HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/7/2010 07/15/2008 11:01 3606540339 . 0312S/05 l~: 21 FAX-..:::. ~3 "::T\1"l'I' ..."c~.n"IiTLE CO. .... -!lEnlR~10 ~ASCP.OE TIT\.E ~O. 0, v.-l\..ll- ,1-.3 C- G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C L &, C, PC . ~ PAGE 03 ~OOZ '-...-_ After p,..,arding, FlE>turn TO: Jac:oo K. CliTton. Jr. Jotm$or, Clifton Larson &-Sch~IIBr._PC 975 Oak Streel, Suite 1050 Eugene, Oregon 97401 -----, _____~...'w'_ ---- ,-~~i..-:-..f chid O....,..i.v CierI< 2Mt ~\999~ Uine C_U"t."1 Deeds arut R.lQD,-d. W~ U~1~~m~ill~J!U~1~lU\\~~~\~~~s n :o,~::': llPll~De:Etl Crthl S~"".4 CRSHtEll 02 It!.OO S11.00 $1D.00 Until A ChangE> Is Flequesled, All Tax Statem..nt Shall e. M3i1ed To: Gary ealdwin PO Box 179 North Lak.wood. Washington 96259-0179 BARQAfN AND SALE QEED GARY BALDWiN AND LINDA BAlDWIN, Successor Tr~lstees of the Baldwin Family Trust, hereinafter "Grantors," convey to GARY BALDWIN: hereinafter "Grantee", Grantors' interest in the following described property situated In Lane County, Oregon. . The lrue and aclu<ll consideration for this conveyance is; .0-; distribution to trust beneficiary. Parcal1 : .........:...-.. Beginning at a poi.nt on the East line of 14'" Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, which point is 120 feet North of a poll'll that is 1920 feet East of a pointlhat il> 94.51 feet South'40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North cfthe Soulhwest corner ofthe Paul Brattain Donatlor' Land Claim No. 63. in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllametta Meridian in Lane County, Oregon, from said point of be9lnnlng, running thence Eaet and parallellothe South line of A street 120 feel to a point. thel1:e North 10 feet, thence Wesl and parallel with the South line of A street 1ZCl feel to the East line of 14'" Street, thence South 10 feet along the East line of 141M Street to the point of beginning. - Parcel 2: 8eginnlng at a point cn the ElIst .line of 14" Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon at a point Which is 130.6 feet North of the North line of Main Street. and running thenCe East parallel to Main Street .60.0 feet: thence South 12.0 feet; thence East parallel to Main Street 60.0 f~let; thence North parallel to 14'" Street. 82,0 feel to the South line of the al'.ey; thence West along the alley 120.0 feet to the E.ast line of 14"' S1roeet; thenee South 70.0 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 1 of 3 Date Received: '--...r Date RecejVed:~ Planner: KG LD JUL - 7 2010 Original submittal ~ 3 ~;D 11:01 35055~339 G. BALDWIN MARKETING H'~7 FAl ~J.'c~~....-.!....E...!:...! C. PC .__. .' PAGE 04 l<</UU:J 07115/2008 03J::8/~5 .' :r-. ,.'.. " . ." . .. '-..;..,. Parcel 3: Beginning at a point on the North line of Main Street in springfield. lane. County, Oragon, which said point;s 1920 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet south 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feel North of the S Juthwest corner of the !'aul Brattain Donation land Claim No. 63 in Township 17 South. . Range 3 West ofthe Willamerte Meridian In lane CcUlIty. Orlilgon; running thence East along the North line of Main .Street 120 fe~rt.; thence North paraHel with the Easl line of Tenth street 120 met; rLlnnil'9 thence West parallel with the SOLlth line of A Street. 120 feetto the East nne of 14th Street: thene<t SOLlth parallel with the East line of 10th Street and <11,)ng the East line of 14'" Street 120 feet to the place of beginning. . Subject to and excepting covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements, and rights of way of record. if any. ';"., THIS INSTRUMENT Will NOT AllOW USE OF THE PI,<OPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT .IN VIOLATION OF APPLlCA6lE Lt<.ND use lAWS AND REGULATIONS. 8EFORE SIGNING OR. ACCEPTING THI::) INS1RUMENT. iHE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPR.OVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRlJM!,:NT MAY NOT BE WlTHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURE~L . THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST ~HAc-rICES AS DEfiNED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE 5IGNING()R ACCEPTING THIS Date Received: ..... BARGAIN AND SALE DEED . Page 2 of3 Date Rece;Ved:~ Planner: J@ LJ> JUL - 7 2010 Original Submittal pj1 a6 lD 07/15/2008 12:02 36065 339 O~"2ar05 14:27 FAX 541 ~ ....s G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C ... .. 1,;, y" --e. -. PAGE 02 It!:: v.... ~~ "-;--. INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO. TH~ ?ROPERTY SHOULD . CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO . . . VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES. DATED this U..~ day of Marcil, 2005. ''/).1 I ,. '../~ iI Baldwin_ Suecellsor Trustee STATE OF WASHINGTON County OfS"N )...,M~~)., ) ) 55. ) This instrument was aCknolN!edged before me this ~_ day of March, 2005, by . Baldwin Family T . . \,,--j Gary NCllc:ary~ S'al1l Q'~ . . Wlfil$1lA L, PAIlIlI:lI ~v Appclnl\Tlenl fJq)Ii.... f,SC 2Q. 1UlI .~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. County of Lane ) . This Instrument was acknowledged before me this "Z-' _ day of March, 2005. by Linda Baldwin, Succ6asor Trustee of the Baldwin Family Trust.. . '.' QFAo....EAl. ..IAC081l-'LII'10N oIR o IIClT~ PUIUC . c~~GQN COWoIISSIQN NO 3 ).1020 lIflll!"lllDEl'.'''.' Date Received: JUl - 7 2010 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 30f3 Date Received: :;-(1 ~ I 08 Planner. ~ \.D Original Submittal -:...-; ~~f5 ~ 10 .~ o ~.' 07/15/2008 03128"-06 12:02 3505540339 H:~U 641 .. '6 G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C L " c, PC __ PAGE ~005 }tOIUI ... 1. - .U:".ur...e-no.. Qf uOllTQlr.Gt fNIlu'l4.'fII COrpwIaI. ,;, ,,-,t-, I Ur\.N J U I.o'M;)C""t"Il;, lilt-eo \lO- a z.~~ ~IL S(... c;(JIfof~'l"" ~y,,..~'''''PUIlJ901~CO..llClR'T\..AoCI.oa':"aI 03 II I' I- II il Ii ), " 'I I ,I I :1 I' Ii Ii r ,\ Ii I! I I .' Ij II II II , ,\ ij 1\ II I ,[ j, i( I: I; I' II Ii I I, .,1 ,II' I .1 I' ,I i: I ~ II n' r'o' II I' ,I 1 ,I \! I ~ ,I II __.......______._____.u._......___n__um..___.u. By ._...____...u_u________..n.__, Deputy 'I . , - I KI'lOW ALl.. BY.WESP. PIl.ESENTS ,bai m._UDJQS\iQ:.ll.~1iL.:~'-I:I..~~-~~~~Q::cj-'L-jJ!.~~~-~~;t,(L<......,'"<:~~=--;.-.~.~. _n __. .., -'e11~Sl.ru:d.iI L~ jl.!),L ___.m. _nO. ._____: _ m___ _____..._... ...,.. L.mn_ .n__.n__n_....... m____. -...... n__ - . : i ... ownol ood holdo, ot ,bo mortgage A1Id obli3.tion here.iDafter d..eribe~ do.. hereby certU:y and docl". ,hat. o"rtaill mongage '1':1 dated the .__...lO.tb...._u day'of _..__.Jll.l.'l...m..._._____.___, 19__..!t <i..d. o.nd e~e(.",~ed by __._m____..__..._.___m __\!I.~l.l.~.ce.-t.....aa.ldwj 11____ __u. __..___._._ ..__ .._._.. - .--------------..fn--- .___m.... -. --...--.... .________nnn____._ . -I: 'II .. mortgagor, 10 _... n_ _.I&n~Dnll LIte,nA_u _______m...._. .__.n._. ___. ... _......_ _. _'_ ___n__U__...._. _._.n........_, a. mOJ"fpsee, and recoroed in the Re=", of _....____.!.Jl\.L____._________ ~".tY. Or.gon,." nn~_'!]Y.._l~..n._.___n_.__. 1911fs,in ~r.eL\I'<:l1ii.ti~:No. _.l!.Z!&.__n__.... ~IP\1'a't~ _____..._, "'1di1,l( as IU"~;I\o)ins't1J"'enuM.ili~lI [\'0. i.I' ___..L!~L_.__ (indicate which) together with 'he debt ther.by secured, is ~Uy paid, Sllli.fied .nd dUehuged. In oOl1$lNillg j..ln1me"t; ....h.'" the """Iext '0 roqui:r.., Ibe .ingUlal in.,ludes lhe pl",,'l aod all gtamm..ioal change, ,hall ~ II made 50 'hat UIis illsuwnem ,ball a"ply equally'" corponlio.. ""d Co illdividu.ls. \_ t\, I n 200S il IN WITNESS WHERllOF, the unde"igned bas extcUted tni, ia>1:n>-""~llhls .J.1.OH', day of .....!.~_t5_..!.._.____.____n' JlM.M.. If the unclc.l1ig,acsd is a corpOl'lltlOQ~ it ba.$ caused its DDm~ to be sigacd).nd its _$1. tt any, :aflbe.d by an officer Qf other per- Ii son duly .ulhori:zed to do So by ordet of its boald of directors. I ' ;! ~.~_~;_~_~~__n.._ __..._____.'" ..... .n__. __......... __.-.no Ii ~-~:_...~~~~.~~~------~~------------------- !I , ~__~____~_______._________~.______~___.______________~#.._~~----~- I ! 11- SLATE ci~ ~IUlGON, Cou~IY of Ca::t.S_m_.__:___._...n_.u,-_~)~. . --; ~ . .- ~~;I\ by ____~~:~~~:~~.~~a.~~~~~~~l~:~~-~~-~~~=~:~~~~::=::::~=~~=~~_~_~-= Thi. i.nstrume~' w.. aok<tcwled~ed before me on _.J".:..a..t~,~.___\:.__""_1_3.c!g_'?m____' jij(,--- , , ~~::-::~~~ci-:ii~~:~~~:::=~:::::::-~:::~.:.:.t:::-~:.:.~::=:.::=~.:.:.:-~:.-:.-.:-:-~-:-:-=-~.=-~~:.~:::~:~~: Ii ~l!!!!J~f!;./;:Ftnl'-r..~ {.----------------.----- II My ""mmi,.ion e~pil" __1).."1:.E2:~:.Q_:J.._______...______ I! I Date Rece,'ved'. :1 :1 I: ,I '. I: SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGI! ~005-01~99~ .~!l~lIJUIDillmJU~m!\J11~~;~I/~5 11 :07~::': 1lI'1l-11AT C"~=, n".A CA$1I11!R 02 le.GO $11,00 $10.00 Dlvl.1Dn or e~i.r D.,wlv CI.~k !..ane Cou"ly 0...11. ""01 Il"""~d,, Garv Baldwin and'[ inda Baldwin. __ __~\l..\&.lEJ~.~. .Q.f_ _~!!_J_~l.Qt'(.irL.f_~JJ.Y_I~.~ ___~?.~._QM__~!__r~_~t.__~!Uk.l9~9__..______.... .---C~.;.~~~F;-i~~=;nd....;.;------ ---1'"lD-lliJ,,--yl-4\f.-----------....-._--------.------ ....Co-QS'-lfajj--lJI[-~JrZtf-----.----.--.-.--.-..-.- .,~---~-------.--~~~Ni~;~~;..-_.-9_~~--~~---- 3I"lllCeJlEsE!.f'lVl!.D fOOl REoollDU'6 ua; ........_.....______ and./or as fee/flle/i.nstrll,~ m~nt/Jl:ucrofilm/rue'Plitlll ND. _~_n_~___. R_rd. of sa,id Coun1y. Wi",... my hand and ..01 of Counly aiJj;<..l ." not~""t, 'l'rM""..~.I: --9"75-.b-ai(-s:i-ree-t~..s-ui.te;.':()5-6----------.--.- ----------...0..-.--------------.-...-....-------------- _.;_~Ji~!l~___~9LQ!l_.__~.Z!lQJ.....___..__._____..... --~-----~~ii---~~-~~n~------.--.-1~------- ~__J . . . . ". JUL - 7 2010 ;:.:..~~ Orif'ljn~1 ~'.lb",i.tt~1 ~ ~ ~ID 87/15/2888 12:84 3686548339 .<~~' it C( 3,2. ffl' - }!h G. BALDWIN MARKETING CONFIRMAI... . COPY PAGE 81 .' ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC. FILED MAY 0 1.2007 OREGON SECRETARV OF STATE .-Y A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Under the provisions of O$.S. Section 63.047, Ch~lpter 60) 1. Name. The name of the limitlJd liability company is EMN[[TT PROPERTIES, LLC. _" . 2.... ." Purpo8e.. Thepl>qlpse of this limited liability company is to invest and manager real property, and may include the transaction of any ami all lawful business for which limited li"bjlity companies may be organized in the [,itate of Oregon. 3. Address of Office 'Where Records are Kept. The address to which interested persons may. direct requests for copies of any operating agr,~ement and any 1;>ylaws of this limited liability company is PO Box 2829, Clackamas, Oregon 97015. 4. Period of DuratiC)D. . This LLC shall exist for 30 years, and thereafter, at the agreement of the members, year to year perpetually. s. ReglsteredAgent: The name and address of the Regist~ed Agent for the limited liability company is: "",-. Scott C. Schultz, Esq. 969 Willag!Jlespie Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 6. Management. The limited liability company will be mani.lgei mana~ and there will be at least one martllger at the time the limited liability company is formed. The nllmes Ofth.e initial managers are lIS follows: Date Received: GARY LEE BALDWIN DREWSILLA BALDWIN JUl - 7 2010 . . . ou'oinal Submittal 7. . OJ'ganizers: The names and addresses of the orgamzers are as to llws: Gary Lee Baldwin 13593 SE Portland View PI. Happy Valley, OR 97086 ,. Drewsilla Baldwin 13593 SE Portland View PI. Happy Valley, OR 97086 Date Received:_ -::; it's [rPJ Planner. ~ Lb '-7'-?--T- (~./ ~ i s-s- Page 1 of 3 - Articles of Organization for EMMITT PROPER m:s, LLC. A l~ (11) .-;J/; 360J339 4/3 ~;, /-96 G. BALDWIN MARKETING . PAGE 02 07/15/2008 12:04 ;.J CONFIRMATION The Address where the Division May Mail Notices; COPY 8. PO Box 2829 Clackamas, OR 97015 9. Admission of New Members. With the written unanimom; consent of the members, neW members may be admitted into the LLC upon the payment of such capital contribution and upon such terms as the members unanimously decide. In the event that new members are admitted into the LLC, .the .share of each new member in the profits and losses shall be in such proportion as may be agreed upon between all the members and the new member. . .10: Members.Right to. Contlnu.e Business. The remaining m;embers of the limited liability company shall have the right to continue business on the death, retirement, resignation, expulsion, bankruptcy, or dissolutibn of a member or the o=enceof any other event which terminates the contim.l:::d membership of a member in the liimted liability company as further set forth in the Operating. Agreement of the limited liability company. , IN WITNESS WHERREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our nailnes on April 11, 2007. -....;.. ~^ . ......~~ Gary Lee Bat. . --.~~~Q;.~\fu" ~ Drewsllla 'Baldwm ~.: Contact Name Scott C. Schultz, Esq. Daytime Phone Number (541) 485-5515 (In accordance with OregoJ:l Revised Statutes, the ex.ecutioJ:l of thia affidavit constitutes an affinnation under the penalties of perjury that the facts stated h.::rein are true and correct.) . ~. ~; .~ ,.- lOate Received: Page 200 - Articles of Organization for EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC- Jut -? 1010 Originn: .;.,~.Ani..u,. " ...;-' >,;,;.... . . ...' . '" ;! .",., 07/15/2008 12:04 3606540339 ii V~~~/- 7(;- G. BALDWIN MARKETING . PAGE 03 . " . COJ\'FIRMATION COpy. ORIGINAL APPOlNTMENTOF REGISTERED AGENT (for limited liability company) The undersigned, being at .least a majority of the members of EMl\IllTI PROPERTIES, LLC, hereby appointScottC. Schultz, Esq, to be the agent upon whom any process, notice or demand required or permitted by statute to be served Upoil the limited liability company may be served. The complete a.dQress of the agent is Scott C. Schultz, Esq. 969 Willagillespie Road Eugene, Oregon 97401. .. .' Eaving heen.name4as registered agent and to accept service of precess for EMMm PROPERTIES, LLCat the place designated in this certificate, I hei'eby accept the app<;>intment as statutory agent and agree to act in this capacity. I brther agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance of my duties, and I am familiar with !U1d accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. . OFFlCIALSEAL.' . . ICDTTCSCKU~_ . ,~crrARYpUBUC.DRE....... ,; ('OMMISSKlN NO. 378246 '.' "" cm1msSlllH !JlI'I1WS mlIIlIlllll.- ~~~ Scott. tz, Esq. CJ Date Received:. JUL' - 7 2010 Original submittal Date R.,~f~ .P~~ Page 3 of 3 - Articles of Organization for EMMIT!' PROPERTIE~;, LLC.