HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 6/30/2010 (3) -, ----~:.-. . ..___---.:.~~I--UO 1:10/.' . '/,...... .I' -'. .. .~;.:\,:,:. '~.U<~;.'.. . :;!;.;;:"- ....1 / 8744694 \0 . EA"'.;:r " , (.)t.~ CRANT Of' UTJLIT'/ EASEMENT LC"J~T': ~~ DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 1~87 In consideration of the sum of $10.00. plus other valuable consideration. and in further acceptance by the Grantae, and the use or holding of the easeme~t granted, herein, for public use by C,antee, .a.rantor 1 'SYC8n B Corp., hereby conveys to Durward L. . l3oyles, Grantee, his'heirs, successors and a9&i9n~, a perpetual none~clusive,utility ea~ement occupying the East most'7 Lot 5"' .of the 5 can Commercial Park SUbdivlG SU 1V1S on' es " County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, for the purpose of. subject to the conditions contained herein, coostructing, reconstructinq and maintaining, an electric tr3nsmission and distribution line of on~ or more wires'and all necessary or dEsirable appurtenances (including telephone and telegraph wires, towers, poles, props, guys, an'C't1ors, and other supports and the ri9ht...~tO,f.Jlacr:/..tU-Q.;:C any part of such line underground). :11.., ~ ~ ~ .." ,"If '" uO~a3:U . fu'cl;hermore., Grz.ntor and Grantee hereby' expressly agree tbat Grantee. may transfer., and/or ass1gn, in Grantee's sole discr~tion, Grant~e's rignts in and to this utility easement, unto Pacific Power & Light Company, a corporation, Springfield Utility Board, or Eugene Water' Electric Board, or any of them, for the pvrpQses described within this utility easement, withdut the prior written consenL of.Gra~tor first being had or obtained. 10,00 this easement carries with it the right of ingress and egress o~er the adjacent lands of Grantor for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, stringing new wires on, maintaining and removing .such line and appurtenances.. and eJ(e'r~Av.'.ii.nq1q~h~~!=ND rights hereby 9ranted. HUOH'I' Grantor hereby reserves the right to usa said rigHt-of-way .tor Foads, or other purposes, not inconsistent with the easement granted hereby, but in using said easement, Grantor and Grantor's heirs or assiqns shall conform to provisions of any then applicable safety code or regulation p~rtaininq to required clearances from the wires or conductors of such line.~ 1O.l1 . This Grant of Utility Easement contemplates the construction; in the. future, of certain utility lines either by Gcantor,paciflc Power & Light Company, Springfield Utility Board,. Eugene Water. & Electric Board or any of them. No such utility lines exi~t~as of this ~ate. However, tMis shall not affecc the cue cent validity of this utility easement. However, or1c:e u.ttli..q'.,~Jj.nes. have be~n installed, then, all ci~S.'..'._~--_.- ~:~;;"iitJnde c. '. st)a,l(.:"~eas'_a~::tL:.artd:'::1H:JIJ!~~~S.\~;;;'l}!!!.....!Cl\aW"och-.iV'ebeen . abandoned. -.,. - ----"',....-.......~.......,..............-...... ....._.___...: I Crantee agrees to indemnify and defend the Grantor from any loss, claim or liability, of any nature or kin~,to Grantor pa~e 1 - GRANT OF UTILITY EASEMENT , ':.~:.' . ~f'. .. .~. '.\;~;F ^""'tr."~~.._,...." .,." .J......., _' ...._.... ". 1:1",. ~~. d. .. ....... .. ..... -. . -- ~ . . ~.' .!.; " ..,. ,. .1" .. "'-' .; ~.: ~ ....:... ...:.:....; . .,." ~'.- .----- --. "~ Date Received: JUN 39 2010 Original Submittal " . .'~ ..~- . . e-.,: Ul,; I U <l I:JOI , , ,.,,--- t 8744694 arlslng in any ,manner out of G~antee'6 use of the easement strip the subject c't'this utility easement and Clan tor shall have no. liabil~ty to G~antee or others for any condition ex1st1n9 thereon. >,,' Thi's Q,Jsem'ent is granted' subject to .111 prior easements or encumbrances of, record. DATED. this 30r'<d.y of September. L997. STATE OF. OREGON .., County of Lane SYCAN B CORP., '~n Oreqon corporaUon . By I:"J""A_,i.74tL-r~. d rward L. Boyles, Its President ", personally appeared Durward L. Boyles and who, being duly sworn did say that he is the President of Sycan B Corp., an Oregon corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoin9 instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in'behalf of said corporation by authority of its boaed of directors; and each of them acknowledqed said instrument to be LtG voluntary act and deed. ~ CD ~ ~ , ~:i :.'i. .,ell 1 l ~ ~ '2-=.2 "~.o ~ Ii c:t:.. :;:.a: ~ .-: t.c " ~ ...~ ~.. . ~ ~~:; ='Q) r..1 ;::..... 00 c.l " H o~ '? - .~o:t , ,~ , 'O~ o ~~ go- e~ . , "'j - , ., . 1 .B ~ , - , ~ Vll./ ...(,.1 ~ 6 Notary Publi My Commission .:c; ,.. .... Oreg.on ....,~~..... Expire;J,.( -jJ./Y: ~ \.,' ').'::~':~.:~::::\t~~} . .......".... paqe 2 - GRANT OF UTILITY EASEMENT ., .0. .~. : .: . ~.'. . .!";, ./ , . ~'.. .. .1:' ;~. ,. .' '''..-' .....:..c:=:--_.~..-. .' ~_.-.....' , '. :(:'.';' .:.t: ...,.... ,I ...j,~..:~. . ._:,.~~.:.~ ..:.~'::j~~l;:: ... .' . :, . ,. ..... '.. Date Received: JUN 3.,0 2010 Original Submittal .. ...