HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 9/24/2009 ~.. -- . . MARKARIAN Molly From: . Sent: 'To: Subject: '. Attachments: . Destil] F~rdun [dferdun@lun,!bridge.com] 'Thursday, September 24,20091 :38 PM MARKAR.fAN Molly . . . FW: Afiya Apts. PLA : 4038PLA-Deedpdf, '0" FYI Destin Ferduri' Lunabridge . 3575 .NE shaver.. .partland, Oregon 97212 Tel. 971 ~998~'71S6 ,.' , FaxS03'284~3422 . . . email dferdun@Jlunabridge.coni . web htto://www.lunaoiidge.com .' . From: Jon Oakes [mailto:oakes@poage.net] Sent: Thursday, Septerrber 24,2009 1:20 PM To: Destin .Ferdu'n . . . . Subject: Afiya Apts: PLA . Hello Destin, Find attached as a .pdf file the most current property line adjustment deed that has been amended to reflect the ~pringfield Church of the Brethren as Declarant and include Ann Eikenberry and Dale Seese as authorizied signatories for the church. Please call if you have any questions or additional comments related to the attached deed. Thanks, Jon Date ReceIVed:~ Planner: MEM 1 .,1""". .. .' After Recording ReturnTo: ShelterCare Ine . PO Box2338 Eugene: OR, 97402 Until ~Ch~nge i~. Requested . Mail'AlITa. Statements To:' . ~ No Change ., , , .'.';' '. DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT' . Springfield Church ofthe Bn;thren.(DECLARANr) is theowner ~ftwo contiguous tracts of real property referred to herem as Tract I and Tract 2.. DECLARANT is setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary line between Tract 1 and Tract 2 to. comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations 'and the' provisions oi'ORS 92.190(4).' . . . . . . '. .. The Tract l'prop~rty .is shown on Assessor'sMap No. 17-03.~5-41'as Tax Lot No.. , 4600. The legal descnption for the Tract I property"prior to this adjustment is coritained , ". . -' ,- ~, -, in aBargairi and Sale Deed recorded April 28, 1981 Insi. No. 8118369 Lane County. . Oregon Deed Records: . ' . , , ,." . . ... " . . The Tract 2 property is shown on'Assessor's Map No. 17-03-35-41 as Tax Lot No. 4700. The legal description'for the T~act 2 property prior to this adjustm~nt iicontained iri a Bargain and Sale Deed recorded November 26, 1979 Inst. No. 7969955 Lane County Oregon Deed Records. By and through this instrument DECLARANT do hereby set forth and declare its intent to establish an adjusted property line between the foregoing properties as described above. The legal description whicli depicts the adjusted property line is described on attached Exhibit "A". Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Tract I property is described on attached Exhibit "B". Following this property line adjustment, the description of the Tract 2 property is described on attached Exhibit "C". The true and actual consideration for this conveyance .is $ NONE . BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS ALA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT ORP ARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUlTS AGAINSTF ARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, ]95.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. 7'1 Date Recei"ed:~ Planner: MEM . . " . ',', Dated this day of ' ",2009 Aim Eikenberry, Chair , , Springfield Church of tbe Brethren Oversight Council, ",' . Dale Seese, Recorder "", .' , ,,", ',' " Sl'ririgfield ~hurchof the Bretrren Oversigqt Coun,cil STA:rn OF OREGON ) ) ss, Comity of Lane' , ) On , 2009, personally appeared before me , a notary public for the said state and courity the above named Ann Eikenberrv , being known'to 111e or proved to me on a satisfactory basis to be the same person who executed the declaration hereon in her authorized capacity as Chair of the Springfield Church of the Brethren Oversight Council, and acknowledged the same to be her voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) On ,2009, personally appeared before me , a notary public for the said state and county the above named Dale Seese , being known to me or proved to me on a satisfactory basis to be the same person who executed the declaration hereon in his authorized capacity as Recorder of the Springfield Church of the Brethren Oversight Council, and acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, [ have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. ~i(' No,~ Public for Oregon '''.;' 'J MyCommission, Expires: , . . , ~':', ..... ,j. I 5 I f. , ..., . .....I~~ 1/.. .;,'.'s .I"'I-ft':?;".., .' -~, " :;. ..... ..-; .r' . . , . . " EXHlllIT "A" .Legal Des'cription Of , . R~vised Boundary Line .. . B~ginning at a point in the south margin of th~ eastl,,:est alley runni~g through Block 7 of Brattain; s . Additionto Springfield as platted and recordea in Book 9, Page 6 of the Lane County Plat Records in . . Lane County, Oregon, said point being Norih 1013'0.0." West 192.83 feci and North 88055'12" East : . 480..0.0 feet fr~r'n the so~thwest ~omer of said'Block 7; thencideavingsaid south n;argin and running parallel to the east margin of 10."' Street South i '13'0.0." East 67.22 feet lathe True Point of Beginning; th~n~e South 88055'12" W~st 29:24 feet; thene;, South 1013'0.0." East 10.0.8 'feet; thence South 88055'13" West 5.54 feet; thence South 1 ~f3'DD" East 38.40. t~et; thenc~ South 88'.55'12"West 85:22 feet 'to a'., point on the west b~tiridary 6fthatcertain tract of land described ina barg',jin and sale deed nic6rded' Noyembe~26,I 979 Inst No. 7969955 Lane County Qregon Deed Records and there endi!)!;, all in Lan~ County Oregon. " ' ,.,. , ' .,'. , EXHlllIT "B" , Legal Description Revised Boundary of A~sessor's Map No. 17-03-35-41 Tax Lot 4600 Beginning at a point in the south margin of the eastlwest"alley running through Block 7 of Brattain's Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6 of the Lane County Plat Records in Lane County, Oregon, said point being North 1'13'0.0." West 192.83 feet and North 88'55'12" East 480..0.0. feet from the southwest comer of said Block 7; thence leaving said south margin and running parallel to the east margin of 10."' Street South l' 13'0.0." East 67.22 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence South 88055'12" West 29.24 feet; thence South 1 '13'0.0." East 10.0.8 feet; thence South 88055'12" West 5.54 feet; thence South 1013'0.0." East 38.40. feet; thence South 88055'12 West 85.22 feet to a point on the west boundary of that certain tract ofland described in a bargain and sale deed recorded November 26, 1979 Inst No. 7969955 Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence along said west boundary South 1013'0.0." East 62.42 feet to a point in the north margin of the relocated Main Street as said north margin is described in a deed of conveyance registered in Book 14, Page 480. of the Certificate of Registered Titles as Reception No. 31679; thence along the north margin of the relocated Main Street South 81055'58" East 60..80. feet to a point in the east boundary of Block 7 of said Brattain's Addition to Springfield; thence along the east boundary of said Block 7 South 1 0 13'0.0." East 9.10. feet to the southeast comer thereof, said point being on the north margin of Main Street 33,0. feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline of Main Street; thence along the north margin of Main Street North 89'28'23" East 60..0.0. feet to a point which hears South] 013'0.0." East from the true point of beginning; thence North ]0]3'0.0." West 130..24 feet to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County Oregon. . . . .' ", ': ,. EXHIBIT "e" LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'REVISED BOUNDARY OF ASSESSOR'S MAP No..17-03-35c41 TAX LOT 4700 '.' Beginning at a point in the south margin bfthe east/west alley running through Block 7 of Brattain's Addition to' Springfield a~ platted and recorded in Book 9, Page 6 of the Lane County Plat Recoidsin Lane County Oregon, said point being'North 10] 3'00" West 192.83 feet and North' 88055'12" East 360.00 feet, from the ~outhwest ~orTIer ,of said Bloc.k 7 ;the.nce continuing along the so~th margin of said east/west alley North 88055'12"East 120,00 feei; thence leavmg said sbuth inargin and running parallel to the east margin' of IOili Stred Smith 1013'00" East 67.22 feet; thence South 88055'12" West 29.24feei; thence South' ., 1013'00" East I6.08feet;,ihence So"th88055'12'; West'5.54 feet; thence $outh 1013'00" East 38.~0 feet; thence South 88055'12y,rest ,85.22 feet'to a point on th~westb.ouridary of that certain tract of land , . described in a bargain and sale 4~ed ~ecorded November 26,) 979 Ins!' No. 7969955 Lane County Oregon' 'D~ed Recoords; thence along said westbpundary'NOrlh 1013'00:' West] ]5.70. fed to'thepoint of beginning" ' all in J.oane Cow.ty Oregon . . '," .'"" "