HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/7/2010 ,> . . :qty' of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Minimum Development Standards , , Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Com an : Phone6Qo_ '6cJ-R.1"2... Fax: - r(.() 128'} Ike- )/11 , A licant Name: Address: /357 A Iicant's Re .: Com an : Gnm"-l+ 13t6 Address: 1861 R.. Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Address: f. 0 , I /} Size of Pro e : ~b '}\.8{) = I.. L~f 3VOO 1-/4/d--. "1 I rtlJ Acres 0 S uare Feet ~ Description of Pro osal: Existin Use: 'Si natures: Please si /0 Case No.: Reviewed b : < A Iication Fee: Technical Fee: Posta TOTAL FEES: , PROJECT NUMBER: Date Received: JUL - 7 2010 Original submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 . . $ignatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~~~ Signature GA~~~I~~Y\ Print Date: ~OIO Owner: If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. ~ . ~ n_J..._ - Date: 1- -:f ()l)J D Si9~~VV~ GA.Q, A -J .. ~L~U;':--' Print '-=4- ~ Plot Plan Preparation: I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in the submittal requirements checklist. I certify that the plot plan is accurate based upon field locates and the best available information. I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan in making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application. I accept full responsibility and liability in the event that there are any omissions, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. ~~ Date: ft-~ t, ~"bLA~ Print Date Received: JUl - 7 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 20f6 07/15/2008 11:01 3606540339 .03/UfOS 14:27 FAX 5H.~l .' ".::'l\'lc.N. ...,,~~nCilTLl CO. , . flrnlRn,rO ~ASCP.OE TIT~E ~O. GT 1J..\\..l1- "') 1-.3 L. G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C L. " C. PC . ~ PAGE 03 141 002 ,,---' Aft"r Recording, F\~turn TO: JacoD K. CI~ton. Jr. JoMsor, Clifton Larson t.Schaller,.PC 975 Oak Street, Suite 1050 Eugene, Oregon 97401. --------' -- - -- ~-,..'- - /"~~iD-;:-Df chief O."l,lty CI...I< 2Mt ~\9B93 Uine Ccu,.i"t.\I Deeds at".' A..CiIDl"'d. W~ U~1~~m~ill~J!n~UU\I~}~2~'~~S \l :07~::': RPR~DfEJ) Crlhl S~"... CRSHtEll 02 It5.00 Sll.00 $10.00 Until A Chang~ Is Request~d, All Tax Statem,,,,t Shall Sa Mailed TQ: Gar)' Baldwi" pO Box 179 North LakewOod, Washington 96259-0179 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED GARY BALDWiN AND l.,INDA BALOWIN, Successor Trustees of the BaldwIn Family Trust, hereinafter "Grantors," convey to GARY BALDWIN: hereinafter "Grantee", Grantors' interest in the following described property situated In Lane County, Oregon. The InJe and acluel consideration for this conveyance is; .0-; distribution to trust beneficiary. Parcel 1 : .~. Beginning at a point on the East line of 14'" Street in Springfield. Lane County: Oregon, which point is 120 feet North of a point that is 1920 feet East of a point that i$ e4.57 feet South 40' 40' East from a point 105.2 feel North of the SouthWest corner of the Psul Brsttain Donatlor' Land Claim No. 63. in Township 17 South, Range 3 West oftne Wlllamettli Meridian in Lane County, Oregon, from said point of beginning, running thence East and parallel to the South line of.A street 120 Isel10 a point, thE!!1:e North' 0 feet, thence Wesl and paralletwith the South line of A street 12.0 feet 10 the East line of 14'" Slreet, thenoe South 10 feet along the East ilne of 14'0 Street to tne point of beginning, Parcel 2: .- Beginning at a point on the East .line of 14" Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon at a polntwhtoh is 130.6 feet North of the Norlh line of Main Street, and nJnning thence Easl parallel to Main Street ,60.0 feet; thence South 12.0 feet; thence Eesl parallel to Main Street 60.0 f~let; thence North parallel to 14'" Street. 82.0 feet to the South line of tne al'.ey; thence West along the ailey 120,0 feet to Ihe East line of 14'" Street; tHenee Soulh 70.0 faet to the poJnl Of beginning in Lane County. Oregon. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 1 of 3 Date Received: '-";"'. Date ReceiVed:~ Planner: ~ l-d) JUL - 7 2010 Original submittal ~ 3r::(JD 11:01 35055~339 G. BALDWIN MARKETING H:~7 Fhl ~ _"~.....-2~ c. PC .__. .' PAGE 04 ~uua 07/15/2008 03'%8/05 .- "'-, , ~.. " .' . ... .... ',-, Parcel 3: B891""i"9 at a point on the North line of Main Street in springfield. Lane County, Oregon, which said point is 1920 feet East of a po.int that is 94.57 feElt South 40. 40' East from a point 105.2 feet North of the S;Juthwest corner of the Paul Br.attain Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 17 South. . Range 3 Westofthe WiIlamerte Meridian In LanB County. Oregon; running thence East along the North line of Main Street 120 fet;l1.; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 120'faet; runnil'9 thence West parallel with the South line of A Street. 120 faetto the Eestllne of 14'" Street; thence South parallel with the East line of 10lh Street and ElI:)n9 the East line of 14'" Street 120 feet to the place of beginning. . Subject to and excepting covenants, conditions, restrictions. reservationll, easements, and rights of way of record. if any. ......... THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PI~OPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT .IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE L".ND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOI_~LD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1"0 VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRl)M5NT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT !'ROTECTING STRUCTURES. . THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR 5ITINC~ OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PF~crICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING()R ACCEPTING THIS Date Received: ......... BARGAIN AND $ALEOEED - Page 2 of3 Date RecejVed:~ Planner: J{G IJ> JUL - 7 2010 Original Submittal Pfj 1 at ID 07/15/2008 12:02 36065~39 M..28/05 14:27 F.<:t 541 ~_""~. -~ G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C L . C. i'C -e.-, PAGE 02 'tWVI,I'W '-'.-. INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO. THE :?ROPERTY SHOULD , CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO , ' ' VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES. DATED this U.~ day of Marc/1, 2005. ,:a I ~I '../~ i a Baldwin_ Succe~;sor Trustee STATE OF WASHINGTON coun~of')~~~~~ ) ) 5S. ) This instrument was acKnowledged before me this \J-b . Baldwin Family T . N(lICII'I' P\d:IIIC s'~Q'~ . ' Wlpl$BA~. PAIlllEa ~v AppclIlI\'!ler>! E.rpl(.... F,etl20. 2lXIII day of March, 2005, by "'~-',i Gary ,~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS. Coun~ of Lane ) . This Instrument was acknowladged before me this "'Z- I ,. day of March, 2005. by Linda Baldwin. SUCC6asorTrustae of the Saldwin Family Trust., . '.' ~""EAl- .IACO_, Ill, CLIftON ... , ~,r"", PUBUC . g.~GgN . ~ISllION NO, 31olGZO 1If1~1 DU:, 'I. JIll Date Received: JUL - 7 2010 ~; BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 3 of 3 Date ReceiVed:..l11 ~ I 08 Planner: ~ \.P Original Submittal ~~S' ~ 10 '.,-- o ,,-,.' 07/15/2008 OJiZ8/05 12:02 3606540339 H:~U 541 it '5 PAGE @Oo5 03 G. BALDWIN MARKETING J C L &. C, PC __ JIOMI.....1. _""'''''''At''nO_ Of UOIITOAG_ ......10.. rII ~I. ,;,. ~t-.IUrtN IU l.t,~~G,..""r;:. JI''''r:.. ",0. a 2- ~ ~ ~., L .J(... tMT~f'" ~~""'PUIlJ91l1CJCD..~.ea.~ II I' II I II II ~ , " 'I I' ,I I I I II Ii I: I Ii Ii I I i! I' I II II , :\ ., II \1 II \ ,I I, I[ Ii i: r 1\ Ii ,I I, ,j .11' . 1 .1 I' ,I I: i: II II I' ,I i ,I I! r ,I r I __.......___m.._n_.__._n.....___________.__.____. . By __~:....-...-m---n----..---... D.pu!)' :1 KI'lOW ALl. BY..TlIESE PR.ESENTIi thai m__.Ulll~.'<\IA.],~!ih.1iJ;l.~,-~t~QJ'-J..!LjJ1~~~-~~!:~L<.-.-.,"'".:~~=..:..<il<~- ___ ___ .._ -'eni:.!HUli.<\ L ~ ,;mL____.. ... ..._. _____~ _ m__m m _.._n. ......L ____m._ n______ - .......- ...____._.._u_ __n - , i i ... "",.el apd holde, of lbe mOl1gage !l.tld oblisotion herelrlattel d..eri~~ do.. h..eby eertil')' and declare that · o<:l1aiD mOl1g'g< 1'1 dated the ___...lO.tb.n._n day of _.....Jll.1.l!.......m....n_____. 19.._~. rl,ode >.nd eJCw:ted by __._m_______n.nm__m __i!I.~] J.~.c:;e..-E....._.fl.a..lllw.j l1________m.. _.____. .._. ".... _. _.' ...------- --- n Ln_________" - -. "'m.', -.. -'- _'_n___m .____n . ,'II .. mol1!ll1!lOr. to .._.____.l&n ~oniA L~M.IL- ._____n___ ..... .n_.__._...1..... __. ____.._.____________..___ - _._.n._._...__ a' mOl'lijagee. and reCQTd<<l in lho Il.co:mt. of._....__.J..M.L____..._______ ~~nll'. 0,01'0. on ____~_l!lL_l~....__..___......: 191rfs,in lWk/ree1\Mikli~:No. _.l1.Z!B..___"..... 611"P\it~ ____...__, ~dJt.l\ as lliM;1'o);".!tuGl.ntln>>l\~i'l No. i,'1 __...!..!~L._... (iDdiCIII' wltlch) together with 'he debl thereOy scoured. is f;uUy paid, w.i,l'ied and discharged. In cQ",INiDI in.lIU.alellt; where th, ""ntext .. roquifU. the Singulll in.,ludes <he plup,l ocd ..u &u"""aticol chang.. ,hall be 1'1 ",ad. liD thot I.bis In.1N1l1ent ,hall apply equally ltl cOlpOntions ""d to iIldividuals, J: t\-. 1 h 2005 il L'I WITNESS WHEREO. 1'. the undersign.d bas ex""",,ed chi. imlrumell,t till, ::1....'.. day of ___..t.~.r.:L.L._m._n___' W!UL II th. undel'$igned i. a COipotatiOCl. it ha. cau,ed it. n~m. Co be sipd; ""d 11:5 ",al. it lUlY. ofll..d l)y lU1 officer or other per- Il.; '00 d~ly 'UthoNcd to do '0 by orde, of its board of director.. i ;~:]~~~i.:::::::i~:=::==:= Ii ,I ; .._________________ ______ ______..___.___ ---------~......-...-. -..- I : II. STATE o~ ,?REGON. CO"~IY of Ca:6-m....:---.------..--,-:-.)~, ."; ~ . .. ~~)\ Oy ___.~~:::::~~.~~._~~~~~-~~~~!:.:~-~~~=~~~;~~~=~~~~~=~~=~~-~-~-: Thi. instrum..,..... ookoowlodged before me on __J""-a_~~I:L__\.:u_...l..?q9_::.:".._., 1<<___ , , ::~~~~~~~=~~~----~~::~~~~~~=~~~~~~:~~~~:::::~::j~:: :::::~::::::::=: ::::== ::::::::::: :::::::::::: '11'1 ---- I of d' .~~jUliLJl.~n~--..__..--n- ____00_____.. .~n-.---n .__. ..-._____ -. n ._u_._n__ -.-. -.----.-. , ~ G.cXh. 'n q Notary- P;;biic for o~go. -' ,I {.___n___m_____._____ II My e<:mrni..ion expire> ...I).."'1:.a.'::J:.Q-:J.___..........___ I! Date Received: ,II . I JUL - 7 2010 I; .1 '. J: SATISfACTION OF MORTGAGe ~005-01~~~~ ~mlIJu~~mJu~jmml~~~I/~5 11 :07~::': Ill'R-eAT Cn~=' nn~' CA$lII!R 02 ie.GO $11.00 '10.00 Dlvl.lon g~ Chi.r D.,wlV CI.rk Lane Cownly D..~. "nd RGeord. Garv Baldwin and'[ inda Baldwin. ____~llr;.>_.l~~_~. .Qf. _~..t!~__~.4]..Qic".irl. .f.qrrt.1J::t...1~.i .__3-?_~._QM..~H~_~t.__~1'-1k_l9~9_...____._.__. .. __~!!.3~J1,g,...._Q llr~~____~?49_L__.._._ ",,--------- _'o,J" _.......-"'-~.-- Umpqua ~an~ --."-lJ-lei>,,.-,'"41J-------.----........-.-----.------ .-..Co-ojf.lfajj--lJI[-~1r,(tf-----.-------.-.--.-....- ~,~a_________~___~~N;~;~~;..~-._--_.----w--_. ~e I:IElil!RYaO """ REcoMtlt'6 Wl.1ii on r-o'" n...._~..______ and/or as fee/tile/i.nslru, m~nt/:rnicrofilm/recCi'tion No_ _____~_____. It_rd, of said Counly. Willl.... my band and ..oJ 01 Counly a1li;<..J ""!i\."tOt""'.r."'t, ~~~.l: --s7n.;jIZ-sTreeT;.s-\:i'ne--r656----.m-- ..-.. .---------...0...---------.-..--.--......--.------------ __;.~51~!l~___~l!Q!l____~_(~QJ_.....___._______...___ -------.~~1f-------~--w--------.-~------- ,-- . ' .,,~ ~~'Y>~ nri,..jn~1 ~'.,bmi.tt~1 Ftj t, ~ ID 07/15/2008 12:04 3606540339 .~ ~,~~,jt Cf3,2.(P!1- % G. BALDWIN MARKETING CONFJRMAI. , COPY PAGE 01 ~ ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC. A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY FILED MAY 0 1,Z007 OREQON SECRETARY OF STAlE (Under the provisions ofO,R,.S. Section 63.047, Chapter 60) 1. Name. The name of the Iimit<;d liability company is EMMITI' PROPERTIES, LLC "" .' 2... '. Purpose., Thepl1tpose of this limited liability company is to invest and mlinager real property, and ,may include the trlInsaction of any and aU lawful business for which limited liability cOmpanies may be organized in the atate of Oregon. 3. Address of Office 'Where Records are Kept. The address, to which interested persons may'direct requests for copies of any operating ag'r,~ement and any Qylaws of this limited liability company is PO Box 2829, Clackamas, Oregon 97015. 4. Period ofDurati~n. 'This LLC shall exist for 30 years, and thereafter, at the agreement of the members, year to year pwpetually. ~, ,5. ReglsteredAgent: The name and address of the Registl;!:,cd Agent for the limited liability company is: Scott C. Sclil1ltz, Esq. 969 WillagiUespie Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 6. Management. The limited liability company will be mantLger managed and there will be at least one manager at the time the limited liability company is formed. The names Of the initial managers are llS follows: Date Received: GARY LEE-BALDWIN DREWSlLLA BALDWIN JUL - 7 2010 " ' , On'ginal Submittal 7. ' Organizers: The names and addresses of the orglUllzers are as to nws: Gary Lee Baldwin 13593 SE Portland View PI, Happy Valley, OR 97086 !: Drewsilla Bitldwin 13593 SE Portland View PI. Happy Valley, OR 97086 Date ReceiVed; ~ !r. [; f r:PJ Planner: ~ LD ' ',-"1:'-7'""1- l ~:J r, ~ s-s- Page 1 of 3 - Articles of Organization for EMMITT PROPER m:s, LLC. AlJ (/{) 07/15/2008 12:04 360J339 L/J ~..; /-96 G. BALDWIN MARKETING . PAGE 02 JI . ;. i-/ CONFIRMATION The Address where the Division May Mail Notices; COPY 8. PO Box 2829 Clackamas, OR 97015 9. AdDiission of New Members. With the written Wlanim0118 consent of the members, neW lIlembers may be admitted into the LLC upon the payment of such capital contribution and upon such terms as the members unanimously decide. In the event thatnewmembers are admitted into the LLC, .theshare of each new member in the profits and losses shall be in such proportion. as may be agreed upon between a.11 the members and the new member. .... ., :.10: Members.R'!:ght to.Contln\l.e Business. The remaining members of the limited liability comp.any shall have the right to continue business on the .death, retirement, resigriation, expulsion, bankruptcy, or dissolmlC,n of a member or the occurrence of any other event which tenninates the continu~ membership of a membet in the lmuted liability company as further set fortb in the Operating. Agreement of the limited liability company. IN wITNEss WHERREOF, we have hereunto subscribed our names on April 11, 2007. -...;.. ~. . ......~~ Gary Lee Bar. . --'-~~Q"~~~ DrewsJllaBaldwln .' ". Contact Name . Scott C. Schultz, Esq. Daytime Phone Number (541) 485-5515 (In af;cordance with .Oregon Revised Statutes, the execution of thiu affidavit constitutes an affinnation under the penalties of perjury that the facts stated h,:rein are true and . . correct.) . ~~~' Page 2 of 3 - Articles of Organization for EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC. v.... '.' Date Received: J~L - ? 1010 Orlgirn; .;, _,I niru;, ':l ...). .\.' ." '-:.::,.. ..,.,'. \l " ~ 07/15/2008 12:04 3606540339 ii ~~~~/- 7~- G. BALDWIN MARKETING . PAGE 03 . " ~ , .,~ CO~:'FIRMATION COPY' ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERED AGENT (for limited liability comp;my) The undet'Signed, being aHeast a majority of the membet'S ofEMMITI PROPERTIES. LLC, hereby appointScottC Schultz, Esq, to be the agent upon whom any process, notice or demand requi.red or permitted by statute to be set'Ved UpOll the limited liability company may be set'Ved. The complete adc;lress of the agent is . Scott C. Schultz, Esq. 969 Willagillespie :Road Eugene,cnegon 97401 Having been.name4 as registered agent and.to accept service ofprc~ess for EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLCat the place designated in this certificate, I hf~;eby accept the . appointment as statutory agent and agree to act in this capacity. I fJrther agree to comply with the proVisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete perfomiance of my duties, and I am familiar with and accept the obligations of my position as registered agent. rid" OFl'1CIAlBEAL' . . SCOTT C SCKULT!_' ~ . .IIOTAllYpUBUC.ORE""" ~' .-.---. ~; I:OMM1SSIONNO.37624& _ -:- _ _ ~ .... lIIV~H8I'U\ESFEBRUlJlfI. Scott. tz, Esq. ~ Date Received: JUL - 7 2010 Original submittal Date R..~/~ .P~~ . Page 3 of 3 - Articles of Organization for EMMm PROPER TIE~;, LLC. . . -- == CASCADE TiTLE CO. Ilm~ 1m ~m 1m I~~ III~ ~III ~~ ~III STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC .ATTN, DREW BALDWIN 13593 SE PORTLAND VIEW HAPPY VALLEY, OR 97086 I PLACE Our No, CT-0259514 Date: JULY 25, 2008 Charge: $200.00 Government Service Fee: $25.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H ED) and as of, JULY 18, 2008 AT 8:00 A.M., at 8:00 A.M. we find the following: Vestee: EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC an Oregon Limited Liab~lity Company Said property is subject to the following on record matters: l~ Taxes for the fiscal year 2008-2009, a lien not yet payable. 2. Set Back Waiver Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, as set forth in instrument recorded May 17, 1965, Recep~ion No." 3589, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 3. Mortgage, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Wallace E. Baldwin, to Centennial Bank, Springfield Branch, dated July la, 1978, recorded July 13, 1978, Reel No. 924, Reception No. 7848491, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note.for $50,000.00. '" 4. Improvement agreement with the City of Springfield, including the terms and provisions thereof, disclosed by instrument recorded September OS, 1978, Reception No. 7860S19, Lane County Official Records. continued- MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST. * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle.com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 Date Received: JUL - 7 2010 Original Submittal . . s. Ordinance Approving the Springfield Do~town urban Renewal Plan and Report; and Adopting ,a Severability Clause, Accompanied by the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded December 7, 2007, Reception No. 2007-081042, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE, Taxes, Account No. 0331890, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 36 3 2, #3400, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, in the amount of $4,910.67, PAID IN FULL. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by, kd/Title Officer, JIM HIGGINS cc, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ATTN, LISSA DAVIS EMAIL.LDAVIS@CI.SPRINGFIELD.OREGON.US Date Received: JUL - 7 2010' Original Submittal . 08 . . PROPERTY PESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the East line of 14~ Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, which point is 120 feet North of a point that is 1920 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 400 40' East from a point 105_2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon, from said point of beginning running thence East and parallel to the South line of A Street 120 feet to a point, thence North 10 feet, thence West and parallel with the South line of A Street 120 feet to the East line of 14th Street, thence South 10 feet along the East line of 14th Street to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregooi Beginning at a point on the East line of 14th Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, at a point which is 130.6 feet North of the North line of Main Street, and running thence East parallel to -Main Street 60.0 feet: thence South 12.0 feet; thence East parallel to Main Street 60.0 feet: thence North parallel to 14th Street, 82.0 feet to the South line of the alley; thence West along the alley 120.0 feet to the East line of 14th Street; thence South 70.0 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon: Beginning at a point on the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, which said point is 1920 feet East of a point that is 94.57 feet South 400 401 East from a point 105.2 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian in Lane County, Oregon: running thence East along the North line of Main Street 120 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 120 feet; running thence West parallel with the South line of A Street, 120 feet to the East line of 14th Street; thence South parallel with the East line of loth Street and along the East line of 14th Street 120 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPT THEREFROM that parcel dedicated to the puhlic to be used as a puhlic road as set forth in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded September OS, 1978, Reception No. 7860500, Lane County Official Records, in Lane County, Oregon. _,_...... i'~ c€; Plan Date Received: JUL - 7 2010 "'lgin~; submittal &0' - .,~ 1500 1300 <> ... 140() <> '" 60' /~Ol v",' ~ ([J)~ -- n-o:,-'"3<':'-SL THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPERTY. THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES, . 300' f ~~ ~~ ~ m I~ 'QI~ ~~ <fl I ,'v ri:' 0" f ~ ~ ... . , , " <V " ~~ " ... I oj .B.C' "_~..:.t-:- ~~ It k87-D,/';-;;'-'E ~: '7~.JJ1' :73: 7' . ~ .. " , .. '" .. .' "' ,. .. 78.5' 0> ~ . ~ Ac.nn . . Q ~--"""",",,--- .kL;4- 'S' f;j w a:::: I- C/) ~ ..... ~p' p,,' . ..' 30' ..' 120.0' -'" 900 1000 0 8 0 1100 <Xl ,... . ~ 0 d ~ , '! 170' ~, 30' @~ ~\s'> "A" STREET Irs' '\ 12..0':0' .,,' /'" 30' ~ 60' .,,,' rs" c " 1800 I I , ';1 I J 4.<" , Sr "I ., 70' --., - --,..- --- (; ~ 17.D' -:;- ;.t!- ~..:J' "'" ..' UO' . "'" $17.9' ,'co ~ 3100 29 3000 f' ~ . ~ , j ;;.- -- \ Wl,ST 1 ((\,\ <'\1 /r~0 ('( \" 1','" I' " I" I 'I -, II I' ! I' 1\~~It::~j\ 1/ i :: II \" I \\ 'I II . "t'. . '-.:.:d~ Lr::d/ \, .Y ~:= . , , ~~ - , 3400* b .., - ~ -.'" ~ r, ~ 60' ~. i ,": ~ "',. "',}. . 1\~\ir~1 -.J.' ,ff,4$i1"'_{OS' 00' ~7.fl u_ .' '; BIA9 /';::.;:1.1 . ... ~ r --"'=-. ;rr ~ -m 7G..02.' 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