HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 6/30/2010 (4) 4<:)-' ,0 P,Ct..T - 14\ 2-"2<0'1' CilO 3 :OdD [Ill' c,oq ~ C-:,W) . .:.tJi 1:,I.'T-t, :;;:~ t fi. :kf '. r' ':~,';:ki . i'''~ i-,t{ ';~ ~R!~:I .....;~..~J 4~:",:......!" . .~ -~ .;.: . ',,:1 . ~.-'. ., . ,;:,.~~ i llt:"-" "" 11,...'" !'/"y:..'" .... ....:.:~.;.r".;t: ~ '~~_"."'N ."''''-.- .....,.~~_"~_ m~_ - --_ '--mlftd ~ ~~~:~;:'-!;~":~';'C~"'~,jR~;&-.~~"t~~~~l'i"Ij;. ~~~~...a1.~-' '-"~b'Ar" . , Iil - ~c . _.. .- l'~' " :. 'WllVO'1 Vse.l 114 7467 M,~WIt1I Is.u.IEIl lees )0 l".l'r - U'S~ in (;,.(....zi"..t.~...(..JI ~. .-::~'''ff" ~" . , 'Q~:tl!l~~t \"!fl~/1-re~"l) t!l.09 "017"'" 'l it:' --;~ 11, 15 8753789 C~05 S EASl:lUHT AQtl:KI'tEHt OVC;:MHt;R "'oJ _, ul} - ';',. -ThU. Cross Easement. "qreetr.ent. ~nt.eted Lnto en the .tJqva. ~tatcd ~at~d. b$tween gleAN.9 CO~P., .n Or.9on corpo~.tian; hereinafter "sycan",' clod CHEVRON U~5.A.INC.. a Pennsylvania CorporatIon,. h~relnllfter '.'Chevron" ' ., RECl'U.L8 I J9/j3M~ 1. i.::U.'9iCA9C, ..,1I'~:'JlI' ~g.':J. WHEREAS, Chevron 16 tn. o~ner of Lo~ 5t Svcln C2!mAr~l*l l.aL&,'u phtted end reccrd.d in 1Ho '.;1, :; l.ao OU, on. CCVdty ~II Plat. R,co.t~.lI, Lane ccutay, Orec:l~n and . WHEREAS, Sycon 18 the ownor of Lot 4; of Syean Com.orel81 PDck, as pi~tted and reeocded 1n ill. 73, Slide 614, ~n. Co~nty or~ulI Pldt" ReeoccU, L.an6 County, 'OFflc;on, ond wH~nZA~, Sy~an and Cnevror., in orale to develop thoir re~~cc~1.ve parcel! ot pcope[ty, ,wq~~ce ac~e.., O~Ot" .bO?o .Dd alonq cI pun.ion ot -each Otiler!s propl!rty, located trell CoIteway Street, east alo~9 the property line to a poine .pproximately 73 feet east at thB ~esterly property line of Lot. . and 5, and WHEREAS, 1t i! the 4ealr0 of Chevron and sycan to create 0 CtoSS Ec~urr.ent ~qree~ent ~hich w~11 allow the ~tu.l ~ae of . po~tlon ot LOt 4, by Chovr;on, 1t" IIIl.:CCes50r., aSClq'l'IllI, Ou.1,.... inv lle>!$, d':l~neS, .mplovees. and quests. while SVCln, w111 -bt1 ..l:'owl!tJ tile use of U'lt!l~ per:lon ot Lot 5 the subjlet of tM. Cros~ Ecsement A9reement. lnclud~n9 SrC4n'~ guo.t., bueine.. lnv1.t.ee!l, 8genLS, t:'ml-'luv\t.,s, Sf,;,CC'~lIsors, and aSDign", IDd WHEREAS, attached nereto, marKed Exhibit -~. and l.r'Icorpooted herein .0 thou9h Cully ".t fOrth u a up, th'e sl'laded pottlen of which .hows the location ,1nd d.imens1on of the orCd or Lot ~ and tn. area ot Lot . the SUbject of thl. "utual Cros& Ea~H~~nt A9ceemont, and WHERtAS, attached nereto, marked ~~hiblt -0-, 11 tho l~al dG,cription for the area tne Buoject at this Croat Ea.ement A9reement, and - WHEREAS, Sycan and Chevron desir. to eruate thia Croe. Ccs~m~nt A9re~~ent for :he mutUa~ benefit of Chevron and Gyean, their 8ucce.so~s and aaaiqne. NOW, THE~EFORE, tor and in ~on.i4er~~iOA, of tb. .utual premia.. ano ceve(jolln~s .ule! ~eci.,=all, contal".d herRia,., aa.14. r.~L~.li 'beln; mmda b mater1~1 part of the substantive porticn of thiD Cross EGlJem"nt. Aqrsement, Sy<:an and Chovcon hereby air.. .. follOW.: poqe 1 - ~ROSS EASEMENT ~GREgMENT (11/18/87) ! ~.. .. "'<':':"-'-.-'- ----...) Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submitt&l ." - v.............. ,..,...., . ,,- ., I ~: I . ~ , ' fflJ7S!J IS , .' . Mcl<ElJlEN ISALTEll iii_ .. '\7503 3<4 1487 CAOSS EASEMENT AC~~KBHTI 1. In C'onsldecaUon toc tllll' su~ of ifo.co, (le.Uveced by Chevron to Syecn, receLpt of ~hich 1e hereby .cknow18dq~ by Sycan, and In further ~on~ldQra:~~n of the .urn ot $10.00, delivo:!lfd by SyC'tln to Chevro!'l, re".'Jpt of "'hich 11 hereby aCll;nowLedqfJd by cnevcon. Ch.\lr~'n. her.eDy 9rant8 unto Sye..n and Syc4n hereby COnVey5 unto Cheyron" and- thoir respective heir., succei"ols 4nd 4891905, .. perpetuel. nonellclusive e....llent to v.. foe the purposes 'et forth 1n P~i~9r"ph ) her.ot, a ~tr1p of land located upon SyeGn's Let 4, and- Chevron'. Lot 5, the. pc.clse lsqal deect1peion of which Ii attdched noreta mar~ed ExhibIt -a-, and the relati..,eo location ot which. .:In Lot ., end Lot 5# 1. attached hll'eeto. and marlted EIU'llC1.Lt, ..A.... . I 2. Th~ pG~tr~s h~ceby'a~cp.e that the ceo,s easements conveyed herein are appur~.nant wltn Lot'. beLn9 a benefitted property, '<Ill relates to the pottlen of pt'operty on. EXhibits _..._ and "8".. located ...,itl1in Lot 5, belnq .ttle burdened property 4nd, 11kewise~ ~ot 5 beinq a benetltted property, w1tft respect to tbe port1on 'of Lot 4 which is, the burdened proporty. TtJe grant!", of this cr085 ea5ernen~ lB not ~ e~n~eYan~e at fee t1tle Dut i. only the creetlon of cross eaaerrQnts for the benoflt ot Sye.n and Chqvron, ~nd their respective, 5UCCQ&60rS and aa'19na. J. The ~~'po8e at thIS ~Q~e~ent is to allow 1n9r... and eqress to and fcom Gate~AY Street lnto and upon Lots 4 and S by tne bUSiness ioV~t~e'. qU~5t&, a9~n~B, .mploy.." and' all othe~. nav1nq a l~....tu~ c 1qht to Com", in oc .upon Lots 4 end 5', Traff1c (10101 considerations require tJ10t t~e tJimenaions l:et forth on EXhibit '"A" tie aVlIilable in order to allow proper inqrBSS and e9r~ss on~o La: 5 and llke....ise toat th! d1men.ion& .et focth on Exhiba. "A", of the paccel aff"Cted by this CrOll1l Easoment A9re~ment be ~reat9d foe the l~~!~i lnqres8 and eqro.. into Lot 4. Those 1ndlvic~~1. entitl&d to a~C~SQ into Lot 5 arB hereby al1owe~ to trdve'l in Ut upon the bur~enQd property of ~o~ 4 wh11e 1n rout~ to Lot 5 and li~ew1se those lndiv1dQaL. entitled to access tnte Lot 4 ~il1 be allowed to ~to&a the burdened property 10 Lot 5 ...,nile ~a~in9 .ntry Inro Lo~ 4. Chevron hereby 8qrees tQ co~ply ~1th Item 10, of that C~rtaln letter from the City at Spr.ingtield, to RODIa[t: J. Neheen and tf. kdt'n Seoveuc;m, date1S September 16, 1 li:I en , ....h1c:h stat.es as tOUO~81 10. InStallation ct ~ te:nporary curD ad'aC'C!'nt to the dr1veway on Gateway Str@4t to prevent vehicles tcoa 4ccessin9 tot. of this S~bdivialon, The final 8tte plan needs to includR thiu t.mpora~y curb. ... S.vcan, belnq the- owner ot. Lot' f-, whien u, burdened to ". the bqnetlt ot l.ot 5, ret.a.lns the riqht to ...0 in or Upon the po:Uon at the, bUl:denad pz:operty lOC.Jted upon Lot " so, lon9' a, Sycan'g U:'H~ c( the l)urdened pCrtl'Ul: -;):)\111 riOt Intorfer. ~ith Lot 5, the benetltted propert.y'8 i~tqnded use. Llke~LsR, Chevron, PAge Z - CROsS &~SZ~ENT AG~~~ENT (J1/18/87, j;, 1 ,. .{ ";. "', .~\:;.:. !.... i.....: ":,:: , ..... ...1.' -:: ~ :,:~~'i::.~ ~ii i' f::' '\;'.' ,.,', . . , . . ., . -- ._. . k... .._,,~. _ -., . '. . ._ '''-:-~.,g~~~~~~...~.~~~t~Q~'''''?l~.tiU:~~~'~:''''''l'~~!.- "'qfI1'I1ij-...-. . ' ~ 'C::- .- -~.. -.J Date Received: JUN 3 9 2010 OrlSIRQI $ybmltiAl....- --e: . '11'1&-87 II: l8 tfS03 304~ 7407 .-.:.L r.~KEEKEH 1SALTER , .:;i, .\;:~:':'~i' ,. -- ;~:>K"'it;"";L:;;,;i7 \.:. ':'.. ,:'~ "~'''I' }......i....,. ........ .... ''''''''''''''1'''' ';':;J'.;i;A\(.~~~'.~' ~':'''/'''.',':: :=:.: '~,:~i.~/'..:.{:~:'I.~~'i ;. -..:ai " . .." . .fu'; II .. ." 1h...- A_ _ . _ OIl '~'.~'~-4-.:....:::~~,'~.~;.":",f.:u.~j-;~t:p-: 'jtt;";"~~:"t..~ ~~r~55~,~..p , 8753789 ovnec of the burden.d port,ion c!: Lot S. ahall b. 'I!'nt'itl44 to loa.. the burdeney pcrt~onOf Lot S, 80 long .,. LtG ~ir doe. not .interfece -with the beneUtted pcoput:)". 1nt.endtd' ,USQ of tile burdened pott1gn of Lot ~. S. "The parties neleoy a~tee tnat their is, of prior t.ttcord. a PaC1(!c ~ortnwe~t [I~H /PUBj ooselRent. located a10nCjJ tbe west frontage e~ oa,;ewey- Sl:roet tht'ouqh Lote 41 and 5 and the easement COI1LIi'c ,wd throug-rl tl'l1s t;'''$S E'~tlement A9reement shall be SUb1u~t tQ tMe r1~ht~ ~f PNB in and ~o their particular prior - recorded lIllIsement. Ade!Jh'lon411y, Cheveon and sycllIn hecoby 191'.. th~t tni~ casement is qrar.ted, e~eh to the other, 8ubjeat to llIny and all ot~er prior qaGemen~8 or eneumbrance. of recotd, 6. Th~ cross .4~~ment rlghts cre~te~ betweeo Chev~on 'and Sycoln. hereln ~re peL'po!l1,ld.J. nune,xC'lus:vt! eaaelD-Gntlil olnd ahall be tBr~inated onLy in t~e ~Vent that 4 separate ace.5f otf Gatew.y Sttect to liot 4. Occut":i, tlul ollly, in such @Vent, U the ow"on ot Lots 4 ",nd 5, Sycan ':'omn'Cl'rci..l Park, thOn ll"Iutuallr a91"0e to. tetm1nat~ ~~i~ eras. e~8ement 9r4nt~ heeein. 7. sUbsu.rfac;e "g-reelBent. Sycan and Chevron h~r~by'a~'ee that there 'haLl be eights granted or cceeted by thi. Cco8s.EasemeoC 8. Chevton ~nd ~ycan nereby a9r~e that Ch~vcpn vill cont.'-Cl\:t for ond InSl:.l.!.l tile p4'lement: an~ Other required C'l,)n::itructlon itll!'ms re9~ruin:J t!ll! access cOntl!lII~lated over and abov~ the shaded area or E~~ibit "A-. Construction shall be 40ne in d.c\,;urrJ4nce wtt~ eons~'rv::tton speclf1cattons required by the City of Spflnqfield, or ctner ~o~ecr.mental agoncle, hev1ng 1urlsdict1on over tn~ 5a~e. AI a mater1~1 po~tion of the consideratlcn of thl~ Cross Easement Agceement, Byean agreea to ~~y, in 0 timely (asn10n, onc~~~lf uf Chovron'a documented ao_e. p~rt~lnln9 to the aeruel conscrurtion and installation of the area tne 8uO,eCt of the shaded por~ion at Exhib1t -A.. 9. Sye~n and Cnevron ~er'DY ~c~nowledge the need tor l:antlnued :nalnt~ndnC'III' on th'll propecty upon the ...lta the 81r1bject. ot this Cr055 t.stment A9lY~ment. Chevron hereby a9rees to be responwible to malnLaln th~ .nt~re area ot the CCOBS Gasement ln~ludLng the b~rdened port~on or rne property upon Lot 5 and the Ourden9d portion.cI th~ plOp~lty or. LOt 4 Until Syean seLla Lot 4 'any 'the aame 15 devolo~ed by. thy pU6chaser from Sy~an, but, the rE>quir.m"nt to ~o maintain !lhell roOt elCC'~ed 120 day. frolll'tho dat. Lot 4 i~ conveyed Dy Sycan to the purchaser of Lot 4. Ttll:'cea!ter. ChevlClO and S;,c.e:n1!1 tllJC"Ceaoor in title to L~ ~ hlllteby aqree to $h~re equally the COtto of ~.1ntalnin9 the ed$.m~rit 1n a clean anu 900rl r~~1red cond1tio~.' TO thl. end, syc4n ~qLIII~S end covenantS tu ~eDp tn. aroa of the ..8e~ent locat~d upon LOt 4 clean and In ~ood r~pa!c and ILkev!Ge Chev&oa coven""ttt an1 llgrees to kl!\Jp th~ a.c'e~ of the oaSement LOC"iIIted upon L\Jt ~ in a clean aile,) 90dd ~.i'alcGd c:ondt:tion. ire-an and , , I ra~g J - CROSS EASt~H~ ~GAS!HENT {11/18/87J i " ~:-1. I.;', ._.. 'f" .> ::.; ,. :,( .... ....c:::::..--..--... _.J Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal no llIoeT' ,. .~. ! ..,. ..: ,: :i'f: /. " . . .~.'! ; ,,' ".'. .i;r f '.', , ...... ~ 11,'16.-'87 . ." 1:Goa 3<< 1<87 11: 17 H<KUHEli ISAl.TEll Wleee I 87537S9 Clu:tvron w111 bear tho: .eesPOC'l:lVO eOllta at llla~ntainJ.nlj\l tho property with!n tn@ ea,ement, 1o'~t~~ upon tho1c"re.pective parcels or pcoperty, in &aJd good r~pGlr and clean condition. A. to rep~lr3 wnich eee [tquiced to be mad~, wh1cn.are not l..dily identlf1eOle to ellh~, Lot' OC Lot 5, and the .~ea of the tOS811'.wnt located th"r;'in; ("hQllfOn shall, be de1'eg"tod the 'e~ponSib111ty and ObJ1qAtlon ot arrangloq foe those repairs, one-halt ttH! cosL (II ....hich sh.d! be paid for -by svean 1n a timely fashion. In th~ 9vent Che~ron deoires to ="~e .aid rep.1~.. Chevron shall give Svc"o 20 days "dvan~e notlc~ of_Ch.v~nt. lntent to lDallle the .rep..LIe. -. la, . Chevron and .iyclln :t9I.tlt\' to pay the 'roal properey ea... ~f!e~~ln9 4nd impactlnq th~ voetion at the ero8".~.'~Qnt lac. tad upon thele reapecelve parcels o~ p'~~e~ty. 11. Chevron and Sycan hereby cO'ler.a"t and'lIticee with one another tha~'nelther Chevron nor Sycap will encroach UpOD the pCololerty ehe. ltUbject of thIS Cro~s f:a:l'!mant "gC'ulI.nt, not obstruct the.... r.1ght of lngresli c!'mJ I!qr'l!59 ov.r and upon the ar.. ~nctlmp4ssed oy CI'\1s CrOss Jl:a6elJl'int "'gr.etDOnt. . 12. 1n the ev@ot a d18pU~~ should O~cur b~tween Chevron or SYl.'drl. iH l~ing out or tl'\' Urmc ar,d prOvll>10ns ot ~hi. 4qroement. the putie$ hereby aqJ;'e., tha': sua dupute Shall be reaohed by submlsalun at ~ald dl~pute to tno AM~rican AtbitC'.tion ' A830c14tlon foe [eso!utl~n in acco~d8nee'wLth their tQr~s and prOVisions. 13. rn thO! even"t that aoV .tb1tutJ.un, (Juit or-setion be lnstltutteJ toy eltllec party to entorce the provhion. of this a'lreemer.t, Qt ..nunq OUt of the term9 of thh al'jlreelllent, it 1. -IqrlJed tOollt ttl~ pt:Ctva11lll'y parey in said suh or action Bhal1 ..ccuvc~ 3uch sum 83 th& COurt m~y sel Q~ I.wd.unable 8ttorney tdOO in 3~Ld .uit ur ac~ion, or i~ any .r~41 thereof. . 1.4, Tn'is CI,:Oii6 .l!asell'en"t A9rQeml!n~ shall 'be blndinq lJpon - Sycan. Sycdn's Successor in title or int.rest and Gyean'. a.ai9ft. or o;ra"tet-.s. . L.lI((:...,ls~, thlt> CLan Eas.men~ Aqree1llel1t 'ha.J.! be bindin~ upon Chqycon, Chevron's he1r., administrator., personal 'ep~esentatives, 5UCC~&80rG, 9C)nt~Gs, and a.s1gns. In c"n::ttruinq this 1n'sttumen/; And ...'henc....er the .context .0 requ1re. the masculine gen"~[' inCIIJdes the fO!lIHntne and thl neuter and the .singular In~1~~e5 t~e p!u,~l~ the ~crd ~Gcantor~ iocludaa .nV lhlt"Cl!~150r in in tares ~ t.O tile GrOillntor:. tno worlj' -arantee- includ.. .ny SUCC't;'llIJJUC In lnteroSt to the Uc"ntee. . Page 4 ... CROSS EASt;I'1Et.r AGRSErttn1' 111/18/87) . .' -:-: ....,\:.:,:;,- ~. '. -. ::,"" .....; '. ~~,~ ( , '" l.'. ". :::.~:...:~.'" "",.::. I:. ..'. . .r { . . - .r' .' .,. f ~ ...< L~ ." .~. Jm;:4~J: ':' \r : :~<<~~~;~~~r.'; . . . ~:''''....rc:'~;I:',{;....,c::.-:.c;\j~~-.r.:~~i:I>;'~~~~~~~.~.9.1'' ....c:: -~-", -. ..-' .,; Date Received: JUN 30 2010 Original Submittal I. . ~ , I i I , I , . .11....1",,81 11'17 ," e-- 11d,;EEHEH 'SALTER 1'SOJ 3-<< HaT P~rson~lly 8pped~ed Dur~a[d ~. Boyles Who, bwtnq duly sworn, dId say tnat 1'1" 1& the r''''tHdE~~ of Sycan B Corp., ,and ttlat the seat aff1xed to the for~9oinq l~stc~Ment is the corpora to 8.41 at sdld cocpo~at10n an~ th~t gatd ir.str~~cnt ~as siqned and lo.led ir. Oeh41! of S41d corpor~tio" by dOthoricv of ltt board or dlrectoc::;:I .Jnd aCItr'lo...ledg:.!d uid llUltrument to bQ its voluntary a~~ "nd deed. ~.. 0_""', \j,.,;" ~\\'-~ .. KotA~P~U ic: Orj or.qon. "'- . c.... . Mi' Co slon. E.~1l'e~""''\.\.. --- / 5753789 GMN'TOl\: CA. eo the burdened port10n 0' ~ot <<I STCM ,It CORP. /t (' (//, - By /''/:~',u...-c......." 1'~~'~1-. Our~8r~ L. Boyles, ~re51d~nt \~.'-I.- g, gllt,e l I I GRANTEEl IA. to ehe benefitted propertYl SYCAHi lJ CORP. , '// // (1.,- _7 ,/ ',' By /! ~', "".'''''' I. ..' ...~ .,..._~ ~<. / (r.", Dur~ard L..SQytes. Pze&ld~nt \';!-'-'-\J': Date O~ANTOR/GkANT~E; HCM a CORP, /./ (' I'"l'r .' ~. /~. ~. , By O'~~.";;d"'L:;' a'.~y )~;:r ?-~~~ ~de'~i"'" I,).'''' ~ 'I C4te STATE OF OREGOn. ... County or Lana d..., " '~":. ,p}:..~ .~!::.:. '.. ~'~';~:'CI;'. ..'i. ", 1iIllle9 G~ANTURI (A. to tbo burdened portion of Lot' 5) ~ I Cd Arrnrnr...(n~P'..u.r Nnvp.mh..r 20 10111 gate GRANTtE: (~8 to tno benefitt~ PWopocty) z:;ft7t!rl. . ........ / 1" tR ^{torner'n~flAcr NoveMber lOt 987 OoU GRkN'I'OR/GRAtrrBB :(~~L- It. Atrorne'l-ln'P./Iict .---1!ovenf)er 20 1981 Oat'!" ~, !I\,~,. . ' Poq.. , - CROSS t,"S~SN'r AGllEE",EWT (11/19/81) ,,' ~.. }.' !',! .... ~'. __. .fiO......lIIW,zuJ: lOB .~~.7.~.;;~ot!.~::y.n.~~-s'i~.: .~~~..:~..~)..:~~i'').~'i'. .. , I ' , , ,~ :1' .;'j' ;j-; " ~" i:.: . , , ....,.,fo.. ....." I., . ,"\ . 't""!~1i j~~~ 'f~L.,... , f' ,1,:>',,:': ~;~;<r:::~ . 'f"fi-\,';lf\l'(" .. .: :.#~.:;~: fi--.o_ . .. ;....,..,..! , , ,~~ittr:.,~~tIr , , ....~.:::::,.::_ ~i Date Received: JUN 3 0 2010 Original Submittal ,- ~' ".!l-. -e Uda"87 11: 1/5 -. ,'- --- ",..' #503 344 7487 tfdiEEHEN lmra 1iI01l " S7:N789 -- &XIIIB1T -II- "" I iKR1Iiwci ~ INM. ~veN~ 0."".(.. ~. r."'~. I ~,'v.J. i WJo1. ,. LOT #3' CLJIrClJ.J)JE' 01= t:..1:.lloifi WA'( --;::". ~1 ta ,"" ~. C'O""'""'0"'7.8. J.:q', 4<4' N. tA'~' "-!' e. ..-Q,..1O' IMrT/-'L -'CI1fr cr eJ:4INNIII/61 N. 81.~'~' e, '$.0 I 'i\\ \\'\ !l..,,,,; l.l-S;": ,s:Cc"QI.I'(n-e 11::5.0' \~.),~' . '5. sq.SS'~" w. ",.,,' ~-=. LOT #4 ,..,' ------ 1 . '-ZllrULJ}J~ CF (~(' ~u. --...=. ..- ~xnIBrT "A' .:' _-;..Ok ,>t~,.~ Lt~t~,<: t.!:' I~ .;.,. 'T' '~.. .~:r:;:, .;," . :, "~,4~:;t:<~~:;:./ ." /:H:~N:t:'>h' . '.. ." '-.. ho..... M~~ .._. _. ~. ~ .._:...../.... ,,'.' ~..', " .. ."'" . " .' ,.-',' /. 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