HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 8/28/2009 . . MARKARIAN Molly Frem: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Anne Delaney [delaney@bdarch.net] . Friday, August 28, 2009 11 :00 AM MARKARIAN Melly .. Anne Delaney RE: AnetherTheught Melly, Thanks fer yeur centinued efferts and thoughts en this latest issue. I have speken with Kip several times and have getten no. mevement en their pesitien, but seme clarity en what can satisfy .building cede. I did net realize this affected beth ef the shert Pl lines adjacent to. the existing structure. Based en my current understanding, the clearest path is as fellews: .Provide 15'-1" min. between the new structure and the existing structure with the PL.at 10'-0" from the new structure and. 5"1" frem the existing structure. We ,!,euld need to. verify that the existing structure walls facing the new preperty lines are 1-HR.ratedfrom the insideenly and that the area ef windews. and deers are de net exceed 10% ef the wall area. . I den't knew if this is werkable yet as f den't knew abeut the existing building. I will need to meve the parking back to. 2 It from the alley, reduce the sidewalk to. 36" and decrease the depth ef the building extensiens aleng alley face to. 18 inches. It leaves me zero. telerances fer survey errors: I will need to. adjust the preperty line lecatiens relative to. (he existing buildings. lean see if the sUrVeyer can make the Pl adjustments so. that the site areadeesn't change. and thus all my . percentages. fer epen space, ceverage etc still remain the same. . . . . . I need ie let this simmer ever the weekend and weuld like to. discuss with Destin and ethers en Menday. Again, thank yeu fer yeur help. Anne Delanev AlA Bergsund Delaney Architecture and Planning, P.C. 1369 Olive SI. Eugene, OR 97401 Tel. 541-683-8661 Fax.541-683-1136 www.bdarch.net Frem: MARKARIAN Melly [mailte:mmarkarian@ci.springfield.er.us] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 20094:45 PM To.: 'Anne Delaney' Subject: Anether Theught Anne, I was thinking abeut the whele building thing teday - weuld it be pessible to. appease Building if yeur client puts a restrictien en Tax Let 4700 (the nerthern ene) saying that nething shall be built within five feet ef the property line until the structure en Tax Let 4600 is remeved. That way, nething weuld ever be built within 10 feet ef the existing structure while it is still eccupied. Melly Markarian Planner II City ef Springfield - Develepment Services Department 541.726.4611 mmarkarianralci. sorinofield. er. us ,.I, 8{w{o.j-.- Date Rece\veL.. Planner: ME\\li 1