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Miscellaneous Construction Specification 2010-6-10
, . ~ L Pt [0 - :JiSi' t.?~ 144 E. 14TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 684-3597 1-877-661-9959 STRUCTURAL .. ... BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PRO~<:.I(I~ CODE'.~tlN'i:oULTAN..NN CI-\f.Gh:.IWG C~NS"RUCTIOO IN&ECTIO~ ... MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. ) ...... . . . . ...... . ...... . . .. Jordan & Jordan Construction Box 41147 Eugene, OR 97404 ...... . . .. .. . . ...... . .... .. . . .. .. .... . . . .... June 10, 2010 . . . .. .. . .... . .. .. . ...... . . .. .... . . .. .. ...... . . .... . & City of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477-4671 Re: Zilkoski Auto Electric. 200 N. 39th St, Springfield. OR WO 19564 During demolition of the east wall at 200 N. 39th Street it was discover the existing eMU wall was 10' high. Therefore, it was determined that cOnstruction of the replacement wall could be constructed in two lifts. The first lift at 5' 4" with no cleanouts required. The wall height will be changed from 10' 8" to 10'. The top of wall design will be provided following this letter. Please contact me ifthere are questions at 541-484-9080 Sincerely, . ~€ '''-.-..-. ..1' "I"';'''""' i~~ n. 'J;~~cr ~~UL.l;.;:1J~o O~\: CLIENT <I DI'-Dy'l t JokDA N 'I OF SHEET NO. CALCULATIONS CALCULATED BY STRUCTURAL BUJLDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION hq '7,,-.1' IA,A LL ~T tl 9'f.I2--.' / f(l.,,,,, S,vfl-f 1#1\ l-......... 4 ~b f.,LOL\-{ W 17 ,] (2.) '//j" ~ J~"TS OIL U '7' '( ,'/1 "'\2.~.'(1) fl<l<) b"/\ M,l~"" ti\1Q 10' ;..---;---11' I t.,v\v \lvAU.... CHECKED BY' r 9 ~b 4- w.o. # .... . . . . ...... . . . . . .. .. . ..... . . . .. .. .... . . .. .. &/.~"'-( .3 S!"".C:,,s (t') W.rrN Tt.V\/bC,,- ~"t'><..;I^,~ D TT 2. 2': c..olt<;-r- I DATE DATE .... . .. .. . . . ...... . .... . .. .. . . . ...... . .... . . .. .. C )01S-r,AJ, {<.Od f (1M';' --... .... . ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .... .. . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... c::/ '-... C N'N \ CoUflr'" ~"II.IAE 40[1) Ra D .,s--" V\.'l, !,...; E::"V\"';~\':,;'^1~-'.....JT ~f\lAA.lj,(($ 71...vt..-6~Y\ S?,I!-;(-A./b !'3;Loo:.../1"" FA-sT': '" >v, rJ.l (3) L T P f ,1IV JO (I) A:: t- GQ;\c-~ AI (Ii?) ?ulc.",'s Ol("lPo.OU .xPE'r~'I<'1' s; ~"'c: IAL ''').~p C (tj",V 'p.J:: u.v\ ~ ~ >') Tof d F 'vi ALL- BRA cf ':l/f""" t-bli I 2. Cia l>-l 3 q "l \i S--r I\.Cft1' c . .;;:. f\Ll i'.U,PI~Lf) O\"<LGCi\).j 144 EAST 14TH AVE, . EUGENE, OREGON 97401 4' c> c...' TEL: (541) 484-9080 . FAX: (541) 684.3597 ~ C8 ~. ~ ~;: . ~ " ~ " ~ o u - ~ ,~ " ' 2 ~ ~ o := m~ " ~ ~l ~ . ~ . ro . 0 " 0 (go@ .' gl~ <;,l ~ W' .:(1<n '1!~ 0' , , U lJi" Iii ~'~~;B ,I~!-c:~'f~- _. _"'""~!K'i""'lliH\1liIIItIi':C..VA;.~1''''~,''"''''='y'''-'--'''''''''''~r..~"",,,~..7=~'''''~''~~~':;.'''!,~'--=';>1ViI'.)~'I'];H"'''''''~lmi~..~~J:tI-''w~'~ ." ~ik~?aT~1?~~~~~~~,;tUl~~i:ii~~~~'~'1~1~'il1tl1CZ\"~ I ADHESIVE ANCHORING INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS , I rt'j\iI NOTE: Always check cartridge expiration Lid date. 00 not use expired product. mB ~'Stro-'--Tier ,_.....ng'..-~ :;AI\Il;:H_O~~S~~_IVIS_/ . m WARNING: When drilling and cleaning hole use eye and lung protection. When installing adhesive use eye and skin protection. . _ '-;:,){:~i~t}!@t~~5'-" 1I1:1lI1~:.I:1~:ljl:fll.II]I\5IrCo~~rite. Brick. Hollow and Grout-Filled ~MU ". '''''''9.;:,'01'(!t~.w;,,' " '_'_.J " . Fa L ho rizontal, ye rtical! ahlt over,h~ad, ap p I icatio ns.' ~~.~ .~~~:~. .,:.;~ ~'.,~~<: ~~:." ~ ;", ~, ~2 "' C ", 0' ,,0:;< . Blow-Remove dust ./from hole with oil-free . ~. compressed air tor a :'~, ,,:iL:.:'miniinum of4 seconds. .,!ff.nrt4{:';":~:" 4 seconds (min.) . .." . .--... .....---.'.-.. . . .. .. . . .." .,.""",.. ";l,~ ..~'.- ... ''l.'. . . :~):Si.. .~.-~ . . . ,;,-. . .. .. ,,!?,~t ;:tt. ... ~':J: J.I~\ F~3.... ......... ...~~, . ~;;... . . .'~~~ 'l~'\ :i1~\. ......~ . . . '. . .. . 4.. .. second!'.. . (min.) .. ... . .. .. . . ...... . .... . .. .. . . .' ...... . .... . . .... .... . . . ..... !4cycles ~(min. 80 ~. - ~~~1' ;~:i .~..:: c." ~.o. "0" . ~ 'I'.: ;.:",:.:: 3. Brush-Clean with a nylon brush (see page 89) for a minimum of 4 cycles. D "", - " . .;'~~:~t~~:~~~~: 1. Check-Check cartridge':;' expiration date:iiiifrn~fK~~) use expired productXft.' < Product,is usa6je~~}i~::'k'<'" until end of pr)_~.tw.Ff." expiration month;<,;r;,: ~}" :Jl~'~- ';:'~r~' ;. .c:,' 2: Open~Open cartridge per package instructions. i _0. 80 .<.: ,;:'!.'< psirilln. 4. Blow-,:Remove dust from hole with olHree compressed air for a minimum 014 seconds. .,;e ,,-~ ',-,. ;[ ~~.. ~' -'-' .-,: . . . . . .. . .. . . -, '-': . . 'HU '. ~..'. ,'. . . -. .- 3. Aitach-Aitach proper Simpson Strong-Tie~ nozzle to cartridge. Do not modify nozzle. ElI:lIUll(ltlll:I:I:H1UI,:Ve~i~ai Anchoraqe Prepare the hole per ins!i~ctions "Hole Preparation", Dry and Damp Hole.: 1. Fill-Fill hole 1h::~%full, sta~ihg:from bottom:of hole to.'preVent airdJockets. Withdraw nozzle'as hole fIIls.up, ~ '~5 .,:.~" , p,.' {i. ..... .~.:" .' ~."'. ~ .- ,.' , ~.~!,:i: '" :,0' 00 '.' .' .. , Q :f.:' 'lo~ .' :':"';': .. - dO.. ;l - '. ; \0; ~. ..0 ~~'-/- ~~~"-. IXP" anchor .,>,.: .,.' , ~~1;~ w o. " ~,". .. , 0 ., ~:. ;; ,,~. ~" - " , ,'l , " d", , ,~. , Water Filled Holes: (SET or AT only) 1. Fill-Fill hole comDletelvfulI, starting from botlom of hole to Iirevent water. pockets. Withdraw nozzle as hole fills up. ( ""'~ (0 0:;1 ~o; ~}~;~ o' 'f ..' '" b"',o. 'br. o' ." 00" ,,:.~~ ~ 1;" -. r,' '~'.~-:~.~ !~;' Threaded ro~ or rebar ( ~~,~ , " '. " '.' ~:" " '." ~o~ " .,:.~~ . . p,' dO,. ;:r....... .. , 2. Insert-Insert clean, oil free anchor, turning slowly untii the anchor contacts the botlom 01 the hole, Threaded rod orrebar 2. Insert-Insert clean, oil free anchor, turning slOWly until the anchor contacts the bottom of the hole, ~.';.j~; ;~ :,' ~ 'b- '..', 'br. o' .,:,~~ ~o; "_~ '~'.~> . ~':.: 4. InserHnsert cartridge into dispensing tool. "i: 5. Dispense-Dispense adhesive,.. -:~ to the side until properly mixed ~;~ (unllo'rm color), '.: l;, 3. 00 not dlsturb- 00 not disturb anchor until fully cured. (See Gure schedule for specific adhesive.) ~~ f~!;: ~~ f.,. ., '" ;- ..0. 'b:: o' . ~o~ ",~ :.:'~;': " .~ ... d " '-<-: .;f:< 3. 00 not disturb- Do not disturb anchor until lully cured. (See cure schedule for specific adhesive.) Installalion instructions continued on page 32. +- 31 ~~~~j'~",,"~...~[l''';I;:~~\.'!?:::;&i;m~~;j'''''.1f~~~;\l-~ I', .. " ADHESIVE' ANCHORING INSTAllATION INSTRUCTIONS ! -' I +- I mm:I I Stro' Tie .. ng< ANCHOR 9YSTEMS Continued from page 31, ~'~~ t(tm D ~F[~~:I:II:[']~::RI Horizontal and Overhead Anchorage: For AT, ET, SET, and SET-XP'" adhesives and SET-XP adhesive with IXP'" anchor. Prepare the hole per jnstr~ctjons "Hole Preparation". IXP .':"'.'~' .....:,. ~.., , ".s ;~~~'~:~; ':~~"', anchor . ..,.;l. l.~:~02:.~o'::" ., I-:o:t::(>t /~';:""'; li-+ .' I:"::'o..coo. .0,,';' I~.:.~;. "~~""\O;: .:0. ~'. 1. '"s"'II-lnstall Simpson ARC adhesive retaining cap (recommended). 2. Fill-Fill hole V" % full, starting from bottom of hole to prevent air pockets. Withdraw nozzle as hole .fills up. ~4;~~~~'>.':'/~'~ ., ~~.~ :::.~~:~~o ~"~~ ,:~~ ~~. ..... . . ..... IXP ...... anchor. . . . -C>U ~.~~;~~O.; p:,: :'f~..~::~: '. ...... . . .. ~."~;~~J~O.;~:,: '{O=.;~~:: '. . Threaded rod Dr rebar 3, Insert-Insert clean, oil tree anchor, fuming siowly untii fhe anchor contacts the bol/om of the hole. Thre;:vlei. .. rod o~. . .. .. rebar .... . . .. . ... 4. Do '11'1 ~isturb-a<>ooi .~turb .. .a.nihor Inti! fullfcured. (See cure-....: ~ehe~me for spe~i"<l'<ftI~lo'ive.) ..... .... I~ ~~:'~~'~j;),;:':: .f,!> 104.o...",,,?~ ".~ > .", ., r~' .l'.O.'c ~~, .0,0';' I~.:.~ :. "~~" ~o ;;~ ,:0 _. ~', . . ~o::{~~;;~~~':~"; , . . .. . i.~ ;:'~~:~~o:~o',:~~"~.:~ 1:l11I111t'l1:I:I:IIII::A When Ancho.rina with Screens: For AT. ET. and SET adhesives (except SET1.7KT or SET1.7KTAl Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation". 1. Fill-Fill screen completely. Fill from the bol/om of the screen and withdraw the nozzle as the screen fills to prevent air pockets. (Opti-Mesh!~ screens: Close integral cap after filling.) BE! ", . -, '" '-'. .~. '-~, "'.. 1,'.0_".,. ...,.:fli ~ " ~.- ... .':". __d'....' " , . 2. Insert-Insert"adhesive filled screen Into hole. 1:lllIt.'It'lW:I:IIII::A .VGC Vinvlester Glass Capsule (Hammer Capsule I Prepare the hole per instructions "Hole Preparation". " ,,~ ;.., IJJ ~O: .,~'..'~~~ ~. '," ~ 0.0,'.; .";:'. '\; .':.;" ~o;; '._. ~./~ ~ ~~:. 1. Insert-Insert the . VGC capsule(s) to the bol/om of the hale (either end first). . [Jj".' ~", . 4WG 2. InslalHnstall double nutto protect thread. 3, Insert-Insert clean, oil free anchor, turning slowly until the anchor contacts the bol/om of the screen. 4. Do not disturb-Do not disturb anchor until fully cured. (See cure schedule for specific adhesive.) ~ ~ ..~ ."''':f .. , f,'l,.':r: '0 ~.'?o 0< ',' ., 'b'~ ~.~, .' 0 i' .<. ~" ~o;; .. , '~. ~ " 0".. , 0.,. '''''1' ~~~: .'.~:~ . ".' ~.' ~o ; :~ :.0' , o' ;:;'": <<i '" ,~ 'z ,< ,~ :~ '0 'u 'w ii= id> 'z '0 :~ '00 'z '0 '00 ,~ :~ jv.; ,~ ,0 ,0 i@ i~ '0 ,~ I~ ~~ ':-:' 'I .,~" '.~ " _." 0 ,.~-:"'.:.t' 3. Drive':""Drive stud or . rod to the bol/om of the hole. Spinning at the stud or rod is not required. 4. Do not disturb-Do not disturb anchor until fully cured. (See cure schedule for VGC.) VGC is not recommended for overhead applications. 32 __ ,'. ~', ,t, i ~ f 1 .... )/< ' ;:1 ;~~t~,' .. ;"':}:T;9hi~;;hitei adhesive has fully' ~:: -: " c-unid; ,tighten,to th'e required ..:.. '.i~sta,lIa!ibn-torqu~:, ", _ _r...... .- .'" ~-Q -~ -