o Slopa Stability Other Ground Elevation 0 fl (5) USE OF HOLE ISILTS Mat8l1111 I From ~ To 0 16 SOIL AND WATER ANALYSIS (6/ BOREHOLE CONSTRUCTION Special Standards 0 Depth of completed well 16 ft. HOLE IOlamete~ 1.5 . SEAL I From :0 J :alerie~ , 0.00, 1 .0 Ben onl e . I Backfill placed from 0 flTO 16ft. Material BE Filler pack placed from ft. TO fl Size in. Date started 1011811998 Completed 10/1811998 (7) CASING/SCREEN n2lARANDONMfENTLOG Date Received: MAR -6 2008 Sc,,:&enO Original Submittal Date started Completed (81 WEn TEST PrQ.fessional Certification Permeabl~ty Yield GPM (10 be signed .by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registered geologIst or Civil engineer!. Conc:luC"Jvity PH I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed Temperature of.,water 52 QF/C Deplh artesian flow found ft. on this well during the construction dates reported above. AU work performed durlnQ thIs Was waler Ilnalysl. don_? 0 lime Is In eompliance with o~or, geotechnical hole construction standards. This report Is true 10 the best of my nowledge and belief: . By lM1om? CENTURY WEST Depth of strata to be analyzed. From ft. 10 ft. license or Registration Number 10347 Remart.s Signed By TOM WII ~n~ Date ._n. ..._..._.. Name of slJparvising GeologlsVEngineer Affiliation GEO-TECH EXPLORATIONS, INC. .' > THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTEO TO THE WATER RESOURCES OEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 OAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK (IMGr.., Film 0._"" no_ MAlNI STREET . 7""", Pt.... I,..-.na 8M'.8W1'" 1311. tAt . [non fLiM StilUon .,.,&I.In , I I ~.;.' G:", '" ~ ,. ,- .......... tol --- ! -1lP1~ ... " ~- "". SOUTH . . A" STREET ......4. \ I .~, Q'-' Lttni ,. ,~,b:~'~: l1tMIry ere.. I." Cal'!lp3ny A...-rtMmt. I<Lrkt.,..r. FI_ vaa-" 441UKI GIrod Wall RtI.-taJun1 en MoIn (V1~" r I r'. '"': . ~ . &. ~''''-~ '" Iltln .. ....\ 6oIIb-.'. Ill<1or ,,::. "; I )lGOO " ~ r.- . : N...- A....Ollh : - , , , , , , , .UQO , . '000 . .. ... ~ .. .. . ..... .. .. .. : IIfO ............. ~ 1!(Chl~=""1 ti w a: _". t-' . (/) , .". ::z:'...~.., f-~\' IlST _:): en l~":. ....~ . '.1 tI H:':)-i 111J\1bff &\ilr1lng Ahp Prkt.ngbt ,tClO 114".~ SECTION 1 IiWtI.. ) SEC1ION 2 ... ..... C 0\1 ~ ,. i :l p 5_". l:r'tQr Io.pIlr1tAeflW P'v1.lriQ Lar Jw*ywd ~^ f!~;rlJ ....~CoI. tj 5leVfe-~W '~lI.'A. 1;:~;:,::;~;:::! '!.-\;:: :::~' :~!!?'. -:;!: ~_" ;::-~! :~;:-:: ;:~~~:~L~lw" ..-. ...........,-,.......-...-....... ........... ',. ;.'::" r_..~...:..,:.l:,.. GEM CaD1uU1ge. IDC. (541l6IU-l2aT l~ \AI a: In ::z: l; .- / -- .....1...- \lIlIIoy1lle.... SU8 SutleIIU'an FIGURE. 2: SITE YAP AHO VICINITY OBSERVATIONS Hulcblns Toyota, 863, 914 Scsie'. ,. '" 100' '" 915 1481" Slle81, 59>'1- wtleld, Bulld'lIlI Slu OnIV ApprOllIRI a1e OR ....:.....0 ,0 o ,.. l; .... G) l" m '0 III -< Q)~ :r: om 10 ~ .. .--- III 0 o '" ~~ .... o 0 ~ ~ J " C , \( 0- '" t ~ c ....., ~ '" ,,'" 1'1 J otl ~. 'J 1'1 1'1 , ~ J <O~ ~ --.. ~ o (Xl ... '" (Xl CO i <=> <=> ..... c.o .~ I ~ e::: <( ::E CJ) (ij c: :@' ~ W , ,'- - .---- --- JAN 1 2 2000 - STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT <0 (.. "'l""'" by OAR 690-240-<)35) WATER RESOURCES OEPt 'oor-= __C,P-I NUDe, ~% ~~ ~:=. ~~ Z~'- (1) JYPE OF WORK 0 ~ew 0 Deqx=ning. 0 Alteration (repairlrocondition)~bandonmenl (3) CONSTRUCTION: o Rolar)' Ai, 0 Hand Mge, 0 1j>1Iow Stem A"ge, ORoIar)' Mud 0 Cable Tool [31'ush Probe 0 Othee (4) JYPE OF HOLE: (3'UDCased Temporary 0 Cased Permanent OUncased Permanent 0 Slope Stability OOthe, (5) USE OF HOLE: ('..11<"4'1<" "'~"L '?- u~fL 9~"'"'"""1 (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTIO)l: Spec:i21. Construction approval 0 Ye.:;: @No Depth of Completed Hole ~ ft HOLE DituDeur- From TD 211 tl;' SEAL Materi.l. From Sick, Gr pounds :;":r-"" u (,," Bacl::fill placed from ~ ft. to~ ft. Filter Pack. placed from_ ft. to fl. F"'m T. ,Gauge Steel PI.tic Welded Threadtd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dale started"':rf\rJ. C , ..., f'VV'"'\ Date Completeay...,) . 'S 0 L.O('\() . , (7) CASlNGISCREEN: Diameter Casing" Screen: Slot size (8) WELL TES'!: o Pump o Bailer Permeability Conductivit): 5' . T~mperature of water Ie;> Was water analysis done? 0 Yes By whom? Depth of stJaI.a anal)'zed.. From Remarks: Material Size of pack o Flowing I\rtesian GPM o Air Yield PH oF/C Depth artesian flow found _ ft. ONe ft. to . @ L-~N~ '5'1/&'& (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: County ~.P _ Latitude . Longitude TownshiR 11 50 N or.S Range ~ Section .3S 1\ju.J 1/4 ~ TIU Lo< NIA Lot Block Street Address of Well (or nearest address) . B.31 m~ Srh-/~ E or W. WM. 1/4 Subdivision ~ .b.l , iYI2- Mop with locollon IdenllflBd muot be allBchBd (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: / 7 ~ I ft. below land surface. Artesian pressure lb. per square inch. (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Da.ej"8N. 517f'YV'1 Date Ground EJc\lation Date Stanecf1A..... ~ . 2: 000 o Date Completed ~ . ~ L ClCln I (12) ABANDONMENT LOG' Sacks or Pounds I \ ! It. Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or Oregon registered geologist or civil engineer). I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration. or a.bandonment work perfonned during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon's geotechnical hole construction standards. This report is U1Jc: to the best of my knowledge and belief. License or Registra1i~)i~r /0 'I 'J 3 _ . R LJ f'!..._1I ~ _ " \ ~ ~lgned , 0-'" \ ((l.A../'f4'VJVV' uate....F.N~ "':)2f:i::s::J ~liatG T';;R~~T BE SUBM!ITEO TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 3() DAYS OF En:IfS"~~~W~'tI: ORIGINAL - WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FIRST COPY - CONSTRUcroR SECOND COPY - CUSTOMER MAR - 6 2008 '. .--..--..--.. 01/03/00 MUN ll:07 fAX 503~ 1905 No~-11-99 09:17A GeoPotential KLEINFELVER . l,tj 001 P-Ol.......... .......... " i;':!;;\;::'~;;:i:i)j;~.;;~~;:~rIW;r~lj:;j::~;~i#~~Z~~~j,~jJ~~ i----r 0' I it .. ill On l- v J N 1 2 2000 ~.. a: .. w Q. t; ~ :IE a: ~ I!! ~ iil to N. .. \VATER ESOURCESDEPT. 0 :ORI::t>ON . .-~ ! i I I . .....:...... to '-N .. I , --\-- ] I l . . '.:,'. ",C':" . . . '. 1.1i" ........ '. .l'i~..if<...5.......d.!: . '. . ,', ','.'. '1' '. . . ,- 'Ii' .... d .- .g."I: '.' .. '.. . ". . . . . .. ;; ill r v .. ~ g ... I- W ~ VI z i~- - Q Q .. . .~.~ \ ~ I g ir'-'. \ ~J I I .. - I !!I '~!l llii . I CiSOw i 1.1 I - - - --- i ~ I' L. U m ' . 0~, / ~~~ ' I ~ W ~rrt~ O~ ~I oJ11--- --~--~-- N 0 .. .... >- W ..J ..J <( .... I'- \ o it " ill .. v l- e u __0 ... Iw . r~ "('-- ! , , ------__J.... 'N .... -t--~o ., 133~lS HilS Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal " MAR ,,6 '2Q~' - \..,-.... · LAAJ[ 5DY 7.'7 SCU01LV2.95E @ --.----bate Received: ~ STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as required by OAR 690-240.035) Hole Number B~( ,:"...-., ..'"1. '~'-". (I) OWNERlPROJECT: Name Selco Credit Union Add"" 1010 Mai n Street C;'y Springfield (2) TYPE OF WORK lXJ Sew C Deepening 0 Alteration (repair/recondition) IX I Abandonment (3) CONSTRUCTION: LJ Rotary Air 0 Hand Auger DRotar)' Mud DCableTool (41 TYPE OF HOLE: Slate OR 97477 Zip Kl Hollow Stem Auger o Push Probe L]Othcr !XJ Uncasetl Temporary o Uncased Pennanenl (5) USE OF HOLE: Tp,t Hnl" - o Cased Perm-anent o Slope Stability [lOther (;rilb HZO Silmplp (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Construction approval 0 Yes KXNo Depth of Completed Hole ~ft. HOLE I SEAL ni~m~t!'~ .'rom To I Malenal From To Sack.~ or pounds ~"H\5tt~i"~'no to' Backfill placed from -----1- ft. 'to _L ft. Filler Pack placed from --=- ft. to==- ft Material ~rrl VP 1 Fi 1 ] Size of pack (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by legal description: County Lan e Latirude Longitude - - -- Township T17S N or~a[}ge R3W E o~WM. Section 35 Nt 1/4 SEl,. . Ta." Lot Nt A Lot Block Subdivision Street Address of Well (or nearest addrc~~) Se 1 co Credi t Un ion 1010 Main St.; Sorinqfield. OR 97477- Map with location identified must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: 8 ft. below land surface. Dote 8-17-95 Dale Artesian pressure (II) SUBSURFACE LOG: lb. per square inch. Ground Elevation 450' From SWL ~.and LGrav"ls (GMu,re.t Dale Started_ R-17 -95 5' Dote Comple1ed 8-17 - 9 5 (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: (7; I'lliH,) elded Threaded u o o o Slot s.ize (8) WELL TEST: o Pump 0 Bailer Permeability _ _____ Ll Air Yield o Hawing Artesian GPM Conductivity ..._____ ~H _____ Temperature of wlller 5 r:f tp/l Depth artesian flow found --=-=-=-- ft. V','as water analysis done? oo)es 0 No By who".:' Pacifi c Northwest Depth of strata analyzed. From 8 Laboratori es 15 fl. to Remarks: Environmental Consultant - Stpph"n I ilwn From o o o [J c o f--Grevpl "'ill, lBentnnile_J/ .. Dale started Date Completed R _ 1 7 _ q ~ 8-17-9S ProCessional Certification (to be signed by 11 licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registered geologist or civil engineer). f1. ( accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed on during the constructioll dales reponed above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Ort:gon geotechnical hole construction standards. This re . e to the best of my knowledge and belief. // ,. # ~~;''''';OONumber 102RR s;gncd~~7~~ D"e~O-11-q5 (I - acific Northwest Orillinq THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 OAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL & FlRST COpy, WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY-CONSTRUCTOR THIRD COPY-CUSTOMER l..EGaD I.~' I .. N I I I [ I I I I I t;; c; '" ~ (f) J: ~ 0 I I I I I ,[ I I I I I + ~ Taxlot Une . TL 5200 , .' , , I , , I , , I , , L (Estimated) ---- Former Pump Island Area - - - - - - - . ~....-.. ~'.~;~,j,~~ o r~._...""" 30 ..,"., ",,,'-: 15 (FEET) .':::,~:..:!.: Alley , , I , , I , , I .., , I - -- -- - --- ---~ -- J -- ----- MAIt'/ STR E:Er~ - - - - _ _ D~te Received: MAR - 6 20iii Original Submittal Soil Boring Location and Identification Number SITE MAP COMMERCiAL PROPERiY, i 01 0 Moin Sl., Springfieid, Oregon FlClURE 2 Bergeson-Soese &: Associates. Inc. Environmental Engineering 65 Centennial Looo Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 484-9484 Job Code: SCUOILYZ.95E CADD File; ESA lV2 SCUOl Scot~: r = 50' Drown: ERiC GRAPt: Checked: STEPHEN LAWN Oot~: 9/8/9~ . LANE ..-----' , STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as re<jllired by O~R 690-240-035) (1) OWNER/PROJECT: Ho\, Numbc, Nam' 'l,""C1,.,I \ ~._\..""""O"'\~. LI..c:... Add"" Po e.oKJal"t City ~ 1...)t:J,. n L Slale 012- (2) TYPE dF WORK New 0 Deepening D Alteration (repair/r~condition) ) CONSTRUCTION: o Rotary Air 0 H~d Auger DRatary Mud DCable Tool (4) TYPE OF HOLE: ~ncll!;ed Temporary 0 Ca~ed Permanent (JUncased Permanent 0 Slope Stability 0 Other (5) USE OF HOLE: ('~i:)\,. ("'In""\,, r~ \ 10-\ Zipctri'tl Abandonment ~Ollow Stem Auger o Push Probe 0 Other 6\u-D-'1 (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Constructi~n appr~val 0 Ye~ No rkplh of Completed Hole ,;t:) ft. HOLE Diameter From TlI <i? 0 ~ SEAL MIII~rilll Sacks or pounds . From TlI Backfill placed from _ fL 10_ ft. Filler Pack placed from_ ft. to ft. From To Gauge Steel Plastic: Welded Threaded D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D (7) CASINGISCREEN: lJillmeler Casing" Sl.Teen: Slot size (8) WELL TEST: GPump OBailer Permeability Conductivity Temperature of water Waswalcrallalysisdone? By whom'! Depth of stmto. rmulyzed, Remarks: J;rom Material Sinofpaek o Air Yit:ld o Flowing Artesian GPM 61390 . - --'\ ~) PH S-3 'FIC D y,~NO Depth :Iflesiall tlow found _ ft. (9) LOCATiON OF HOLE by legal descdption: County l1.V\ L Latitude Lllngi!ude Townshir1 \ -, =-N o~Range 6 E ~WM. Seetion~ ~ lJ4 .5.li) 1/4 Tax Lot ~Lut Block Subdivision Street Address otWell (or nearest address) ~".#~~/'~ ~ 6.\- Map with location identified must be attached (10) STATIC WATER LEVEL: I f5:" n. below land surface:. D"e 1M II 02.. ft.lo Artesian pressure (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: lb. per square inch. Datt: Ground Elevation LA From I SWL Date Started 10'- Date Completed" I 0 "":Z.. (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: I Material Descrintion From To SaCk.sorP(luntl~ I a-, ",I , 0 7/'1 l '2. I..~v_' L . I _. .- i .-. ,. .. , , ... . '.. .. : , .- I ,,' \~: ~.- , !.i ,i , , I I .1' i Date started ,lIlo <.;--- .-.......- D:ileTomp1e~ed:""-h . ,,~- - ft. Professional Certification (to be signed hy a liL"enscd water supply or monitoring wdr COll1ilruCtDr, (Ir Oregon registered geulogisll1rl.'ivil t:ngint'erl. I al'cept re~ponsibility for the cunslruclion, alteration, or abandonmenl work perfonned during the oonslruction dates reported above. All w()tl performed during this time is in compliance w;tl1 On~g[Jn's geotechnical hole construction standards. This report;~ true 10 (he best of my knowledge and belid. Licem,e or Registration l"umber (00 Z: .~ Si,oed "<Ii!:Ii Da,,-rIZt/I'L'2- Affiliation THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL- WATER RESOURCeS DEPARTME,T FIRST COPY - CONSTRUCTOR SECOND COPY Oata1Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal ~7 /22f20a2 11: 55 54] &07823] . .' VAL ABERNATHY LANE 61390 (c;cA. . c r I '" ~ P rt- ~ .. 7 t>- .l.. 2- ,. PAGE a7 ~ ........", '" i ". ."" ......,. Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal --- . , STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (a~ r~uir~d hy OAR 690-240-035) LANE (1) O\kR1PR~T: . L D . Jt ~be( /' N.m, t1e. nSiT 15 'k ~2; ~. ~r4" ~t; c, f::.L~ s;., c Id Stote tJ Ii? , 2) Eon ORK New DDeepening DAlteration (repair/recondition)0 Abandonment ( ) CONSTRUCTION: );G Rotary Air 0 Hand Auger ORotaryMud o Cablc Too] (4) TYPE OF HOLE: ~ Uncascd Temporary ,--... Ii Uncased Permanent (5) USE OF H~E: ~C() z''0'171; CHollow Stem Auger o Push Probe o Cased Permanent o Slope Slability j ('Y':f DOther DOther (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: ~ Special Construction approval,D Yes ~o , Depth of Completed Hole ~ ft. HOLE SEAL Mllterial BackfdJ placed from _ f1. 10_ Fe Filter Pack placed frOIU ft. to [1. (7) CASINGISCREEN: Diameter From To Gauge Steel Casing: ---- Screen: Slot size o Air Yield PH r' (8) WELL TEST: ['Pump 0 Penneability Conductivity Temperature of water Was water linalysis done? I I Yes By whom? Depth of strata analyzed. F7'" Remarb: ~ / / ./ From To Sacks or pounds --1-1 Material Size of pack o o o o Plastic Welded Tl\readed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i FlowingAnesian GPM epth artesian flow found _ t1. ft.to WAT[:~:3~U~C~~~"~ I SALEM., OREGON 63137 . /tl If-J (9) LOjL{ION OF ~OL~ by legal description:. . County n e.. . Latitude Longitude . TownshiR Jl N or&Rilnge 1 E ort5lJJ \\'M. s''''oo35''--=. Alf. 114~. SW_ 1/4 Tax. LoV1'//'D Lot Block Subdivision SlreetAddressofWell(ornearestaddress)~ t:t.6 0'<J:'1EU- Ma.p with location indentified must be a.ttached (10) SWICWATERLEVEL: 22- fL below land surface. Artesian pressure lb. pcr square inch. (Il) SUBSURFACE LOG: D,te /0' 7.",3 D'te GroundEJevatioll MaterialD 'riQlion -' From o To SWL .,..~(b('t "D D." S"",,d /0- -0 3 Date CompletedjtJ-/d _O? (12) AIlANl>ONMEI'o'T LOG: Mate~.aIDescri (ion From l.? o ...J- Dale started jb"'" 7 - t7 ~ DatcComplctcd 1~-7-"-- ft. Professional CertificatiolJ (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registered geologist or civil engineer). I aCcept resp<Hlsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed on during the constr'Jction dates Icpurtt:d abolle. All wurk performed during this time is in complianc!: with Ort'gon geolechnical hole construction standards. This repurt is true to lhe best of my knowledge and belief. c nse or Registration Number Co ~ /V- D,,,;H-D) .. ,'~'.. '/, Affiliation ~krr.h~1h~L[.'& .. . } THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ORIGINAL & ERST COPY-WATER RESOURCES DEPARfMENT SECOND COPY-CONSTRUCTOR THIRD COPY-CUSTOMER Date Received: MAR - 5 2008 Original Submittal , LANE 63137. . ~3 J 27 -fl,1!.j/ &- 3 /Lf) .' " ", 'i." '. . .. . . , ',' '- . . ,',', .... ......i.:..--:.... . .. .', . '. . .... . 'r.<.:~. ,. j.i) Tllfllil)UiIU., ('up~ ~i~fll \ J"'J'J D,'I.llrlllf '-:trrnolllli, .\1 E !I.HI'![) .'1oun:(' nil::;: j",,,,(:,-; ," " ,". ........ ., . . -,..', .,' . ..... " ". .:' . D.' . .' .".:-.: ....st.:.......:>:... , '~;..:;'. FilijJ:.::...; F?l'/"::':':.':'r ",..~....'..~:<" ......>Br. .. .. . .:.::::..... ~LJI1...:....,..;;L2JL3j.:.:.....:.. . c..... .......:... ..:.... . r7?1.~;.::< F771i~0D::>":'",' :-::::.::;.-:....<:.- ~..:"~ -..'u'. LJ .S.... L2JLS:jL:.~!..:..:O u ...............- . .... "11: ~Ji ffil]~tm8ill.;,-- '., r.......,...:. '. -~~ . '., . .., .... . :.:..... . .' '.':. ._..,'-::.,..~.~... '. . ." -':'.::..:'. ..:.....:......:: .:....>:.':: ;:.'A....'. ":: ':..:.::: 0/ :.....:. ..';:. :..:.:.-:.:.... '.':;-;0' .........::. ..... ..... . ..... ." "., . :'. . [:'::..7 ":'. ". . . .... - ~.t,:. . . '._ ,:..0:":'.,,:.. ". .'. ",' -'~' " . . . .. . . .' . . .' ...... ',,- -. ~ ........~ -: :0. .... .. ..' :.:" i.... .., .",,' '< - .oi({'" - }. -' I .~. . " " . ';.', '" I.. " / '. MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal .' "", o ::I. co :;" !!!. en c 0- 3 ~ ~ ::0 I en ...... = = co Soil tvl;Jp-LRnc County Area, Oregon (615 Main Streel Springfield, Oregon) '. , o ~ 498<1I:1U 4n~57u 4985<10 ~ o o o- m , o ;; ~ , . ~ o ~ 00 w , ~. ~ ~ . o N m w , ~. o III -0 CD ~ ;u~ C1l o C1l <' C1l 0- l51H\ illijjj o ~ ~ <1!C'84!11) '1Vll~i10 " . A " 20 40 0 50 100 -191:15,\0 <1[18:;70 "0 '1>18600 Meters IZO '198630 498660 <198690 zoo Feel 300 N[1111ral Resources Conservalion Service Web Soil Survey 2.0 National Cuoperative Soil Survey 111412008 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (61 G Main Street Springfield, Oregon) > 0 .... cO' 3' ll!. (f> 3: <:: )> cr ::0 . 3 I ;+ <n [ '" i c:> . . c:> I CD s I MAP LEGEND Area 01 Illterest lAOI) Area of Intel est (AOI) Soils Soil Map Units Special Point Features .:.; Olowolll [8] 80HOW Pit ,.... Clay Spot . Closed D~pression '" Gravel Pit ., Gravelly Spot 'PJ landfill " lava flow .... Marsh ;.~ Mine 01 UlIony '::2.' Miscellaneous Water fi' Perennial Waler ',; Rock OutCIOP " Saline Spot Sandy Spot - Severely Eroded Spol V Sinkhole }, Slide or Sfip " Sadic Spat - Spoit Area ^ Stony Spot ,'.: [r~ I Very Stony Spot WetSpol MAP INFORMATION Original soil slIrvey map slleets were prepared at pUblication scale, Viewing scale and printing scale. however. may vary from !tIe original. Please rely on the bar scale on eacll map sheet for proper map measurements, SOllrce of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: l1t1p:llwebsoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) fisted below. . 't . Olher Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lalle County Area, Oregon Version 6, Dec 22. 2006 Special line Features Gully ,", Short Steep Slope Dale(s) aerial images were photographed: 6/19/1994; 6/27/1995 The nrtllophoto or olller base map on whiclllhe soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from tile background imagery displayed 011 these maps. As a result. smne minor sllifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. . I U:ilJ,\ ~ja Nillural Resources Conservation Service ,:..", Other Political Features Municipalities o Cities Q Uluan Areas Waler Fl1aturcs Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation +++ Rails' Roads ~....,.... Interstate Highways US Routes State Highways /.~ local Roads Other Roads Web Soil Survey 2.0 Nellionat Cooperative Soil Survey 1/14/2008 Page 2 of 3 . . -. , Soii Map-Lane County Area, Oregon 615 Main Street Springfield, Oregon Map Unit Legend Lane County Area, Oregon (OR637) Map Unit Symbol ,I Map Unit Name I 176 I Malabon-Urban land complex j I Totals for Area of Interest (AOI) I Acres in ,ADl . 1 801 Percent of ADI 100.0% I 80 I , 100.0% Date Received: MAR - 6 2008 Original Submittal l.!.:;(g ~ Natural Resources Con3ervation Servies Web Soil Survey 2.0 National CooperativE Soil Survey 1/14/2QOg Page 3 of 3