HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2010-6-16 (Ool ~r' OCCUPANCY ALBERTINA KERR CENTER INSPECTION ADDRESS 845 NORTHRIOGf; AVENlIF Page 1 of 1 PRO Person Contacted (Print) Received By (Sign) I Business Phone #: Owner: ~ Manager: 0 ) i','''P ) i) cO) !u 11,lIi! i) I l l I ) . i ~ i ~ II I ':I I I"'. .I ~'n V ~ ) 845 NORTHR A: 06/1612010 REGULAR INSPECTION 1st Reins ection 2nd elns cllon 25.00 REFERRED TO FIRE MARSHAL S60/hr. Outside Vlsuallnspeclion System Service Oate Service Contractor Alarm Sprinkler Knox Box 0 Verily Key Works 0 Extinguisher Inside Residential Unit 0 REINSPECTION TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE/CORRECTION WILL BE DONE ON OR ABOUT IBC Date R-3 Pre-'030SSe Inspectors: Gordon VIOLATION CODE Shin I Station LOCATION I COMMENTS (See back for explanation) Date: Violation Abated (Corrected) a Ion of a 250 water gallon liquid propane tank south of an 06/16/2011 site plan are 10 feet from all portions of the build in and reater than 10 feet from the property lines meeting code requirements. The tank is made by . . . Schedule 40 Black i e meetin ASMElANSI B36.10 a d Underground piping Is 3/4 inch pOlyethylene yellow gas pipe meeting ASTM . -. # The Item(s) noted are In violation 01 the Springlield Fire Code. This Is an official notice of violations requiring correction. Failure to comply '1 "I "I II with these requirements may lead to legal acllon. The Inspection Is Intended for your safety and the safety ot the citizens 01 Sprlngtleld. Your cooperation Is greatly appreciated. For more Information concerning this Inspection call 726-2296. . fD-48 Rev 6107 :c II'" +- :x - a t 0 ~ -, r > if,' -,j ~ \.;:)~~ ~ ~ ~ 4.---,. l' \- ~ -t- -' (\ ~ ~ ~ +~ s (" <;> ;, o --t(\))> ,-l:..;r ~- VI (' 0' ~ P ~ :-1 i , > ----1-" ~,s( '\ oj;' J' l'" (l> ~ , ..1))>0 .j ~ ~ ..t... -I ct ..J '\ 0;-", :1 '" ~ , L ~ - ,. ~ \ ~\ 5 \'"" ~;- ~o\ ~ ~ ;j -", l' -- ~ ~ "-- , ~ o \:J s:. :l r c:. Springfield Fire Marshal's Office G' rhse:J on the .mbmitted Information. these plans Appear consistent _ WIth tht minimum reqtlirements for Fire and Lifl" Safety of the ~ OSSC ,Ind/or UFC as adopud by ordinance by the City of Springfield, (t> Review comments Jnel noted exceptions a attached and on file at the City of Sprin~fidd Fire Marshal's of lC , rovalo ub od plans IS not an approv.lJ of omissions 0 ts f t e 0 y the reviewer. ');l.t~ eVlt'W't'd by' --.... l ~ ;d "\ f\ - , S \ <::J u 0~ ~ l' (\ ~ t '\ >( I x I -...!!' -J:.. -:} '" -;j " s \" c D ~ (' r~." i - ._.._.__.._._---------~.._-- -----. .---..--------.---.---. THIS VESSEL IS DESIGNED FOR THE STOltAGE OF LlOUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ONL'I 04 L It --- ~13 SEE NOTE 1 ~\]2r 2 ~ 0--\ , HINGE, \ It It 30 ,D. 64 ~ 8] SEE NOTE 2 6 4" 2 " C5 ..J '1 ~ = i'. FITTING LAYOUT!::::;j ~ = c--J 0 f-I , , ,...., ..-1 , , TYP. )If, , :z , => ~ , , -. , , , .=-'=1 . . . TOP VIEW (G. 250C9) II O:r. ~ II II --~----H- -/ .....". II c:/ FLOAT II GAUGE II II U 3/16 TYP, TYP. 60 SIDE ELEVATION 3/4 '" HOLES 14) PLACES E' 1 /LONG, WELD 6 / . SEAM 191/4 14/' ~ END VIEW NOTE 1: For Jesup Vertical Plant onlv, this dimension C8n be 13" +/. '" NOTE 2: For Jesup Vertical Plant only, this dimension can be 8" .,- 1" 31 NOTE: TANK MUST BE INST.ltJ.!O LEVEL. """11-1 Al..L FOl..R LEOS It~ SAMf: PlJ,NE TO ASSUJlI:E EVEN OISTRIBUTIoNOF LOADS ANO OPT1Mlll!! ,t.,CCUFV.CY OF GAuGe OEVICE. . . , I -;- ('16,.,) . '"' m, FtlTlNGS ael'lVlCE M"k~ ON. "'fQO 'tEIM'OCO "' )(I'1HO 7(lUGT \Nun"" EUH........ :<'11 F~ll ."'...I'I.....'.,.""_._;..'~......... ~O"T QIl,UG , .", ' t.lI~ lll'l ,~o H7tl "'.1\8111; fIl.t"""-VE ,.. "I'lFLG 7~Sl!Ft&1~.O "v'!:1~l).Cl.08 "'Vl,TIV"'WE . .. r';:;t... HilllJ "~1>> CI1eHOl< '(An.l 1 ll~ >"'~I.G .' C, MARI\ Q'TY. OUCIlIl'rrON DWO.I<o. IIEV. " DUCRI,.llON Dm " '''' FlEVEIII:\EO'",'..,.. ..... " '''' t.rr:WO""A"L.AU~C~r:L~ llllt~l '" " '''' ",DDEDNOUI ...'.,.....1,(1..'. 1(1111t.1 '" .. '" Re....ISet> ""OMl "II'~""'E'" ~~ JI11IC2 D.' " '''' RE\lIII"~rJ'J,' ~ "1" '""" D.' " eo" "noeATEO". .n., " eo" tOIlFletUD$Hl.Ll.UloIOTM 11/11101 D.\O == &Jol1~l.tI,IN.J(n tf(")( u:lIe'. 5"'4"1) 1'1E>'D$. ~O" 0.0.)(" IU. .1-lE!.4t. 5A~ I~C_.. I.\fT\ffil.I.\Ki.5 'ANKI.fGS ,ANi( UG~~f1."'Q't' 1'1.....'11 ONl.Y.' "'"' DATJ,,"""'H REc:.LlVT~ llRAC.~.ET"- OIF1Uel'i:lEw;.11'1:t'.-;:';/llJU'l\.~WP j """~-'-..:"";::' J.:L. N,l,T'l..aO.SE~lAlNII, r l :..If5.J -- CERTIFIED BY: AMERICAN WELDING &TANK HARr.CO CORPot(,l,TIOtl GAs, 'i.Ul0 CONTROL QROVP .IU,""" GEOAGI....llI.OOIr,lFIEL.O. "'.......1-AJ1 r tlh VT~""'RHUlfolT OHIO ~/rM)o;'AL.~OW' WORKING Pft:!8Il.ElE:)>SI AT QE:fF U 1ol0MTc:E:J"F Af IJW PSI Pv.NT NO.c:::J ERN NO. l-4707.5C I ... Jl!fIl:....L NO. I G I YEAR BUILT I 2D r lIT Lr:NGTHC!!:J'~. OIJ'Ti!J~c::2D'N. I1E.AOTHIC.~,.. S~'i{~IN, GP.OUNt~~ &UR~~~~iQ.FT. U LISTI!OCONTAINl~'" HEADD.R.~ ""L "SSEt.18lY FOFHJ' GIIS WATER OAS '0' tiS.... CAP"CIn' 2~ I. . Tt1IS CQN1.-,INER !!'!ALL NOT CONTAIN A PAOOlJCT ~Vl~ A Y"PO/lI ~E$SVRI! IN E):CU8 Of 2'l&,"SI AT 100". OIFTUBE LEIotGTH-a01lo PUll. fODfa.F.O,T._U IN. D...T"PV,TE PET"fL GENERAL NOTES; 1, LinING lUGS DESIGNED FOf'! TOTAl. UFtlN'1 ~IGt1TOF IQg! 2'. TOTAl EMPTY WEIGHT IS u.1( ~. ALL DlM&.NSIONS AAE IN INOHfS UN-E611 OTHERWISE sPEClfIEO. ... COMPLETe T~ DRIEOTO Il:EMOVl! AU. MOISl1JRE. a. (NOTE DELETeD J IS. EXTERIOR; OF TANK TO aeORt'! aLMTEO. 7, PNN1" PfR SHoP ORDER. t, VACUl.If,l PURGETN-IK, .. DIMENSiONS AAE SUBJeCT TO CHAIolGE WITH OUT ~OTICa. (NON-PMSIURE RE'!AlMNQ CCf,\PONENTS ONLY) 10. THflEAOS OF..-.LL FITTINGS TO BE COATED......,TH COM~OVNO SUrTABLE FOR USE WlTHLP 0"8. 11. FI.O,l.T O"UOE TO BE INsr,w,ED WITH fLOAT AAM '$. OFF L-ONOITVOlto.lAl. CENTERLlNe OF TANI<.. GENERAL SPECI'IC,l.TIOH8 'NAT~ C,I.f>ACITY QAU.OlIlS ALLOWA9LE WORKlfoIO. PRESSUFlt: PliO JOM EFFlClfNeY: ASME UW-S i. G SeAM A5ME UW.U HIlAO TO SHEU HYDROSTATIC TEn PRe:sS~E "1>>0 SURFAce A~EA SO. FT. RELIEF V ve$E'TTING PSIG "'EL\t:.Ft>>~l"IAM.eR""f!.iC' !l;E01;l coDe: ASME SlcnoN VIII 0fV.1 STANOARDS: UNO!~v.RrTell:eLABQR..\TORIES INC. IO.P,A, U !)AS CODE tr.l.-,Tl!RIAJ,.SPECS.: COUPLINGS .IOS T"NKl'"LANQU 6,.\.105 "OAPTOR SA-l05 '" '" ,,,% eo. '" au '" 1670 M/'I.5127 2/Al W.G. ABOveGROUND PROPANE TANK:m:'E: as.AP AMERICA~ WELDING & TANK HARIiCO CORPORATION GAS & FLUID CONTROL GROUP ~o(, /Q3/oo -"'RAe r.'c~ ~~2';OC9 I ASTM A53 B Carbon Steel Pipes - Working Pressure ~mobile 'iI,o Ads bv Gooale . Pioe Measurina . Welded Pioes . Frw MS Pioes ASTM A106 Pioe Gas Pine Sizina ToolBox Shortlist . Add this Paae! Co, 'Sle . Search this Site! . Translate this Pacel . About Us! Temoerature /00 @: Oc C'F rcijrwert1l J Lenalh 11 @'!m Okm o in Off Page I 01'3 _ ____J ~1>l.r~1 <!;The Engineering ToolBox 0 Gou"lc l~t"" -_..~j, '-::'"dl~~'~~..-~!""-.' :.._,..",...~--" -;~'.'~;~~'~\~ Down:~~;!r~e~n~New~l Coft."~lc:' ~"1\,,' '" ',.-.... r-: .. ....c.J'. )~.=.t.!={tI.'~, 'iY," ,_ .." ,'~.ll<, _, , o. -; ._.~ ~~printerFriendlv "'VYl1atevery~englneer ~~ould kno":(. befor" buyln~ FEA sqn:.~~~~~~t i l a.." _, ;,~__ , ~.__~.~. ;. J..~ " . '.. ~ _ . ~ _"-"X "".......:._ <u.-..::;;-. ._..e_' . _"WO,_WO" ,.....- Link to tMi' "atlW'"" .........NFN"."'''''....I'\m Nominal Size (inches) Carbon Steel Pipes. Working Pressure Working Pressure ASTM Inside A53 B to 400"F Pipe Wall Outside Schedule O. t N b I ThIckness DIameter lameer, urn er -t- -d- 00 . or weioht (inches) (inches) (inches) 40ST 0.088 0.364 80XS 0.119 0.302 40ST 0.091 0.493 80XS 0.126 0.423 40ST 0.109 0.622 80XS 0.147 0.546 C___40ST~0..l.13--...Q;8Z4 _ 3/4 1.050 80XS 0.154 0.742 40ST 0.133 1.049 80XS 0.179 0.957 40ST 0.140 1.380 80XS 0.191 1.278 40ST 0.145 1.610 80XS 0.200 1.500 40ST 0.154 2.067 80XS 0.218 1.939 40ST 0.203 2.469 80XS 0.276 2.323 40ST 0.216 3.068 80XS 0.300 2.9oo 40ST 0.237 4.026 80XS 0.337 3.826 40ST 0.280 6.065 80XS 0.432 5.761 30 0.277 8.071 40ST 0.322 7.981 80XS 0.500 7.625 30 0.307 10.136 40ST 0.365 10.020 XS 0.500 9.750 80 0.593 9.564 30 0.330 12.090 1/4 0.540 Manu- faduring Process CW'I CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW CW ERWI ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW ERW l::O\^, Joint Type psig Home . Acoustics . Air Psychrometries . Basics . Combustion . Dynamics . Economics . Electrical . Environment . Fluid Mechanics . Gas and Compressed The table below indicates maximum working pressure of carbon steel pipes manufactured according Air ~EIAriiSI B ~610.2!~M"A53'B--' . HVAC Systems . Hydraulics and Pneumatics . Insulation . Material Properties . Mathematics . Mechanics . Miscellaneous . Physiology . Piping Systems . Process Control . Pumps . Standards Organizations . Steam and Condensate . Thermodynamics . Water Systems 318 0.675 T 188 T 871 T 203 T 820 T 214 T 753 !.--217.1; T 681t T 226 T 642 T 229 T 594 T 231 T 576 T 230 T 551 W 533 W 835 W 482 W 767 W 430 W 695 W 696 W 1209 W 526 W 643 W 1106 W "; 485 W 606 W 887 W 1081 W 449 '" coo 112 0.840 hup:/ /V>IWW .engineeringtoolbox.com/astm-steel-pipes-working-pressure-d _775 .html 1.315 1114 1.660 1112 1.900 2 2.375 2112 2.875 3 3.500 4 4.500 6 6.625 8 8.625 10 10.75 CT n "71::: ~') nnn BookMarkThe Enaineerino ~ BookMark this ~ a ADO THIS .- Free Industrv Resources Ethernet WAN Routers or Switches - Makino the Riaht Choice \'wltITEPAHIt i[J '''0 ..., , , - -0.. Dav in the life of the Traveler iID".'0-~ " Buildina a Web Aoolication Securitv Proaram WHllE"AI"lK i[] Free Industrv Resources Ethernet WAN Routers or Switches - Makino the Riaht Choice 6115/20 I 0 CRULlnE@ PE 2406 YELLOW GAS PIPE CRESLlNE PLASTIC PIPE CO., INC. FORM NO. 161-YG SPECIFICATIONS PRICES ARE LISTED ON FORM MLP.1. PLEASE ORDER BY PART NUMBER. APRIL, 2006 PPFA ~ MIN. WEIGHT COIL PART SIZE SOR 0.0. WALL PER 100' LENGTHS NO. ..150 27005 %" 9.3 .840 .090 9.13 500 27010 150 27120 YELLOW rr. _ 11 - ~.O50_ _.095_ _12.25_ 1_ -500- -Z7125-1l GAS PIPE 150 27130 YG - IPS 1 11 1.315 .120 19.37 500 27135 150 27140 1'/. 11 1.660 .151 30.81 500 27145 150 27150 1'1. 10 1.660 .166 33.53 500 27155 150 27160 1% 11 1.900 .173 40.44 500 27165 100 27170 WHJTE LABEUBLACK PRINT 2 11 2.375 .216 63.10 500 27175 YELLOW . 150 27705 GAS TUBING %" 7 .625 .090 6.44 500 27710 YG - eTS 150 27740 WHITE LABEUBLACK PRJNT 1 11 1.125 .101 13.99 500 27745 CRESLlNE POLYETHYLENE GAS CONFORMS TO PE 2406, ASTM 0 2513. CRESLINE PLASTIC PIPE CO., INC. www.cresllne.com 600 Cross Pointe Blvd. 264 Sliver Spring Rd. 2100 South 35th SL 3801 East Hwy. 31 Evansville, IN 47715 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Corsicana. TX 75109 812-428-9350 717-766-2566 712-322-2294 903-872-8475 Fax 812-428-9353 _ Fax 717-697-2371 Fax 712-322-6673 Fax 903-872-7732 CRESlINE YELLOW PE GAS PIPE AND TUBING IS MANUFACTURED AND RATED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING: STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ASTM D 2513 ASTM D 1248 ASTM D 3350 ASTM D 678 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, U.S. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION PIPELINE SAFETY REGULATIONS TITLE 49, PART 192 MATERIAL LISTED IN PPI- TR4 PE 2406 YELLOW GAS PIPE PROPERTIES ASTM TEST ENGUSH UNITS SI UNITS CELL CLASSIFICATION D 3350 234333E 234433E MELT INDEX D 1238 0.20g110 MIN DENSITY (YELLOW) D 1505 0.943 glee TENSILE STRENGTH AT YIELD (2 IN/MIN) D638 2,800 PSI 19.3 Mpa TENSILE STRENGTH AT BREAK (2IN/MIN) D638 4,500 PSI 31.0 Mpa NOTCH TENSILE (PENT) F 1473 > 100 HRS > 100 HRS ELONGATION AT BREAK (2 IN/MIN) D638 > 800 % > 800 % VICAT SOFTENING POINT D 1525 248 DEGREES F 120 DEGREES C FLEXURAL MODULUS D790 100,000 PSI 690 Mpa THERMAL STABILITY D 2513/D 3350 428 DEGREES F MIN 220 DEGREES C MIN BRITTLENESS TEMPERATURE D746 < 180 DEGREES F < 118 DEGREES C ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS CRACK RESISTANCE D 1693 > 5,000 HRS > 5,000 HRS NOTCHED IZOD IMPACT STRENGTH D256 10 FT-LBFIIN 0.53 KJ/m HYDROSTATIC DESIGN BASIS @ 23 DEGREES C D 2837 1250 PSI 8.6 MPa PLEASE CONSULT THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES FOR RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION METHODS: -AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION PLASTIC PIPE MANUAL FOR GAS SERVICE -CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, TITLE 49, SUBCHAPTER D -PLASTIC PIPE INSTITUTE TR33 PLEASE REFER TO PLASTIC PIPE INSTITUTE TR22 WHEN USING THIS PRODUCT FOR TRANSPORATION OF PROPANE GAS. MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURES FOR PE 2406 YELLOW GAS PIPE SDR 73.4 DEGREES F 7 100 PSI 9.3 96 PSI 10 88 PSI 11 80 PSI CRESLINE PLASTIC PIPE CO., INC. www.cresline.com 600 Cross Pointe Blvd. 264 Silver Spring Rd. 2100 South 35th SL 3801 East Hwy. 31 EvansviUe, IN 47715 Mechanlcsburg, P A 17050 Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Corslcana, TX 75109 812-428-9350 717.766-2566 712-322-2294 903-872-8475 Fax 812-428-9353 Fax 717-697~2371 Fax 712-322-6673 Fax 903-872-7732 ~lt:j tio: 4/ :Jl::U:::i:.Hleo MEEDER EQUlPiotNT PAGE 811 82 '::- ~ ~..~ . '.~- - /~ 4/ SINGLE Features and Benefits "- .. Simpl.., ~te ana eo.sy to in.jjalj .. No c.a.tf1O.dlC pro!~ctiOt1 requirea and no unoergrounc.: COrrOSIOl1 concerns if Unique pr~~1Jre ~ai ~sj9n leeks FE tuoing in pjQc~ WI[(l pviHo- '.Aistructrco ~~reniJm .. Pra$.SUfe 1;;r::>It4d to 1:>0 ;)$i .. O"uet size> It"", 1/2" IPS 10 12" IPS .. Inlel Slz.. "om /12" crs 10 12' IPS Jt1 Preo~nl. slralgrH or t~t:lxibl;e configUtbllons . A....a;~t" wim .,;,t! type~ Of ~)iethylWiw t\JOing .. G4s-carI)intJ SId'El pIpe nipple meets !hw r~~lremen(s ot A:53 piPiI .. Underground pornon OJ c&s.tng equlppacs wltn Cl)rt'\Cli1..1tion mo;:s:lllh~ ilili.VSneaf pr()(~Ofl tlttlng "" Av-ailaoJe w{tr. ?armd~r1\i! coupling oullelS (1IZ" CTS 10 2" IPS) or fusion OuUt:ls "" Va(i~ty oi coa1lt1S& aVi:l1aolijl .. Meet Of ex~ lhe reQulremel1lS oj ASTM 0-2513 cate90ry 1, ANSI B 1.20. ANSi B 316. US DOT P.~ 192, and CSA 3137.. .- Merrk: Si4~ (fV'i:i,;labie Perfection SEAL ANOOELESS RISERS NPTrhnl~~ ."'''''''''=1 . rn ..........,," .' ~~e-,.,.,l . _c-, J:- loilPq \ ~ < ~ ~a.u:h"_': f1E.RWo<iEI\'" ~~.r/l~ I Md~t.... .... 1l",,<..~~ CliQ(c;jlLJ I rt:~EN1'. CG~(wl.j .;) ,t . . <;:' .' --'.- - '" ~.J ..... ;ol'TT~.-.. '- ""'t;o,__~ P~&.oks.l ~! .......""".' ~ ~~I$H.I . SlOOl~Ca.WIQ---trI>- P,"",,^,i/ll. C1t'tIJtJ; '''''' "', T~wu. CIlp~JilJ ! ?; .....-. ~_t ~Oo\.,*tg tOOL' ..f ~, ..... ..{. A , , ti'."" '.~' ~- .... ~ Per-feetion' ~ Corporc;tion A Suo.id'ary 01 American ~M., Company' 222 Lak. $tr.." Madison. OnJo 44057-3169 USA Pnone; 440-42B-1171 . Toil Free: 600-544.6:;44 . Fax: 440-426-7325 E.Mall: penection@ncweo,com" Web Siit,i: wW"~..pt:riectioncorp,com $SRlSE~CAt::>"~"f1'llJ"'rV\,'1.!.&,;..t~ All Perfe~on Corpora.lion lorms and conClition'J of sale apply 10 i.ltp'~ aM sorvtcQS SOlO. Cow"" fl,~~'SA ,,{,'o,,- j;Ai,i J tt:>T M 2:> 2-~O Y2-" Q.V \}.J t<./I TM fL.-LYle>.) , i"::, I' ~O'32- I~ . 51>-22 llQUEFIED PETROLEUM GA,,', CODE (2) An imegr.tl O\-~rpre::ssun:: ShUlOH' device that shIlls off the jIo\\' of LP-Gas \'apor \\'hen the oullel pressure of the reb>ula- tof reaches t1w (J\-erpresslIre limilS specified in UL 144, Sum- danJ lo/" lY-Cas }"tigllltJIOIS. Such a device shall not open to permit flow of gas until it has been nwnually reseL S<,'('ond-stage regulators and ilHegrallwo-stage regula- tors shall h<1\'e a maximum outlet pressure setting of 14 in. Woe. (-to kPag) and shall be equipped with one oflhe following (see fOl" required jJmlt'cliolt fromlhe element.'i): (1) An integral pre"isure relief \'ake OJ! the oudet pressure side ha\ing a slan-LU-discharge pre.<:.sure setting within lhe limits specified in UL 1-14. ,"itandard jor IP-Gas Regulatun.ll1is relief de\lo: :'lhall limit the ouuc:t pressure of the second..suge regulator to 2.0 psig (1-1 kl'ag) when ule regula[Or seat disc is remo\'ed and the ink.t pressure to the regulator is 10.0 psig (69 kPag) or Ie~, a... specitied in UL 144. (2) All jnregral O\'clpres:mn: shurotf ue\ice that shut'! oft' U1C fll)\\" oflJ}-Gas vapor when the outlet pressure of the regula- tor reaches the oH~rpressw'e limirs specified in UL 144, Stan- dard for l1'-(;(I.:) RegUllilul'!>. Such a device shall not open to permit flO\\' ofga.'l until it has lx.'en lIlallll.:.ilJy reset (3) Regulators with a rared capacity of more than 500,000 Btu/hr (147 k\\'/hr) shaH be perllliucd to have a separate o\erpreSsHre protection dc\ice (olllpl~ing with 5.9,2 of ~FP.-\ ~4, Saliof/fllhul Gw Code (A.:\SI 2223.1). The over- pressure prOlection de\ice shall limit the outlet pressure of the regulator [0 2.0 psig (14 kPag) when the regulator seat disc is rcmo\'ed and the inlet pressure [0 the regula- [Or is 10 psig (69 k..Pag) or less. Imegral two-slage regulawrs shall be prO\irled with a means to dett'rmine the outlet pressure of the high-pressure regulator portion of the illlegral tWD-S[age regublOf. Automatic clungeover regulawrs shall be exempt from t11<.' requirement in :::'.8.1.3. Integral n\'()-stage regulalOfs shall Hot incorpOl-dtc an integral pres,'mre relief \'aIH~ in the high'pressure regulator porlioll of the unit. Fir~t-stagt" regulators shall incorpordte an integral pressun~ relief \'alvC' having a stan-to-discharge setting ....ithin the limiL>; specified in L'L 144, Slmula."dfor I.P-GfJ.~ Reguklton. First-stage regulators with a ratcd capacicy of more than 500,000 Btu/hr (147 kW/hr) shall be permitted (0 have a separate pressun' relief \'a1\'e. liigh-pressure regulalOrs with a rated capacity of more than 300,000 Btu/hr (147 k\\'/hr) where permitted (0 be ll'>t'd in [\H)-stage systems shall incorporate ~Ul integral pn::ssure rdief valw or shall hm-e a sep,u<.ue relief\'alve. 5.8.1..9 First-stage regulators shall h~\\'e an oullet pressure set- ting up to 10.0 psig (69 kPag) in accordance with UL 144, Standard Jin IP-GaJ RJ'gulaton. Regulators shall be desigllcd so as to drain all con- densate fwrn the regublOr spring t~ase \dlell the velll is di- rected down vertically. Two-psi sen'ice regulators shall be equipped with one of Ihe following: (l) An integral pn,'.s.surc relief vah'c on the outlet pressure side haxing a starHtHlischarge pressure selling within {he limits specified ill UL 144, Standani for LP-Gas RelfUlators. This rehef delict.' .)haJI Jimit tl1t" oudet pressure of the 2008 Edition 1-' 2 psi (14 kPa) service regulator to ,>)_0 psi (3-1.5 kPa) when the regulator seat disc is removed and inlet pressure to the l-egUlatoJ' is 10,0 p.';j (69 kPa) or as specified in UL 144. (2) An integml overpressure shutoff de\ice um ShlllS off the Dow of LP-Cas vapor when the outlet pressure of (he rtbT\\la. lOr reaches the overpressure limits specified in UL 1-H, Slall- dard for LY-Gas RegulatorJ. Such a device shall not open (() permit flow of gas until it has been manually reset. 5.8.2 Pressure Regulators. (Reserved) 5.8.3* Pipe for Regulator Venting. Pipe ur tubing used 1O \'ent regulators shall be OfJ(' of the follLl\\ing: (1) Metal pipe and tubing in accordance \','ith 5.9.:) (2) PVC meeting (he requirem<.>nts of UL 651, SrhnJuJt' -IU or 80 Rigid pve CQnduit Other P\'C piping materials and pol}'t:~th~.lclle and poLyamide pipe and tubing :'\hall not be permitted {o be used to \'ent regulator!'>. 5.9 Piping (IncJl.Iding Hose), Fittings, and Valves.. 5.9.1 GenentI. 5.9.!.1 .\huerial specitications for pipe, tubing, pipe and tub- ing tiuing-s. \-alves (including hrdrostatic relief vah'es), huse, hose connections, and flexible connectors shall be in accor- dance with Se(-tion 5.9. Piping, pipe and tubing tiuings, and \'ah-es lIsed to sup- plr utilization equipment \\ilhin the scope of t\TPA 54, Xatiollal Fuel Gas Codt', shall comply \\;th that code. Pipe and lUbing shall cUlIIply with one of the follow- ing requiremenL'\: (1) Pipe and tubing shall comply with 5.9.3. (2) Pipe <lnrllUbing shall be recommended for that senice by the manufacturer and shall be approved. Piping that can contain liquid LP-Gas and tlli.H Gin lx' isolated b)' \<thing and that requires hydrostatic reliehaln:s, as specified under Section 6.13, shall have an operating pl-essure of :~50 psig (2.4 MPag) or a pn...>ssure that is et)uivalem to the ma.xi- mum discharge pressure of any pmnp or other source ft'edillg the piping system if it is gre-ater than 350 psig (2.4 MPag). 5.9.2 Reserved. 5.9.3 Pipe and Tubing. Pipe shall be wrought iron or steel (black or g-ah-a- nized), brass, copper, polyamide, or polyethylene and shall comply wjl11 (he following: (1) Mrrollghl-it:QJ~~ME"B36~O~~ellinl fwd St'ailtUJS Wmught Stet!! PiPe (2) Steel pipe: AST.\l A :::'3, Standard Specifitatiol/ JilT' Pipl', Sit'd, Bl(l(:k aml Hot-Dipped, Zinr-COtJted lleldnl and Seamws,\ (3) Sted pipe: ASTM A 106, Standard Specifiration Jt}" St'llmlt's!)' Carbon Sreel PiPe for High-Tnnpn-ature Seroiu' (4) Brass pipe: AST~l B 43. Standard Specijiratiun for St'amlt!,H Rrd BrWis PiPe, Standard Sius (5) Copper pipe:AST~1 B 42, Standard Spt'ci}icaliollfor Seamlc'!)!) CujJjJt..,. PiPe, 5;taudanl Si:e.\ (6) Polyamide and polyethylene pipe: ASDI D 2513, Slml<lard Spt>cifimtion for Thr17l1opla-Jlir Gas Pre.mm! Pi/ll!. 7ilbing and FitlingJ, and shall be recommended b~' the lll~mllt;K(Urer for USt With LP-(;as I I LP-GAS EQUlnlENT A.'>;D APPLIANCES 58-2,S; Tubing shall be steel. stainless steel, brass. copper, poIY<lmidc. Of polyethylene (Sf'(' 6.9.4) and shall comply \\;Ih the following: ()) Steel tuhing: AST~l A [,39. Standard SIH.t"ifimtio1/ jar Ell',trir- Rp.u:~fnnU'-Hfldl'd C.oilPd Stefl TuhitrgforGas Fuel Oi/l.im'.s (2) Brass tnbing: ASTM B 135. Standard Specifiraf;(/11 for Sl'flm- Il'ss Rrms Tubp (3) Copper tubing: (a) Type K or L: AST\l B 88, Standard Sf-I/'nfimtioll Jar ~~pper.JValllT.;rulw (~';:fSO,.sttlJl4id;.SPfcifiratiO~N"'~rJJ1m-CQpt"~ (( 1 . -illi.ConditioninK an4-R,!rif!cm'/'i01~E~ia) (4) l@f;iillla<>and'polye'hylene;:I~Bir)~S'.fM.D'251:1~71iiit7 dnrd ~pl'rifiralion for TlwmloJ}la.5tic Gas Prl'"5sU/l' Pipt, Tllhin~ and Fiffings. and shall be recommended by the manllfac- !tIreI' for use with LP-Gas (5) COfmgated stainle&< ,'eel tubing: A.NSl/CSA 6_26 (LCI). Intmor Furl Gas Pilling Systnm U~ing (',rm"7lgaterf Sta;nl~.H Stffl Tubing 5.9.4 Fittings for Metallic Fipe and Tubing. Fittings shall be steel. brass, copper, m<lllcable iron. or ductile (nodular) iron. 5.9.4.] Pipe fittings shall hayc a minimum pressnre rating as specified in Table 5.9.4.l <'lnrl shall comply \\;th the follm\ing: (I) C1.st-iron pipe fittings shall not be used. (2) Br.17.ing filler material shall have a melting point that ex. ceed, 1000'F (538'C), Table Service Pressure Rating of Pipe. Tubing Fittings. and Valves Service Minimum Pres."iltre Higher than container pressure 350 psig (2-4 Ml'ag). Of ,he MA'VP, whichcWf is higher. or 400 psig (2,8 Ml'ag) ,rOG raling 250 f"ig (Li \[Pag) LP-Gas liquid. or vapor at operating pressure O\"er 125 psig and at or below container pressure LP-G<lS yapcl1- ilt operating pressure of 125 psig- (0.9 ~{Pag) or lc~.. 125 ps;g (0,9 ~!P"g) Metal tube fittings shall h<lye <l minimum pressure rating as specified in Table 5.9.5* Fittings for Polyethylene and Polyamide Pipe and Tub- ing.Joints in polyamide and polyethylene pipe and polycthy1v enc tubing shall be marle hy heat fusion. hI' compression-type mechanical fittings. or by factm;.-.assembled transition fittings. (A) Polyethylene pipe shall 110t be joined by a threaded or miter joint. (B) Polyamine and polyrthy1c-ne fnsion fittings shaIl be rec- ommended by the manufacturer for nse with LP-Gas and shall conform to one of the following: (1) AST~1 D 2083, Sttmdnrrl SJJ<<!ficntinnfor S{)(krl-J)111' Pol)'l'th)'lrnl' (pm Fittings for OutsidJ' lJiamrlrr Con/rollm Pn~w'/h)'lnU' PiJH' (2) ASTM D 3261. Standard SJH'riflrntio/1 for Butt Heat Fusion Polylh)'k7l1' (PE) Plm/ir Fillings for Po~"l'fh.r'l'nl' (PI:') Plns/ir PifH! flnd Tubil1R (3) ASTM F 1055. Standard Sperijiwtion for t.lf'drn/u.fi(/fl 7}pr> PO("I'thJ/me Filtinp In,. Olltsid" Dimnrtl'T" Collhll11rd PQ~rf'thyl- nIl' Pipt' and Tuhil1~ (4) AST~l F 1733, Standard Sprrifimlioll for Butt Heol Fllsion P{/~ramidl' (P.1) Plmtir Fitting for Po~ramid(' 11~1) Plastir Pip and Tubing (C) Installation instructions specific to the type and gradt, of polycth~'lene heingjoined shall be pro'\;ded "ith heat fu!"ion fittinw-. (D)* Mechanical tiuing-s shall comply with Category 1 of ASTi\l D 25]3, Standard SJ)('rifimtion for Thrrmoplasl1r Gm PrI'S- JUT"P PiPe, TlIhint( and Fittings, and the following-: (1) Mechanical joints shall be tested and recommended by the manufacnlrer for Hse "ith polyelh~kllc pipe and tubing. (2) ComprcssiOll-t~'Pe mechanical fillings shall include a rigid intcrnallubu\ar stiffener. other than a spht tuhular stifft.~ner. to support the pipe. (3) G<\skct material in the fitting sht\1I he re~ist;mt to tht.' .H:v lion of LP.Gas and shall he compatible "ith the poh--a- mide or pol~'ethylell(, pipe materi<ll. (E) Anorlelcss risers shall comply \\;th the following: (]) The metal-gas carr:'ing portion of the anode1css riser after the transition shall han~ a wall thickness equal to Sched- ule 40 pipe. (2) Factofv-assemhled anodeless risers shall he recom- mcnd~d for LP-Gas tl~e ;-l1lcl shall be leak tested by the manufucturer in accordance ,\;th written procedufes. (3) Field....'lssemblerl anoddess risers "lth senice head adapters shall he equipped ,,;th moisture seals and shall be recomv mcnrled fOf LP-Gas tlse by fhe manufacturer and shall be design cel1jfied to meet the requirement" of Categmy 1 of A.~TM D 2513, Standard SJ.wri.fimtinn for ThI"l11lnjJ!.fJ.~tir In/.S Pm;- surrPifH'. Tl1birlgand Filtillgs; li.S. Department ofTranspona- tion, 49 CFR 192.28J (e). "Transportation"; and and 6,9.4A (4) The manufacturer shall prm;de the uscr qualified instal- lation instrucfions as presC1;bco by L.S. Department of Tran.'ipon..<ltion, 49 eFR 192.2S~(b). 5.9.6 Ho~e, Quick Connectors, Hose Connections. and F1e:xv ible Connectors. ., ~I \ ,. f Ii I! :1 ~i Hose. hose connection~, and flexible connectors (.'1'1' 3.3.25. Hpxibll' Cmm<<tor) sh<lll be fahricated of m:Ht'ri;:tls that are resistant 1.0 the action of l.r~Gas both a~ liquid and '\'apor. \\lH~n \\;n~ hrain is llsed for reinforcement. it shall be of corroslon.f(~sistantmaterial sllch as stainless stee1. Hose and quick connectors shall be apprO\'ed. Host". hose connections. and flexible connectors used for com'c};ng LP-Gas liquid or \-apOt at pressures in excess of .:j psig (34 k.Pag). and as prmirled in Section 6.19 regardless of the pressure, shall comply with through (A) Hose shall be desi~led for a '....nrking pressure of350 psig (2.4 ;\lPag) ,\;th a safetr factor of 5 to 1 and shall be continu- ollSly marked with LP-GAS. PROPA.""E. 3':;0 PSI WORKING PRESSliRF., and ,\ith the manufacturer's name or trademark. 2008 Edition