HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 6/30/2010 (2) ,- I,~~ __"':'.11'.-'_ .....:~.:.1!i~..J~_""~.... . iiI . . I . . . . . -. . . I I . I . . . . STORMWATERMANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR A Convenience Store for Jackson Foods, Inc. 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, OR May 6, 2010 PreIJ8red For: I Ronald E. Thienes - po Box 25 Walterville, Oregon Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Date Received: Project No_ 10-063 JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORMW ATER'MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DRAINAGE STUDY FOR A Convenience Store for Jackson Foods, Inc. 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, OR May 6,2010 Prepared For: Ronald E. Thienes po Box 25 Walterville, Oregon Prepared Bv: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 Date Received: Project No. 10-063 JUN 3 ,0 2010 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Phone: Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -~_. --,. .;" :"":r.'.~i.<..; ....-, : . --.-:' .,' '. - '. ":. -, ,.' ..'_ _,'.- _. .o._:'-:.~T~~~a;beJiJ}viliislillejilledoul.byApplica1Zt)~ .. _ ." .. (please fefur" loM~tlSlduqer @ cig; ofSpi-iriifield Public Woi-ks Engineering; Fox # 736-1021, Phone # 736-10';1'5:) Project Name: A C"'NVE""I>L",a "'~"-'1:: Applicant: g1i:A~q./. IN >, "'_ AssessorsParcel#: /?-C>j'-Z'l--ZO -r<- '1<>1 Date: 8r16 Land Use(s): Co""Jn.<[~''''L Phone #: ,- t) 77 ProjectSize(Anes):,t1?p/i'.oJ<, /!:;ooo';;- Fax#: "(-08'7 ~,EE[~~w~,J~~~~~~i:~~~~~~.f~i::o:;t'-;:',~""~~Jo'w!'~'(;.~~i~r~-;iti~"}i~~'~~?:"".~i.",~,~.~;~~""Rf?'j,<",~';~;:~~~~~';nf:~~~~w_~,," ~ Project Description Onclude a copy of Assessor's map): Cc,.~""",,-\Jc....T N~t.-' c.e.,..,Vlc:".Ji(r-JC...( s-n;.,~ A~I:> AODf"'t''''6,JA.L PAil.J:c:.IIIJI: /3~ \lAc-ANT" Lt\C"'-ID {l.v ..,,"" i:A-<.'<' ""\~ 0<: "",e: $/,lt:. ) Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc, Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: S>-\"D N&.~ pf'>\<-p.-.>(, Lo"t" 00-> ...." i>"Tt-1. " 0<: "''F s-rn~("'~ "'-~'''' ~A~"'\::,..J. SHeD tJ~l....I 'pA~1C1~ U-r &-~ LVCS.""C" S4Df' ail" S-roit.\:'" "ToO E"J\..~TI""'C. c..A--ocH. 5'Ast.,.....~.. ~i"?LA.:...i: cA Tc.r'r ~''''''$ or" z-c.~AI'\S.it ...../ FI~Tf";l5 Proposed Storm water Best Management Practices: SE.~ E>..........A<:O:- ~po>"'... Ar:;OIlt;: ,,' ..... " .... ,'. -..-f';->i,iJt~~:'biio;ij)tiii;';[i~~:'fiil~tiJu't~b~..:the' citi, ,and RetClrned to 'the A.fJ';li~dnij '... _:' . . ": ~ ;-:k~i:q;0jntirrtlM,_7;ilr~~o~flpli.~'~c'i#FtbY, 't}1~.;c;-ify~~q~ t~€Jfi:'oni and'back ofthi~-~h.?ei~~qH.:-~e ~PPitj~d. ~': _ ..;.."':':" .i:<~to'r~qn:PPi?!fc:_iJr.i9.,j}{(h_e c~1EPJ~!e for5sitbm~:tt~/;_ ;G/th.o~gh-o!her reqz{ir;ewel}ts.'n!aY.he: n~c,f{f~~r/yj,.--: ",.":. . DraiQa"e Stnd DSPM Section 4.03.2: ote UH ma' be substituted for Rational Method I Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method foo calculations) Environmental Considerations: / ILl Wellhead Zone: 5 Y.u:U o WetJandJRiparian: I AlA G:r Soil Type: 1/0 DowRstream Analysis: / !21 N/ A 0\ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o "Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: I ,-, i" /....f /vA , [2' Hillside Development: o Floodway/FloodpJain: o Other Jurisdictions: Return to Matt Stouder ,Ci leld, email: mstouder Revised 11/19/09 JUN 30 2010 9 of 10 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT PLAN A CONVENIENCE STORE FOR JACKSON FOODS, INC. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Introduction This evaluation was prepared to summarize the drainage system proposed for the Jackson Foods, Inc. Convenience Store project. This storm drainage evaluation will determine the type and size of water quality treatment devices that are acceptable to the City of Springfield. The project is located at 3375 Gateway Street in Springfield, Oregon which is situated in the northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West ofthe Willamette meridian. Existing Conditions The existing impervious area for the site consists of a service station/parking lot, and the pervious area for the site consists of a grassy field and landscaping. Runoff from the impervious area flows to the north to the municipal drainage system along Kruse Way (See Appendix A for Site Plan and Existing Drainage Basin Map). According to the Soils Survev of Lane County, Oregon, by the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the soil at the site is Malabon-Urban Land Complex (76) and is hydrologic soil group C/D. An infiltration test was conducted at the site on 4/30/2010 by Branch Engineering. The test consisted of three falling head tests, the measured average infiltration rate was ] 3 inches/hour (See Appendix B for Infiltration Test Report). Proposed Development The proposed development is to demolish the existing convenience store building and restrooms, and to construct a new Jackson Foods convenience store. The development will also add additional parking on the north side of the property. Proposed water quality treatment and stormwater destination for the new impervious area, drainage basin "A", is a rain garden. Dimensions for the proposed rain garden are approximately 75 feet in length, 16 feet wide, 3:1 side slopes, and 1.75 feet deep. Basin "A" is 12,390 square feet, which consists of landscaped areas to the east and south of the new building; however, this analysis will treat the entire development area as impervious surface. City of Springfield regulations state the 25-year storm event (4.8 in/24hr) must be used for destination requirements. Runoff from the basin "A" during the 25-year design storm was calculated to be 0.32 cfs. A safety factor of 2 was applied to the design infiltration rate by reducing the measured infiltration rate of 13 to 6.5 inches/hour. During the 25-year storm event, t.he depth of water in the infiltration basin is 1.05 feet. Appendix D contains storm runoff and infiltration basin calculations. The proposed runoff will receive water quality treatment by percolating through the rain garden topsoil layer. Percolation process will remove-pollutants throu\lh a<l~n, filtration, sedimentation and biodegradation. Date RecelveCf~ ( i@) Branch Engineering, Ine. J' '-,1 ~ 0 ~MJ ,'o,..i~'iJ '" ,.' ~'J( PAGE 1 OF 1 Original SubmiUCi: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP AND WEB SOIL SURVEY Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ------------------- _____ ,;,r .- -..---. 1 1 Ii 'j ,\/ \ ~ \\ 'I 'I \ ~E':"t , '.~ .. " J.._._.",..._~'I .", .._,._. ...... ...,.-., ...,..,.".-..,. .;) PAGE OF - --- ---'--- cc.:.. --...- .- . .....---;;:.....: "'- ~ '.' '. _.....:....L. r(_ - ~ Branch Engineering, Inc, IIoodqoutm IloIom IllIIoo :lID F1ftb stn,l 147 Commercial Sl. IfI, Spnn,tl,ld, Qrec:ou \l74T1 SuJtslO (541) 74t1-(l(l37 Sllmt, Orqoo rr:SOl 1"'1"'-2577 lI"Wlf.BrlllDchEtlIinoer1nt;.com ctri.I.Struetum'TraIlIporlatiol1.Geotechnieal'~ --- ~.- - -.......---.--"". CATEWAY STREET __ f--J;,. _ __ "~.~.", Di::-;- 1'1 J :z: .. ~ ;l" o -..."'-.... " o ~ > . ~ . n > " ~ N o I I 4405'1" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4404' 51" I I Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (A Convenience Store) 496650 496680 496710 ~ " ~ N ~ A MapScale: 1 :1,500 if printed on A size (8.5"x 1''') sI1eel Meters o 10 ~ ~ 00 o 50 100 200 USDA Natural Resources ~ Conservation Service 4405' 1" 44-4'51" 496740 496770 496800 496830 496860 Date Received: ;; " ~ N Feet 300 JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 I5d~c; 1~f3 - - o ::3. (D S. III c: <- c: :z: <.A> ,= ..... = ~ = 2 - - - - - - - - - Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon (A Convenience Store) MAP LEGEND Area of interest (AOl) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Units Special Point Features ~J Blowout 181 Borrow Pit '*' Clay Spot . Closed Depression X Gravel Pit .. Gravelly Spot @ Landfill A Lava Flow ""- Marsh or swamp '" Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water @ Perennial Water v Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot Sandy Spot - Severely Eroded Spot C I) Sinkhole Q) or l' Slide or Slip :::0 ,. Sadie Spot CD Spoil Area g - -1 Stony Spot <" CD a. USDA ,,= Natural Resources Conservation Service aJ "I' Very Stony Spot Wet Spot .. Other Special Line Features '-'...... Gully . ; . Short Steep Slope '^ '" Other Political Features o Cities Water Features Oceans Streams and Canals Transportation +++ Rails """" Interstate Highways /... ,. US Routes Major Roads ~ Local Roads Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey - - - - - - - - MAP INFORMATION Map Scale: 1 :1.500 il printed on A size (8.5.. x 11..) sheet. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 10N NAD83 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 7/18/2005 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 5/6/2010 Page 2 013 I Soil Map-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store I Map Unit Legend I I " . Lane County Area, Oregon (OR637) i..- ,.'Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name I Acres in AOI T Percent,ofAOI 176 Malabon~Urban land complex i OAf 100.0% , Totals for Area of Interest I OAT 100.0% i I I I I I I I I I I I Date Received: I JUN 3 0 2010 I Original submittal I USDA ""'-= Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 3 of 3 I - - - - - - - - Water Features-Lane County Area, Oregon - - - - - - - - - - - A Convenience Store Report-Water Features Hydrologic , group 'Month' Water Feature~ Lane County ~rea, O!,~go.~' Map unit symbol and soil name Surface runoff' _ 76-Malabon~Urban land complex Malabon Urban land o ::I. (Q S' !!!. (J) I:: C" 3 ~ C D Jan~Dec Jan-Dec Water table . .~; Lower iimii . Surface: depth Ft - D~~;~t'id;'~"-'- ::'Ff~q~~h~~. None '.,':'" None :-- , Dur~tj6n :'-.' :." .,,::'~I~oding . . Frequency Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 ..... c :z: tA> = ...... => a C I>> - CD ::0 CD 2 <" CD 0. USDA <c---= Natural Resources Conservation Service Upper limit Ft Ft Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 3 013 - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - - - - Physical Soil Properties-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store Report-Physical Soil Properties Physical Soil Properties- Lane County Area,Oregon " . ~, ., '. Erosio~ Map symbol Depth Sand Silt Clay Moist Saturated Available Linea'r Organic Wind Wind and soil name bulk hydraulic water extensibilitY matter factorS erodibility erodibility density conductivity capacity group index Kw' Kf T . . '.. ".,.. '. In Pet Pet Pet glee micro mlsec Inlln Pet Pet f-..-~----~_. -~-_..- -.- -~ ---- ---- -----.--- .- ------- ---------..-- 76-Malabon- Urban land complex ------.---- --.-- --- ---- -,._-- .-------. ----~----- -. r- --.- -..- _________n__ ---- .___ U _______._n Malabon 0-12 -20- -49- 27-31- 35 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 4.0-6.0 .24 .24 5 7 38 1-_____ ----- -- ~---l~-n ------ --~------ -----,.--.--- ---------- -.--.-------- --- -- -- ~-- -----.-..--. -.. ---.--, 12-42 35-41-45 1.20-1.40 1.40-4.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 0.5-4.0 .28 .28 . ----~--- -. ._~--~~_. I------~ -- -- - -----.----~-- --. n__.. --.... 42-60 -35- -38- 20-28- 35 1.20-1.40 4.00-14.00 0.18-0.20 3.0-5.9 0.0-0.5 .32 ,32 Urban land' -:;. . . ~ jr'-~\ .'. . .... : '. . ",;2' I>: 5,:' . - - " 1+':::,:.":. "'" 8 : 0 '.".n" .,,~_....,_.._..."n_'.____:.______.:._._...:: ~.._..__.:.......:"..::"~~__~ --""'''---<---- -..-"".-..-""."..- _._~.- ..-"_.,,..~-"_.- ------.--. .__..,,'_.-_.,._--_...~- "'...~.--_.. ......-...-..._, o ::3. lC :i" !!!. (J) c: CT 3 =: r '= ~ = 6 Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9,2010 '- C Z .... c $I) CD ;:0 CD g (fi" Q. USD/.. '.... Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 4 of 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Engineering Properties-Lane County Area, Oregon A Convenience Store Report-Engineering Properties Absence of an entry indicates that the data were not estimated, The asterisk ,., denotes the representative texture; other possible textures follow the dash, En,gin'~eri n9, Properties~ . -.' ,. : ,,:;,." "';~;>;'; '.' ", Lane'~o~n~ A;'~~I'.O!e~~~' ~ '",;~' '.- ,., /...... ." Map unit symbol and soil Depih USDA texture Classification Frag_~Emts '". .; . ': :'; _,' " ., _ ,~~;;',_,;. - ",:;', . " ..;1'., , . Liquid ~erce~!a~e ~~,~~rn~ sl~ve l,1~mber-- Plasticity name limit inde'x Unified AASHTO >10 3-10 4' 10 . 40 .' 200 Inches inches .... '" 'c....;._ '. " " .;;~~ . In Pet Pet Pet ---- ------~.- -_-0'.__._-. 76-Malabon-Urban land complex _._-_.~----_._------_._- ---- ------------ --.-.-----. .n._n____ --'---""'-,. ------- r-- -..- -- ~----_._. __u.___...._____ Malabon 0.12 'Silty clay loam ML A-6 0 0 95-100 90-100 60-100 75-95 35-40 10-15 --.-.----.------..------ ----------- -----~-~~-_. ----- -_.~_._--- -------- ~--- .... ------ -- -- --.---- --------- ...u__..__ .___'n_ --'- 12-42 'Silty clay, Silty clay loam CL A-7 0 0 95-100 90-100 65-100 80-95 45-50 20-25 ---'.'----_.----- -- ---------- -- ------ ___ ______________'__n__ ___ __n___ ____on _________n___ -- -- ---- ---'- - ---. .----._' --------.- ..---.---..-- ---------- -------- '. - 42-60 'Clay loam, Loam ML A-4, A-6 0 0 95-100 65-100 70-100 60-80 30-40 5-15 _=..,..1:. "- ..-.--- Urban land - - - - - - '- - - - - "_'_~"__~_U_"'_"_" '.'.-"-"--"-- ......-- ."--"'-'.'-'''-. ....-....--.......-.-...".....,..,.--....-..-.....-..-'" ___.n___ --......,. .......-.. ".-.,' ----.. .-_n........_....... ....,,-.,. ",'-"""- ...._-" .'.'.,-,'-" .. ., o ... ii" ::i' !!!. en CO 0- 3 a !!!. <- c :z U> "= "-> = - = Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Lane County Area, Oregon Version 8, Feb 9, 2010 c II) CD :::0 CD 2 <" CD Co USDA "'"~ Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5/6/2010 Page 3 of 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B INFILTRATION TESTING REPORT k _L~~_~,~.~~~~~""Y~~~.eJ!"!-~'!:~~=~',"il'I""Wl'!_""""""",."...,~..",-",,,,.:._~__,~___..",.."",,-.,,-.~ . . 11il."'~~~~"1ilJK. ",~~~-'''~;:o'"#';;-~1i!t'X''-;$';'#~-"':;~-'"'''.:~_'~'~:ll:=''''-'"'''''- .u:r~--'--~- "'""""'~., -';;:;'.~""":~"""';Z"'ilf' ;J;'.!;"."""~--~-~~ ~~\~ ..""""""~"",..-J:'~-~"-"';""'<*,~,,,;,""''"'i;.~,.,;,'~<wd,;'t,,,,".'~'- .,,""',':-l.,,~" '4~:~lr..;,;rJt" ...'W;:;~$\&><l<!<~ ,-,"'4>> *'._~., "'ToIli; .-;;-..1ih! lDate Received: JUN 3 ,0 2010 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Branch Engineering, Inc. Corporate Headquarters (541) 746-0637 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Salem Engineering Office (503) 779-2577 147 Commercial Street NE, Suite 10 Salem, OR 97301 Principals M. Lane Branch, PE Damien Gilbert, PE Renee D. Clough, PE, PLS Rene" Fabricant, PE, SE Ronald J. Derrick, PE, GE www.BranchEngineering.com May 4, 2010 Ronald E. Thienes PO Box 25 Walterville, Oregon 97489 RE: INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS 3375 GATEWAY STREET WALTERVILLE, OREGON BRANCH ENGINEERING PROJECT No.10 063 Introduction Branch Engineering, Inc (BEl) has performed on-site testing for the purpose of assessing the rate of storm water infiltration of the near surface soil. The testing location was in the southeast section of the property at 3375 Gateway Street in Springfiled, Oregon. There was no indication of ponding or excessively wet surface conditions in the vacant lot. Site Exploration The scope of the field work consisted of advancing one (3) exploratory hand-auger boring on April 29, 2010 to a depth of 30 to 36-inches below surface grade, and presaturating the boring with one to two gallons of water. A plastic standpipe was inserted in the boring and the infiltration test was conducted on April 30, 2010; boring HA-2 was subsequently deepened an additional 2-feet. Infiltration testing was conducted in accordance with the 2008 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual for the falling head test method described in Section 2.4.2. The soil stratigraphy in the test boring was visually classified in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method 0-2488 and the upper 18 to 24-inches is described as a dark brown, soft silty clay 9ravelly fill/topsoil. The fill material has a low permeability but is underlain by native brown, silty clay/clayey silt to the maximum depth explored. Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information: . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey (USGS) on- line Quadrangle Map, 7/1/1973. . Review of the United States Department of the Interior Geologic~Ia'ERe~e~n- line aerial photograph, 7/24/2000. JUN 3 .0 2010 CIVIL STRUCTURES TRANSPORTATION o~al Submittal GEOTEC ICAL SURVEYING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon . Three expioratory hand-auger boring were advanced in the northeast portion of the site. . Review of the Lane County area Web Soil Survey, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). . Review of the USGS Geologic Map of Oregon, USGS 1991 . Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs, see Appendix A. Subsurface Soils and GeoloQV The near surface soils within the project area consist of Pleistocene age unconsolidated to semi-consolidated fluvial sedimentary terrace deposits of clay, silt, sands and gravels. The NRCS Web Soil Survey maps the site within Malabon-Urban land complex, which is described as a well drained, silty and clayey alluvial terrace deposit. Nearby well logs from indicate silts, sand, gravel, and cobbles to a depth of 40 feet below ground surface. Observations after and during heavy rain event indicate that the site is well drained. Groundwater Ground water was not encountered in the site boring at the maximum exploration depth of 6-feet below ground surface. Well logs indicate a high water level of 8 feet below ground surface in November of 2005 and a low of 17 feet in August 2009. The ground water level at the site is expected to be influenced by the McKenzie River level approximately %-mile to the east. Infiltration TestinQ Based on our field-testing, the rate of fall in the water test column is .22 inches/minute (13 inches/hour). The rate of infiltration is expected to increase with depth as sand and gravel is expected to be present about 10-feet below ground surface. The analysis and infiltration test results are presented below. The rate of infiltration for a soil of given permeability is primarily dependent upon two factors, the area over which infiltration occurs and the pressure head. Using the following vadose zone equations, an estimated vertical hydraulic conductivity and rate of infiltration is presented in Table 1. A factor of safety has not been applied to the calculated hydraulic conductivities. Vi= Ki where: Vi is the rate of fall in the water height K is the hydraulic conductivity i = H", + LJ - hg L, i is the head loss L, is the depth of the wetting front Hw is median water height Branch Engineering, Inc. Date Received: Page 2 of 4 JUN 30 2010 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon L, = --Y.",,-- A X f Vwt is the total volume of water infiltrated f is the fillable porosity (assumed to be 35%) her is the critical pressure head of soil for sidewall wetting (assumed to be 0 inches) q = KiA q is the average rate of water infiltration (volume/time) A is the infiltration area (Bouwer, 1978) The soil material is assumed to be laterally homogeneous and sidewall infiltration is negligible as a 48-inch tall plastic standpipe was used for containment of the water infiltrated. Summary of Field Infiltration Test Results The final field test result is summarized below. Table 1: INFILTRATION TEST RESULTS Test Test Depth Drop in Calculated Rate of Location (inches BGS) Water Height Vertical Hydraulic Infiltration (in/min) Conductivity (ft/hr) (gal/hr/sf) HA-1 36 0.01 0.01 0.2 HA-2 36 083 372 29.8 HA-3 30 0.22 0.83 82 Conclusion Based on our field testing, BEl concludes that infiltration of on-site generated storm water is feasible. An infiltration facility shall not be founded in the fill on-site; we recommend that infiltration occur in the native soil strata located at a depth of approximately 24 to 3D-inches below surface grade. Limitations The conclusions and recommendations described in this report are subject to the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein. The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area under similar budget and time Branch Engineering, Inc. D t R . d' Page 3 of 4 a e ecelve, JUN 30 2010 "rinin~1 ~Ithmittr.ll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3375 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon constraints. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. This report is not intended to address any environmental impacts that may be associated with the on-site disposal of storm water. Sincerely, Branch Engineering, Inc. ~~ Michael Lane Branch, PE Principal Engineer Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of4 I I I I I I I I I I , , I I I 1\ , i I I , I I \ I I I I I I LEGEND 1- 1 INDICATES APPROXIMA TE LOCA nON OF INFIL TRA nON TEST ~;c~,<,..:,T7:. , - - - - - - J,-,...",....\ .~:: ,.~<.}\;'.. ~" ~l-.,~:.,; 7,~\::~~:::-:- .~~. ~ -'..?:.,~=r:':',-.;'j,:_':; ";.:..:~~: :_-~'(;_:~~L:':j~:~::;,;,~;;l{~'~{~~:W~;-;-~dXi~::::~~:.~;..': ~;'i;~~ , @l! ""-"'-KRUf2f=.. WAY {'~':~~ji~~~~~r<7~iYI~~~;"\tt'""....~~.i. I ;jJi:f (.)(i ,.... X, '-': .' @ @ \ ','I ~:': ',~ f , . '"'<:..-_.ii\.'?~::-.-'::;:,:';'::,"; - i '__ ! _ . l J\1l i.t{ifl;.~:.;,,:.,,~'i~~.~// ~ Y I W d.'.'.' ,# f\:'~.~:'.,'r,:<.:.'.'}/ " .r / I Jl1 I ['11 I !! f'{, ~">;;!.... ~) (II i ,i" ,.to I~.Y~'_, ~_/ tt i If i~' I 'I /#/~.:rh;k ,~--'-'-"J/ -1 rc/ ~ ! IJ II '. r) \~...j':i~fi,.1:.."~);~i\~,\,._ :~:'~..~:J <tl ,r,;i 11 jH '1 .~~. 'ca' , .' :. '21; ..~/ . ':(,/:" ,J ~ 'rI' I" I' . ~.'" " " f. , /1" ;,' ~'I = I""") "'j" ...... ,. 1/ ....... WI ,llkJ' 'Ii l c..:-s;' ,'. :,' . '.' . ./....... /1 . "EHYlCE' - ""'. '. '.. 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NO. 10-063 IIeodqIwtm SaJem om.. 310 FifthSt.reel 147 Commercial SL HE, Suite 10 DRAWN RW CHK'D MLB Springfield,OreloD97477 Salem. Oregon 97301 (541) 746.0637 (503) 770.2577 -:- WW'W".BranchEngineering_com PAGE OF Civil. Structures. Transportation. Geolechinical . Surveying , i \ i \ j f ; ~ , , , \ , \ I I-IOTE1.. CC ! r~ I ('~- '"', j I /,) II ~<(~.! ''.." c~-C~. i~ I . Date Received: JUN 3.0 2010 Original Submittal I lc:U7~ 51 5;;2L/ " STATE OF OREGON GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (a~ required by OAR 69()..240-035) I , I I Address Cil (2) j:YPE WORK 5New DDeepening o Alteration (repair/recondition)~andonment - (3) CONSTRUCTION: o Rotary Air DH.andAuger o Rotary Mud 0 Cable Tool (4) TYPE OF HOLE: orGcased Temporary o Uncased Permanent (5) USEOFHOLE: z; "7 () I !JaHollow Stem Auger o Push Probe OOther r o Cased Permanent o Slope Stability o Other ckiu+UNviuSl- I (6) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION: Special Construction approval 0 Yes 0 No Depth of Completed Hole _fl. ~. I HOLE SEAL Diameter From To Material From To Sacks or pounds I I I Backfill placed from ~ ft to_ft. Material Filter Pack placed from _ ft to_ft. Size of pack (7) CASING/SCREEN: ~~~~.:i (9) LOCt\TION OF HOLE by legal description: County ?i..a.J'\O J Latitude Longitude Township' I, N o@.Bnge ~ E or@wM. Section 2.'2- NE 1/4 l\l LJ 1/4 Tax Lor ?:E;t;D Lot Block Subdivision Street Address of Well (or nearest address) mUBt be attached '(10) STATIC WATERLEVEL:- - --l. 0 f1. below land ~urface. Artesian pressllre lb. per square inch. (11) SUBSURFACE LOG: Date~ Date Ground Elevation SWL .10' 35' Date Started Date Completed % (12) ABANDONMENT LOG: I ~ To GouJ:;e Steel PlasUc Welded Threaded ...- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I accept responsibility for the construction, alteration, or abandonment work performed on during the construction dales reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Oregon geotechnical hole construction standards. Thi!> report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. fUr----oate R~. ived:- License or Reg;slration Number (-'YD /"3. , ~ 2tll&d ~-~ ~. c:u;.,~ A.yJ Da{?f/W!qb I OriginalSubmitt IAffiliat;on I:li5~ Du.l1!i1'J I ~C, ~ "-'1 OD )THIS UST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF WORK ~-s> ./ ~ ~^ I &"'/(~~ZIN~RsMpY-WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SECOND COPY-CONSTRUCTOR THIRD COPY-CUSTOMER , O.o~C'<:-n Diameter From Casing. Screen: L Slot size · ) (8) WELL TEST: o Pump 0 Ba;ler 0 Air Permeability Yield Conductivity PH Thmperature of waler '-P1 } tA- oP/C Depth artesian flow found _ ft. Was water analysis done? [] Yes D No By whom? Depth of strata analyzed. From Remarks: I o Flowing Artesian GPM I I Date started Date Completed Professional Certification (to be signed by a licensed water supply or monitoring weH constructor, or registered geologist or civil engineer). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\ ((. . . t ( f\f o-w ~~ C 5.-1.. "'^e :s ; k) ~ ~ .~ { { 1 \ 1 11 I~ 1 1 1 ~ I.%'~ ,:,'H y> ~~ ~ to GJ~ ~ t~~","~ ~~ ~c;"d "'-dA~ 1 tJt-~ ~ u/' ~90'd 8vcl0c9 , " / --.i '0/\ < ! ; ! , , I , . fI, ',' (. e;).....+ lA......;... 0lGt "- .' ~~ . 't- \ l{ 0 \ :r~.~ VJt "" \;.~ . ..k err ~lt-'- L~ 0-' t/(~ 01 J' ~ ~ -J iC$ <='~t-\:. ~ Date Received: JUN 30 2010 Original submittal I &'~% ~\~{JJ f ~ 0... 't' (0 CA >1 ; <Iv-.. erf4:~ {e;s '----- ~ '~UI ~O.lO.8 ls.m'11JON WOOl," Wd>:>;:>:0 966t-cc-80 n"'''ILoI Y a-., I c STATE OF OREGON MllrIl 4 2001 GEOTECHNICAL HOI,E RIll'fJRT'- f_ f't'r.juiml by OAR ff.jo:).J.4.I}..o.3S} WATER RESOURCES DEPT. (1) OWNERiI'ROJECn HnkNum"" B~3___ NaJ"r~. \ ('~'U:)'%~r--~\..~.... T......... Addrc$~ lli. L Zi IZ) TYPE OF WO ~w 0 De~p(:l'''n~ 0 Allmiti{1fl (lqlaJr!r~unditjLln) AlMndlll'lm::nr 3) CONSTRlICTlON: ~ JloUlr}' Air 0 HIlf'od Auger r'XIHoUow 5t~m Augct ORLlUlryMuJ DCIIhlI:T\KlI OPullhPwhe DOllier (4) TVPEOFHOLE: ~iTCoca:llcd Tcmpufuy 0 Clllic:J ~crmAfIl:nt o L"OCIl:l~" Permtln~ot ... "t:i 'Si;)';'StElbib~:' 'tJOt~r (~) USE OF HOLE: I I I I I I I I I I Dlamc:kr "rom .,:.. V.IlIt'Skd PI..~C' Witlded Th~lIduJ 11 !l [l n n ~ f' n n ~ ~ fl I I 1 ~ ~ r1 I Ii ~ ~J 11 n .::-1 --------~ Cal>lng- I So.TQ.."1'\; S!ut:r;lll' I {g) Wt:u. TK~T. n P'um~ [] H;lil ~r t'(:rDil<:;t;t!illl}' C\lt;Ju-.:liVll)' TempcrUlun:: of wafer :;3 Wlll>. w;u'r.ril.ll;aJ}'~i~ Julie? jKJ~' .B)' wnoofl (~of ,;trsU .malyzc.l. From RCIDMb: ([,tt> . AU- V,r::M "" """/e Ixpth J.ll1C.;IUIIl (luw l"uund __ fl. U !<" I U "l.JwllIg.^"le~j;ul GPM I I I L..~ ~?41 (9) LOCATION OF HOLE by IeS" deocrip~o.: CnufllY l.o.O(,.-_ Lu.it~r:_ __ _ .. __Loogitude__ Tnwn~hip___l_L_ ___N .(!)unge B. F. o&WM. Sc:cti(ln?? A.J.cJ.:. Jf4 ~ _ _ 1{4 Thx Lot ~,Q:) 1..01 Bltx;k. SubdiVl!.i~ StreeL^tId:rtA~ orWell {at new'eliil~!OlI) -~ 6io-t...,.... ""t ~r MOl> willllocatloo idanlR''''' ""'01 bo .tbochad 11~) sn:nc WATER LEVEL, , () fL below lznt.l SIlIf.l!l:t:. AJ1c:'ii:m pn:.~;l<OUK ~_._ __. lb. per ~quotr\: inch. (II) SUBSURFACE LOG: ,_ E {1S"be ,_ j - - --- - ------ WA~ FlESQUtl~IJI;I.>! . _ _~M, OREGON -L-____ ___ njil,e~tarh:(1 rY-A~--LJI 1)"leC(>Inplelt:tl_~ v6"'- ()L- ~- --itECEIVEO- MAY 1 n .zOOI Professional Certification 110 b.: ~it::nw hy 1I hccn!\(:\j wat..:r ;<"uPflI~. tlr llIunil...hlg ",d~ ~UIl~IJ'UL.lur. '" On.(::lltl rc~~~I~n:t1 ~J,,~lhgl~1 dr ...:hil ..m~in(!llr). I ~c~pt I'C"spun:!>ibilily fnr !hc cilO:l:tJ1Jl.ii\lf"l, ..dh:rilll;(lO. or ~ullt.lJC:nl wmk perform!::'" during the uJn!!trut..1iull dlJlr::l> rq:lUrtal !'lkl\l't:. All wtJrk p'rfornlC:'lJ dwing Ihi~ lime ix in ,-nmphllPCc wun Oregon" ge()tc..;btIkAl hulc L;un!o:tloctlDl) It-taru.lIllW:. This n..'JiOt1 iJ>. true II) tne ~A>[ ufmy !o'k,....I.cd.'C and btlit:f_ fl. Sip',d iJ)u;J) icenlWt: ur RCllil>t;,lilil.lJl Npmbcr f (h);l r _. Dok 3halo?(_ AlfiliMu\n. THIS REPORT MUST BE au IlMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEP4RTMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS Of' CQMPl.ETION OF WORI< ORIU!NAJ. - W,xn".k Kh:-.:OUk'"ES IJcP....RTMENT ....IRS.T<.:OI)Y CONSTRllCl'OI< I I SH'ONl>COt>Y -l'lJ~nl)MER: Date Received: JUN 3. P 2010 Origin~! Submittal ,,- -\ ~ f'\" 1.' 'd t:: l' .s: 3: \-'3 b\ 3 1 ~ lh I I \ I r ~tiJ. I I I , 1 I j I I ) ! i . I REcelVF-P I ! MAY \ 0 ZQ(JI WATER RESOUI'!C~ U~., r SALEM. OREGON I / . cWW lJ I -S ~ N Date Received: JUN 3 ,0 2010 Original Submittal . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I nc"c;;I" IIO,IW' \~ STATE OF OREGO~AR 11 ZOOl GEOTECHNICAL HOLE REPORT (p "'1"""" 0.. fI\\~AESOURCES DEPT. M OAEBON t()\'j0 5(1)'~:A':? (1) UWNFJlJPROJECT: H." N,mbe, ~-1 N.~ Gm. d.Ir. ~Y1~..\.lc.s. ~. N.'idft~\0~0dC"',,",^__fL)"'~~V"'r- D"'l~ City ('JJ\"~~ ~iL.O ~ SlJrk: '"l:.. L _..~~jp' (.IOf...tl (~) TYPE OF WbRK . _c D . ew o Dttpenin! AIlCU1ion(ftpajJ/ra'{mditi.1.Jn)~ Abandonment ) CONSTRUCTION, o RutllryAir OHlUldAvger nKc.xDr')' MUll [JCable To.n) (4) TYPE OF HutE, !~:==::. (5) USF. Of HOLE: t't:>i.\ /r Wo-'-- s...-...~ ,QgUOU()W Slem A:ugl:'r n p.,"" I''''be C Olber ('I) LOCA nON OF HOLE by lega' dt5crip1lo." Cnunt)' t./:! ......c...... L,uitude I.(mgflUde Tilwnshl(l ~ ., ~. N ~:r('S)-tan~t 3 I:!. [X@WM. Section 2.2 ~_1J..t ~. ]/4 Tall 1..1.11. ,,"'...v':) Lot Blt'lll;k _ .._ Sulxli"iwllln 5~.1~L.l.J'd;~tornearf:Staddle~ ---~ Mop wnh locolion IdenUlled must be aIlachttd (111) STATIC WAn';R U;VF.l.: _.' 'n. ... ft below laild ~uM'oce. AncllH1P pn:.'\.~urc lb. per Mluarc incll. {Ill SURSURFACE LOG: -D.,.~Jt'S'1ni Dale o c:i,:ecfrcrmancni' . o Slope Sl:l'bUit). 0 Dlher Gmund Elcvalitlll M~t~rlal De3cripllon ~~~1 ~-- (0 (6) BORE HOt!!: CONSTRUCTION: Special Construt.1.ion appro"'I" nY~~Nn rk:P[h. t,fC,)mpleled Hol~ ~~_ ..b IIOLE SF-At i- Pf~w .F~1It To ~- M.~"'.I Sadl.s or pound. trl"lJPd lh 1 DII['!: St.uned P .~ tl.O: t ___.._ OMr: Cl1mplctcd II:" Bll.ddlll pliK:ed rn"lnl HIla'" P"ud pl~cd I rntn (t.lo I"l.lh (12) ABANDONMENTl.OG: " r._ M~teflaJ Sir.\=nfpoclc MaJr:nl!.llJcslTI lion IJrum S:n:kJl 11r Pmuu,b. OJ l:ASINGISCREEN: D!.r.:lcJ'" Prom 1b GII'lIjl:C" Steel Plu.k Wrlditd Thrudcd [] 0 0 0 --RECEWED-- '0 0 [J u -----J n [] 0 0 00-1 0 n 0 0 D n 0 0 :n;fj flESOtlF<CF" "liP) U n 0 0 SALEM, OREGON Dillc~ed cP-~"/'- -. .-. ---.... --- 1>!Ltf:" CLlrJ1lle~ . ~-A:>-d/ Call.jn~:....... " St:n::r:n: .c;[ot ~i,...e (~) Wr:I.L TESP. ,'"]l>urnp ~l1:il1lCf" Permel*tlilllj' CllOOUCU......}. Tetnper,lttJfe (lJ ~lel" S ~ Was. W2LIerlls..~.IYllill dlJnt:'! f.2!'fb By whnm7 Depdl of .loilnJn .aoa.l~t.ed. Fmm Remuu: o Flo...in~ Al1e.mm GPM "n)re~iona] Certification (In ~ "ie:;ncd 11)" IJ liL'~n~cd ......6ler ~uppiy ur rnu.rtllllril~ wdll"tl\ll'lttudur_ (lr Oreg,un rC'~btC'IC,J ~('1}l~lg'l'" nr ,,'iviJ ~rT.(:in!;Cl")" I ;)CL'Cpt rc~pl)nsibili["y'fnr the CllmitruaitKl, ldlcrolmn. Dr wlIoonnment work pt:rfmml:!d during the. Vl"n!tnJI.1tc'" dale,. rcJXII1C~ p"'we, All wClrk pcrftlr~ during tht~ lime-Is in compliam-c wilt! o.-J:~IIl'JI. gt~bDt;hnicaJ hnk:: tAlTll<>!ructiDD r.land.YdK, This report i5-lrue In !be he~t of my kJlOwlcd~ and belief. flA.c Y~dJ I'H "FlC I)epth .urlc......IIfI fin"" fuund _ 1"1. fJN<> 1'1_ n.l(\- SigJW:d D.Ie 3.I..1al._D L THIS REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE WATER RESOURCES DEPARThlENT WITHIN 30 D"'VS DO' COIM'LETION OF WORK Date Received: SECOND COPY . (W\Tt)MH~ ()RICilNAI. Wi\']'ER. H~_~)lJRCES. DEPARTMF.NT l'1kS"[,(.'OPV -('ON5.TRUCl'()R JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I <(-Iil @ I @ -""- 1)- I \ I I I I 'RECEIVED MIIR 1 4 ZOOl ..vATER RESOURCES DEP't S"-lEM. OREGON \ I .1 I I I I , I j I I J I I I I I , I j I -.------~ -- .............5=>. ,;b- -\ fl.' C ]> s. $ ;J:> \' r ~J {}t1lAJ 1J I S ~ --z. 9 1-9 3 IRECe_VF-D MAY 1 () ZOG! WATER RESUUH~ [)EP SALEM, OREGON ~ N Date Received: JUN 3 0 20tO Originnl Submittel. I M r HI' I I I i \ , , I ; , I I , I I , , I / , -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I -. I I I I I APPENDIX c PROPOSED DRAINAGE BASIN MAP ~J'a~'~'~~~~~~_~'lW~~'ft~"'l~~;;;..:;4f;"..~,~~..t,,"'_"b'!:._.',__,_P~"""""""",l'l:!!li!"_J!"'it7>~j...~~~"t....,,,,,~..... ~-~ -t;y;-('\'Ji,';W~~"'.;'-"'~~'A:"""~""""""''''' ~-"r.'Td.\'_"'" 7$_', , :-.~ ---'-....""'.~ r-- ",,2, ~-'i" ,l.m !!;l"l!\;~~' 'iiir~.k~~~. . ~..~,~~!'!1""'!:'!~.~,~ ".""_'~" '......., ,"."",""G'-"';.'d'-",,,'.",'. ."'~",,' ',"', "'''''. ~"'OT', .m """"'" ,__ ~~ ",~.-~_..., ..' .~", ~",'~".">C,-.'== ""_.,,.,,_,..,..,,~.~.., _ '.",,,,. ,~":.<;.,. ....-_". '''''''''''0''"'''''''''''' .-.,...,.. . '"'''' >00=> "._ ......... ,',_""""'_~ '""". .-'-'..",.....,~"'..~..""_..~_~....-.......""""""'. _,' Date Received: JUN 3,0 2010 . Original Submittal ------------------- r.f:'- .-~,--. GATEWAY STREET -. 10 rtJ I I ",-' ;1' l'. ~I \\ ~-I \, '.:[i'j;,'J '__...._..:1 :;'....-.;-. )J .' ~~ L .." - '{ F';~::~:;i=~::::I:-;~:::;--~-=;;~:;~~j:~:=-=---~~,-:,~~~~~,:i.;-L~~-~ ..-. I ~ ,f " ~":'-:'~ I '" -~}- -3-1 ~ _ } ~ 'S"" \ ~ \1\ " " .-- " , i . t" 1'" ',," '\ . . '. '\ II .-t.--- "'~""''':/' -u~~"" lJ:: ) ......... -.-....';',';;, I~'" . '''\'-r;:-'''' '--"'" ..." \". r ( 'if' i \ I \ I , / \ _"_'_"_""__'___ ,~Et' ----.- I ~~; ________ " ~ I p~\\i ,: II ~~ ~ I ~" '" '[If I II .~ 'II :b"'l :::: ~6' ~ I,~~ 11'1 Ii: '\' ,,_ >~ '> ".. ~~ ; I . '" '-.. ,,', I, ! /~~ /~~.:~ //-- ~~< ,;' A~, I ,}[41II '''11 \ /IA,",<; ...... -.,....-. .:::t..."::,.,,..l/ ~~.-:-.. .,":,~ ~ ~':.:' ~.,'~.',.;,' .,:.,~;,.t:.: ;t;',' .... ......-; -:-.' ---'-~'," -ill. Ir~~~ \. {-<'<'yxxx>..'xX?< "'Y'{XVY<'V'()(V.X;".X &]'''C'VY/'>;x;.X;X;:::;' ..' " ~'. " '" > I' ":'~ ,.; ._~ ^Y-.<x":x;,<,;^(x'<<::....)';//\,x',"-.;"Y"''(<<.y:':..:>:!.,yy..,/<,-<) >;",~X<^;;{><>~y).X< ,'", . . . 0 ",' I '1; ~h. .... y'<..~~X;.<)<./'<../'"X^>"X,/,/:;<.(,J<X,..-....Zy'y,<)/y<,".,.:<< "A/,/',<'/Y'-.:'M"y'<<- '. - . " ~![ . 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'-"'>":;,~,-" ""--'~~i"'Z{+~", '- -" ,~'-, c~,' Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A ConveniE ........:..:..:.:...y~...... 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