HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 6/14/2010 . . "( . . ~~r WARRANTY DEED . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT NORMAN LOUIS FRANK AND MARTHA JEAN FRANK, grantOlS, for valuable consideration co. o>h4h '1/ of ploperty or value given or promised which is the whole, true, and actual consideration herein paid by the trustees of the following trust NORMAN LOUIS FRANK, MARTHA JEAN fRANK AND JUDITH ANN CLARK, TRUSTEES, OR ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES OF THE NORMAN LOUIS FRANK REVOCABLE TRUST Dated l!t"-,.., - I:) 7 hereinafter caUed the Grantees; Grantors do ~ covenant to and with grantee and grantee's haiJs, successors and assigns that Grantor(s) are IaWIuIIy seized In fee siniple of the above granted premises; Grantors wiD wanant and fareverdefend the po..mlses and any pameI thereof against the IawIuIcIaIms and . de~ of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming under recorded encumbrances, if any; and Grantors convey with wammly unto the grantees and grantees' hairs, successors and assigns forever, or to any successor trustees of the above named trust, to have and to hold forever, all of Grantors' interest in that certaln real property wifh the tenements, heredilaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or apPertalning, sitUated in the County of L~ lOlL . and Slate of OIll!lOll. described as follows, to wit I SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A' I The Iiabilily and obligations of the Grantor(s) to Grantee(s) and Gnlnlee's heirs and assigns under the warrantlesand covenants contailllld herein or provided by law shall be limited fo the extent of coverage available to Grantor(s) under any title inSurance policy, and the runilations contained herein expressly do not relieve Grantor(s) of any liability or ob6gations under this Instrument but merely define the scope, natunl, and amount of such liability or obligations. In consIruing this deed and where the COIded so requires, the singular includes the plwal and all grarrullolticdJ changes shaD be implied to make the provisions hereof apply equally to corporations and to individuals. . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AU.OW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE 1T11.E TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENTTO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMJTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN . ORS 3bl930. ..' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantors have executed this instrument this I 'f day Of~~ 820 ~1. ) '~.Aqx:j.~-1lJ.<u1.__ '1rt.L~~n.L. _~~~___~ GRANTORS- Norman Louis Frank MaJlha~ Flank STATE OF OREGON ) /' I\ICL.. ) ss. . COUNTY OF ~.... ). ft..l tl . L ThIs Instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of fT'q~ .. . 20$ by~~~ . NOTARYPUaucfu;;~ MvcommisslonEllCPlJ-. 1-j-l6'~ Grantor's Name and Address: NORMAN LOUIS FRANK AND MARTHA JI:AN ~ 2511 Lily Ave Eugene, OR 97408 . . . Grantee's Name and Address: NORMAN LOUIS FRANK, MARTHA JEAN FRANK AND JUDITH ANN ~TRUSTEES, OR ANY SUCCESSOR TRUS1EE$ OF THE NORMAN LOUIS FRANK REVOCABLE TRUST Dated go-1'1-d7 2511 Lily Ave Eugene, OR 97408 UNTIL A CHANGE IS REQUESTED. ALL REPUES.. TAX STATEMENTS. AND RETURN THIS DOCUMENT TO THE FOllOWING ADDRESS: NORMAN lOUIS FRANK, MARTHA JEAN fRANK AND JUDITH ANN CLARI<:-TrusleesoflheNormanl.DulsFrenk RevocabIeTrust, Dated S'-I'1- o~ 2511 UIyAve Eugene, OR 97 40!!. . - ,- Division 0' Chief ~~lerk :'\ L.ne County Deeds ...... R do. 2007_ 'l'UI~'ltl""IfIlBlI'm'I'm . $31.00 0093&S152DDr~~'5D9~~ RPR-IlEED Cnt.=1 Stn=15 Cl~~!209J 02:29:05 PIt $10.00 $11.00 SI0.00 ruc:::Al. SEW; NODIRvPlJBUc~ MY~"~~ JUN 1 4 2010 '--- . ..... ~~ I I fl.1 . ,,~ ..,i BARGAIN & SALE DEED ~~h\ I{J I 't" ~ ~~r ~ FOR VALUE REC:EIVED we. 8Jl4 wi.fe. H! lITIIICNHI~ JB.!, and DCIIIODIY E. RtIJKN'At]OB.~ husband herein referred to 88 grimto13, hereby 'FRANK. husband and wife. sell and convey UJJto1i()B!fAB L. :nA1!IK and VAR'l'RA J. herein referred to 88 grantees, the foJlowiDg ~ appurt-....ees, to wit: . with --.,;..m. hereditaments and , . Begim1iJig at an iron pin on ~ Sout:hilest corner of Lot 6. Block 5. in !!1dw8y Park. t-hPn"" Borti.rO 10' East:. 233.98 feet:. t-b"uc" South 790 14~ 30" Eaat.135..00 feet. t-h"""", South 100 45' 30" 'ilest 199.16 feet:. thence South 820 13' West: 96.95 feet to the point of beglnning, said property being in the Southwest 1/4 or the Southeast: 1/4 of SecUon 34. TowDship 17 South. Bange 3 West:, Willamet:t:e Her1d1an, LaDe County. Oregon;. and Bginni"'-g . at: an iron pin on the Southwest corner of Lot 6. Block 5. eM".... Borth 00 10' East 233.98 feet. ..b...."... South 790 14' 30" Xast 135.00 feet to the true point of beglnning thence Sonth 790 14' 30" East 68"46 feet thence South 00 10' West: 1&8.57 feet. thence South . 820 13' West 104.98 feet. thence Borth lOo.0\5' 30" East 199.16 feet to the true point of bevnning.. said property being in.lt1dway Park and in the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South. Bange 3 West. W111amett:~ !fer1di.an. Lane County. Oregon. Date Received: JUN 1 4 2010 .' .. ,;~: ..~.~;i.."""':~.;:~:.:,.:;:..,~~..:.;-'. . ~.:"'".~:A.~.;)o~~:y.~~_~-- .".. . . al Submittal ~ ..., ->1. (Seal) ~0A&1'{~~) oI....-<<~ f'. ;e;,~~ (Seal) _ . rothy E. Rid""hour . Dated ".,UUII"",.._ :... ~.- .: ,I' i {; ... .... . ~.~'iTE:~f~~~,~Cotmty of~~..,q~ ........1.~'-> '.\u "1I'.r/>';. . :: Cl2j.':, _ _ _I'\~i" ~RT;~~ ll. "RlltKNHI'o:s.. . ao4 DOJl.O".EIlY E. RUIK"'_am. s..p..-.... = . - .,.~ fJ .....'\ \,.!-ttj . ..:".m.~~ fOregoing instrument; to be their "',/' r..--'--~~ ~~ F -e..I .. ri~yJlf.-..~~,~~~'~ ;r_~~j. ---. ,~.- Jit)r~~f~tm ~ ~..J1y appeQed the above named \ Notrlz7 A.D. 19 66 __i:.'~ oJ