HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/1/2010 " . . [City of Springfield' Development Services, Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 974Tl Property Line Adjustment ,R~qtJirec(Broj~ct ~'tfQ.rm~ation ~~~;,.~", . ._,,:cApplicant::complete'tifis section}. Com an : Phone: Fax: A Iicant Name: Gordon L. Tom kins Address: 3630 E St S rin field OR 97478 A licant's Re Com an : Olson and Morris Phone: 541~302-9790 Fax: 541-485-3253 Address: 380 Street Suite 200 Srin fieid OR 97478 PROPERTY 1 Assessors Ma #: 17-02-31-13 Address: 3630 E St Tax Lot #: 201 Pro ert Owner: Gordon L. & Connie M. Tom kins Phone: 9ft 7~~ 5ltf3C,. Com an Fax: Address: 3630 ESt, S rin field OR 97478 PROPERTY 2 Assessors Ma #: 17-02-31-13 Pro ert Address: 3616 E St Pro ert Owner: Susan Shoshanah Thielle Tax Lot'#: 200 Com an Fax: Address: 2570 McMillan St Eu ene OR 97405 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Pro osal: Ad'ust the lot line 10 feet to accommodate vehicular access to TL 20l. Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page. Requir~d p'roj!'!,f~ Infor!!!ation '.;", t (Gity:,Intake staff:'completr: this sec..tion) Associated Applications: Case No.:.wBWIO -Om5V7 Application Fee: $ &~, 00 Date: 7 I ID Reviewed bY:'7Yt.- Technical Fee: $ 3 I. IS Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ (Pl;. /5 PROJECT NUMB Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian JUl'~; 1 2010 1 of 4 Original Submittal Signatures Applicant: Property Owner 1: Property Owner 2: . . The undersigned acknowledges that the j formation in this application is correct and accurate. Date: 6 -30 - Clt2/0 Signature aol2doI.J Print -If) /1t;i:..o S- If the applicant is not the owner, the Q ner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: (p -..]O-O({)/o Signature . (doi?rkll Print 7o;~r I If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. ~~At/~ Signature "5 U ~ltt1- J h/'/CLe- Print Date: I , I ~ '- j. Date Received: JUl:,1 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 20f4 . . - - Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. - ~l - Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Property Line Adjustment Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed for all properties involved in the property line adj~stment. IK] - Copy'-of a PreliminarY Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership_and listing all encumbrances for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. IX] Draft of the Property Line Adjustment Deeds in compliance with ORS 92.010 and 92.190(4). Recording of these deeds with Lane County shall be a condition of approval. Qg Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the ex.isting -use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be-taken, includi-ng findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.16-125, Property Line Adjustment Criteria. IX] Three (3) Copies of a Preliminary Survey including the following: ~ Prepared, stamped, and signed by an Oregon licensed land surveyor ~ Scale appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data EJ North arrow, date of preparation, and title, I.e. Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey IKI Boundaries of the lots/parcels involved, including dimensions and area E9 Zoning and plan designation of the lots/parcels ~ Existing property line and proposed property line, clearly differentiated by line type ~ Location and outline to scale of all existing structures, including required setbacks from current property lines and proposed property lines gg Location, widths, and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the lots/parcels and the location and width of driveways EJ Location of all public and private easements and utility lines within or crossing the lots/parcels. For properties outside the city limits, location of all septic tanks and drain fields. ~ Reference to the recorded Subdivision or Partition by name or reference number and blocks, lot/parcel numbers, where applicable Date Received: jUl:"'o' 2mO Revised 1{1{08 Molly Markarian Original submittaL -40f4 . . PRELIMINARY PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR . Gordon L. & Connie M. Tompkins Dated: June 29, 2010 Property Owner/Applicant: Gordon L. & Connie M. Tompkins 3630 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 Applicant's Representative: Larry Olson Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Tel: 541-302-9790 Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-13 Tax Lots 200 & 20] Area of Req uest: 13,733 square feet Existing Zoning: LD (Low Density Residential) Site Address: 3616 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 3630 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 Background Property is located at the Northeast comer of 36th Avenue and E Street and is a portion of a recorded plat. Applicant is requesting this property line adjustment so as to gain enough room for vehicular access to their back yard. The following lists the Property Line Adjustment Criteria (SDC 5.16-125) in italics followed by the findings demonstrating compliance: Date Received: JUL .:. 1 2010 ')", Original Submittal Z:\PROJECTS\4125 Tompkins\Correspondence\Prelim LLA Packet\Written Statement Preliminary. doc Page I of3 . . Rear Yard Setbacks for Primary Structures: Parcell: 60.88 feet Street Side Yard Setbacks for Primary Structures: Interior Yard Setbacks for Primary Structures: Old-': 6.34 feet New - 16.34 feet Base Solar Standards Building Height: Parcel 1: 20 feet Front Yard Setback - Garages and Carports: As shown in the above charts, both Parcell and Parcel 2 meet the minimum size and setback standards, therefore meeting this criterion. D. Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the lots/parcels involved in the application; There are no known previous conditions involved in this application. E.. Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/or private utilities to each lol/parcel in the application or to abutting lots/parcels; or As shown in the Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey, included with this application, the availability of the existing utilities are unaffected by this adjustment, therefore meeting this criterion. F. Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or" structure that is non-confol7T1ing at the time of application. 'Located on Parcel 2 is a 5.67-foot fence encroachment onto the right-of-way of 36th A venue, as shown in the Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey, included with this application. The adjustment has no effect on the degree of non-conformity with this encroachment, therefore meeting this criterion. Date Received: JUl:; 12010 Original Submittal Z:\PROJECTS\4125 Tompkins\Correspondence\Prclim LLA Packet\Written Statement Preliminal)'.doc Page 3 of3 . . '. 1651'Centennial Blvd: . Springfield, OR 97477 . P.O. Box 931 ~ Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.741.1981 Fax: 541.741.0619 .It. , A:- .~-=-. J&.~. it' ........ ~ .!..~ &YT~.rg~~t;.U TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES. ESCROW CLOSINGS 625 Country Club Rd, Eugene,.oR 97401 P.O. Box '1021,1 . Eugene. OR 97440 Phone: 541.687.9794 Fax: 541.687.0924 June 28, 2010 Order No. 10-2717 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT Gordon Tompkins 3630 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 Attn: e-mail: Partial Billing Additional Chain 5200.00 TOTAL $200.00 We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents. a policy or policies as applied for, with coverage's as indicated. based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The East 60 feet of Lot 19, ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Showing fee simple title as of June 22, 2010, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: GORDON L. TOMPKINS and CONNIE M. TOMPKINS, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. Date Received: Order No.: 10-2717 Page1of3 JUL': 12010 ;"". :; Original Submittal . . SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS " ~-- 1: Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a 'public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3: Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in . patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, confiicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, materiai, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS: 6. Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion or national origin, imposed by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recorded March 27, 1956, Reception No. 81503, Lane County Oregon Records. 7. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Gordon L Tompkins and Connie M Tompkins, as Grantor(s), to Westem Pioneer Title, as Trustee, for the benefit of Laneco Federal Credit Union, as Beneficiary, Dated June 3, 2004, Recorded June 9, 2004, Reception No. 2004-043507, Official Records of Lane County Oregon, given to secure payment of a Note for $46,700.00. 8. Any encroachments, unrecorded easements, violations of conditions, covenants and restrictions, and any other matters which would be disclosed by a correct survey. 9. Proof that there are no parties in possession, or claiming to be in other than above vestees. 10. Any statutory liens for labOr or matertal, which have now gained or hereafter may gain over the lien of the insured mortgage, which liens do not now appear of record. NOTE: Taxes, Map No. 17-02-31-13-00201, Code 19-00, Account No. 0117042, 2009-2010, $1,533.10, paid in full. NOTE: The,address olthe property to be insured herein is: 3630 E Street, Springfield, OR 97478. NOTE: A Judgment/Lien/Bankruptcy Search was done for the name(s) GORDON L. TOMPKINS and CONNIE M. TOMPKINS, and as of June 22, 2010, none were found. NOTE: As of June 22, 2010, there are no liens for the City of Springfield. INFORMATIONAL NOTE: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY FINDS NO NOTICE OF RESCISSION RECORDED IN THE LAST 24 MONTHS. Order No.: 10-2117 Page 2 of3 Date Received: JUL :,:. 1.2010 . , Original Submittal . . INFORMATIONAL NOTE: The current vesting deed and all changes back to the deed which vests ownership 24 months ago are ,as follows: BARGAIN AND SALE DEED RECORDED JULY 30,1979. FROM GORDON L. TOMPKINS. TO GORDON L.TOMPKINS AND CONNIE M. TOMPKINS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY, RECEPTION NO. 79-44820. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: )/hi vJaF-<- Jeffrey K.Walker Advisory Tille Officer cc: Olson & Morris - Larry Olson NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. Order No.: 10-2717 Page 3 of 3 Date Received: JUL''': 1.2010 . Original Submittal Regional land Information D.ase (RUD) . Lane County Property Taxes Due Report Tax Account # 0117042 Alternate Property # (maplot) 17-02-31-13_00201 Tax Code Area (TCA) 01900 Location 3630 E ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478-5636 Taxpayer TOMPKINS GORDON l & CONNIE M 3630 E ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 . Property Values & Taxes land rm~ 61,204 ~ Improvement 74,170 81,220 Total 135,374 153,076 Total Assessed Value 88,770 86,184 Tax 1,533.10 1,507.63 Current Year Assessed Value 88,770.00 Less Exemption Amount ( 0,00) Taxable Value 88,770,00 Frozen Assessed Value 0.00 Exemption Type Account Status Account Status Account Status Notes . Active Account Current Tax Year Remarks none Taxes Due for Account # 0117042 Delinquent Interest (if applicable) Computed Through: 6/25/2010 The tax shown is the amount certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property, resulting in a tax correction, Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. ~~~"'~~I~ 2009 Property Tax Principal 1,533.10 0.00 11/15/2009 Taxes & Assessments due for Account Number 0117042: $0.00 Date Received: JUL .::.1.2010 Original Submittal Report W2S generated by E~ergreen land Tille on 6/2512010 at 4:42PM using www_RLlD.OIg Page 1 of1 ... \ I FORM No:'B81 . TRUST DEED (Assignment Rcstti(:rodl. . L~~.c.~ ,F.t:~e~al. ~.r~~,j! .L!':'!l:!~ .7~.~ .~~n.te.nr:ie.t ,~ol?P. .E~gene, ~cego~, ~!,4;9!.. After 'RecoTdi'rig ltetu"riiTo' . 'We:&tem-No"n'eeiTil1e'CO; . "" ""PO [Jd:clot46' . . . . . 'Eugelle; OR' 97440- -=-i] 200~.O~07 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $31.00 0058765621111400435070010020 06/~/2004 ~:36:42 All RPR-OTR Cnt:1 Stn:6 CASHIER 07 SP' $10.00110:00 $11.00 RECORi:iER'S USE' DooKfreel/Volume No..,.., ...','..:.. ~:>n page II ,. ,., .' ,. .' .. and/or as fee/flle/mstrument microfilm/reception No..... ................ : Record of..... . .......__.. of said County, I Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. ' --Di~~lon 'of Chi.f Deputy Clark Lan~ County Deeds and Reca~d5 WP'rCO 209494 17 02 31 13 201/117042 II NS IIID' '/0-' i!.II- TRUST DEED ,t;i9~,q9,~.~ !O~f',~I,~!;>.,:,n~. ~,qNf':l!~ ,~, T.C?~~K.I~.~ .:";I~.~9.~.~T!'!~~T. . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 ..-,......,.........Gniriti.r'.sN......8rid.Addr....'. ~?~,c.~ f.e:t!I!~~I, 9.r~.d!r .l!n!O':', . .?4,~ .~~0,te.nn,i!l,I.~~,?p.. ~\-l~.r!~" Rr.~fl9l.1. ~l.~?n~i1~.;. -N,,;,u; ~ Ad~~' An""d~..ai>g. 'dllJrll '" I"om.. d... Zlp: .......... 'N.lM~" 'i"ilii' By. .." I?eputy. THIS TRUST DEED, made this ~r~. _ G.qRP9.~.~ ,~O.M!'.~I,II!S. ~.~D. P?~N!~,~ !l?~!'!<.l~~, .h~~.b.8.l'!d .O~_Wltll! .O,~ 1l.l!lIl.nt.:I, ~Y. !~~. f;I~~~re!y .Y'!'~~.~~~.l\! .PI.ONEE':l'T!'T~~., . ~~!"1e.c.~ ,~e~e~ill Credit Union. day of ~~n.e:, ..., 20.~. ., between ......., 8S Grantor, , 8S Trustee, Bnd , as Beneficiary, WITNESSETH: Grantor irrevocably grants, bargains, sells and conveys to trustee in trust, with pOWer of sale, the property in .':A.~~. ,. County, Oregon, described as: The Easl 60 feet okl lot 19, ADAMS PLAT. as platted end recorded in Book 14, Page 3, lane County Oregon Plat Records. In lflne County. O/egon. AddnJss; 3630 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 tagether with all and singular rhe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances and aIr other rights thereunto belonging or in anyway now or hero!1fler appertaining, and the rents, issues anti profits thereof and ~f1 fixtures now ar hereafter attached to or used in connection with t[1;FlWJf/.r"t1t. FOn THE PURPOSE OF SEClJRlNG PERFORMANCE of each agreement of grantor herein cr:mrai~ed fmd pa'(mrmt of the sum 01 ........, ., .. . ~ ...~: ~ ,.,: ~.., ~ ~ ,.,~ ~:. ~ ~.. F~r~y:S~~ .~~~.S.B.~ .~~~~.~ ~u~~r~~. ~!l~. ':,99, ~ .., ~ ~ .... ~ ~... ~ ......~..: ~ .'.' $46 700 00 ., Dollars, with intcrest thereon according to Ihe terms of a promissory note of I ~:;:: :;~;; ::~~,:~: ~;;;'bi~ .~~ b;~i~;~~.;; ~~; ~mJ made by grenrvr, the final payment of priflcipal and int!1rest huoof. if not saoner paid, to be : dUeflndpayuble .Ju,:,~.6. .' 20 ."~... I' . , . The date of maturity of the debt secured by this instrument is the ~t8, stated above, on whIch the final installment of the note becomes: due and payable. Should the granror eltller agree to. attempt ta, or actuaRy sell, convey. or assign e{l (or any parrl of the property or alf (or ,my parO 1 ' of grantor's intefflst in it withovt lil'3t obteil1lng the written Cl)11$6nt ar approvel of the beneficiery, then, at tha ooneliciary's option", all obligations I : secured by this instrument, irresf)ec/ive of tile maturity dates expressed therein, or herein, shall become immedia/ely dve ena payable. The executi{]{l I' by grantor 01 an earnest maney Bgreament" does not c()fIslitlJ/e B sale, canveyance or Bssignmtinl. ., To protect the secvrity 01 this trust deed, 9rantoragrees.' ; I 1, To protect, pr6Ssfva and maintain the propeny in good condition and repair; .not to remove or demolish any building Of I.'mprovement i thereon; nor co commit ar permit any wast. of (he property. I I 2. To cl)mploto or restore promptly and in gaod and hl1bi18bf6 condir;l)n any building or improvcmenr Which may be constructed. damaged: or destroyed thereon. iJnd pay when due ell. costs fncurred t(1erefor, . . . .. .. . I: ; 3. To compl", WIth afl laws, ordlnBnces, l't!gufatlOf/s, cavsnants, condmons ef1d restnct/ons affecting the properly; ,1 the beneflclhry so ' I requests, to join in eJlecutin9 sucll fll1af1cmf] statem8nts pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code as the beneficiary may require and to pay fOr (,1ing seme ,i1tfflf proper pllbNc office or offices, lJ3 we/I tJS tile cost of all lien se~rches m~"e by filing officers or searching agencies as may be deemed desirable by the beneficiary. 4. TO provide and continuously maintain insurance on the blJ/1dings now ar hef6after erecterf on the property agaInst lass Dr damage by fire and other hezlJfds as the beneficitJfY mtJy f/"Om time ro time require, in en amount not less rhi1fl $ 88,462.00 , vvntftm by companies ar;ceprabJl:J to the beneficiary, with /I)SS payabftl to thtllatter. All poiicies of il!su(WIr;e shaH b9 dmil'ered to the beneficiary as soon es iss/J6d. ff the .1' grantM shafl faJ1 for any reason to procure any SUCh insurence and to deliver the policies to the beneliciary at least fifteen days prior to the expirotion of any pl)fic'y at insurence now or hereefter placed on rhe buildings, the beneficiary may procure the same at {}rantor's expense. The amount I coilecred under any fire or other insurance policy may be applied by beneficiary upan any indebtedness secured hereby and In svch order as I beneficiary may d6termine, or at option of beneficierv the entire amount so collected, or any pf1f1 thereof, may be released to grantor. Such I application or releese sh~ff not cure or w8ive any default or noticc of defaufl hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuafl( to such notice, 5, To keep ,he property frefl from consrruction liens and to pav all la)(es, assessments aM other ChMg&s that m"y be fevied or assessed upon or Mlainst the property befl)rtJ ilny parr I)f such taxes. assessments and ather chergBs become past due or delinquent lInd promptly deliver receipts therefar to beneficiary. Should the grantor fal? to make payment Of "flY tBJl8S, "ssessmenrs, insurance premiums. liens or other charges payabfe by grantl)r, oither by direct payment Qr by providing beneficia,v with funds with which to make such payment, beneficiery may, at its ap,tion, mske payment rheroof, and rile amount sa paid, wi,h interest et rhe rere set farth in the nare secured hereby, together-With-the obfru"tJorf$'4escribed in pS/8Qr/JPhs 6 end 7 of this trust deed, shell be aaoed fa end become, ptJrt af the d6bt secured by thls,trust deed, without waiver of any riflhts arising from breach of any of rhfl covenants hereof.. For such payments, with intflfest es aforesaid, the praperry hereinlJuforo1ilescri,bfld. ,Bs' w6#' as the grontor, shalf be bound ta the same extent that they Bre round for tha payment of the obligation herein doscribad. All such pilymrmts; shalf be immediately due and pay:Jbfe without norice and the nonf)ayment thereaf shall, ilt .he option 01 rhe beneficiary render all sums secured by this tfust deed immediately due llnd payable without notice, and the nonpayment rhrmKJf shal" at rhe oprion of.tlla beneliciary,,re,!r.[c/ ;J1!Sumfis~c_u.red,by..rhis t,ust deed immediately dU6 and payable and shall const/wte a breach of this /rUSt deed. . . ,.:"" ',-- '.. ',' 6, To PBY iI" costs, ftles and expenses of this trost including the cosr of rirle search 8S well as the other COSts and expenses af /he trwtee incurred in connecrion with or in enforcing /his obligation and Irustee's and attrJrney'-s lees actually incurred. 7. To appear in and defend ony BcriM nr prDceedinO purporting to effect rhe security rights or powers 01 beneficiary or trustoe; and in any suit. action or proceeding in which the b8fleficlary or tlusree may Bppe81, including any suit lor rhe forccfosure of tlJis deed or f.my suir or 8ction related tl) this fflstroment, mc!uding but not lImited to ir.s validity and/t:1r enforCtlflhifity, to pay a/l costs and expenses, including evidence 01 title a/ld the fJeneficfary's or trustee's lJttomev fees; tllflamouf1l of attorney fees mentianed in this paragraph 7 in aU cases );hall be fixed by the tr;af coon (lnd in the event of an oppefJl from any judgment I)r decrae of th6 trle! cnurt, granror lurthlJr aoreas to pay such sum as Chit appellata court shall iJdjudge rcasonab/slJs the ~nsficiery's or trustee's aflomey fees on such appeal. It is mutually agrtJlJd thaI: 8, In the evenr thar sny panian or ell of the property sheff be t,ken under thf: right of eminont domilin or coodl1mniltft/l'\.Ii' efici shall have the right. If it $0 elects, to require thai aff or anv portIOn of tfle mooies payable as compensation It:~ .we" takl"ll, whichlNJiifI NOTE: The Tt\llt Oud Act provide. thllt the tNate. he'e<lnder mult be either .~ 8ttomev, who is lOll ...tive mtlmbe. 01 thll Oregon SllIt.. Bar, .. ban", l,uIII CIImp..ny IIr urvillllllll'td loan uBGClatlon authorized 10 do buIlnesa undertll.laws otOreQt)1'I ortha United St81.., II title ]nauoalle."ompany aulhorillldlo insUfetitll!lflJ'I!'" property of ttW; .t~tl!, Its 5Ubsldlw-les, offllliates. lllJ"flls or branelles, IlIe United States or eny egenr;y thereol, or an aacruw llliJenl licensed lmde1CJ 698..~5 te) 698.685. L. ., 'WARNING: 12 use 1701J.3 Illgllllltlllll.nd rTlllY prohibit e..ercise ollllis option. 0:-: I "Tho publlBher -lUggnlS th.t luch e~_!~.!"ment address IlIe Issue of abtelnlng bl!lM!f!dary', consent In complete deleD. ,,' i ed: at "'''' Conma(System~, Inc" PMChlroo C~V. GA 302&9. El'OflM 432~4.a CRfD".UNION6riginal Submittal. , I (,- amount ~e9uired to pay. all (ea~onabfe costs, '~;'p. enses and a~-~~;neY'Sf8e$ necessarl7'1 PB.'!~,().r i/'fCUfrnd by g;~ntor in such proceedingS~ :hall be patd III] 10 ~ne~clary end applle~ ~y It !ifst upon any frI8S0nable costs lJnd eK~ses and attomc.p fees. both in tho trial DI'Id sppeJfate courts, necessarily I paid or mcuffJ!d by beneflc~ary In such proceedmgs, and rhe balance applIed upon the inlJebtedness secured hereby; find grantor agrees, at its .own expense, to (B.*8 :iI/ell actions and 8xecure such instruments as shall be flIJC8ssary i." obtaining such compenSJtion. promptly upon beneficiary's 'II request. . . 9. At any rime and from time fa (/mil upon written roqCIt1Sr ol/)on(llidilry, payment of Its less and presenfation 01 this dQod and the Floff/for endorsement (m C8;S8 of.full reconveyance, tor ctJ/lcelfationJ. without affecting the liabiflty of IiIny person for the payment of the indebtedness, trustee . mo/ly (a/,consfmt to the making of any map Dr plat of file properly; (b} join in griYIting any easement Dr creating any resrrictfon lhe{r!on; (c) ioin in any subordination or othel agreement alfecti'!9 this deed or the lien or charyc thereof; fd) reconvey. witflour willranty. aN or Bny part of the propert,!, The grantee in ony reconV6yance may be d~cribed as the "pelson or pelsons fegaNy em,'tled rhelero. . and thfJ reciriJls therein of ..ny m..rter:s f)r ffJct:s shall be concfusive proof of the truthfufnel:$ thereof. Trusree.s fees for rmy of the services mentioned in this pari1{/ri1ph shall bf1 not fqs$ thtln $5. .- 10. Upon any default by gran/or hereunder. benelidary may at any IIWl!.:,withour notice, either in pelson. b'legent or by a receiver to be appointed by a court. and withour regard to the adequacy Of any security fo.,-'ffuJ'i/Jdebtedness hereby secured. enter upon and takt:i possession of I the propeny or any part thereof. in its own. name sue or otherwist! collect the ':rents. issues and profits. includinG thosl.J plJ$t due end unpaid. snd apply rho SliIme, Jess 'costs and expenses o'f operation and collection, fncl"dJq9 teasomJble attorney's feelS lJfXJn ,my. indebtedne$lS secured hereby, and in such order 11$ b8(1fJficj8/y may determine. .., , 1. The entering upon and taking pfJSSeSSiOfl of the property, the collect/on of such rents, issues and profits, or the proceeds of fira and I other insurance poti?ies o~ compensation or !Jw8r(js for any raking or damage of rhe propeny, and the appiicaUon or re/ease thereof 8S aforesaid, I' shall not cure or waJve any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to swh nOlice. I . . 12. Upon default by grantor in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in grantor's performance of any agreement hereunder, rime beIng oi tAe essence with rlrJPccr to such p8yment 8nd/Or performance, the beneficiary may dflclare all sums secured hereby immediately due end payable. In such event the benefft:iery may e/~t to proceed to fOlecfose thiS trust rf.eed in eqUity-as /J mongage or 4irer,t the rrtJste6 to foreclo{Je this trust deod by adVertisement end sale. or may direct rhe trustee to pursue ,JnY other tight or remer/v. either at faw 0"/1/ equity. which rhe IJeneflci!rt may have. In the event the beneficiary elects to forecloSE! by advertisement and su/e. the be(/~ficfaty or the'vustee shall execute end cause to be recorded iJ written notice of defauft and elecrion to_sell the properry to satisfy the obligation sflcvred herebYWherfWpon Ihe rrusree shall fi)( tlie time end p1lJce of sale, give norice thereof as then rlfJquired by law and proceed tlJ foreclose this trv!>t deed in the m~nner provided in ORS 86.735 ro 86.796. 13. After the trustee has commenced forer:fosure by advertisement arid safe, and at uny time prior to 5 days before the date the rrustee condwts the sale. the gnJf1tor or any other person so privilflf/ed by ORS liB. 753..may cure the def/Juft or def..vlts. ff the default consists of a failure to pay. when due, sums secured by the trust deed, the default may be cured by paying the entire amount due at rhe time of the cure oth8r thltn weh portion as would not then be due had no default occurred. Any other default that is capable of being cured may be cured by tendering the Mrform8flCe required under the obligation or rrust deed. In any case, in addition III curing the defaulr or defaults. 'he person effecting rhe cure shall pay to the beneficiary an costs end expenses actually incurred in fJflforcif19 the obligation of the trust deed together with trustee's and attorney's ,fees not exceerffng tht!: IJmounts provided by Jaw. 14. Otherwiso, rha sliI/e shall be held on the date and at rhe time and place designatfJd in the notice of sale or rhe rime ro which the siile milY be postponed as provided by law. The trustee may sell the property either in one parcef or in separate parcels end shall self rhe parcel or parcols at auction to ths highest bidder for cash. pilyabJe at the time of sale. Trvstee shiJli deliver to the purchaser its deed in form as required by law conveying the property so sold. but without any covenant or warronry. express or implied. The recitals in the deed of any matrfJrs of fect shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulnass rhereot. Any pelson, excluding ,he trusree._ but including the granror and beneficiary. may purr;hase at the sfJle, , 6. When trl/Stee sefts pursuant to the powors provided herein, trustee shtlllepply rhe procfJeds of sale to payment of 11) the expenses of sale, including the compensation of the trllSfee and a reasonable charge by tfll$tee'$ af/orney, (2) UJ tlM tJbJigatlM secured by the trust deed, (3) to aU persons heving lacorded lien!: subseQUent to the intetest of rhe trustee in rhe trust dcod as their interesLS may tJppear in {lie order of their priorir", and f41 the sutplus, if any, to the grantor or 10 any successor in intereSr entitfed to such surplus. 16. Beneticiary m<JY from rime to time appoinr a successor 01 swcessors to BIIy trustee namt1d herein or to any successor (rl,lstee appointed herounder. Upon such appoi1l{mt!nt, and withaUl conveyance to thR successor trustee. the Jatter shall be vested with all title. powers and duties conferred upon IJny trustetJ herein named or appointed hereunder. Each such appointment and substlturion shalf be mude by wn'Uen instrument executed by beneficiary, which, when recorded in the mor{g~ge records of the county or cOlJnties ;n which the property is situatod, shaff bf1 conclU3ive proal 01 proper appointment of the successor trustee. 17. Trustee accepts this trust wilen this deed. dulv execvled Jmd 8~knowfedged, is made a public record flS provided by law, Trustee is not obligated to notify any patty hereto of pending sale under Bny other deed 01 trust or 01 any actIon or proceeding in which granrol, IJenerid8f'yor trustee shall be a party vnleS$ svch action or procfieding is brovght by truslee. Thl!! grantor CDvenants and agrees to and with the beneficiary and thB beneliciary's SUCCfJS$or in imerest that the grantor is lawfulfy seized in fee simple of tha rea! property and has a valid, unencumbered titie thereto. except IiIS may be set lorth in any addendum or exhibit attached horBtO. arid that the grenror will wartant lJnd f()rcver delend the same against sf! pflf$onS whomsoever. WARNING: Unless grantor provides beneficiary with evidence of insurance coverage as required by the contract or Joan agreement between them, beneficiary may purchase insurance at grantor's expense to protect beneficiary's interest. This insurance may, but need not, also protect grantor's interest. If the callateral becomes damBged, ille coverage purchased by beneficiary may not pay any claim made by Dr against grantor. Grantor may later cancel the coverage by providing evidence that grantor has obtained property coverage elsewhere. Grantor is responsible for the cost of any insurance coverage purchased by beneficiary, which cost may be added to grantor's contract or loan balance. If it is so added, the interest rate on the underfying contract Or loan will applv to it. The effective date of coverage may be the date grantor's prior coverage lapsed or the date grantor failed to provide proof of coverage. The coverage beneficiary purchases may be considerably more expensive than insurance grantor might otherwise obtain alone end may not satisfy any need for property damage coverage or any mandatory liabi1ity insurance requirements imposed by applicable faw. The grantor warrants that the proceeds of the form represented by the above described nate and thiS trust deed Bre: fa!" primarily for grantor's personaf. f8mify or household purposes (:;~--'l_!/]l'pommt Notice be/ow). f~~~~1f~~~>>~. . \1 This detfd epplles to. inures to the beneht of and binds 8lf panies hereto. their heirs, lugattlfls, devi$fles. edminlstrators, executors, pe~onall' f(Jprsssntatives. successor.; and assigns. The term beneficilJry sIlafl mean the holder and owner, includmg pledgee, cl the cantmct secured hereby, I! whcrhllrf./f flor nBmed as " beneficiary herein. : ' In construing this trust deed. it is understood that the grantol. trustee end/or beneficiary may each be more th one person; that if rhe I context so requires, the singular shalf be taken ta meBn and include the plural, an.d~hi1r 9.8 erufly 811 gflJ.mmBtfCal chan s shall /)q made, assl.Jmed I " Bfld implied ro make tfte prf./vi$ions hereof apply equ..ffy ro corporar,'ons ami. to ind' 1$. I ' . .IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this i e the yo r . : -tMPORTANT NOTICE: Delete. by 1I~11l9 aLlt, WhicheYlllf W_l1!Irlty Ill) 01 lbl [" nal .' lIppPlUlble;tl"lIfTllntVtg)~i1pplk:gblg.ndlh"~flci"ry;..c"..liIDr""lO,,ch '" '''11.': ..';.......... -, . .... " ~=T ~O~:~l~ :: ~:h:dL~::~ti:;,ct .;n:,~;:'!lUI=...~ ~':I=~~~~ /...~,.. m: Ihls PUfJlOle uBe StI!Iyenl-NeSl Fonn No. 1319, or eQul......I...I. It eompllancl with Ihe ACl is not lequlred. tkregllrdlhisnotice. STA TE OF OREGON. County of ~Af;J~", This instrument was i1cknowfedged before me on, <~OT1.L..:r:"",pkins ,&, Connie .11. .J\lne_ . Tompkins. ) 55. J... ,,2004 . OFFICIAL SEAl 7i DONNA F TRUSTY " f NOTARY PUBLIC - OREsaN. . '-., .... COMMISSION NO. 372 0 MY DDAllS$llJ1I EIl'IRES lIf. n: OJ' instrument w",,, acknowtedged b~f"re me ~n. .......20 Notary Public for Oregon REQUEST FOR FULL RECONVEYANCE (To be used only when obllQiltiotlS have been paid.) TO:. W~~T~~,~.J;'I.C?~~~R. !!'!~, _. .,..., Trustee The undersigned is the lega/ owner and holdel of all indebtedness securtld by the foregoing /rusr deed. All sums secured:!he trUSt deed have been fully p8id and s~rlsfied. You hereby are directed. on payment to you Of any sums owing to you under the terms of e pursuant to statute, to cancel BIf eVfdences of indebtedness secured by the trust deed (which are delivered fO you herewith roge m~ deed) and to'reconvey. without Wa"Bnry, to the panies designated by the terms of the trust deed the estate now held by you under the samo. Mail reconveyance end documents to, jl$~2Ir?7 ived: DArED: .20. JDe; .2010 Da l'IallOIO at dalll~Y this Trust De<ld OR THE NOTE which 11 .ecu.... j eothmus:tbedellYt!redtothellt1:ateofo-rlalnceUal'onblfDrerec,,",~"'l\UwIJ i,bemad". 2000 Co_Sysfem~ Inc.. Peochl.... City. GA 302GIl . OFORM 43284-G ....:.-iie-,;eficia;y..--..,_..........". ..-- ..... ...11 : CREDIT UNION co.0"9,"81 SUDnifilal I Jun i:4 .IU lU:14p I I I i ! j i . ! NanCY'. . 541-485-4559 p.3 Order N.J.: 46~0014397-fjEUG25 PRELIMINARY REPORT (Conl!nued) EXHIBIT .ONE" .. LCIl: 19. ADAMS PLAT, as platted and rec.oroed in BOok 14, Page 3, Lane County OregooPlat Records. in lane" County, Oregon. EXCEPT the East 60 feet Ihereof. ALSO EXCEPT: Beginning a! a poln! which lies 60.00 feel South eg' 45' West and 64.45 feel Norlh O. 33' 44- Easlfrom a 1/2 fncl1 iron pipe matking t"e Southeasf comer of Lot 19 ollheADAMS PLAT, as platted and reoo"ded in Book 14, Page 3, Lane Counfy Oregon Plat RectJrds (said pointor beginning wf1nessed bya 112 inch iron rod MflQ SOUfh 88< 59' West 0.47 feat dTstant}; rUn thence Sou{/': sse 59' West 67.54 (eettoa 11.2lncll ircl'l pin; lhence South O. 27'WesI3_10faetro a 'fJ2lnch Iron reef; l/1ence S::luth 88. 59' West 52-21 feettoa 1/2 inch Iron fod on the West Ifne of saId Lo1i9; thence Norlh (10 32' 44" Wes~ 45.69 feet along lhe WestJine fhereofto OJ 112 inch iron rod; lhence North B9- 45' East 119,72 feet along the North tine of said Lor to the East line thereof (safd p~Jllt witnessed by a 1/2 Inch [ton rod lying Soulh 8e- 59' West Q,46 feet distance); thence Soulh (]_ 32' 44~ Eas140.48 feet fo the point of begi.1rung, in Lan!!" County, Oregon. FDOQI1212.rdlt ~--"--:~''''---'''---''--;'------:~7'''-'''''''' . Date Received: JUl :;: 1 2010 ..... Original Submittal JUI 24 10 \ 10:13p '--...'; Nancy Mac . 541-485-4559 . p.2 .@ Tlcor Title Insllrance Company 200 Hav.ihome Ave., 819. A-100, Salem, OR 97301 FAX PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER: PattySmitt"i ORDER NO,: 4610014397.FTEUG25 CUSTOMER NO.: 472610003359 A - Added buyer. amounts & update TO: Tlcar TiUe .'I.Un: y....e,te Fetsch 744 NE 7th Slreet Granls Pass. OR 97526 Re~.d 8, Approve; OWN:;R/SELLER: FeCerar National Mertgage Association BUYERlBORROW::R: Susan Shoshanah Thielle I~ ~ . "A .f/ . ~'I?'" d ",V" ,dit PROPERTY ADDRESS: :3614 E Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 EFFECTIVE DATE: May 14, 2010, 08:00 AM " THE POLICY AND ENDORSEMENTS TO BE ISSUED AND THE RELATED CHARGES ARE: AMOUNT PREMIUM O\,;ner's Standard - anoun\ to came 90.000.00 $273.00 $15.0-:) GO'Je'nme11:a1 Seri'~e Fee 2_ THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERReD TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS: A Fee 3. TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN: Federnl Nalional"MortgagaAssocialion 4. TH~ LAND REFERRED TD IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN TH~ COUNTY 0.= LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FDLLOWS: SEE EXHIBIT~ONE~ ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Date Received: JUL:'l~OtO . FDOR0212.rdlv Jriginal Submittal Jun 24 10 10:14p 1. i I 2. I , a. I I 4. I 5. Nancy . . pA 541-485-4559 Order No.: 4610014397.FTEUG15 AS OF l"H E DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSJOERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN AOOITIOt~ TO THE PRlNTEDEXCEPTlONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POUCY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: TClxesorassessmonts ....nidi are not shOYon as &:>listing liens by Ihe recCfds of g")Y laxing aut....oril).lhat levies taxes or assessn<>..nls on real property otby lfloe Pucllc Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result fn 10ues or asses511entsl or no:lices of 6UCh proceedings, whelher or .lot shown by the records of such agen~ or by the Public- R9.cords. Facts, ri~Jts. Interests a claims which 2Ie nOI shown by the Public Records but whIch could b~ ascertaillaO by an Inspection of the land 0: by making Inquiry of pel&Jns In pOssession 'hereof: . Easements, or claim:!; of easement,ocl shown by the Public Records; fa-serV2.tionsor exceptions in patents or In Actsaulhorizlng!h-a issuance Ihereof: waler riSh.ts, dailT\.9 O~ title to water. My encmacilmenl, Er\ClaTlbrance, violation, variation. 0' achferse circumstance affscting 1he Tille lhal wolJ1d bEl disclose::! by an accurate.and com~ere land Sl:rve)' of thElland, The te!-m ~encroachment" includes encroacrmenlsof existing Improvements located on the land onto atfJOining 1a1Id, and enc~oaclunents onto Ihe land or ex~s1ing lm;:lrovements located (]n er:tJd;,lng larxL Any lien lor services, fab.~r or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, Of for conIrlbutiof1s due to the Stale of Oregon for Uiemployment compensation or work.er'scompen5ation, Imposed by la~v and nol shO'IYn by the Public ReC'Ofds. ' SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTJONS: 6. P~opertyTaxeswfth partial j:aymentars as fofJOI\lS" Fiscal Year. .2(J09.201D Original Amount: $1.0n.23 U'lpaid BaI<31lCe: $718.16, piUS interest if any Levi Code: 01'900 Account No.: 0117034 Map No.: 17-D2-31.13.COZOO 7. City liens, If any. in favor of Ihe CityofSprlnglield B. Easement's) fef tb:l purpose(s) shown below and rights Incidental thereto as delineated or as offered fOf d-:dication, on the map of said lract/plat; Purpose: Irril;;ation ditch Affects; 1\:0 exa<:llocatJOl given 9, Easement{s} fo,1t!e pLlrpose(s) shown belc.w and r!~ts lnddenlal thereto. as gri'lnted In a c!oOJment: G:anted to: 'IN, L Benham Pucpose.: Righ1.of-\vay Recording Date: Augusl21.1912 Recording No; Volume 94, Page 634 FDORQ390~ .......~.-..."..._._,-~... } Date Received: JUL;;. 1.2010 Original Submittal Jun 24 10 10:14p I I I I i , , i I ! NanCY. . p.5 541-485-4559 Order 1\'0.: 4610oJ1:4391-fTEUG25 1D. E'asemen/(s) for the purpose{s) sho-NIl below and rIghtS, ;ncidenlaJ th~eto, as: granted in a document: Gl"ilIlted !::l: Mountain Stales PoY.'er Company Pvtpo~: Right-<:lf-way Recortling Da.te: Marth 9, 1829 ReoorCJng No: Volume 161. Page 236 11. Easem!ll1![s) ~or I:te PL.Tpose(s) sllown belo'Nand riQ.lls lntidl!l1tal thereto, as grantee" in a documeflt Gr3lted 10: Witli<Jm Whr.e, etaf Purposo: Canals, he.ec4lates, flumes, ate Recordln9' Date: Ma~ lB, 1938 Recording ~1o: 61260 12. CovenMts, conations and :esfrldlons bur amrtt'ng any Covenanlsor reslric:tlor.s. if.any. Incl'Jding but r:ot lim/tad loChose- based Upon race, c:dor, reJigr~n. sel(, .sexuatonentalion. famillalstatus, marital staws, cisabWl;.o. l1amfICap, natiolill Q(f~n, aneesUy, or SOurce of /n~e-. as Si3:1 forth in appficabJe state 9r federal la'NS, l;;xcapt to !he e.'denllJ'l<ll said co'.'e.'lant or restriction Is permUted b)' applicable law, as sel forth In the document R~rding Date: Ma:ch2'7. 1966 Recading No: a 1053 13. Attenflon is calJed to !he Se:vic9members Civil Relief Act (103 P.L 1 Be; 117 Slal 2835: :2003 Eooeted H.R. 1 00) ~nd amendments lhereto 'I/hich ocntaJn inhibllicns against !he Sale of land under forsclosure Of execution if 1.10 owner is enttued lo lho he,efilS 01 said Act. The recorded decl/rnenls do nol show v.nelher ltn! OWller Is en:iUed to the benefits of the Act or whether tllo TRJstee has taken any sleps fa delermine !he applicabilit-j oJ (he Act. If title is 10 be insured foUawir.g a fOleclosu:e sale. Chis Conlpany ......illl'tlquire.a recorded affidavit by [he Trustee that the sale was in compliane;e ....ith 1he terms and provisions of the Act. END 0 F exCEPTIONS NOTES: A. Note: There are no mattersagalnsllhe pany(Jesr SI1CIV1l below \'<hich wollld appear as exceplions 10 coverage In a tilll>! insurance product: Parties: Susan ShosI1anah ThieJle B. Nole: Accardng 10 !he ptl~ic r~cords, there have been no dsed5 conveying the land desctfbed herein \\i!hin a period of 36 mo.1tI'lS prior to lhe date of this report. except as fellows: None. The last deec was (e~rded March 2. 2010. Receptlon No. 2010-01'D33.5 Grantor: North\"o'eSt TllJstea Services, :nc. Grantee: Federal Nafio~ Mortgage Associalion FOCR'lJOO.fl'!1T . -.....-..-..--.... . . ._-,._--~--_._------~-_...._---,-_.-.._._.._--~~--~.~ '.'. . Date Received: JUL~ 1 2010 .,' Original Submittal Jun 24 10 10:14p I I I I I I Nancy . · 541-485-4559 p.6 Order No,: 46100',4397-FTEUG2S C. Note; Please s.::ndany documents for recording !o Ihe fOllo'(o'il19 address: Ficfelily National TiUe Company AtIe.11JOf'l: Recording Department BOO WiUamelle St.. Sle. 500 Eu;)ene, OR. 97401 O. For marly real estate transacli-ons. Federal 1&-; requires thal,a selllementstatenrent show tlle alJocalim of lille insurance charges between litle insureratd tJlle Insurance agent For the transadion lhatis the subject 01 fhis repoft, the :allocation is as follows: fid!!lity Naficnal Title Company of Oregon (agsnt):" aa% Ffdei'lty National Title fnstll'snee Company (IllS'Jter): 12% "- YOU WILL BE RE\~EWING. APPROVING AND SIG~ING I.~PORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING. LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS. THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. YOU. MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUM8\iTS_ YOU SHOUlD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY:F YOJ HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOVTTHE TRANSACTION OR ABOUTTHt:: DOCUMENTS. IF YOU WISH TO REVIB^1 TRANSACTION OOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLeASE CONTACT TJ:iE ESCROW AGENT. t\ofe: An>, dLlCUmei'lts being exeroted in conjlloc:lon 'with this transac1fon must be signed in the pr.;sence Qf an alI1horized employee of an agent, an aUlt'torized employee of the insured lender, or by using Bancserv or alfler approved lhird-p.arty service. If the abo";le requiremafJ!s eantlot be met, please can tr.a t=ompany at the numbef'" provided In this. report, F. NOTICE REGARDiNG RECORDING CHJlRGES: The basis fer collection for recodlng- charges In .. closing differsbetwsen {hose transactions 5Ubjed Ie and lhase no! slltject 10 the ReaJ Estate . Setllement PraceduresAct {~ESPA} For a RESPA ~.ansacton, the tecorditlg cltarge is based on an area avera.ge., ill accordance with RESPA rules. For a non-RESPA fransaclon, the recording charges will be ll}o-se charged by the counly. The .basis for recording cnarge!; /s as follows: Recording charge to! a RESPA Iransact'on (all transfer ancloan documerrts) for lane County: RESPA Residential SiOlf;) and Purchase $156.00 RESPAResic'entialloan/Raffnance $114.00 Record~ng charge (per Cooument) for a non-RESPA tr.a1lSa.ction (such as an all cash sales and- purchase, a oomrnerciallaan or a commercial sare and purchase) : COUNTY F1RST PAGE B\CH ADOmO.\JAL PAGE Lane $42.00 $5.00 ."NOTE A multIple transa~ior. document bears an addItional $5.00 c.iarge for each additional transaction. A doctrr.'tent thai fails to corform to !:ettai" fDlmal"ting and page one reqvlremenls bears an additional $20.00 charye RECORD1NG CHARGES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE: WITHOUT NOTICe. G. The Owne'rs PolIcy Premlu m has been reduced by Ehe P~t FcrecloslJre Rate FDORO:l90.rdv, .- ._-~_.~--__u_---._..~.--._.._.__~__~+..,~."__.~.~~~_._ Date Received: JUL':' 1. 2010 Original Submittal Jun 24 10 10:15p , , I' I I , , i I I ./ I r-' NanCY. ~ ([)) ([) iuI 2102 , " . ..0 · 541-48!K559 p.? , .. LANE COUNTY SCAlE 1" - 100' SEE MAP 100 I",,' ,.. . 1. . ... I) ~ .. 18 300 - .,.,,, 1 .. :! ~ 202 201 .. .:w 2QO '" ~ , ,,,' r 2000 51.r...,.rli" 1901 36 1800 .35 . i " .. .'i '" ... . ~ , . .. . ~ "" ~ 1900 S'fI.O" 2001 ~ " '" ~ ~ , . ~. .. .. , I ~ I 11. ~"#.i1."4.". ~.iJ" 'i' n THIS MAp IS FURNlSHED AS ACONVENIENCE BY MID-\l'lJUAMETrEVALLEYTlTLE GROUP N This sketch 1s Il"ade sal~ for the, p'~e of assisfir1l1n b'CaUng saId prenises and ~. the Company assl.lt"l1ls no liatiJit)' for ....Malions, if any, In diOBflSions ar:d Iocalion aScer1ained by actuarsUVsy MAP#17 02 3113 00.200 000 ~-:-'-:----:""-:--'-'-:-----""'~-:::--r':=-:-';'--:--""'--,,",.__H'''_~_'''-::_-:-~_'H"'~_' '.....__.r_ _'. Date Received: JUL::'l 2010 "'. Original Submittal Jun 24 10 10:15p Nancy. ,....---.----.--------- . 541-48~559 p.8 ----..-:-.- FeR "SSESSM,J~T S.W.1/040 N.E.l/4 SEc.31, T.17S. ft.2 W.W.~t ~~ ~c TAJ(AT ON .17 02 31 ONLY lANE COuNrr 13 I lto..rl"..""" r-- ~..... """~"l "'" "Ill -!- .,- I ~'D 'E' j -, - i1J19-00 > f - I I I I '''' j J . ~ . , ~ - \<.)l, , I ~ ,- - . i . , I - "" ,. ... 3, -.... ! ,-. ... ""'-"" = ... . .=- :~~ - i , -- +nl.11r. -. ... ."' - ... (f'- i' ',- .E"~1-. Ii1 ,3'=0 o. ft " ". ... - - ... ~ 1/ . ... ... - - ... I ... .i&J- ... ." -".~ ~~ 1702 31 13 Rt""Ol'l;J141 .-_..~_.,,'~_... ,- r: ~.---_.-.-..,....- .~'-:".":_-':-;_1'-_ ,._.. Date Received: JUL:"1 2010 I , ; ,. '. Original submittai Jun 24 10 10:15p , I I I , , I I I I I I I I I .1 i I , ! NanCY. .------ . 541-485-4559 p.9 Fidelity National Title of Oregon PRELIMINARY REPORT !n resPonse 10 the applfcation for a pefcy oftil,'e lnsuranca refereY.lo;::ed herein Fidelity Nal10naJ Tille of Oregan l--eTeby reporls that it is prepared lo iSS'J8. orcaUse to be issue::l', as of the spedfled date, a policy or POJlcies ot 'ilIe low""". describing the land and Ihe es'ale or I,,,,,,,,, he"I,a"er se' forth. InsWing against loss w!1ldJ may be 5usli:ilned b;: reascn of :my deFed, lien Ot eocumbrarn:e not sr.crwn or referred to as al1 Eo):ception ~ejn ar not excluded rrom coverage pursUanl to tile printed $coeeuJes. Conditions and Stipulalfons or ConCllticn, of said . poficy forms_ The printed Exce.olians and ExClusions from !he eevernge 01 .ald pclfcy or pofoeias a.a .., fonh in Exllibi, "-. The policy to be ~S~ued may conla;!l an arbllrGJ:cn cJause. When (he AnlDun1 or Insurance Is 'ess ll1.:ln Uiat Set forth in lh::o aIbilraUon clause, alt arbilrable maUers mall be arbiJraled a1 tile oplion of either !he Company Of ihe- fnsured as !he exclusive remedy of Ihe parties. Copies oflhepdl:;Y Forms Should be read. They arc avaU3b!efrorn the o.'nce Whfc~ i~uecf this report This reporl [and any suppremenls or amendmerrts hereto} is issue;i :soleI)' for IIJe purpose of fudIitating the JSSU<illCe ':)f a Xillcy of title Insurance and liD (iability Is aSSUmed hereby. The policyfs) of rille Insurance to be iSSUed hereunder will be P()JjcY{:!iJ of TicorTi1le Inwrance Company, aian Oregon COrporatJOll. Please read the e:.:ceptions snown or referre-d to herein and the Excep.l(Jn$ and Exclusions Se1 forth in Exhibit A of thIs re-port carefully. The Exc.eptions.and E'xclusiol1$ are ml!antto provide you with notice of mart." whloh ... nat ,,"v.,oo und.nha t'rm. of the mI. i,sU,"nce parloy and ShOUld b. eSJefulty Considered. It is fmportant to note thatthf~ pre/lminary report is not a wrItten representation as to the condition of liUe and may not list all liens, defec!s and enCUmbrance$; affecting title to the land. Thl, p'elimina~' 'eport is lor lhe exdu~va use of the parlies to Ihe CO'lemplaJed lcen,",~lon. and the C<>ll,,"~1 does rol hava any Uabiflty to any third par1ies no, any nzbilily unlillhe full p,ernium Ispoid and a policy is issued. Un Iii aU neem,",ry documenls aJe placea of re=d. the Cempany ,.so"'.s the dght to emend or supplemenllhis preliminary repcrt. COlJrlterslgned ~~~/ FDORrJ2l1J1j'.v ---- --<_...._-~---,-,.....__....._-...._<~ -#' ., ....,~._...": Date Received: JUL ~I 2010 Original Submittal Jun 24 10 10:15p NanCY. <V) a ..... ~ H '" p~ I ~J7:~~ . . I? cS ~ r I _ r 9;,."a"'~ [D, "'1 q >r .', ~ ,~ ~ I! . ~ d ![! l'~~ ,:.),\ I J' I HIH~i~~~~ 'p.l '~~a:;.~~f .~ f~:'!"'i,~jl.ij f.. 1:I,"j' I} l~ ;tl!,.j!*l~J! 3:: 'lll:~,;. t ~ {f}'Ii' P)}t~~ :f.~~:'; '" l ~~n~t,p.:~'(it ~ t~i~...~ ~'~,,~. ~~ !i{f~m1i!jt!!~ ~ t,\l.ll'~f J il Y .~. ,\=r""Q'fJ~\~ ~ .. ~ne.., ... ~ fl ~'4i ~ .~\h~i~~~ ~ 'f'( '1~P 1 'I~ It " It l.l~+,~.< , 'rl, ,') 1 {j I ~ ~f~~fJ:ltl{~~ ~ Ilfil~fJ J r "I '~Pt-tt'l\ e~"l~~ r'i ",,\.,(..1, W til1J't~l41. ~~~~i s: II f.l~~ t~1 : ,{ ""th\'~ ll'to llli "<l!lHt · ! :h. ~.'I\i~~n}~}j ~ ~~'lf'/.! f~II'1~ I ; .r" . ,'{ '\.1;'l)', ~.1 ~ " ~ 1:; I ""!'l;;!.""'j' . ~ I, II' "Hit 'l .1 k "!;if}. . ,\,~-'l"l" " '-J Q~ \d '''~ ~1 f~ l ~fn;N~~~i~~I.~-j Ct) ~~ 't~)p~U f~ } Ijt.~r~~f:t~f ~~ ,~f ~I il' i ~ ! J < ' ~.,.. ~ ~ ~ .,j ij~.tuhll~H~ It ~~ H!H~l~ ~. ( ~I 'II e~ MI ~?!e " . ~ ....J.....; .~ ......,..-.~.... roO., 1..__. !;[fiti{! ~-::EJ;'L} '.t"~i 1 1'1 ft~~t:l ,i,!I:)!~ J' , 'i-th'H J i fOl.:!' '1"')'( 1 .. ,,~(......} ~ ~ 1JJil!i ;~ !'1 i!. R ~'trf,;l~ i~ 1 ' ~ ~ '\~: ~ ~ !l~!ht ii ' ~ tlll1N '1 " !'H'I\l ), Q ;\'~' It ~~ ~,h~~l" t,: ~~!"l ' , ! H,Nx {J ~-:~.u'\.,~ . ~ {:a'{I~'\ ;~ ~.!r=~\ l~ ~~ ,\:t~~ t tio/t~~u ~ · 541-485-4559 p.10 ii!'tj nil Il\~ fll4tt ~'I ~J , 'l~ , . ,...d. 'v, .~.I . J'X;'J+ f~"~'" . ".. \ 'i'C .' 't'~.. ...... ..."t . .' t ~~ t ~ .J. f . !r.i.r.f,U~l hi 1 ~ !"'. ,", n"-' ! '~lh hl. r.!' .. I t~tll!"..c I "J/H~l~b.$-t>~: 1 tl I' ",\." , l'IJ -,:,'~ Uail ~t f ~ ~ ., . Ilf d~ ~ \ ~ ~ I ~J! a~~ ~~J ~ 1 , l " @~ t. . o. ,. ! Q~' /Wi< i ;!.}l dgit~Hf - i .":.]1 I_/-, )-~ t:::J"t , im~ ~!I~,~ . "'!' f ',' ~ ,! B V 1j6 ~ t 1'/ ' ~ I ~jf Ilj IJ I] ,11 i I r i ! i r I I , ! I ! ~ ~m'-'" f~ lJJi: ~l .. .. , oj N-~~f~ ' ~ ,,. ", 11 );11 I ~!f I i~\hH' ~ ... t,l<f3) ) 1~' ,\,ro-r .. J.... q~'~~f", )' \ l~ l;$1Jtl t ~ ~ ~"~I<i: '\1 .~ . .",1 ~'j lii 1111"1" II S!i ~r,l;:) t~ J '" ,lll~<i iJ r ~ ;:1l1fI1i IJ i ~ : ""l.~) "{! H 4 F ~~;~iJli!' 1ft ~~ J: tll'i, .\ I~ Ji al .. ,~t} \( oN !'"hf,ij, 'I' ~. .1, ~H~\tl o€ ~t hH1li .} iJ tiWI~ ~ Date Received: JUL .:'1 2010 Original Submittal 1lR-Z1-56 . . 0 1 . - A Rf. I iSfl ~ ; , a(~1 '" /j ~ ' iI1~ N - i~ .. ~. = ~" 0 mil .. <D .. III .. '" 160 "" K ~ , ;:).. ~ "- f 1 " .}1 Ii; $I ~ " ,. " - " ~ .~ ,~Uf ~ :r .' . . ~rcu. , , \ , I.. !' I } ~~ tJ ' Ii II IB 1 ! ~ ~ .. I .. ~a ~ I e ~ ! h f3. Date Received: JUL ,-' 1..2010 f . Onginal Submittal .~_. -..-. Warranty Deed 'rUlH INDEXTURr: Wi'TNt-;MkET'Il: That J. o. .64IuD. and. IHenn1e Adlua. bu'ba.n4 flud vU'i1 III.. C~'l'llllr ., for luul in l."Ull.JderlUion DC Ibe lum of ':ren ~4 no/l0().. - - - - - - --POLl,AB.'i and ,ath..,r ll\l'lllohle c"l"lIit!.eJ'Ii\.1~:~ '''tl:l.e::l 'JIIlj.I, il.. lIel'fhy, bal'lrllli'Q. 1I'1l.lllll'Onvr)' unto J'rMk Y 1111811 aQb.rt~D ~d Be.~le Viol. Rob~r"nn, hUI'b^nd naq ~lre an .It~te by the ontlr.ty or tho l:-r:~~~ ~tl;:~~~~"'~~ ~~bed p~lII-' to-1rit: Lot 19 h. the A.dame Plat al ",!aUed nntl reeorud 1n :Bo,,1t 14 Pi!ll'O J ~De OtnUlt7 Or";'I'PD a.oord .,1 '1'",,", Pl.-.t.. SUbjeot h tho lolloo.rlD.1!: rn~rlctl.onal All b~ldin<<' ~It be p~lD'ed wtth t~o coat~ af ct~n~r4 ~tnt yfthln 90 daya alter CO~16tl~h. ! .tN1dard '''Pt1c tAnk GU.8t b. 1n.tI3.11.4 f'Qr u.. at t.he t 1mlt of' DCCU;>Mq'. All lale. aDd 11&&0' Arl 11~t~ to ~eQberl of the Cau~r.lan Rae.. Xot .ore t~ oue r..ld~~. .~!t be ere4tod on th1. 1~. All buildinc_ maat b. eet b~ck &t lenat 25 I..t Irnm tha r~w&7. .1JQ u.....t," IIlIfLJI' be k..pt on tbh lot U:C'lIlt :pm1ltq "~d rl\bb1te. 1'l':1~ 1,;,': 'a:,' ~~ 'l~"-:l !'~r ~1"~'"~-+.I''' ...."..-........~ ....,.,':.. I Tn IIAVt; AND TO }lOI,D tM! _ill I>"""i-. wil" \h..j~ .r>purlell.II....... IIllla Ih~ ....ljli...lllet1 S. th~1l' I...;,.,. "",t .....ill:'"" r"rcn'r. And th......i.lllmnl"JI; 0111 herf!hs l'6\~Rnlll1.JI<I_ilh the _ill Ul'aIltee .. their heir.. an.1 Mllirnlllhat t l...:r 'U"tt 11"" 11t.",...no frr.. from.1I ine"lIIhra...."" lhan.n..". illfee~i'nl\la"r..ldlll'aUl_;al..1 .,".1 ,....t t 1"1 ~'i11 _rrallf .1Jl1 .Jd"llfllhll gmllll'Om .11 hLw'lllelaim"whal_"",", IS WITN":l't~ WIlF.ln-:OI,', We 9th da,. ot have hereunto "lit OUF haml. .nd~ s .It:3.:0 ,.l.If' 19/19 . -=c;;c';i~~... ~cZI..-n."", .. ........fUAL) 'I'K".! .........(au.~l (,..;...1.) .~ s.t,\'r... 01-' UlU.;uON. } 1'r)l1NTY OF ~ .. B.lt~tha&OIlsJUe 9.' dl.)' af J\JJ)" . U"19 )[)' ~~.-.c1'__",__,,_ JUL.-~ f . .9rigfnal Submilu,1. .', , . r thia I:'~'~J' .t'Vt" -... _. ~. Warranty Deed TJIIH INDE;<r;TURK WIT:-IKAAb"Tlt, Tha' . . J. O. .ldIUlI1 ~d. Ghnn1.1 J,Qel!Ia, h.uba.n4 au4 rifl III" C'lnt..,.. fa, .nd in aJI,..;do,.t.h,D of t.Jl,a.UIII of 'en Nl4 no/100- - - - .. - - __OOLI..AR9 Md a10hu YJU':.'\ille O"I,.a'~erIlU~~. th~ pai.I..1n bllRhy. harnio. ...Uatul flinT". unto 'rank. l11tllll Boblnll(llll 'lDd 1I.1~ h V10la BobartlQ:Il., hUllonnd tlIlod wit. fIJl Dltn.tl b:r thl InUret7 or the ,t~:~~:. :rl::\~It:....~~ ~~~ prelal-. to.,,"1: loot 19 lJI, ttw ~ Plat &1 ;,latted Nld recorded tn 1501'J1E: 1l!. pase , I,Ir!nl OOUD\7 Or~.o:on Bloon! "f 'fawu Plate. l!Iu.'bJ~t \0 fohl to11ow11:14 r..t.rlct.1onll 111 bu11Uq:1 IIIWJt be pdnh4 ....Uh \110 coat" of ctllndArd ,:",,1"' whoMn 90 daya after co~letl~n. 4 ItNW.ar4 l"Ptlc tank llI1at lie lnlt.ll.lle4 lor UII ..t. the Hr'lI ot OCCU;'lMC7. 411 1.111 and 1_11." arl limited to ~llIberl of t.he Cla11Cll.lI1an bCla 10' ~re tha:1 ODe r.sl4eaoo ,he.!1 'be .rected. on. \hie lnta J.ll 'Du1.ld1nG;. IlJIU\ bo nt 'bile" Clot le""\ 2S t..t 1'r.,. UM roa.!W67a Do l1n.t:)(lk ~ be lr.,,\ OD nits lot UC8Dt poultl7 IlDd u'bbU.. ft.1~. l~t ':I.....:..~.. 'l!!"~ f~r -..r~~"..t1"1 ..,'..~"...r .,~t~. I .rt' II^VK '"SO TO UOI.D th....i.1 pl"l!nlises. .ilh Ih..ir apP'lrt~na"""". "",..1111. --.ill llraaw.., 'h,.,1r I".,,.,., 111,,1 .....ill'tt" f",..,...,r. And th.. lllIi,r nrnOl,.,,1 ,101 hll~'Y ,,"vennnl ,.. lnol .ilh 1hllMid (Jr'UIWit I. their hC'i", ami tIMlplllhal t l"':f ...r. IM,,_n..r' in r.. .ilJll'l...r.ld pl'lllJll..;alld tluollb..,...no fro''' r'ullI alllnenlllbJ'Jlllt"'" ~1..III...t t "'f ...m ".rr.nlallll.Jet"Il,III'."lIIe fl"Clm all "lwllll'el.I1n~ ,,'h.l_,'~r. IX WITNt:RR WIly.Jn:m-', We 9th ~.,. at h.... hereunto -.el our handl IIlId.-f. "';. -It:J:.. ,.J.I/' 19'19 . =cJ.fL,~... ~;..,~,""... IH.U.} '11..../,) ..r......u.) f"I:.u.) t MT.\TK O}O' uUlWON. } ,'mINTY or ~ .. a. ill a.-A tIa&t;.. u,1a 9th dal or Ju1,. . 11119 l"'noon.lI,. ~tDlP,. Nota.,. Publi" in I.nd r"rtllli.1l'llImly.I"" ",hili" nlllMCl ,. O.~.a,.. >Pf Ie 4dl\IIlll, huabrut4 -m4 vUa / ": ....:..::....~.:; . IGI~"'" -. . 1P"tbeM!eodcal~1 d-nbadlnaact__._ewtbelridtill 1.:-. .. . lo~llaal t.beyh.o,TD .neu!eddlalUllefrnl'aJ1d"llluIltIaril;r1rtr Ih._tIIIIt D&Ill*l ~. ,. Ulit dl&1 aDd 1au' 1..1 abo~. ..~. 1, 19" ~~~~;;1~'f~e"Re~~ .... m-Sl~ .6..6 - '!l' ".. nn.I AMTWAIIlT GC*......T. ...-. _ JUL.,~ 1 Original S~bill;ttal.. ., 'm', . {'li.\, , . , [. , F ~o i ; ~ t ~ i ~ ~I i ~ 8 ~ f i : ! ~i f' E ( I \. ! i"l r ~ I~ 1 , :r -uP! ' ~ . " '- iif '-. . ~ ~ :~@I. '- '- E ! -.., ~ I., r' .~. , o III ~ !::l .'.~ ~~ ....., ... ...lj " c>\ l< t"r : ,~ II: '" ~ = alIi ' p' \. - '-' '" I;J ; '" 1M ,......- Oate eceived: JUL. r .2010 tj}J1f- . L 0" 9HZ-lffR Origina, 3ub itt81 -- 0:>3 Warran ty Deed 'rUIH INDE~'TVPK WITNI-:AAKTII T~I J. 0, &dam. and. Glennie .A.~. blU'bAnd aud. .-11'. IlIrGr."I!>r e,lor 1111I1 In"ulIlliderll1ion of WIUID of !an ftJl,4 no/10().. - - - - - - --nOLI.ARS And oth/!"J' Tf\l:lAl,le ol'Wllli!.eTst.1~:: '" .~e:::J p.i.t, ,1.. hereby. barnia. IPIIIIIMll>(lnV1'Y unto )'rank W 1111aa BDb.t't~D IUlci lill.l'te Viola Robtlrtann, hUllbn.nd l\Illd vlfo All eat",". b,. the Intir.t,. or the ".u:t'vi'lor 01 e1t.hlll' ,,:r tha. In," .ltranlft .. the fnl1o...ill/l' drolelibed pl'e1ll.i-. ttt-1Iit: Lot 19 h. the Unms Plat as .,.,latted nnd recorded 1a :SOIlE 14 PI!lt".,J ~D. Ol:J1mt7 Oreor;'?u aecord. '){ ''''"' Plat..' Sl,l:~j'Gt to t.ho t'ollowll:l4 r..~r1ct1onal 111 ~ldln<<. ~mt be ~^lnted' ~lth tvo coot~ of et~ndArd ~int vtthtn 90 da1u after co~l.tlpn. J. atAll.llard ..,pt1e tADlc: 1II18t be Inatlllled tor UI., at the t 1m. of OCCUtllUlQ'. .111 1181.. u4 lea~lI. arl 11l111t.a. to lIlalllbera. Of the CauCllr.lan Rae., Bot .ore ~ Q~. r..l~~e lha~t be ereete4 on th1~ l~. ill bulld1nG_ mutt b8 e.t b~cx at lena\ 25 t..t tr~ the r~~. 10 l1......t~ck Ia.7 'b. lr.-pt on tDh lot ~Iftlt poultf7 "l1d r"bbU.. rr.l~ l~t "I"\7~'" '1:':"~ !~r '!',....",.M+,1.,\ --,...-.......... "'''':'. I 'I'll IIAVIo; ^ND TO H01,D tlte'Lill p"""'deR. Wilh .h..i.. IpptU11l...rn..... 1l1l1"lh~....1 (;n.ntela, th~1r I,..,,,,, IImt ,*ill'll~ 11>n.'H'r. And lh"lAIi,lllnlll"" dOl hef'llh}.l.....lI'T1nnl 1.. an.\ willi lhll.id Urutee I. thair 111';1'01 .n,l _mil thaI till';! tU"e ,lu.. .II\.~.II"' r...... (!'OR! alllnl'lllllbr.l'"'''' IMn........' illl"...iml,I.I""!dllr<<lll_;...,1 .""lllol\.t t lo.y will ..arralltallll.Jef"Il.llhll"lDll from all Inwhtlclllilllll'll'hat.....r.r. IX WITN":~R WII~lu.:m.. If. 9th I1a,. 01 l"wI h",....unto "Ill: our hamll andlelOl. .." .I..;J:. ,AiY:J9/11} . ~7.J.i.L~. ~~.<>! ............lauL) uw..r,) . .........(..~u,) h'UI.) ( sT.\TK OJ.' OIU.:uON, } l'Ol1NTY OP tAu .. B.iI~ahI&GIlIhiI 9'" d., of .11111 . "'19 I,,'r.orudl)' !:.~.. a Notar)" Publi;:, .In and r"r ..i.l....llnly. IhO' ..ithin n"" 3. O.._,ftpa,., 1. Ad_a. bl1.b~1i I\Jl.d \<lit. 0" .' ....~~.... Il'.. . to ...~..p...... 1~~~~1o'~ tilt id..tlal p4lnD.. dooeribld III altd .a.o UlIIIlttM Ul. tritlll.a I' , ~ 1M tbaL ther MV. ..ecutld 'lb. _. frill! lUll! yolaataril,- fin t~llIIlt . umed.. " ... tlIl. a.,. a:ad year I.l .boY~. . 1[)' ...~. 1. 1950 ..".;r~~~b~':~' "H""''''''''_ Iml-S.I~ .401 4 ~. TnU AIta'nI~ _""T. __ .~''''. , , r . F . . . Send Tax Statements to: (N 0 change) After recording return to: Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Gordon L. & Connie M. Tompkins. husband and wife. and Susan Shoshanah Thielle are setting forth this declaration to adjust the property line between Tax Lots 200 and 201, Assessor's Map ] 7-02-31-13, to comply with the City of Springfield Land Use Code and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). Original Parcel]: Gordon L. Tompkins and Connie M. Tompkins are the owners of a tract of land more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and also described in that certain Bargain and Sale Deed recorded-July 30, ] 979, Reception No. 7944820, Lane County Official Records. Original Parcel 2: Susan Shoshanah Thielle is the owner of a tract of land more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein, and also described in that certain document recorded Reception No. , Lane County Official Records. Revised Parcell: Following this property line adjustment, the description ofthe Revised Parcel] is more particularly described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The underlined portions indicate the adjusted property line. Revised Parcel 2: Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Revised Parcel 2 is more particularly described on Exhibit "0" attached hereto and incorporated herein. The underlined portions indicate the adjusted property line. Date Received: JUL' .:.: I 20tO Original Submittal I l>-:P1 e~ --- C:\Documents and Scnings\Larry.LARRYLAPTOP\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\O~K32A\Dec]ar LLA.do.c Page I of7 . . Gordon L. Tompkins Connie M. Tompkins STATE OF OREGON ) )ss ) County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me this 2010, by Gordon L. Tompkins and Connie M. Tompkins day of , to be their voluntary act and deed. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.LARR YLAPTOP\Local Scttings\Temporal)' Internet Files\OLK32A\Declar LLAdoc Page 2 00 o ,~ \-- Susan Shoshanah Thielle STATE OF OREGON ) )ss ) County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2010, by Susan Shoshanah Thielle ,to be her voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: C:\DoclIments and Settings\Larry.LARRYLAPTOP\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK32A\Dec1ar LLA.doc Page 3 of7 . . EXHffiIT "B" ORIGINAL PARCEL 2: A portion' of Lot 19, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and filed in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County . Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: ., Beginning at a 1/2" iron rod along the Northerly right-of-way of "E" Street being South 89043'26" West 251.48 feet from the Southwest comer of Parcel 2, LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2005-PI929, as platted and recorded November 3, 2005, Reception No. 2005-087795, Lane County Deeds and Records; thence continuing South 89043'26" West 119.85 feet to the Easterly'right-of-way line of 36th Avenue; thence along said Easterly right-of-way line North 0031 '10" East 59.23 feet; thence leaving said Easterly right-of-way line North 88057'26" East 52.21' feet; thence North 2037'01" East 3.62 feet; thence North 88057'26" East 67.54 feet; thence South 003 I ' 10" West 64.45 feet to the Point of Beginning, all being in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said tract contains 7,438 square feet, more or less. C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.LARRYLAPTOP\Local ScUings\Temporary Internet Filcs\OLK32A\Dec1ar LLAdoc Page 5 of7 . . EXHIBIT "c" REVISED PARCEL 1: A portion of Lot 19, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and filed in Book ,14, Page 3, Lane County Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: ' Beginning at a 112" iron rod along the Northerly right-of-way of "E" Street being South 89043'26" West 191.48 feet from the Southwest comer of Parcel 2, LAND PARTlTlON'PLAT NUMBER 2005-PI929, as platted and recorded November 3, 2005, Reception No. 2005c087795, Lane County Deeds and Records; thence continuing South 89043'26" West 70.00 feet; thence leaving'said Northerlv right-of-wav line North 0031' 10" East 64.32 feet; thence North 88057'26" East 10.00 feet; thence North 003 j'lo" East 40.47 feet; thence North 89043'26" East 60,00 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot 19; thence South 0031' 10" West 104.92 feet to the Point of Beginning, all being in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said tract contains 6,938 square feet, more or less. . C:\Documents and Settings\Larry.LARRYLAPTOP\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK32A\Declar LLAdoc Page 60f7 . . EXHffiIT "D" REVISED PARCEL 2: A portion of Lot 19, THE ADAMS PLAT, as platted and filed in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point along the Northerly right-of-way of"E" Street being South 89043'26" West 261.48 feet from the Southwest comer ofparcel 2, LAND PARTITION PLAT NUMBER 2005- P 1929, as platted and recorded November 3, 2005, Reception No. 2005-087795, Lane County Deeds and Records; thence continuing South 89043'26" West 109.85 feet to the Easterly right~of- . way line of 36th Avenue; thence along said Easterly right_of-way line North 0031' 10" East 59.23 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line North 88057'26" East 52,21 feet; thence North 2037'01" East 3.62 feet; thence North 88057'26" East 57.54 feet; thence South 0031' I 0" West 64.32 feet to the Point of Beginning, all being in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said tract contains 6,795 square feet, more or less: C:\Documcnts and Settings\Larry.LARRYLAPTOP\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK32A\Declar LLAdoc Page 7 of7 . . Olson & Morris 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 302-9790 (541) 485-3253 Fax oamli'i!olsonandmorris.com A subsidiary of L.B. Olson & Associates, inc. Consulting Engineers & Surveyors LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: June 29, 2010 Re: 4125 TOMPKINS TO: City of Sprin9field Development Services Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 From: Pam Clark WE ARE SENDING YOU... ( ) Originals ( ) Reports ( x ) Attached ( x ) Copies (x) Plans ) Under separate cover via ) Prints ( ) Diskette(s) ) Specifications () QTY DESCRIPTION 1 Check in the amount of $623.00 1 Property Line Adjustment Application 1 Vesting Deed Reception No. 7944820 (Parcel 1 ) 1 Vesting Deed Reception No. 2010-010335 (Parcel 2) 1 Evergreen Title Report dated 6-28-2010 (Parcel 1 ) & Exception 6 1 Iritle Report dated' (Parcel 2~ 1 Draft copy of Declaration of Property Line Adjustment 1 Written Statement, Preliminary Property Line Adjustment 3 Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey __ -1 Comm~nt: Missing-p<l!ies 1&2 -l ( x ) For your use ( x ) For approval & Filin9 ( x ) For review & comment ( ) As requested ( ) Returned for correction ( ) For your distribution ) Approved as submitted ) Approved as noted Signature: Y~Gl~.~ Pam Clark, Survey Tech. ~ Z:\PROJECfS\4125 Tompkins\Correspondence\Prehm LLA Packet\TRANS-Springfield-Prclim.doc Date Received: JUL'~ 1 2010 0',' ,.... 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