HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-7-29 (2) 'j. . .. RESIDENTIAl-- SPRINGFlELC ... ~ AP?~~CATION/PERMIT 22S.'lorth 5th Street c: . ~ . ld 0 ,-,pru!gj1-e J 'regen Build~na Diviaion ~ 726-:5753 37477 4:~ ~~ '^-~)~':1 J.:-f. '--V:f2.3 L 4:e~./ T= Lot # ',u-tGlD , ~,~j). ~~~/LL-- U<g 770 . f7lC k ~/L Mt../r.one: o .! Q-l',?U.fl. Zip: -- V I .lob [.oc::eion: As::esGorz ,\!ap !/ Subd~t,..~3icn: ~_"7rer: .':.J~es~' ..,,~ ~. Ci.~: I,~ I Addi ticn I Remo.:.eZ I "..1 ":} "OO"..:J ..orne "7 ,-/?yfg IJ 37 0'7 l/ 7 '7 Describe riol'1<: f~"~L (?~ '7,-a-9-83 rate of AppZi~tion :;.;mtl'Cc:;ol'S Genel'aZ - ()~..-<-~ VaZue 4)150.00 . .'?cce:=,:; ,ii rz(~jlI7 g .-- : : ~~'c.L--l?~~i I~. 00 co' d v1..gr:e : .--I~ ?~27-.8 ~ Date: ' Addreso ^ Lise. # Q'0 .J'.t ~.l ./K...) <-/1.01, ~ .A tJ /11 .oJ f 5,:1 Phone 7;:;;(,- VJ. ~,q &1 PZumbing i ~Zectric=Z I Nechcr.ic:: Z I. Const?"'~c~i01'l U:ruiel' ......- . Eroir:]s It is the responoibiZiey of ths permit holder to see ehat aZz. iMpections are ,':!ade at the proper time. that eu:.ch .:;dd:ress is l'e~:e :"rom the street, and thae the pC1"!:'Ti t C3.."Ci is L.;cated at the f1'07lt of the property. ~Eui!di:-,.f) D::Ji::i.o:o: cp;:I'Ot:ed ;Z-an sr..=ZZ remain on the BuiZding Si.t:> at art times. ?.'~OC:::'9(J.",'; POR [,'lS?::C1'IOll i?~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccol'der) state your City desigr.ated job n=bel', r~ques~cd ar.d ~hen you wi~Z ~e ~ecdy for inspcct~on, Contracters 01' ~~ers r~e ~~ phone numbcr. .,al. be tr.ade thE: seme dc.y, requests mde aft;::!' 7:00 ern lViZZ. be made the na:t :.Jerking day. . Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number Io: s:> 3 J 9 c;L V .~2C't.l.~Y'~rJ. :1!:c;!:o~t~r:"!~ o 10 o D. O' o D o [] SIT! !:_'S?~,~::JN: To be made aj:i!l' e.:rcatJ.:ti~n, but pl"";cr t:: 3e: up of forms. UNDERSL;..a ?!..U....'3I.'lG. El..~:;7'.=?I~,t!. 1 .1'J:''''..t....r... "l"I' .... ,'._"r:".,1; _"I.: J 0 De meae oe:01';I any Wor.i( is .=ovcrea. j.='COTr:;C ~ :OUtlDAT:C:l: To ce .~2 eftel' ~l'encr.2s ~e e=c~Jated ar~ f~m:s ere ar€c~~c, .;ut priar eo pourir..g ccn~et~. U,\'DrRr;.".CIJ;'.'':J ?::'UM:!!!iG, S:::.I2.".. ;.J,1TE','? DRAI.'/AG2: :'0 oe r.:ade pr-...01" :=0 .ti~- Zir.f) :1'er.cr.ee. UN:JfRP:'QCR !'!iJ.'..'3r;JG ~ :'.r::':::!.4.V!CAL: To ~e m--e8 oriel' :0 ~n3tai~=~on of j:oor insu~:icn O~ ~ecK:ng. P'JSI AND 32AU: To:,e made :;lrior to i7:s::aZ.Z~=icn of' floor in3t6za-.:icr; or decki1'lG. F.C~.'~H ?~U~~~!:.'c. ~:Z~.~!,-::'I. ~ .1.{'E.':."i- AH[.';;:': ::0 :;~ri-: "':.3 ::; ce co::erec. ~:~L ;r.C3~ ~r~=ec:~o~3 h=v~ =€€r. .~e =r~ =??r?J~~' FIR::?!.:"CZ: .Prior to pz.c.c~r.g f"c.c~ng mc:~ariaZ.s c.r.d bbjore fr......j~r..g -:,nspec- .. ' ",1.07:. PR.t"~:.'Ir;: M'..l3t;;e '!'eque:J"Ced c.f-;el' G??rov~i of r7Uqh ;l~~i~~, elec:l'"~- caZ ~ mecr.ani..:::!. Al! ru:Jof~r.q bracir~ d ch~T.r.cys, et~. ~~St be . COm::JZe:;cd. .'10 '.;01'< is :0 i;~ con- . cec.~ZJd ~1::i ~ :r.{.a i,-:soec:ic71 ;..as .bGen ~~.:J and ~~pl'?ved. D INSULATIaN!V/lPOR BARRlEF! [.'lSP:;CTICN: To be made after aU insuZ.:;ti.:m IZ'"~ reau~l'ed Var:;Ol' bCIl"l'iers are in 1) lace but before ~y Zath, gypsum boaz.c. or waZZ covering is appZ.ied, ar~ before any insuZ.ation is concealed. job addrcss, type Requests received of inopec-;icn cefol'e 7:00 c;-:: o DR:!WALL INSPECTIO,V: To be 1!".aCe after aU Cr:JwalZ is in place, but prior to c:ny taping. - . OC:UOCITIOH OR ,~:OVE:; 3!JILDI;lGS ~ Semi tCU":J se"..Jer capped at p~opert-:i l.ir.e ~ Septic tank ~~~~d and fiZZed with -""'e' ':j"'_"" too o I~SOYRY: Steel Z.ocation, bond beamo, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. r./OODS'!:OVE: After instaZZ.ation is cc:nplet€d. ---, FinaZ - ~~en above ite~s are cc~Zeted ~ and when de~oZieion is complete or St7~::- ture moved ar~ ?r~..,;ses cZe.:;ned up. 'NobiZe Ec~es ~ BZocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbir~ cor.necticns s:wer cr~ water ---, EZec~~caZ Connection - BZocking, set-up' --.J and pltunbing connections m-...st !;e appro!:ed befol'c l'equest~ng elec:ricaZ inspec:io~ ::J .4c~esso,.;' BuiZ:iir.q T- FinaL - Aft~r F~ra~es~ etd. are c~..,~Ze;~d. .. .. 3 K':..!':-:"ng" dec;:s , o D CURB & APPROACH A?PON: Afte;:o forms are el'e~ted but pl~:Ol' to pouri~.f) C01"~re te. D ALl pl'o,jec<,; conditions, '$~c.:': as :he i,ns:ailar;i.on of street :;r..e8, =c"~::!IJ:;;"n 0; ;1lS: required ZandSCc:Jir~, etc., ,'!!Ust ~e se~isfied o;:;"ore the 3UILDl::r; FD'AL ::an i;e 1'3qu3st.3d. 0, PI,'IAr. ?!.IJ.',!3I::G ~. FI,'IAL ;~!E~HA:IICA[' ~ ..=-I.'1AL E!.EC':'.t?IC~~ -- :=:] o D SIDE:ro/ALK & DRI,"i3iAY: For aZZ con- crete paving wi~hin street l'ight- oj'-ux:.y, to bc mde after aZl e:::ca- vating cc:mpZete & ,f"O'!':7l !UOTk d sub- base . veriaZ in pZa~e. PINAL BUILDING: The Fina! Euildir.f) !ns?ect~on ,~st b~ l'equeoted ~ftel' tr.e ?ir..=Z ?Z~bir~ 5l~ccricaZJ end !Mar~~i~cl Inspeccicnn ~~va been mac2 ar~ cpprcu2~. Wher. compZ~te -- Provide ga~es 01' movable sections through P.U.E. o 'ALi; MANHCLC:S AND CL2ANOUTS .'lUST BE: .4C~E:SSI3L2, ,4DJUSn5.~'T TO 32 .~~1DE ,-IT NO -;;'S7: TO cr:y ?a::e ' of 2 I JOB NO. 33/0;;;2.'1 I . ~ ' l_:r:a: Lot Sq. Ft;. I ~ ;)f ::~ ~;)1Jer~:; ;,~ of .:;"o~es I '" ~ 1 :J ' . ..o"a. ..<11.Ctll: i . I... . .. opogra;; rty !-:E.~J I <'~ 0'''''' ....""... . J I~~in I~-::.ca ! C~=~r~ i, ; .-iC~eS3)!'.J L'O~,4L :rAU'~ I S.D.C. 1.5 = I vc.:":A;;j ~lI.iZding 2enr:-~; State SurcnJrge ':'o~l t:r.a.-ge3 , I':'EN IVO. I :-i..-":.u'es IResidential (1 bath) Scr.ita'l"J Sewer W'a=e.." 1:>' bi 0 ' .~:mr ng. err.:'!. t State Surr:r~e Tatal O..c.rces Ire"" ........,., " I.vo. I I I I I.'?~s. Sa. rta. I ,'l;;:,)/E:t:tend CirC"..I.i ts I TemDorc:ru Se'l"Jice . . Electr'~cal Permit S~te Surcr.aroe Total O.a:!'ces ':?~.~1 SOlAR'CESS C"~~.J.=c.7".c".J Gro-...t=:: !.CT TYPE Ir.ter-ior COl'7le!' Panhar.dle C'..I.l-de-sac X '1alue I I I I I I , I I , I I I , Cr:A.2GE --- ,-- '-~ C.:i,J.RGE "I' I :-~:' u.... ._<OJ CHARGE , "?'..Irr..=CP. ?TTJ'S I E.:haust .'loo.: I Vent ::;:Tl I ' I ;I:Joasto:;e I Pend. t I;;:;u::r.c <1 Me=;..anic.:l Permi. ~ State Surchc...-ae I T,,~,,:l r:1--cr':1t!rJ f.. ~:lCRCACH.'.!E:!': I ' Se~~!";~u '2::C3it .Storage II~inter,cr-=e Permit Tata.l C'1tCr'':cs Cur:'C"...l: S ideLJa l;'" , :'?n~e , I EZec:rica. l rc=e l : ,"Iobila .'1ame I :'OTAL A..\fOU.'1T DUE:' I I 'I I I , I I I I I I I I ' I I , j~. 00 I I I I ICf.a(t} I I I l ' P::.!::e 2 . REQ,- T:;oe/Cor.sl:: !';ot :aces - " r . ..J. Setcac,;<.s I .=to;;.se I CaI'aqe I A'~cess. I I I Itlor<;h East: ISou:h l;.rest F~es 'l-COC;;:' I I I I I I j I J 3ea?0rr:s: I I ~na!'au SOUr''::€3 II I I I I I I I I 'T".J-=a .~'e:::.t ;fete!' .=:':1a~;:1l' Ral1fe E'ireoiace Waoci:;=o~e. Buildi~g Value. & Permit This perm:: t ia granted On the e::press ::ondi tion that the sa'id. const'l".u::;ion shatz, in all respects, c:onfcl'm to the Ordinance ::dopted Sy the Cit'! ,:;f Spri.,...af'~eZd, "'~nc!~ing the Zonina C!'d";n~ceJ re!TiA.Z~tir:C1 the acr.st~(c:~cn and ~~~ of buildings, and m~y cewJuspe~~ed or r~vokec ~t ~y t~~e ~;~n vic- lation of a.r.y pr:Jvisions of said Ordir~ces. Ipran Check IDate Paid: IRec:;ipt II: I Signed: ?ee: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, instal!, a!ter or change any neW or e=~s"~r.g plumbing :Jr drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such ;er-son is the Zegal possessor of a. vaZid plumber's license, e=cept tr~t a person ma,! do plumbing work to proper~~ which is ow~ed, laased or operated by the app~i- cant. " .. , ,. I I I I I I ' ElectricalPermi t Where State [,CL) requires tr~t the electl"'~cal work be done by an Elect1'ical Contractor, the eZectricaZ portion of this permit shaZZ not be valid :mti! the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit PZan Z=::::n1..ner L.'a:;a I HA VE CAREFU'[,[,Y EXANINED t.i2 oomp lated app Z ication for permi t, 1ZI".d do hereby certify that aLZ ir.f:Jrmation her-eon is trua ar~ ccrr-cct, ar.: i f'..I.rthaI' cer-tilii that any am all ...:ork. per,Tom;ed shaH be dO:'le in acc:Jr- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springfidd, 'and th.: Lc:..;s of tho State of Oreq;)n pzrtaining to the work des~~bcd he~eir., and the:: NO OCCU- PANCY :JiZZ ba rrrl.:ie of any struct:a'e without ?ermis3-:.an of the EuiZdir.q Di- vision. I further aertifijtr~t only contractors a>.d ~lvyees wr.o ~e in l' '... (1"S '01 05< '". .~. ' " c=p~~ance lJ':..tl ~'.... , . ~ W1.H oe usea on ~tl'!.3 proJ$o:; ~~~~ Sign3d 1/ , ~ 7-21'-~ Da:e