HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 2010-2-26 .~ ~ 0- ~ '$~ 0, o ' o ':'- gl& ~QI, "' '-.) , ~"--' ..... o ~ .... ~ ... (J) ..... o ~ :!. o ~ o ~ '" ~ a> Ul u. ~ "" u. ~ . ::E o "" u. " . SPRINGFIELD City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 .....=, ('_o~ :z.oe,": 0 ~t(o , Jluilding Pennit # , ^~I YA Al"~T"'~}rr5 Proj eet Tille lo'B2. /..U.cr t.j ..s:.~&T Project Address ').~~/IO e ' ;;~": ,;: .>:~"" ':i_!,r,~, ;, ;'::~,{..~.~~_:,~~;..; .;;~ >:. . ;,\!.::~t;~~~. ~:~. ~.:.'. ~ . ~ _ .,,' (Co '". . _",' ; .. ~ Special IupeetioD ..d Testing To "I'plicant5(,f projocu requiring speei81 iIlspeotion or "'-'ling as per Section 1704 of the oregon SIJuClQ-a1 Specialty Code. PI.... review lb.e infomuti"" Oelow, When you h. ve finished, acknowledge an underSlattding of lhe informalio" by signiag below, and return lb.is form to the City. BEFORE. A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED, The owner Dr owner's "'prc.sentative, on the advice'of"'e responsible Project Enginee, or Archiltct, shilll colilpl~. sign, IlIld submit 10 the City for review and approval this form completed on 00111 lbc: lionl and back. The "wne, and General Contractor, wltae applicable; shall also acknowledge lbe following condiliOlJS ,applicable to SpeciallnspectiQII aadlor Testing. I. Coalnet.r is responSible for proper nolilicaJion for the InspectiOD or Testing of itenu listed, 2. , Testing laboratory shall tate approprialll samples and lranspan tban t.tbeir laboratory for plOP'" ev~u.tion or testing. . Copiesofalf laboralory teports and inspe<:tions are 10 be senl to lbe City bY !be TesJing Agency. J. SpeciallllSpection Agency is to scbmil names and qualifieBliOll8 ofon-sit< Special Inspector. 10 the Cil)' for approv.1. 4. Special Inspector shall provide in'pea;on "'portS to the building o!li.:j,1 of all inspection activities. .: s. Contractor' is responsible 10 review the City approved plans fondditicna' inspection or reslingrequiremenls lbat may be nol,d. BEfORE A CElITmCATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: Tbe Speciallaspe<;tion Agency shall submit to !he Buildirig Official astatt.ment lhal all item. ""IWriag inspection bave been fulfilled and "'ported and were 10 the besl of the inspecto,'s knowledge, inconfonnance with the approved plans, specificaJi""" and applicable wOrkmansl1ip provisions. Those items Dot tesled aod/or inspected sball Oe noted in Ibe <latemenl. The r<port is 10 be submilled to llIe City prior to a re<juest for final inspections. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ARVA, I~c. ~1I~~l..) g...N J)wner Name (Printe~n ~tl:CioS\)Nt> . V&l..JI,+Jri.--r At-lN~ De.t..HJe-'( Engineer or ArchiteCt Finn (Printed) . .Fee T ~I\I(;. ...'J:t.gp ,Testing LaboralOry Name (Printed) ~ 6___ O"nerSign~ ~ " I Signa ' 'r",e;;!br;;p, Signature .c. SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE . Reinforced Concrete, Gunite, Grout and Mortar: Concrete Gunite Grout Mortar . ,;:;;Qre.ate Test of Mix Desi~o Reinforcine: Test Mix Desi.n-Wei.hmaster Cert.' Reinforcinp Placement Continuous Batch Plant Insoect. Insoect Placin. V "' Cast SamDles if I z.-,Gro j;2 ,~n\ll \ Samoles (PickuolDelivered) v \ / Compression Test* PrecastlPre.,.stressed Concrete: Piles Post-Tens Pre-Tens Cladding A..re.1ate Tests Reinforcine: Tests Tendon Test Mix Desipns* Reinforcin2 Placement Insert Placement Concrete Batching Concrete Placement Installation Insnection Cast Samoles Pick-uo Samoles Comnression Tests SMOKE CONTROL: FIREPROOFING: . Leakage testing Control Verification Placement inspection Density tests Thickness tests Inspect batching ROOFING: Insulation installation/R- Value* Test strips/seams GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND FILL Acceptance tests * PSF Establish final grade ec\...€JVY x. FiI~ place~ent inspection/GeRtiR1Jetl3(~ee:. SOli DensIty . STRUCTURAL STEEUWELDlNG: Sample and test (list specific members below) Shop material identification (mill cert) Weld inspection _Shop _Field Ultrasonic inspection _Shop _Field .. High Strength Bolting_Shop _Field .; A325 _N _X _F , A490 N X _F Metal.deck welding inspection - Reinforcing Steel welding inspection Reinforcing steel mill certificate , Metal stud welding inspection .' Concrete insert welding inspection Moment resisting steel frames STRUCTURAL WOOD: , Shear wall nailing inspection Shear wall anchors Inspection of Glu-Iam fab. * TIC psi Inspection of truss joist fab. Sample and test components Fabrication welding of steel accessories MASONRY Special inspection stresses used* fm fg. Preliminary acceptance tests (masonry units, wall prisms) , Subsequent tests (mortar, grout, field wall prisms} Placement inspection of units. and reinforcement Masonry, mortar, grout, and reinforcing steel certificates ADDITIONAL INSRUCTIONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS: 00" \ 'feq\-\n : 5 l[' c;\vJ '" kloVl' e lv -.Ie """". * lAM- I'Pqh II'PA ~ iJehC.-,' but req u ,re&. ~ 1WLtl11'b2:r' . 'PROVIDE STRENGTH REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOC,UMENT LOCATION OF VALUES Date . . ''''1 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL INSPECTION SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND WHEN THEY'RE REQUIRED A special inspection is the monitoring ofthe materials and workmanship which are critical to the integrity of the building structure. Many buildings and structures use specialized materials or methods of construction. This is in addition to the standard inspections performed by our City inspectors (Le. foundations, framing, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, insulation, sheetrock, final, etc. The use of special inspectors is not discretionary. The Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) Chapter 17, Seclion 1704 lists the conditions when special inspectors must be used. Generally special inspections include: Grading, excavation, and fill; Pilings; Concrete and reinforcing; Structural masonry" wood, or steel; Welding; High strength, slip critical, expansion, or epoxy tension bolting; Single ply roofing; Spray- applied fireproofing; and Smoke control. What is a special inspector_and who is qualified? A special inspector is a person who has been approved by the building official to perform certain types of inspections. The special inspector is reserved for complex installations that require highly developed inspection skills, normally a person employed by a private testing laboratory. The special inspector shall bea qualified person . who shall demonstrate competence, to the satisfaction of the building official, for inspection of the p~icular type of construction o~ operation requiring special inspection. The leBO certification is recognized by the buildhi.g official as having met those requirements. Th~ ~older of the certification will have satisfactorily p~sed a written examination an oral interview, and baving , . , a review oftheir relevant education and work experie~ce~ A list of individuals will be : maintaiq~dby the City of Springfield of those persons who have been accepted as special inspectors and in what particular disciplines they have been approved. WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWNER, ARCHITECT, COMMUNITY SERVICES; SPECIAL INSPECTOR AND CONTRACTOR? The Owner: The owner, or a person acting as the owner's agent shall select a qualified special inspector and employ them to conduct the required special inspections. The Architect: The architect or engineer of record assists the owner with the selection of a special inspector. The Architect or engineer shall' specifY types of special inspections required in the construction documents. Community Services Division: The City reviews the construction documents for complianc~ with special inspection requirements. The divi~ion approves the special inspector and monitors the special inspector and the inspection activit.ies. ., Tire Contractor: In addition to notifying the Community Services that the work is ready for regular inspections, the contractor shall notifY the special inspector when work is ready for special inspection. The Svecial Insvector: The special inspector abselVes all work for which they are responsible for compliance with the approved design drawings and specifications; identifies non~conforming work immediately; provides timely inspection reports on a regular basis indicating the inspections conducted and test performed, lists of any nonconformity and how they were resolved, and any unauthorized changes by the architect/engineer; submit discrepancy reports listing unresolved items, parties notified, times and methods; and submits a final signed summary report. If you have further interest in the program or would like additional information about special inspections, this office has a copy available of the ICBO Special Inspector Program Booklet, which outlines the program requirements in more complete detail. It is the responsibility of the applicant and their designated representatives to understand when special inspections are required. Before a permit Cqn be issued, the owner shall complete, sign and submit to the City for review and approve the special inspection and test agreement and schedule. We encourage the design/contractor team and special inspectors to refer to Oregon Structural Specialty Code Chapter 17 and review the "Special Inspections" section. If there are any questions about the program or the requirements of the special inspection contact the Development . Services, Community SelVices Division for clarifications.