HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2010-6-28 Status , Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination, Permit PERMIT NO: COM2010-00831 ISSUED: 06/28/2010 APPLIED: 06/28/2010 EXPIRES: 12/28/2010 VALUE: 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line 1 SITE ADDRESS: 812 G ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703351206900 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Site Work Only , '.' "TYPE OF USE: Demolition Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolish house and shed Owner: Address: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 . es 'lOll to 525 MILL ST teClll11 \.l\ili\'l SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ... Ote901l ~~~"e OlegOllse\ \O{\t\ e~O'''. ~?rI " 'QF "'te eQ'" ",d esa6v~ l\\OS6'd. ~'j2. O~ 'o\l~~~~ lIOR If ~~ "'0\\ p..?~a.ill cU~"e e ,,~ a\iOll Contractotlll 0 Cl ,<oil {'(Ia.'1elllel. It-lo\J\ili\'1 t-Icti\?ense STANTON &it . \MlIii> ~l!)!e901l_ 32-23L\~lr323 ' 1I1l{'(l I G INFORMATION Expiration Date . 05/0912012 Phone 541,688-7038 Contractor Type General VB # of Stories: Height of Structure. Type of Heat: Water Type: "Ra'~ge Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft I st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: # of Units: Primary Occupancy Gronp: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: R-3 u/a Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATIO;~ ~o?-\( \'I?-C \r \S \'0\01 t-\OI\'8~I~)\f\\.\. :{\\\S \'c?-\'J\\\O?- :' 1\-\\S wsW fM~\ld. ~DO\'o\c\)', ilUll~l7~ ~e~'\\;:f>.~1X ,.,." . co\JK~)Q,~f\'( '?W~. . ;'{,,~80. '_ I,PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ~ REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains: Notes: L\:iL.I: l.t ..",t I valu~i~ontle~~riPtion , ....' Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Page I of 2 ',,'" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Per,mit PERMIT NO: COM2010-00831 ISSUED: 06/28/2010 APPLIED: 06/28/2010 EXPIRES: 12/28/2010 VALUE: I.. Status Iss u ed . .~ .,"" ; . ,~ 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax' 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I"d, .,,, . . _ :.:T.iJtaI..Vlilue.of Project ...i..;;..;l. :.].1....J:,,:'...\... ..". IF" n~'d I . ,:.0', ,ees ,.af . Fee Description + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Demolition '. Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $6.96 6128110 2201000000000000752 $5.80 6128110 2201000000000000752 $58.00 6128/1 0 2201000000000000752 $58.00 6128110 2201000000000000752 Total Amount Paid $128.76 I ,,!~I~n Revie.\Vs I Demolition: After demolition is complete, s~$~1tis.-~j~~Jd or septic is pumped and filled and inspection is requested and approv~d, and all debris is removed from the site. Sanitary Sewer Cap: Capped within five (5) feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required by the code. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herenn is true and correct, and I further certify that any arid' all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances ofthe City of Springfield and the Laws ofthe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are iri:compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I fnrther agree to ensnre that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the fron't:O'r'th'e'prope~tY~ and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. ~U'_~d 4. 6c)c-/C) Owner or Contractors Signature Date . . - .. ,,'~;>~~~' ,>;-:r::-;':.:",:, ~ ..: .. ,. ..<i-.~l ""',". lNi't,-" J. ,l. ,...:;,j,1.t~ ;.tlC:2:;j,,'Ot-t.3':. ~,"'J, ~~~1~~1; ',~' .{i'''fr . Pa2e 2 of2 , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~.~"..'., ~ ;'....fu.."W,fu'".....~ City .of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 2201000000000000752 Date: 06/28/2010 IO:14:07AM Job/Journal Number COM20 1 0-00831 COM20 1 0-00831 COM20 1 0-00831 COM20 1 0-00831 Description Demolition Sanitary or Storm Sewer Cap + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee .". ..~.; Amount Due 58.00 58.00 6.96 5.80 $128.76 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By GREG PAYNE CONST Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid CJC 51230 In Person Payment Total: $128.76 $128.76 -.."- ".' ,., ~ ;.,. cReceintl Page 1 of 1 6/28/20 I 0 )' ,. } "" '"..~ *t '!ii" ' "~f , , ,~4:'.,G:,ErY~9~,~~GF~J5l;)1c:G~~~@~~'"~t;r" ,,: SPRINGFIELD L'~_0-"~..11 {'1. ~'---, L::::,w,,,,:.,];--,J i ~~.~ ::\ 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Address: ~/;), G ~ Structure to be Demolished: &~. rI-- ;;;,e,,tJ Job Number: C c>v-- ?C>r 0 - c::> 0 g'1 / The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, polices and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present development. Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set- backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and street improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be necessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3-416(1)). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned structure. ~/21/'U51 0 I Date 'J" .;\ 4 <Ii ,,'-'1~'><":h\: --7l:B= :'...""~d"~l:"" '" .":4,, 'WOi'f.x~~""'""" -, e 1, -,,,-,,ji,"""m'!M~""='%:;'~'a"""~,,>$0f.) . ..,~. oXr,n/T':v nE~STllTTK1QEFCr\n nOU2An,..'T. '. '...., ',., " ._'~" a. ~ ~ ~:~~~~.~~:r;'~' _,'9!C }1~~!::~}:~~~:-~.l~~~; ~~:U~~~-~ "~;;:l= :~"?~~ SPRJNGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Your demolition permit is currently being processed. There may be a slight delay, of up to 2 working days for small structures, due to the time required to review the history of the structure to determine if it needs to be documented before demolition. This documentation is for archival purposes only and will not affect the granting of the demolition permit. Ifthe structure is very large or complicated the documentation process may take up to a maximum of 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the building, taking measurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cost to you. Documentation is being done on all structures dated prior to 1940 that may have historic importance to the City's development. THIS DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLmON PROCESS. An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date that the National Parks Service and The Springfield Development Code use to determine potential historic significance. If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourself you must provide the City with the following information: 1) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor plan with measurements, and 2) a set of elevation drawings with measurements. Thank you for your patience. I grant the City of Springfield permission to enter my property to complete documentation prior to the requested liemolition of the structure located at: Address: '2? I l .,,-- + , Property Owner Signa Date: c;.. /r r:;/ U I 0 Job Number: Cc::MA .0\ 0- ,,:,' Jt:o:~ ~..g __ ,/L _\\., ,~. 'iER\Cl20 SF~\{h":!~.l)i5~i:1L~f~ "IETER},l'..l:"l,)WNE.D. HU'f.;...o:(.~,~r.:.n ~"~';'1ttLi~ 8';,J$fNr:.;~"; Environmental Remediation Asbestos/Lead/Mold/Drug Labs/PCBs/Heat & Moisture Detection/C02 Drv Ice Blasting /l COfpr,'il-r:"r.,,:,:,,"NT TO EX.C~-;:!.U::;.l'!(.::t~ CCB #64090 23525 Hwy. 99 E. Harrisburg, OR 97446 PH 541-995-6008 FX 541-995-1015 Email ateziWatezinc.com Website www.atezinc.com PROJECT COMPLETION NOTIFICATION ASBESTOS Date: 05/06/10 ATEZ, Inc. Project Control Number: 100432 Client: Mr. John Seraceno Springfield School District 1890 N 42"d Springfield, OR 97477 Project: Remove asbestos containing sheet vinyl from restroom, hall, and kitchen Former Community Transition Program 812 G Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attention: Mr. Seraceno, Attached please find all the documentation pertaining to the proper removal and disposal of: LRAPA NOTICE 1. Paid for and provided the required LRAPA Notice (permit) RESTROOM-ADJACENT HALLWAY-DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN 2. Removed THREE HUNDRED square feet (300 SF) of asbestos-containing Brown and Tan square pattern Sheet Vinyl (mastic is NAD) on underlayment over T&G wood flooring by creating a negative air containment and establishing and maintaining a minimum of -0,02 negative pressure on the WC during work and by removing the underlayment to which the Sheet Vinyl is applie'd KITCHEN BENEATH THE SINK IN THE CABINET 3. Removed SIX square feet (06 SF) of asbestos-containing Clover pattem Sheet Vinyl (mastic is NAD) on T&G wood flooring by creating a negative air containment and establishing and maintaining a minimum of -0.02 negative pressure on the WC during work and by removing the underlayment to which the Sheet Vinyl is applied DISPOSAL RECEIPT 4, Properly dispose of waste and provide the DEQ ANS-4 disposal receipt This Work will be completed as a Class II, Friable, Full-Scale, Non-Prevailing Wage, AHERA, Pre- Demolition, LRAPA Asbestos Abatement Project. If additional hidden asbestos containing materials are uncovered during the demolition process you must cease work and contact an asbestos abatement contractor to properly remove and dispose of the additional materials per DEQ, LRAPA and EPA regulations. The work was completed on 4/27/10 by a certified asbestos abatement supervisor and certified asbestos abatement workers. The work was completed without incident incompliance with EPA, DEQ/LRAPA regulations. ' The waste is being stored at 23525 Hwy 99 E Harrisburg, Oregon until it is transported under cover to Coffin Butte Landfill for disposal. At that time, you will receive an ASN-4 form showing the waste was disposed of in compliance with appropriate regulations. . Included under this same cover, please find copies of the LRAPA Notice, Contractor's License and Employee Certifications, Air Monitoring results, and ASN-4 (disposal document). If any further information is required please call our office at 541-995-6008. . Thank you. /Ji~J /.-,~. . / // . . . / /./. .-ll ') I' . /.. ..-';/ .' . . .k,/<, './ / /:- "' --?-'::~~---; ~/.L 1::0."'5 R6bert R Kinyon, Presi nt , Inc. /. . / 2 .' .. I f.. I ! I I I: 11,1 l , i . ..... -.:r ,1 STATE OF OREGON CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD LICENSE CERTlFICA TE LICENSE NUMBER: 64090 This document certifies that: ATEZ INC 23525 HIGHWAY 99 E HARRISBURG OR 97446 is licensed in accordance with Oregon Law as a Residential General Contractor arid a Commercial General Contractor Level 1. License Details: EXPIRATION DATE: 0210212011 ENTITY TYPE: Corporation INDEP. CONT.STATUS: NONEXEMPT RESIDENTIAL BOND: $20,000 COMMERCIAL BOND: $75,000 INSURANCE: 54,000,0001 $4,000,000 RMI: ROBERT R KINYON HOME INSPECTOR CERTIFIED: NO LEAD BASED PAINT LICENSED: YES ". ~ ~ ~ mE , FULL SCALE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CONTRACTOR LICENSE Department of Environmental Quality 1550 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Suite 290 Gresham, OR 97030 Telephone: (503) 667-84.14 exl. 55022 Issued in Aecordancc with the Provisions ofORS 468A.710 ISSUED TO: LICENSE NUMBER: ATEZINC 23525 HWY 99 E HARRISBURG OR 97446 FSC535 EXPIRATION DATE: MARCH 1,2011 INFORMATION RELIED UPON: Asbestos Abatement Contractor License Application sublTlined JANUARY 28, 2010 ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY . ''1 ' T Oo",;L'=__________ Kathy Amidon-Acting Air Quality Manager Northwest RegiOn/Gresham Omce FEB 0 3 2010 Date Thc contractor named above is herewith authorized to conduel asbestos abatement in the State of Oregon subject to thc tenl1S and conditions of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340 Division 248, including thc conditions listcd bclow. I. The contraetllr shall cnsure that each worker perf0n11S asbestos abatement work in compliance with OAR 340-248-0010 through 340-248-0290 and other applicable statc and federal asbestos abatement regulations. ( TEN-DAY AND NON-FRIABLE NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO REMOVE OR ENCAPSULATE ASBESTOS IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Lane RegIonal Air Protection Agency 1010 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 541 736-1056, Fax: 541 726-1205, toll free 877 285-7272 Type of Abatement Project Category and REQUIRED Fee D Emergency Waiver {Add 50% to required fee) S D Non-FriabLe (5-Day Notice) o Residential Project (Occupied Residence, n!!! for Demolition) D .::. 40 lin/80 sq ft (Small Scale, Short Duration) o > 40 linear/80 square feet;.::. 260 Linear/16O square feet :x > 260 Linear/16O sqtt;.::. 1,300 linear/SOD sqft o > 1,300 linear/SOD sqft; .::. 2,600 linear/I ,600 sqft o > 2,600 linear/I ,600 sqft; .::. 5,000 linear13,5oo sqft o > 5,000 linear/3,5oo sqft;.::. 10,000 linear/6,ooo sqtt o > 10,000 linear/6,000 sqft; .::. 26,000 linear/16,OOO sqft o > 26,000 linear/16,OOO sqft; .::. 260,000 linear/160,OOO sqlt D ~ 260000 linear /160000 sqft For LRAP~, Use: ProjeCt: Fee Rec'd: S' CKeck #: )( DemoLition 0 Removal S46 0 Encapsulation S46 D Renovation $46 0 Maintenance/ReJljlir $'98 Other_ $ 394 $ 494 Has a survey been $ 855 completed? $ 986 Yes)l{ NOD $ 1;579 II Yes By ~ S 2,632 Whom? S 3,290 , ABATEMENT PROJECT INF RMATlON Site Name Phone Site Address ,City 5/1Y"' '" 'It:. ...o,~ ',() (l.. LocatIon of Asbestos at the site + , , Site Category: D school D resii:lence D col ege n industrial D commercial D other Start Date1:l~'1'- -Ii) Completion Date~ Hours on Site<<;""" 'SfY\'\ - Days on Site "", Emergency project notification requested: D No D Yes n Discussed with Date TYPE OF ASBESTOS MATERIAL Type ~ Percent of~, 'i"'S''? () C l^N LA <.;r\.LL, D Estimate)(Lab Quantity of asbestos In proJect 3C'l" \ D LInear )(.Square D Cubic feet o pipe insulation 0 tape D cementatious(eg: tronsite) D floor tile D roofing D felt 0 sprayon o valve packing 0 mastic !l( sheet vinyl D other ' WORK PRACTICES AND REMOVAL PROCEDURES ~ wet method D dry methods with air filtering 0 glovebag ,:S.containment'>(l negative air <>'iHEPA vacuum 0 vacuum truck with HEPA filter 0 other Ambient air monitoring to be performed: "I:Jes D no DISPOSAL PROCEDURES .' D chute to dropbox D hand-load dropbox l(wetted and double bagged D other D waste stored on site in secured container (waste secured off site ate>?"'iJ'\4. ,.., ""1 C. l\r."Y'~ \", '" "]ii.Waste removed daily D other U DISPOSAL SITE o Short Mountain offin Butte ABATEMENT CONTRACTOR Contractor Name Mailing dress City ~ State ZIP Competent Person 4. r' 0 - en ZUelCl)ficate No PR:~:V~,pOA fe&p-~l. Clty~ ' State~ zlP'tN-n . Name (Please P I? Signature EmaiL Is'this a revision to a revious notification? Yes D No 0 License No. F S c. ~ 1Y3 Phone 5Il~- 1 "lL/- c...'3'T'S frTE~ J:~ ) Phone Qt:j5bdC18' Date 4-1 e;--/ /") A5II:07D109 Form Available on LRAPA website: www.lrapa.org , L .,,' ",-, .:;;.;;,./;' l~ ...,.,;,. ;.;j,J,J""r~ v..,I""~I""~,' ,I IX:;"? lJ/2\:/lt1 ~!I!09 oi1fO~ s;'io.l~D""~t<O"""'I.t' ,4L.?66.q~n '~'''~l -"l'c' 'd." "'.," ;.-,,,,.,.,,...-,,,,.,.; ,~"._<-..-.~, ,."""" '"':_.,_u. ~~"_I~e~1J _~1,3~6H. i -"'i_" 7/21/10 "J1J~__.. (,/,/09 Safc-ty D>=Cb.o.-.:; r.:..c ~1.2b(,.!I(}n ;~~I::~ :.'-",;' " "'" H' O(~'<,6H~" <;~'\I"_:;~ .:' .... ~...~"., "",,"',', ~ sJ 1756 ()3.~ pr(19 .~T-r.ibll>&Pr..;td "''''plac''~.I...,. =~~23<<l t5C02:U-1XT1 .,1'. 25Na v l(J ,...-.... 03.:\pr"/)9 ';",~"' ,,' '--'F' '/i~:. "'~ . EHSi Labotalories' Environmental Hazards Services, l.l.C. 7469 Whitepine Rd Richmond, VA 23237 Telephone: 800.347.4010 Fiber Count Analysis Report Client: ATEZ Inc. P.O. Box 126 Harrisburg, OR 97446 Report Number: Received Dale: Analyzed Dale: Reported Date: 10-{J4-()3807 04/29/2010 05/04/2010 05104/2010 ProiecUTestAdd~: 100432; Former Community Transition Program; 812 G St. Cliant Number: Laboratory Results Fax Number: 38-1287 541-995-1015 E Lab Sample Client Sample Volume Fibers/Fields FiberslCC NarrativelD Number Number Liters III 10-04-03807-001 0427AD1-100432 2880 4.0/100 <0.005 10-04-03807-002 0427P1-100432 180 26.0/100 0.071 10-04-03807-003 0427P2-100432 220 28.0/100 0.062 10-04-03807-004 0427PE-100432 60.0 36.0/100 0.29 Method: NIOSH 7400, Issue 2,08-15-94 Analyst: Kathy Sizemore Reviewed By Authorized Signatory: ~. t/;;;:, Howard Varner General Manager Inter1aboratory Sr for fiber count ranges 5-20, 20-50, and > 50 respectiYelyare 0.136, lntralaboratory $r for fiber count ranges 5-20, 20-50, and >50 respectively are 0.179,O.108,0.052-lor Mar1< Case; 0.189, 0.108. 0.050 lor Kathy Sizemore; and 0.175, 0.105, 0.050 lor an other analysis. NOTE: The condition of the samples analyzed was acceptable upon receipt per Iaboralofy protocol unless otherwise noted on this report. Resulls represent the analysis of samples submitted by the cfient sample location, description, area, volume. etc., was Pl'O'Vided by the client. The submission of blank samples is required by sampling methodologies. EHS sample resulls are blank co_, per NIOSH 7400, when the client submits blank samples. If the report does not contain the result for a fiekj blank. it is due to the fad that the client did not include a field blank with their samples. This report cannot be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NIIU\P or any agency of the U.S. Gow!mment. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written consent of the Environmental Hazards Service, L.L.C. Califomla Certification #2319 NY ElAP #11714. Method Level of De\edion: Estimated al7 fiberslmm2. LEGEND L = liters fiberslcc = fibers per cubic centimeter fiberslmm2 "" fibers per square millimeter Page 1 of 1 t:NVIKUNMt:.N I AL HALARDS SERVICES, L.L,C. 1489 Whlteplne Road Richmond, Virginia 23237Phonll {804) 275-4788 Fax (804) 275-4907 ;, CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM Company Name: A TEZ Inc. AddrNa: 23825 Hwv. 99 E. \ City, State, Zip: Hanol.burtt. OR 97448 EHS Client Account #: 38-12.7 Phon. #: Hf-99S-800' Fax #: tu1-99S-101~ Emall: davldOatezlnc.~ Sample # - I' ,," 'b'''''''t6$'~'' "",".".,"A'$ .,..'i....... '...., , .. '. ,.: ~f'l' . ,. ._"" ~, " :,'; (.~ ~ =~;llu;l,~t L.1u! Time 1= 0. " ;( 8.....,e: .I~II~' 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~ ~ ~i L~~lgl~l~ I~ Lead '. Date: Contact Name: . Sampler Nam.: Project #: other Metals Indoor AirQu~lity (SpodI\I mo(afl ~ 0427 AD 1-1 00432 0427P 1-1 00432 0427P2-100432 0427PE-100432 4/2712010 . x ~, Xii:: X \.1 " I :) Il~ '~I~ jlj ~ ::J' . W Do wIpe samples submitted meet ASTM E 1792 requirements? es No ~eleased by: - Signature: alY"'\ n,/ \ I~eceived by: Signature: V/ J r I YJ/ IJ/ A..A ) I~eleased by: Signature:' (I IReceived by: Signature: . 412B12010 Jodie Adalberlo Va/enzue/. 1CKU32 Fonner Community TranalUon Program .12 G St Particulate: T Air Volum OR Wipe Are OR . Scrap Araalcr . J 12 LPM 240 Mln 2 LPM 90 Mln 2 LPM 110 Mln 2 LPM 30 Mln DatefTime: DatefTime: DatefTime: Date/Time: 1 ()..04.0a807 11111I11~111111j11 Due Date: 0510412010 - (Tuesday) .. , I...( -rJ '1- /V .---"_._~.- FIELD AIR SAMPLE WORKsHeET / . /, Job Number. 1M l(? r . , Date: tJ'f /11' r li a. Job Name: Fv:..o..t,~ C.~AA Tt11- (J~ - Client Name: number Em NlIme Loc:atlon COde Exac:l Location WhlIIeTaken Type afWort< pl9fotmed l-Ir/f""~ . W~ P }Jt#Jlf /.IV j Yle~..A/J k4f R Orator Sam Pum Number Time Staned Time Ended ToraI Minulll& _ Row Rilla End Flow Rate /J /c-.I'C/v,v. ;J --- ...... Comme,"bo: _ AnlB priM'" ....._ll ~ NEI'. ,. L ,. we IIir eshlWst EX=Exi:unIion PC "'-__excursion How To MIlle Up Your ft _..... I '" TIle o..e 0t2lI The I.Jl ~1i0<.4 Code AD .......- ~ -.... -; or . The JoIl .. From Book. '!jI ...... .. Of2l6All DID IOf Loe"","" Codes 12 Current MOnth 29 Current Day- e,Q1 AT&. Inc. Job.. From FWw .. Location Code plus.... -... oftIJBt codes _pills for1he day ExlBnple 1229AD18601Of 122l1AD2l18OfOf 1~Of Ao-_-,,1Il - _d 1''4' ~1lII AA=AmIiient IIir PA-rAIaa post~. _d