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Permit Correction Notice 2010-6-14
~f;.;il~~kl-4:,'l"'';'' ""r' ......~ . .".A~. ", 'l,:Jit~. '>:j ",. -t, ,,1.. ,.' "" .A-. "'. '"" .,r.,;.t., , ..........t"....^~ ...~~-'~"I_~..'. t-.... ....... ....;,#~.,:.,.- '...':....;./p_ li....W..i\.\'~..-j"',f'l'~".'1.JV"ftt..l.r'J.~'ILf;~~'i'Ii...i.....~~~..._...yJ:'r.""",J.::"r'\.,\'~' ,_ " . ,,._'r,,.__ -'.'~-r''',' ~ '. . " City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street Date: t /~/ /0 Job#CtlM 2010 -002 b 7, Address: ) S <:; ~; <; sr Inspection Type: V2-0U&I} h!kc-/'1d, TO: J~r/L-: S ~lkvTf'...:cC ^) r:-r..'. /10.12- '12-r-l?ol)Mlr f'rUfozANvd I: ~rf.U~ ~/ ON C'Q... AVl-t'/Si i;/Pi{1 Ft.'\) NtJtJc,wt < , IIl'kL', f fl..f.<{ (:. Y7..-C7~ A--rA (VtP/lf}-L 13 <7 i-t; S (I--~j 6C1Y ') - II/ 1:/. /117.(7 I~ v..,C'rN'{. r7 /If'Pl I1.U-ilA~A- '5& V 1'.e: .H (I 0--{-'f,0 ,. 11 ;'~r_' (/0.(7. Pk-/">IAP):' ~uro WUU;..) I\...t 7... (.I>AII, J(cP)(. '1/V. L~JV/ I , I ~'. Corrections and rein~ction request shall be mad~ within 3D . calendar days, ) Call for reinspection ~yes DNo Inspector/-?c.J'I Dz:.MM Date: t9-ll/-IO . NNNNNNNNNNNNNCall for inspection 726-3769N/vNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNN~ .. . .