HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Sheet PLANNER 4/16/2009 . . Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: From:. Subject: April 16, 2009 Liz Miller Clayton McEachern, Issues for Modified Site Plan for 2187 South F Street. Upon review of the application to construct the next phase for the approved site plan at 2187 South F Street there are several on site issues that will need to be corrected as part of any site plan modification to bring the site into compliance with current requirements of the Public Works Engineering Departments. The following items are current violations of City code and will need to be addressed regardless of any development decisions regarding the property. / )'he applicant will need to provide documentation showing that they have if permission from the city to access the site along the Mill Race frontage and for . the additional access points that have been constructed that are not shown on the site plan (the western and eastern gates). / VThe items stored south of the property outside ofthe fence line will need to be remov,ed from city property. 4 '\G{\ :r1~ ce~~e o~l stored ou~side a ~ar repair busi~ess on the nort~ si?e p' of the sIte. Per DEQ reqUIrements this contamer needs to eIther be moved mSlde or provided a cover and protected from impacts with a ballard or wall. Finding: Section 4.3-11 O.C of the SDC states that a stormwater management system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside of the development. I Finding: Section 4.3-IIO.D of the SDC requires that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved storm water management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Finding: Section 4.3-11 O.E of the SDC requires new developments to employ drainage management practices, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams, and which promote water quality. Finding: The vegetation proposed for use in the swales will serve as the primary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater runoff, and will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration. Satisfactory pollutant removal will occur only when the vegetation has been fully established. ./ ~. . Date Received: tJ I~ 'd1 . ~M~~ . . . Condition: The landscaping/vegetation in the ditch along the frontage of South F Street need to be maintained to allow flow through the culverts under the access driveways for the site. Condition: The bio swale around the site needs to be graded and then revegetated to provide the section shown on the site plan. It appears that the current condition of the bio-swale is silted in so no treatment or storage is provided for runoff. Finding: Pursuant to Chapter 3.03.4.A ofthe City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and Section 4.4 of Portland's Storrnwater Management Manual, solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential storrnwater runoff, and directed to the sanitary sewer system. Condition: The dumpsters (trash and recycling) stored around the site need to be provided with Ii cover and the trash dumpster needs to also be provided with a drain to the sanitary sewer. The bio swale around the site needs to be graded and then revegetated to provide the section shown on the site plan. It appears that the current condition of the bio- swale is silted in so no treatment or storage is provided for runoff. If satisfying any of the above requirements require a substantial change to the approved site plan a drawing with a current engineers stamp will be required. Date Received:!L.! I t.; mq Planner: LM . . Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: April 16, 2009 Liz Miller Clayton McEachern, Issues for Modified Site Plan for 2187 South F Street. From: Subject: Upon review of the application to construct the next phase for the approved site plan at 2187 South F Street there are several on site issues that will need to be corrected as part of any .site plan modification to bring the site into compliance with current requirements of the Public Works Engineering Departments. The applicant will need to provide documentation showing that they have permission from the city to access the site along the Mill Race frontage and for the additional access points that have been constructed that are not shown on the site plan(the western and eastern gates). The items stored south ofthe property outside of the fence line will need to be removed from city property. The landscaping/vegetation in the ditch along the frontage of South F Street need to be maintained to allow flow through the culverts under the access driveways for the site. The dumpsters (trash and recycling) stored around the site need to be provided with a cover and the trash dumpster needs to also be provided with a drain to the sanitary sewer. The bio swale around the site needs to be graded and then revegetated to provide the section shown on the site plan. It appears that the current condition of the bio- swale is silted in so no treatment or storage is provided for runoff. There is currently a waste oil stored outside a car repair business on the north side of the site. Per DEQ requirements this container needs to either be moved inside or provided a cover and protected from impacts with a ballard or wall. If satisfYing any of the above requirements require a substantial change to the approved site plan a drawing with a current engineers stamp will be required. Date Received:!f.iJk Planner: lM . . Memorandum . City of Springfield Date: To: From: Subject: April 16, 2009 Liz Miller, Urban Planner Clayton McEachern, Civil Engineer Notes form Site Visit April 15, 2009 The site is currently using access points to the south that are in city owned property adjacent to the Mill Race. There are numerous cars and some equipment currently being parked/stored in this area. There appears to be two new, unplanned entrances across the southern site boundary that access the city owned Mill Race property. These access points are not on the approved site plan and the property does not appear to have access rights across the city owned property. There are numerous dumpsters around the site that are not covered and do not have a sanitary sewer drain. The metal waste dumpster will not require a sanitary drain but will require a cover. The bio-swale around the border of the site has silted in and is not functioning well for the entire western boundary and a portion of the southern boundary. The bio-swale will need to be regarded to original configuration and reseeded. There are numerous functioning and apparently non-functional vehicles parked/stored on dirt or gravel areas across the property. i/(T\ C There is an uncovered waste oil container and a collection of what appears to be broken U;~V lY[ automotive parts adjacent to the car repair shop along the northern property boundary. ,,\~\{I!~ The ~aste oil container needs to either be stored internally or provided a cover and drain \0] ~O to sanItary sewer. , /!. The ditch and culverts along the frontage of south F Street needs to have trash and debris removed. The landscaping along this ditch also needs to be maintained. The striping in the parking lots is in poor condition and needs to be refreshed. ta<::,ev1,\Nlj-\ net- SliJuJt\ on plarn- 7' feLF a{ 0'1 joafA F Date Received: ~ I {jJ 0 r Planner: LM