HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/17/2010 lCity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, DR. 97477 . PRE.SUBMITTAL REef MAY 1 7 2010 Site Plan Review . . . . - . A Iicant Name: John Jackson Jackson Food Stores Inc. Phone: 208-888-9508 Fax: 208-288-4389 Address: 3450 East Commercial Ct. Meridian 10. 83642 A Iicant's Re .: Ronald E. Thienes Phone: 541-726-8795 CoITi an : Address: Ronald E. Thienes Architect P.O. Box 25 Walterville OR. 97489 Fax: 541-736-5181 Owner: John Jackson Com an Jackson Food Stores Inc. Phone: 208-888-9508 Fax: 208-288-4389 Address: 3450 East Commercial Ct. Meridian 10. 83642 Pro Address: 3375 Gatewa TAX LOT NO S : 901 field OR 97477 Acres 0 S uare Feet Ox ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22-20 Size of Pro e 43359.75 Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: A Convenience Store for Jackson Food Stores Inc. Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro sal: Remove existin convenience store and construct new 3500 sf c-store Existin Use: 989 s uare foot convenience store New 1m ervious Surface Covera e Includin Bid . Gross Floor Area : sf Signatures: PI'7ase sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next Required Project Information (City Intake, Staff: complete this section) Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: S; o Associated A f-- Case No.: Date: Reviewed b A Iication Fee: Technical Fee: P e:J Jo({) -[fXJ7JS TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: . . OWner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process. An application without the OWner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-SUbmittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application Is correct and accurate for schedu ng of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, th owner ereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do y nowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timeli . fo ation, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Submittal I "'present this application t.o be complete for submittal t.o the CIty. eo_t with the completeness check . perfonned on this appllcatlon at the Pre-Submlttal Meetlng, I affirm the Infonnatlon Identllied by the CIty a. nec<!558ry for proce55ing the appl1catlon I. provided h....in 01' the InformatiOn wiD not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the CIty may begin proce55ing the appllcatlon with the information as submitted. TIlls 5latemenl50rve5.. written notice pursu.ntto the requirements of OIlS 227.178 pertaining to a complete .pplicati<ln. Owner: Date: Signature Print . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 Revised 11/19/09 2 of 10 o RONALD E. THIENES ARCHITECT PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 5/3/10 Pre-submittal Narrative Project: A convenience store for Jackson Food Stores, Inc. of Meridian, Idaho Project Address: 3375 Gateway St. Springfield, OR. Scope of Project: Jackson Food Stores, Inc. of Meridian, Idaho currently owns the fuel station and convenience store at 3375 Gateway St. The existing convenience store is 989 square feet. It is the desire of the owners of Jackson Food Store to demolish the existing convenience store and to construct a new 3500 square foot convenience store. There will be three eight hour shifts of three employees each. A new storm water vegetative swale will also be constructed to filter storm water from 50% of the new parking area and 100% of the new roof. p.o. BOX 25 WALTERVILLE, ORE 97489 541-726-8795 o o ~- i~ ~m ~-o ~r ~ 1> ~ z ~ @) ~ . r " ~ .j>. ~ ~ . GATE"AY STR8ET --~- ---- ---- - ----.~,--- ---- .__'_rP _.~,~_____'_.- ---- "~~ ~ ~...~!.':.,. f . ,*",' .. ~ :.;J;.l._.~':t:':;'."'>";"" _____-.-li----~--..-.- ~--. ~ ~ .__________=:.!';::"'~..:.----"--""'f==r~,. r-T_r_r" r-'-T-,-,._'_r_r-:::=-~ -,;-' , ~ =~-- I 00 0--; m r I ~ d . i I n Ii ~ ~ ~ . ~ , I i sw~ DtaJWRE1Fcu.- ~~ . I II Ii II '2'.' ,,.... 'CII'.'" "'-<413I1e>' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 L~J;> i~ I: I: , .... 70 illIJ o--;m "l>Z ,,<;::z ~~ oo.,,<j) cnp flj i = '" I -; , P.Q,BQX25 WALTERVILlE,ORfGON 97489 PHONE:!l41-726-8795 FAX;541.736.5181 A CONveNIENCE STORE FOIl JACKSON FOOD STORES, INC. "1& CiAlEIIlAT &T. __IElD. OR RONALD E. THIENES ARCHITECT t ,J oo, \, )1 ~ ~:, 'Ii ,,': ,q ,J 'i~ 1 :q ,': 1 t " d/ . ,"::' ... ;,ii f kt f WJ'11 ~r~l ~ ""'~i '~;' i ~ri' l I ! .~.' , (. I ;:1' i. ~ .j' i ,.. :~~. ,'; ,'oo ~ ::'l " ~:~'. '"J oo' , I ' ~~{ ~. .\".,. t~:'/' ';2\~, , ~, ~ 'oo ::1 \: .. t I II! i .. .. '" to ... .. .. ." ~ . ...( A...." ~ First American Order No.: 7091-1570497 May 10, 2010 . __ TTlIIIZiIsI1n1IIDe CiDnlpimyor~ liOO CllunlJy Cub Road Eugene. OR 97401 PM - (541)484-2900 Fax - {541)1S1-7321 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 FOR OUESlXONS REGARDING YOUR nOSING. PLEASE CONTACT: SUSAN C. CREEL, Escrow Officer/Closer Phone: (541)926-8808 - Fax: (866)847-2139- Eman:saeel@firs1am.mm First American llt1e Insurance Company of Oregon 2405 14th Ave SE, Ste 8, Albany, OR 97322 FOR ALL OUESlIONS REGARDING THIS PREUMINARY REPORT. p....II.U CONTACT: Ronald Denton, 11tIe Officer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321- Emall: radenton@flrstam.com Preliminary ntle Report 2IlO6 ALTA Owners SIllndard CDvenge 2IlO6 ALTA 0wneB Extended CDvenge 2006 ALTA l8td4n Sla11danl Coveraglt "20(]6 ALTA L_ ExIalded ClMnge Endomrnent 9 oncI22 GeM Service 0Iarge Other LIabII1ly $ LIabII1ly $ UabIIIty $ UabIIIy $ PremIum $ PremIum $ Premium $ TBD PremIum $ PnmIum $ CIlst $ CIlst $ T8D STll toO.OO 15.00 We are prepared to issue Title Insurance Policy or Policies In the fonn and amount shown above, insuring title to the following describeclland: The land rel'elled to in this report Is described In Exhibit A atlac.hed hereto. and as of AprIl 29, 2010 at 8:00 a.m., tIlIe to the fee simple estate Is vested In: Jactcsons Food Stores, Inc., a Nevada Corporation 5ubject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stipulations whidl are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the followIng: 1. Taxes or _ ""nts which are not shown as existing liens by the remrds of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notlces of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of sudl agency or by the publiC records. 2. Facts, rights, Interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an InspectIOn of the land or by making InquIry of persons In possession thereof. lI1ls report Is fer tile eo:tuSNe use at tile parUes heren s_ and Is prellmInBry bl tile I$suana! d. title insurancil po&y and _ _ void unless. policy Is Issuel\, llIId lhB full prerrbn paid. . . PrelIminary lleport CInler Mo.: 7O!I1-15104II7 PageZof6 3. Easements, or da/ms or easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions In pab!nts or in Acts authorizing the issUanCe thereof; water rights, dalms or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage in area, encroad1ments or other fads which a correct survey would disclose. S. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equIpment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the publiC records. The exceptions to coverage 1-5 Inclusive as set forth above will remain on any ~bsequently Issued Standard Covel'llge Title Jnsurance Poncy. In order to remove these exceptions to coverage In the 1_1ICl8 of an Extended Coverage Policy the following Items are required to be furnished to the Company; addltlonal exceptions to coverage may be added upon review of sudllnfonnation: A. Survey or alternative acceptable to the company B. Affidavit regarding possession C. Prcof that there Is no new construction or remodelIng of any Improvement Ioc8ted on the premises. In the event of new CDnstructlon or remodeUng the following Is required: I. Satisfactory evidence that no CDnstruction liens wID be flied; or II. Adequate security to protect against actual or potential construction liens; III. Payment of additional premiums as required by the Industry Rate Rllng approved by the Insurance Division of the Slate of oregon 6. Easement on the recorded p1at/par1ftlon as follows: public utilities 7. . Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: June 02, 1967, Reo!ption No. 86879, Ollldal Remrds of Lane County, Oregon In Favor of: Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company For: ub1itfes 8. RestrIc:tIve Covenant, including terms and provisions thereof. Recorded: August 19, 1987, Reception No. 87-36547, Offldal Records of Lane County, Oregon 9. Easement, Indudlng terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: 0dDber 08, 1987, Rec:eptlon No. 87-44694, Offldal R.eCDrds of Lane County, Oregon In Favor of: Durward L Boyles For: none-exduslve utility easement Affects: Easterly 7 feet FiIst AmI!t/aJn TItle PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY I 7 2010 . . -...,.~ 0nIer Mo.: 7llIIl-1I7OG7 Pag83of6 10. cross Easement Agreement and \he terms and conditions \hereof: Between: Syam B Corp. And: Chevron U.S.A. Ine. Recording Information: December 11, 1987, Reception No. 87-53789, OffIcial Records of Lane County, Oregon 11. Optlon lXI Purchase and RIght of First Refusal, Including terms and provisions thereof, as reserved In the Deed From: Chevron U.S.A. Inc., a Pennsylvania mrporatlon To: M &. M rentals, Lie and R2M Properties, lLC Recorded: October 09, 2003, Reception No. 2003-099139, 0lIlda1 Records of Lane County, Oregon 12. Easement and maintenance Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: M &. M Rentals Inc., an Oregon limited Liability Company, as lXI an undMded seventy-slx percent (76%) Interest, as tenant In common and R2M Properties Lie., an Oregon Umited liability Company, as lXI an undMded twenty.four (24%) Interest, as tenant In common And: Chevron U.S.A. Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation Recording Information: OCtober 09, 2003, Reception No. 2003-099140, Offldal Records of Lane County, Oregon 13. Purchase OptIon and RIght of First Refusal and the terms and conditions thereof: Between: Jacksons Food Stores, Inc., a Nevada corporation And: Chevron U.S.A. Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation Recording Information: November 06, 2006, Reception No. 2006-079922, Official Records of lane County, Oregon 14. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Grllntor/TrustOr: Jacksons Food Stores, Inc. . GJ:llntee/Ileneflciary: U.S. Bank National Association Trustee: U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association Amount: $1,987,500,00 Recorded: November 13, 2009 Recording Information: 200!Hl63199 15. Financing statement, indicating a Security Agreement DeblDr: Jacksons Food SlXlreS, Ine. Secured party: U.s. Bank National Associlltlon Recorded: November 30, 2009 Recording Information: 2009-063200 16. Unrecorded leases or periodic tenancies, If any. 17. Any conveyance or encumbrance by Jacksons Food Stores, Inc., a Nevada Corpomlon, should be executed pursuant lXI a proper resoiutlon of the shareholders voted on at a duly called meeting of the shareholders in acmrdance with the By-Laws or other authority of the COIpOriItlon. Fbt Ametfam TT1ItI PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 . . PrdImInIIy Report Order No.: 7091-11l704f7 Page4d6 certified copies of the resoluUon authorizing the conwyance and encumbram:es and of the minutes of the meeting of the shareholders and copies of the By-Laws or other authority for such colMlyance or encumbrance should be furnished for examlnatlon. The resolution should specify the officers authorized to sign on behalf of the corporatiOn. - END OF EXCEPTlONS - NOTE: This Preliminary 11tle Report does not Include a search for Financing Statements med In the OffIce of the Seaetary of State, or In a county other than the county wherein the premises are sltuated, and no IlabDlty Is assumed If a Financing Statement Is flied In the Office of the County Oerk covering Rxtures on the premises wherein the lands are clesalbed other than by metes and bounds or under the rec:tangular survey syslem or by recorded lot and block. NOTE: We flnd no Judgments against the vestee herein, unless shown liS II numbered exceptlon above. NOTE: Taxes for the year 2009-2010 PAID IN RJLL Tax Amount: $13,103.75 Map No.: 17-<l3-22-2lKlO901 Property ID: 1412269 Tax Code No.: 01900 NOTE: Taxes for the year 2009-2010 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount: $B1B.74 Map No.: 17.03-22-20-00901 Property 10: ~O Tax Code No.: 01900 NOTE: Aa:xmling to the public record, the following deed(s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded within .Zi. months of the effedM! dale of this report: Statutory warranty Deed recorded October 30, 2009 as Instrument No. 2009-061121 from M III M Rentals LLC, an Oregon" UmllBd Uabl!ity Company, as to an undivided seventy-slx percent (76%) interest and R2M Properties LlC, an Oregon LImited LlBbIIIty Company, liS to IIn undlvlded twenty-four percent (24%) Interest. Situs Address as dlsdosed on llIne County Tax Roll: 337S Gateway Street, SprIngfield, OR 974n THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICEI oc: JaCksons Food Stores, Inc oc: Jeff Jackson FfrIt_ TIIfe PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 . . PreIImInlry Report Order No.: 70&&-15_7 Page 5 of 6 ~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXa.uSIONS FROM CXlVERAGE ALTA LOAN POUCY (06/17/06) __ _...___ tbe_aflhll polley. andtbeO>mpanywm not...IosS"'_ ""'" _..... '" ~thatartsebvruson~ 1. (a) ""t.....onliMnao........"'-'n!glIIolion~Il1ose_.._IIld_reoll1cIlna.__'" -.. . (Qtbe"""'ll'"C'f._",_"1llo1..ond: (i) 1tJe!c:h8rader1 dmensfons.. or IoaIlIon d8l'l'fIb.......~uCl(eredZd 00 the Lanr:t (Ol)tbe..--..Iond;or (iY)_"-: or the effect r# anv Vklt8don of these Ia-.., on:InanI::eS, or governmental regulations. TNs EldusIon l(a) does nut mcJCflfv or nmD: lite c:ovmge _ under ClMnod Risk S. (b) ""t_............ __1(b)due5notRlOlllyo<_tbe__underOMln<l""" 2. JUghts or eminent domai'I. ThIs &eluSion dOeS not modify Of Imlt the cowerage provided lnIer 0Neted RI5t 1 or & 3. Defeas..1er1!Iw ~brances. adverse: daIms. cw ottw I'I'l8Um (a) <2l!BllId, _ assumed, ar _.. ilI'''''ln5UIl!d Oa>nanl; (b) not Known..",. Company. nol""",*,,""" PubIc_._of>*\,. bu1Knawo ..1llo1_ ClllImlm1end not_"wrilhlg" tbeCanpany ilI'ti1e _ ClaOnant_.. ",._theInsunld llainllnt became an _under IhlI poI!I:r. (e) resUtitVIn..lossor_..tbe_~ (d) attadlOlllO< aeaI!d __.. _ of_ _.lhlIdlles notmacllly ..lImRlI1e _ pravlded.-. 0M:n:d Rlsk 11,1J, "'14); or (e) resomra.."""..._Il>al"""",,not hiMlbeon_ fllleInswod """-hod""''''''''''''' Inswod_ 4. '-'_,r.....lbll""..tholenalti1e1n5Ull!d _becauseofllle_or_ ct.nl.........<ZIT1jlIy_ ~~-.."'" ...........'-~- s. JnvalldIr.. _""ability In _.. In paltofll1e lien ..u.._ _ _a.....cu"tbe _ -.- ill' u......... ""'- and Is based upon USUJY Dr any amsumer aedil protection or ~ laW. .. ""tdam.ilI'.......aftbe_.._.._.__.........._rigI1Is__the.._aeatIn!ltlleUellcttbe __Is (a) ..fraudutent~orfnltJdUlenttran5fer,Ot (b) a _Ia,.....................not&laledInOM:n:dIlJ5kI3(b)..lhlIpa!<y. 7. ""t....anIllo11ll....""'............. ......_ilI'___ond..-or__\lOlOof_lIld... .....ct_..u..__IntbePublc_ ___notrnadi'yor_tlIe__undBrOM:n:d....l1(b~ ALTA OWNER'S POUCY (06/17/06) 111. _........... _ __ 110m the _ oflhll_..nd Illo __ wi! notPlJ!'lass or _...... _....... _1I1aI_1ll'......ct: L (0) ""t1aw.a__...___(W1udJng__..bIlIIdlllgand_)___lIOlII.or .......... (I) thai OIX1Ipanty, ~ or cnjoymert r# tile \..and; (U) the dlaRtIer, cImenSiOtIS, or location d q .III"Un;",1ent enxtm on the Ln; (UIl tbe_"IlInd;CIr (1\1)__ ..tlIe_ot"",_ctll1ea__or_..._...~ __I(a)dIlBSnotmadl'\'.._Illo_1lIB"ldod under Cownd RIsk S. (b) ""t_............ _ _1(0) _not RlOlIIyar_tbe ..-. pnlOided under 0M:n:d -.. 2. _ct__ __..,.. not_ar_tbe_ pnlOidedunder ea.e.ed_7..a. 3. _.....BllClOlll>ranCe__..-- (a) _ _ _. or.....,d..1ll' dal....... """""'" (bl not_.. dal""-'Y. not noanIed.. tbe """'" _ It _ ..1'OIky.... ......n .. dallllSUlBd ClaImant IIld not - In wrIlng" the Qrnpany by ttIe InstRd Calmant prtor to the dale the Insured ClaImart became: !In Insun!d under tills pallty; (e) Il!5lIllB1gln..lassor_"u.o_~ (d) illtild1IngaraoalBd _.. Dole ot__.Ihls_ notmacIIY or IImItthe_ _ undBrCamod RIsb 9 end lOll or (e) _..""".._lhBt_not_beon_fu.e.......~had..............Illo-. 4. "'!_Ill'_ctlllo.....-."'__......~..._____dal__..._.. ...... In sd\eauIe A, Is (a) iI f'raudtdIlnl canveranm 01" fraudutent transf'uI; or (b) iJ ~dCl'htli:iltrilnsferfwilnyrwson not~ In 0Mqd Rlslc.9ofthls poky. S. "'!...andal_ror....__or ,,,,,"_ilI'.........__OIldaoalBdor__""""l'lII<ylBlllu.e dab! 01 remrd!ng fA the deed or other lnsInInent of transfer to tile PublIc: Records thIt wst31ti11S1 shown In SChedu1e A. SCHEDULE OF srANDARD EXCEPTIONS I. TlIXI!Sor ,,,,,llt5w!1d1llre:notshawn_existingl!ensbytherecordSofanvtaxlnlliJUlhodtyttlallev1estlDc:e5or ....aonrealpropertyar br Ihe: pubUc: records; ~ br a public egenqrwhicb may resut In liJICeS or .ads. or notklIls of suUa1"'" .. '!II"- wtlelhet or not SIJDwn ....._of__...lll'tbe_........ 2. Fads, o1gIds, _or__...nat_ilI'tbe __...._""""be..-Ill'.._ofu.e"""...Ill'_ .......ct...................._. 3. ~ or diJIms of easement.. not shown by the pubIi:t records: resel"IlILu or eapttons In ~ or In Acts ~ the lsl5u8nce lhend; Willer rIDtds.. dims or title to..... 4. Artv enaoactmenI: (of edstkV ....,.uOJa.lCIlb b:aI:!d em UtlIIiUbjed: land cntD acQolnIn!Ilind or of existing IqJrovements _.._.Iand.....tbe5Ubjel:tlond).onaanbranao.__orodverso__u.e.... ...._.._Ill'..._and___ctu.e5Ubjel:t_ 5. ArrvDm"'QrrighttDllllen,furservia!s.I2Ibor,mi!llBial,elJ.llpml!nt:nmlillorVlfOl'ters'-UI.......~.~QJ~ __ilI'lawondnot_,,""__ KOre ASPECDIQI mPY OFlHE POllCY faUoI! (OR FORMS) WIl1 BE AJRIOSHB) UPON RfQUESI' n 149.... 7-u.G1 RntIlmt!dt:ianTllftJ PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 . PreInInart Report Exhibit DAft . 0rd2r Ho.: 7091-l57O497 PlIge6of6 Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descrtbecl as follows: LOT 5, SYCAN COMMERCAL PARK, AS PLATTEO AND RECORDED IN FILE 73, SUOE 614, lANE COUN1Y OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN lANE COUNTY, OREGON, AND RJRTHER DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF GATEWAY STREET, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 000 04' 07" EAST 894.44 FEET AND NORTH ago 55' 53" EAST 495.70 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE WILLIAM STEVENS DONATION lAND OAIM NO. 46 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOITfH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILlAMmE MERIDIAN; THENCE SOUTH 000 04' 07" EAST 260.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 000 04' 07" EAST 160.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 890 55' 53" EAST 242.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 000 04' 07" WEST 180.00 FEETj THENCE SOUTH ago 55' 53" WEST 222.00 FEET; THENCE SOITfH 44D 55' 53" WEST 28.28 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, All IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. NOTE: This legal desa1ptlon was <reared prior to January 1, 2008. Tax Parcel Number: 1412269 and 5449820 FirstAmeririln TIIfe PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 ~ ~ _ en -<ai ....$ -t;::f N:l> or-- 5:::01 ..... n d ~9=(Q)(Q) 5.E. COR. A. $IEV&IS fA LAN 2001 - O.LC. ~ESSHo_..,nc. l"hZ102 .._~ __ ""'. _ J.'P- ,l ., l2300 ..... - 5.1\~Oi ~- Ma.ltI" m. . . ~~ - I 1900 _ :l.l1 JC. ~ ~~ .' $ . . -..n.:_ ~ 5 _w. " --. l1f'5/C. 4 .....d 2200 908 l.Z4JC. t ~ ~,,~ . ~ .1:1 .' .r . I - .., ~ ... ~ .. a .... ... i ~ . .- #tol.i:t ~~.e.... IIITlA\. ",".- PO"'. ;, #~<) I I I ~ nus MAP IS PROYlDEl> - - BY FUIST AS A COlIR'It!SV COMPAN~TUlINSURANCli LOCATING SAID TO ASSIST IN COMI'ANY AS I'tlaIISES ANDnm ITli ACCURAC~..J:? LIABILITY fOIl. MAYB1lDlsa.oseD MA'l'!I!RSTHAT . BY A SURVEY. . . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 STATtlTORY WARRANTY DEED GraDtor's Name allll Addren: M '" M ReutaJa LLC. aD O...a UmIled.1IabIIIty COIJlPllllY, as to 8D uudlvlded -If-ak percent ('16%) IDtaat, aad JUM PrepertI.. LLC, aa Ore&oa Umlled UablUty CODlpIlDf, 81 to aa undl1'lded twenty-tDar peneut (24%) Interest, aU 81 teaaDlHJHollllDOD 3015 SaJem Avenue SE Albany,OR 97321 After .........ulll retara to: Hawley TnwII EnaIs '" Hawley UP 11mothy W, 1)ree, Esq. 877 MaIn Street, 8aIIe 1000 P.O. Box 1617 'Bll....m 83701-1617 tllltU a elIallle III reqaesled, aH till "'_DI$ shaH be seot to: . .lacIIsomI Food Stores, IDe., a Ntvalla corporalloB 3459 CoiDmereIaJ Court Meiidla.. m 83642 Grautee's 1'1_ aad Add...: .I~ Food Stores, lac., a Nllftda oorpuralloa 3450 Co_da1 Court Merldlaa, m 83642 The true ..... adual C8IIIfdenIIaD for tIIilI _."aace Is S 1.642.52.2.08 TuAccoaat . laflll'lllllUolll Map No.170322201ll901 CONVEYANCE M 0\1; M ReataJs LLC, ... Oregon Jimitcd IiabiJity c:ompany, .. 10 ....aadiYided seventy-six petCenI (76%), IIIIlI R2M Properties u.c, ... 0Rg0a Iimltccl liability company, .. 10... undivided ~ four pm:c:lll (24%) iIlIerest. aH as _m-............... OnlDIor, conveys lIlId WIlIl'IllIlIIo lacbcms Food Sto=, bJc., a NCYRda c:orponUion, Onmtee, tho following de1Icribed rea1 pn>pen;y Iocatcd in Lane County, Oregon, he of enl:IDDlmmcea ezcept .. apecifu:aHy...t forth bonin: LOT 5, SYCAN COMMERCIAL PARK, AS PLATIllD AND RECORDED IN 1'ILIl73, SLIDE 614, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANB COUNTY, OREGON, AND FURTHER DBSCRlBBD AS FOLLOWS: BBOINN1NG AT A POINT ON 1HB BASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF GATEWAY STREBT, SAID POINT BIlING SOU'IH 00" 04'07" BAST 894.44 l'I!BT AND NOR'IH 89" 55' 53" BAST 495.70 l'I!BT fROM 11IB NOR'IHWBST CORNER OF 11IB WILLIAM STIlVllNS pONAnON LAND CLAIM NO. 46 IN TOWNSHlP 17 SOUTH. RANGE 3 WEST OF 11IB WlLLAMBTTB MERIDIAN; nmNCE SOU'IH 00" 04' 111" BAST 260.00 FIlET TO 11IB TRUB POINT OF BEGlNNlNG; THENCE SOUlll 00" 04' 07" BAST 160.00 FBllT; THllNCB Pase 1 StatuIoIy Wanaaty DeccI 3375 Gsteway Sf.. SprinaIield, OR _0080.1_1 . . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAYl 7 2010 NORTH 811" 55'53" BAST 242.00 Jll!JlT; THBNCll NORTH 00" 04' or WEST 180.00 PBBT; THIlNCB SOUTH 811" 55' 53" WBST 222.00 PBBT: nlBNCB SOUTH 440 55' 53" WBST 28.28 FEET TO THE TRUB POINT OF BBO!NNINO, ALL IN LANE COUNl'Y, ORBOON. Subject to and e><ceptUls: TIIXC81brtllll fiscal year 2009-2010, a Ii... due, bulDDl)'lltpayablc I!as""",Dt 011 die ftlCOII!ed plillfpart\tIoa 88 fo1lilws: publlo ulillllel Basement, iDeludiDg terms and provllioall'f"'lRn-I1haeio: Rce<mllD8 . J1IIIfl 02, 1967. RecepliOll No. 86879, Official Recorcls of lDfonnation: Lane Colmty..Otegon In PlMlr of: Pacific Nol1hwart Ben Te1epbone Company Por: UtIIlIies Restrictive Covenant, including terms and provisions tben:ol Recorded: . August 19. 1987, Reception No.87-36547, olIiCia1 Reeords of Lane CouDty, Oregon Basemeut, iDeluding lmDs and provisiOllS.CODtained theraIn: Rce<mllD8 . Oetober08, 1987. ReCeplion No. 87-44694, Official 1Dfonnation: Records of Lane CouDty, Oregon In Pavor of DurwudL. Boylea For: Non-exdusiveutility(IIK'O.b-.1t Affects: Easlerly 7 filet Cross tl.--t Aos<- amd lho tmins amd eondlIioDs tIIIln:of: BotweeII: Sycan B Cmp And: ChevroD U.s.A. Iw:. Recmdiag Deeember 11, 1987, Recepllou No. 87-53789, OfJicial Iofonnatiou: . Reeonla of Lane CouDty, Oregon . 7. Option to Pmchasc and Risld ofYI1'8l Re1IasaI, iDeluding terms and provisiOlll tbereof, as reserved in tIIIl Deed . From: ChevroD U.s.A., Iw:., a PemIsy1vaqja ~tion To: M &: M ReDIaIs, u.c and R2M Properties. LLC Recorded: 0e1Dber 09, 2003, Reception No. 2003-099139, Official ReeonIa ofLaDc CoDDly, Oresou B....-and_ Aos<-......amd tIIIl tennsamd""","tl<mslboreof: . Between: M &: M ReDtalI Iw:~ an Oregon limited IiabiIiIy ............t. as 10 an undivided 8CVCIIly-<rix pIlRCIIl (76%) iDIcnIot, aa _-;,...,.....-." and R2M PropertieI u.c, an Oregon limited liability ~_7, as to aD undivided twaJly-CoUr pen:caI (24%) iDIcnIot, aa _-ilK. ~'h"'" ChevroD U.s.A. Inc., a P-.ylvania COIpomliou October 09. 2003, Reception No. 2003-099140, Official ReeonIa of Lam: Counly, Oregon I. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 8. AutI: ReconIing Iufurmatioo; Page 2. Statutory Wammly Deed 3375 Gateway St., SpriDgfidcI, OR __.1._1 . . PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 1 7 2010 THIS TRANSACTION IS NOT JNTIOO)ED TO CONSOLIDATE ANY Oil' THE INDIVIDUALLY DESCRIBED PARCELS OR TAX LOTS roR LAND USE, TAX LOTS, OR ANY OTHER PIlRl'OSE. BBPoRE SIGNiNG OR ACCEPTING 'IHIS 1NST1UJMENT, 11IB PERSON TRANSFBRRJNG FBI! TItul SHOULD INQUIRB AIIOtTI" 11IB PERSON'S RlGHI'S, IF ANY, UNDBR ORS 195.300, 19S.301 AND 19S.305 TO 195.336 AND SBCl10NS5 TO 11, CBAPTBR424, OREGON LAWS 2007. 'IHIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF 11m PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN 'IHIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLB LAND USE LAWS AND iUlGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS 1NS1lWMENT, 11m PI!RSON ACQUIRING FBI! 'ITlUl TO 11m PROPERTY SHOULD CHl!CK wrm 11IB APPROPRIATB aTY OR OOUNTY PLANNING DBPARTMBNT TO VERIFY 'l1JAT 11m UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFBR.Rl!D 18 A LAWFULLY BSTABUSHED LOT OR PARCBL AS DllPINllD IN ORB 92.GI0 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY 11m APPROVED USES OF TIlE LOT OR PARCBL, TO DIlTIlRMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcrICES AS DEFINED IN ORB 30.930, AND.;TO INQUIRB ABOUf THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING ~OPBRTY OWNBRS, IF ANY, UNDBR ORB 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.30S TO 19S.336 AND SECOONS 5 TO II, CHAP11lR 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. Dated 1Ilia 2!l"ZOf t)d" ,2009. M & M RenraIa u.c, on Oregon Iimikd liability c.........my fIIrIa l'nnuniqgg. on Co., an Oregon By RSM rn..........n'" Inc., an Cmpumtioa Page 3 S_ry wamidy Deed 3375 08_, SL, 8prilIs1ie1d, OR _.oaao.1_1 . lUM Properties u.c. aD Oregon limiIed UabiIity ....u.......y By RSM 1nves-1Dc:., aD MEMBER . STATEOFOREOON ) )... Coullty aCLinn ) . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 Date: 10 -29-t:) 9' PersaDaI1y appeared Ricbud M. -Rid<" Mikesell, who, bcDIa duly ._ did say that he ia the pnoslcItm ofRSM IDveatmmIs Inc., aD Oregan CCIIJI"IIlIi..... ~ala momber afM a: M Rentals LLC, aD OIeptl HmiIN liability camjIany, and that said iDalrument was sigaai in bcI1sIf af said Iimiced UabiIity CClIJ!P8IIY by 8lIIharity of its lue.dI..s; and he aclmowledged said iD8lrumeDt to be its vaIunIlIIy lid and deed.. . ()ffIC1A1. SEAL . SUSAN CCREE\.. NOTARY PIJIII,lC-(lIlE COMMlSSION NO..al956 MYCOMMlSSIOll EXPUIlSJIJIIUl 2012 PlIlle 4 Slabdory W8IinDIy Deed 3375 Oalaway St., Sprinsflold, OR _._'_1 . STATBOPOREGON ) )18. CountyofLiDn ) . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 Date: Il'i. 2 9-~ '7 Personally apJIClIIeII RichanI M. "Rict" MikcscIl, who, beiDg duly swom did say !bat be ill the presidmlt of RSM In_ Inc., on Olcgon ""'JKll&tioa, solll ............. ofR2M Proporties u.c. an Oregon Iimitcd liability ...........y, W1lhat said iustrument WIIS signed in bcbaJf of said limited IisbiJity oompany by autburity of iIs memhen; IIld he acbtow1edaal1lllid h..l>.......ut to be iIs vohmJary actlIld deed.. . (, - '2 /. :U;.I z.....- Page S Slalntory WIII'I'8Dly Deed 3375 Gateway St., SpriDafieId, OR . SUSAN CCREEL NOTARY PlIIIlJC-OREGOl COMl.I8SIOH NO. Gl954 1IYl""A"'lSIOIIEXPIIIESJUNE21 2012 ,,' __.1_2.1 05/17/10 MON 10:18 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD f4J001 ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* . TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNI,ICTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT 1893 915417365181 05/17 10:18 00'48 1 OK City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 Pre~Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2010-00006 " '. j"l" Date Submitted: 5/17/2010 Proiect Name: JACKSONS CONY STORE 3375 GATEW Pro.ject Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting - Site Plan Review for new 3500 square foot convenience store associated wilth existing service station Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: 3375 GATEWAX~T'~':~_ . ": . , Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703222000901 ,~_~II~ITi~IFlfl~ll :.11:11'.;=-.. 0 d"",_ I"" .r, ' ,.. , .i'\1eetlu-g-Room . .._-" ,~~~/~16 "','~'C':.' ", '~"_,"':~"""" .'... .....::..,.....:.....~_:,.....-.:-...:._:.::...::...:....:..:..........:-~.~,:.::~.c....,_...::.:':...,-,~..:,..'....:..:.:..'. ....::.:....~..:.....,....~..~....-:~.'.:..:-..;.-.o'"...=:-:~...~:-:....-,:_~....-.-..__:.::.:~".'..........:............._.......::.:.;.-:...~...~.....~.:..~.,:_-.:.',-:...,.....::.:,.-......~'.. _.................,-.....-...:.;.:..~~,.-~.~~.;,..~:."..:,.:.::,::.~..._.:'....._-......:...,..."...::::_:...:.._.....:_.....:...:,..~:~.~'..:..._,.~....:'.,....:._.._.'._.::..~....:..;:_......,..:. .......,.._._.:....-..........~.~~..~..:..-.::.c.:._:.'....;'..::.:.~..:.........,.............!;:I.;................'..:.'.-.~.~:...-,-::-._..:_:_.~...-:...~....:.._..,.._.:...:_._.:.......:i;,.i... ..:.....[~~lj~ ~it~fliI1r,I-11.:.;i~to~il.;~~".,il;-11,~i;: :)i~;t.;';f~k:~~~'~:- '~< ~",.-~ -~-~,;.:~El;.~~;:, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY -FOR A Convenience Store for Jackson Foods, Inc. 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, OR May 6, 2010 Preoared For: Ronald E. Thienes po Box 25 Walterville, Oregon Pre oared Bv: @ Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 10-063 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR A Convenience Store for Jackson Foods, Inc. 3375 Gateway street Springfield, OR May 6, 2010 Prepared For: Ronald E. Thienes po Box 25 Walterville, Oregon Prepared Bv: ~ Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Project No. 10-063 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 7 20lQ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Fax: (54]) 736-]02] STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ,~- .~ '. .,n' --:-"'r,:~:!':.~-:;:; i....." -'-:, '-. ~..-; <-. ,". ,-', . '. . -:. . "_" ..-.\....;_~:'(w~~q]ji{~iJ}V f/iis,iin</ilZed out-by Applicaizt) ~ '_ ___. (please rdurn toM~ttSMud"r@ cig; (,fSp~iriifield Public Wo~ks Engineering; Fax; # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035:) Project Name: A C<>NY'-"'liL,.,C.": S-rn."'-'l: Applicant: E:1<A_<H IN QI~ <._ Assessors Parcel #: /?-C/:!-Z't.-Zt:> "T<- 90>{ Date: <I 8//6 LandUse(s): Co""",,"""-<-'P.L Phone#: v,_ "6 <7 Project Size (Acres): ,[lPP/zcJJ<. /!:;oc>o S:P Fax#: Y/-7""-() fj'l ;~~~:~~~~~~.~::"!:M"4'~t"~~~t1~lJ~F\l':t.-~7-~'~\W6:~t'f{~~~~~;~?;'}~-"i';~'''''.f-9_~;ff!;~,;;,~et'~F-~'l~~~~~~~~\';;'.'~~~~~~_b'' A1 Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Cc>r'S-M<.V~T oJ':""" ee...v.....,,(....cJL s-m\Z<C A...'" ADC'"""......"'L "'AiLl<'''''- ..... vA,<-!>,..-r- L".....O a..., T"'~ i:A<..,,- ..\~ ",,, .....e S'R. '"-, Drainage Proposal (public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: SI-\:ED N&....... Pf'>"p~ Lo"<" 00.> ....0"'..;-\ "c<: e>"f s'-,,€"f"T"u """"N bA~t>I::,J. 5\-\eO N~!,.o"J pA1t-6ClNC. 1.6-r l'..... klE:"~"'(" <:;4DC a~ s;~,g..C" TO F....~...-r~"...c. c.A--rcJ-l ~AS~""~" gi'?LAc...i: cA"~r>r ~'''''5 ....c. ~-'-"!l~"it ",,} P'LT('iZ5 Proposed Storm water Best Management Practices: S E.!; E>........&>.;:IO: 'n-Cf'G>A.... A-ErO vot: ;;';':::>\t-,~;; ::'~:>,;:}-:':,{A:"~~-:biiri~Ail'~J:it~~;'fi,il~i~';t:_b_~..t~e' ditvandRelurned to ,the A.TJ~li0,~nii . .'; ,:' _ ":' "', . " . >, . .. .' . "')(Ji.lfI';;;tiii.;r!iJif"d/{bPi~.'~l/er;-kidbY.t71.Citj/qli !%?iOnl and back of Ihissh?et "Slid/! be SllhlJ'i{ied ,'. ".: /.:-r\lo~;:4n)iJj}?n~9P~ij,~t/"b.e ~~WRJ?tefqr:1Su'b'i~~-~it.r:aY~ou,f,hq!.her reqt{ir.eTe1Jts-'n}qy.he~'n~d.~#9ryl-.'- DSPM Section 4.03.2: ote UH ma be substituted for Rational Method .,. Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (u;e Unit Hydrogrnph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: / [tJ Wellhead Zone: -5 Yx:/if o WetlandlRiparian: I N~ [0' Soil Type: '/0 DowDstream Analysis: g' N/ A 0\ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o . Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: N /,1- , #1 , [2' Hillside Development: .0 Floodway/Floodplain: o Other Jurisdictions: Retnrn to Matt Stouder . Ci field, email: mstouder feld.or.us FAX: 541 736-1021 Revised 11/19/09 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 9 of 10 . I . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLAN A CONVENIENCE STORE FOR JACKSON FOODS, INC. ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION Introduction This evaluation was prepared to sununarize the drainage system proposed for the Jackson Foods, Inc. Convenience Store project. This storm drainage evaluation will determine the type and size of water quality treatment devices that are acceptable to the City of Springfield. The project is located at 3375 Gateway Street in Springfield, Oregon which is situated in the northwest quarter 'of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette meridian. Existing Conditions The existing impervious area for the site consists of a service station/parking lot, and the pervious area for the site consists of a grassy field and landscaping. Runoff from the impervious area flows to the north to the municipal drainage system along Kruse Way (See Appendix A for Site Plan and Existing Drainage Basin Map). According to the Soils Survey of Lane County, Oregon, by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil at the site is Malabon-Urban Land Complex (76) and is hydrologic soil group C/D. An infiltration test was conducted at the site on 4/30/2010 by Branch Engineering. The test consisted of three falling head tests, the measured average infiltration rate was 13 inches/hour (See Appendix B for Infiltration Test Report). Proposed Development The proposed development is to demolish the existing convenience store building and restrooms, and to construct a new Jackson Foods convenience store. The development will also add additional parking on the north side of the property. Proposed water quality treatment and stormwater destination for the new impervious area, drainage basin "A", is a rain garden. Dimensions for the proposed rain garden are approximately 75 feet in length, 16 feet wide, 3:1 side slopes, and 1.75 feet deep. Basin "A" is 12,390 square feet, which consists of landscaped areas to the east and south of the new building; however, this analysis will treat the entire development area as impervious surface. City of Springfield regulations state the 25-year storm event (4.8 in/24hr) must be used for destination requirements. Runoff from the basin "A" during the 25-year design storm was calculated to be 0.32 cfs. A safety factor of 2 was applied to the design infiltration rate by reducing the measured infiltration rate of 13 to 6.5 inches/hour. During the 25-year storm event, the depth of water in the infiltration basin is 1.05 feet. Appendix D contains storm runoff and infiltration basin calculations. The proposed runoff will receive water quality treatment by percolating through the rain garden topsoil layer. Percolation process will remove pollutants through adsorption, filtration, sedimentation and biodegradation. I~\ Branch Engineering, Inc. ~ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 PAGE 1 OF 1 . , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A . EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP AND WEB SOIL SURVEY PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 ------------------- rt:p A CONVENIENCE STORE FOR JACKSON FOODS, INC. ""t:J Existing Conditions Map ;:::c:JI rn 3375 GATEWAY ST. @Branch Engineering, Inc. os: en ~ c:: ICC' SPRINGFIELD, OREGON :5: ..... ~ DATE: MAY b, 2010 IIoodqoutm IloIem om.o ~ :uo M.b. street 14-7 CommorW.I St. Nl, SpriDlfi.ld,Oref1lDg'1477 Suite 10 I'> .-- SCALE: 1:20 PROJ. NO. 10-063 (541)7~-oG:I7 Salem, OrepD ~I = :::c - (W3)'m-2577 = rn DRAWN RW CHK'D MLB '""' .BrllllchEnrineertna.com ("') CMl. Structure. . TrulpOl'tation . Geoteehniclll . SnnerinI d PAGE OF z _ o ~ . ~ 9 .: n - ~ o " N o ~ ~. l!!J 4405' 1" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4404'51" Fl.,".. la (l..... iJ Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (A Convenience Store) 4405'1" g ~ ~ . o m o ~ ~ o ~ o :i . o . !Ii ~ . 44"4'51" 496650 496680 496710 496740 496no 496800 496830 496860 ;;; " ~ PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 N " ~ N MapScale: 1:1,500 if printed onA size (8B'x 11") sheet Meters 010204060 N A 200 Feet 300 o 50 100 USDA Natural Resources ~ ~I Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 1 of 3 - - - - - - - - - - - Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (A Convenience Store) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (ADI) Salls Soil Map Units Special Point Features ~J Blowout 181 Borrow prt * Clay Spot . ,Closed Depression X Gravel Pit .. Gravelly Spot @ Landfill ,"- lava Flow J. Marsh or swamp lI: Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water @ Perennial Water v Rock Outcrop ~ + Saline Spot IT'I Sandy Spol . ~ en Severely Eroded Spot )> c:=: - -< 0:> Sinkhole s: <> - -:t j;! ~) Slide or Slip '" r- '" Sadie Spot = :::0 = IT'I - Spoil Area n <l Stony Spot d USDA "">>= Natural Resources Conservation Service QJ t Very Stony Spot Wet Spot .. Other Special Line Features '~;," Gully Short Steep Slope" ~'.. Other Political Features o Cities Water Features ~ Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation +++ Rails ....... Interstate Highways US Routes or""'..... Major Roads << Local Roads Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey - - - - - - - - MAP INFORMATION Map Scale: 1:1,500 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N NAD83 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7f18/2005 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 5/6/2010 Page 2 of 3 I Soil Map--lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Map Unit Legend " 'MapUniISyhl'llp(' 76 Totals for Area of Interest Lane County Area, Oregon ~9~6~7) "iMapUnit Name' . -~/;Acr~s'-in AOI Malabon-Urban land complex '.. - 0.4 0,4 ." ".,,> ," "fA' 01 \-~>l';';";'..>; ;,~ ,percent'o . _",:"y~:;,:i:;-:;: 100.0% 100.0% PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 5/6/2010 Page 3 of 3 I USDA ~--= Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Water Features-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store Report-Water Features '-,-,,' ....::".::. :;~~'_~~~r-F~?~~,~~S:'t~~'~:~_iC~_~.~~~~i~~I:P'~~~?:r,;~~~~gtmt~~k:~;j~(;~1i~fiQ~~~{~~:;!g.;'~~~~;}~~'t;;~~:~-~,_;~.ilf;~-:";T:' ., - -,.~., ~.. ' . :{;f,..M..'.:~.~~~...'~.r...:.'~.".'~,~.r.:'.,'u~';_p:-p'-e'::r~ll~.'[-:m'.!,'i..tt;t.~..~.rt~~~!~_.:.,:.{;~~~~:~'. . ;., . ; _ _" Lo:~1i'rlfufit'" "e" Map unit symbol and soil . {Hy'iir~jgg'i~~' . . -:'nam-e '- .', i;~~;;,:'g-ro~-pf""" Ft '.. ,; '.: ;~~;;::: :;;;;;';<;;'1[ '~:F :~.: i?:" ~N l{\,; :,?;!?:.;'~)# ";Sunace:,',';.-t ~<>Duratlon,;:.J.. '; ': :de~t~':fl~:r~ ,~.;:~~~;':!:~~~{~t~;~~~ Ft ~5!'&J~~t'{~~'1;;~, ""F'~e~LI~.ri;;~ti; " ."', .-' ., ~- '" " Ft 76-Malabon-Urban land complex Malabon Urban land C D'," Jan-Dec Jan-Dec"':"./ . None ,'). .-:'.,.,_.-...""-_:,~,..:;:",~,,. Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 -0 All M"'I . :<: ~ ?< c::: CJ:lI .- s:: -t ~ '" = A:lI S M"'I ("') d USDA ~~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 3 of 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Physical Soil Properties-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Stofe Report-Physical Soil Properties Map symool Depth and soli name Sand Silt Clay Moist" Saturated Availa6-le .bulk hydraulic water density conductivity capacity ,Kw' . - ,."',-" ::..,:;. glee micro m/sec In/In Pet Pet ~.~.- .... " . . .. Physidi'l Soil Propertie's- Lane ,County Area;:Oregon:' . Wind. ,.~-rodibmtY . ";-<group' ',Wirid .' erodibilitf" inde'x In Pet Pel Pet 76-Malabon- Urban land complex Malabon 0-12 12-42 42-60 -- -.---.-.---... -~-. ---~-_._,._._- -20- -49- 27-31- 35 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 4.0-6.0 .24 .24 5 7 38 --'-~--'-- '___",,'.._..u - 8- -51- 35-41- 45 1.20-1.40 1.40-4.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 0.5-4.0 .28 .28 .- ------ ----.------- -35- -38- 20-28- 35 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 0.0-0.5 .32 .32 - -- 0 Urb:ani~-nij'" Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 "'0 :::0 ~ . :;: Con ~ c:= o:lf .... S ~ ~ I'-> r- = :::0 = ~ ("") 0 USDA ~....--= Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 4 of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Engineering Properties-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store Report-Engineering Properties Absence of an entry indicates that the data were not estimated. The asterisk '*' denotes the representative texture; other possible textures follow the dash. ". .' ,~ .... ..,c.'.... ~ ,..._'~ /"; -',;: >10':" "3.10 . 'inche~'-' ~-::inches . ,,' ./..,. >l'" Map u'niisyri1ti~i an'd ~6W Fpe:~{ti'~;!; 0:::.;:( ;':u~'Dl)(textGh?<('''~:'' . name . '.. :. . '- '-' . ,',., ' . ,..... ","_"';;.' " : :,'Unifie~'. AA~i"{r6 /n Pet Pet Pet 76-Malabon-Urban land complex Malabon 0-12 12-42 42-60 'Silty clay, Silty clay loam CL A-7 o o o 95-10090-100 85-100 80-95 45-50 20-25 *Silty clay loam ML A-6 o o 95-100 90-100 80-100 75-95 35-40 10-15 *Clay loam, Loam ML A-4, A-6 0 95-100 85-100 70-100 60-80 30-40 5-15 Urban" land .," ."_".'.._.:.,_..cc....._,.. ...._,..._..,-',."~._._" .._...._....".....'"......_.__ ;_,__,_,...~,."......_,."..... Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 -c ;::0 rT'II . :;:: c;" :l?< c= c:II - :s: -t ~ '" .-- = ;::0 - = I"T'1I 0 d USD,\ ~~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 3 013 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B INFILTRATION TESTING REPORT PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch Engineering. Inc. Corporate Headquarters (541) 746-0637 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Salem Engineering Office (503) 779-2577 147 Commercial Street NE, Suite 10 Salem, OR 97301 Principals M. Lane Branch, PE Damien Gilbert, PE Renee D. Clough, PE, PLS Rene" Fabricant, PE, SE Ronald J. Derrick, PE, GE www.BranchEngineering.com May 4, 2010 Ronald E. Thienes PO Box 25 Walterville, Oregon 97489 RE: . INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS 3375 GATEWAY STREET WAL TERVILLE, OREGON BRANCH ENGINEERING PROJECT No.10 063 PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO MAY 1 7 2010 Introduction Branch Engineering, Inc (BEl) has performed on-site testing for the purpose of assessing the rate of storm water infiltration of the near surface soil. The testing location was in the southeast section of the property at 3375 Gateway Street in Springfiled, Oregon. There was no indication of ponding or excessively wet surface conditions in the vacant lot. Site Exploration The scope of the field work consisted of advancing one (3) exploratory hand-auger boring on April 29, 2010 to a depth of 30 to 36-inches below surface grade, and presaturating the boring with one to two gallons of water. A plastic standpipe was inserted in the boring and the infiltration test was conducted on April 30, 2010; boring HA-2 was subsequently deepened an additional 2-feet. Infiltration testing was conducted in accordance with the 2008 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual for the falling head test method described in Section 2.4.2. The soil stratigraphy in the test boring was visually classified in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 0-2488 and the upper 18 to 24-inches is described as a dark brown, soft silty clay gravelly fill/topsoil. The fill material has a low permeability but is underlain by native brown, silty clay/clayey silt to the maximum depth explored. Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information: . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on- line Quadrangle Map, 7/1/1973. . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on- line aerial photograph, 7/24/2000. CIVIL STRUCTURES TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL SURVEYING . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon . Three exploratory hand-auger boring were advanced in the northeast portion of the site. . Review of the Lane County area Web Soil Survey, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). . Review of the USGS Geologic Map of Oregon, USGS 1991 . Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs, see Appendix A. Subsurface Soils and GeoloQV The near surface soils within the project area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semi-consolidated fluvial sedimentary terrace deposits of clay, silt, sands and gravels. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the site within Malabon-Urban land complex, which is described as a well drained, silty and clayey alluvial terrace deposit. . Nearby well logs from indicate silts, sand, gravel, and cobbles to a depth of 40 feet below ground surface. Observations after and during heavy rain event indicate that the site is well drained. Groundwater Ground water was not encountered in the site boring at the maximum exploration depth of 6-feet below ground surface. Well logs indicate a high' water level of 8 feet below ground surface in November of 2005 and a low of 17 feet in August 2009. The ground water level at the site is expected to be influenced by the McKenzie River level approximately %-mile to the east. Infiltration TestinQ Based on our field-testing, the rate of fall in the water test column is .22 inches/minute (13 inches/hour). The rate of infiltration is expected to increase with depth as sand and gravel is expected to be present about 10-feet below ground surface. The analysis and infiltration test results are presented below. The rate of infiltration for a soil of given permeability is primarily dependent upon two factors, the area over which infiltration occurs and the pressure head. Using the following vadose zone equations, an estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity and rate of infiltration is presented in Table 1. A factor of safety has not been applied to the calculated hydraulic conductivities. V;= Ki where: V; is the rate of fall in the water height K is the hydraulic conductivity i = Hw + L, - her L, i is the head loss L, is the depth of the wetting front Hw is median water height Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon L, = Vwt A X f Vwt is the total volume of water infiltrated f is the fiIIable porosity (assumed to be 35%) he, is the critical pressure head of soil for sidewall wetting (assumed to be 0 inches) q= KiA q is the average rate of water infiltration (volume/time) A is the infiltration area (Bouwer, 1978) The soil material is assumed to be laterally homogeneous and sidewall infiltration is negligible as a 48-inch tall plastic standpipe was used for containment of the water infiltrated. Summary of Field Infiltration Test Results The final field test result is summarized below. Table 1: INFilTRATION TEST RESULTS Test Test Depth .Drop in Calculated Rate of Location (inches BGS) Water Height Vertical Hydraulic Infiltration (in/min) Conductivity (ftlhr) (gallhrlsf) HA-1 36 0.01 0.01 0.2 HA-2 36 0.83 372 29.8 HA-3 30 0.22 0.83 8.2 Conclusion Based on our field testing, BEl concludes that infiltration of on-site generated storm water is feasible. An infiltration facility shall not be founded in the fill on-site; we recommend that infiltration occur in the native soil strata located at a depth of approximately 24 to 30-inches below surface grade. Limitations The conclusions and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area 13flllleS~Blilanbi.ld~'Df time Branch Engineering, Inc. rKt- u VIII I/'\L l\i:.\i Page 3 of4 MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site: This report is not intended to address any environmental impacts that may be associated with the on-site disposal of storm water. Sincerely, Branch Engineering, Inc. ~~ Michael Lane Branch, PE Principal Engineer Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of4 PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I 1\ I \ , : , I \ :t . I \ I I I I I LEGEND I-I INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF INFILTRATION TEST y,)"'~::;':;:::'-?"::::"::::;\':"i:;'''i:''':''; :,\,,~,::,,:::,:::<, :'::':':'/:;::=:"":i.;L,?,/.(e:):~::;:;/"';::~:8 , \ @/T -'-"'--., '-~RUQI;.J~LA 'T'____ - \ I ~ ~~__ ; ! ". ::~;::;=~. :::;~:~,:,':"";;)PtSi:;0r:?G':.;~t7:L',>::.:,.,,,...:(:<;.,;...:~,~~;::: " (,,~ r. ( + ' , '_ '+' J' ^' + ,.--. , + . o ( , ~. ~, , _ "t'. . \ j',:;: ; T. f~}}/H:'::'~I..~:J ~ / - l ~ \ jVf ..f {I "-:::t.t)~~.:'.'.'::.''...,:.;;Ji~~,'.i.i... Jr II~ ~2 ! \ c '['., ,! ! i \t:~):,Y',:~' ~- " 'I -/ t- i I.ill' i' I I~"C;:;:':'::\':"".":::":' /' - !' j$ , !:, , j '..\ ..,s,>>:,.::~ I~ N:f 1 ,'~, I I ,",:(HY:.i " It 1 1'1 ~ ",-.JI;;/f!t-:-,~------,- / . ~" ! Ir;{ 01 I rJ _~/_-:.1l:Jt;;X,..;:r:,n?0~~~ ~J==!-111~:1 rT I.,"" 'I j Y.JI;.......'" , ',,". ' '.',," '. "'x:,,,' L , I ~ : fif 11 1 ~:,~;.){:,n;("n;:':'aJ~r" ~,<?';t' ~\ 1., r~,...~! 0 I (~if",."i;,'..'.::...,L:,f':':,"'.'~.~.;,'7:.',:..fV;C !,;,,..;:- ! ~\. ill:'!". '11,)1 i '~I::':K1;;~.::--k.Y;.'",i:":~'J')C- /'1~' '~ v \ ,'. · '\'-:iD',R# /" " \ If i I" i ;' 'k"~;' - ' /1 /j: I . , -- , I I I "..:..:..'l /' I) \ 'I; ,\f~l ~ \ . J \ ~~'"i . _ ( I'-~_.,~_ 1 ~ i,I!'~ , /, .//,.---,'\//',1 )'. i77';J' "1 i -"'" ! 'I ~;. ,., I . K II I' .' , .~ I. ~t Iii '" '/ /' ," . I I /' I \j I~jml!~ --) L/"/~/f~,':"tC::T::I\,k' I ^ ~ ~ Ift:.:!! -~"~ _ rn::::%~;>~~..... ~;,'\\.~<:' ~l.", I irUj[i j i 'i,~, "'~.r-- ,:y-",,:;;r= ~ ~,Q Ii !;iill i i I j(~;i~.~~.J!~1 I WOTEL .' . \ ':',11 ' CC _ Ujl " INFILTRATION TEST LOCATION MAP A CONVENIENCE STORE FOR JACKSON FOODS 3375 GATEWAY STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR DATE: MAY 4, 2010 @Branch Engineering, Inc, SCALE: 1:40 PROJ, NO, 10-063 Beodqnutl!IlI Salem OtlIce 310 Fifth Street 147 Commercial St. NI. Suite 10 DRAWN RW CHK'D MLB Sprin(fie1d. OreloD 97477 Salem, Orelon lr1301 (541) 746-0637 (503) 770-2577 PAGE OF W1f1f .BranchEngineering.com Civil- Structures. Transportation. Geolechinical . SurveyinJ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 I .. ta/le-- 515;2L/ ::JrLEI~_~~SUB~I~AL RECIO MAY 1 7 2010 I STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (as required by OAR 690-240-035) I Name Address Cil (2) PPE WORK E'j'New ODeepening o Alteration (repair/recondition)~andonment (3) CONSTRUCTION: o Rotary Air 0 Hand Auger ORotary Mud OCable Tool (4)TVPEOF HOLE:-- ~cased Temporary o Uncased Permanent (5) USE OF HOLE: (9) LOC,\TION OF HOLE by legal description: County 't1a1\().J Latitude Longitude TownshiE 1'7 N o@ange '?-- E or@\VM_ Section 2..z. NE 1/4 l\ILJ 1/4 Tax. Lot ?:F;;t;D Lot Block Subdivision Street Address of Well (or nearest address) must be attached I I [k3flolIow Stem Auger o Push Probe OOther Mapw t'- o Cased Permanent o Slope Stability o Other -(10) STATICWATERLEVEL: --lOft. below land ~urface. Artesian pressure lb. per square inch. (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Date~ Date I l.~~ur..9- Ground Elevation Diameter From To Material Spcks or pounds SWL (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special ConstJUctibn approval 0 Yes 0 No Depth of Completed Hole ~ ft. ~ I HOLE SEAL From Th 35' I I Date Started tot/' Date Completed I Backfill placed from _ fr. [0_ ft. Filter Pack placed from _ ft to _ ft. Material Size of pack (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: To Gnu~e Steel ....dc Welded Threaded N t.l.:t) IIU. D D D D 0 0 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 D Date started Date Completed Sacks or Pounds (7) CASING/SCREEN: I r Diameter From Casing. Screen: L Slots;ze · ') (8) WELL TEST: I D Pump D Bailer 0 Air Permeability Yield Conductivit}o' PH Thmperawre of water '-Y1 j tA- OF/C Deplh arte.c;ian flow found _ ft. Was water analysis done? [] Yes 0 No By whom? Depth of strata analyzed. From Remarks: o Flowing Artesian GPM Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring well constructor, or registered geologist or civil engineer). I accept responsibility fOf the construction, alteration, Of abandonment work performed on during the construction dates reported above. All work performed during this lime is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I ft. to fl. License or Registration Number f (JT) f~ I Signed ~..... // ~.A;"/f:' A~ DaQh,V1 fl!q?> Al)~]JW:\_"\'\' (c::w>,'-" () { I 474;:61 Affiliation {'!.wfl1..dAl Du1!P ~1:J I .f).i-1f" = ~h OO;rHIS UST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK I ~-9 ./ ~ ~^ oS'-1.c:'~llN~RS~PY-WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY-CONSTRUCTOR THIRD COPY-CUSTOMER ~ O..()~C',<:-~ I I I I I I I. I' I' ((. , (( I\r~ ~~ C 5""-~e $!'k) ~ ~ ~ { { I 1\ 11 I~ ~ I I I ~ I., %~ ' I'~,\,<"% ~ ~ l'o ;rk ~ I ~(i)~o ~ ~ fACe ~<;~ , e?LJ1; j!'~ '~~ (J. . 90" d 8l>c 10c9 ", / -----..; 1:/\ , I ! ; ! , , I , 1/. " L- .e;).....+ lA~.:...... f?ld. " ,# '~~ . 't- \ If. b \ ~~.u~ ~\;.~ . :y.. err ~lt-\. L' 0-' 01 V. -.P t/l eJJ!. L..cs~~lZ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 J' ~ ~ ~,' .. CrffJ~\~11 (',?-).-;.f CA~;crv-.. af~~(e;s ~ 'au! 40d~Od9 ~s"ml"-'ON W0<!3 Wdff;:f:lil 9661-cc-80 ~' I n ...".... .. ...., I , STATE OF OREGON MIWI 4 2001 GEOTECHNICAL HOJ>E RIll'{)'RT' {a.rcr.j~i~b)'O^R f.9(~24<).r;:)s} WATER RESOURCES DEPT. (I) OWNERlPROJECT: HOIeNum,= 6<5___ N.m("~. \ ('~~ ~fl'"'\.~"" T~. Addn::s!'l \ilt.. Slate L Zi (2) TVPI10FWO cw 0 Detpcmng 0 Ata.ernitlfl (rr:pairlJ~1.)11di1illn' Ab4ndunrrv:nr 3) l.:ONSl'RUCTlON: ~ Rut..lll). Air 0 Hand Auger oo,Hollo\lo' 5t~n' Allgct ORt'lllirY Moo OCahl~ TtJoli,1 0 Pullh Prllr.e [lOlner (4) TYPE OF HOLE: ~~:.:.::.;:::~ .... .8- ~t~.::=~n\jOt~~ (5) USE OF HOLE: I I I I I I I I I DI.tmCkr ~mn 'Iu t;-.up;t' ~~ ptutic" Wtltkd Tbn:oIdl:ll 11 !l [l n n ~ I' n n ~ L: I] I I 1 L: ~ rl I n ~ ~.J [I n " ----.---.-- C~jng' I 5crct.'1I: I SJutlOiLl" (8) Wt:U. T!1.~T. nl-'ump DBl'lil~r rcmill::.blhl}' C\)rk!Ul:li"'ll): Tempcrutun:: of walcr- 63 WlJ:/> w;;Octml;dYBIIi L1ulle? ~~~ By wh-on}l I>cJl'h uf StfllLa analYOI:cd. FlUJtt R>:marb: . Air U i"uwlllg I\rl~~ 1.m GPM V,,",, PH I "E^tC l.kplh i1J1C:ll1.un fluw ruund _ ft. UN" I ILl<> I I L(\()e.. t/{'?41 (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by leg", d=ripdoo: Cmn:lIY l.4..t\(.._ Latitudl;_ _._ . _ _l..oogilOOe__ Tl1wn~hip..__l_L_ _._N" 1~1lflge B. F. o&WM, Section .-:;?~ ucJ.: 1/4 ~ /(4 nu lot 22.tO WI Blod. Subdivlsinn S.b'd:1Addre.u urWell {nt n.eW'al~!i.):1 _~ 6io.t... v. '1 ~r Mop wlllllocaU"" IdonlHI"" muot be ollached (10) S1i\tll.: WAtER LI';VIIL: '. f'i. fl. bdow lanrl surfm.:t:. Mo:i:lnrR:.~:'>un: ~.__.. lb, ~HqU:tn.: jn~h, (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Jr.ut: 2 ft~b( 1- j - - --- ~ ------ WATER flESQUtiw;s.~t . ~lf.M, OREGON -----L-____ ___ f)llle ~tllr1cd r--Y-A-r-- L:) I DliIlc cOlnplell:Ll_& ""'6"- c) L- ----,.,. - qriECavEO- M1\Y 1 n -ZOOl n. Pmf...,;"o,,1 Certification 110 ~ ~il!ncd I1y II h~cn.~ wat~r ,"uppl,. Ot luunil.l;fiJlg wcl~ CllmfJ'Ul:lor. III" On.~L)I1 rcil~~I~rt.'d ~Co~lh,gI:-I.1of ...t"'il ~~iIlCllf). I ecr:~pt r"C"5pun:.ibilily fm UtI: C'ln~tnH.1illQ, "lh;:UI1;Cn" or ~u'lnllIDl 'Wort ~dvrnl~'" during tile uJn!llrul-1iLJn dOlt:>. rqlUrtct.l t1buv~ All WQlk pcrrorn)oL/ during [hi!! lime I:t.; in (.-nmphaocc WlUJ (JrCgofl'lO gcote..:hrIi1:lll bute L.:onli:troctu)l) .tanduw, Thb n.'jiOIt ilO true II,) the bcl.t \Jof my bk}wledgc ltlld bt::lie:f. ia:nHC tlf Rcg.iM~li1iun Number ~;l r _. o.u. 31IaL"t_ Alfiliatl(lB THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATE!! RESOURCES DEP4f<TM(NT WITHIN 30 DAYS (W COMpt.IiTION OF WQRI{ ()lo!:l(jINAJ. .. WH.l'l'.k kh."lOUk,'liS IJEPt\RTMENT fiRST COI)Y CONSTRUCTO)( SE(-ONlJ COn' -['{JS"Jl)!\4ER I I PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D MAY 1 7 2010 I nC"S:;;1111 Ili;V \~ STATE OF OREGoN'vlAR 11 ZOO 1 GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (p ...."orl " 0'. m~RESOURCES DEPT. M OREGON I (1) OWNF.llIPROJECT, H,~, Number e:.-l N~rYrh.""p~r-Wc.s. ~. ~~\\o: UcH"'~_t1-)"'t...,~...,- Qf"'h~. Cltyr.l\...'~"'''''''O~ __..' SlRtc':'L ...~jgltor (Z) TYPE OF WbRK _r 0 . ew o Deepening AlltnlliOO(l""q'air/rOl'lrndiliun), Abandooment ) CONSTRUCTION, o RlJl!lryAir o HlIJ'IdAlJgt:r nRt'M.W')' MOO- [JCabte TClCTI (4) TYPEOFItOLE, g~:==:'. (5) USE OF HOLE: ~ \ G" u.:l 0.\.0..- ...... ......~ I I ~HolIC)W Slern A\JgeJ n Po.!> Pr"b< C O<l>er I o taied'r6rinan~rij o SltJ~SI;lbilit>. Dt)fhcr I I (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Spoclal Cnfillitrut..'tiol't .lI.ppro....pl n YC!\. ()l Nfl IXplh. of Ll)mpletw H(ll~ ~~_ I HOLE SEAL D(pnt;lar From T.o ~- ~-- -- ... I I ft. In 1"-1(, iL MOlI\eTlaI fl. SilO'\: of pack b:lU:Hill pl;K;Cd rnml Nlla" Pat:k pl"'oo lJ'tl(n I m CASINGJSCREEN: ~,,=,.. From 11> GIrUJ:~ She] Plulk Wrldeo Thnadnl [J 0 0 0 '0 0 [J U 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 u n 0 0 --- C3ll.jn~:....... I St:r-r:t:n: I Slut ~ii'.e I (~) W~:LL TESP. \~f'ump Ollm'CT ~r~bibIY Ctloouctl'YUj: TelnPe,mture ,'I \,1,/111.::.. S~ Wbts ""Met MtdY9j~ "'r)frr:1 ~~ By whum? Oepdl or J;bat.n. .a.nalyt.ed. Fmm Remark.$; RIO rJAir YidJ o F1!H,"iIlFA:rt~.tlsn GPM I "H ''Fie DC!pth ollJjCSl.l1n "tioYr f~Jund _ 1"1. fJN.. I I l'Z)\")0 5b)'~4!:) (9) LocATION Of HOLE by le&.1 dtscrlp1l..., en-tint)' \ I:z ~.c...... Lalllude IJ;~nguude T;n11rnhlp ~.., _. N ~an.l!e 3__. ~ t&WM. &<:1i,," 2'2- ~_114 ~ _ 114 T.Iilll..ut ~,,~ Lot Block _ . __ Suhdi,.t~lnn__ .<.il.n:e1 At.I~A\)r~I1lor neurt:st addre~)_ ~ .u.o.:u~ 5r Map wtth locatton ldentllled must be attached (Ul) STATIC WATKR U;VF.1.: .. ICY . .nfltX::lowJni1iJ~l.Ii1"oce. Ar1e~la.ll pre.~ure In_ pcrM.{uarc inch. (II) SUIlSURFACE LOG, D''''~Is1nr DaLe Gmund E3cY.aliun Mtatcrial [)escrilJ'ticm .l:'~[[> Jl~-l _1S- t S- :;~ _~Wl._ to .l.:. ;- 1 OIf[cSt.lll'lcd p. .~i/l.~L __.__OIllII:Complct.cd ,~ (12) ABANDONMKNT LOG: Mall:nallJeslTl tioo -RECEWED-- ---:::J --t ~ RESOllACF''' "IiPl SALEM. OREGON J D;;l~~ed cP-~"i- l)akCul11fllc~. ~'-.i5--d/ I'n,reAAinnal Certification (t() he "i~llCd hy D til.CO~cd watt::r :l'Uppty ur rntl'l'lllllrillg \.l,odll.:un~tttJdur_ ~lr Oregun r~~hrcl~ ~t'1*llti,,' tlr ..-;viI ot;ll~inCl;J"). I occept rc~pl.ln:dbility'fnr r~ cDnnruct.u:.... Ifhcnuun. or maooclDmcnt w.ork p:rlmm~tl during the ""'ln$tnl\.'1.)I'" dl'ltc!1. rtlP'<lC1et.llllb(lv.c:. All ~lrk perfurmetl dl.ning tbbi lime IS in c.....lmpli2lhCC with Or~IO'~ .gco~hnit:id hnk: uKIl"rruc;boD r.tand:ltdK. This rqKlrt il-1ree I" tbc:be,tot my"knowled~ and belief. Ii. Signed o..c al.1aL_D L TltIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITlED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMI;NT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WQRK I ORIG1NAI. W^,n~R HP~~n.IRCES DEPARTMF.NT I:JRST COpy - CONSTRUCTOR SEC'ONlJ COPY . (,WiTt )MH~ I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O MAY 1 7 2010 I I 'RECEIVED MIIR 1 4 2001 I -- ---.~~ HATER RESOURCES DEP't , SALEM. OREGON , I I I I ,...5==>.. .. . .1 I ,;b I -\ 1)1 I I I f'\" -Z. f1 , C , I I J 7> ..c I M I I I S l-g I '3 r HI' I ~ I I \' I , r hifltIJ I I I \ I I . l I l ) I I , , I I I I , I I ct-<(l RECEJVEP , I , @ MAY 1 (J ZOOI I I ~ WATER RESOUHt.:t::<; l)E;p J >:,,,- SALEM, OREGON --.~ I I ~ I I M1tA) 1J 1"S ~ N I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D I MAY 1 7 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . APPENDIX c PROPOSED DRAINAGE BASIN MAP ;,.~-~ .. ...._~~.~...:;"..,'U!re\'!,!e'-!!~1!I._r;i~~_.=".,~;"~~.~ ~,t;;:':;,I4t~..~~"Y'~" '=_'~"_'''''''"'_'''~_.,_ _.......~ ~- PRE.SUBMIITAL REeD MAY 1 7 2010 ------------------- Cf> STREET " (f', !h GATEWAY I --- - -~___ ')/~/N:-..,(..':;J Cc. cc. 1 'I. .; - ::-T(5;~(.. .'.c,>'~~ ---)::;...:~: .. :~";-;;..ti;t,=-::~;",c.~::.~:;c:i;,=+i~T~(J .'5..~",>-- ! .......---....-____._._______....._ 1'-.. 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" - . o ~ . . ~ 5 . n - ~ o n ~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D STORMWATER RUNOFF & RAIN GARDEN SIZING CALCULATIONS " . ~ '.,: .;.... f,..;-,-.. ""."""..",. "1'"...nr..... ...-~..-.:;. .C,'!' ,:e ."'.~';~.;,..,. ., . ,. ~.' . ! . 1:. . '. - . _' . . . " ~ . '- -.> . . . PRE.SUBMITTAl REeD MAY 1 7 2010 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Infiltration Pond Sizin S readsheet :".':-"-:-:,:':Ora:lna eArea5--' ';::'::::A" .........::<,...:';-:);,-,;':::::;':f ~:';.:.:..': . 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