HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/26/2010 . . Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records l~l~.~l~~~~ Return to and Send Tax Statements To; Springfield Cemetery Acquisition, LLC P.O. Box 22210 Eugene, Or 97402 11111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 $102.00 01144991201000195580090095 04/26/201009:21:46 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=1 CASHIER 05 $45.00 $20.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT Springfield Cemetery Acquisition, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, is the owner of three adjoining parcels of property referred to herein as Parcell, Parcel 2 and Parcel 3. They are setting fOlih this declaration to set adjusted boundary lines between these identified parcels to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provisions of ORS 92.190(4). WHEREAS: The declarant wishes to perform a property line adjustment between the subject parcels as approved by the City of Springfield Planning Decision SUB 2010- 00001. WHEREAS: The reference to the legal description of Parcel I prior to this adjustment is a portion of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, W.M., recorded on Reel 1121, Instrument No. 8107975, Lane County, Oregon Deed Records. Reference Exhibit A. WHEREAS: The reference to the legal description of Parcel 2 prior to this adjustment is a portion of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, W.M., recorded on Reel 1782, Instrument No. 9245107, Lane County, Oregon Deed Records. Reference Exhibit C. WHEREAS: The reference to the legal description of Parcel 3 prior to this adjustment is a portion of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, W.M., recorded as Document No. 2005-092760, Lane County Oregon Official Records. Reference Exhibit E. WHEREAS: The following descriptions are provided in order to re-describe each adjusted parcel. The new line portion of each description is underlined to highlight the new adjusted property line between parcels. The new parcel descriptions are included as Exhibit B (Parcell), Exhibit D (Parcel 2) and Exhibit F (Parcel 3). WHEREAS: Reference is made to Lane County Survey. File No. 41819 dated March 31, 20 I 0 included herewith as Exhibit G. THEREFORE: Springfield Cemetery Acquisition, LLC, the owner of Parcels 1,2 and 3 declares, conveys, and executes the following property line declaration. The True Consideration for this conveyance is $ NONE ,and other consideration. - - This Declaration of Property Line Adjustment is dated: Af":I /3 , 2010. 5553! Date Received: y/.J,~/);>I" Planner: AL . . THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MA Y NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTj':CTING STRUCTURES. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MA Y NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND THAT LIMIT LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300,195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 1], CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LA WS 2009. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRJATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERJFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.0]0 OR 2]5.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO VERJFY THE EXISTE,NCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND ] TER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009. Decl . lt Mark Mus rove, Manager Springtie emetery Acquisition, LLC STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) ss. County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on ,":I~ (,3> ,2010, by Mark D. Musgrove as Manager of Springfield Cemetery Acquisition, LLC, Declarant.. . OFFICIAL SEAL \. : LAURIE HUFSTADER "'''' NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 431691 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 26, 2012 vJ dlCUj/vLZ -f~ ffu Notary Public for 0 i gon STATE OF OREGON ) ) ) ss. County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on Cit~ (.3 , 20 I 0, by Jetli'ey 1. Musgrove as Manager of Springfield Cemetery Acquisition, LLC, Declarant. (X;~tA<< 71~~ d.-&1 / Notary Public for ' egon Date Received: 't/J6/dO/i7 Planner: AL / 55531 .. OFFICIAL SEAL :.'.: LAURIE HUFSTADER .....i NOTARY PUBUC-0REGON COMMISSION NO 431691 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AlJG. 26, 2012 . . EXHIBIT A Description of Parcell (before adjustment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3702) Original Description of Tax Lot 3702 Based on a portion of that deed recorded on Reel 1121, Instrument No. 8107975, Lane County Oregon Official Records. Beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly right of way line of Highway 126 with the west line of the Lloyd Gray and Julia Gray property, the said point of intersection being 862.62 feet East and 1929.22 feet North of the Southwest corner of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and running thence South 1200 feet along the westerly line of the said Lloyd Gray and Julia Gray property to a certain point, thence East 214 feet to a certain point, thence North 1243 feet to the Southerly right of way line of said Highway 126, thence South 78022" West along said right of way of the McKenzie Highway, 218.27 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. 55531 'Date Received: r/;..J,fdID Planner: AL I . . EXHIBIT B Description of Parcell (after adjustment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3702) BEGrNNING at the Southeast corner of the FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL CEMETERY. as recorded in Book 45. Page 1. Lane County Oregon Plat Records and being referenced by an iron rod bearing South 00006'49 East 0.52 feet; Thence North 89050'35" East 100.00 feet to a point. said point being referenced by a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing South 89050'35" West. 4.00 feet and a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing North 00006'49" West. 4.00 feet; Thence N0l1h 00006'49" West 308.51 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with 2 inch aluminum cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163 - 2010" (Wellman Cap); Thence N0l1h 89050'35" East 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap"; Thence North 00006'49" West 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap"; Thence continuing North 00006'49" West 206.43 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence South 89050'35" West 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence N011h 00006'49" West 730.03 feet to the south margin of the McKenzie Highway] 26. being marked bv a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap"; Thence along said south margin South 78024'07" West 102.04 feet to a point being on the n0l1herly extension of the East line of the FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORlAL CEMETERY; Thence along the nOl1herlv extension of said East line of said FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL CEMETERY. South 00006'49" East 6.83 feet to a 5/8" iron rod as set in Lane County Survey No. 26768; Thence continuing South 00006'49" East 3.37 feet to the Northeast corner of the FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORlAL CEMETERY: Thence continuing along the northerly margin of the McKenzie Highwav ] 26. South 78022' ] 9" West 218.72 feet to the Northwest corner of the FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL CEMETERY; Thence leaving the southerly margin of the McKenzie Highway 126, along the West line of the FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORlAL CEMETERY and continuing along the southerly extension thereof, South 00006'49" East 1186.04 feet to a 5/8" iron rod as set in Lane County Survey No. 27848; Thence North 89050'35" East 214.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, all being in Lane County, Oregon. 55531 Date Received: 'I/;}~ /:Jo/D Planner: AL / / . . EXHIBIT C Description of Parcel 2 (before ad,justment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3705) Original Description of Tax Lot 3705 Based on a deed recorded on Reel 1782, Instrument No. 9245107, excepting that portion as described on Reel 1902, Instrument No. 9380061, all in Lane County Oregon Official Records. Beginning at the iron pin marking the southeast corner of First Addition to Springfield Memorial Cemetery as recorded in Book 45 of Plats, Page I, Records of Lane County, Oregon; Thence, North 0009'25" West 123.51 feet along the east line of First Addition to a point marked by an iron pin; thence, North 89050'35" East 100.00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence, North 0009'25" West 392.04 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence, South 89050'35" West 100.00 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence, North 0009'25" West 724.49 feet to a point (being referenced on the ground by an iron pin bearing South 0009'25" East 6.83 feet) on tbe soutb rigbt of way line oftbe McKenzie Highway; thence, North 78019'44" East 356.62 feet along said rigbt of way line to a point on a line bearing North 0009'25" West from a point bearing North 89018'23" East 563.46 feet (being one-tbird the distance from the southeast corner of McKenzie Hills First Addition as recorded in File 73 of Plats, Slide 90, Records of Lane County, Oregon to tbe soutbeast corner of the James Looney Donation Land Claim No, 85, Townsbip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian) from the southeast corner of said last mentioned plat; tbence, Soutb 0009'25" East 1311.23 feet to a point; tbence, South 89050'35" West 349.43 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING A TRACT OF LAND located in the soutbeast quarter of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, oftbe Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the iron pin marking the southeast corner of First Addition to Springfield Memorial Cemetery as recorded in Book 45 of Plats, Page I, Records of Lane County, Oregon; thence, N0l1h 0009'25" West 323.51 feet along tbe east line of First Addition to a point marked by an iron pin; tbence, N0l1h 89050'35" East 349.44 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence, South 0009'25" East 323.51 feet; tbence South 89050'35" West 349.44 feet to the point of begirming in Lane County, Oregon. 55531 Date Received:Jft' / dC/a Planner: AL / / . . EXHIBIT D Description of Parcel 2 (after adjustment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3705) New Description of Tax Lot 3705 A tract of land located in the Southeast quarter of Section 35, Township] 7 South, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORlAL CEMETERY, as recorded in Book 45, Page I, Lane County Oregon Plat Records and being referenced by an iron rod bearing South 00006'49 East 0.52 feet; Thence North 89050'35" East 100.00 feet to a point, said point being referenced by a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing South 89050'35" West, 4.00 feet and a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing North 00006'49" West, 4.00 feet; Thence North 00006'49" West 308.51 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with 2 inch aluminum cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163 - 2010" (Wellman Cap): Thence North 89050'35" East 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence North 00006'49" West 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap". said rod being the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing North 00006'49" West 206.43 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence South 89050'35" West 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence North 00006'49" West 730.03 feet to the south margin of the McKenzie Highway 126. being marked by a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap"; Thence along said south margin to a point on a line bearing North 0009'25" West Ii-om a point bearing N011h 89018'23" East 563.46 feet (being one-third the distance from the southeast corner of McKenzie Hills First Addition as recorded in File 73 of Plats, Slide 90, Records of Lane County, Oregon to the southeast comer of the James Looney Donation Land Claim No. 85, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian) from the southeast corner of said last mentioned plat, North 78024'07" East 254.78 feet to a 5/8" iron rod marking said point as being set in Lane County Survey No. 30659; Thence South 0001' I 7" East 987.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "FNF"; Thence South 89050'35" West 234.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. all in Lane County. Oregon. 55.531 Date Received: 11u /~N Planner: AL I . . EXHIBIT E Description of Parcel 3 (before adjustment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3706) Original Description of Tax Lot 3706 Based on Deed recorded as Document No. 2005-092760, Lane County Oregon Official Records. A tract of land located in the Southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, being more.particularly described as follows: Beginning at the iron pin marking the Southeast comer of FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIELD MEMORIAL CEMETERY, as recorded in Book 45, Page 1, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 0009'25" West 323.5 I feet along the East line of FIRST ADDITION to a point marked by an iron pin; thence North 89050'35" East 349.44 feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence South 0009'25" East 323.5 I feet; thence South 89050'35" West 349.44 feet to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. 55531 Date Received: <{/u lAo" Planner: AL / . . EXHIBIT F Description of Parcel 3 (after adjustment - identified as Map No. 17-02-35 Tax Lot No. 3706) New Description of Tax Lot 3706 A tract of land located in the Southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCrNG at the Southeast corner of FIRST ADDITION TO SPRrNGFIELD MEMORIAL CEMETERY. as recorded in Book 45. Page I. Lane County Oregon Plat Records and being referenced by an iron rod bearing South 00006'49 East 0.52 feet: Thence North 89050'35" East 100.00 feet to a point. said point being referenced by a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing South 89050'35" West. 4.00 feet and a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163" bearing N0l1h 00006'49" West. 4.00 feet. said point being the POINT OF BEGrNNING: Thence North 00006'49" West 308.51 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with 2 inch aluminum cap inscribed "D.H. Wellman PLS 2163 - 2010" (Wellman Cap); Thence North 89050'35" East 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence NOl1h 00006'49" West 15.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with "Wellman Cap": Thence NOl1h 89050'35" East 234.81 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with orange plastic cap inscribed "FNF": Thence South 0001' I T' East 323.51 feet to an iron pin set in Lane County Suryey No. 30659: Thence South 89050'35" West 249.85 feet to the POrNT OF BEGrNNrNG. in Lane County. Oregon. Date Received: -!1/J'IJp,~---- Planner: AL 5553l THIS NORlHERL Y POR110N KNO~ ,IS TAX LOT .3704 W,IS CREATED BY DOCUUENT RECORDED ON Rffi lJ2J, INST. NO. 84-4.39.39, lCOOR. AND RfI)UCED TO CURRENT CONFlGURAl1QH BY DOCUl.lENT RECORDED ON Rffi 1902. INST. NO. 9.3-80061. LCOOR. \.J ....., '-, ..Q '-, ~ ki LlNE U ~ ~ " I DETAIL "A" t lICt.LIl'l"-<d Iw IS I~ ZONING: I ~ PLO - CEUEl'ERY I~ t SCAI.l!: 1--200' FOUND: 5/8- IRON ROD 'HiTI-l YELLOW CAP WARKED -FORD LS 642- PER c.s.r. 26768. 0.2' BELOW GRADE E~TERL Y ROW HELD AT 6.83' NORTH PER C.S.f. J0659 ~TERl Y ROW HELD AT .3.37' SOUTI-l PER c.s.r. 27848 ALSO HELD fOR EAST UNE AUGNl.lENT FINAL PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURVEY LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OmCE CS FlLE NO. FlUNG DATE LDCA TED IN THE SE 1/4 SEe. 35, n 7S, R21v, w.u_ CITY OF SPRfNGF1fiD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON UARCH 17, 2010 Tv' :Jauu :pa^!a:)a~'1"; k .1"(/~'1lr " .~ ~~ g ~ .. & ~ . . w z ~ ~ '\\~~~ :'\i' ~\'A1 2')~ "'''' ~\\OO ~ 0 l" ?B09'.:;-; i ;:'~2' '" \J\AI, ~ 18"24 [N 78"2,2 _E 218.3r], 254.78' fOUND: 5/8- IRoo ROO ACCESS TO PROPERTY \ S 78"22 19 W 21~ 0 0.5' BELOW GRADE AND GARDENS VIA 22 FOOT .1-, - 8 if r-> CAP UISSlNG \II1OE DEDICATED ROADWAYS ~ 50 '2\ ' ~ S OCY0649- E PER C.S.F, J0659 ..,THIN PLATTED GAR~~.~ _~. " 10.20' 100.00' NARRATIVE TI-llS SURVEY WAS WADE IN "uNE 2009 TO l,4ARCH 2010 BY DAVID H. Ilr8...JJ.4AN, Of D. \IlUilIAN SURVE'YlNG LLC" 90666 NORTHROP DRl'w'L EUGENE, OREGON. lHE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO AD.JJST THE PROPERTY UNES BETM:EN OUR CUENTS TAX PARca5 WllHlN THE COWIolON Ov.wERSHIP, ALL IN SECTION .35, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUlH, RANGE 2 ~, 'NiLl.Al.4mE IolERIDIAN. UULl1PLE ClOSID LOOPS WERE PERfORWED WITH A WILD 11000 WlTI-l 011600 EDIol Wl1H A PRECISION Of BETTER lHAN 1: 13,000 BEFORr A lEAST SQUARES AO"uSllADH. L1 [N 89~'.35- E] [100.00'] ---~ <k'- )'~~;;" -'- 1/ ~ o ~ n LINE TABLE LENGTH BtARING 15JlO' se9"5Y~ """~ """~ 15.DD' NOO"O&'49"\1 l~ I~ THIS EASTERLY PORTION OF TAX lOT 3705 WAS CONVEYED OUT or TAX LOT 3704 AND COUBINED AS A PART Of TAX lOT .3706 IN THAT DOCUuENT RECORDED ON Rffi 1902. lNST. NO. 9380061 lCOOR. I " <f--~ / I~ I~ CASE fiLE NO:. SlJB201D-OOOOI DA TED: AlARai 9, 2010 SPRINGFTELD PLANNING NO. A5SESSO'i'S MAP No. 17-02-35 ~ sa L3!t ~ ::~l "A" ~~ \"-. li~1 ~I ruoijf- \ 1 t ~ ~ 9 AREA PLATTED AS VETERANS GARDEN AND GARDEN OF THE SEASONS, BOOK 52. PAGE 5, lCOOR. REMAINDER Of TAX LOT 3702 IS PL\ TTED AS THE FlRST ADDITION TO SPRINGFIElD t.lEUORIAL COlEl'ERY BOOK 45, PAGE 1 lCOOR. . . il o o 6 z " o N .. o " ~ ~ z ~ 2J1..81' L< L2 ~ I 8 n !i.' fOUND-: 5/8- IRON ROD 'MTH CAP IolARKED -FORD LS 64~ PER C.S.f. 26768 AT GRADE rOUND: 5/8- IRON ROD PER C.S.f. 27646 0.3' BElOW GRADE '" N 1': 8 < ~ ~ ~ . il g z TAX PARCEL AREAS PARCEL 1 BEFORE AD"uSTl.tENT PARCEl. 1 AflER .4.D..tJSTUENT PARCEl. 2 BEFORE AD"uSTl.tENT PARCEL 2 Aflffi AD"uSTUENT PARCEL 3 BEfORE AD"uSTl.tENT PARCEL 3 AFTIR AD"uST\lDH 277,989 SQ. FT, 367,153 SQ. FT. 313,681 SQ. Fl. 2.37,093 SQ. FT. 11.3.173 SQ. FT. 80,597 SQ. FT. OWNER/APPliCANT REFERENCE SURVEYS SPRlNGFlELD CDJE1ERY Acou/smON uc PO BOX 22210 EUGENE., OR 97402 e.s.F. e.s.F. c.s.F. Cs.F. c.s.F. 29907 29908 J0659 57428 IoIcKENZ/E HILLS SUDE 72 FILES 19-21 FIRST ItDDITION TO SPRlNGFlflD UEUORIAL CDJE1ERY BOOK 45 PAGE , FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGfIELD AlflIORIAL CDi[1ffiY BOOK 52 PAGE 5 10571 26768 2mB 27848 27955 c.s.F. c.s.F. C5.F. c.s.F. TAX LOT Nos. 3702., 3704, .3705, ,t, 3706 SUR\IEY PREPARF:/J USING HP 51640A INK ON CONTINENTAL .PC-Ml2 POL'rCS7F:R FILM ~a 1," ;g:;;j /1 " 8' 0 ~ '" ~ :-'h ~N 0"': 55 lHE UNAmCTill BOUNDARY W~ HElD PER l.4ONUlAENlS AS RECOVERED Pm c.s.r. 28768, 27848, AND J0659 AS BElNG IN THE UNDISlURBED AND PROPER POSITION. THE EXCEPTION BEING lllE 5/B- IRON ROD UARKING TliE sournEAST CORNER Of FIRST ADDITION TO SPRINGflElD l.lEl.lORIAL CElAEl'ERY. THIS l.4ONU\CENT WAS FOONO TO BE 0.52 fITT SOUTH Of THE TRUE UNE B~ r.tONUWOlTS ESTABUSHED fOR THE SOUTHEAST AND SOUTHM:ST CORNERS Of THE OWNERSHIP. NEW r.tONUl.4ENTS WERE SET BET\'I[[N FOUND WONur.tOlTS ON lHE RESPECTIVE NORTH AND SOUTH BOUNDARIES. THE INTERIOR JOG IN THE NEW UNE WAS SET AT THE DIRECTION Of lHE CUENT, All so AS TO COHfORl.4 'Nirn, AND BEING AlONG TI-lE PlANNING ZONING UNE. THE INTDH Of THE SURVEY IS TO EX'TEND THE EAST UNE Of TAX LOT 3702 EASTWARD TO lHE PlANNING ZONE UNE, TO INCUJD( All CEJ.lE1ERY STRUCTURES AND llAPROYfilENlS ON ONE TAX PARca. AND EUt.UNATE TAX PARca.. .3704. w~ b~ ,-", pp 88 ~e BASIS OF BEARING: ADJUSTED PROPERTY UNE PER C.5.F. 30659 FOUND: 5/8- IRON ROO 'MTH CAP l.4ARKED "fNr- - AT GRA{)[ CALilD fOR IN DEED REEl 19D2/93B0061, LCOOR NORTH/SOUTH FENCE UNE 18' EAST LEGEND 14 69"50'35- E J1.9.B1' . - CORNERS SET - 5/8- x :JO- IRON ROO ItfTH 2- MUUINUI/ CAP MARKED IJ.H. I'tE1.LJ.tAN PL5 216..J 2010' All. Y1fTHIN 0.2' OF GRADE - REFERENCE I/ONUIJENTS SET - CORNER FAlLS IN A 24- F1R TREE. 1ltO 5,,11- X .30- 1RCW ROOS MTH ORANGE PiASl1C CAPS I/ARkED "'O.H. IfnL.&iAN PL5 2163" SET 4-.0' NORTHEl?1Y AND 4-.0' IlE"S1D\'L Y (ON UNE) OF TRUE CORNER POSITION. All. MTHfN 0.2' OF GRMJE - CORNERS FOUND - 5fi- REBAR itfTH CAP IoIARKED ~ORNESS LS 10J.4- PEl? c.5.F. J0659 - UNlESS NOW - CALCUlATED POINT (NOT TIED OR SET) OPEN DITCH - SEE EASEWENT DOCUl.4ENT NO. 92-45207 LCOOR o fOUND: 5/8- IRON ROO 'NiTH CAP IolARKED "FNr - AT GRADE PER c.s.r. 30659 @ G [ [ ] - e.s.F. 26768 ) - cs.F. :J0659 - C5.F. 27lU8 -.~_ - FENCE LCOOR - LANE COUNTY OREGON aTlClAL RECORDS GRAPHIC SCALE TAX lOT 3702 &; .3704 8.89 AC. TAX lOT 3705 5.4-4 AC. TAX lOT 3706 1.85 At. --~ k.._ "i" i (DlP'DT) 11Doh_200n. SURVEY IN SE 1/4 SEC. 35, T17S, R2W. WM. LANE COUNTY. OREGON a.LNT: SPRINGflELD CEMETERY ACQillSI110N UC ORA" 8~~ D. 1fELlJlAN SURVEYING L.L.C. DAlE' 3/17/to 90BlJij NORrHROP DRIVE FI.E: ~ KUGVIE, OR 97402 (641) 9lU-14-48 RENEWAJ.. 6/30/10