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Permit Correction Notice 2010-06-18
...."j?l'l"1lR1_"".~'~WY. ,.. \,l' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: -1' CO Jll'(;(,/~ f- /frY' t~wll.o",~ !/IE? Z5"rJ,//'1 :/iQU'{lf-mt!'I1-f 0-YOU/.-l';"'.y CtJl1j!,,-c-b~ /"., 1A.J"'~p JI/Ol# br~a::>~H...eI- ~J u-->. II 6e 1.I"',!f"}';/ -N AlCZ?S!J,//f, ~C z.51J./'2--z.:t/=lz. e(j)lA.lp~d (p.l/l7uJ.1c1'-j te>n uck,1/ ///I wt,,)? /'OWf #eJA~ 1)/~{PI1I'1ul -f-o t,-e....f fJUi4"fJ I(p M 13A,f6 : tJ /41'6 ~1/1 ' ..1/ t'?'-f/u c /j,~~~/ I"ffc.//tJ,.J'13 JOOd~: I~x COMI1~c.-';'''' /IYr or ~ t4.~ aW/r'~ "lYe f S 44 ffS '....: /Ock.. uu"/' f N~-u ..jfl 'PIA-Vr)1_RP,-C- e,/uh;L I;Wf h . corrections and reinspection request shall be made within;i. caJendar days; . b-/f'Y ,7") . callforreinspection~es DNo InspectorBfYUv/ .l<frha",JSet7~ Date: 7&7 -7G-' ~~~~~~~~;"'~~~~Call for inspection 726-3'76g'~~';;~'~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ ~. ..' .. "." " .. ..,.,,; .",..H"-,-", ...\."" .'-.". ,I -~. l- '.,